Image of Reception Street Dance
6 Feb

Reception Street Dance

Reception are coming to the end of their street dance unit with Miss Jess and have come so far in such a short space of time. They are remembering their key dance moves and putting them together to form longer sequences. Well done!

Image of Worship with Rev. Ben
6 Feb

Worship with Rev. Ben

Today, we had worship with Rev. Ben, which began with a fun yet challenging relay-style game where we had to balance ping pong balls on a paper plate while moving carefully across the hall. Rev. Ben explained that, just like in the game, life can sometimes feel unsteady or difficult, especially when we are upset or facing challenges. To help us reflect on this, Rev. Ben showed a clip about what Jesus did when he was feeling deeply sad the night before his death. The video illustrated how Jesus turned to God in prayer, seeking strength and comfort during his time of sorrow. Rev. Ben explained that, just like Jesus, we can share our worries and struggles with God, knowing that He listens and understands, and can help us through even the toughest times. He reminded us that no matter how we feel, we are never alone—God is always there to support and guide us.

Image of Reception: Year of Prayer
4 Feb

Reception: Year of Prayer

This week in Reception, the children have created prayer bands. They drew people who they wanted to prayer for and then spoke to God about their special person. The children chose their parents, friends, siblings and teachers. Thank you to our WOW group for delivering the paper strips to each class.

Image of Reception: Class Worship- Children's Mental Health Week
4 Feb

Reception: Class Worship- Children's Mental Health Week

At the start of our worship we lit our candle and signed the trinity. We then burnt our Frankincense incense stick to create a calming environment. We discussed what mental health was. Mental health is all about our feelings and our emotions. We discussed how we know when we have good mental health. Eleanor said we have lots of friends, Marnie May said we will feel happy, Beau said we might feel excited and Luna said we will be able to complete lots of challenges. If we have big feelings that are negative, we might feel sad. We were reminded that it is good to talk when we feel sad. We discussed who we could talk to. The children said Mummy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandad and the teachers. We discussed what we could do to look after ourselves to make us feel good. The children said they could write, draw, colour, play football, play with our toys and play with our friends. We were reminded that feelings come and go but talking to someone we trust can help. Thank you to MHST for a wonderful worship. We finished our worship with a dance to make us feel good and then sang Who is the king of the jungle.

Image of Reception: Wonderful Writing
4 Feb

Reception: Wonderful Writing

Our children have really enjoyed our under the sea topic. It is wonderful to see how much progress they are making with their writing. The children have been writing sentences independently in continuous provision- well done!

Image of Children's Mental Health Week Launch Worship & YOP- Talents
3 Feb

Children's Mental Health Week Launch Worship & YOP- Talents

This morning Mrs Ham launched our Children's Mental Health Week theme of 'Know yourself, Grow Yourself'. We started by looking at our school vision that says 'Achieving great things through learning and growing together'. We thought about what the growing together means and we had some super suggestions such as growing emotionally and mentally, getting better at things and not giving up when we find things hard. We then looked at our emotions and how they control our brain, just like in the film Inside Out. We thought about the times when our brain tells us that we aren't good at things and we had some great examples such as in acro when doing cartwheels, in maths or art and when we do things for the first time. We thought of ways to challenge our brains and help ourselves grow by doing things that we enjoy such as listening to music, taking part in sports or other hobbies, showing courage to try new things etc. We then focused on our Year of Prayer for this week which is thanking God for our talents. We shared our talents and thought about ways we could express our talents this week and especially on our dress to express day on Friday. We reflected on how we should shine from the inside out and always respect each other's God given talents and the way we like to express ourselves. We discussed that if we laugh at the way someone likes to express themselves then that might hurt their feelings and they will feel sad and won't want to express themselves that way again. We said a lovely prayer thanking God for our talents and how we promise to share them with others and respect others' talents. We finished with singing one of our favourite songs 'Shine from the inside out' which reminds us that God knows us, loves us and fills us with talents that we need show to everyone we meet.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
31 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship

Today, we started our celebration worship thanking our whole school for coming to school in non-uniform to raise funds for food, shelter and first aid supplies for those in America who are being affected by the LA wildfires. Thank you to our Rotakids for organising the non-uniform day to help make a difference . We then reflected on a busy week in school. This week, we held in our thoughts all the Jews who suffered in the holocaust and thought about how we can show love, kindness and generosity to our neighbours and again we have enjoyed some wonderful dance and gymnastics sessions led by Rothwell Arts and some amazing extra-curricular clubs such as Foodie Friends, Craft Club, Basketball and Multi-Sports Club led by Edstart. We then congratulated Haydn, Eve and Eddie in EYFS and KS1 and Jack, Leo, Luca and Leonora in KS2 for pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and trying new things, demonstrating hard work and perseverance in their learning and showing all of our Barny’s 4Bs (being ready, respectful, kind and safe). Furthermore, we congratulated Year 2 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, India Mill as our overall value award winners this week with 431 points, our Sportshall Athletics squad for winning their heat on Tuesday evening and getting through to the finals and our new Science Ambassadors (Noah in Year 6, Matthew in Year 5, James in Year 4 and Naomi and Cassidy in Year 3) for their fantastic applications. A huge well done to these children- we know that you will be amazing in your new role! We then congratulated our out of school sports award winners. Well done Ava for being awarded two gold trophies in her dance, Reggie for demonstrating fantastic football skills, Alice, Olivia and Daisy for their ‘Inspiring Women’ creation that won them a trophy at Brownies, Luna for winning ‘The Tiny Ballet Dancer of the Year’ award, Archie for achieving listening and follow the instructions at swimming, Lilly for achieving a special award in dance, Darcy for being a super gymnast, Lyla for working hard to master the aerial (a cartwheel with no hands), Grace for achieving two medals for song & dance and her own choreography, Annabel for achieving Star of the Week at Musical Theatre, Scarlett for being a super defender at netball and achieving the gold award and Beau for achieving Stage 5 in her swimming. To end our worship, Mrs Ham reminded us that it’s Dress to Express next Friday 7th February for Children’s Mental Health Week and we had some beautiful prayers from Vienna and Ralphi who prayed for those less fortunate than ourselves, including those who don’t have food and drink at their disposal as we do and those are in the midst of war, conflict and natural disasters. We then sang ‘Sing a New Song’ and thanked those who could attend celebration worship. We thank the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely weekend.

Image of Worship with Rev. Matt
30 Jan

Worship with Rev. Matt

This morning’s worship with Rev. Matt focused on the theme of perseverance. It began with a challenge where the children had to work together to keep an inflatable in the air without letting it touch the ground. As the game went on, they quickly realised that success required teamwork, determination and persistence. Following the challenge, Rev. Matt introduced a parable from the Bible—the story of the unjust judge. He explained how the woman in the story kept returning to the judge, refusing to give up until she received justice. This demonstrated the power of persistence, showing that when we truly believe in something, we must keep trying and not lose heart. Rev. Matt linked this to prayer, reminding the children that when we speak to God, we should be just as persistent. The children then took a moment for reflection, considering the question: What is something you could pray for this week? They were encouraged to think about personal challenges, hopes for others or things happening in the world that they could bring to God in prayer. To conclude, Rev. Matt left the children with a powerful message: when we knock on God’s door through prayer, He will answer. This message reinforced the importance of faith, patience and perseverance in our relationship with God.

Image of Reception: Presentation of Learning all about Chinese New Year
30 Jan

Reception: Presentation of Learning all about Chinese New Year

This week, Reception class have learnt all about Chinese New Year. Today, they presented their knowledge to the whole school. They shared what they had made and a little bit about Chinese New Year. We learnt that this year is the year of the snake. The children made some wonderful lanterns, wrote Chinese numbers and also painted the animals from the great race. Some of the children even took part in a dragon parade. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the rest of the school Reception, we learnt lots!

Image of Join our PTFA
30 Jan

Join our PTFA

Friends of St Barnabas (FOSB) are always looking for volunteers. We would love for you to join us to help fundraise for our wonderful school. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us via email: [email protected] Thank you in advance for helping.

Image of Reception - Chinese New Year
30 Jan

Reception - Chinese New Year

This week, Reception have been learning about the celebration of Chinese New Year. We have been looking at the traditions and festivities celebrated in China, but also by people all over the world too! We read the story of the great race and learned about the position the animals came to determine each year. This year is the year of the snake. We performed dragon dances and will be tasting some traditional Chinese food!

Image of Reception - tissue paper collages
30 Jan

Reception - tissue paper collages

As part of our Art unit, we have been looking at different ways to be crafty using different materials. Last week we learnt about how we can manipulate tissue paper to create a new effect on our art work. We scrunched up the tissue and glued it to a sea creature template, making sure we filled the template to create a colourful effect and new texture.

Image of Reception Worship with WOW group
29 Jan

Reception Worship with WOW group

Wow group led our class worship this week and talked to Reception about how we can be safe when watching online videos. We talked about the Christian value of courage as we need to be brave to speak up if we see something that makes us feel worried or sad. We talked about the things we watch that make us feel happy and safe and must always check with a grown up. Thank you to Josh, Sofia and Ruby for leading so brilliantly.

Image of Collective Worship: Year of Prayer
28 Jan

Collective Worship: Year of Prayer

This morning in our Collective Worship, some of our WOW (Worship our Way) group members told everyone about the special way we would be praying in class this week as part of Blackburn Diocese's Year of Prayer. In class we will be saying special fingerprint prayers to say thank you to God for making us all unique and special, just like our fingerprints. They then handed out ink pads for each class. Then we moved on to our whole school year of prayer focus and this week it was special toe prayers for our friends. The children enjoyed wiggling each of their toes whilst saying prayers for 5 special friends. Sofia put the special toes sticker onto our Year of Prayer poster. We then sang some of our favourite worship songs and each class had the chance to perform the actions at the front. This week we warmed up our voices by singing and dancing to Sing a new song to the Lord and then we sang Jesus strong and kind, Waymaker, Life in all its fullness and finished with Build Up.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
27 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today our Reception children braved the cold and went outside for an observational walk to Jack Keys. We focused on spirituality this week and really focussed on what we could see, hear and smell. We stopped and looked around at all of God's beautiful creations. It was lovely to take a moment to really focus on what is all around us. We had a wonderful afternoon and we were really impressed with the children's resilience with the weather and the amount of walking we did.

Image of Holocaust Memorial Day Worship
27 Jan

Holocaust Memorial Day Worship

Our first collective worship of the week had a serious and somber tone as we held in our thoughts and prayers all of the Jews who suffered in the Holocaust. We looked out of our spirituality windows to learn how the Nazis did not show love to their Jewish neighbours like God commanded but instead treated them really badly during World War II. We watched a BBC interview with a Jewish survivor, who described some of the personal tragedies he faced at the young age of 6 when his family sent him away to save his life from the Nazi regime. He shared how he travelled on the Kindertransport and a British family showed him love and compassion and became the light in the dark. Through our spirituality mirrors we were able to reflect on how hearing of these events made us feel, and how the Jews must have felt back then. Finally, through our spirituality doors we learned of the many survivors who have worked tirelessly to make people aware of the devastation that was caused so that it would never happen again. We reflected on how we should always love our neighbours regardless of whether they look like you, pray like you, speak like you or think like you and stand up to anyone who is being mean to others.

Image of Rotakids Non-uniform day to support those affected by the LA fires.
24 Jan

Rotakids Non-uniform day to support those affected by the LA fires.

As part of Year 5 RotaKids, we are determined to make a difference and support the 180,000 people who have been affected and forced to flee their homes due to the devastating LA wildfires. On Friday, 31st January, RotaKids will be hosting a non-uniform day to raise money for those impacted by this tragic event. We encourage everyone to get involved by wearing their favourite clothes and contributing to this important cause. We kindly ask for a minimum donation of £1, but any additional contributions will be greatly appreciated. This will be available on parent pay next week. Every penny raised will go towards helping families rebuild their lives and providing essential supplies to those in need. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach our children the value of helping others and making a positive impact on the world around us. Thank you for your generosity and support, Year 5 RotaKids

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
24 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship

Today, we started our celebration worship by reflecting on another busy week in school. This week, our school staff have had some Makaton training which was wonderful and we can’t wait to roll some of the key signs out across school. We’ve also enjoyed some fantastic Life Education sessions led by Karen and Harold the Giraffe and Reception, Year 1, 2 and 4 have continued with their wonderful dance and gymnastics sessions led by Rothwell Arts. We then congratulated Hadi, Samuel and Eve in EYFS and KS1 and Joshua, Layla, Millie and Will in KS2 for demonstrating an outstanding attitude to learning, pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and always showing our Christian Values of respect, friendship and courage. Furthermore, we congratulated Reception and Year 6 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, River Darwen as our overall value award winners this week with 304 points and our Year 5/6 football team who represented our school amazingly well last night in the DPSSA football league winning 6-2 in their first game and 7-1 in their second game and achieving 2nd place overall- well done boys! We then congratulated Ava for being awarded ‘Star of the Day’ at Multi-Sports Club, Olly for swimming an incredible 50m, Samuel for developing his confidence in swimming and swimming with only a one-arm disc, Grace for achieving a distinction in her ballet exam and a platinum award for scoring 90 or marks in her classical ballet exam, Eliza for being a phenomenal horse rider, Sofia for achieving ‘Star of the Week’ at musical theatre and Millie for being awarded with her a Stage 1 swimming certificate. We then heard from our well-being warriors who launched a competition. They are inviting our whole school to design a badge for our ‘WOW’ campaign. The theme for this is ‘Walk With Joy’ and the designs must be big, bold and colourful. There will be a winner in each year group (Rec-Year 6) who will receive a special prize from Mrs Gardener and the well-being warriors and the overall top 5 designs will be sent off, printed and made into one of the ‘WOW’ badges for the 2025/2026 ‘Walking to School’ campaign. Examples of badge designs could include wildlife or pets, local buildings or landmarks and hobbies. We also heard from our Rotakids in Year 5 who told us about a non-uniform day that we will be having next Friday 31st January to raise funds for food, shelter and first aid supplies for those in America who are being affected by the LA wildfires. Please make a minimum donation of £1 for this worthy cause. To end our worship, we had some beautiful prayers from Archie, Max and Phoebe who prayed for those less fortunate than ourselves, including those in America who are amidst the wildfires and having to live through fear and heartbreak. We then sang our 'Life in all its fullness' song and thanked those who could attend celebration worship. We thank the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely weekend.

Image of Worship with Rev. Ben
23 Jan

Worship with Rev. Ben

Today’s worship with Rev. Ben began with a lively game of Captain’s Orders. In the game, forgiveness was straightforward—a simple cue to face the window—but in real life, forgiving someone is often much harder. Rev. Ben explained that one of the things Jesus taught us is that forgiveness can be challenging because we may not always have the right perspective. The children then listened to The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, which highlighted that true forgiveness comes from the heart. Through this parable, Jesus illustrated the importance of showing others the same grace and forgiveness that we receive. Afterward, the children engaged in a thoughtful discussion, exploring key questions such as: What did Jesus want people to learn about forgiveness from the parable? and How could this story help you in situations where you need to forgive others? The discussion encouraged the children to reflect on the value of forgiveness and how it can bring peace to their lives and relationships.

Image of Reception - Ways to make 5
23 Jan

Reception - Ways to make 5

This week, we have been looking at numberblock five and the parts it is made up of. We used the unifix cubes and two different colours to explore how we can make different towers of five. We could see that 1 and 4, 2 and 3, and 5 and 0 are some of the ways to make five. We know that the numberblocks are made up of lots of different parts which make a whole!

Image of Reception Picture News
23 Jan

Reception Picture News

This week in our class worship we have been looking at Picture News and thinking about the terrible wildfires that are happening in Los Angeles. We talked about how hard it must be for the people who live there to flee their homes and sadly thought about the people who have lost their lives too. Not only this, but the animals who are seeking shelter from losing their habitats. We finished by saying some ‘please’ prayers to ask God for help during this difficult time.

Image of Reception Street Dance
23 Jan

Reception Street Dance

This week we have been revisiting the moves we have learned so far in our sessions with Jess. We have been practising our bounce and rock, cool dude faces and the Smurf. The children are really starting to understand how to put the moves together to create longer sequences. We can’t wait to see the finished result in a few weeks!

Image of Reception: Class Worship
21 Jan

Reception: Class Worship

We started our worship with our trinity. Lisa from Blackburn Diocese then asked us to repeat a prayer after her- God is amazing, all of the time, Amen. We listened to a story from the Old Testament called God sends fire. It made our eyes go wide and our mouth go wow! Bishop Jill explained the meaning of the story. Fire is a strong image in the bible and it represents the fiery love of God. When we ask for God's fire from heaven, we are asking for our hearts to be filled with his love. It is the sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit. We prayed and learnt together the Makaton sign for fire. We finished our worship with a song we learnt yesterday in singing worship called 'Who is the king of the jungle'.

Image of Reception: PSHE
21 Jan

Reception: PSHE

Karen from Life Education visited Reception today. She explained how we need food, drink, exercise and sleep to stay healthy. Karen explained how we need to make sure germs don't get in by washing our hands with soap and water. We might need some medicine and we need to ask a grown up. We watched a video of Harold. Before he ate his breakfast, he washed his hands. Karen brought Harold's wash bag to show the children what he uses to keep clean. Harold has a flannel, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste. Karen explained how it is very important to brush our teeth at least twice every day. Harold felt a little bit sad. Karen explained that if you feel a bit sad, you could cuddle a toy, play with a friend or talk to someone. Talking really helps when you feel sad and it can help you to feel better. Karen discussed a good bedtime. She explained how it is important to get an early bed time. We then took part in a calm and relaxing activity. At the end, we got to meet Harold, what a treat! Harold sang a song to us all about looking after our bodies and mind. Thanks Karen for a wonderful session.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
17 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship

Today, we started our Celebration Worship by reflecting on another busy week in school. This week, we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr's birthday and thought about how we can all make a positive difference in our world. We have enjoyed focusing on the theme of building each other up as part of our Year of Prayer, Reception, Year 1, 2 and 4 have enjoyed dance and gymnastics sessions led by Rothwell Arts. Reception have enjoyed a visit from Rev Ben to learn about the role of a vicar and we have enjoyed various after-school clubs such as basketball, multi-sports, foodie club, Rocksteady and choir.  We then congratulated Will, Hollie and Charlie in EYFS and KS1 and Arabelle, Daisy, Charlie and Rosie in KS2 for making a fantastic start to the Spring term by working extremely hard across the curriculum, always striving to improve and demonstrating our Christian Values and the Barny’s 4Bs. Furthermore, we congratulated Year 2 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, India Mill as our overall value award winners this week with 750 points and our Year 5/6 football team who represented our school amazingly well last night in the DPSSA football league against Ashleigh and St James’.  We then congratulated Ella for achieving her Stage 2 swimming certificate for swimming across the pool with no armbands, Freddie for being awarded with his 10m swimming certificate, Callie for achieving her Stage 5 swimming certificate, Thomas for swimming an incredible 50m, Lyla for being a super gymnast and achieving a silver medal, Haydn for being awarded a huge gold trophy for his skilful tackling in football, Lydia for being awarded with Olivia at Rainbows for showing super respect and tidying up, Leonora and Iris for participating in a recent gymnastic competition and demonstrating great skill and Brooke for being selected for Blackburn Rovers Girls’ team. To end our worship, we prayed for peace in the world and said thank you for all of the things that we are lucky enough to have. We then sang ‘Build Up’ and thanked those who could attend celebration worship. We thank the rest of our school family for all of your continued support and we wish you all a lovely weekend.

Image of Worship with Rev. Matt
16 Jan

Worship with Rev. Matt

Today’s worship with Rev. Matt began with an engaging vote about which activities take the most time to prepare for. Rev. Matt then shared a parable told by Jesus, illustrating how we pray and connect with God. The story featured two men who went to a temple to pray: a Pharisee, who proudly listed his good deeds and a tax collector, who humbly asked for forgiveness. The children reflected on the contrasting attitudes of the two men, learning that prayer is not about boasting but about speaking honestly and sincerely with God. Rev. Matt emphasised a powerful message from the parable: Those who make themselves great will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be made great. This served as a reminder to approach life with humility and gratitude, encouraging the children to think about how they communicate with God and with others.

Image of Reception Maths -Ordering
16 Jan

Reception Maths -Ordering

This week we have been focusing on the position of numbers from 1-5. We looked at the pattern of the numberblocks and found that they get bigger by one each time. We then practised ordering the numbers on the dinosaur by thinking about the counting sequence and counting out loud.

Image of Whole School Worship - Who Is My Neighbour?
15 Jan

Whole School Worship - Who Is My Neighbour?

In our collective worship, we were considering the question, “Who is my neighbour?” We discussed what it means to love your neighbour as yourself (as mentioned in parts of the Bible such as Leviticus and the Gospel according to Mark) and that there are times when it can be incredibly difficult. In hearing about the life of Martin Luther King Jr, as today is Martin Luther King Jr Day, we discovered that, even when it feels impossible to love our neighbour, when we are mistreated, ignored or disrespected as he and other black people have been, we must try harder to follow God’s greatest commandment, just like Martin did. Our children considered this and spent some time reflecting on the Christian Values that Martin demonstrated and the ways that they would like to make the world a better place and make a difference. Some of the children’s examples included: protecting nature, making peace when we have disagreements, putting a stop to pollution and eradicating poverty. We finished with prayers thanking God for Martin Luther King Jr and all that he did to the make the world a better place and asked Him to give us the courage to stand up for what is right. Rev Ben finished with a special blessing and we sang 'I can make a difference'.

Image of Reception- Painting the snow with water colours
14 Jan

Reception- Painting the snow with water colours

Whilst the children were junk modelling using water coloured paints, they came up with an idea of painting the snow with the water colours. We decided to get stuck into some child initiated play. The children had so much fun decorating the snow and becoming artists, mixing colours to make new ones and making pictures and patterns on a different texture.

Image of Reception: The Role of the Vicar
14 Jan

Reception: The Role of the Vicar

Reception class welcomed Rev Ben into class to talk about how a vicar is special to the Church. Rev Ben shared a video with the children showing how Jesus’ disciples were ordinary people just like him. He brought a bible, a chalice and the oil used to baptise people to show how vicars help people to learn from the Bible and how they welcome people into the church family. Rev Ben brought in his stole that he wears in Church. The children all had a turn at trying it on if they wanted to. Thank you so much Rev Ben, we loved your visit!

Image of Collective Worship- Year of Prayer
13 Jan

Collective Worship- Year of Prayer

This morning in our Collective Worship we focused on our prayer for this week of the Year of Prayer from Blackburn Diocese. We discussed and shared our responsibilities in school and at home such as cleaning our rooms, loading the dishwasher, helping look after younger siblings, helping with the cooking and cleaning, counting values points (Heads and Deputies) and planning and leading sports events (Sports Leaders) . We then said together a special prayer for our responsibilities and discussed how God is always with us during those responsibilities and having a smile on face whilst carrying them out benefits others. Mrs Ham then shared the responsibility of selecting songs to sing and choosing children to demonstrate the actions at the front. The children chose to sing 'Life is always better when we share it with each other', 'Waymaker' 'My Lighthouse' and 'Build Up'. Build up is also the theme for our class Year of Prayer this week too. Our WOW group members informed each class of the special build up prayers they would be saying this week.

Image of Reception: Challenge Champions
13 Jan

Reception: Challenge Champions

This week in Reception, we are focusing on the story, Sharing a Shell. The children have been really busy in provision completing challenges. They have been attempting to write sentences, strengthening their muscles in the fine motor area, creating rockpools, drawing fish, painting using the skills of Pointillism, counting shells to play a subitise game and moulding the playdough to create different characters from the story. Well done!

Image of Reception: Junk Modelling
13 Jan

Reception: Junk Modelling

Our Reception class have really enjoyed our new junk modelling area. They have been using their imaginations to create dens, treasure boxes, jewellery boxes, post boxes and bags. They have joined materials together and embellished their items.

Image of Reception- Winter
10 Jan

Reception- Winter

Today we explored the snow and ice in groups. We talked about the season winter and what animals we might see in winter, what clothes we might wear, what the outdoors might look and feel like and our favourite and least favourite things about the season. The children came up with lots of their own knowledge about winter we discussed hibernation and animals who hibernate and deciduous and evergreen trees.

Image of Reception PE - Street Dance
9 Jan

Reception PE - Street Dance

Reception enjoyed their first street dance lesson with Miss Jess. They learned some new ‘street’ moves such as bounce and rock, then practised putting these moves to music. We then practised putting some moves together at the end to perform in a small sequence.

Image of Worship with Rev. Ben- God is always listening
9 Jan

Worship with Rev. Ben- God is always listening

Rev. Ben's worship began with an engaging activity exploring creative ways to get people's attention. The children enthusiastically shared their ideas, suggesting: making gestures, creating signs, standing up, dancing, doing something funny, shouting names and waving. Rev. Ben then transitioned to discussing how, in Jesus' day, people had various ways of trying to get God's attention. He explained that Jesus told his people that it was very simple to get God to listen. The children watched a short clip that highlighted some of the ways people believed they could gain God's attention. They concluded that God is always listening, no matter what and that Jesus taught there’s no need for special rituals to communicate with God. Instead, Jesus encouraged everyone to talk to God anytime, anywhere and to speak to God like a friend. Following this, the children engaged in a thoughtful discussion. They explored the question, "What did Jesus say we should do when we pray?" and shared their personal responses to the idea, "If you could ask God for one thing, what would it be?" This reflection helped deepen their understanding of prayer and the nature of their relationship with God.

Image of Collective Worship- Epiphany
7 Jan

Collective Worship- Epiphany

It was wonderful to welcome the children and staff back to school today after the Christmas holidays. We wished everyone a happy new year and welcomed Mrs Irshad, our new Year 5 and 6 teaching and welfare assistant to our school family. We got to light all of our special advent wreath candles of hope, peace, joy and love and the special white candle that symbolised Jesus, as we weren't in school on Christmas Day. We then learnt all about Epiphany and joined in with the rhyming Bible story 'one hump. two humps, lumpety lump'. which tells the story of the wise men visiting Herod and the baby Jesus. We discussed how Mary, Joseph and Jesus had to flee from Bethlehem as Herod planned to kill Jesus. Desmond told us that they were refugees. We then explored what the special gifts were that the wise men brought to baby Jesus and what they meant. Gold symbolised a King, Frankincense symbolised God and Myrrh symbolised sacrifice. Harry noticed that they were the words from our hymn 'We Three Kings' We reflected on how God has given us all special gifts and talents and we talked to our partner about our gifts and how we could share them with others. We shared some wonderful gifts such as huge smiles, hugs, football skills, art skills, our family and friends and the gift of kindness. We finished with a special Epiphany prayer along with the Year of Prayer putting on Holy clothes prayer and sang 'We Three Kings'. How will you share your gifts with others this week and show respect for other people's gifts?

Image of Snowy start to the Spring term
7 Jan

Snowy start to the Spring term

We have had a snowy start to the Spring term at St Barnabas with a snow day at home yesterday and snow much fun with our friends today! All of the snow fun pictures from home and school can be found here:

Image of Christmas Lunch
20 Dec

Christmas Lunch

We had a fabulous traditional Christmas lunch of roast chicken, roast potatoes, carrots, sweetcorn, yorkshire pudding, stuffing and gravy following by a Christmas shortbread biscuit. It was lovely to pull crackers with our friends and sing along to our favourite Christmas songs. Thank you so much to Mrs Norton, Miss Beech and Miss Norton for the wonderful food and to all the staff who helped serve the children!

Image of FOSB Fundraiser Thank you
19 Dec

FOSB Fundraiser Thank you

Good morning, A huge thank you to you all for your support with our recent fundraisers. Our total profit from our spooky disco was £426.89. Our total profit from our Christmas gifts and cards fundraiser was £222.12. Our total profit from our Christmas Fayre was £810.08. This means we have raised £1459.09 Thank you to our FOSB for all of their support and help with planning and running our fundraisers. The money will help us to purchase chrome books and repair our trim trail. Thank you, Mrs Wilkinson

Image of India Mill Winners Disco
19 Dec

India Mill Winners Disco

Well done to our children who are in India Mill House Team. Their team won the most Values points this half term and were rewarded with a non-uniform day and a disco. The children enjoyed some sweets, danced lots and played musical bumps too.

Image of Autumn Amazing Attendance Alert
19 Dec

Autumn Amazing Attendance Alert

A huge congratulations to all of our children who were awarded with an amazing attendance award for having over 96% attendance, for the whole of this Autumn term! We are so proud of you all! There have been quite a few winter bugs doing the rounds so if you didn't manage to get a certificate this time due to being off poorly, we are hopeful that you will achieve one at the end of the Spring term, if you continue to have good attendance.

Image of Collective Worship- Love at Advent
19 Dec

Collective Worship- Love at Advent

This morning in our collective worship we walked in to the song 'Wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas' which is from one of Mrs Ham's favourite Christmas films, The Muppets Christmas Carol. We then signed and lit our trinity candles and then lit our advent candles of hope, peace and joy. We then learnt about the fourth candle, which represents love. We watched a special video called from God with love which told God's big story and how he loves us so much that he sent his special son, Jesus. We then reflected on how we can show love to others this Christmas and we had some wonderful ideas such as smiling, giving our time, hugs, food for the homeless, giving presents and showing gratitude for everything we have. We thought about all of the lovely ways we have shown love to others over the last week through singing in care homes, delivering Christmas cards to East Lancs Hospice and bringing joy to others with our Nativity and Christmas Cracker Concerts. We then said a special prayer thanking God for his most amazing gift of Jesus and sang some Christmas carols. Whilst we were singing, Mrs Ham gave every single child in our school family a special gift of a small wooden heart with love engraved on it to remind us that God loves us, she loves us, all the teachers love us and our friends and family love us. She explained that everytime we look at it we can remember how loved we are and it can encourage us to show love to others in all the fantastic ways we thought of earlier.

Image of Reception Christmas Party
18 Dec

Reception Christmas Party

Reception class had a brilliant Christmas party. We played musical bumps, musical statues, had a dance competition, pass the parcel, the limbo and we even did the conga!! What a wonderful afternoon we all had together making memories! Please see the following gallery for the party photos:

Image of Reception: Santa Visit
18 Dec

Reception: Santa Visit

It is safe to say that all of our children are on the good list! Reception class loved their visit from Santa Claus. Thank you for their presents, we had lots of excited children. Please have a look at our gallery for more photos.

Image of Reception: Outdoor Gym
16 Dec

Reception: Outdoor Gym

Today, our Reception class took part in a circuit session to develop their gross motor skills. They spent one minute on a piece of equipment followed by a 40 second rest. They really enjoyed it and really developed in using the equipment to the best of their ability, well done!

Image of Reception: Year of Prayer
16 Dec

Reception: Year of Prayer

This week, Mrs Wilkinson gave each child in Reception a piece of ribbon. We discussed how we sometimes receive special looking presents with ribbon wrapped around them. We all took it in turns to tie our ribbon to our prayer tree and gave thanks to Jesus who is the best gift ever!

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
13 Dec

Whole School Celebration Worship

During this week’s celebration worship, we reflected on the theme of joy this Advent, alongside the lighting of the peace and hope candles as part of our preparations for Christmas. We discussed how joy can be found in simple moments and acts of kindness, and the children were reminded of the many wonderful events that brought happiness throughout the week. These included the Rocksteady concert, where children showcased their musical talents, the magical pantomime Aladdin on Ice, the school Pantivity Production and the festive fun of the Christmas Fair. Our Values Award winners were celebrated with great applause: Harry in Reception, Molly in Year 1, Evie in Year 2, Chay in Year 3, Sofia in Year 4, Elsie in Year 5, and Poppy in Year 6. Their contributions to school life have been amazing and have been reflected in their awards. Year 1 and Year 4 were also recognised as the winners of this week’s attendance award for their commitment to being present and ready to learn. A heartfelt special thank you was given to all the children who contributed their creative talents to produce the stunning Christmas artwork now proudly displayed in the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park. This beautiful display adds a festive touch to the community and each class will now take a trip to the park to admire all the children’s artwork. Prayers were shared during the worship, led by the children, who asked for peace in countries experiencing conflict and war, kindness to those without food or shelter, and blessings for everyone to have a safe, warm, and joyful Christmas. The Team Values Points results were eagerly awaited, with Darwen Tower placing fourth, India Mill third, River Darwen second, and Whitehall Park taking first place for the week. In addition, India Mill was announced as the overall half-term winner, earning a well-deserved non-uniform day and disco celebration as a reward for their hard work and teamwork throughout the term. This will take place on the last Thursday of the term. We proudly acknowledged the remarkable achievements of our children. Lydia was recognised for earning her Rainbows Influencer Skills Builder badge and for taking action to make a difference, while Naomi received her Christmas badge for Brownies. Isabella celebrated swimming 5 meters, and Lyla earned a Medal with Rothwell Arts for her dedication to ballet. Marnie May was applauded for her accomplishments in tap dancing and gymnastics and Grace achieved her Bronze Award for earning multiple badges at Brownies. Olivia was named Star of the Week for her excellent performance in gymnastics and Tristen celebrated earning his blue belt in kickboxing. Scarlett shone with her Netball Shooting Award, while Oliver achieved a swimming award for swimming 5 meters. Elana was recognised for her Rainbows Influencer Skills Builder and taking action and Luna was honored as Dancer of the Day. Alice and Evie were recognised as they performed beautifully in Over the Bridge and Leonora and Desmond proudly represented their swimming competition in the regionals. Well done to all for these incredible accomplishments! The worship concluded on a high note, with everyone coming together to sing joyful Christmas songs, filling the room with festive cheer.

Image of Reception - climbing in PE
13 Dec

Reception - climbing in PE

Reception have been taking risks in PE and showing lots of courage using the climbing equipment. They have been developing their climbing skills to get on and off the equipment safely and developing their upper body strength.

Image of Reception - Christmas Challenges
12 Dec

Reception - Christmas Challenges

Reception have enjoyed completing a range of Christmas challenges this week during their choosing time. They have been using strips of paper in the creative area to make Christmas tree pictures, ordering the gingerbread men from smallest to biggest, following instructions to draw a snowman and developing their fine motor painting skills.

Image of Whitehall Park Rose Garden Art Trail
12 Dec

Whitehall Park Rose Garden Art Trail

Thank you to all the children who created fantastic Art work for our ADVENTure trail at the Whitehall Park. A selection of the Art work is now on display in the Rose Garden for everyone to see. All classes will be visiting next week to look at the Art work, talk about the Nativity story and sing some Christmas carols to get us all in the festive spirit!

Image of Worship with Rev. Ben
12 Dec

Worship with Rev. Ben

During worship with Rev. Ben, the children began by playing a game of "Spot the Difference," where they had to identify which picture was missing from a selection of displayed images. Following this, Rev. Ben shared the story of Daniel and the Lions' Den. The children learned how Daniel, despite knowing that following God and continuing to pray would put him in danger, trusted in God and was unharmed by the lions. This led to a thoughtful discussion about Daniel's courage and faith. The children then reflected on how they could show courage in their own lives, drawing inspiration from Daniel’s example.

Image of Not Getting Inn!
12 Dec

Not Getting Inn!

Our whole school was treated to a modern day version of the Nativity story. 4Front Theatre put on a wonderful production for our children. There was lots of laughter, singing and chanting throughout. Most importantly, there was a wonderful heartfelt message at the end of hope and joy. The photos can be found here:

Image of Whole School Worship: Joy at Advent
11 Dec

Whole School Worship: Joy at Advent

This week, our advent theme is JOY. We learned about the joy of Jesus’s birth and how we can bring joy into the lives of others this Christmas. We looked at the John Lewis advert about the man in the moon and how the little girl brought joy to the man, who had been very lonely. We also watched an alternative to the original advert about a girl searching for God and when she almost gave up looking, he sent to her his greatest gift: his son, Jesus. We finished with a look at all of the ways our classes have been bringing joy to each other and the community, including litter picking and singing in the local care home and reflected on how we can bring joy to to others this Christmas.

Image of Aladdin on Ice
11 Dec

Aladdin on Ice

The children are all very excited for Aladdin on Ice at Planet Ice. We are very lucky and appear to have the best seats in the house! Oh no we haven't, oh yes we have!! All of the photos can be found here:

Image of Aladdin on Ice
11 Dec

Aladdin on Ice

Our whole school family watched Aladdin on Ice this afternoon at Planet Ice. We all got involved in lots of singing and dancing at the beginning. Santa, a snowman and even the Grinch made an appearance! During the show it was wonderful to see so many talented ice dancers and actors. We enjoyed a bag of sweets as a treat and some of us even got to high five members of the cast. A well deserved Christmas treat for all of our children. All of the photos can be found here:

Image of Whole School- Design Technolgy
11 Dec

Whole School- Design Technolgy

This half term, our students have been busy creating a range of designs in Design Technology. From Reception's wooden Christmas decorations to Year 6's electronic steady hand games, our children have showcased their imaginative and creativity skills. Year 1 brought their imaginations to life, creating interactive moving storybooks using slider mechanisms. Year 2 developed their sewing skills, designing and creating a range of Christmas puppets. Year 3 designed and made festive pouches, perfect for holding small gifts or treats. Year 4 stitched up Christmas stockings, ready to hang by the chimney, finally, Year 5 created festive cushions. These creations were showcased and sold at our Christmas Fayre. We're incredibly proud of the hard work and imagination our students have demonstrated in these festive DT projects.

Image of Reception: Elf Workshop
10 Dec

Reception: Elf Workshop

Reception class have been busy little Elves making Christmas decorations ready for the Christmas Fayre. The children chose their own design and painted their wood slices as either Santa, an elf or a snowman. The children then added googly eyes and some festive string so they can be hung on their Christmas trees. The children will be able to buy their decorations for £2 at the Christmas Fayre.

Image of Reception: Bubble Prayers
10 Dec

Reception: Bubble Prayers

At the end of our school day, Reception class lit our candle and signed the holy trinity. We then burnt some Frankincense which was lovely and calming for all of the children. This week, for Blackburn Diocese's year of prayer, we focussed on bubble prayers. We discussed what we were thankful for. Some of the children's responses were God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, parents, teachers and friends. It was lovely for the children to stop and reflect which aided them to explore their own spirituality.

Image of Reception: Road Safety
9 Dec

Reception: Road Safety

Our Reception children learnt how to cross the road safely today. They stopped, looked and listened and then let Mrs Wilkinson know when it was time to cross safely. They were all very sensible, well done!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
6 Dec

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by reflecting on another week in school. This week, we have been thinking about peace and how this is especially important at this time of the year when things can feel busy and chaotic on the run up to Christmas. We also thought about our many highlights such as watching the fabulous Nativity Performances led by Reception, the final dance sessions in KS2 with Rothwell Arts, our fabulous choir and their siblings bringing lots of festive cheer to the residents at Acer Lodge Care Home in Blackburn yesterday evening and our Year 5/6 football team for representing school at Witton Park last night and bagging several wins. We then congratulated Marnie-May, Percy and Fletcher in EYFS and KS1 and James, Desmond, Bella and Jake for being the individual value award winners this week. Furthermore, we congratulated Reception and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, River Darwen as our overall value award winners this week with 451 points and Year 3 on being the overall ‘Walk to School’ winners for the month of November. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Thea for achieving a super 5m in swimming, Ralphy for being a superstar swimmer and being awarded his Duckling 1, 2 and 3 award and his Stage 1 and 2 award, Reggie and Albie for having the best decorated tractor at the Turton Young Farmers Tractor Run at the weekend, Beau and Haydn for achieving a fabulous 10m in her swimming, James for winning ‘Player of the Match’ at Darwen FC Aces, Hollie for achieving stage 2 in her swimming, Callie for being a wonderful swimmer and achieving her 10m backstroke and butterfly, Stage 8 in her gymnastics and working exceptionally hard at Stage Coach, Archie for being awarded his orange belt in kickboxing, Harriet for achieving 200m in her swimming and Stage 4 water skills award, Grace for being awarded two medals for ballet and acro dancing, Penelope for gaining the ‘Most Improved dancer’ in Acro at Rothwell Arts, Renee for gaining her white belt at kickboxing and her Stage 2 in swimming, Eleanor for achieving her Stage 2 at swimming and Charlie for achieving Stage 4 at swimming. To end our worship, we had two beautiful prayers from Lydia and Harry who said a prayer for refugees and keeping them safe as they flee their countries. We then sang ‘We Three Kings’ and ‘Ding Dong.’ We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely weekend.

Image of Worship with Rev. Matt
5 Dec

Worship with Rev. Matt

During worship with Rev. Matt, the children began with a lively game of musical statues, setting a joyful tone for the session. They then listened attentively to the story of The Men Who Liked to Say No, which illustrated how unwavering faith can triumph over even the greatest challenges. The story emphasised the courage and resilience needed to stand firm in one's beliefs. Following the story, the children engaged in a thoughtful reflection on its message. They discussed the true meaning of Christmas, explored practical ways to do good, even in difficult situations. They shared ideas on how small acts of kindness and faith can make a big difference, connecting the lessons of the story to their own lives. It was a meaningful session that left the children inspired to carry the spirit of Christmas into their everyday actions.

Image of Reception Nativity
4 Dec

Reception Nativity

A huge well done to our Reception children who were amazing in their Nativity this morning. We are so proud of how much their confidence has grown since starting with us in September. They sang and danced their little hearts out and they really did fill our hearts with joy! A massive thank you to Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Govan and Mrs Thompson for all of their effort into making the production such a success. A special thank you to Mrs Hegarty and Miss Craig for helping get the children in and out of their costumes and Miss Lyons for painting their faces. Thank you to Rev Ben for blessing us all and leading us in prayer at this special time of year, when we remember the birth of Jesus. Thank you so much to all of our Reception parents and carers for providing the children with wonderful costumes and for practising their lines. Thank you also for coming along and showing your support today. We hope you enjoyed it and hope your hearts were filled with joy too.

Image of Reception: Nativity Crafts
3 Dec

Reception: Nativity Crafts

The children in Reception have been getting very creative. They have made stables using different materials and drew the scene explaining who each person and animal was. The children have also made angels using paper plates.

Image of Reception: Year of Prayer
3 Dec

Reception: Year of Prayer

As part of the Diocese of Blackburn's Year of Prayer, this week's focus was on alphabet prayers. Reception class thought about what brings them joy. Evie said her star on her Christmas tree, Max said playing his memory game, Beau said her family and Mikey said visiting the dinosaur museum. It was wonderful to see the children reflecting and listening carefully to one another. At the end of our prayer we thanked God and said Amen.

Image of Collective Worship: Peace at Advent
2 Dec

Collective Worship: Peace at Advent

Our school is starting to get ready for Christmas and has been decorated. There was one final job to do- our youngest child, Annie placed the star on our Christmas tree. This week we started our worship by looking at the Year of Prayer, which we will be taking part in along with lots of other schools from across our Diocese. Our WOW group explained what we would be focusing on this week in classes. All classes will have a go at alphabet prayers. The children will all think about something that brings joy to them. We then looked at our whole school focus which was on the value of peace. Mrs Wilkinson led the children in prayer. Mrs Wilkinson recapped what Christians focus on in the first week of advent: hope. She lit the first Advent candle. We then looked at what we would be focussing on this week which was peace. The children watched a video all about peace. Leonora said that if we experience conflict in school, we could walk away or not argue with our friends and remain at peace. Matthew said smiling brings us joy and peace. We all reflected on what the world would be like if it was always at peace. The children discussed how loving everyone can bring peace. We ended our worship by singing 'We Three Kings' and 'Ding Dong'.

Image of It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
29 Nov

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Today, every child in school helped to decorate our real Christmas tree in the hall. They have been busy decorating their classrooms too so it really is beginning to look and feel like Christmas! On Monday, as part of our St Barnabas tradition, the youngest child in our school will place the star on top of the tree in Worship.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
29 Nov

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by reflecting on another very busy week in school. On Monday, we started the week by introducing our children to the Diocese ‘Year of Prayer Challenge,’ we’ve had some fabulous clubs such as sportshall athletics, choir, lego and football training, great enthusiasm whilst rehearsing for our Christmas productions and making Christmas products in our D&T units to sell at our Christmas Fair. We then congratulated our individual value award winners. Well done to Minnie, Olivia and Marley in EYFS and KS1 and Cassidy, Peyton, Theo and Grace in KS2 as our individual value award winners. Well done to these fabulous children for consistently showing our Christian Values, Barney’s 4Bs and always demonstrating a positive attitude to learning. We also congratulated Elsie, Mollie, Haydn, Joey, Archie, Seb, Mila, Lyla and Heidi for representing school in the KS1 Multi-Skills Festival at St Bedes, our amazing Sports Leaders for supporting this KS1 Multi-Skills event and our fantastic Year 5/6 football team who represented school at BRFC Kids Cup. Despite their defeat, they bounced back amazingly and had two successes last night against St Edwards and Avondale. Well done boys! Furthermore, we congratulated Year 1 and Year 6 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park as our overall value award winners this week with 296 points. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Vienna for swimming 100m without armbands and achieving her Stage 4, Arabelle for achieving Stage 5 in her swimming, Haydn for achieving his 5m and Stage 3 in his swimming, Sofia for achieving a medal for demonstrating great perseverance in her commercial dancing, Lyla for her fabulous audition as Glinda in Wicked, Grace for her fabulous dance talent, Eleanor for being a super Rainbow, Mollie for achieving her Stage 1 water skills award, Elsie for achieving 75m without armbands in her swimming, Olivia for getting Emily at Brownies for demonstrating kindness and using her manners, Beau for being awarded her Stage 2 at swimming, James for achieving the team captain arm band this week at football and Matthew for playing and winning in a special tournament for Manchester United at the weekend. We then said a farewell to a valuable member of staff, Mrs Stanton. We thank her for her dedication over the past 18 months in her role as Key Stage 2 Teaching Assistant and previously in her role as office admin. We wish her all the best in her new role as a design and technology teacher. To end our worship, we had three beautiful prayers from Hamza, Leonora and Olivia who said prayers about appreciating all the things that we can sometimes take for granted and being grateful for everything that we receive this Christmas. We then sang ‘Ding Dong' with great enthusiasm! We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely weekend.

Image of Reception Maths - Composition
28 Nov

Reception Maths - Composition

Reception watched an episode of Numberblocks where the different numbers used different shapes to make patterns. We have been thinking about parts that make up numbers, so we had a go at making our own numberblock shape patterns and discussed the parts we could see.

Image of Worship with Rev. Ben
28 Nov

Worship with Rev. Ben

During worship with Rev. Ben, the children explored the story of Daniel and "the boys who liked to say no." Worship began with a fun game of yes or no, where the children decided which foods they would or wouldn’t eat. In the story, Daniel and his friends said no to the king’s food to show their obedience to God. Because they supported one another and remained loyal to their faith, they were granted strength and looked healthy. Rev. Ben explained that, unlike Daniel and his friends, Christians today don’t follow food rules in the same way. However, there are many ways we can remember God in our daily lives. The children reflected on how Daniel and his friends stayed faithful and considered how they could remember God this week—in their prayers, words, and actions.

Image of Reception: Christmas
27 Nov

Reception: Christmas

This week we have been retelling the Nativity story. We have also been thinking about why Christmas is important. The children said Christmas is important because Jesus is born on Christmas Day. We discussed how Jesus is very important to Christians and is God’s son. The children have been enjoying retelling the story using dressing up, our small world area and through our Eggsplorers too.

Image of Reception: NSPCC PANTS Rule
27 Nov

Reception: NSPCC PANTS Rule

In our PSHE lesson, our Reception class listened to the pantosaurus song and learnt all about the important of our private parts saying private. We discussed the 5 rules: 1. Privates are private. 2. Always remember your body belongs to you. 3. No means no. 4. Talk about secrets that upset you. 5. Speak up, someone can help.

Image of Reception- Stickman
25 Nov

Reception- Stickman

In class we read the story ‘Stickman’. As part of our muddy Monday we went to Jacks Key and collected some sticks to make our very own stick person. The children wrapped pipecleaners around their stick to create arms and legs. We then glued on eyes and hair to create their stick man or lady.

Image of Whole School Worship - Bishop Philip’s Year of Prayer Launch
25 Nov

Whole School Worship - Bishop Philip’s Year of Prayer Launch

The St Barnabas school family were thrilled to join a live worship with Bishop Philip this afternoon, along with nearly 60 other church schools in Blackburn Diocese. Lisa and the Bishop met us via Zoom to talk to us about prayer, why we pray and what happens to our prayers. We were fascinated to learn that Jesus knows each and every one of us, and that he hears all of our prayers. We also learned some new ways to pray. These included quiet prayers, for which we were silent and focused on just being with our thoughts, and noisy prayers, for which we shouted out our school name and our own name as loud as we could. Over the course of this academic year, we will be focusing on a new way to pray each week in whole school collective worship, and in our classrooms. We know the children will enjoy exploring prayers along with hundreds of other children across the Diocese.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
22 Nov

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by reflecting on our busy week in school and all the fabulous snowy weather that we’ve had. We then congratulated our individual value award winners. Well done to Albie, Millie and Alice in EYFS and KS1 and Naomi, Walter, Jenson and Harry in KS2 as our individual value award winners. Well done to these amazing children for showing great enthusiasm across the curriculum, working hard to consistently demonstrate our Barney’s 4Bs and being fantastic role models. We also congratulated Martha, Declan, Harry and Tilly for representing school in the Pantathlon Bowling Competition and Charlie, Darcy, Eliza, Carter, Ivy and Edward for representing school at a Dodgeball Festival this week, Year 2 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and India Mill as our overall value award winners this week with 428 points. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Ava and Hendrix for taking part in Squirrels at Bold Venture Park, Eliza for achieving many rosettes for being a fabulous jockey, Reggie for doing a fantastic pass and being ‘Player of the Week’ at Little Darreners, Thea for showing amazing skill and bar work at gymnastics, Olivia for achieving the team captain arm band this week at football, Harry for achieving ‘Man of the Match’ for showing grit and determination at football, Marley for being amazingly creative, Maggie for achieving her ‘Animal Lover’ and ‘Family Tree’ badge at Rainbows, Desmond and Leonora for being super swimmers and achieving many PBs and Isabella for achieving 5m in her swimming without armbands. To end our worship, we had three beautiful prayers from Finn, Cassidy and James. Finn said a prayer for those who have sacrificed their lives in the war past and present, Cassidy prayed for those who are less fortunate than us including those without toilets and James prayed for us all to have a lovely and restful weekend and for our safe return on Monday. We then sand ‘Sing a New Song’. We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely weekend.

Image of Reception PE: Inter-House Olympics
22 Nov

Reception PE: Inter-House Olympics

Reception took part in the inter-house olympics session today, ran by our sports leaders. They took part in relay races for obstacles, hurdles, running and throwing. They worked brilliantly in their teams and showed lots of courage to try new things. It was a fantastic PE session!

Image of Reception - How the Church celebrates Christmas
21 Nov

Reception - How the Church celebrates Christmas

This morning, Rev Matt visited us to share with us how the church celebrates Christmas. He explained that the retelling of the Nativity story is the most important part of the celebration as it is about the very special birth of Jesus. The singing of hymns and lighting of candles also symbolises the joy and light that was brought into the world at this time. We also talked about how we celebrate Christmas at home. Beau said ‘we decorate the house’ and Eleanor said ‘we have Christmas tea’

Image of Rev Matt Worship
21 Nov

Rev Matt Worship

Today, Rev Matt led a fantastic worship that focused on how we can often lose sight of things that are important. He started with a challenge that involved watching a video with a focus in mind, but in doing so, we missed some other events that occurred. This linked nicely to the story ‘God Sends Fire’ as King Ahab had lost faith in God and decided to worship a false God called Baal. To show everyone that God was the true God, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest. They had to build an altar and ask their God to set it on fire. The prophets of Baal danced and prayed all night, but nothing happened. Then, Elijah asked people to drench his altar with water. He prayed to God, and fire came down from heaven! It burned up the altar and all of the water. Everyone saw this and knew God was the true God. This story can help us remember to have faith in God, even when things are tough, and to always trust that He is in control.

Image of Whole School Worship - World Toilet Day
20 Nov

Whole School Worship - World Toilet Day

In worship yesterday, we looked through our spirituality windows and out into the world on toilets. We were shocked and saddened to find out that around 700 children under 5 die every year due to poor sanitation. We heard about Jeremiah in Kenya who doesn’t have access to a toilet. In his community, people would mostly use a hole in the ground or a plastic bag, which some people would tie up and throw on other people’s roofs. We talked about how this affects people’s health and shared ideas of what we could do to help. The children then learned about our Toilet Twinning project for which we raised money a few years go to sponsor the building and maintenance of toilets in Nepal, Uganda, Tanzania, and Afghanistan. We reflected on how we should never take our toilets for granted and thought of ways we could save loo paper and water.

Image of Reception: Exploring the Snow
19 Nov

Reception: Exploring the Snow

Our Reception children enjoyed exploring the snow today. They worked together in small groups to build snowmen! They collected resources for the arms and they all had carrots for their noses. The children also found some icicles so we looked closely at them and how they had formed. It was also wonderful to look around at the winter sight and really feel the snow too. Our world is beautiful in all types of weather and what a treat we all had this morning.

Image of EYFS and KS1- Snow Much Fun
19 Nov

EYFS and KS1- Snow Much Fun

EYFS and KS1 got wrapped up and made the most of the snow this lunch time. They had great fun working together to build snowmen amongst other things.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
18 Nov

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Reception children braved the cold today and went in search of twigs and sticks to create our own Stick Men at Jack Keys. We will be focussing on this story throughout this week and we will be making our own Stick Men to help us retell the story.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
15 Nov

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by reflecting on our very special and busy week in school. This week has seen us celebrate Remembrance Day, Anti-Bullying Week, Inter-Faith Week and Children in Need. We then congratulated our individual value award winners. Well done to Beau, Leila and Roman in EYFS and KS1 and Emily, Olivia, Mason and Daisy in KS2 as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for working exceptionally hard across the curriculum, demonstrating our Christian Values. We also presented Emily with an additional award for achieving her pen license, our Year 5/6 football team for bouncing back from last week’s defeat and representing school with exemplary behaviour and brilliant sportsmanship which saw them win two matches at the Darwen School’s League last night, Year 1 and Year 6 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and River Darwen as the overall value award winners this week with 404 points. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Ava for taking part in Remembrance Day at Bold Venture Park, Callie for always listening and following instructions beautifully during her singing, dancing and acting lessons at Stage Coach, Seb for getting ‘Man of the Match’ and ‘Trainer of the Week’ at football, Elijah for achieving ‘Player of the Week’ at football for mastering a new skill called the step over, Finn for achieving ‘Player of the Day’ at Football and achieving ‘Most Improved Player’ for his cricket team, Quinn, April, Walter, Eve and Percy for attending the ‘Little Potting Club’ at Whitehall Park and achieving an environmentalist award, Beau for achieving 5m in her swimming, Jack for being awarded with his Stage 6 swimming certificate, James for attending the remembrance service with Beavers and Haydn for showing super skills in a recent football match. To end our worship, we had three beautiful prayers from Darcy, Olivia and Mason who thought about fuelling children in need with food and remembering those who sacrificed their lives for us and we sang ‘Build Up’ to reinforce the message of ‘building each other up’ this Anti-Bullying Week. We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely and restful weekend.

Image of Children in Need 2024
15 Nov

Children in Need 2024

Our Y6 Heads and Deputies asked everyone to dress in pyjamas or spots to show our support for Children in Need this year. Yesterday we had a special visit from Pudsey Bear and Christine from Asda. They told us all about how Asda are raising money for Children in Need and they said a special thank you to us all for our fundraising to help children who are less fortunate than us. Thank you so much to our staff, children and parents for the effort you have gone to in dressing in your pyjamas or spots and thank you for your generous donations on parent pay. Together we can make a positive difference to the lives of so many disadvantaged children around our country.

Image of Reception- Maths-More and Fewer
12 Nov

Reception- Maths-More and Fewer

In maths we were using the pan balance to compare more and fewer. We had a discussion about what ‘fewer’ could mean. Beau said “it means less” and Marnie-May said “it means there aren’t as much”. We put an uneven amount of cubes in each side of the pan balance and watched what happened. The children observed that the side with fewer cubes ‘went up’ and the side with more cubes ‘went down’.

Image of Reception Celebrate anti-bullying week
12 Nov

Reception Celebrate anti-bullying week

Today the children came to school wearing odd socks to celebrate anti-bullying week. During our PSHE lesson we discussed how we can show respect and be a good friend to each other. These are some of the ideas the children came up with; “Be kind” (Max) “Be helpful” (Cassius) “Be friendly” (Willow) “Share” (Hadi) “Share toys” (Evie) “Be Respectful” (Reggie) “Help our friends if they are struggling with their work” (Oliver) “Listen to our friends” (Will) “Have kind hands with our friend” (Hendrix)

Image of Odd Socks Day at St Barnabas
12 Nov

Odd Socks Day at St Barnabas

To launch Anti-Bullying week, we celebrated Odd Socks Day in style today with some brilliant demonstrations of uniqueness. The children showed off their odd socks to their peers and shared reasons for their choices that really showed off their different preferences and personalities!

Image of Reception celebrate Interfaith Week
11 Nov

Reception celebrate Interfaith Week

Reception class were lucky enough to meet Prags who delivered a wonderful workshop exploring Hinduism. We learned about the story of Rama and Sita and we even got to dress up in traditional Indian clothing and dance together. We also enjoyed eating delicious samosas cooked by Prags! It was a great way to learn about a different religion and culture. Thank you so much for visiting.

Image of Reception: Birthdays
11 Nov

Reception: Birthdays

As part of our celebrations topic, we are focussing on birthdays this week. The children have enjoyed making birthday cards, birthday cakes, bracelets and birthday crowns too. They have been focussing on their fine motor skills to complete their challenges and also have been working really hard when writing their names. Well done!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
8 Nov

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by reflecting on our week of remembering to honour ‘Remembrance Day.’  We said that we have been thinking about the people who sacrifice their life to keep us safe and/or bring about positive change in our world such as the soldiers, The Royal Navy, the NHS, the firefighters, the police and the charity workers and we observed a two minute silence to pay our respects. We then congratulated our individual value award winners. Well done to Tommy-Joe, Teddy and Archie in EYFS and KS1 and Rosie, Jack, Grace and Hamza in KS2 as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for always being respectful, kind, well-mannered and exceptionally hardworking. We also congratulated Desmond, Eliza, Daisy, Jack, Sofia and Tristen for achieving their pen licenses, Ted, Sofia, Daisy, Alice, Darcy, Walter and Sonny for representing our school amazingly well yesterday at the Cidari Moon Conference at Blackburn Cathedral, our Year 6 JagTag team for also representing our school superbly at the Soccer Dome on Tuesday and our Year 5/6 football team for representing school well at the Darwen School’s League last night, Year 1 and Year 3 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and India Mill as the overall value award winners this week. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Ava for her swimming certificate, Grace for passing her jazz exam, Eliza for demonstrating phenomenal skill in her horse riding mounting games and for placing 1st and 2nd in her most recent event, Olivia for achieving Player of the Match in a recent football match, Tristen for achieving his blocks badge and yet another belt in his kickboxing, Fletcher for being awarded with his green belt in genjitsu, Thomas for being a super pool player, Cassidy for being a super gymnast and achieving a silver medal for her vault work, Isaac for being an incredible captain and leading his football team with great confidence and skill, Mila, Eden and Sofia for taking part in a remembrance parade and Sofia for achieving several awards for her Brownies. To end our worship, Mrs Ham reminded us that next Tuesday 12th November is Odd Socks Day to celebrate Anti-bullying and Interfaith week and then next Friday 15th November is Children in Need and the children can wear pyjamas, spots or Pudsey merchandise. Rev Ben said a special remembrance prayer and then we sang ‘A Song of Peace’ to pray for a world of peace. We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely and restful weekend.

Image of Reception: Visiting our Spiritual Garden
7 Nov

Reception: Visiting our Spiritual Garden

Today we are celebrating outdoor classroom day. Reception class are always on the go but we had a wonderful time to sit and reflect in our spiritual garden during our collective worship time. This serene outdoor space was perfect for our children to contemplate love, gratitude, and remembrance. The children were encouraged to reflect on the people they love to foster empathy and connection. The children said that they loved their family, friends and teachers. They also expressed gratitude for God’s beautiful creation, a reminder of the wonders that surround us daily. Beau said that she loved God, Ralphi said he loved the planet, Evie said she could hear the trees blowing in the wind and Oliver said he could hear the birds singing during our moments of silence. We then remembered our poppies and why we were wearing them. Will told everybody it was to remember the soldiers in the war. The class took a moment to remember the soldiers as a sign of respect. As a symbolic gesture, the children used a bubble machine to release bubbles into the sky to heaven. The children really enjoyed this spiritual experience and we are looking forward to the next time we can visit the garden.

Image of Reception - Remembrance Poppies
7 Nov

Reception - Remembrance Poppies

Reception have been super busy creating poppies in our different areas for Remembrance Day. We will be learning about why the Poppy is an important symbol and why this is remembered each year.

Image of Reception - Cardinality pizza maths
7 Nov

Reception - Cardinality pizza maths

In Maths this week we have been reviewing accurate counting by making pizzas! The children had to roll a dice, check the number and count the correct amount of toppings for the pizza, remembering our stopping number.

Image of Christmas at St Barnabas
6 Nov

Christmas at St Barnabas

Good morning parents and carers, Christmas will soon be here and we know what a busy time of year it is for everyone. We have lots of exciting things planned at St Barnabas so I thought it might help to have all of the dates in one place. Here are all the important dates you need in the lead up to the Christmas holidays. Please save it to your phone or device and I will also send it to you as a message. I hope this is helpful, Mrs Ham

Image of Whole-School Worship: Remembrance
6 Nov

Whole-School Worship: Remembrance

At St Barnabas, we always take the time leading up to Remembrance Day to reflect on the people who kept us safe in the past and those who keep us safe now. In worship, we heard examples of people who came from other countries to help defend the UK during the World Wars, and the courage and friendship they demonstrated in doing so. We also thought about how we would like to remember those who lost their lives in war. The children had some lovely ideas, including writing or saying prayers, drawing poppies, visiting memorial sites, attending church services, and even holding a two-minute silence at their weekend football matches. We remember those who gave up their lives for our country and also say a huge thank you to those who work hard everyday to protect us such as the armed forces, the police, firefighters and the NHS. We sang a lovely song of peace at the end of our worship in hope that the world will one day be filled with peace.

Image of WOW Year Group Winners for October
5 Nov

WOW Year Group Winners for October

A huge WELL DONE to Year 4 who gained the most walk to school badges for the month of October! It was great to see so many more children gaining their badges this month now we can take part in school through choosing to do the 1K A Day too. Thank you to parents and carers too for all of your support with this super initiative.

Image of Reception RE: The Birth Of Jesus
5 Nov

Reception RE: The Birth Of Jesus

Today our Reception children began their Christmas unit in RE. We took part in a sensory story all about the birth of Jesus. We used Widget symbols for each part and used our senses to get involved with the story. The children smelt baby oil to understand that Mary was expecting a baby, we walked to show how Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem and we lit candles to show how dark it was. The children then used a drum to knock on the door to see if there was any room. We then used the sign for no. Finally, the children wrapped a baby in blankets to show the birth of Jesus. The children really enjoyed drawing parts of the story in our scrap book and enjoyed getting involved in the story all about the birth of Jesus. We can't wait for the children to act out this special story in their Nativity production in a few weeks time.

Image of Reception: Bonfire and Firework Safety
5 Nov

Reception: Bonfire and Firework Safety

This week the children in Reception have been learning all about Bonfire night. They learnt how Guy Fawkes planned to kill the king using gunpowder. His plan failed and we now celebrate Bonfire night to remember. The children have learnt how to keep safe around bonfires and fireworks. We then created bonfires using playdough and fireworks using pens, pegboards, sand and paint.

Image of Reception: Developing our Gross Motor Skills
4 Nov

Reception: Developing our Gross Motor Skills

Today our Reception children challenged themselves to climb trees. They used their muscles in their tummies, arms and legs to help them to safely climb the trees. Some of the children swang on the branches and balanced too. Well done for being so brave!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
4 Nov

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today for Reception’s Muddy Monday session, the children walked to Jacks Key. To celebrate bonfire night, the children collected twigs, sticks and leaves to create their own bonfires. The children had to work together as a team and did a brilliant job.

Image of Reception - Comparing who has more?
1 Nov

Reception - Comparing who has more?

This week in Maths, Reception have been looking at comparing amounts. We have been thinking about the word ‘more’ when comparing quantities and what this means. The children have been using their subitising and counting skills to help them decide who has more in a range of games within provision. They have done brilliantly with this!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
1 Nov

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by reflecting on the wonderful week that we have had in school. We lit a special candle for All Souls Day on Sunday to remember all those who have sadly passed away and reflected on the positive behaviour that we’re seeing around school such as holding open the doors for each other and using our wonderful manners. We also thought about all the amazing experiences that we have had in school such as Reception showcasing their Diwali learning to the whole school, Year 1 and Year 3 visiting Nightingale Farm, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 fully embracing their dance sessions led by Rothwell Arts and the WOW group for giving the harvest donations to DARE (Darwen Asylum Refugee). Firstly, we congratulated the amazing children who took part in the 6 week Cre8ability programme which has allowed them to explore many of their creative talents such as painting, sculpting and being musicians and learning about their superpower emotional intelligence. We then presented Jasper, Vienna and Maggie in EYFS and KS1 and Ella-Grace, James, Quinn and Matthew in KS2 as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for working extremely hard across the curriculum, showing a positive attitude to learning and using exceptional manners. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Eleanor who has recently made her Rainbows promise, Ava for achieving her Stage 1 swimming certificate, Fletcher for being awarded with his 25m swimming certificate, Lyla and Darcy for achieving a medal for their incredible gymnastic talent, Lydia and Naomi for receiving a letter from the head of royal correspondence thanking them for their very thoughtful letter to Princess Charlotte, Grace for being an amazing dancer, brownie and physicist, Olivia for being an incredible captain and leading her, Eliza for being an outstanding footballer and Sofia for achieving her intermediate award in gymnastics. We also congratulated our Year 4/5/6 girls football team who attended the DPSSA football league presentation evening last night and coming in 3rd overall, Year 2 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners, India Mill for winning the Inter-house sports competition before the holidays and River Darwen as the value award winners this week. We also congratulated River Darwen as being the half-termly award winners for last half-term. They will be awarded with a non-uniform day and disco next week. Our heads and deputies also announced that they will be selling the Remembrance Day merchandise every break time next week to raise money for The Royal British Legion. To end our worship, we sang ‘When the Saints Go Marching In’ in celebration of All Saints Day. We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely and restful weekend.

Image of Reception: Painting Skills
31 Oct

Reception: Painting Skills

Our Reception children have been really working hard on painting like an artist. The children have carefully selected colours and the right amount of paint to create some Rangoli patterns for Diwali. Well done!

Image of Reception: Dough Disco
31 Oct

Reception: Dough Disco

Our Reception children have been developing their fine motor skills today. Their hands have been getting stronger by completing a dough disco activity. This really helps them to get ready to hold a pencil and form letters accurately.

Image of Reception - Diwali
31 Oct

Reception - Diwali

During today’s worship, Reception Class led a special service to celebrate Diwali. The children proudly showcased their beautiful artwork, including vibrant rangoli patterns filling the space with vibrant colours. They sang joyful songs and shared the story of Diwali with the whole school. It was a wonderful opportunity for everyone to learn about and appreciate this important Hindu celebration!

Image of Worship with Rev. Matt
31 Oct

Worship with Rev. Matt

During this week’s worship, Rev. Matt engaged the children with a game of ‘Real or Fake,’ encouraging them to think carefully about what they see and question whether images are genuine or not. This led into the story of Elijah, who courageously stood against people worshiping a statue made of sticks and stones, teaching the children about the importance of true faith over false idols. To close, Rev. Matt invited the children to reflect on what they would like God’s help with, creating a moment of thoughtful prayer and connection.

Image of Harvest Heptathlon
30 Oct

Harvest Heptathlon

Today, each class took part in our Harvest Heptathlon obstacle course challenge for the Bishop’s Harvest appeal. The course consisted of running, hurdles, travelling through a hoop, hopping, skipping, speed bounce and star jumps. A huge well done to every child that took part. They gave it their best effort. And an extra big thank you to all of the Year 6 helpers for helping to set up, replace equipment, demonstrate the course and support and encourage the younger children to complete the course. Let’s hope we can raise some much needed funds for developing classrooms and literacy in church schools in Multan, Pakistan.

Image of Whole-School Worship: Allhallowtide
30 Oct

Whole-School Worship: Allhallowtide

In our first collective worship of the week, Mrs Ham looked at Allhallowtide through our three spirituality lenses. Lens 1 - Windows: we looked out into the world at a photograph from Bangladesh depicting Christians gathered around graves with lit candles on them and discussed our observations and ideas about what the people were doing and how they might have felt. We had some fabulous ideas such as it must be a place of worship as they could see a cross and candles like we have in our worship, that they might be praying and that they were remembering. Lens 2 - Mirrors: we learned about All Souls’ Day and reflected on how we might remember our loved ones. The children had some lovely ideas about lighting candles and going to a special place. Lens 3 - Doors: we learned about All Saints’ Day and thought carefully about how we could be like saints. The WOW group introduced our behaviour focus for this half term , which is using good manners around school, and the children immediately put these into action by saying please and thank you, holding doors for each other, and letting people past. What a fantastic start to the new half term!

Image of Reception: I am Special
29 Oct

Reception: I am Special

This week in PSHE, we thought about how we are all special. Beau said we are all unique. We discussed how we are all not the same and that is ok. Jasper said we all look different. Cassius said we all like different things. We sang a song about being special and thought about things we like and dislike. Some of the children liked things that their friends did not. We discussed how this is ok as we are all special.

Image of Reception: Diwali
29 Oct

Reception: Diwali

Reception have been learning all about Diwali this week. Diwali will be celebrated by Hindus on Thursday and we are looking forward to teaching the school about it on Thursday. The children learnt about Rama and Sita and how Diwali is the festival of light. They have made Rangoli patterns, cards, Mendhi, diva lamps and cards. The children have also learnt a special song all about Diwali.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
28 Oct

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today, our Reception children went for a walk into our local environment. We went on a mile walk to Jack Keys reservoir. The children enjoyed looking at the reservoir, the fallen leaves and loved listening to the birds singing. The children really concentrated on what they could see and hear, exploring spirituality. It was a rainy walk and the children persevered and enjoyed splashing in the puddles too.

Image of Harvest Church Service 2024
17 Oct

Harvest Church Service 2024

Thank you to our Wow group, EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 classes for leading our Harvest celebration at church today. I have uploaded some videos to class dojo and additional photos can be found here: It was wonderful to see so many of our families in attendance. A huge thank you to you all for coming to watch and thank you to all of our families for your continued support this half term. Thank you for all of your kind harvest donations, these can be continued to be sent in during the first week that we are back at school. Wishing you all a wonderful half term, Mrs Wilkinson

Image of Reception: Junk Modelling
16 Oct

Reception: Junk Modelling

The children in Reception found a box in class. We discussed what we could do with it. The children said we could hide in it or decorate it. As a class, we decided to make a house. The children couldn’t believe that we could make a house from a recycled box! Together we painted the house and added materials to it. We then decided it was a house for the Funnybones Skeleton family.

Image of Reception: World Faith learning
16 Oct

Reception: World Faith learning

Today, the children found out a little bit about Islam. Mrs Wilkinson showed the children some Islamic prayer beads called Subhah. We started our learning by wondering what they could be. The children thought it could be a necklace to wear. We wondered what they could be used for. Will said we could give them as a present. We learnt that Muslims used Subhah to pray with. The children all got to hold a Subhah.

Image of Reception: Black History Month Worship
15 Oct

Reception: Black History Month Worship

Today we joined the Great Big Live Assembly all about Black History Month. The children found out that lots of people of colour do not feel safe in the place that they live.There are lots of black heroes such as Saka the footballer and Krish a television presenter who have gone on to be extremely successful regardless of the colour of their skin. We ended our worship with a prayer all about treating everybody equally no matter the colour of their skin. The belief that everybody deserves to feel safe and happy. It is important to make sure that everybody feels special and valued.

Image of Monday Worship: Harvest Appeal
14 Oct

Monday Worship: Harvest Appeal

This week is Recycle Week so we will be thinking about all of the rubbish we throw away and how it could be rescued and reused or recycled. Bobby-Ray said what one man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure! Thank you for all of the donations of coats we have had so far for our Rota Kids Wrap Up Appeal. Mrs Ham showed us two bin bags that at first she thought was rubbish but they were filled with coats that can be donated to the homeless. Mrs Ham then introduced the Bishop’s Harvest appeal which our WOW group have chosen to support this year at Harvest along with DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise). We started by exploring our spirituality window and looked at a photo of the classrooms of a church school in Multan in Pakistan. We stopped and reflected on what is great about our classrooms. Lottie loves the amount of paper, Ella-Grace said our teachers, Callie said our books, Eleanor said our friends, Jacob said the opportunities to learn, Olivia said the view of Darwen Tower and Will said everything. There are some boys and girls in Multan in Pakistan that are unable to go to school and some who do but don't have many resources in their classroom. We took some time to look at a picture and reflect on what we could see. The classrooms in Multan do not have any chairs, tables, pictures, windows or toys. The children reflected and felt empathy for the Christian children in Multan who did not have the same experience and resources as we all do at St Barnabas. We then started to think about what we could do to make a difference to their lives. The Bishop’s Harvest Appeal has helped the children to receive books, solar panels and hand washing facilities in the past. Rosie said we could do a sponsored run and James said we could collect books. Bishop Philip has asked us all do to a Harvest Heptathlon . We need to think of seven things we could do to help the children in our area and also the boys and girls in Multan. Over the next few weeks, we will be thinking about how we can help and make a difference. We ended our worship by singing ‘I can make a difference’.

Image of Reception: Funnybones
14 Oct

Reception: Funnybones

This morning, our Reception class read ‘Funnybones’. Each time we heard big, little and dog skeleton we put actions in so that we all paid attention and could retell the story after. We then completed some challenges in continuous provision linked to the story. Some of the children painted skeletons, some children had to problem solve to complete a skeleton using playdough, some counted bones and matched the amount to the numeral and some practised their fine motor skills too. It has been wonderful to see lots of busy children living life in all its fullness in Reception, well done!

Image of Reception: Surprise Frog Visit
14 Oct

Reception: Surprise Frog Visit

Reception had a very exciting afternoon. Some of the children found a frog in our outdoor area. We put the frog in some water and let it out safely in its natural habitat.

Image of Celebration Worship
11 Oct

Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by thanking everyone for dressing in yellow yesterday for World Mental Health Day. What a fabulous day we had! This week, we have also been thinking about courageous advocacy. Well done to our Rotakids who are being courageous advocates by collecting coats to keep people warm this winter and our WOW group for collecting harvest donations for DARE (Darwen Asylum Refugee Enterprise). We then presented Ralphy, Skye and Ella in EYFS and KS1 and Lyla, Harriet, Ruby and Noah in KS2 as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for working extremely hard across the curriculum and always demonstrating our Barny’s 4Bs (being ready, being safe, being kind and being respectful) and our school Christian values. We also congratulated our Year 5/6 football team who worked exceptionally well as a team in the Kids Cup Heat on Monday during all of the group stages and will now be competing in the final in the 23rd November, our Year 4/5/6 girls football team who played amazingly well in the DPSSA football league last night, Year 1 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners for the second week running and River Darwen as the value award winners again this week. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Lyla and Carmen for achieving their Stage 5 in swimming, Tristen for achieving his green and white belt in kickboxing and completing the BwD Summer Reading challenge, Maggie for being a superstar rainbow and being awarded Olivia this week and Isabella for being a fantastic swimmer. Finally, we had some beautiful prayers from James, Iris and Elijah to pray for those who have been affected by the hurricane in Florida and to give thank you this Harvest time and then we sang ‘Sing a Song of Harvest.’ We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely and restful weekend.

Image of Reception- Autumn activities
10 Oct

Reception- Autumn activities

This week we have enjoyed an autumnal week in our reception class. We read the story ‘The leaf thief’ to talk about the season and how the weather changes. In provision, we have been painting an autumn tree with orange, red and yellow leaves. We have been practising our fine motor skills by following line patterns and have been making hedgehogs using Autumnal treasures in the playdough area.

Image of Reception - Subitising Bingo
10 Oct

Reception - Subitising Bingo

In Maths, we have been practising our subitising skills by playing a game of bingo. We rolled a 1-3 dice and looked at the different picture arrangements on our sheet. We were brilliant at subitising the amounts on the bingo cards and matching them to the numeral.

Image of Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Hello Yellow Day

To celebrate and raise awareness for World Mental Health Day, all the children and staff dressed in yellow to show their support. During a special worship, the children danced to happy songs. We reflected deeply on our emotions, exploring how they shape our inner lives and how we can find strength in times of struggle. We discussed the importance of nurturing our mental well-being through kindness, prayer, and community support. This spiritual reflection reminded us that we are never alone in our challenges; by turning to our faith and embracing hope, we can find peace and resilience within ourselves.

Image of Reception - Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Reception - Hello Yellow Day

Today we have enjoyed taking part in activities to support Hello Yellow Day. We have been doodling what makes us happy and have been talking about the different feelings we all have. We know that there are lots of grown ups around us who can help us with big feelings but we must always ask when we need help.

Image of St Barnabas do Hello Yellow Day 2024
10 Oct

St Barnabas do Hello Yellow Day 2024

Today in school, we celebrated Hello Yellow Day 2024. Hello Yellow Day is a day when we can show our support for young people and let them know they're not alone with their mental health. Thousands of children came together to make World Mental Health Day that little bit brighter by wearing something yellow and donating to YoungMinds. Right now, the world is a really tough place for children and young people to grow up in. We want young people to know that they don’t have to go through this alone. Things can get better. Because we stand brighter, together.  At St Barnabas, we celebrated through our whole school worship led by Mrs Ham and her minion friends, Harry, Hamza, Daisy and Rosie. Each class then used their PSHE session to explore Hello Yellow Day further and it was clear to see that every class made a super effort with their outfits too. What a super day being loud and proud in yellow. #HelloYellow

Image of WOW Group- Harvest Donations
9 Oct

WOW Group- Harvest Donations

Dear parents, Harvest is almost upon us and, this year, our wonderful WOW group have chosen to support two charities. They would like to continue to support refugees in our local area through the charity D.A.R.E. (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise) and are asking for donations of non-perishable food items, toiletries and good quality clothing. Please send these into school any time over the next week (by Thursday 17th October) and we will ensure they get to D.A.R.E. More details of the second charity we have chosen will be released shortly. Thank you, Mrs Araujo :)

Image of Walk Once a Week Challenge September Winners - Year 3
8 Oct

Walk Once a Week Challenge September Winners - Year 3

Congratulations to Year 3 for having the most children who either walked, park and strode or completed the 1K a day in the month of September. They received a whopping 29 badges in total and will now take their place on the WOW hall of Fame. A huge well done and thanks to all of the parents and carers who have encouraged their children to take part in the scheme. Don’t forget - if you can’t manage the walk or park amd stride, you can always do the 1K a day with your teacher in school so that you have the opportunity to gain your badge as well! The WOW ambassadors highlighted that October is National Walk to School month so it is really important to try and travel more actively to school either in the morning or after school has finished.

Image of Whole School Worship: Courageous Advocacy
8 Oct

Whole School Worship: Courageous Advocacy

Today in worship we continued to explore the meaning of spirituality, looking at adversity in the world, how it makes us feel, and talking about what we can do about it. We discussed how we can turn our sparks into flames, our ideas into actions. The children were really inspired by some of the images and shared some great ideas, such as donating warm clothing to the homeless, picking up litter so that it doesn’t hurt wildlife and donating food to local shelters and charities. We will be putting some of these ideas into action over the next few weeks, through our Harvest festival and our Rotakids initiatives.

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
4 Oct

Whole School Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by thanking everyone for their very generous Macmillan Coffee Morning donations last Friday. The heads and deputies will be announcing the final amount later today. We also lit a candle for gratefulness to say thank you for all of the wonderful things that we have in our lives including our loved ones and the beautiful nature around us. We then presented Ava, Isabella, Callie and Mila in EYFS and KS1 and Martha, Carmen, Edward and Will in KS2 as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for working extremely hard across the curriculum and always demonstrating our Barny’s 4Bs (being ready, being safe, being kind and being respectful) and our school Christian values. We also congratulated Walter and Alice in Year 4 for gaining their pen licenses, all of the children who have achieved their ‘WOW’ badges this month for walking to or from school at least once a week, Year 1 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and River Darwen as the value award winners this week with 549 points. We gave our girls football team a huge round of applause for their three amazing wins last night and particularly congratulated our Year 4 members of the team who stepped up into the Year 5/6 team. Finally, we congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Beau, Jack and Lyla for completing the Summer Reading challenge, Darcy for being awarded Star of the Week at gymnastics, James and Grace for gaining their Stage 5 swimming certificates, Leonora and Desmond for their fantastic swimming whilst competing for Blackburn Centurions, Isaac for being awarded Soccer HQ Player of the Day for demonstrating fantastic football skills, Daisy for being awarded 3 medals in the Paris Olympic Competition at gymnastics, Harriet for swimming 100m in her swimming, Fletcher for celebrating his uncle, Charlie for being a super football star, Laila for being the Player’s Player of the Match at football and Brooke for being awarded the Opposition Player’s Player of the Match. Finally, we had some beautiful prayers from, Renee, Callie and Mason and sang ‘If I was a Butterfly’ in celebration of ‘World Animal Day.’ We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely and restful weekend.

Image of Reception - Collections of 3
3 Oct

Reception - Collections of 3

Reception have been looking at the composition of 3 by looking at different collections. We made collections of 3 using the connecting shapes and talked about what we could see to make 3. E.g. 2 red shapes and 1 blue shape makes 3.

Image of Whole School Worship: What is Spirituality?
2 Oct

Whole School Worship: What is Spirituality?

In our Tuesday worship, the theme was spirituality and what it means to us. Mrs Ham talked about things that we can see (physical/ material things) and things that we just feel (spiritual things). We played a fun game where we had to put on a pretend pair of binoculars if it was something physical/ material that we can see or cover our eyes if it was something spiritual that we can't see. We had things like connecting with nature, a big house', money, connecting with friends, inner peace and believing in a God. She introduced the ‘windows’ looking out on the world and how we should take time to learn, to gaze, to wonder and admire and ask ‘why?’ We looked at some of the ways we can live life in all its fullness and today we particularly focused on being 'grateful' for all of God's creations. We also explored how taking notice is one of our five ways to wellbeing too. We looked at some of God’s creations in a video and discussed our favourite ones with our partner. There were lots of 'WOWs' and 'aahhs' at some of God's amazing creations. We finished with a prayer thanking God for all of his creations and sang 'If I were a butterfly' to sing thank you to God. Across this academic year, we will continue to further explore what spirituality means to us at St Barnabas.

Image of Reception: Speaking and Listening
1 Oct

Reception: Speaking and Listening

We have been really focusing on our listening skills this week. We looked at our proof of listening rules as part of our Oracy session. The children know to sit properly, look at the speaker and listen carefully. Some of our children were very brave and became the speaker. They came to the front and sat on the speaker podium or stood on it to tell the children some news. They used clear voices and worked on how loud they were talking so everyone could hear.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
1 Oct

Reception: Forest Schools

This week, we explored our forest schools area in our school grounds. The children built dens and did lots of imaginative play inside the tree. Lots of children even climbed a tree! The children really enjoyed getting muddy too!

Image of Singing Worship- Harvest
30 Sep

Singing Worship- Harvest

What a joyous way to start a new week at St Barnabas! We first discussed why we sing and we had some wonderful answers such as : to communicate with God, to learn new words and vocabulary, to learn new sign language so we can communicate with those who can't speak or hear, to have fun and to say thank you to God. Today some of our fabulous volunteers taught Reception class some of the signs and actions for some of our Harvest songs that we will be singing in our Harvest Festival on Thursday 17th October. We sang 'If I were a butterfly' and 'Sing a song of Harvest' to thank God for all of the wonderful living things he created such as animals, plants and trees.

Image of Macmillan Coffee Morning
27 Sep

Macmillan Coffee Morning

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning this morning with donations of cakes and/ or money. Every child in school was able to have a cake at break time thanks to your generous donations. Donations can still be made on parent pay or after school. We have some cakes left over so we will have a stall after school on the infant yard.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
27 Sep

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by thanking everyone for their very generous Macmillan Coffee Morning donations, saying a huge thank you to our wonderful teaching assistants on National Teaching Assistant day and saying a special prayer and thinking about both our Cidari family of schools and local schools on ‘National Pray for Schools Day.’ We then presented Olivia, Reggie, Joey, Lydia and James in EYFS and KS1 and Olivia, Lana, Luke, Ted, Eden, Summer, Brooke and Charlie-Rose in KS2 as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for being fantastic role model for their peers, having a fantastic work ethic and always demonstrating our Barney’s 4Bs (being ready, being safe, being kind and being respectful). Then, we heard from our well-being warriors who told us about ‘Hello Yellow Day’ coming up on Thursday 10th October and asked us to make a contribution on ParentPay in return for dressing in yellow to promote positive mental health. We also congratulated Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and River Darwen as the value award winners this week with 410 points. Finally, we congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Hendrix Elijah, Maggie and Callie for completing the Summer Reading challenge, Ava for being awarded her ‘Little Puffin’ certificate at swimming, Scarlett for being achieving an award for her positive contribution to West Pennine Netball, Maggie for achieving a super drawing award, Bobby-Ray for achieving his white belt at kickboxing and stage 1 at swimming, Lyla for achieving two gold awards at gymnastics, Isabella for earning her brown belt at kickboxing and achieving all of her badges at Rainbows and moving up to Brownies, Peyton for red and white belt at kickboxing, Bella for achieving ‘The Little Darreners’ Player of the Week,’ Iris for being a super swimmer, Marley for being a yoga superstar, Charlie for achieving his brown belt at kickboxing, Olivia for achieving her Stage 6 swimming certificate and Layla for achieving a special rosette for being a super horse rider. Finally, we said the Grace and we sang ‘We Can Make a Difference.’ We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely and restful weekend.

Image of Rocksteady Launch
26 Sep

Rocksteady Launch

This morning, we were treated to an exciting Rocksteady assembly, where children explored the world of electrical musical instruments. The children were introduced to instruments such as drums, guitar, bass guitar, and keyboard, learning how each contributes to creating music. They were captivated by the live demonstrations and enthusiastically sang along, filling the hall with energy. Mr Norris, Mr Bloomfield and Mr Prescott also got to live out their dreams as they got the chance to be in their own boyband The session offered a wonderful opportunity for the children to discover different musical sounds and rhythms, sparking their curiosity and love for music. Information about how you can sign your child up to play in a rock band will be being brought home this evening.

Image of Reception - Counting to 5
26 Sep

Reception - Counting to 5

Reception have been focusing on counting objects up to 5. We looked at how to count correctly by touching objects as we count them, saying the numbers in the right order and stopping when we have counted every item in the set - this tells us how many we have altogether.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship: God the Rescuer
24 Sep

Rev Ben’s Worship: God the Rescuer

Rev Ben came in today to talk about rescuers. He began with a dressing up challenge in which 2 teams had to create their own superhero. Mind Reader won the most votes as the best superhero. Rev Ben linked this to a great rescuer from the Bible: Moses. He told us about God recruiting Moses to talk the Pharaoh into setting his people free. It was a difficult task but, with God’s help, he achieved it. The children spent some time thinking about what made Moses a rescuer and what made Jesus the ultimate rescuer.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
23 Sep

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception class had their first Muddy Monday session and they walked up to our school field. The children stayed close to each other whilst walking and they all managed to get to the field safely. The children enjoyed rolling down the hill, racing and finding bugs in the grass. It was pouring down but the rain did not stop the,. They are looking forward to next week's Muddy Monday.

Image of Reception- Eye Spy Phonics
23 Sep

Reception- Eye Spy Phonics

In phonics the children made a circle, inside the circle were some objects. Norman the puppet was saying initial sounds and the children were finding the objects that began with that sound.

Image of European Day of Languages 2024 - Harvest Songs
23 Sep

European Day of Languages 2024 - Harvest Songs

Today, in singing worship, the children were introduced to some Harvest-themed songs in different European languages. This was in celebration of European Day of Languages, which will take place on Thursday. We have set the children a challenge to learn part or all of one of these songs. They can do this for next week. We are not expecting them to know it by Thursday. There may be some value points available to those who try! :) Here are the links: Harvest songs Portugal - Germany - France -

Image of Reception PE - Jumping Skills
20 Sep

Reception PE - Jumping Skills

Reception had their first PE session in the hall today where they practised the fundamental skill of jumping. We used different stations in our house teams to practise the skill. Well done Reception.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
20 Sep

Friday Celebration Worship

During our celebration worship this morning, Mrs Ham began the worship by lighting the candles and reflecting on the many things we are thankful for and grateful for, which led to some children sharing their thankful moments, such as our school, our outdoor area and our families. We then moved on to celebrating a very special member of staff, Mrs Pendlebury who is sadly leaving us today to enjoy her retirement. She has been with us for over 25 years. Heads and Deputies expressed some of their fond memories shared with Mrs Pendlebury. Rosie, expressed by stating that Mrs Pendlebury is one of a kind, Daisy remembered a time when Mrs Pendlebury kindly gave her a hat to wear on a class trip to rock and River. Harry and Hamza recalled moments when Mrs Pendlbury almost fell off a chair which they found amusing. We also watched a short video celebrating Mrs Pendlebury’s time at our school, filled with wonderful memories, a true legend. Mr Bloomfield and Mr Prescott shared a few words too, though no words can capture or express how much Mrs Pendlebury has meant to the school. Her grandchildren Jack and Beau, helped present Mrs Pendlebury with gifts and flowers from the school and staff. Mrs Ham then shared the awards that children received outside of school, including achievements for Charlie, Molly and Isabelle swimming, Isabella, Annabel and Phoebe for the summer reading challenge, James football, Grace dancing and Ella-Grace scouted for Manchester United. Reception and Year 5 won the attendance award. Darwen Tower gained an extra break for the most value points received this week. We then had prayers from Naomi, Sonny and Oscar and sang Mrs Pendlebury’s favourite songs, ‘Welcome everybody’ and Our God is great big God’.

Image of Rev Ben's Collective Worship- Moses
19 Sep

Rev Ben's Collective Worship- Moses

Collective Worship - 19.09.24 During this week's worship session, Rev. Ben shared the story of Moses and the burning bush. He explained how, when God gave Moses a mission, Moses initially struggled to obey, feeling unsure and inadequate for the task. However, God revealed his power and presence to Moses, showing him the way and helping him develop trust. With God's guidance, Moses was able to achieve far more than he ever thought possible. The children engaged in thoughtful discussions, exploring questions like: What might it look like for you to recognise God's presence in your life? Some children reflected on seeing God's presence in acts of kindness, through nature, or in moments of peace when they feel supported by their friends and family. Others spoke about sensing God during quiet times or prayer, feeling that God is guiding them in difficult situations. When asked, Why do you think Moses was hesitant to follow God's instructions? The children expressed that they could relate to Moses’ fear and uncertainty. Some mentioned how Moses might have felt unworthy or scared of failing, while others said that like Moses, they too sometimes feel afraid when they are asked to do something new or hard. The group agreed that trusting God, even when they feel unsure, can help them overcome their fears. The final question, How does it change things for you, knowing that God is always with you? brought a range of responses. Some children said it gave them comfort to know they are never truly alone, even in hard times. Others felt it gave them courage, knowing they could rely on God’s strength when facing challenges. Many agreed that just like Moses, having faith in God’s presence helps them feel more confident in the tasks they are given, knowing they have divine support.

Image of Reception-Phonics
17 Sep


In our phonics lesson we used our magic finger pens to create the movements ‘down the ladder’, ‘curly caterpillar’ and ‘bouncy ball’ to get us ready for writing and forming letters. We then used glitter to practise making these marks.

Image of Reception: Sharing
17 Sep

Reception: Sharing

Today, we discussed one of our 4 Be's: be kind and focussed on our Christian value of friendship. We discussed why it was important to share. Max said we can make friends, Reggie said it is kind, Olivia said it is nice, Beau said that if we don't then it would make people feel sad, Thea said sharing is caring and Zachary said it will make everyone happy. The children have been really trying to share resources with each other. Well done!

Image of Whole School Worship: The Good Shepherd
17 Sep

Whole School Worship: The Good Shepherd

Today, we were learning about Jesus’s parable of the Lost Sheep. We discussed why Jesus said 'I am the good shepherd', and how he will always come to us when we feel lost. Thanks to Mr Bloomfield and some of our younger children for acting out the story so brilliantly. We reflected on how we can life live in all its fullness knowing that Jesus is always watching over and protecting us, just like a good shepherd does for his sheep.

Image of Reception: Our First Worship
16 Sep

Reception: Our First Worship

Today, our Reception class took part in their first whole school worship in the hall. They showed lots of respect entering the hall and loved being with our whole school family. Mrs Wilkinson led a singing worship and the older children helped them to sing songs with lots of actions. We sang Hello, Build up, Our God is a great big God, Build up and I can make a difference. Thank you to our choir for helping lead worship.

Image of Reception- Outdoor Gym
13 Sep

Reception- Outdoor Gym

This morning we have been out on our outdoor gym for the first time. After demonstrating how to use the equipment the children then had a go themselves. They were so sensible and used the equipment safely. They especially enjoyed the cross trainers and exercise bikes. Well done Reception class!

Image of Alice in Wonderland Production
10 Sep

Alice in Wonderland Production

Wow! Our whole school family really enjoyed watching Alice in Wonderland this morning. It was a fantastic production and it was lovely to watch all of the children’s expressions throughout the performance.

Image of Reception: Outdoors
10 Sep

Reception: Outdoors

Our Reception children explore outdoors in all weathers. We are trying really hard to put on our puddle suits and wellies independently. The children have enjoyed playing on our bikes, in our superhero cave, in our mud kitchen and sandpit and with our resources under our canopy.

Image of Reception: Phonics
10 Sep

Reception: Phonics

Today, our Reception children listened to sounds they could hear both inside and outside. The children heard a helicopter, a siren, a machine, the trees swaying, the wind and the heater. The children then tried to make the sounds they could hear with their voices.

Image of Reception: Our First Lunchtime
9 Sep

Reception: Our First Lunchtime

Today, our Reception children enjoyed our first lunchtime together. They all held their trays and independently ate their lunch. The children then enjoyed playing with the children from years 1 and 2. Well done!

Image of Whole School Worship: Paralympic Values
9 Sep

Whole School Worship: Paralympic Values

We began our Monday worship with a race this week, except the race wasn’t very fair. One person was running the race, one was hopping and one was blindfolded. We discussed why this wasn’t a fair race and then we watched some athletes’ performances from the Paralympics. We were amazed to see people with no arms playing the piano, flying aeroplanes, brushing their teeth and driving cars etc and then we reflected on how we can learn from the Paralympians and have a 'yes, I can' attitude. We learned about the Olympic and Paralympic values and how some of the values are the same or similar to our Christian Values., We discussed how we can do anything with hard work, determination and self-belief and read in the Bible that with God, all things are possible.

Image of Reception - Courageous Climbers!
6 Sep

Reception - Courageous Climbers!

Reception have finished their first week at school exploring on our trim trail. They showed lots of courage when they felt a bit scared and persevered from the start to finish. We are so proud of their confidence and strength developing those gross motor skills. Super climbing Reception!

Image of Reception- Exploring our outdoor area
5 Sep

Reception- Exploring our outdoor area

Our reception children had lots of fun exploring our outdoor area in their puddle suits and wellies. They enjoyed making mud pie and worm soup in the mud kitchen. They showed us their fantastic physical skills when bike and scooter riding and balancing on the assault course. Some of the children chose to built cars and super hero caves using the Lego in our construction area.

Image of First day in our new classes
3 Sep

First day in our new classes

We’ve had a super first day in our new classes. Mrs Ham and our class teachers have been so impressed to see everyone following our four B’s and demonstrating our Christian Values. So many children have moved onto ‘time to shine’ and have been awarded values points. Well done everyone, it’s wonderful to have our school family back together again! We are so proud of our new Reception class children as they have settled so brilliantly and were so brave!

Image of Reception: Our First Day Group 1
3 Sep

Reception: Our First Day Group 1

This morning we welcomed our first group to Reception. They were superstars and settled in really well. They enjoyed exploring our indoor classroom today. We are so glad they have joined our St Barnabas family.

Image of Reception: Our First Day Group 2
3 Sep

Reception: Our First Day Group 2

This afternoon we welcomed our second group to Reception. They were superstars and settled in really well. They enjoyed exploring our indoor classroom today. We are so glad they have joined our St Barnabas family.

Image of Reception: Our school rules
3 Sep

Reception: Our school rules

Today, we introduced our school rules: The 4 B's. We explored what be ready, be kind, be respectful and be safe meant. We all discussed how we need to be kind and share toys with each other, look after and tidy our classroom, listen to each other and sit beautifully on the carpet to name a few. We all then made a handprint to say we would follow our school rules.

Image of Whole School Awards Ceremony
18 Jul

Whole School Awards Ceremony

This morning, we had a special award ceremony to celebrate a fantastic 2023-2024 academic year here at St Barnabas. First of all, we said a huge well done to Harvey and Miss Reynolds. We thank Mrs Reynolds for the amazing support that she has given to Harvey and the rest of our school family this year and we celebrate all of the wonderful things that Harvey has achieved. We wish him lots of luck at his new school. We then moved on to our Progress Award, Star of the Year and Children’s Champion winners in Years Reception-5. We congratulated Olly in Reception, Eli in Year One, Martha in Year 2, Alfie in Year 3, Elsie in Year 4 and Betsy in Year 5 with the Progress award, Elsie in Reception, James in Year 1, Naomi in Year 2, Alice in Year 3, Declan in Year 4 and Matthew in Year 5 as the Stars of the Year and Edward in Reception, Evie in Year 1, Alfie in Year 2, Daisy in Year 3, Annabelle in Year 4 and Harry in Year 5 as the Children’s Champion. Well done to all of these children for their incredible effort this year. Mrs Gardener and Mrs Ham also presented two of our Year 4 children with special awards. We said a massive congratulations to Annabelle who won our Protecting the Planet award. This is an award that Rev David left after retiring a couple of years ago. It goes to Annabelle for her fantastic commitment to preserving the planet. They also presented the Sharon Kay Cup for Kindness to Bella for her kind, caring, loving and empathetic nature. Mrs Ham, our current Heads and Deputies and Sports Leaders then presented Harry as our new Head Boy, Hamza as our new Deputy Head Boy, Daisy as our new Head Girl and Rosie as our new Deputy Head Girl for next academic year and Matthew, Freddie, Austin, Ezmae, Brooke and Poppy as our new Sports Leaders for next academic year. Well done to all of these children for their very successful applications-we are sure that you’ll all do a fantastic job in your new roles! Mrs Ham then presented all the children in school who have achieved 96% attendance across this academic year- a huge well done to these children for their commitment to learning. Finally, the Rotakids then presented Darcy and James as the sweet jar winners. Thank you to all of our children who guessed the number of the sweets in the jars to raise money for East Lancs Hospice and well done to Darcy and James for guessing correctly. We are so proud of our whole school family for their hard work and dedication, they really have achieved great things and lived life in all its fullness. 

Image of Whitehall Park Disco
17 Jul

Whitehall Park Disco

Whitehall Park team enjoyed a disco in the school hall at break time today. They received the most house points this term. The children enjoyed some sweets, danced and also played musical bumps.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship: Talents
16 Jul

Rev Ben’s Worship: Talents

Today, Rev Ben set a task for our volunteers: to carry a balloon from one side of the hall to the other without using their hands. He shared the story of Paul and the shipwreck and talked about the Christian belief that it is their task to share the good news of God and His Son, Jesus. We also considered the talents God gave us and how these talents can be used to serve God and others.

Image of Summer Reading Challenge 2024
15 Jul

Summer Reading Challenge 2024

This morning, Angela came in to invite us all to join in with ‘The Summer Reading Challenge 2024- Marvellous Makers’. This is a national reading activity, which aims to encourage a love of reading in children and develop their literacy skills throughout the summer. To get started, drop in to either Darwen or Blackburn Library. Angela told us that once you’re enrolled, each member needs to read 6 library books (or eBooks/eAudio), with stickers or a prize being awarded for each book that is read and returned. Prizes will include origami paper and pencil crayons. Those who complete the scheme (all 6 books), will receive a medal and a certificate that they can bring into school in September and have presented in Friday celebration worship. Angela asked us why it would be amazing if we all completed the Summer Reading Challenge. Our children said that reading can help us to learn new words, increase our imagination, get us excited so our hearts will beat fast and help us to challenge our brains. We look forward to hopefully presenting lots of ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ certificates and medals in September. Extra Information To enrol, simply go to your nearest Blackburn with Darwen library and complete an application form between 1st July & 30th September. Enrolment in the scheme is free of charge, and involves children borrowing books on a library card. If your child does not yet have a library card, we would encourage you to take this opportunity to enrol them as a library member. This is a quick process, and you will simply be asked to complete and sign another form. However, those children without library cards may still join the Summer Reading Challenge, and temporary arrangements will be put in place to allow them to borrow books.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Wow! What a year we have had in Reception. The children have made so much progress during our forest schools sessions. They have improved in their stamina, risk taking, problem solving and imagination skills. We have loved seeing all of the children blossom and made the most of our last Muddy Monday session together!

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship - Seeking Truth
10 Jul

Rev Matt’s Worship - Seeking Truth

Rev Matt shared with us the fantastic news of his recent ordination. Some of the children even helped with a little re-enactment. He explained that his duty as a Christian is to live a life of truth. We listened to the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; three men of faith who were punished for refusing to turn their backs on God in order to worship an image of the king. Rev Matt spoke about how it isn’t always easy for us to stand by our beliefs and we discussed times when this might be particularly difficult.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
8 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception enjoyed our Muddy Monday session at Whitehall Park. After our growth mindset assembly today, we made sure we used our growth mindset instead of our fixed mindset to challenge ourselves and take risks. The children really engaged with this and it was wonderful to see how far they have come since they started with us. Well done!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship- Whole School
5 Jul

Friday Celebration Worship- Whole School

Today, in celebration worship, we began by signing the Trinity and discussing the busy week. Mrs Ham thanked the children who sang at Blackburn Cathedral for the celebration of Cidari's 10-year anniversary. These children were recognised for demonstrating our Christian value of courage. All classes were praised for their transition day to new classes. They showed bravery and respect throughout. The class teachers presented value awards to the following students for always doing the right thing and trying their best in everything: Joey from reception, Harry from Year 1, Harry from Year 2, Darcy and Ivy from Year 3, Eden from Year 4 and Brooke from Year 5. Well done!. Year 1 and Year 4 won the attendance award this week. Well done for ensuring you are always in school, ready to learn. We also celebrated children for their extracurricular activities outside of school. Many showcased their trophies, medals and certificates in swimming, football, ballet, brownies, dancer for the year, gymnastics, performing arts, horse riding, Iron Kids Run, and lifeguarding skills. The Wellbeing warriors presented the children with walk to school badges and we sang' School Rules' which the children enjoyed. To conclude our worship, prayers were led by Lilly, Olivia and Mrs Ham.

Image of Year 1 Transition Day
4 Jul

Year 1 Transition Day

Reception enjoyed their transition day in Year 1. In the morning, they had computing, French and music sessions led by Junior Jam. in the afternoon, they explored the classroom. Miss Flynn read the children a story about a caterpillar called Cody who didn’t want to change into a butterfly but when she found the strength and courage to do so, she loved it. They learn that although change can seem scary, it can also be really exciting. The children then went on to make their own beautiful butterflies. They also accessed many other activities in the classroom such as making a house out of Lego or construction straws and putting their family inside so that Mrs Hegarty and I could get to know them, drawing themselves, making CVC words out of magnetic letters, colouring by number and building using the multi link.

Image of Year 1 Transition Morning- Junior Jam
4 Jul

Year 1 Transition Morning- Junior Jam

As part of their transition morning in Year 1, the reception children enjoyed a music, French and computing session with Junior Jam.

Image of Reception: Rev Ben Visit
3 Jul

Reception: Rev Ben Visit

A huge thank you to Rev Ben for visiting our class this week. Rev Ben read a story from the bible all about the Holy Spirit. He told us how if we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will live in us. Rev Ben asked 6 children to come to the front and dressed them in party hats. Pentecost is the birthday of the church. Christians believe that God’s present to us all to celebrate Pentecosts is the Holy Spirit. It is a superpower that lives inside of us all. Thank you to Rev Ben for giving up his time to teach our children.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship - Living a Life of Truth
3 Jul

Rev Ben’s Worship - Living a Life of Truth

This week, in Rev Ben’s worship, we learned the importance of telling the truth and we discussed the consequences of lying. We found out that part of being a Christian is aiming to live a life of truthfulness. We also reflected on ways we could stay truthful in our daily lives.

Image of Reception: Our New Classroom
3 Jul

Reception: Our New Classroom

The children in Reception have loved our new outdoor canopy that was built last week. This has extended our classroom to provide an outdoor area that the children can access in all weathers. Our indoor classroom has also had a refresh and the children have loved exploring all of the areas!

Image of Reception- Inter House Sports
28 Jun

Reception- Inter House Sports

Our Year 6 Sports Leaders did a fantastic job at leading our inter house sports competition this morning. The children participated in the relay, egg and spoon, sack and running races. They all tried exceptionally hard and were great supporters and encouragers for their team members. We would like to say a big well done to our overall race winners Lydia and Percy who were rewarded with a medal and certificate. The rain can't stop us at St Barnabas! We are looking forward to our outdoor sports day which will hopefully be on Friday 12th July.

Image of Reception - Dice Frames and Number bonds
27 Jun

Reception - Dice Frames and Number bonds

Reception have been using the dice ten frame to look at number bonds to 10. They picked a handful of different objects and used the frame to see how many they had and how many more they needed to make 10.

Image of Reception- Handa’s Surprise
26 Jun

Reception- Handa’s Surprise

This week we have read the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ in class. The children have really enjoyed the story so we decided to make an African village to recreate the story out of junk modelling. The children drew, cut out and painted their own animals from the story and then together we created the setting.

Image of Reception: Mindfulness
24 Jun

Reception: Mindfulness

Each morning before we start our day, Reception class begin a mindfulness activity. This helps us to feel calm and ready to start our day. All children participate in the activity and are very sensible throughout. Well done!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
24 Jun

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception had a very busy forest school session today. They enjoyed exploring in the shaded area of Jacks Keys. They found a fox hole and enjoyed exploring and creating their own storylines. They made houses for different animals and roleplayed a story about a fox coming out during the night. Some of our children climbed trees and managed to climb higher than usual. We are so proud of the children and love seeing how far they have come. Super perseverance, challenge and determination was seen from them all!

Image of Barney's Got Talent
21 Jun

Barney's Got Talent

To celebrate World Music Day, Mrs Ham supported by our Heads and Deputies (Lucy, Skye, Isaac and Wilson) presented a very special Barney's Got Talent this morning. We are collecting donations that will be going to East Lancs Hospice to support the wonderful work they do. All of the talents that we witnessed from our school family were absolutely incredible and we commend all of the children for being so courageous and sharing these talents with such a large audience. A huge well done to Callie the Tangled Twin , Super Summer the Gummy Bear, Haydn and Percy as the Football Friends, Olivia and Lydia as the Barbie Girls, Ballerina Annabel dancing to the instrumental version of ‘Dance Monkey,’ Super Ted and Electric Elijah with their amazing street dancing, The Friendship Band of Iris and Naomi singing ‘This Girl is on Fire,’ Jack, Ella-Grace and Chay as The Conga Monkeys, Miles, Daisy and James as The Brilliant Believers singing Believer by the Imagine Dragons, Toffee Tristen singing Pure Imagination dressed as Willy Wonka, Sparkly Sofia singing ‘Beautiful Things’ by Benson Boone, Dramatic Darcy singing ‘A Thousand Years’ by Christina Perri, Mason and James as the MJ Boys singing ‘Shotgun’ by George Ezra, Amazing Annabelle as a magician , Graceful Grace dancing to ‘ABC’ by the Jackson 5, Beau, Jess, Laila, Brooke, Charlie-Rose and Betsy dancing to ‘Who Runs the World? (Girls)’ as the 6 Golden Stars, Eliza as The Joyful Joker, Outstanding Oscar playing and singing ‘Believer’ on the Piano, R’Kid Seb singing ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ by Oasis, Archie the Arrow thrashing Mr Bloomfield at darts and The WWE Wrestlemania team of Charlie, Carlton and Alfie. Wow! What a lot of talent. Thank you to the parents who could attend our Barney's Got Talent, we hope you enjoyed the performances. For those who couldn’t, Mr Bloomfield kindly recorded it and this will be shared with you all. We wish you a lovely restful weekend. Thank you for your continued support.

Image of Mrs Ham's Highlights
21 Jun

Mrs Ham's Highlights

Dear parents and carers, wow, another super busy week of living life in all its fullness at St Barnabas! The highlights of the week have been: *Our Barney’s Got Talent show this morning. We are so proud of our super talented and courageous children who took part in it. Thank you so much for all of the parents and grandparents who came along to support. Thanks so much for your kind donations to East Lancs Hospice. You can still make a donation on parent pay if you would like to. Photos can be found here: *Learning about refugees in class worship as part of refugee week and Years 3 and 5 have special visits from two refugees from DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise. * Our high fives netball team winning the league and will now go on to represent BWD in the Lancs school games. *Our boys cricket team crowned champions of the DPSSA cricket competition. * Our tennis team did brilliantly at the tennis tournament. *Our new after school clubs started with Little craft club and Little Voices. *We had a carbon monoxide safety assembly for the whole school and workshops in Years 5 and 6. * Our WOW group have started to create our Spirituality garden with the help of Mr Fairbanks, Mr Ham and Mrs Ham’s son. We still welcome donations of pots and plants if you have any spare ones lying around at home. Next week we are looking forward to our Sports Day on Friday. Fingers crossed this lovely weather stays. The Infants ( Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) will go first at 9.15am- 10.30am and then the Juniors (Years 3,4,5 and 6) at 10.45am- 12.15pm. Parents are very welcome to attend and we are hopeful that we will be able to have our Mums, Dads and toddler races too. Work will begin next week on a new canopy on our Reception class yard. Therefore the Reception class yard will be closed and children will need to walk around the outside path to get to and from their class, rather than through the Reception yard. Further information will be sent out on Monday about where to drop off and collect Reception children from. Yesterday I sent out information about our children being invited to sing at a ‘Cidari 10 Year Celebration’ on Wednesday evening. I’m aware this clashes with out of school activities for some of our older children. Therefore, I have opened this up to children in any year group and they do not need to be choir members, just anyone who enjoys singing. We will be singing songs that we already know and sing in worship. We would really appreciate your support. If you would like your child to take part, please fill out the following google form and further information can be found on my previous post. A polite reminder to please park considerately to our neighbours. This morning a white car parked on one of our resident’s drives to drop off, which meant the resident’s visiting family couldn’t park on their drive. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham

Image of Whole School CO Safety Worship
20 Jun

Whole School CO Safety Worship

Steph visited us to talk about how we can stay safe at home. We watched a video of Safety Seymour and the CO crew and learned about the dangers of CO - Carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that can’t be detected by our senses alone. We have to be careful if we have gas fires or log burners and check them yearly to make sure they are clean. If we suspect there is a CO leak, then we must contact the gas emergency services to come and check. We must also check our boilers and gas cookers for any changes - if the flame turns floppy and orange it means CO is being produced and a gas safe engineer needs to look at it. Always get an adult to turn it off straight away. If we breathe in CO we might feel unwell and it can be very dangerous so we must remember the 3 safety steps: have our appliances tested regularly, look for signs and symptoms of feeling unwell and install a CO alarm at home.

Image of The Little Craft Club
19 Jun

The Little Craft Club

After school today, Becky, the owner of Fred and Pearl, ran ‘The Little Craft Club!’ at our school for the first time. It was a huge success and the children created some amazing crafts. The theme for this week was vehicles and the children made a boat, hot air balloon and car. They used a range of colours and materials and they all looked incredible. Well done to the EYFS and KS1 children that attended this week for being so creative in their designs.

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship: God’s Great Creations
19 Jun

Rev Matt’s Worship: God’s Great Creations

Rev Matt began his worship this week with a challenge for us all to vote for “the best one for the job”. He showed two people or animals and asked which would be the best runner, the best fire fighter, the best world leader etc. He then read a poem from the Bible about nature and how precious God’s creations are. We spent some time discussing our favourite creations and how we could take care of them.

Image of Reception- forest school
18 Jun

Reception- forest school

The children had a great time exploring our outdoor forest school area. Some children chose to climb trees, some went on a bug hunt, some built dens and some children let their imaginations run wild. It was lovely to see the children so confident and engaged with their outdoor play.

Image of Reception: Outdoor Provision
17 Jun

Reception: Outdoor Provision

We are so lucky in Reception to have a huge outdoor area. Today our children went in our immediate outdoor area where they were digging for treasure, problem solving to create a house, roleplaying pirates and creating an obstacle course. Some of our children chose to practice their running and ball skills on the MUGA and then some of our children used the outdoor gym to improve their motor skills. What a fun afternoon we have all had!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
14 Jun

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning in celebration worship, we started by signing the trinity and discussing a very busy first week back after the half-term holidays. This week, we have had a worship about St Barnabas, the encourager and how St Paul was originally called Saul and how he changed his behaviour, a worship from Rev Ben about Jesus being a compass and helping us to find the way when things become difficult and a wonderful Father’s Day Stay and Play in Reception Class. This week also saw a group of our Year 6 children taking part in The Darwen Primary Schools Netball Finals event at Darwen Vale and coming away with joint first but second on goal difference, a group of our Year 6 children for taking part in a BwD cricket competition at Darwen Cricket Club and coming an overall 8th and Year 5 class for being the class who walked to school the most in May. This week, we also said a huge well done to Haydn, Carter, Bluebelle, Miles, Elsie, Ruby and Isaac who were awarded as our value award winners this week for always striving to do their best and showing respect and kindness and we also congratulated Year 1 and Year 4 on being our attendance winners and Darwen Tower as our overall value award winners this week with 275 points. We then moved on to hearing about what great things our children at St Barnabas have been achieving outside of school. Well done to Charlie for achieving his brown belt in martial arts, Ella-Grace for being awarded with a trophy for demonstrating fantastic football skills, Callie for working extremely hard and showing amazing skill in her gymnastics, Carter for achieving his silver award at swimming, Amelia for running 5k in the Race For Life and raising £600 for Cancer Research, Olivia for being an amazing Brownie, Daisy for achieving 2nd place at a recent gymnastics competition, Finn for achieving ‘Player of the Week’ at football, Lyla for achieving 10m in her backstroke, Isabella for achieving her brown belt in martial arts and 20m in her swimming, Eliza for achieving ‘Player of the Season’ in her football and being invited back to Blackburn Rovers after trialling out for their girls team, Leonora for swimming amazingly for the centurions and achieving both ‘The Funkiest Hairstyle’ and ‘Heart of Gold Award’ from the club she went to while on holiday, James for achieving a silver medal at Jiu Jitsu for demonstrating very powerful kicks and punches, Maggie for achieving a fantastic 50m in her swimming, Edward for being a super reader and achieving 100% in his reading eggs quiz, Tristen for achieving yet another impressive kick-boxing belt, Miles for achieving 3rd place in a recent football tournament, Annabel for being an incredible tap dancer and achieving her first steps certificate and Summer for achieving a first class medal for demonstrating incredible skill in her gymnastics. Finally, we ended our worship with two beautiful prayers from Jack and Leonora thanking all of our amazing staff for all that they do and praying for those who are in the midst of war and conflict. We also sang, ‘Build Up' as this week we have been thinking about how we can be like St Barnabas and encourage each other and build each other up. Thank you as always for those who could attend celebration worship today and we send an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for their continued support. We wish you all a lovely weekend when it arrives and we hope all of the Dads and Grandads have a wonderful Father's Day on Sunday.

Image of Reception Maths - Compostion of 6
13 Jun

Reception Maths - Compostion of 6

Reception have been revisiting the number 6 and what parts it is made up of. They arranged 6 spots in different patterns and thought about the arrangement of 6 on a die. They then used the numicon pieces to create their own compositions of 6.

Image of Reception Art - Finger Painting
13 Jun

Reception Art - Finger Painting

Reception have been exploring paint through finger painting to create ‘abstract’ or ‘figurative’ pieces of work. We talked about the texture and colours as they painted, and mixed colours together to create new ones. The children also enjoyed looking at professional pieces of Art work that have been created using fingers.

Image of Reception PSHE - Our Daddies
12 Jun

Reception PSHE - Our Daddies

In preparation for Father’s Day, we have been thinking about why our Daddies are so special and why we love them. Teddy said ‘I love my Daddy because he helps me build things.’ Hollie said ‘he helps me do jigsaws.’ We have made some very special cards to show our Daddies how loved they are.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship: Jesus is Our Compass
12 Jun

Rev Ben’s Worship: Jesus is Our Compass

This week, Rev Ben joined us for worship to talk about seeking the truth. He began with a true or false quiz in which the options become progressively more difficult. We discussed why sometimes it’s hard to know what’s true and how it feels to feel lost. We learned that Christians believe that Jesus will always guide them to the truth if they put their trust in him.

Image of Reception Daddies Stay & Play
12 Jun

Reception Daddies Stay & Play

Reception invited their Daddies and the special men in their lives to come and play with them in our Reception classroom and outdoor area. It was lovely to see the children showing them what they enjoy doing at school. Thank you to everyone who attended and for getting stuck in - it looked like there was a bit of football competition on the MUGA with some of the Dads! We hope you all have a lovely Father’s Day on Sunday and get chance to put your feet up!

Image of St Barnabas Day Collective Worship
10 Jun

St Barnabas Day Collective Worship

It was wonderful to welcome our school family back again this morning after the half term break. Tomorrow it is St Barnabas day so we focused on St Barnabas, the Encourager this morning in our Collective Worship. We also looked at how St Barnabas and St Paul became friends and we thought about how Rev Ben is the vicar at both St Barnabas and St Pauls in Hoddlesden. We learnt how Paul was originally called Saul and he was mean and didn't like followers of Jesus. One day Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus and after that Saul became a good person, changed his name to Paul and spread the word of God. Barnabas met Paul and encouraged others to listen to him and to give him another chance as he always saw the good in others. Barnabas and Paul went on lots of missionaries together to spread the word of God and the good news of Jesus. We reflected on how we could be like St Barnabas and encourage each other in the coming weeks. We discussed the bible quote 'encourage one another and build each other up' and had some wonderful answers. We thought about how our vision 'achieving great things through learning and growing together in a love-filled family' can only be achieved if we encourage each other and build each other up. We then finished with a prayer and sang 'Build up one another'.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
24 May

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by signing the trinity and talking about our extremely busy week in school. This week, we saw The Little Voices after school club showcase their amazing learning over the last six weeks, Year 1&2 visit BeWILDerwood in Cheshire, Year 2&4 visit St Barnabas Church to learn about the symbols of the church with Rev Ben, amazing learning in computing, music and French through our Junior Jam sessions, and two wonderful worships with Mrs Wilkinson about mental health awareness and Rev Matt about Pentecost. We then presented Percy, Isabella, Euan, Hamza and Archie as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for demonstrating an amazing attitude to their learning. Miss Flynn then presented all of Year 1 as value award winners this week for challenging themselves to try new activities at BeWILDerwood and representing school amazingly well by showing an amazing amount of courage, friendship and teamwork and Mr Norris presented all of Year 2 as value award winners for approaching their recent tests with amazing smiles on their faces and a huge amount of perseverance as well as being amazing on our trip to BeWILDerwood yesterday. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, Whitehall Park as the overall value award winners this week with 329 points, Annabelle, Mason, Jenson and Elsie for achieving ‘Rock Legend’ status for being able to rapidly recall their timetables and to Lily-May for achieving her pen licence for amazing handwriting across all of her subjects. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Callie for being awarded a certificate and trophy for demonstrating high standards of courtesy, respect and a black belt attitude at martial arts, Leonora for her certificate of recognition for her effort in working towards an award in her gymnastics, Iris for achieving her stage 1 grading at gymnastics and all of her hard work that has gone into achieving this, Ella-Grace for being a super football star and being selected as the manager’s player in her football team, showing amazing commitment to her training at Manchester United and achieving 20m in her swimming, Ed for achieving 25m in his swimming, Isaac for playing for being voted as the players’ player in his football team, Archie for running 2km in the Winter Warmer at Witton, Maggie for being awarded Olivia at Rainbows for being a superstar and always being kind, caring and showing wonderful behaviour, Lyla for her commitment to Rainbows and achieving lots of badges, James for achieving his Stage 2 swimming certificate, Annabelle for achieving an incredible gold award in swimming, Sofia for achieving her Stage 1 gymnastics award and Lucy for being awarded the manager’s player of the year. Her manager said although she’s younger than the other players, she certainly makes up for it on the football pitch. To end our worship, we had a message about Barney’s Got Talent from our heads and deputies. They told us that auditions for this will be W/C 10th June and the showcase of these amazing talents will be on Friday 21st June. Finally, we had some lovely prayers from Sofia and Olivia in Year 3 and we sang ‘Our God is a Great Big God.’ We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely and restful half-term holiday.

Image of Happy half term
24 May

Happy half term

Good afternoon parents and carers, I can't believe that we only have a half term left in school and it feels like this year has flown by. We have had a brilliant last week of the half term and the highlights have been: *Year 1 and 2's visit to BeWILDerwood in Cheshire. All the photos can be found here: *Year 2 and 4's visit to our church For all of the news from each class, please click here: Our Heads and Deputies told our whole school about the Barney's Got Talent show that they will be hosting on Friday 21st June. If children would like to enter, they have the next two weeks to practise their talents and auditions will be held the first week back. A reminder that our FOSB are selling Father's Day breakfast in bed boxes that can be collected on Friday 14th June. These can be purchased through parent pay until Monday 10th June. They will not be able to accept orders after this date as the boxes will need to be prepared. As Thursday 4th July is now a General Election, we will be closed on this day for all staff and children as our school is used as a polling station. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. I would like to say a huge thank you to our staff team for their support and dedication to our school family. I hope they all have a well deserved rest and chance to recharge. Thank you so much for all of your continued support and I hope that you all have a wonderful half term break. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 10th June and I hope the weather is kind to us all, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception - 2D Shapes
22 May

Reception - 2D Shapes

Reception have been looking at the properties of some 2D shapes and spotting shapes in our environment. We have been looking at which shapes have straight sides and which are curved. We have spotted lots of 2D shapes in our classroom!

Image of Reception Picture News
22 May

Reception Picture News

For our class worship, we looked at our picture news which showed that recently a group of people in Australia have been given back some special artefacts which were taken from distant relatives of the Gweagal tribe. Long ago, a British explorer took some important tools from the tribe which helped them to fish. The tools have now been given back to the community, back in their rightful place. As a class we discussed what items are special to us, and the rights we have to our own belongings.

Image of Reception: Active Explorers
21 May

Reception: Active Explorers

It has been wonderful to see how our Ducklings are developing in problem solving and how they are all actively exploring all areas. They are constantly wanting to improve their work and are able to complete tricky tasks independently. This week, our Ducklings are learning all about dinosaurs and have created some fabulous Diplodocuses, labelled dinosaurs, created a dinosaur habitat and painted some marvellous dinosaurs whilst telling the class some wonderful facts about the knowledge they have learnt so far. Keep it up!

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship - Pentecost
21 May

Rev Matt’s Worship - Pentecost

Today Rev Matt came in to lead a worship all about Pentecost and being filled with the Holy Spirit. As a challenge, a group of children were chosen to blow up a balloon as large as possible in 30 seconds. He told us about the events of Pentecost and how the disciples received the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is considered the birthday of the church.

Image of Mad Science After School club- Making slime
21 May

Mad Science After School club- Making slime

During our final after-school Science Club session, the children had a blast making slime with the Mad Scientist. They creatively mixed colours to make their slime unique. This half term, they have thoroughly enjoyed exploring various aspects of science. We definitely have future scientists among us!

Image of Monday Worship: Mental Health
20 May

Monday Worship: Mental Health

Last week was mental health awareness week and the theme was find your moments for movement. We began our worship by thinking about what mental health is. Isaac said it is about how you feel, Lucy said it was all about your emotions and Seb said it was about how you feel inside, not outside. We watched a video all about how people can look ok but actually may feel scared, worried or anxious and it is important to talk to someone, to exercise or to take time out for yourself. David told everybody how he felt worried about his SATs but he came into school smiling so people may not have known. Mrs Wilkinson led a mindfulness activity for everybody to really focus on their body. We then discussed how we can move more. The children suggested that we could play outside, go swimming, play football and dance. We then took part in a moodbuster get active workout where we all jumped, did star jumps, squatted and ran on the spot repeating affirmations. We then reflected on how we can move more and how we can promote mental health to ourselves and others. We ended our worship by singing Lighthouse to remind us that Jesus is always there to listen to us.

Image of Reception- Releasing the butterflies
17 May

Reception- Releasing the butterflies

For the past few weeks we have watched our caterpillars go through metamorphosis. On Wednesday our butterflies started to emerge and by yesterday we had all 5 butterflies emerge from their chrysalis. We went out to the garden to release them. The butterflies landed on some of the children before flying away.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
17 May

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by signing the trinity and talking about our extremely busy week in school. This week, we saw Year 6 showing an amazing amount of courage as they faced their SATs, Year 5 having a wonderful 3 day PGL residential at Winmarleigh Hall and lots of amazing lunch time and after school clubs such as Cricket, Little Voices, Mad Science, Choir, Netball and Story and Craft. We also congratulated our wonderful Year 4 tennis team (Jenson, Summer, Annabelle and Quinn) for performing amazingly on Wednesday afternoon and coming in 2nd place out of 8 schools in BwD. What an achievement! Thank you to Mr Foy for training up the tennis team in his lunch times and Miss Baxendale for taking them to the competition. We also congratulated our Year 5/6 Netball team who competed in the DPSSA Netball League on Thursday night. We are hopeful that they will qualify for the final in a few weeks. We then presented Lenny, Archie, Rosie, Layla, Neve and Millie as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for impeccable manners, an amazing attitude to learning and working extremely hard across the curriculum. Mr Bloomfield then presented all of Year 5 as value award winners this week for challenging themselves at PGL and showing an amazing amount of courage, friendship and teamwork and Mr Prescott presented Year 6 for approaching SATs with amazing smiles on their faces and a huge amount of perseverance. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 6 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Darwen Tower as the overall value award winners this week with 208 points. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Summer for being an incredible gymnast, Grace for achieving Star of the Week at Little Voices after school club, Annabel for achieving a Certificate of Excellence from Butterflies After School Club for pushing herself out of her comfort zone by trying new things, Isaac for achieving an amazing 25m in his swimming, Teddy for achieving his red stripe belt at kickboxing, Sofia for achieving an honours in her musical theatre and being highly commended, Lottie for showing incredible swimming talent and achieving her level 4, Archie for achieving his black shirt in darts, James for starting Beavers this week and being awarded Beaver of the Week, Archie for demonstrating a wonderful attitude at football, Oscar for being a super scientist and taking part in various science (biology, chemistry and physics) investigations, Elliott for demonstrating an amazing attitude and wonderful behaviour during his football training and Darcy for being an incredible gymnast. To end our worship, we heard from Rev Ben who congratulated our wonderful Year 6 team for completing their SATs, Year 5 for an incredible few days at PGL and a lovely prayer thanking God for being with us and giving us the love, strength and power we all need. We then sang, ‘My Lighthouse’ with lots of enthusiasm and thanked all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely weekend. 

Image of Reception Junior Jam
15 May

Reception Junior Jam

Today Reception class were lucky enough to have Junior Jam sessions this afternoon. They took part in music, learning about melodies, French, where they recapped their numbers and colours through songs and also computing, where they could use an iPad and work with a partner to complete challenges. Super sitting, listening and joining in in Reception, Well done!

Image of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2- Story and Craft Club
15 May

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2- Story and Craft Club

Today in Story and Craft Club, our school librarian Matthew chose the story, ‘A SUPERPOWER LIKE MINE’ by Dr Ranj and Miss Flynn read it to some of the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. The story was all about a little girl called Femi who discovers all the special powers that her, her friends, and the incredible people around her, bring out in one another every day. We had a great discussion about the superpowers that we all have such as being creative, imaginative, kind, caring, amazing at solving problems, loving, helpful and an extremely good friend and then the librarians helped the children to make their own superhero mask.

Image of Reception: Songs of Praise
14 May

Reception: Songs of Praise

Our Ducklings enjoyed our class worship today. We sang two of our favourites, build up and make a difference. We then learnt a new song called ‘We’re all together again’ which is all about everybody being a valued member of our class. The children really enjoyed it and sang beautifully. We ended our worship with some very thoughtful prayers by Edward, Summer, Cici and Hollie.

Image of Little Voices after school club
14 May

Little Voices after school club

Our Little Voices after school club had lots of fun playing games to develop their confidence and they then practised the song that they will be performing to their parents next week.

Image of Reception: Monday worship- The Great Escape
13 May

Reception: Monday worship- The Great Escape

Today our Ducklings started our worship with some call and response from Lisa from Blackburn Diocese. We said God is good, all the time, Amen. We listened to the story from the Old Testament called ‘The Great Escape’. God’s people were saved and freed. Bishop Phillip explained that the story was like us playing a computer game where we were in control. Moses was in control and led God’s people to safety with the help from God. The Red Sea split into two to help God’s people to escape from the army. God sent Moses to free the Israelites. God sent his son to lead us to freedom from sin. Today, we rejoice in the gift of freedom. We all prayed together and thanked God for being with us always. We finished our worship by singing ‘Our God is a Great Big God’.

Image of Reception visit from Nightingale Farm
10 May

Reception visit from Nightingale Farm

Reception were very lucky to have a visit from Steph at Nightingale farm. They met Olly the lamb who was only 7 weeks old and learned about his wool and other sheep at the farm. They also looked at some runner ducks who were just 2 weeks old! The children were so excited to see the ducklings running around with their long necks and were so gentle when they stroked them. They learned that these ducks can’t fly and can only swim once they have grown their feathers. The children asked lots of questions about animals on the farm.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
10 May

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by signing the trinity and talking about how we have lived life in all its fullness this week. We kickstarted the week on Tuesday with Rev Ben and his worship about the ascension and we’ve enjoyed a variety of lunch time and after school clubs such as Cricket, Little Voices, Mad Science, Choir, Netball and Story and Craft. We also congratulated our wonderful Year 5/6 netball team for performing amazingly on Wednesday night in the DPSSA Netball League and winning both of their matches. As it stands, they are unbeaten and look forward to competing against St Peter’s next week. We then presented Millie, Molly, Cassidy, Nevaeh, Seb, Daisy and Lucy as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for always their amazing attitude to learning and consistently demonstrating the 4Bs and our Christian Values. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park as the overall value award winners this week with 143 points. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to sisters Lydia and Naomi for getting Olivia at Rainbows for being superstars, Callie for being awarded Bruno Bear at Stagecoach for being a super brave performer, Cici for being this week’s Little Voices after school club superstar, Archie for achieving a certificate for the level of bravery that he showed whilst getting his bloods taken at the hospital, Lyla for achieving highly commended in her Musical Theatre exam, Bluebelle for achieving a fabulous 25m in her swimming, Evie for being awarded with a trophy for her wonderful gymnastics, Olivia for achieving her Stage 5 at swimming, Bindi and Elsie for swimming an amazing 50m, Jenson for being able to swim a phenomenal 800m and his Bronze swimming award, Nevaeh for achieving level 4 in her gymnastics, Tristen for gaining his orange belt in kickboxing and we congratulated Lucy for winning the East Lancs Final whilst playing for her football team Lammack. To end our worship, we had some beautiful prayers from Darcy, Oscar and Harry who prayed for people who are less fortunate and those in countries that are currently faced with war and uncertainty. We then sang, ‘Sing a New Song to the Lord.’ We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely (and hopefully sunny) weekend!

Image of Glorious Golden Time
10 May

Glorious Golden Time

This afternoon our children have enjoyed a glorious golden time outside. We are so lucky to have such large grounds to explore and play in. We have had some children playing sports on the MUGA, some on the outdoor gym and trim trails, some building and playing in the sand, some getting creative and some playing Jag Tag. The children work their socks off in class each week, follow our Four B's and complete their reading and homework to earn their golden time each Friday. What a fantastic afternoon!

Image of Mrs Ham's Weekly Highlights
10 May

Mrs Ham's Weekly Highlights

Good afternoon parents and carers, we hope that you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend. We have had another short but busy week of living life in all its fullness at St Barnabas. The highlights have been: *Reception class farm animal visitors from Nightingales Farm * Year 1's mock Baptism and party at our church with Rev Ben * Two more brilliant wins for our netball team * Our WOW group leading our KS2 class worships * Continuing learning how to play the keyboard in Junior Jam * A glorious golden time outside in the sun this afternoon Coming up next week: *Our Year 6 children are very much looking forward to their free breakfasts as we have the KS2 SATs. We know that they will try their very best and make us all proud. We also know that our children have been blessed with skills and qualities that SATs don't test. *Our Year 5 class are very excited as they are going on their three day PGL residential to Winmarleigh with Mr Bloomfield, Miss Kachwalla and Rev Ben. We are sure that they will make some amazing memories. *Years 1 and 3 have road safety officer workshops. *Year 2 have a visit from the fire service. *The Year 3/4 mini tennis competition. * Years 4, 5 and 6 have a PSHE RSE session from Coram Life Education *Our netball team have more matches. As the weather is warming up, please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school each day and that they put on all day sunscreen before coming to school. Sunhats would be brilliant too for playtimes and lunchtimes. Thank you for your continued support to our school family. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend in the sunshine with your loved ones, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception - Counting sets and Cardinality
9 May

Reception - Counting sets and Cardinality

Reception have been looking at Cardinality - counting the number of objects in a large set. They have been thinking carefully about ‘counting rules’ to help them to count accurately, such as counting one at a time, saying numbers in the right order, moving objects into a line and saying the stopping number.

Image of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Story and Craft Club
9 May

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Story and Craft Club

Yesterday lunch time, the school librarians led a story and craft club for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The children listened to ‘No-BOT The Robot With No Bottom’ and then did some robot crafts. The children came up with some wonderful names for their robots such as Rainbow, Simon, Love-Bot and Pow-Bot.

Image of Reception: Prayer
7 May

Reception: Prayer

In our RE lesson, our Ducklings explored how prayer is a way to communicate to God. We all spoke to God through prayer and thought of ways to thank God, ask for help and to say sorry.

Image of Reception: Healthy Minds
7 May

Reception: Healthy Minds

In PSHE, our Ducklings discussed how we can keep our minds healthy. We explored the 5 ways to wellbeing: mindfulness, staying connected, being active, trying something new and giving to others. Hollie suggested we could play with our friends, Callie said we could dance, Haydn said that playing outside will help us to feel good, Alayna said we could talk, Percy said try a new sport and Vienna suggested and could make food for people. We then took part in a mindfulness session using peer massage.

Image of Mad Science After school Club- Magnetic Magic
7 May

Mad Science After school Club- Magnetic Magic

This afternoon, the future scientists embarked on a magical journey exploring the wonders of magnets. They learned about how magnets work in everyday life and did tests to see how magnets make things move. Then, they used what they learned to conduct experiments that seemed like magic, like making things levitate!

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship: The Ascension
7 May

Rev Ben’s Worship: The Ascension

Rev Ben spoke about the exciting events between Jesus’s crucifixion and his ascension. Many see Jesus’s ascension as a sad time, but Rev Ben explained that Christians believe that, although Jesus helped many people whilst he was here on Earth, he can help all of us from heaven. We also spent time thinking about when someone was helpful to us and how we can be helpful to others.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
3 May

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by signing the trinity and talking about how we have lived life in all its fullness this week. We kickstarted the week on Monday with two amazing science shows, had a wonderful worship about ‘The Road to Emmaus’ with Rev Matt on Tuesday and enjoyed a variety of lunch time and after school clubs. We also congratulated our wonderful Year 5/6 netball team for performing amazingly on Wednesday night at the High 5s Bee Stinger Qualifiers. They will be attending the grand final in a few weeks. We then presented Alessia, Ella, Bobby-Ray, Desmond, Edward, Jacob and Sophie as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for always working exceptionally hard and demonstrating great enthusiasm, respect and kindness. We also congratulated Reception and Year 3 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and River Darwen as the overall value award winners this week. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Alessia for achieving her stage 1 swimming certificate, Hayden for winning ‘The Little Darreners’ Player of the week,’ James for also achieving ‘Player of the Week’ as a goalkeeper for his football team, Elsie for achieving a fabulous 25m in her swimming, Annabel for showing both generosity and courage to complete a swimathon to raise money for Marie Curie and Cancer Research, Marley for being awarded with the Rainbow Bronze award, Harry for achieving his green stripe at kickboxing, Molly for being awarded her green belt at jui jitsu, Darcy for achieving her Stage 4 at gymnastics, Daisy for participating in a gymnastics competition in Lancaster and taking 2nd place, Grace for achieving an honours in her classical ballet exam and we congratulated Archie for winning the East Lancs Cup alongside the rest of his football team. We then presented all of the children in school who have achieved their WOW badges this month. Well done to these children for their efforts in walking to school. Finally, we ended our celebration with a wonderful prayer from Rev Ben and a sing along to ‘Shine from the inside out.’ Thank you to those who attended celebration worship and we wish our whole school family a lovely and restful extended weekend.

Image of Mrs Ham's Weekly Message
3 May

Mrs Ham's Weekly Message

Good afternoon parents and carers, we have had a short but busy week due to the school being used as a polling station yesterday. We hope all of our school family had an enjoyable day in the sunshine. This week the children have continued to achieve 'great things' and have lived life in all its fullness. The highlights of the week were: * The fantastic Science shows on Monday. Thank you Miss Kachwalla for organising them. * Our high fives netball team won their Bee Stinger qualifier by winning every game so are through to the grand final. Thanks Mrs Gardner for training the team and supporting at the matches, even on your days off. * Year 2 visited Four Seasons Garden Centre to learn more about plants and growing. * We had great fun learning about perseverance by trying to keep two giant inflatables off the floor in Worship with Rev Matt on Tuesday. * We've had some fantastic clubs such as Little Voices, Cricket, Jag Tag, Netball, Forest Schools and Mad Science. Miss Flynn and our librarians also ran a wonderful lunchtime story and craft club too. * Year 5 and 6 had another brilliant Jag Tag session each this afternoon. For all of this week's news from each class, please click here: On Monday we won't be in school as it is bank holiday Monday but we look forward to welcoming our school family back to school on Tuesday. Wishing you all a wonderful bank holiday weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception- Caterpillar PE
1 May

Reception- Caterpillar PE

Reception have had a fun packed PE session today, carrying on with our Hungry Caterpillar theme we used the apparatus to move like a caterpillar and turn into a butterfly. We crawled, climbed, balanced and jumped and all of the children had a try on all of the stations and are really developing those key fundamental skills. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception and KS1- Story and Craft Club
1 May

Reception and KS1- Story and Craft Club

At lunchtime today, Miss Flynn and the school librarians led a story and craft club for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. They read ‘Room on the Broom’ and then led a craft activity which involved the children decorating their own witches hat. Both the school librarians and the children in the infants really enjoyed themselves.

Image of Reception: Healthy eating
30 Apr

Reception: Healthy eating

This week we have discussed how many fruits and vegetables we should eat every day. The children told us their favourite fruits and vegetables and we discussed how it is important to try new foods. We spoke about the different food groups and what they job was. Thomas said healthy food makes us strong, Vienna said that healthy foods can make you feel good and Callie said healthy foods can keep your teeth health.

Image of Reception: Psalms
30 Apr

Reception: Psalms

In RE, we learnt all about how psalms are songs which are a way to communicate to God. We listened to a psalm from the clever cub book, Clever cub sings to God. The psalm was a way of saying thank you to God for everything on earth. We then had a think about what we were thankful for and drew some pictures.

Image of Mad Science After School Club- Lights, Colour, Action.
30 Apr

Mad Science After School Club- Lights, Colour, Action.

Today at the club, the budding scientists explored what's hidden in regular light and witnessed cool chemical reactions. They also tried on special glasses that made rainbows look awesome. Plus, they had fun making drawings on black paper light up by shining a torch on them.

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship - The Road To Emmaus
30 Apr

Rev Matt’s Worship - The Road To Emmaus

Rev Matt asked us to participate in the story of the disciples walking to Emmaus and talking about the sad events of Jesus’s death. We learned about the stranger who joined them and later revealed himself to be Jesus resurrected. Rev Matt involved all of the children in an activity in which they had to work together to keep an inflatable off the floor. He used this to explain the importance of believing, especially without proof, in God and His Son, and that it is this that keeps faith going.

Image of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2-Science Show
29 Apr

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2-Science Show

This morning, Reception and KS1 had a special science assembly about light and sound led by Adrian. First of all, we started by learning about shadows. We learnt that the closer that we get to the light source, the bigger the shadow gets and the further away that we get from the light source, the smaller the shadow gets. Some volunteers came up the front to show us this using puppets and the projector. Adrian then asked us to predict whether we thought that one person could make two shadows and most of us said no. However, Adrian showed us that this is in fact possible by using two light sources. We were amazed! Adrian then asked us to think about a window. He asked us whether a window lets light through or not and we said no because it is made from glass. From this, Adrian then showed us the shadow for a magnifying glass and how the plastic on the outside made a circular shadow but the glass in the middle made no shadow. We then explored colour mixing. Adrian chose a volunteer to come and colour a bottle of clear water. Yellow and blue were added and then Adrian asked us to predict which colour they would make once they were mixed together. Most of us predicted green and we were correct. Adrian explained that these colours had been mixed in water so we couldn’t undo them. However, he showed us how we can mix colours using a spinning propellor controlled by a motor and undo the colour mixing by stopping the motor. We had great fun predicting what colours would be made when the motor was turned on and the colours were mixed together. Then Adrian wowed us all by making a rainbow on the ceiling using light and water. This was definitely one of our favourite parts. For the second part of the assembly, we learnt all about sound. We started off by listening to same rain shakers. We then thought how we could make a rain shaker louder. The children predicted that we can either shake it harder or add more objects into the rain shaker e.g. peas. We then listened to the difference between a shaker with 1 pea, 10 peas and 100 peas and found out that our prediction was correct. Wow the 100 peas were loud! Adrian then showed us how you can make quiet objects louder by scraping them against hard materials, by using our mouth or by adding more force. Lyla demonstrated adding more force to make things louder by hitting a drum with a tube. We then explored high and low sounds using the keyboard. We listen to Adrian’s sound on the keyboard in a high pitched voice and a low pitched voice using different sides of the piano and we also listened to Adrian making high and low pitch sounds by changing the length of the straw whilst blowing into it. Finally, Adrian left us with two challenges. He asked us to think about the following questions next time it is sunny: How can you make your shadow not touch your feet for a moment? How can you make your shadow disappear? If any of the Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 children complete any of the experiments themselves at home to show you, please send any pictures via Class Dojo as we would love to see them.

Image of Reception- hop, skip and jump
26 Apr

Reception- hop, skip and jump

Today we have decorated our crowns for the East Lancashire Hospice. We wore our crown to do a 1 mile hop, skip and jump around our school playground which was a total of 18 laps. The children did so well and tried so hard.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
26 Apr

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by signing the trinity and talking about how we started our week on Monday by celebrating World Earth Day and having a special worship with Willow the guide dog. Some other highlights from the week have been our wonderful worship about forgiveness with Rev Ben on Tuesday, Leonora and David attending the RE conference and our wonderful Year 5/6 netball team for performing amazingly last night and winning their match against St Edwards 13-0. We then presented Thomas, Evie, Martha, Miley, Brodie, Bella, Jake and Jay as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for consistently demonstrating an amazing attitude to learning, always showing kindness and respect to their teachers and friends and working incredibly hard across the curriculum. We also congratulated Reception and Year 3 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park as the overall value award winners this week with an a wonderful 226 points. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Callie for achieving 3rd place out of 28 people in her recent gymnastics competition on the vault and beam, James for taking part in the St George’s Parade as a Beaver and achieving the chief scout’s special bronze award, Lyla for trying incredibly hard in her dancing, Charlie for achieving the ‘Little Darreners’ Player of the Week award, Renee and Carmen for being brave and challenging themselves on the high rope and the zip wire at Go Ape, Carmen for being very thoughtful at Little Voices after school club, Archie for concentrating and working extremely hard towards achieving his red belt at martial arts, Noah for achieving a trophy for demonstrating incredible skills in his football, Finn for being awarded a certificate for showing skill in his football, Tristen for achieving his orange belt at kickboxing, Luke for being awarded ‘Man of the Match’ in his most recent football match, Jack for achieving his Stage 4 and Stage 5 swimming certificates, Lola for achieving several medals for her dancing including one for completing a recent exam in her acro and another for her commitment to dancing, April for achieving her 200m swimming certificate after working extremely hard to progress to that level, Elsie for attending Brownies for a year, Daisy for her commitment to Brownies by attending for 2 years and achieving lots of badges such as her recent aviation and Scarlett for demonstrating amazing concentration in her jiu jitsu. To end of our celebration worship, we had some lovely prayers from Seb, Lilly, Darcy and Mrs Ham for those caught in war, prayers of thankfulness and prayers about protecting our planet and we sang ‘We Can Make a Difference.’ Finally, we thanked all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Mrs Ham's Weekly Message
26 Apr

Mrs Ham's Weekly Message

Good afternoon parents and carers, we have had another wonderful week of living life in all its fullness. The highlights of the week have been: *Celebrating World Earth Day through crafts at lunchtime and special class worships * A visit from Willow, a guide dog for the blind, as part of National Pet Month * WOW group members David and Leonora represented our school at the Pupils' RE conference * Our netball team won their first match of the league 13-0 against St Edwards * All of our children took part in the hop, skip and jump event today to help raise money for East Lancs Hospice. They all received a chocolate treat too. Donations to this very worthy cause can be made via parent pay. To hear about all the great things we have achieved this week in Celebration Worship, please click here: For all of this week's news, please click here: A quick reminder that school is CLOSED on Thursday as our school is used as a polling station. Thank you for all of your support and dedication to our school family. Wishing you all a lovely weekend and I hope the sun shines for you all, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception Maths - Odd or Even?
25 Apr

Reception Maths - Odd or Even?

Reception have been looking at odd and even numbers this week. We have been using the numberblocks and numicon to identify if the numbers have an odd block or even top. We have then been sorting them in our provision and the outdoor yard. We have also talked about the doubles we can see within an ‘even top’

Image of Rhyme time
24 Apr

Rhyme time

We had much fun at our Rhyme time session this morning, we shook our sillies out, sang lots of songs and listened to super worm! It is lovely to share this time with our grown ups who are welcomed with a brew and biscuit each week. ☕️

Image of Reception- Making bug houses
24 Apr

Reception- Making bug houses

In class we have been looking at different types of minibeasts as part of our ‘amazing animals’ topic. We learnt a new word yesterday which was ‘invertebrate’ and we learnt that invertebrates do not have a backbone. We had a look at some minibeast habitats and went out to our forest school area and made some of our own houses for lots of different bugs.

Image of Reception- outdoor gym
24 Apr

Reception- outdoor gym

We have made the most of the beautiful weather this morning and we got out on our outdoor gym. It was great to see children using the equipment confidently and using their gross motor skills and great co ordination.

Image of Collective Worship-Forgiveness
23 Apr

Collective Worship-Forgiveness

This morning in Rev Ben’s worship, we started with a challenge. Dougie and Jake had a minute each to catch as many fish as possible using a rod and transfer them to another bowl at the other side of the room. The whole school gave them lots of encouragement which spurred them on enormously. This then led us on to a story of a fisherman called Peter. In the story, Peter realised that Jesus was more than a friend, he was God as he did such amazing things such as save him from drowning and heal his mother. When Jesus told Peter that he would betray him by not knowing him three times before the cockerel crowed, Peter didn’t believe him. Peter told Jesus that he would never betray him as he was his best friend. However, later in the story Peter did in fact betray Jesus when he denied knowing him three times. Then, the cockerel crowed. This is when Peter had the realisation that he had betrayed Jesus after all and he was extremely upset with himself. He wasn’t sure if Jesus would ever forgive him but Jesus did because Jesus loved him very much. Peter became a forgiven man and he spent the rest of his life telling everyone about Jesus and how amazing he was. He spread the word of God. Rev Ben asked us about the story and what we could learn from this. A lot of our Year 6 children shared their views and said that making mistakes can be good as you can learn, grow and improve and that Jesus will always forgive you for the mistakes that you make. We ended our worship with a lovely prayer and a sing along to ‘Jesus Strong and Kind.’

Image of Whole-School Worship - Guide Dogs
22 Apr

Whole-School Worship - Guide Dogs

As it is National Pet Month, Mrs Ham invited some special visitors from the guide dogs charity into our collective worship. They came to tell us all about how guide dogs are selected, how they are trained and how they support blind people in their daily lives. Keith asked us to put our hands over our eyes in order to imagine what it must be like to be blind. Haydn said you might not see things on the floor so might trip up and Cici said you wouldn't be able to see where you were going. We were also introduced us to Willow, a working guide dog, and he showed us how to spot a guide dog by their harness. He also showed us how to spot if a blind person is in need of help. The children asked some great questions about blindness and about the charity. They were especially shocked to learn that each guide dog costs around £55,000! Two of our children have already sponsored a guide dog puppy and hopefully more families might choose to do the same. We ended our worship talking about Earth Day and how we can look after God’s creations. We all agreed that everyday should be Earth Day and we finished by singing 'I can make a difference in this world of ours'.

Image of Earth Day- EYFS and Key Stage 1 Lunchtime
22 Apr

Earth Day- EYFS and Key Stage 1 Lunchtime

The children enjoyed celebrating Earth day this lunchtime as a reminder to look after our planet by making their own Earth creation using collage materials.

Image of Reception: Outdoor Games
22 Apr

Reception: Outdoor Games

Some of our Ducklings today decided to play a game of Scarecrow tig. They wanted Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Thompson to catch the children and the children had to work together to avoid being caught. They had to negotiate obstacles, look for good hiding places, accurately run around the playground and help their friends. We had a super time and can’t wait to play more outdoor games together!

Image of WOW Badge and Class Winners for March 2024
19 Apr

WOW Badge and Class Winners for March 2024

A huge well done to all 120 of our WOW badge winners for March 2024. What a super effort everyone has made. We have all tried really hard to either walk or park and stride once a week in the month of March which was a little taster session as we did it over the 2 weeks! A big congratulations to Year 5 as they have the most badge winners. We look forward to seeing who has earned a badge for April in a couple of weeks.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
19 Apr

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by talking about why we are all wearing blue today which is for Autism Awareness Day at St Barnabas as part of Autism Awareness Month. Finn very bravely stood up in front of the whole school and told us a little bit about his brother Declan who has Autism. He told us that Declan doesn’t like walking in the rain as he doesn’t like the sensation and he told us that he doesn’t like very loud noises and will therefore sometimes wear his ear defenders. Despite this, Finn said that Declan leads an amazing life and it’s wonderful having a brother with Autism. Harvey, who has autism, also came to the front to show everyone his t-shirt which spread awareness for Autism and he loved blowing the worship candles out. We heard a little about how Harvey loves to sing rhymes and songs just like many of us. We then thought about how we’ve lived life in all its fullness this week with our wonderful worships led by both Mrs Ham and Rev Matt and all of our wonderful after school clubs including Little Voices, Mad Science Club, Forest schools and Cricket and Rounders Club. We then presented Hollie, Lydia, Frankie, Iris, Oliver, Olivia, Talia, Charlie, Betsy and Jake as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for consistently demonstrating an amazing attitude to learning, always showing kindness and respect to their teachers and friends and working incredibly hard across the curriculum. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, Jack and Sofia for receiving their pen licenses, Darwen Tower as the overall value award winners this week with an amazing 611 points, the children that completed the big plastic count for being super eco warriors, all of the children who have achieved their badge as part of the WOW initiative which involves walking to school or from school at least once a week and we said a special well done to Year 5 who have won the schools walk to school challenge by completing the most walks or park and strides so far. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Lenny for achieving his starfish swimming badge, Ella-Grace for achieving a trophy for coming first in her recent 3x3 football tournament, Sonny, Charlie, Leo and Desmond for winning the cup in their recent football tournament,  Iris for being a wonderful gymnast and swimming several lengths to raise awareness for diabetes, Sofia for achieving her level 4 in gymnastics, making her promise at Brownies, being part of Brownies for two years and achieving an award at musical theatre, Betsy for being awarded a medal for amazing ballet, Isaac for being awarded a merit in his swimming, Lyla for achieving her Stage 4 certificate at swimming, Eliza for achieving several rosettes in her horse riding, Alexis for making her Brownie promise and achieving 100m in her swimming, Alice and Grace for achieving their Brownie Promise badge, Annabelle for gaining her silver certificate for demonstrating several skills at swimming, Lydia and Ella for achieving their Level 1 at swimming, Leonora for achieving her 100m freestyle and 100m backstroke in her swimming, Harry and Eli for being awarded their 100m certificate at swimming, Archie for getting Man of the Match during his semi-final football match, Eden for attending Brownies for a year and achieving her Brownie Eid badge, Mila for achieving her badge for visiting the Fire Station at Rainbows, Marley for getting Olivia doll at Rainbows for being kind, Thomas for getting his 15m swimming certificate, Callie for achieving Stage 4 in her swimming and Cassidy for making her Brownie Promise and being awarded her badge. Wow, what a busy week of celebrations that we had! Rev Ben then led us in prayer and to end our celebration worship, we thanked all those who attended and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too. 

Image of Mrs Ham's Weekly message
19 Apr

Mrs Ham's Weekly message

Good afternoon parents and carers, it has been another wonderful week at St Barnabas! It was brilliant to hear in Celebration Worship about how each class has lived life in all its fullness and about all the great things that have been achieved this week both in and out of school. Please click here to read all about it: Thank you to everyone for your support for autism awareness today by dressing in blue. A special thanks to Finn for being courageous by telling us all about his big brother Declan, who has autism and to our Harvey who loved showing us his special blue autism awareness t-shirt and how he loves to blow out our worship candles. This week we found out that 30 new children will be joining our school family in September and we can't wait to welcome them. Next Friday we are looking forward to our Hop, Skip and Jump in support of East Lancs Hospice. Donations can be made via parent pay. For all of this week's news, please click here: Thank you for your wonderful support and in particular with our walk to school initiative, which saw lots of children being awarded with their first WOW badge this morning. I would like to wish you all a fabulous weekend and I hope the weather is kinder to us next week. Take care and God bless, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception - Doubles
18 Apr

Reception - Doubles

In Maths we have been looking at the concept of doubles. We watched the Numberblocks episode ‘terrible twos’ to see how numberblock 4 is made of 2 and 2 - double 2! We talked about the word ‘double’ meaning 2 parts that are the same. We then used a butterfly template to show our own doubles on the butterfly wings, making sure that each wing had the same/equal amount.

Image of Reception Picture News
18 Apr

Reception Picture News

This week for our class worship/picture news, we looked at Banksy’s new Art work that is displayed in London. We talked about how his Art has changed the look of the tree into something special that everyone wants to see and take photos of. We talked about how we can be Artists, but making sure we showcase our Art in the right way - we can’t draw or paint on walls without permission!

Image of Reception- The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
18 Apr

Reception- The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

In class we learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly and all about metamorphosis, we created the life cycle on the carpet area and put it in the correct order. We then made our own on a paper plate using a cheerio for the egg, and different types of pasta to represent the caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly.

Image of Little Voices After School Club
17 Apr

Little Voices After School Club

What a super first session with Little Voices! Our little superstars played several games that helped to develop their confidence and they learnt and performed an amazing song! Well done everyone! There are still places available if you would like your child to take part for the next five weeks on Tuesday evenings. CONTACT HAYLIE: Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07717 711715

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
16 Apr

Reception: Forest Schools

Our Ducklings love our forest school sessions at Whitehall Park! Letting their imaginations run wild is so important for their development. They enjoyed developing their gross motor skills too whilst exploring the outdoors.

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship: The Resurrection
16 Apr

Rev Matt’s Worship: The Resurrection

Rev Matt came in to lead our worship today and tell us about the biggest surprise in the Bible: the resurrection. Rev Matt began with a mystery box game in which children had to feel an object in a box and guess what it was. He talked about how, even though we may worry about what’s coming, the surprise can often be the best thing. This is how the women felt when they visited Jesus’s tomb after his death. They were worried when they noticed Jesus was missing and the ground began to shake, but were overjoyed when Jesus appeared and spoke to them.

Image of Mad Science After School Club- Optical Illusion
16 Apr

Mad Science After School Club- Optical Illusion

The Science after-school club got off to an exciting start as the young scientists dove into optics, reflection, and sight! They had a blast learning about light and vision, even using mirrors to draw pictures and understand how things reflect.

Image of Collective Worship- Road to Emmaus
15 Apr

Collective Worship- Road to Emmaus

This morning in our Collective Worship, we watched the latest Worship Together video from Blackburn Diocese. Lisa asked us to think about a time that we have run to share some exciting news with our friends or family. Archie said when he received a darts contract, Ella-Grace said when she won in a football 3x3 competition, Seb said when he won a dance competition, Luca said when he got a 171 in darts, Scarlett said when it was her birthday, Lyla Grace said when she got a fish and Alfie said when his team scored a goal. We then heard about the story of Jesus appearing to some of his followers on the road to Emmaus and how they ran back to tell the disciples. We then delved deeper into the story by watching a cartoon of the story to help us visualise what it must have been like for Jesus' disciples when he appeared to them and then disappeared. Bishop Philip explained how the disciples were happy as they knew that Jesus would always be with them and He is with us all the time. Lisa led us in a running prayer today and we all joined in with lots of enthusiasm. To finish our Worship we sang 'Let me walk beside you', said Jesus one day, which helps to explain how Jesus is with us when we are walking, sitting, standing and resting and we had some wonderful volunteers to show the younger children the actions. We then reflected on how we have lived life in all its fullness this week and Annabelle shared that she volunteered to be pushed into the freezing cold water during the Year 4 residential, Charlie said he jumped into the water twice, Jenson said he was brave in the water which felt like -25 and Isaac shared that he took part in some filming which pushed him out of his comfort zone. I wonder how we will live life in all its fullness this week?

Image of Reception: Stories Jesus Told
15 Apr

Reception: Stories Jesus Told

This week, the children in Reception listened to the parable, ‘The Wise and Foolish Builders’. The parable explained how you should listen to Jesus. The children enjoyed pretending to listen and not listen to see what happened when building a house on a hard and soft surface.

Image of Thank you parents and carers!
11 Apr

Thank you parents and carers!

Thank you to everyone who attended parents’ evening last night. We had 85% of our parents attend which was great, especially with it being the first day back after the Easter holidays. It was lovely to welcome you back into school again and we hope you enjoyed hearing how your child has progressed since the last parents’ evening in December. Thank you for your patience when waiting for appointments and for your ongoing support. If you weren’t able to attend last night, please contact class teachers via class dojo to arrange a 5 minute phone call. There will be NO Celebration Worship tomorrow morning sorry due to the shorter week and Year 4 being on their residential trip to the Anderton Centre. A quick reminder that parents and carers are always welcome to join us for our Family Celebration Worship on Friday mornings, which will start next Friday. Refreshments will be available from 8.55am and worship will start at 9.05am. We look forward to seeing you and thank you for your continued support.

Image of Reception - Bird feeders
11 Apr

Reception - Bird feeders

Alongside our ‘Spring’ week, reception have been learning about ‘migration’ when the birds leave in Winter to find warmer countries. Now that it’s Spring, the birds will be returning from their migration back to the UK in search of food again so we spent the afternoon making bird feeders using pipe cleaners and cereal hoops to welcome the birds back. We will hang some of them on the tree in our Reception yard in the hope we may have some visitors.

Image of Easter Reflection Worship
10 Apr

Easter Reflection Worship

It was wonderful to welcome our school family back after our Easter break. In our collective Worship we reflected on the events of Holy Week and joined in with a rhyming Bible story about when Jesus appeared to his disciples and we watched 'The Awesome Easter Surprise' video. We reflected on how Jesus must have felt telling his friends that he would be leaving them but we discussed how this was all part of God's plan and how God sent his son Jesus as a rescuer and saviour. We looked at our God's Big Story canvases and identified that the Easter story came in the salvation part. We then thought about how Jesus asked his disciples to love one another and live life in all its fullness. We talked to our partner about how we can live life in all its fullness, which is our school vision, and make Jesus proud of us. We had some really thoughtful answers such as: show love and respect to everyone including your pets, neighbours and parents, look after our world by picking up litter, donate clothes, toys and food to those who don't have as much as we have, challenge yourself, go outdoors and look at God's creations, be happy, play nicely with your friends and be grateful for everything we have. We finished our Worship with a prayer and sang Give me oil in my lamp to sing Hosanna to Jesus.

Image of Reception - Spring activities
10 Apr

Reception - Spring activities

Reception are learning all about the season of Spring this week. They have kicked off their first week back by completing lots of Spring challenges. They have made playdough flowers, followed instructions to draw a Spring rabbit, created a collage of a spring flower and used forks to print tulips in the paint area. What busy bees!

Image of Easter Church Service
28 Mar

Easter Church Service

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Easter Service this morning. I’ve added some videos and photos to class dojo for parents who weren’t able to join us. Thank you to our Heads and Deputies for leading the service with me and to our KS2 classes for leading the singing. A special thanks to Rev Ben too for leading us in a special Easter prayer. We’ve had a wonderful few weeks in school in the lead up to Easter. Please click here to see all the Easter fun we have had: Thank you so much to our children for the amazing walking they have been doing both in and out of school for our Big Lent Walk challenge. As a school family we have walked a fantastic 2383km and raised £215 so far to help fight global poverty! Sponsor money can still be paid in on the following link: A quick reminder that we break up early today at 2.00pm and return back for the Summer term on Wednesday 10th April.

Image of Amazing Attendance Winners - Spring Term
28 Mar

Amazing Attendance Winners - Spring Term

A huge congratulations to all of the children who received an Amazing Attendance certificate today for achieving great things by being in school for 96% of the time or over for the Autumn and Spring terms. We are so proud of you all!

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship: Good Friday
27 Mar

Rev Matt’s Worship: Good Friday

Rev Matt’s worship this week began with a drawing challenge. A Year 4 child was shown a picture and they had to draw the picture on the back of a Year 5 child. This child then had to draw what they thought the picture was on the back of a Year 6 child, who had to attempt to draw it on flip chart paper. Rev Matt then explained that messages sometimes become distorted when we don’t see the full picture, but it is important to stay hopeful. This mirrors the sadness of Jesus’ death on Good Friday. We must remember that it was all part of God’s plan to save mankind.

Image of Reception: Easter Artwork
26 Mar

Reception: Easter Artwork

Our Ducklings enjoyed viewing the artwork in the Rose Garden. They looked at the Easter story and tried to describe each picture.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
26 Mar

Reception: Forest Schools

Our Reception children explored a different area of Whitehall park today. They made fairy houses, balanced on beams, built dens and climbed trees.

Image of Collective Worship- Salvation
25 Mar

Collective Worship- Salvation

This morning in Worship we learnt about Palm Sunday with Mrs Ham and then we watched the Easter Worship Together across the Diocese video with Lisa and Bishop Philip. We looked at our school timeline of God's Big Story and found where salvation was in the New Testament. We then learnt all about Jesus being our salvation, our rescuer and saviour. We looked at our sorry tree and Mrs Ham read out some of the things we are sorry for (sins) and we asked for God’s forgiveness. We finished with an Easter prayer and Years 3 & 4 performed the songs they will be singing in our Easter Service on Thursday morning.

Image of Mad Science After-School Club- Magnetic Magic
25 Mar

Mad Science After-School Club- Magnetic Magic

Our future scientists had a blast using paper clips, strings, and a magnetic board for hands-on exploration. They immersed themselves in the world of magnets, conducting experiments and discovering the fascinating properties of magnetism in a fun and engaging way.

Image of Easter Artwork Trail in the Rose Garden
25 Mar

Easter Artwork Trail in the Rose Garden

The St Barnabas Easter trail is now ready for visitors! Our whole school family has worked hard to represent a different part of the Easter story through art and we have selected some for our community to enjoy when they visit the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park. Our pictures have brought a lovely splash of colour to the garden to celebrate this joyous time in the Christian calendar. We hope that they will bring joy to all visitors.

Image of Inter House Dodgeball Event
23 Mar

Inter House Dodgeball Event

The Inter House Dodgeball competition was a huge success. Every single child across school took part and represented their house teams. It was fantastic to see the children getting involved, working as a team and having lots of fun. A massive thank you to the Sports leaders who ran the event and congratulations to both of our winning houses which were the yellow and green team - Whitehall Park and Darwen Tower

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
22 Mar

Friday Celebration Worship

Today, we started our celebration worship by thanking our whole school family for wearing odd socks yesterday for World Down Syndrome Awareness Day and all of our children who have contributed to our Big Lent Walk this week including Year 6 who have walked all over London and Year 1 who walked 3 and a half miles around Darwen on their local history walk. We then presented Fletcher, Maggie, Ella-Grace, Isabelle, Edward, Brooke and as the value award winners this week. Well done to those children for consistently demonstrating an amazing attitude to learning and demonstrating all of the 4Bs. Then Mr Prescott presented all of Year 6 as value award winners this week for representing the school amazingly well in London. Mr Prescott said that they all got along amazingly well, were incredibly well mannered and showed a genuine interest in all of the places they visited and things that they got to see. Well done Year 6. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 6 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, River Darwen who are our overall value award winners this week and our amazing swimming gala team made up of children from Year 3,4,5 and 6 for coming 3rd place overall and also achieving lots of individual placings. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Holly for achieving both her Stage 3 and 4 swimming certificates, Callie for being awarded the special teddy at stage coach for amazing singing, dancing and acting, Ella-Grace for being being successful in getting into the Man United Girls Football Team, Grace for receiving a letter from the King regarding her letter about the closing down of Waddow Hall, Maggie for showing wonderful commitment to Rainbows by attending for two years, Lola for showing generosity and raising money for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital by completing 50k in March, Annabel for completing her promise at Rainbows, Betsy for achieving a gold medal for ‘throwing herself into the deep end’ in her acro dancing, Scarlett for showing wonderful commitment to Rainbows by attending for two years, Marley for showing wonderful commitment to Rainbows by attending for one year, Arabelle for working hard to achieve her Stage 4 at swimming, Vienna for being awarded her water safety certificate, Harriet for achieving her Stage 4 in swimming, Thomas for being awarded his Level 1 First Aid certificate, being a super chef and a brilliant builder, Annabelle for achieving her Blue Peter Badge for reading and taking part in an orienteering competition, Leonora for completing seven swimming events in a 50m pool last weekend. To end of our celebration worship, we heard from Rev Ben who reminded us all about the Palm Sunday Church Service this weekend where our school choir will be singing and an Easter egg hunt that the church have organised on Good Friday. Mrs Wilkinson also reminded us about the Scholastic Book Fair which is running tonight, Monday and Tuesday after school. We also sang along to ‘Gospel Medley.’ We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Mrs Ham’s Weekly Message
22 Mar

Mrs Ham’s Weekly Message

Good evening parents and carers, well what a busy week it has been at St Barnabas and we sure have been living life in all its fullness! The highlights have been: *The Year 6 London trip *Odd Socks day for Down Syndrome Awareness Day *Year 5 class releasing the trout they have grown into River Darwen *Reception class visits from a firefighter and two dentists *Year 1 Victorian history walk *Inter-house dodgeball led by our Sports Leaders today Each class has been busy creating wonderful Easter artwork and a selection of it will be displayed in the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park. Each class will have the opportunity to visit it and it will be there over the Easter holidays if you would like to visit it as a family. For all of this week’s news from each class, please click here: On Sunday everyone is welcome to Rev Ben’s Palm Sunday service at 11.00am and our choir will be singing. Any of our school children can also join in too. Next week we will be celebrating Holy Week in school and everyone is welcome to our Easter Church Service on Thursday morning at 9.15am. We break up early for the Easter holidays on Thursday at 2.00pm. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend with your loved ones and I hope our Year 6 children rest and recharge after a busy couple of days in London, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception: Firefighter visit
21 Mar

Reception: Firefighter visit

Reception had a special visit from firefighter Andy this afternoon to teach us about the very important job of a firefighter. First we watched a video about Francis the firefly with a very important message about not playing with matches. We then looked at a uniform a firefighter wears when they attend a fire - we thought it was very funny when Mrs Govan tried it on! Mrs Govan said it was very heavy and smelt of smoke! Andy talked about other types of incidents the fire team help with, such as car accidents, rescuing people from tricky places and animals too!

Image of Reception: Rhyme time
20 Mar

Reception: Rhyme time

We welcomed our grown ups to our rhyme time this morning and enjoyed singing some new songs and old favourites. It was lovely to see those who could come along. Rhyme and story time will begin again on 17th April at 9am.

Image of Reception: PE
20 Mar

Reception: PE

This week during PE, our Ducklings focused on ‘aim’ looking at where our object was going. The children used the correct technique of throwing, kicking and jumping to get it on target. Brilliant listening reception and much better at waiting your turn. Well done!

Image of Reception: Junior jam
20 Mar

Reception: Junior jam

Our Ducklings had a special treat this afternoon and our junior jam staff delivered a computing lesson where Reception could use an iPad and create an image of themselves. They followed instructions well and took turns with the iPad. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception: Music
20 Mar

Reception: Music

Our Ducklings enjoyed a lovely music lesson this afternoon. Reception learnt all about beats and different music types. Super listening and showing lots of respect to the junior jam staff too. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception Dentist visit
19 Mar

Reception Dentist visit

This morning reception had a visit from two dentists who were here to tell us all about how we can keep our teeth and gums healthy. Reception were keen to ask questions and listened well. Super work Reception!

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship: Palm Sunday
19 Mar

Rev Ben’s Worship: Palm Sunday

Today, Rev Ben read the story of Palm Sunday and talked about the joy of the crowd when Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. He contrasted this with the anger of the crowd when they were led to believe that Jesus lied about who he was. Determination and perseverance were two key qualities demonstrated by Jesus during that time and Rev Ben asked everyone to reflect on when they will need to show these qualities this week.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
18 Mar

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our reception children really enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They climbed up trees, created a cafe, travelled on a ‘steam engine’ and created a bug hotel. Super imaginations!

Image of Spring attendance update
15 Mar

Spring attendance update

Good afternoon parents and carers, please see the images for the latest attendance update for the Spring term. In the Autumn term we achieved an award for being in the top 25% of schools nationally for attendance and we are really close to our school target and government target of 96%. With your help we can ensure that your child achieves the best possible outcomes in life by coming to school every day and on time. We are looking forward to presenting Amazing Attendance certificates to all of the children who are at our 96% target and above at our Easter Service in church on Thursday 28th March at 9.15am. For further information about attendance, please click here:

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
15 Mar

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our celebration worship by thanking our whole school family for dressing in red to support Comic Relief. We then thought about how we’ve lived life in all its fullness this week with the help of our amazing after school clubs, a wonderful worship with Rev Matt about Jesus being kind towards Zacchaeus and by celebrating British Science Week. Mrs Ham also updated us all on our Big Lent Walk progress. Up to now, we have collectively walked 1239km and raised £215. We believe that we can continue to better this and achieve 2000km and raise even more money. We then presented Summer, Eli, Lyla, Ivy, Ruby, Hamza and Charlie as the value award winners this week. Well done to those children for consistently demonstrating an amazing attitude to learning and our 4Bs. We also congratulated Reception and Year 3 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, the KS2 girls who took part in the Girls Football tournament last Friday with Mr Bloomfield to celebrate International Women’s Day and River Darwen who are our overall value award winners this week. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Olivia for achieving her white belt at kickboxing, Sofia for achieving her 8th birthday badge at Rainbows, Carter for achieving his stage 2 at swimming, Annabel for achieving swimmer of the month, Vienna for being awarded an amazing 50m at swimming, Elsie for her incredible swimming and Renee for achieving her Stage 1 swimming. To end our worship, we had some lovely prayers from Olivia, Olivia, Finn and Mrs Ham who prayed for those who have died , are in the midst of conflict and a prayer to encourage us to be both kind and forgiving during this time of Lent. We also sang along to ‘Sing Hosanna.’ We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Easter Singing Worship
14 Mar

Easter Singing Worship

We had a wonderful morning singing our favourite Easter hymns and songs. To finish we practised the Spring Chicken song in hope that we get a visit from the Spring Chicken at the end of term.

Image of Reception British Science Week - Weather Charts
14 Mar

Reception British Science Week - Weather Charts

For British Science Week, we have been looking at the weather locally! We looked at the weather forecast for Darwen for the week and discussed the different types of weather we often get. Then we made our own weather charts in the creative area that we can use at home to show when the weather changes.

Image of WOW Ambassador Training
14 Mar

WOW Ambassador Training

In our very first WOW Ambassador meeting today, we met to discuss the children’s role and how they will promote this walk to school initiative throughout school. We also completed training on how to access the travel tracker and monitor each class on a weekly basis. The children can’t wait for the launch of this exciting new walking to school initiative next week!

Image of Well-being Club
14 Mar

Well-being Club

This week the children worked together to make playdough. They decided to colour the playdough purple and used a variety of different coloured glitters. The children decided on an orange scent for their playdough. They enjoyed playing with it after and made tacos, wraps, houses, pizzas and lots of other creative objects!

Image of Reception Rhyme time
13 Mar

Reception Rhyme time

It was a lovely rhyme time this week, we sang some of our favourite songs and enjoyed a story. Thank you to those grown ups who attended this morning, as always there is tea and coffee for those who are able to come along with us.

Image of Reception PE
13 Mar

Reception PE

Today during PE reception worked on football control using rolling, throwing and kicking. They followed instructions well and worked hard with their partners, well done reception ⚽️⚽️⚽️

Image of The W.O.W. Group: Messy Church
13 Mar

The W.O.W. Group: Messy Church

Last week, W.O.W. Group delivered a very exciting infant Messy Church on the theme of creation. They read a short story about creation and then they took the participants outside to appreciate God’s creations and create their own nature bracelets. The children were very proud of the bracelets and marvelled at all the gorgeous colours in the plant life around us.

Image of The W.O.W. Group: Messy Church
13 Mar

The W.O.W. Group: Messy Church

This week was our final week of Messy Church and the W.O.W. Group have thoroughly enjoyed planning and delivering these interactive sessions. Our final week was based on creation again. The children watched a video about God creating the world and then chose, from a range of activities, to create something with a partner. All sorts of materials were available so that they could let their imaginations run wild.

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship: The Story of Zacchaeus
12 Mar

Rev Matt’s Worship: The Story of Zacchaeus

This morning Rev Matt began our worship talking about soft and hard materials and how some materials can be softened. This led nicely into the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector who had a hard heart and did not treat people very well. However, when Jesus called Zacchaeus to Him and requested to go to Zacchaeus’s house, Zacchaeus changed and had a softer heart. The story taught us that those who struggle are the ones who need our kindness most.

Image of Reception: Easter Artwork
11 Mar

Reception: Easter Artwork

Today, during our Muddy Monday session, we collected lots of green natural objects to create palm leaves for our Easter art work. The children worked together as a team to create their art work. You will be able to view our artwork soon in the Rose Garden at Whitehall park.

Image of Mad Science After- School Club-Watts-Up!
11 Mar

Mad Science After- School Club-Watts-Up!

The future Scientists had a blast this afternoon: They learned about static electricity, exploring its properties and involvement in natural phenomena. They also created indoor lightning and conducted hair-raising experiments with an electrostatic generator.

Image of Values Points House Team Winners - Spring 1 2024
8 Mar

Values Points House Team Winners - Spring 1 2024

A huge well done to our Values Awards Winners for Spring Term 1 2024 - Team Whitehall Park. Today they celebrated their win with a special non- uniform day, sweet treats and a disco. It was lovely to see each and every one of them dancing and having lots of fun! Well done Team Whitehall Park on another successful half term win!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
8 Mar

Friday Celebration Worship

Today, we started our celebration worship by wishing all of the wonderful women in our school family a Happy International Women’s Day. We then thought about how we’ve lived life in all its fullness this week with a lovely Mother’s Day breakfast hosted by FOSB, a special Mother’s Day celebration in Reception class, a fantastic author visit from R.K. Alker, an amazing day celebrating World Book Day, a visit to King George’s Hall Let’s Go Sing concert for our amazing choir and lots of amazing extra curricular clubs. We then presented Vienna, Charlie, Archie, Carter, Declan, Grace, Bobby and Sienna as our value award winners this week. Well done to those children for consistently showing our Christian Values and working incredibly hard across the curriculum. We then had a phenomenal performance from our incredible choir of ‘Dancing on Air’ which was one of their songs at Let’s Go Sing concert. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, Whitehall Park who are our overall value award winners this week, our Year 5/6 football team who attended the Football Festival on Tuesday evening, our amazing librarians for all of their effort and enthusiasm on World a book Day and Grace, Annabelle and James in Year 4 for designing badges for the launch of the WOW initiative. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Jenson for achieving his 400m at swimming, Daisy for getting Emily the doll at Rainbows for being incredibly kind and thoughtful, Eliza for being awarded player of the match in her football match at the weekend, Skye and Rosie for demonstrating incredible skills in their horse riding lessons, Isaac for achieving a 100m medal in a swimming competition, Cassidy for being awarded gymnast of the session and Scarlett for achieving her ‘World Thinking Day’ badge. To end our worship, we had a lovely prayer from Rev Ben, sang happy birthday to those children who are celebrating birthdays today and this weekend and we had a sing along to ‘We Have a King Who Rides a Donkey.’ Mrs Ham also reminded us that it is dress in red for Comic Relief next Friday 15th March. We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of The Big Plastic Count
8 Mar

The Big Plastic Count

THE BIG PLASTIC COUNT We're excited that our school is joining the Big Plastic Count initiative from March 11th to 17th. The issue of plastic waste affects us all, and our young ones must have a say in finding solutions. Click on the link below for more information. During this initiative, your children will play a vital role in gathering evidence about what happens to our plastic waste. This information will be used to advocate for change at national and global levels, urging UK ministers, supermarkets, and major brands to take action towards phasing out plastic production. In the coming days, your child will receive a ‘Let’s count tally sheet’. Count as you throw from Monday 11th March morning until Sunday 17th March! Simply mark every piece of plastic package as you throw it away on the tally sheet. We encourage you to support them in this activity, and they can then input their findings at home using the unique class link provided on their class page between 18-31 March. Once all the results are in, we'll create our class footprint and share it with the children. We appreciate your continuous support in involving our pupils in these significant initiatives. Thank you, Smart School Council and Miss Kachwalla

Image of Mrs Ham's Weekly Message
8 Mar

Mrs Ham's Weekly Message

Dear parents and carers, wow, what another busy week of 'achieving great things' and 'living life in all its fullness'! The highlights have been: *Choir Let's Go Sing concert at King George's Hall *Reception class firefighter visit and Mother's Day Worship *Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Big Lent Walks *Year 5 and 6 football festival *An author visit- RK Alker *FOSB Mother's Day Breakfast- Thank you FOSB! *Year 3 visited by a baker and made apple crumble * World book day- the word costumes were amazing! *International Women's Day girls football tournament *Whitehall Park house team winners non-uniform day and disco *WOW walk to school launch Next week we have a slightly quieter week but are looking forward to: Monday: Launch of the Big Plastic Count Wednesday: Rhyme and story time for Reception class and younger children Thursday: Cross Country competition for our cross country team Friday: Dress in red for Red Nose Day, Comic Relief Darwen Swimming gala for our swimming squad. Thank you so much for your donations and support towards our Big Lent Walk. We have now walked 1088km. Please keep sending in your walks and sponsorship money can be donated here: For all the latest photos in our gallery, please click here: For all of the latest news from each class, please click here: or see our facebook page. I've attached a photo of the upcoming church Easter services and your child should come home with an invitation today. We are looking forward to our choir singing on Palm Sunday 24th March and everyone is welcome to come and support. Happy International Women's day to all of our wonderful Mums, Grandmas, female staff and young ladies in our school family. We hope that all of our Mums and Grandmas have a wonderful relaxing day on Mothering Sunday. Rev Ben is leading a special church service at 11.00am on Sunday and everyone is welcome. Wishing you all a fabulous weekend and thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Ham

Image of WOW Initiative Assembly Launch
8 Mar

WOW Initiative Assembly Launch

Today we had our WOW assembly in which we learned all about our new walk to school challenge and how we need to try to walk to school (or find an active way) at least once a week. We met Dan who is from Living Streets. He told us how we can earn badges every month by taking part. It’s so important to walk to improve our mental wellbeing, get fit and decrease pollution. We look forward to practising with the Travel Tracker next week with our newly appointed WOW Ambassadors.

Image of World Book Day- Dress as a word
7 Mar

World Book Day- Dress as a word

Happy world book day! The children have loved seeing all of our staff team dressed as different words and have had great fun guessing their lords. We have had some brilliant challenging vocabulary from onomatopoeia to metamorphosis! Can you guess the words?

Image of Reception World Book Day
7 Mar

Reception World Book Day

Reception have loved taking part in lots of World Book Day activities. They enjoyed playing a quiz in Miss Flynn’s special assembly, winning lots of prizes. They have also been drawing book covers of their favourite stories, can you guess some of them?

Image of Reception- fire fighter visit
7 Mar

Reception- fire fighter visit

This afternoon we have had a visit from the firefighters from Darwen fire service. The children were taught about the firefighter uniform, smoke alarms, emergency numbers and how to stay safe. We then went to have a look at the fire engine, we listened to the sirens and saw the flashing lights and we all had a go a firing water from the hose.

Image of World Book Day- Reading for Pleasure
7 Mar

World Book Day- Reading for Pleasure

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, all of our teachers and teaching assistants swapped classes and read to a group of children in a different year group. The children loved being read to by a different adult to usual and our teaching staff thoroughly enjoyed promoting reading for pleasure.

Image of KS1 World Book Day Assembly
7 Mar

KS1 World Book Day Assembly

Thank you to our wonderful KS1 children for their fantastic enthusiasm and excitement in this morning’s World Book Day assembly. Mrs Ham introduced the worship by telling the children all about the word that she had come dressed as which was ‘onomatopoeia.’ The children then joined in with a picture book quiz. During the first round, the children had to identify the title of a book by looking at the front cover. This included book titles such as The The Smartest Giant in Town, Elmer, The Squirrels Who Squabbled, Who Pooed in my Loo, My Dad is a Grizzly Bear and The Highway Rat. The second round consisted of playing emoji Pictionary with books such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Giraffes Can’t Dance, The Gruffalo and The Tiger Who Came to Tea. All of the books that were on the quiz were books that we have in our library so we are hoping that our children now feel inspired to sample a book that they haven’t yet read. Our librarians also awarded Emily and Molly with their book tokens as they were the KS1 winners of our ‘Design a Bookmark with Your Favourite Book Title’ competition.Molly’s bookmark showed her love of the ‘Who Pooed in my Loo?’ picture book and Emily’s showed her love of ‘Stickman.’

Image of FOSB Mother’s Day Breakfast
6 Mar

FOSB Mother’s Day Breakfast

A huge thank you to our members of FOSB and staff who supported at our special Mother’s Day breakfast this morning. Thank you to everyone who came and we hope you enjoyed it. Wishing all of our school family Mums and Grandmas a wonderful relaxing Mother’s Day on Sunday. All of the photos can be found here:

Image of KS1 Author Visit
6 Mar

KS1 Author Visit

This morning, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a visit from children’s author, R.K.Alker. He told us that he hadn’t always been an author but he had also worked in many other professions. Whilst working as a paramedic, he had hurt his leg and could no longer do this anymore so he was suddenly struck by the idea of becoming a children’s author. He believes that God has called him to become a children's author. It was something that he’d dreamed of for 30 years and became incredibly excited by the idea. He told us that he writes a story by writing it and then going back to edit and improve it by making sure that he’s told the author who, what, where, when, why and how, using his his five senses and re-reading his writing to check it makes sense. He then read chapter 7 of his story, ‘My Grandad Vs the FangaZOO’ and we met a mischievous little boy called Zac who set off the emergency alarm on the aeroplane. Rich then did a question and answer session. Renee asked how many books Rich had published, Jack asked what Rich’s favourite part of his story was, Isaac asked how long it took Rich to write a book, Cassidy asked where Rich had got his inspiration for writing from, Lottie asked how long Rich had been writing books and Elijah had asked what Stretch the Dragon (who features in Rich’s story) likes to do at the weekend.

Image of World Book Day Competition
6 Mar

World Book Day Competition

A few weeks ago, our school librarians set a whole school competition. This was to design a bookmark with their favourite book and explain why. Today, the school librarians and our English link governor have been judging our World Book Day competition ready to announce in our World Book Day assembly tomorrow.

Image of Reception: The Last Supper
5 Mar

Reception: The Last Supper

Today the children listened to the story of the last supper. They thought about what Jesus did because he loved everyone. Before Jesus and his disciples sat down to eat, Jesus washed their hands and feet. Harry was Jesus and the rest of the class were the disciples. We role-played the story and thought about what Jesus did.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship- Jesus welcomes the children
4 Mar

Rev Ben’s Worship- Jesus welcomes the children

This morning in Collective Worship Rev Ben started with a fun game where we all had to touch our nose, then stand on one leg, then whilst hopping, then whilst turning around and finally whilst shouting 'Good morning Mrs Ham'. We discussed how the busier you get, the harder it can be to do things. He then read us a story from the Bible about how everyone wanted to see Jesus and how his disciples thought he was too busy and important to see the children. However, they were wrong as Jesus welcomed the children and said that adults could learn from the example of children and that he is never too busy. We reflected on how we are sometimes so busy but it helps us to know that Jesus is never too busy to listen to us. We finished by singing Jesus strong and kind and My God's the King of Giants. Thank you Rev Ben for another brilliant Worship!

Image of Mad Science After- School Club- Optical illusion
4 Mar

Mad Science After- School Club- Optical illusion

Today, the children in the science club observed changing images firsthand through a camera obscura while delving into the fascinating realms of optics, reflection, and sight.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
1 Mar

Friday Celebration Worship

Today, we started our celebration worship discussing the ‘Big Lent Walk’ challenge that we are currently participating in as a school to fundraise for CAFOD to help to fight poverty globally and boost our mental health and well-being. At present, we have exceeded our 200km target and we are confident that we can double and maybe even triple it so please get involved and send your pictures through to Mrs Ham or Mrs Wilkinson. We also thought about how we’ve lived life in all its fullness this week with the help of our amazing science, running, well-being and messy church clubs and all the wonderful learning in our classes. We then presented Olivia, Renee, Roman, Penelope, Isaac, April, Luca, Ella, Joshua and Oliver as our value award winners this week. Well done to those children for consistently following the 4Bs and demonstrating a wonderful attitude to learning. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, River Darwen who are our overall value award winners this week and Tristen, Daisy and Desmond for achieving their pen licenses. We also said a huge well done to Carter, Ivy, Rio, Molly, Luca, Daisy, Charlie and Matthew for participating in our SIG5 times tables competition and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Eliza and Carmen for showing commitment and achievement in their keyboard lessons, Eliza for demonstrating fantastic skill in her football, Tristen for a achieving his yellow belt in kickboxing, Mila for getting Olivia at Rainbows for showing lots of kindness and being both helpful and creative, Marley and Maggie for achieving their ‘World Thinking Day’ and some other badges for their commitment to Rainbows, Elsie, Eden and Grace for completing their promise at Brownies and achieving lots of badges for attending Brownie camp and completing several challenges and also to Elsie for working exceptionally hard at her English tuition lessons. We then ended our worship by saying the grace altogether and listening to a song called ‘You’ve Got to Sing’ by the choir that they will be performing at KGH next week. Just a reminder that it is the Mother’s Day Breakfast run by FOSB next Wednesday 6th March at 8.15am-8.45am. The cut off for purchasing tickets will be Monday. It is also World Book Day next Thursday 7th March and we have asked the children to dress up as a word for example courageous, athletic, mythical and disciplined. We can’t wait to see what you come up with. We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Our School Art Gallery
29 Feb

Our School Art Gallery

Take a look at our amazing school Art Gallery! The children have worked really hard on their final pieces which are proudly showcased in our KS1 corridor and school hall. We can really see the progress children are making in Art across school and how hard they are working to master new and different skills.

Image of CAFOD: Lent Big Walk Update
28 Feb

CAFOD: Lent Big Walk Update

Wow, we have already met our target of 200km!!Well done to everybody who has contributed so far! Who thinks we can double our distance by the end of Lent? If you are up for the challenge, please continue to send your photos in to either myself or Mrs Ham . So far we have raised £94. Please ask your family and friends to see if they will sponsor us so that we can reach our target of £200 for a worthwhile cause. Donations can be sent here: Thank you so much, Mrs Wilkinson

Image of Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit
28 Feb

Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit

Wow, what a fantastic day our Ducklings had today. We visited Imagine That in Liverpool and had lots of fun! The children did lots of experiments with dry ice, made magical snow and made slime too. They used their imaginations in the roleplay area, painted a car, explored the creative area and made their own magnets. They were well behaved and represented the school beautifully!

Image of Reception- Palm Sunday
27 Feb

Reception- Palm Sunday

In our R.E lesson we have been learning all about Palm Sunday. We firstly looked at the bible story, which the children were really interested in. They answered some brilliant questions after listening to the story. The children then acted the story out. We had Jesus, the donkey, the crowd who took off their coats and made a path for Jesus. We also had some angry people in the crowd who didn’t believe Jesus was the king. Some people in the crowd waved palm leaves and branches as Jesus rode by.

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship: Perseverance
27 Feb

Rev Matt’s Worship: Perseverance

Rev Matt’s worship began with a balloon challenge this morning. The aim was for the children to persevere and keep the balloon up in the air for as long as possible. All three contenders did extremely well. He then shared the story of the man through the roof, in which the sick man’s friends had persevered in seeking help for him. After bringing their friend to Jesus they discovered the house was overcrowded, but they refused to give up. Instead they made a hole in the roof and lowered him in so that Jesus might heal him. We spent time reflecting on how we could help our friends, and those in need.

Image of Easter Singing Worship
26 Feb

Easter Singing Worship

What a joyous start to the week! This morning we practised some of our Easter songs ready for our Easter church service in a few weeks. Each class took a turn to show our Reception and Year 1 classes the actions. We sang 'When I think about the cross', 'Give me oil in my lamp', 'This is the story of the cross' 'We have a King who rides a donkey' and our favourite Easter song 'Lord of the Dance'. Well done everyone for your amazing actions, beautiful singing voices and wonderful enthusiasm!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
26 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They were super explorers! They found pine cones, natural resources for their dens and also different minibeasts.

Image of Mad Science After-School Club. We made slime!
26 Feb

Mad Science After-School Club. We made slime!

The scientists picked their favourite colours in today's session and had a blast making slime. They learned about cool stuff like polymers and how mixing two liquids can turn into gooey slime. They were excited to take it home to show their parents and carers.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
23 Feb

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by signing the trinity and discussing our week in school. We reflected on our wonderful Lent worship with Rev Ben and the launch of our Big Lent Walk to fundraise for CAFOD to help to fight poverty globally and boost our mental health and well-being. At present, we have walked 129.7km and raised £91. We are confident that we can exceed our 200km target and raise even more money so please get involved and send your pictures through to Mrs Ham or Mrs Wilkinson. We then presented Olly, Charlie, James, Iris, Charlie, Lola, Neve, Rosie and Molly as our value award winners this week. Well done to those children for consistently demonstrating our 4Bs, working hard and participating whole-heartedly in class discussions. We also congratulated Reception and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park who are our overall value award winners this week with 619 points. The Year 6 Heads and Deputies announced that over the past two weeks, we have collected 2067 values points as a school-how amazing! We also said a huge well done to Luca in Year 4 who achieved his pen license this week, our Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics who achieved 4th place in BwD just before the half-term, our KS2 gifted and talented gymnastics team who attended a competition at St Bedes before the half-term and demonstrating wonderful skill and sportsmanship and our Year 3/4 Sportshall athletics team who came 4th place last night at St Bedes. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Charlie and Isabella for being awarded their green belt in martial arts, Grace for achieving several medals in her song and dance and improv dancing, Jacob for achieving his water skills stage 3, Lyla for achieving a medal for her incredible ballet, Finn for achieving 2k Winter Warmer running challenge, Isaac for achieving a medal for great leadership in his performing arts and taking part in some wonderful fundraising, Archie for being awarded a trophy to be proud of for exceptional darts, James for achieving his stage 1 in his swimming, Annabel for her successes in achieving stage 2 in skating and being star of the week at dancing, Naomi for being awarded her Stage 3 at swimming, Mila for achieving her ‘World Thinking Day’ badge at Rainbows, Cassidy for achieving her ‘World Thinking Day’ badge at Brownies, Annabelle for showing commitment and achievement in her keyboard lessons, Eden for achieving her ‘World Thinking Day’ badge at Brownies and Heidi for being awarded her First Aid Badge at Rainbows. We then ended our worship with a lovely prayer about being generous, especially during Lent and sang ‘Build Up.’ We thank our children for another wonderful week and we look forward to next week. Just a reminder that ‘The World Book Day competition’ entries need to handed in by next Friday 1st March so please get your entries in by then and also the Mother’s Day Breakfast that FOSB are running on Wednesday 6th March. You can find further details on Class Dojo. We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Reception- Maths- finding different ways of making numbers to ten
22 Feb

Reception- Maths- finding different ways of making numbers to ten

In maths we have been looking at different ways of making numbers to ten. We have been doing this in various ways, we have used the Hungarian tens frame and we have also used a computer program called ‘ways to make’. The children are really starting to understand numbers in more depth.

Image of FOSB Disco
22 Feb

FOSB Disco

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our FOSB Disco. It was lovely to see all of the children dancing and having lots of fun. A huge thank you to our FOSB members for giving up their time to prepare and stay for the disco- you are all superstars! A massive thank you to DJ Dunn, one of our parent governors for providing the music and games! For all the photographs from the EYFS and KS1 disco, please look here: For photographs from the KS2 disco, please look here:

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship- Jesus chooses his disciples
20 Feb

Rev Ben’s Worship- Jesus chooses his disciples

This morning in Collective Worship, Rev Ben started with a fun game where we had to guess the superpowers that our wonderful volunteers, Walter, Lottie, Isabella, Charlie-Rose and Matthew acted out. We guessed the superpowers of speed, strength, sports, invisibility and flight. We then followed on from Jesus' 40 days in the desert and we watched a story from the Bible that showed what happened next. We watched as Jesus chose his followers, called his disciples. They didn't have superpowers and were very ordinary and often made mistakes, just like us. Rev Ben told us that the best followers of Jesus don’t have super-powers and God works today through ordinary people who love Jesus and admit it when they get things wrong. He then told us about Ash Wednesday and how that is a time to ask God for forgiveness for the things we have done wrong. Wilson, our Head Boy, volunteered to have an ash cross put on his head. We then reflected on what we can do when we get things wrong and how God will always forgive us. We finished by singing My Lighthouse and My God's the King of me. Thank you Rev Ben for another wonderful worship.

Image of Reception: Introduction to Easter
20 Feb

Reception: Introduction to Easter

Today, our Ducklings read the story ‘Clever Cub and the Easter Surprise’. We discussed the big Easter surprise and the children retold the story. We looked at how there is a cross on a hot cross bun and why there is one. We then enjoyed some hot cross buns together. What a treat!

Image of Reception: Police Visit
20 Feb

Reception: Police Visit

Wow! What a special treat! The children had a visit from PC Uzair and PCSO Debbie. It was fantastic and the children were able to take turns in the police car. We even got to press the horn to make the siren work! We learnt about their job and how they make sure everybody is safe. We also got to see some of their equipment and found out about their special numbers. I’m sure this is a memory the children will never forget.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
19 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Reception class really enjoyed our Muddy Monday session at Whitehall park. We looked at some habitats for different minibeasts that we found and also enjoyed creating dens and continued to take risks climbing trees. They walked 3.84km and enjoyed contributing to the Big Lent Walk!

Image of Mad Science After -School Club- Missions Nutritious
19 Feb

Mad Science After -School Club- Missions Nutritious

Today, in our after-school club led by a scientist, the young children investigated the energy content of food by burning a stale crisp and using the released energy to heat water. We discovered that one crisp equals 6 calories. This was super exciting to watch. The young scientists also measured their energy expenditure by jogging on the spot. For our final experiment, the children filled a bottle halfway with water and then poured in about 100ml of oil. They then observed the oil float on the water. They were fascinated by this observation. We also estimated the length of a child's intestine during the session, adding to our exploration of the human body. They're eagerly looking forward to next week's experiment with slime.

Image of Whole-School Worship: Understanding Lent
19 Feb

Whole-School Worship: Understanding Lent

In worship today, Mrs Ham explained that Lent is a time in the Christian calendar in which we observe Jesus’ time in the wilderness and prepare for Easter. We discussed what we could do to observe Lent. Some of the children’s suggestions included giving up sweets, chocolate, crisps, time on devices, or giving back by helping at home or making an extra effort to show kindness to others. We also learned more about THE BIG LENT WALK and how each member of our school family can contribute by walking a few kilometres over the Lenten period and raising money that will go towards ending global hunger. More information is available on Class Dojo.

Image of The Big Lent Walk
12 Feb

The Big Lent Walk

During Lent, our school are currently fundraising for CAFOD. We are taking part in the big Lent walk where we are collectively trying to walk 200km. Please help us to raise as much money as possible by sponsoring our whole school family. If you have been on a walk, please either sponsor and leave a message with how many km you have walked or send me a message and I can update our page. We will also be walking during the school day in our classes to achieve our target so any sponsorship will be greatly appreciated. Your sponsorship can change lives. Every £1 raised through the Big Lent Walk will help fight poverty globally in countries like Afghanistan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. This year, CAFOD’s Lent Appeal is helping fishing communities feed their families in Liberia, and SCIAF’s Wee Box Appeal is focused on women and girls in Rwanda facing gender-based violence. Also in Ethiopia, CAFOD and SCIAF are working together to respond to the devastating food crisis there. Years of drought caused by the climate crisis means families are no longer able to cope, but your support means we are working with people right now, providing them with water, emergency food and healthcare. With your hard work and sponsorship this Lent, we can change families’ lives for good and tell poverty to take a hike. Please access our page here where you can sponsor your child: Thank you for your kindness, Mrs Wilkinson

Image of Celebration Worship- Dress to Express Day
9 Feb

Celebration Worship- Dress to Express Day

Today, we had a very special worship to celebrate Children's Mental Health Week. We all ‘Dressed to Express’ and danced our way into the hall. We discussed the theme for this year which is ‘Our Voice Matters’ and we watched a video that told us all about the rights and responsibilities that we have such as being free to choose to think what we like and have our own opinions and ideas. Mrs Ham then showed us some pictures of people that have been influential in the past for standing up for their belief. Ross and Wilson named Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parkes, Sonny named Ayanna all of whom worked to end black segregation. Darcy named Marcus Rashford who has been influential in helping to stop racism within football and Charlie added that he has also been helping to support children who are entitled to free school meals. We then heard from some children from each year group about how they’ve chosen to express themselves. Hamza expressed his love of football and fashion, Archie his love of darts, Isaac his love of BMX, Charlie-Rose her love of all things sports, Betsy her love of dancing, Mason his love of smart clothes and attending special occasions such as weddings, Archie his love of football, Grace and Lola their love of gymnastics, Sonny represented all those in the world who live with diabetes, Daisy her love of art and bright colours, Renee’s love of PJ Masks, Olivia’s love of the colour pink and Jewellery, Alfie’s love of playing and watching football, Ella-Grace’s love of dancing and sparkles, Isabella’s loves of wearing pyjamas because you can snuggle and be cosy in them, Naomi’s love of all things pink, Charlie’s love of football, Annabel’s love of Ariel, Joey’s love of Spider-Man and Elijah’s love of superheroes. Mrs Ham then asked some of our members of staff how they had chosen to express themselves. Mr Prescott and Mrs Norris chose to bring their golf clubs to express themselves as golfers, Miss Kachwalla and Mrs Lyons expressed themselves by wearing bright and bold colours to express themselves as creative and Mrs Hegarty wore an apron to express herself as a baker. What a wonderful way to end ‘Mental Health Week.’ We wish you all a restful and enjoyable half-term and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 19th February.

Image of Dress to Express 2024
9 Feb

Dress to Express 2024

What a fantastic day we’ve had celebrating Dress to Express! It was lovely to get together as a whole school to raise awareness for Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. Every single member of our school family certainly dressed to express themselves and made themselves heard as we all have a voice. Well done to all of the children that spoke about why they had chosen their outfits and how it allowed them to express themselves.

Image of Reception Express Yourself
9 Feb

Reception Express Yourself

Reception have loved expressing themselves today for Mental Health week

Image of Reception Chinese Food tasting
9 Feb

Reception Chinese Food tasting

As part of our learning about Chinese New Year, Reception have been tasting traditional vegetable spring rolls and prawn crackers. The spring rolls were very popular and the children said the prawn crackers were delicious!

Image of St Barnabas Big Lent Walk
8 Feb

St Barnabas Big Lent Walk

Good morning, Next Wednesday 14th February, is the start of Lent. During Lent, our school will be fundraising for CAFOD. We will be taking part in the big Lent walk where we will collectively try and walk 200km. Please help us to raise as much money as possible by sponsoring our whole school family. If you have been on a walk, please either sponsor and leave a message with how many km you have walked or send me a message and I can update our page. We will also be walking during the school day in our classes to achieve our target so any sponsorship will be greatly appreciated. Your sponsorship can change lives. Every £1 raised through the Big Lent Walk will help fight poverty globally in countries like Afghanistan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. This year, CAFOD’s Lent Appeal is helping fishing communities feed their families in Liberia, and SCIAF’s Wee Box Appeal is focused on women and girls in Rwanda facing gender-based violence. Also in Ethiopia, CAFOD and SCIAF are working together to respond to the devastating food crisis there. Years of drought caused by the climate crisis means families are no longer able to cope, but your support means we are working with people right now, providing them with water, emergency food and healthcare. With your hard work and sponsorship this Lent, we can change families’ lives for good and tell poverty to take a hike. Please access our page here where you can sponsor your child: Thank you for your kindness, Mrs Wilkinson

Image of Reception - Chinese New Year
7 Feb

Reception - Chinese New Year

Reception have been learning about the celebration of Chinese New Year. We listened to the story of the great race and found out how the animals have a year named after them. We also learned about how people across the world prepare for Chinese new year by cleaning their houses, decorating and spending time with family and friends. We also learned to say ‘Kung Hei Fat Choy’ which means Happy New Year.

Image of Safer Internet Day
6 Feb

Safer Internet Day

This morning our whole school enjoyed a special worship, focusing on how to stay safe on the internet to celebrate Safer Internet Day. We discussed why it is important to raise awareness. We looked at what technology looked like compared to now. We then looked at what can happen online and how important it is that we know what to do if we come across something that makes us feel uncomfortable. The children discussed how we can speak to Mrs Ham, Mrs Wilkinson, our teachers, our sports coaches and our families if we feel we have seen something we shouldn’t have. We also discussed why our parents might check our devices and how our grown ups, including our teachers always want to keep us safe. We then joined lots of other schools from all around the country on a special assembly to discuss safe and unsafe things which may happen online. The importance of passwords, checking the settings so they aren’t sharing information with people they don’t know and also what to do if people they don’t know try to contact them online. Every Wednesday, we post guidance on how to keep safe online. Please have a look and discuss the National Online Safety posters with your children. The online world can be wonderful as long as we know how to use it safely.

Image of Reception celebrate Safer Internet Day
6 Feb

Reception celebrate Safer Internet Day

We read the story of Jessie and friends which was all about keeping safe online. We discussed what to do if we feel worried or if something doesn’t feel right. We discussed how we should always tell someone. Percy said to tell our grandparents, Vienna said Mrs Thompson, Ida said Mrs Wilkinson, Millie said your older brother or sister, Holly said Mrs Ham, Joey said Miss Reynolds, Cici said your parents, Samuel said your Aunty and Uncle and Ed said Mrs Govan.

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship - Temptation
5 Feb

Rev Matt’s Worship - Temptation

Today in whole-school worship, Rev Matt talked about temptation and how the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the desert. We thought about what tempts us and what we might do if we wanted to celebrate Lent.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
5 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed exploring the forest schools area in Whitehall park. Their imaginations were really flowing. We found dinosaur shaped claw leaves, eggs, some of our children created a roleplay restaurant and we had squirrels climbing up the trees!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
2 Feb

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by signing the trinity and discussing our week in school. We reflected on our very joyous singing worship that we had on Monday with Mrs Ham and our wonderful worship with Rev Ben about ‘Turning To God’ on Tuesday. We then presented Edward, Ella, Joshua, Luke, Eden, Bella, Ivy, Archie and Isaac as our value award winners this week. Well done to those children for demonstrating kindness, compassion and an excellent attitude and commitment to learning. We also congratulated Year 4 and Year 1 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park who are our value award winners this week. We then moved on to our out of school achievers. Well done to Holly for achieving her Stage 3 at swimming, Sofia for working hard to achieve lots of new badges at Rainbows including her performance badge, Archie for giving 100% during his football training, Dougie for achieving his white belt at jiu jitsu, Isaac for celebrating his successes in drama and performance with achieving a part in Waterloo Road, Tristen for working hard to achieve his yellow belt in kickboxing, Grace for demonstrating incredible talent in both her acro and lyrical dancing, Jack for achieving Stage 4 in his swimming, Scarlett for getting Rainbow Bear at her netball sessions for demonstrating incredible footwork, Matthew for being awarded with a huge celebratory gold cup for his commitment to a recent tournament whilst representing Manchester United U10s football club, Finn for being elected as the sixer at cubs, Ivy and Betsy for their commitment to both lyrical and acro dancing and also performing an incredible duet together. We then ended our worship with a lovely prayer from Rev Ben and a sing along to ‘Build Up.’ We thank our children for another wonderful week of achieving great things and we look forward to next week. Just a reminder that it is our ‘Dress to Express Day’ next Friday 9th February. We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Aladdin Pantomime
2 Feb

Aladdin Pantomime

This afternoon our whole school family enjoyed a wonderful production of Aladdin by M&M productions. Oh no they didn't! Oh yes they did! It was fabulous to see all of the children joining in through cheering, booing, singing and dancing along to the songs. They particularly enjoyed Mr Prescott and Mr Norris' dancing! The cast said they had never had a school who joined in so well and who all stood up and danced at the end! Thank you so much to our FOSB for their donation and to all of your parent contributions, as without your support, we wouldn't be able to provide such exciting enrichment activities.We hope this has inspired some of our children to audition for our upcoming Barney's Got Talent show next half term. What a fabulous way to end a brilliant week of 'achieving great things' at St Barnabas!

Image of Reception Maths - composition of 5
1 Feb

Reception Maths - composition of 5

Reception have been finding different ways to make 5 using two colours and five frames. 

Image of Reception Art
1 Feb

Reception Art

Reception have been creating fish collages using scrunched up tissue paper. We have been practising our fine motor skills by manipulating the tissue paper into small balls for our fish. We have been thinking about which colours are best to make our fish more vibrant. We can't wait to see them on display in our KS1 corridor!

Image of Reception PE
31 Jan

Reception PE

This morning our reception class have enjoyed using our outdoor gym, everyone had a turn and I’m sure they will tell you, they had lots of fun! Well done, what superstars!

Image of Rev Ben's Worship: Turning to God
31 Jan

Rev Ben's Worship: Turning to God

This week, Rev Ben told us the story of John the Baptist and how he preached about the importance of turning our lives to God. We spent some time thinking about what it means to turn to God.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
30 Jan

Reception: Forest Schools

Today, our Ducklings explored Jacks Key. They worked in small groups to collect resources to create elf and fairy houses. They had to explore the environment to find the best twigs and leaves to use. They also had to work as a team and communicate with each other. Well done!

Image of Reception: Colour Mixing
30 Jan

Reception: Colour Mixing

Our Ducklings have been learning to become more independent with our painting easel. They can now squirt the correct amount of paint into a palette and have explored mixing colours to create their pictures.

Image of Reception: Super writing
30 Jan

Reception: Super writing

Our Ducklings have been writing sentences this week. We are super proud of their progress!

Image of Songs of Praise Worship
29 Jan

Songs of Praise Worship

We had a joyous start to the week with our songs of praise singing worship. We practiced a selection of our favourite songs including My Lighthouse, Build Up, Jesus Strong and Kind, the School Rule song, May you find peace and Sing a new song to the Lord. Each class got the chance to choose a song and perform the actions at the front for our Reception class to copy as some of the songs are new to them.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
26 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by signing the trinity and discussing our week in school. We reflected on our ‘Mad Science’ assembly which was amazing and also discussed our learning about Jesus being special in collective worship. We then presented Samuel, Piper-Jo, Emily, Peyton, James, Grace, Austin and Wilson as our value award winners this week. Well done to those children for working exceptionally hard , consistently demonstrating the 4Bs and demonstrating our Christian Values. We also congratulated our Year 5\6 football team who represented Darwen in the County Football Finals last Friday and made it to the semi-final, our Year 5\6 Sportshall Athletics squad who represented our school amazingly well at St. Bedes on Wednesday evening and celebrated a win ready to compete in the final, Summer, Grace and Charlie-Rose for achieving their pen licenses, Reception and Year 3 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and India Mill who are our overall value award winners this week with 322 points. We then moved on to our out of school achievers. Well done to Charlie for achieving 10m in his swimming, Leonora for achieving her honours swimming challenge for swimming 40 lengths in under 20 minutes, Desmond for being awarded with his 25m in swimming, Jacob for being Player of the Week at Judo, Seb for being awarded with a trophy for Darreners Player of the Week at football, Olivia B, Olivia R and Darcy for getting through to the final of their football competition, Cassidy for achieving two new additions to her Rainbow badge collection and moving up to Brownies, Vienna for sponsoring a dog called Sage to become a guide dog, Harriet for being awarded with Morris Dancer of the Week for incredible marching and Lola, Summer and Quinn for wonderful gymnastics. Lola has been working extremely hard to perfect her backwards roll, Quinn has been persevering to achieve a cart wheel and Summer has been using her fantastic gymnastic skills to guide others. We then ended our worship with a lovely prayer from Rev Ben and sang along to ‘My Lighthouse.’ We thank our children for another wonderful week and we look forward to the next two weeks of this half-term. We have some exciting things planned such as a pantomime of Aladdin next Friday 2nd February and ‘A Dress to Express Day’ on Friday 9th February. We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Mrs Ham's Highlights
26 Jan

Mrs Ham's Highlights

Good afternoon parent and carers, what another busy week at St Barnabas! The highlights have been: * the super Science show yesterday, * Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics team winning their heat and getting through to the finals, *Creating terrific tie-dye t-shirts in Year 3, *Playing on the outdoor gym, *A money matters session in Year 5 and some of their trout eggs have hatched! Next week we have our Aladdin Pantomime to look forward to on Friday afternoon. We kindly ask for a small donation of £3.00 which can be made on parent pay. Thank you to our FOSB for their contribution in order to keep the cost down. For all of this week's news from each class and this morning's celebration worship, please click here: For all of the upcoming events, please click here: I would like to wish you all a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support. Take care and God bless, Mrs Ham

Image of Mad Science Show
25 Jan

Mad Science Show

This morning our whole school family had a super Mad Science Show led by Scientist Sarah. The focus was on energy and she showed us all some really exciting experiments that create different forms of energy. A huge well done to our chosen volunteers James, Annabelle and Archie!

Image of Reception - Ordering Numbers
25 Jan

Reception - Ordering Numbers

Reception have been working hard to sequence numbers 1-10. They have been using their counting skills to check which number comes next to ensure they are in the right order.

Image of Reception-P.E
24 Jan


We focused on hopping in P.E this week. Some of us found it difficult but we persevered. Super proud of you all this week!

Image of Bee Yourself: A brilliant online platform designed to promote mental health and wellbeing for young people living in Blackburn with Darwen
23 Jan

Bee Yourself: A brilliant online platform designed to promote mental health and wellbeing for young people living in Blackburn with Darwen

Bee Yourself: We've just been made aware of a brilliant online platform designed to promote mental health and wellbeing for young people living in Blackburn with Darwen. It offers a range of resources and activities to help young people feel good and have fun while providing information and support for parents, carers, and practitioners working with young people. The platform is divided into several sections, including the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ section, which provides information on local activities and opportunities linked to the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. The 5 Ways to Wellbeing are a set of evidence-based actions that promote wellbeing and include connecting with others, being active, taking notice of your surroundings, learning new things, and giving back to the community. The Parent/Carer Area – Honeycomb – offers health and wellbeing information for parents, carers, and families by topic. It includes links to support and resources for further information on topics such as managing stress, dealing with anxiety, and building resilience. Bee Yourself offers The Big Ask section for young people with questions or concerns. This area provides answers to questions generated by young people through various focus groups, supported by health and wellbeing partners. The section aims to help young people understand and manage their mental health and wellbeing. The Worries Away area is another section that provides health and wellbeing information by topic. It aims to help young people understand and manage common concerns such as anxiety, stress, and depression. The section includes information on how to recognise the signs of mental health issues and what steps to take to get help. Bee Yourself is a valuable online platform that offers a range of resources and activities to promote mental health and wellbeing for young people in Blackburn with Darwen. With sections for children, parents and carers, practitioners, and young people themselves, Bee Yourself has something to offer everyone. It’s an excellent resource for those who want to learn more about mental health and wellbeing and take steps to promote it in their own lives and in the lives of those around them.

Image of Reception: Keeping safe
23 Jan

Reception: Keeping safe

During our PSHE session, our Ducklings discussed how to keep safe both indoors and outdoors. They looked at risks around school and we discussed what could happen. Some of our children designed an obstacle course and we had a group of risk detectives and health and safety officers! They examined the risks and made sure it was safe for our children to use.

Image of Collective Worship- The boy in the temple
22 Jan

Collective Worship- The boy in the temple

We started our Monday morning worship by singing Jesus strong and king and then by signing the trinity and the lighting of the candles. We then watched a video from the Worship Together Collective Worship led by Lisa from Blackburn Diocese. We heard the story ‘the boy in the temple’, which taught us about a twelve year old Jesus who went missing and was found in the temple. He said to Joseph when he was found “ you should have known I was here, it is my father's house after all.” Bishop Philip told us how in this story Jesus tells us who he is and what he has come to do. We then watched an animation of the story and discussed how Mary and Joseph must have felt when Jesus was missing for three days and how Jesus was a little child, just like us. We then finished our worship by singing and signing to two of our favourite songs about Jesus, Waymaker and My Lighthouse.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
19 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by signing the trinity and discussing our week in school. We reflected on our learning about courage and Martin Luther King in collective worship and how much fun we had in the snow on Tuesday. We then presented Ida, Fletcher, Bindi, Harriet, Annabelle, Alice, Alfie and Sophie as our value award winners this week. Well done for being extremely conscientious and hardworking. We also congratulated Maliki, Alfie, Zac and Rio for representing our school amazingly well at a Bowling Competition this week on Monday morning, Ruby, Daniel, Jessica for being rewarded with their pen licenses, Year 1 and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park who are our overall value award winners this week with 287 points. We then moved on to our out of school achievers. Well done to Isaac for achieving Player of the Match for showing an immense amount of courage by taking the role of goalkeeper in a recent football match for the first time, Arabelle for being extremely generous and sponsoring a dog called Crumble by donating money that she has raised through her swimming to support Crumble in becoming a guide dog, Cassidy for achieving a trophy for showing wonderful perseverance in her bar work at gymnastics, Eliza for achieving a trophy for showing lots of courage and hard work during her football training and matches and Annabelle for working extremely hard towards her bronze award in swimming. We then presented all of our teachers with their first aid qualifications. Finally, we heard some lovely prayers from Jacob, Olivia and Ivy who prayed for peace in our world. We thank all those who attended celebration worship- it is always lovely to see so many of our families attend and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Reception: Rhyme and Story Time
17 Jan

Reception: Rhyme and Story Time

Our Ducklings enjoyed their first rhyme and story time of 2024. We sang lots of songs and read Oi, Frog! The children enjoyed joining in with the rhyming couplets. Rhyme and story time continues next week at 9am. Our Reception parents, toddlers and pre school children from our community are welcome to join us.

Image of Where has Darwen Tower gone?
16 Jan

Where has Darwen Tower gone?

We can’t see Darwen Tower this morning as there is so much snow in the sky. Thank you so much to all of our parents and carers who took extra time and care this morning on the school drop off. Everyone got into the warmth of school safely and sensibly. Please take extra time and care during pick up at hometime.

Image of Reception: What’s safe to go onto our body?
16 Jan

Reception: What’s safe to go onto our body?

Today in PSHE, we discussed what is safe to go onto our body. We drew around two of our friends and discussed what we put onto our body during the day and at night. The children came up with lots of different objects. We then discussed why we use them. Leila said we put plasters on to stop us from bleeding. Joey said we put a scarf on to stop us from getting cold. Alayna said we use soap to stop germs from spreading and Lydia said we use shampoo to keep our hair nice and clean.

Image of Reception: Snow much fun!
16 Jan

Reception: Snow much fun!

Our Ducklings loved exploring the snow today! They learnt how to make snowballs and we discussed the shape of them and how they look like balls we throw! We problem solved to build a snowman and enjoyed creating snow angels. The children loved throwing snowballs at Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Thompson! We had lots of fun!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed exploring a different forest schools area of Whitehall park. They created dens, roleplayed in a restaurant, searched for hedgehogs and loved climbing trees.

Image of Rhyme time and Story time returns
12 Jan

Rhyme time and Story time returns

Reception parents and carers are welcome to come and join us for rhyme and story time. Younger siblings, preschool children and toddlers are more than welcome to join us too. This half term rhyme time will be on Wednesday 17th, 24th and 31st January between 9-9.30am in our school hall.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship- Spring 1 Week 1
12 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship- Spring 1 Week 1

This morning, we started our worship by signing the trinity and discussing our first week in school of 2024. We reflected on our learning about The Epiphany in collective worship, how much fun we’ve had exploring the new outdoor gym and all of our learning during the Life Education sessions with Harold the giraffe. We then presented Skye, Seb, Alfie, Jack, Walter, Tilly, Daisy, Lucy and Amelia as our value award winners this week. Well done to these children for being incredible role models. We also congratulated Oscar and Ivy on achieving their pen licenses and Year 2 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park who are our overall value award winners this week with 436 points. We then moved on to our out of school achievers. Well done to Ella for achieving the Christmas Cup for being an exceptional team player at football, Charlie for achieving Stage 3 and 25 meters in his swimming, Eliza for achieving several badges at Pony Club including learning how to groom horses and provide them with first aid, Marley for achieving 10 meters in her swimming and a badge at Rainbows, Scarlett for getting Olivia at Rainbows for being a team player and doing wonderful tidying up, Sophie for achieving a trophy for Athlete of the match and several medals for representing Blackburn Harriers as part of Lancashire, Annabel for achieving Skate Excel’s grade 1 in her ice skating and Daisy for being a wonderful gymnast. We then heard from Rev Ben who finished our worship with a lovely prayer. We thank you all again for your continued support this week and we wish you all a lovely restful weekend.

Image of Reception PE
11 Jan

Reception PE

During our PE session Reception focused on ‘jumping’ and each child took part in 5 circuits focusing on the technique of jumping. It was amazing to see the children encourage one another as they pushed themselves out of their comfort zones. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception - Joining Materials
11 Jan

Reception - Joining Materials

For our Art, Reception have been learning about the different ways we can join materials together in the creative area. The children have been really inventive in exploring different ways they can join paper and card together to showcase their own ideas.

Image of Reception PSHE - All About Me!
10 Jan

Reception PSHE - All About Me!

Karen and Harold the giraffe visited us and talked about what we have inside our body to help us stay alive. Under our ribs we have our heart that pumps blood around our body and our lungs to help us breathe. There are 3 important things that give us energy - food, drink, and the air we breathe. Then we had a look inside Harold the giraffe’s wash bag to see how we can keep our bodies clean and healthy. We also learned that it is important for our bodies to have regular exercise and the different ways we can help ourselves to feel better when we are feeling sad. Lastly, we talked about how important rest is for our bodies, especially sleep because this helps us to grow.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship: Courage and Epiphany
9 Jan

Rev Ben’s Worship: Courage and Epiphany

This morning, Rev Ben came in to talk about courage and how the wise men showed courage on their journey to meet Jesus. The children shared their bravest moments and they enjoyed joining in with the Bible story and especially Rev Ben’s impression of a grumpy and mean King Herod. We reflected on how the wise men showed courage, how we can show courage this week and how it helps us to know that Jesus is always with us. This doesn't mean that the fear goes away but Jesus helps us to face our fears and be courageous, just like the wise men.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
8 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings visited the forest schools area of Whitehall Park today for the first time. They enjoyed exploring and also had a go at making camp fires and bug houses.

Image of Merry Christmas Everyone!
22 Dec

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Good afternoon parents and carers, what a fantastic last week we have had at St Barnabas celebrating Christmas. Each class has visited the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park to see the lovely Christmas art work and enjoyed singing Christmas carols. Our Christmas parties were great fun and the infants got a special visit and gift from Santa & the children in KS2 were left special presents from him too. This morning we had our Christmas church service and this afternoon we presented our amazing attendance winners with their certificates and had a singalong to our Christmas video. To see all of our latest news from each class, please click here: I’m delighted to let you know that Sean Dunn is our new parent governor and you should be able to spot him in our Christmas video along with some of our other governors, our staff and children. It wouldn’t be Christmas at St Barnabas without our special Christmas video to wish you all a merry Christmas from our whole school family. Here it is: On behalf of our whole staff team, we would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and we hope that it is filled with moments of peace, love and joy. Thank you so much for your kind words, cards and gifts. We look forward to seeing you all next year when the Spring term starts on Monday 8th January. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you all, Mrs Ham and the St Barnabas staff team

Image of Whitehall Park Values Winner Disco
21 Dec

Whitehall Park Values Winner Disco

Well done to all of the children in Whitehall Park as they collectively received the most values points this half term. As a treat, they were rewarded with a disco! They had a super time and all enjoyed a chocolate lolly too.

Image of Reception Christmas Party
21 Dec

Reception Christmas Party

Reception have had a super morning at their Christmas party and were so excited to have a special visitor in class - Father Christmas! They each got a present for being such good boys and girls.

Image of Reception PE
20 Dec

Reception PE

This morning Reception have had a fun Christmas session in the hall for PE, using all of the skills they have been working on- aim, under arm and risk taking. Everyone had a turn at each station and encouraged each other beautifully. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception: Christmas Artwork visit to the Rose Garden
19 Dec

Reception: Christmas Artwork visit to the Rose Garden

Our Ducklings really enjoyed looking at all of the artwork at the rose garden in Whitehall Park. They looked in detail at the children’s drawings and have all said they’d love to show their families over the Christmas holidays. We also enjoyed singing some Christmas songs.

Image of Reception: End of term treat
19 Dec

Reception: End of term treat

We are so proud of our Ducklings . They have completed their first term and it has been lovely watching them all blossom. As a treat, after viewing the art in the rose garden, we all had a play on the playground equipment. We had so much fun together.

Image of Friday 15th December- Celebration Worship
15 Dec

Friday 15th December- Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by lighting our advent candles and reflecting on this week’s theme for advent which is joy. Mrs Ham said that our choir brought lots of joy to Darwen Market Hall yesterday and how this week we have also taken part in the Christmas Fayre and Christmas lunch which have also brought lots of joy to us all. We then presented Elsie, Marley, Arabelle, Sonny, Talia, Charlie-Rose and Molly as our value award winners this week. Well done to these children who have been displaying an incredible amount of kindness, respect and trying incredibly hard with their learning. We also congratulated Tyler, Bobby, Ella, Jenson and Talia who have achieved their pen licenses and Reception and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week. Whitehall Park are our overall value award winners this week and are also this half-terms overall winners. We then said a huge well done to four of our Year 2 children who attended a Curling competition. Unfortunately, they just missed out on achieving medals but they represented school amazingly - well done to Isaac, James, Emily and Olivia! We then said well done to our out of school achievers. Well done to Olivia for being an incredible mascot at the weekend during the Ladies’ Blackburn Rovers Football game, Isaac for achieving a medal at performing arts, Ruby for attending Brownie Camp and achieving a gold award in Brownies which is the highest award that a Brownie can achieve and also lots of medals and a trophy for her survival skills in swimming, Alexis for achieving 50m in her swimming, Isaac for achieving 50m in his swimming and his younger brother Teddy for achieving Ducklings stage 3 in his swimming, Alfie for swimming 5m backstroke, Grace for attending Brownie Camp and trying lots of new activities such as caving, zip wiring and climbing, Betsy for achieving a medal in her ballet, Callie for swimming 5m, Carmen for achieving her stage 4 in swimming, Thomas for achieving stage 2 in his swimming and Eden for achieving the bronze award at Brownies and attending the Brownie Camp at the weekend. We then said a huge thank you to our Friends of St Barnabas who continue to run lots of events in school, such as our Christmas Fayre on Wednesday, to fundraise money for school to purchase lots of new and exciting things for our children. We can’t wait for our new outdoor gym. We then heard some lovely prayers from Sofia, Elijah and Mrs Ham and listened to our amazing choir who sang to us all. We thank you all again for your continued support this week and we wish you all a lovely festive weekend.

Image of Whole School -Design Technology- Christmas Fayre
14 Dec

Whole School -Design Technology- Christmas Fayre

This term in Design and Technology (D.T.), children from every class have been busy creating special things with a purpose. They showed off their creations at our school's Christmas fayre. Reception made cute Christmas decorations, Year 1 made Christmas-themed characters that move from a book, Year 2 put together yummy fruit kebabs, Year 3 crafted pouches, Year 4 made stockings, Year 5 created comfy cushions, and Year 6 invented their own steady hand game. Everyone should be proud of what they made because when parents and visitors saw the products, they were amazed! Each class did a fantastic job turning their creativity into awesome projects.

Image of PE -Reception
13 Dec

PE -Reception

Today Reception took part in a Christmas themed session, working on under arm throwing and aim. The children took turns decorating their hoop trees with bean bag baubles. Well done Reception!

Image of Christmas Lunch 2023
13 Dec

Christmas Lunch 2023

We had a fantastic Christmas lunch together as a school family! A huge thank you to Mrs Norton, Mrs Beech and Miss Norton for the meal. Thank you so much to our staff team for all of your help. It was wonderful to see all of our children eating and having festive fun together. We loved your singing too!

Image of Reception: Rev Ben Visit
12 Dec

Reception: Rev Ben Visit

Our Ducklings had a visit from Rev Ben today. Rev Ben brought in some figures to tell us about the Christmas story. Christians believe that Jesus is the star of the story. We need to really think about Jesus and if we listen really carefully to the story, it can change us from the inside out if we let it. Rev Ben finished his visit with a special thank you prayer. Thank you Rev Ben for visiting our class, we always enjoy your visits.

Image of Reception: Christmas tree decorations
11 Dec

Reception: Christmas tree decorations

Reception class have been busy creating their Christmas tree decorations ready for the Christmas Fayre on Wednesday. They will be available to buy at the fayre for £2 each. They look fantastic!

Image of Friday 8th December- Celebration Worship
8 Dec

Friday 8th December- Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by lighting our advent candles and reflecting on this week’s theme for advent which is peace. Mrs Ham asked us to reflect on how we can create peace both at home and in school. We had suggestions such as helping around the house, helping out with younger siblings, making our own bed, tidying up after ourselves and showing kindness to everyone. We then presented Leila, Alice, Chay, Elliott, Quinn, Mason, Harry and Oscar as our value award winners this week. Well done to these children who have been working incredibly hard and showing impeccable manners. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park who are our overall value award winners this week. We then said a huge well done to four of our Year 4 boys who attended a Boccia competition. Unfortunately, they just missed out on getting to the final but they represented school amazingly - well done boys! We then said well done to Ella for achieving her puffin award at swimming which includes swimming 5m, James for becoming the captain of his football team, Tristen for being awarded the best newcomer at kickboxing, Leonora for swimming her first ever 100m and achieving several PBs in her swimming, Desmond for attending his first ever session with Darwen Centurions, Grace for achieving several badges at Brownies, Maggie for a badge at ar Rainbows for attending the ‘Magical Christmas Experience’ and achieving Stage 2 in her swimming, Annabel and Scarlett for also attending the ‘Magical Christmas Experience’ at Rainbows, Sofia for achieving a medal for her incredible dancing, Jacob for attending a magical Christmas experience at the North Pole, Matthew for achieving Student of the Year at Organised Chaos Kickboxing club, Jessica and Amelia for achieving lots of rosettes and certificates for demonstrating amazing talent in their horse riding and Ivy for demonstrating fantastic talent in her gymnastics talent. We ended our worship by saying the Grace and singing ‘We Three Kings’ and ‘Ding Dong.’

Image of Erin’s Place Christmas Decorations
7 Dec

Erin’s Place Christmas Decorations

Our Reception class won a competition from Erin’s Place in Darwen where they have had the opportunity to paint a Christmas ornament which will then be baked in a special oven. The children have tried hard with their fine motor skills to paint the fine details on the ornaments and we can’t wait to see the final result.

Image of Reception PE
6 Dec

Reception PE

This morning Reception enjoyed using the parachute during their PE session, playing lots of teamwork games which required really good listening. Everyone joined in and had lots of fun!

Image of Reception Nativity
6 Dec

Reception Nativity

We are so proud of our Ducklings who performed the Nativity today. Their singing was beautiful and they told the story using their loud, clear voices. Their confidence shone and it was enjoyed by all!

Image of Whole School Peace Chain
5 Dec

Whole School Peace Chain

During our second week of Advent, we are focussing on praying for peace. Throughout the last week, all classes have created a whole school peace chain. Continuing from yesterday’s worship, we discussed different ways that we can find peace. Ruby said that she had listened to her mum this morning to create a peaceful home environment. Darcy said she had shown peace to her younger sibling. Isaac said he had helped his parents and Percy said he had gone to bed earlier. We will continue to focus on peace throughout this week and the whole of Advent. Our peace chain is displayed in our school entrance for you all to see.

Image of Celebration Worship- 1st December 2023
1 Dec

Celebration Worship- 1st December 2023

This morning in celebration worship, we started our worship by lighting a candle of hope to represent the first week in advent. We then presented our value award winners with their certificates for showing an exceptional work ethic and demonstrating the Christian Values. Well done to Teddy, Heidi, Isaac, Daisy, Alice, Lily-May, Jake and Rio. We then said a huge well done to River Darwen who were our overall value award winners this week and Reception and Year 5 for being the amazing attendance winners this week. We then moved on to our wonderful out of school achievers. We said a huge well done to Tristen who achieved his red and yellow belt at kick-boxing, Lydia who has got Olivia from rainbows for super tidying up, Seb for achieving his 5m without armbands in his swimming, Elliott for achieving a trophy for incredible football, Evie for being awarded a medal for demonstrating incredible skills in her gymnastics, Grace for achieving a medal in her lyrical dancing, Alby for achieving 50m in his swimming, Ed for achieving 20m in his swimming, Betsy for working extremely hard in her ballet lessons and working hard towards achieving her point shoes and Summer for achieving 20m in her backstroke. To end our worship, we had some beautiful prayers from Lilly, Wilson, Isaac and Sofia and a prayer from Mrs Ham about remembering the true meaning of Christmas. We also sang ‘Come and Join the Celebration’ and ‘Little Donkey.’ Thank you for all of your support this week and we wish you all a lovely weekend.

Image of It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
1 Dec

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

All of our children helped to decorate our real Christmas tree today at lunch time. It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Image of Reception PE
29 Nov

Reception PE

Reception have had a jam packed PE session today, they played games, had music on and everyone took part in each activity focusing on the fundamental skill of jumping. As a class their listening was superb throughout which meant we could play more games and have more fun! Well done Reception!

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship- Jeremiah : Down in the well
28 Nov

Rev Ben’s Worship- Jeremiah : Down in the well

This morning Rev Ben led our Worship about God's Compassion. We started with a fun listening game where Rev Ben blind folded some children and the rest of us had to make the animal noise of the animal on the screen. The children who were blindfolded were able to realise what it was like to not be able to see, just like the person in this week's Bible story, Jeremiah. We listened and joined in with the Old Testament Bible story all about Jeremiah being stuck in a deep, dark well. We loved joining in with the repeated refrain and we learned that God helped Jeremiah get out of the well. We reflected on how God can help us when we are feeling stuck or in a dark place. We then thought about how God sent His saviour, Jesus to rescue us all and how at this time of Advent, we are thinking about the special birth of Jesus. We finished our Worship singing 'Jesus, strong and kind'.

Image of Reception PSHE- Feeling left out
28 Nov

Reception PSHE- Feeling left out

Today Reception have taken part in PSHE where we discussed how our friends might feel if they were left out. Our Ducklings had some wonderful ideas of how we can help our friends who might feel left out and what they can do to make sure no one feels left out in our class. Well done Reception, lovely speaking and listening!

Image of Rhyme and story time begins again in January 2024!
27 Nov

Rhyme and story time begins again in January 2024!

Reception’s rhyme time and story time will begin again on Wednesday 17th January 2024. Rhyme time is not on for the rest of December due to our Christmas nativity rehearsals and performance and our Christmas fair. Preschool children are more than welcome to join us and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Image of First week in Advent- Hope Collective Worship
27 Nov

First week in Advent- Hope Collective Worship

This morning in our collective Worship we focused on Hope as it is the first week in Advent. Lucy and Charlie lit the first candle on our advent wreath and we said special prayers of hope. We watched a lovely video showing how God promised to send his special son Jesus and people had to wait in hope a very long time for Him but 'Good things come to those who wait'. We then discussed with our friends what we were hopeful for in the future and we had some wonderful answers such as 'For there to be peace across the whole world and for everyone to show kindness to each other.' Over the next four weeks we will be focusing on the hope, peace, joy and love that Jesus brought to the world and how we can show that to others too. We finished our Worship by singing a number of Christmas songs to remind us of the importance of Christmas, when baby Jesus was born. Thank you to our wonderful singers who volunteered to model the actions to the younger children.

Image of Celebration Worship - 24/11/23
24 Nov

Celebration Worship - 24/11/23

This morning in celebration worship, we started our worship by presenting our value award winners with their certificates. Well done to Joey, Archie, Olivia, Ivy, Ella, Esme, Wilson and Ross for consistently demonstrating an exceptional attitude to learning and always showing respect, kindness and friendship. Mrs Ham also awarded a special bravery award for Sonny in Year 3. Today marks one year since he was diagnosed with diabetes. This past year, he has taken all of the hospital trips and disruptions to his usual routines in his stride and shown an immense amount of courage. We are so proud of you Sonny! Our head and deputies then awarded Darwen Tower as the overall value award winners this week and Mrs Ham announced Reception class and Year 6 as the amazing attendance winners this week. We then celebrated lots of children who have been achieving great things out of school. Well done to Mila for achieving her drawing badge at rainbows, Eliza for being a superstar horse rider, Annabelle for achieving her drawing badge at rainbows and the rainbows theme award for expressing herself, Desmond for being a super swimmer, Marley for showing kindness, Archie for achieving 20m front crawl swimming, Callie for achieving her stage 3 award at swimming, Penelope for achieving a rosette in her horse riding, Poppy for achieving a trophy for being a fantastic footballer and Skye for displaying lots of new skills in her horse riding lessons. We then applauded Alice in Year 3, Poppy in Year 5, Wilson, Charlie, Lucy and Jacob in Year 6 for their successful entries into the ‘Happy News competition’ which was launched in school a few weeks ago. Mrs Govan then launched our current competition. Mrs Govan explained that Home Bargains are accepting entries into a Christmas card competition that we would love our children to enter into. The winner of the competition will get their Christmas card printed and sold in Home Bargains and the money raised will go to Alder Hey Hospital. What a fantastic cause to support. Finally to end our worship, Rev Ben then said a beautiful prayer and Mrs Ham reminded us about non-uniform day next Friday in exchange for chocolate or a toy for our FOSB School Christmas Fair on Wednesday 13th December. We thank you all for your continued support and we wish you all an enjoyable weekend.

Image of Christmas Card Competition
24 Nov

Christmas Card Competition

This morning in our Celebration Worship I shared the details of our Christmas Art Competition in Aid of Alder Hey Children’s hospital. The competition is for the children to design their own Christmas Card on a square piece of paper (please see the image above for more details and last year’s winners!) All entries will be submitted to the competition, and if selected, the winning entries will be sold as Christmas cards in Home Bargains stores across the UK, with all proceeds going to Alder Hey. School can also win a craft hamper and £100 voucher for resources too! We will also be selecting a handful of amazing entries to copy and display in the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park for our Christmas ADVENTure trail, so any Nativity related entries would be lovely to see. Please can we ask that all entries be handed to class teachers by no later than Wednesday 13th December. We are able to provide squared paper for entries if needed, please just ask your class teachers. If you have any further questions then please ask. We look forward to seeing some wonderful designs! Thank you, Mrs Govan

Image of Reception: Creative crowns
23 Nov

Reception: Creative crowns

This morning Reception class has been getting very creative and made their own celebration crowns. They are all unique, just like our Ducklings. Well done!

Image of Reception Counting Arrangements
23 Nov

Reception Counting Arrangements

In Maths, Reception have been counting different arrangements of objects and practising their counting skills. They are remembering their ‘stopping number’ which tells us how many there are in a set once they have finished counting.

Image of Reception- Rolling a ball.
22 Nov

Reception- Rolling a ball.

In P.E this morning we have learnt a special word. “Aim” was the special word we learnt and we spoke about the meaning of aim. We learnt how to aim for the place we want our ball to go. We rolled the ball and bounced the ball to our partners with control.

Image of Reception- Bug hunt
21 Nov

Reception- Bug hunt

For the first part of our forest school session we headed out of school and up to Jacks Key to go hunting for mini beasts. We found beetles, snails, slugs and lots more.

Image of Reception-Den building
21 Nov

Reception-Den building

For the second part of our forest school session we headed back to school to have a go at den building. Just look at these amazing dens they have created!

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship: Samuel and David
21 Nov

Rev Ben’s Worship: Samuel and David

This week in Rev Ben’s Worship, we learned the story of Samuel, Jessie and David. We talked about the qualities God looks for in a king and the importance of having a kind heart.

Image of WOW Group Worship: Respect and Tolerance
21 Nov

WOW Group Worship: Respect and Tolerance

Well done to our fantastic WOW Group, who led their first whole-school worship this year today. In recognition of Inter Faith week, they talked about respecting each other’s differences and they taught us about tolerance and how we can show it to one another.

Image of Reception’s Toy Party
17 Nov

Reception’s Toy Party

Well what a fun start to the day reception have had! They have really enjoyed showing their friends their toys from home, we have played games and have danced our socks off!

Image of Reception Children in Need
17 Nov

Reception Children in Need

Reception have enjoyed coming to school in their spots for Children in Need Day. We talked about why we have a day for Children in Need and how it helps lots of children in the UK to feel safe and access the support they need. We completed some Pudsey bear activities in our provision too.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
17 Nov

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by ‘Making a Noise’ as that has been our focus this week during anti-bullying week. We did this whilst dressing in spots and all things Pudsey in support of Children in Need. We then said a huge well done to our superstar value award winners this week who were Iniya, Eli, Lyla in EYFS and KS1 and Sofia, Summer, Lola, Tyler and Archie in KS2. We were also exceptionally pleased to present Millie, Annabelle, Matthew and Bella for getting their pen licenses and Charlie for being a Times Table Rockstars Champ. We then said a huge congratulations to our Year 5/6 football team who achieved the title of Darwen Schools league football champions last night, Whitehall Park for winning the Inter-house dodgeball competition last Friday, our KS1 sports team who attended the multi sports skills festival at QEGS last Friday, India Mill who were overall value award winners this week with 283 points and Year 1 and Year 4 for being our amazing attendance winners this week. Our Well-Being Warriors then presented Edward, Molly, Lottie, Elliott, Grace, Betsy and Isaac for having the best odd socks and shoes on Monday to launch anti-bullying week and we celebrated the achievements of our out of school sports award achievers. Well done to Cali for her ice skating, Albie for achieving his 10m swimming award, Arabelle for being awarded her 50m in swimming, Lyla for achieving a medal for incredible ballet dancing, Sofia for super concentration and accuracy in her dancing, Peyton for achieving her white belt in kickboxing, Quinn for his commitment to tennis, Molly for achieving her fourth belt in martial arts, Betsy for achieving medals for incredible ballet and commercial street dancing, Grace for achieving a medal for her lyrical dancing and Lola for showing improved steps in her acro dancing. Finally, Mrs Ham reminded us about the Scholastic Book Fair being open after school next Monday and Tuesday after school. We then heard from Rev Ben who ended our celebration worship with a beautiful prayer about compassion and kindness. We wish you all an enjoyable weekend.

Image of Scholastic book fair
16 Nov

Scholastic book fair

Our Scholastic Book fair will be back in school on 20th and 21st November after school. Children will be visiting the fair over the next few days and will bring home a wish list of potential books they’d like to buy at the fair. You can purchase books at the fair from 3.30-4.30pm next Monday and Tuesday (20th and 21st). It is the perfect time to purchase books ready for Christmas! Card payments will only be accepted, we unfortunately cannot accept cash.

Image of FOSB Christmas Fayre Stalls and Raffle Prize Donations
15 Nov

FOSB Christmas Fayre Stalls and Raffle Prize Donations

St Barnabas CE Primary Academy will be hosting an Annual Christmas Fayre on Wednesday 13th December 3.30-5.30pm. We are looking for stall holders and local businesses to donate raffle prizes so please email if you are available to help in any way: [email protected] If you would like a stall, they are priced at £10 plus a donation to our raffle. If you would like to help by donating a raffle prize then that would be very much appreciated! It will be a wonderful event for our community, any support would be really appreciated. Thank you.

Image of Reception PE
15 Nov

Reception PE

Today reception have taken part in a PE session focusing on their fundamental skills of climbing, jumping and rolling. Everyone had a go and had lot of fun too! Well done reception, what superstars you are!

Image of World nursery rhyme week rhyme time
15 Nov

World nursery rhyme week rhyme time

This week is world nursery rhyme week, so we celebrated this in our rhyme time! All of the Reception children took part and sang five nursery rhymes and they were then awarded with a special certificate! Well done Reception class! Thank you to all of the parents, carers, younger siblings and pre-school children who joined us.

Image of Reception: Jesus walks on water
14 Nov

Reception: Jesus walks on water

Today we learnt how Jesus is special and how he performed miracles. We listened to the story ‘Jesus walks on water’. The children retold the story using Godly play and enjoyed drawing parts of the story in our RE scrap book. Callie said “Jesus helped Peter get up from the waves”. Percy said “Jesus walked on water”.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
13 Nov

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today our Ducklings visited the war memorial at Whitehall park. We had a look at the photographs and pictures of soldiers, their uniform and their armour. We noticed that there were only boy names so we discussed why. A few of our children found their forenames too! We then walked back to school through Jack Keys so we could get a little muddy!

Image of Whole-School Worship: Odd socks day to launch Anti-Bullying Week
13 Nov

Whole-School Worship: Odd socks day to launch Anti-Bullying Week

Today, to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week, we were all invited to come to school in odd socks and shoes to express our individuality. We learned how to spot the signs of bullying and what to do if we think someone is being bullied. We saw some brilliant acting skills from some of the children who acted our some bullying scenarios. We talked about the Christian and British values we should be showing to each other at all times. At St Barnabas, bullying is not welcome so we made a noise by shouting that out in different year groups and we loved joining in with Andy and the Odd Socks 'Make some noise' song.

Image of Reception: Odd socks and shoes day
13 Nov

Reception: Odd socks and shoes day

Our ducklings enjoyed wearing odd socks and shoes to launch anti-bullying week. We described what a good friend is and how we can be kind to each other.

Image of KS1- Anti-bullying week lunch time crafts
13 Nov

KS1- Anti-bullying week lunch time crafts

Today at lunch time we decided to set up on station for children who wanted to get creative. We created our own odd socks to follow on from this morning’s worship about anti-bullying week and Odd Socks Day.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
10 Nov

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning we started our worship by thinking about remembrance. We put all of the people who serve us each and everyday with great strength and courage in our thoughts. Our heads and deputies said some some lovely prayers for all of those who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice their lives to fight in the wars and all of those who are caught in conflict at the moment. We then observed a two minute silence. Following this, we presented our value award winners for this week. Well done to Lucy, Freddy, Elsie and Alfie in the Juniors and Lennox, Evie and Harvey in EYFS and KS1. We also said a huge well done to River Darwen for being our overall value award winners this week and Year 1, 2 and Year 4 for being our amazing attendance winners. We then moved onto celebrating our Year 5/6 football team who are through to the finals of the Darwen schools league next week after playing exceptional football through the league and we also celebrate our out of school achievers. Well done to Issac for being a super scout and swimmer, Sofia for being a wonderfully creative brownie and designing and making her own t-shirt, Annabel for working extremely hard in her ballet lessons and being a wonderful ballerina, Grace for being a fantastic gymnast, Poppy for achieving athlete of the week and ‘man of the match’ in her most recent football game, Ivy for pushing herself out of her comfort zone in her dancing and achieving a medal and Amelia and Jess for showing super courage and talent in their horse riding lessons. Finally, we ended our celebration worship by singing happy birthday to Alice, Elsie and Sophie and singing ‘A Song of Peace.’ Please remember that we are wearing odd socks and shoes on Monday to celebrate the launch of Anti-Bullying week. Our Well-Being Warriors announced that there will be a winner per class for the funkiest choice of odd shoes. We wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Image of Reception Inter House Games
10 Nov

Reception Inter House Games

Today Reception were led by our sports leaders in a game of ‘bench ball’ which is a firm favourite amongst all of our classes in school. Reception were very excited to play the game together in their teams. All reception children joined in, listened well and gave it their all, well done to you reception!

Image of EYFS/KS1 Remembrance lunch time crafts
10 Nov

EYFS/KS1 Remembrance lunch time crafts

Our EYFS & KS1 children really enjoyed creating Remembrance themed crafts at lunch times. St Barnabas remembers!

Image of Rhyme Time
8 Nov

Rhyme Time

Another brilliant turn out for our second week of Rhyme time, thank you to all of the grown ups who were able to come along. We enjoyed lots of interactive songs and a story! Super joining in and listening reception!

Image of Reception PE
8 Nov

Reception PE

Today Reception have been risk taking in PE, using their climbing and balancing skills to complete circuits. They really enjoyed the session and everyone had a good try at all of the stations, well done!

Image of Reception - All about Diwali
8 Nov

Reception - All about Diwali

Reception have been learning about Diwali, the festival of light which is celebrated by Hindus every year. They have been busy making Diwali cards, Rangoli patterns and Diwa lamps.

Image of Reception: Vicars are special!
7 Nov

Reception: Vicars are special!

Today, our Ducklings had a lovely visit from Rev Ben and Rev Matt as part of their RE unit. They told us all about their special job. Rev Matt showed us his special garments and Rev Ben showed us his special collar. Rev Ben explained how being a vicar is all about showing how we love, know and follow Jesus. We watched a video about how Jesus chose his special followers called disciples. Rev Ben explained that the disciples were ordinary people just like vicars are! Rev Ben showed us how vicars celebrate holy communion and we held the special chalice and plate. Rev Matt then explained how vicars invite people to be part of the church through baptism. We all enjoyed our visit, thank you so much!

Image of Odd Socks Day
7 Nov

Odd Socks Day

On Monday 13th November we will be launching Anti-Bullying Week with our usual ‘ODD SOCKS DAY’. After our weekly meeting our Wellbeing Warriors would also like to make it ‘ODD SOCKS AND ODD SHOE DAY’. They will be on the look out for the strangest, most unique socks and shoe combo and there will be a prize for a child in each year group. This will be announced in Celebration Worship on Friday 17th November when the team will be giving an overview of the day and how we have promoted Anti- Bullying Week in school.

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship: God’s Compassion for Gideon
7 Nov

Rev Matt’s Worship: God’s Compassion for Gideon

Rev Matt’s Worship this week was about victory against the odds and staying faithful to God. He told us the story of Gideon and how he defeated the Midianites, even though his army was small. He trusted in God and God showed Gideon compassion. We also discussed how we can show compassion to people who need our help.

Image of Reception: Remembrance Day
6 Nov

Reception: Remembrance Day

Reception have been learning all about Remembrance Day. They created poppies in provision using playdough, creative materials, felt tips and paint.

Image of Save the Date for our Christmas Fayre
6 Nov

Save the Date for our Christmas Fayre

Our wonderful FOSB will be hosting our Annual Christmas Fayre on Wednesday 13th December 3.30-5.30pm. Please save the date and come and enjoy lots of stalls, food and games. Our children’s Design and Technology products will also be available to purchase. FOSB are looking for stall holders and local businesses to donate raffle prizes so please email if you are available to help in any way: [email protected]

Image of Whole-School Worship: Remembrance
6 Nov

Whole-School Worship: Remembrance

With Remembrance Day fast approaching, Mrs Ham began the week with a worship about why and how we remember those who have died due to war and those who serve our country and protect us. She explained the significance of the poppy and we discussed which Christian and British values are shown by people in the armed forces. We ended our worship time with a prayer of thanks to those in the armed forces and prayed for peace around the world as we sang ‘A song of peace’.

Image of Poppy Appeal 2023
3 Nov

Poppy Appeal 2023

From Monday our Heads and Deputies will be selling Poppy Appeal merchandise at break times. The suggested donation for zip ties and reflectors is 50p, standard wristbands £1.00 and slap bands £1.50. Poppies will also be available to purchase for a small donation. Next week we will be focusing on Remembrance Day in our Worships and our Year 6 Heads and Deputies plus some of our WOW group members will be taking part in a special Remembrance Service in Darwen Cemetery. We will remember them.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
3 Nov

Friday Celebration Worship

Today we started our worship by lighting our very special candle for those in Israel and Gaza who have very much been in our thoughts this week. Mrs Ham reminded us that we will be focusing on remembrance next week. We will be thinking about all of the soldiers that have fought in the war past and present and all of those that have and are being affected by the war. The heads and deputies told us some of the things that they will be selling next week to support the Poppy Appeal. We then presented our value award winners with their certificates. Our winners this week were Callie, Mila, Alby, Carmen, Matthew, Seb, Layla and Sophie and we also said well done to Matthew, Layla and Will who gained their pen licenses. We then said a huge well done to our out of school achievers. Congratulations to Albie for achieving his 5m certificate in his swimming with no armbands, Annabel for getting Olivia at Rainbows this week for super tidying up and achieving super star status in her ballet and acro, Darcy for achieving stage 3 in her swimming, Daisy for achieving 2nd place in her gymnastics competition, Callie for achieving 10m in her swimming with no armbands, Cassidy for achieving 3 gold medals in her gymnastics vault, floor and all around routines and an additional overall gold medal, Iris for achieving 10m in her swimming and stage 1 in her gymnastics, Desmond for stage 4 and 10m in his swimming, Eliza for achieving girl of the game as goalkeeper in her football, Annabelle for entering in the 18+ category in orienteering and coming in first place, Alfie for scoring a hat trick in a recent football game, Bobby-Ray for achieving the brown and white belt in Karate, Finn for being a cricket superstar, Charlie for achieving the batter of the year in his cricket, Archie for achieving batter of the batter and fielder of the year in his cricket, Grace for achieving several medals and a trophy for her acro expertise and Elsie for achieving a certificate in her tutoring lessons. We said a well done to Whitehall Park who are our overall value award winners this week with 407 points and Year 2 and Year 5 for being the amazing attendance award winners this week. Finally, we ended our worship with some lovely prayers for those in Ukraine, Israel and Gaza and a song about peace. Thank you to those who could attend our celebration worship this week and we wish you all an enjoyable weekend.

Image of Reception Rhyme Time
2 Nov

Reception Rhyme Time

Our first Rhyme Time was a great success! Thank you to those grown ups who came along to join in the fun, Reception certainly enjoyed all of the songs, joining in with enthusiasm, what a lovely start to the day!

Image of Reception PE
1 Nov

Reception PE

Today during our PE lesson, Reception class were placed into groups and asked to complete each of the 4 circuits set up, including pencil rolling, two footed jump, throwing and balancing. All the children showed good listening skills and tried each activity with enthusiasm, well done!

Image of Reception circle time- sharing news
1 Nov

Reception circle time- sharing news

Today, Reception class took part in circle time and each child shared some news with the class. We were so impressed with their speaking, recall of detail and waiting for their turn. Lovely to see, Reception!

Image of Rhyme and Story time begins Wednesday 1st November
31 Oct

Rhyme and Story time begins Wednesday 1st November

Our rhyme and story time starts again tomorrow, Wednesday 1st November from 9-9.30am. Parents, carers and family members are more than welcome to join us with their children from Reception class only. Preschool children, toddlers and babies are also more than welcome to attend.

Image of Reception- Powder Paint Fireworks
31 Oct

Reception- Powder Paint Fireworks

Reception class had lots of fun learning all about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot. They then created their own firework patterns using powder paints. They tried hard to create lines, circles, spirals and stars.

Image of Reception- I’m special. You’re special.
31 Oct

Reception- I’m special. You’re special.

Today Reception class met Harold the Giraffe and he told them all being special. He taught them a special song called ‘I’m special. You're special.’ and the children loved joining in. They looked at themselves in the mirrors and told themselves and each other that they are special. We then shared the things that we like and don’t like with Harold. We all like and dislike different things, which is one of the ways that makes us all special and unique. We then chose some nursery rhymes that we like to sing and wind the bobbin up, at superfast speed, was definitely our favourite.

Image of Whole School Worship with Rev Ben
31 Oct

Whole School Worship with Rev Ben

Rev Ben taught us all about the value of thankfulness this week. He told us the story of the Jews being freed from slavery and how they lost sight of the good things God had given them, so they were left to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. The children loved interacting with the story and shared their ideas on how we can focus on the good.

Image of Whole-School Worship: Allhallowtide & Praying for Peace
30 Oct

Whole-School Worship: Allhallowtide & Praying for Peace

This morning Mrs Ham reminded us of the Christian season of Allhallowtide starting with All Hallows’ Eve tomorrow - Hallow means Holy and it is a time to be mindful of the good we can do in the world, All Saints’ Day on Wednesday - when Christians remember the good the saints have done, and All Souls‘ Day on Thursday - when we think of those who have died and are in heaven. We discussed Remembrance day which is coming up shortly, where we remember soldiers who have died in the wars. We also thought about the conflict in Israel and Gaza and prayed for those who are suffering in this war. We watched some newsround videos to learn about how children in Gaza and Israel are being affected and we thought of some ways that we can be like saints and help. Peyton said we can pray to God for them and Darcy, Jack and Naomi said we can donate money, clothes and toys to the children who have lost their homes and belongings. To finish we sang a 'Song of Peace' where we wished for a world where hate and war would cease and the everyone in the world could live in peace.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
30 Oct

Reception: Muddy Monday

We had a very busy Muddy Monday session today! We started the session with Mrs Ham. We discussed signs of Autumn and enjoyed singing Autumnal songs. We then went to a woodland area with Mrs Wilkinson and collected sticks to make some bonfire pictures this week. We enjoyed playing in the mud and the stream and even had a go at climbing trees!

Image of Harvest Church Service 2023
19 Oct

Harvest Church Service 2023

A huge well done to our WOW (Worship our Way) group and our choir for leading our Harvest Church service and to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for their wonderful contributions. Thank you so much for your generosity shown towards Darwen Food Larder and DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise). All of the photos can be found here: and the videos are posted on classdojo.

Image of Whole-School Worship: Moses Saves God’s People
18 Oct

Whole-School Worship: Moses Saves God’s People

This week, Rev Ben led our worship, teaching us all about the story of Moses parting the Red Sea, and how that was all a part of God’s great rescue plan. The children loved acting out the story. We also spent some time reflecting on God’s generosity towards the Israelites.

Image of Reception: Cutting Skills
17 Oct

Reception: Cutting Skills

Reception have been perfecting their cutting skills this afternoon. They learnt how to hold scissors correctly and how to position our arms to be able to cut paper accurately. Well done!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
16 Oct

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today our Ducklings explored our local environment. We learnt all about road safety. The children learnt to stop, look and listen every time they got to a road. We then went to Jack Keys and had a look at the reservoir. Super walking and exploring!

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
13 Oct

Whole School Celebration Worship

To start our celebration worship this morning, we reflected on another busy week. We talked about a couple of highlights such as our ‘Hello Yellow Day’ to celebrate World Mental Health Day, A Let’s Sing Together workshop and library visits for years 3 and 5. We then presented our value award winners for this week. Well done to Harry, Eva, Scarlett, Arabelle, Darcy, Reuben, Will and Isaac for demonstrating the 4Bs. We then said congratulations to India Mill for achieving the most value points this week and an even bigger congratulations to River Darwen who are our overall value award winners for this half term who will celebrate with something of their choice next Thursday. Our well-being warriors then announced the six winners for our ‘Hello Yellow’ self affirmations poster competition who were Molly, Mila, Summer, Lucy, Lilly and Alice. Also, we said a huge congratulations to our Y5/6 football team for their superb talent and sportsmanship last night as they won both matches, Reception and Year 5 for being the super attendance award winners this week and Jake in Year 5 for getting his pen license. We then celebrated our out of school achievements. Well done to Marley for her drawing certificate that she achieved at Rainbows, Harriet for achieving 75m in her swimming, Grace for achieving a special honours award in her Jazz, Poppy for getting player of the match in her football, Layla for her football award that she achieved by attending Blackburn Rovers, Alby for reading 6 different books as part of the summer Reading challenge and Vienna for achieving 20m in her swimming without armbands. We ended our worship with a lovely prayer from Rev Ben and a reminder about our Harvest Celebration at St Barnabas Church next Thursday 19th October at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome and we would really appreciate some donations for the local food bank. Thank you for your continued support and we wish you all an enjoyable weekend.

Image of Reception subitising to 3
12 Oct

Reception subitising to 3

This week in Maths, Reception have been learning to subitise. This means they can say how many objects there are without counting. They have done brilliantly at this and can subitise to 3. We also looked at the number blocks 1, 2 and 3 and the houses they live in.

Image of Reception- P.E
12 Oct

Reception- P.E

I’m so proud of Reception class in P.E this week. It was our first P.E session together in the hall using all the equipment. We had 4 stations set up to practice our fundamental skills. We had a go at balancing, jumping, hopping and jumping.

Image of Whole-School Worship: Jacob and Esau and God’s Forgiveness
10 Oct

Whole-School Worship: Jacob and Esau and God’s Forgiveness

Rev Matt joined us for worship today. He talked about good and bad, and then read the story of Isaac’s sons, Esau and Jacob. We then reflected on how God taught Jacob to be truthful and how He showed forgiveness.

Image of Whole-School Worship: Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Whole-School Worship: Hello Yellow Day

Today we are celebrating Hello Yellow Day for World Mental Health Day by dressing in yellow. In worship, our Heads and Deputies dressed as Mrs Ham's Minions and they explained all about Hello Yellow Day. We learnt that we all have mental health and there are things we can do when we don't have good mental health. We made each other smile and feel happy by dancing and singing together with the minions to 'Happy'. We then joined a special live assembly with lots of other primary schools in Blackburn and Darwen, which was led by the Mental Health support team. We talked about our worries and how we can shrink them using mindfulness techniques. Thank you to everyone for dressing in yellow to raise awareness of mental health and remember that it is good to talk to our friends, parents, teachers and other trusted adults if we are worried about anything.

Image of Reception: Learning about Islam
10 Oct

Reception: Learning about Islam

This week our Ducklings learnt all about Islamic prayer beads. They are what Muslims use to pray to God. They are called ‘Subha’. We had a look at a variety of prayer beads and learnt that there are 99 beads which represent a name that is given to God. Some of the names include the kind, the light, the strong, the first, the guide and the loving. Thank you to Miss Kachwalla for bringing her prayer beads in.

Image of Reception celebrate Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Reception celebrate Hello Yellow Day

Our Ducklings loved wearing yellow today to celebrate world mental health day. We discussed who we could talk to if we felt sad or unhappy. Alayna said we could speak to a teacher, Callie said we could speak to a positive grown up, Millie said we could tell our Mummies and Olivia said we could tell our Grandma’s. We then discussed what we could do to make us feel happy. Percy said we could play with our toys, Cici said we could go for a run, Hollie said we could read a book and Edward said we could sing a song!

Image of Celebration Worship
6 Oct

Celebration Worship

This morning, Rotakids welcomed us into celebration worship as we came in dressed in the colours of the Moroccan flag. They thanked us all for supporting our non-uniform day to raise money for Morocco who have recently faced an earthquake. They explained that our money would go towards medical supplies and other essentials such as blankets, food and shelter for those who were affected in the earthquake on September, 8th. We then said goodbye to Mr Tierney for his 7 years of service as our fantastic site supervisor. It was clear from the children’s memories that they shared and the video that Mrs Ham had made that Mr Tierney has had a hugely wonderful impact on our whole school family and that he will be greatly missed, especially for the joy and humour that he spreads on a daily basis. The children absolutely loved your goodbye song dressed as Santa Claus… what a way to end your time here at St Barnabas! We also said thank you very much to our amazing choir who sang at The harvest Festival on Sunday. We then said well done to Cici, Phoebe, Renee, Scarlett, James, Grace, Matthew and Charlie who were our value award winners this week and Isaac, James, Mila, James, Naomi, Lydia and Layla for being our out of school sports achievers. Well done to Isaac for showing good sportsmanship at football, James for being beaver of the week, Mila for attending rainbows for one year, James for achieving his stage 4 in swimming, Naomi for being extremely kind at rainbows and getting Olivia, Lydia for joining in and being a superstar at rainbows and Layla for being a wonderful footballer. We then congratulated River Darwen who are our value award point winners this week, Reception and Year 5 who are our amazing attendance award winners this week, our Year 5/6 football team for wonderful sportsmanship last night and winning all 3 games, our play leaders for completing their training and Eden and Esme for achieving their pen licenses. Finally, we ended with some lovely prayers wishing Mr Tierney all the best at his new job at Blackburn college and for those who are facing hardship in Morocco due to the devastating impact of the recent earthquake. Just a reminder that next Tuesday 10th October is Hello Yellow Day so all children are asked to wear something yellow to celebrate World Mental Health Day. We wish you an enjoyable weekend and thank you for all of your support this week.

Image of Reception Hand Hygiene
5 Oct

Reception Hand Hygiene

Reception have been learning about the importance of good hand hygiene. We talked about germs - what is a germ and how do they spread? We used glitter to show how quickly germs can spread to others and make them poorly. We also experimented to see if water alone would get rid of the glitter germs and found out that the germs were still on our hands after using water. We finally managed to clean all the germs off when we used soap and warm water to clean all the areas of our hands.

Image of Reception - our sense of smell
5 Oct

Reception - our sense of smell

This afternoon Reception have been learning about our 5 senses and how they help us to understand the world around us. We talked about what each sense can help us to do - eyes to see, ears to hear, mouth to taste, hands to touch and our nose to smell. We then focused on our sense of smell and how this can help us to identify different things. We passed cups around to see if we could guess what was inside just from using our sense of smell. The children correctly identified coffee, vinegar and perfume but were unsure about cinnamon and peppermint!

Image of Reception-Yoga
4 Oct


This morning in reception we had a go at yoga. We stretched up tall, balanced on one leg, marched, rolled into a ball, stretched out wide and lots more! We followed the story “we’re going on a bear hunt” and we acted out the scenes through our yoga session.

Image of Reception- Rhyme time.
4 Oct

Reception- Rhyme time.

Just before lunch Miss Baxendale got the rhyme time bag out. We had so much fun singing in different voices and acting out the rhymes. It was so lovely to see everyone joining in. What a bunch of superstars!

Image of Reception: Phonics
3 Oct

Reception: Phonics

Today, our Ducklings learnt the ‘s’ sound in phonics. We looked at objects that have ‘s’ in them such as snake, nest, soup and spider. We then practised writing the grapheme in different ways.

Image of Reception: Owl Babies
3 Oct

Reception: Owl Babies

This week our Ducklings have been learning how to print and make creations using a variety of resources. We read the story of owl babies and then they created Sarah, Percy, Bill and Mummy owl. Super creations and paintings!

Image of Reception: MUGA Fun
3 Oct

Reception: MUGA Fun

Reception class are so lucky to have access to our MUGA throughout the day! Our outdoors is always open no matter the weather. The Ducklings enjoy putting on their puddlesuits and wellingtons to practise ball skills and their fundamental skills.

Image of Reception- Lunch time MUGA session.
26 Sep

Reception- Lunch time MUGA session.

Reception had a great time on the MUGA this lunch time. We moved around the MUGA like different animals. We slid around like snakes, galloped like horses, stomped like elephants and lots more! I’m sure they’ll love telling you all about the games we played today.

Image of Reception: RE God’s Plan
25 Sep

Reception: RE God’s Plan

This week in RE, our Ducklings were thinking about God’s plan for us. We had a special visitor, baby Rupert who came so that we could compare how we grow. We decided Rupert wasn’t ready for school just yet. “He can’t walk” said Bella, “He can’t ride a scooter” said Haydn. Hollie said that he could only play with baby toys. We then thought about God’s plan for us as we grow up. We discussed what we wanted to be when we grow up. Percy said a rock and roll star, Thomas said a builder, Harry said a farmer and Elsie said a nurse.

Image of Reception: Climbing skills
25 Sep

Reception: Climbing skills

Today, our Ducklings have been using their strength, balance and coordination skills to climb and balance on our trim trail and climbing equipment.

Image of Reception Kandinsky Circles
21 Sep

Reception Kandinsky Circles

Reception have been artists like Kandinsky. We have been practising our formation of circles and have created colourful art work for a joint piece.

Image of Reception: Elmer
19 Sep

Reception: Elmer

This week, our Ducklings have read the story of Elmer. We learnt how we are all special and unique. We then created our own Elmer’s using playdough, created unique marks on Elmer and used the colours to create our own elephants for Elmer day.

Image of Reception: RE
19 Sep

Reception: RE

Last week our Ducklings learnt about the creation story. Following on from this, we learnt about how we are all unique and how God made us all to be special. We looked at our hands and fingerprints and learnt how nobody is the same as us! God made us all special. We read a story called ‘When God made you’.

Image of Reception-  Friday Fun
15 Sep

Reception- Friday Fun

Mrs Ham had a wonderful afternoon teaching the Reception class her favourite games of Elsa freeze, monkey tig and parachute games in PE. The children had to show super listening during the games, especially where they lifted the parachute up and then listened for their name to swap places by running underneath the parachute. They also had lots of fun with the colour monster teddies, showing the different feelings and moving the parachute like the different feelings. They particularly liked showing anger with the parachute as the teddies went flying. They also played cat and mouse with the parachute. The children then went on an outdoor adventure through the willow tunnel and onto the big school field. They played another listening game where they had running races across the field but they had to listen for Mrs Ham to say ready, steady, go, but she would trick the children by saying ready, steady googly eyes, grandma, gravy etc. What a super busy Friday, Reception class and a great end to your first full week in school. We are sure there will be some tired children this evening.

Image of Reception: Fun in the rain
12 Sep

Reception: Fun in the rain

Our Ducklings love to go out in all weathers. Today the children enjoyed exploring in our sandpit. Some of the children were making soup in our mud kitchen and some children enjoyed making a volcano!

Image of Reception: Phonics
12 Sep

Reception: Phonics

Our Ducklings have been listening to sounds in the environment. The children heard birds tweeting, cars, children and the rain. Super listening skills!

Image of Reception: The Colour Monster
12 Sep

Reception: The Colour Monster

Our Ducklings have read the story ‘The Colour Monster’. They have explored the feelings of calm, love, fear, happiness and sadness. The children have created a feelings jar, painted their own colour monsters and discussed when they have experienced different feelings.

Image of Reception - Trying the Trim Trail
8 Sep

Reception - Trying the Trim Trail

Reception had a great time trying the trim trail today, they showed lots of courage and bravery. Well done!

Image of Celebration Worship Begins
7 Sep

Celebration Worship Begins

Dear Parents and Carers, You're very welcome to join us for our first Celebration Worship of the year tomorrow morning at 9.05am. Our class teachers will be letting our children know how impressed they are with how well they have started the year. We have had a fantastic start so far and we are proud of all of the children. We have seen wonderful walking, legendary lining up and the children have been following our Barney's Brilliant Behaviour Be's (4B's)- Be ready, Be Kind, Be Safe and Be Respectful. As ever, if your child has an award from out of school, they are very welcome to bring it into school so we can present it to them on the golden podium. From next week our Heads and Deputies will be counting up the Values points from each class and the Values Winners will be awarded in Celebration Worship on Fridays. Parents will be informed on Wednesdays if their child is the values winner. However, you are all welcome to attend our Celebration Worship every week or whenever you are free.

Image of Reception: Outdoor Exploration
5 Sep

Reception: Outdoor Exploration

Today, the children really enjoyed exploring our outdoor area. They continued to build on their friendships and played in the sand area, water area, construction area, roleplay house, stage and made some lovely drawings on our easel! They also enjoyed using the scooters and bikes and investigated how the outdoor physical equipment worked. The children had some milk and snack too to keep themselves cool in the sunshine. Well done to you all!

Image of Reception: First day at school
4 Sep

Reception: First day at school

We are so proud of our Ducklings on their first day at school. They have all been superstars. They have been making new friends, exploring our classroom and doing lots of super talking. What a super start to their school journey!

Image of Year 6 Leavers Service
21 Jul

Year 6 Leavers Service

Congratulations to our amazing Year 6 class for being such superstars over the last seven years. It has been a privilege to have you as part of our school family and we are so immensely proud of you all. We wish you all the luck in the world as you all go off on your new adventure to high school and we know that you will achieve great things and shine from the inside out. I really hope today has made you realise how precious you are and that you from here with confidence. We also said thank you to our wonderful volunteers who support our school family so brilliantly. Thank you Carol, Fran and Glenda. We also said a huge thank you to Rev Ben. This time last year our WOW group interviewed Rev Ben and we have loved having him as part of our school family over the last few months. We sadly said thank you, good luck and goodbye to Miss Horsfall and Miss Wilkins, who have both been covering maternity leaves this year. They have been amazing and have fit right into our school family. We also said thank you and goodbye to Mrs Kay who is leaving her welfare role at the same time as her son leaves Year 6. Thanks for being a star Mrs Kay! We then said thank you to Miss Bentham who was with us short term and has secured a permanent role in another school closer to her home. Thanks Miss Bentham! Lastly but certainly not least, we said thank you, goodbye and good luck to Miss Ashworth, who has recently moved to Yorkshire. She has been an absolute star and we wish her all the luck in the world in her new school. We are sure she won’t miss the long commute to St Barnabas but we know that St Barnabas will always have a special place in her heart. Thank you so much to our parents and carers, you have been wonderful and we couldn’t do what we do without your support. On behalf of all of the staff I would like to thank you for your support, kind words and gifts. Finally, I would like to thank your truly amazing children for their huge smiles, enthusiasm and positivity. They have worked their socks off all year and it has been another brilliant year. I consider myself so lucky to lead such a wonderful school with the best staff team in the world, the most amazingly supportive parents and the most charismatic, delightful children who brighten up our days. Wishing you all a fabulous Summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 4th September. Take care and God bless, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
17 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today the children showed lots of courage and perseverance as they enjoyed a very wet Muddy Monday adventure walk. They splashed their way through puddles and really enjoyed walking in the rain. It was our last session and the children said it was one that they will never forget!

Image of End of Year Awards Ceremony
14 Jul

End of Year Awards Ceremony

This morning we had a very special awards Worship to celebrate all the great achievements of our children and our school this year. Quinn received an award for being our planet protector by looking after our world and God’s planet in so many different ways, thank you for your contribution Quinn! We were so proud (and some of us a bit emotional!) to present Ezmae with the Sharon Kay award for always showing kindness and generosity to her peers, what a credit to the school! For our Progress awards, we said a huge congratulations to Lola, Bobby, Tilly, Charlie, Jacob, and Eddie, who have wowed us with their progress this year. We also had our Star of the year awards where Sophie, Ruby, Sofia, Arabelle and Frankie shone like the super stars they are. Our Children’s champion awards were chosen by each class to reiterate the importance of Democracy. Well done to Lyla, Scarlett, Ivy, Lily-May, Joshua and Mason, who have clearly impressed their peers! Finally, we had our Amazing attendance awards. We can never expect children to have 100% attendance as we all get poorly sometimes or have big events in our lives, so our school target for attendance is over 96%. So many of our children achieved this target, well done! Well done to all the award winners and all our other children in school who have shone in their own way this year. We hope they are all as proud of themselves as we are!

Image of The WOW Group’s Messy Parables
12 Jul

The WOW Group’s Messy Parables

This week, the W.O.W. Group finished off their Messy Parables workshops with our final two choices, The Wise and Foolish Builders and The Widow’s Offering. The children understood the stories well and had great fun making stained-glass style windows or a coin purse. Well done to all WOW members for leading exciting, engaging and thoughtful workshops.

Image of Forest Schools in Reception
11 Jul

Forest Schools in Reception

We saw lots of teamwork during our forest schools session today. The children enjoyed collecting resources to build bug houses and log fires. They also enjoyed creating dens and climbing trees!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
7 Jul

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning in celebration worship, Mrs Ham started by praising all of our children for their courage and positivity during our whole school transition day yesterday. All of the teachers were super impressed with the creativity, attitude to learning, behaviour and manners that all of the children showed in their new year groups. We then said well done to our Reception and KS1 value award winners who were Connie, Bobby-Ray, Jack and Eliza and our KS2 value award winners who were Edward, Alice, Oscar and Freya. We said a huge well done to our High 5 netball team who represented BwD at the Lancashire School Games at Stanley Park on Tuesday and got through to the quarter final. We also celebrated lots of out of schools sports award winners. Well done to Ruby and Archie for entering and competing the Iron Kids Competition, Daisy for being a fantastic gymnast, Lyla and Sofia for their ‘Going Places’ dancing trophy and Sofia for being outstanding at Musical Theatre, Eliza for demonstrating wonderful football skills, Isaac for his ‘potential and success in the arts’ trophy, Peyton and Cassidy for being superstars at rainbows, Summer for achieving stage 6 at swimming and level 2 at gymnastics and Grace for wonderful improvement in her ballet, a gold award in jazz and being the overall classical dancer of the year. We congratulated Reception and Year 6 for being the attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park for being the Value Award House Point Winners this week. Lastly, we heard some beautiful prayers from Hamza, Sofia and Jack and sang Sing a New Song to the Lord. Thank you to the those who could join us for celebration worship this week and we wish you all an enjoyable weekend.

Image of Whole School Collective Worship- Archdeacon David
6 Jul

Whole School Collective Worship- Archdeacon David

This morning in worship, we welcomed Archdeacon David who visited our school to lead collective worship. Archdeacon David asked us what we think it means when we say that Jesus is the light of the world. We had responses such as it means that Jesus leads us and guides us in the right way, that Jesus lights up the world and makes it a nicer place for us all to live and Jesus is the light of the world by encouraging us to be peaceful, respectful and kind. Archdeacon David told us that we also have the special power of being the light of the world too. He reminded us that Jesus said, ‘When I go back to heaven, I will leave you a special thing called the holy spirit. I want you to shine as a light in the world to make the world a better place.’ Archdeacon David left us to reflect on how we can achieve this. He said that next time he visits, he will give us the opportunity to tell him how we have been shining as a light in the world just as Jesus does and asks us to do. We finished our worship by singing 'Shine from the Inside out'.

Image of Reception to Year 1 Transition Day
6 Jul

Reception to Year 1 Transition Day

Our reception children enjoyed a day in Year 1 today. They loved exploring their new classroom and getting creative with some of the resources that were available to them such as the construction straws, magnets, blocks, bricks, lego, shape stencils and felt tips. They amazed us with their speaking and listening, writing and their level of creativity. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception to Year 1 Transition Day Part 2
6 Jul

Reception to Year 1 Transition Day Part 2

The reception children did some writing with Miss Flynn during their transition day in Year 1. It was amazing to see all of the children using their sound mats to help them to write their favourite colour and the name of their favourite subject in school. Miss Flynn was pleased to hear that so many of them loved writing!

Image of Reception Junior Jam
5 Jul

Reception Junior Jam

Today in junior jam the children had a music lesson, focusing on the role of a conductor. The children were able to name lots of different instruments in an orchestra. We watched a video of a conductor and discussed what they do. We then played a music game called Popcorn where the children copied the actions and followed the music by tapping, stamping, patting and snapping. In our French lesson, the children remembered how to say hello and they knew their numbers up to 10 in french with the help of a song. We then played a game of hide and seek with the numbers to see if we could remember them. The children also played a counting game where they were able to count the pictures of sweets and chocolate in french. They then learned head, shoulders, knees and toes. In our Computing session, the children learned the difference between a photograph and a video. They then went onto the iPads and went on the sketch app to create their own animals. The children showed the Christian value of respect to our junior jam teachers.

Image of Monday Worship: St Barnabas and St Paul and Welcome to Rev Matt
3 Jul

Monday Worship: St Barnabas and St Paul and Welcome to Rev Matt

Today, Rev Ben led our worship and we welcomed Rev Matt who will be working at St Barnabas Church too. We began our worship by thinking about a time where something happened to us and where we couldn’t wait to tell others about it. Amelia couldn’t wait to tell others when her Mum had a baby. Mason couldn’t wait to tell others that he had been on the television! We thought about how St Barnabas and St Paul were generous about the message about Jesus and how they told Jesus’ story to people for the first time. Rev Ben shared a video with the children about their story. On Saturday, Matt became Rev Matt and was ordained at Blackburn Cathedral. Rev Matt wanted to become a vicar because he wanted to spread the word of Jesus and to find out more about Jesus. Rev Matt spent three years at vicar school. He said he was most excited to learn more and for the children to learn with him. We gave Rev Matt a huge St Barnabas welcome. We ended our worship by singing ‘story of the cross’.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
30 Jun

Friday Celebration Worship

Wow! We have had another week with lots to celebrate both in and out of school. The Rotary Club came in to praise and thank our year 5 children for their contribution to the community, their school and the wider world. They were presented with a certificate for all of their fundraising for our school and supporting a number of charities this year including Cancer Research, The Teddy Trust and DARE (Darwen Asylum Seeker and Refugee Enterprise). They also raised money for Turkey, Nigeria and Ukraine. Well done Year 5! Also a huge well done to our value award winners this week who have been working hard across the curriculum and demonstrating a wonderful attitude to learning. These were Mila, Piper-Jo, Lennox and Carter in the infants and KS1 and Ruby, Daniel, Freddy, Isaac, Harlow and Louie in the Juniors. We also celebrated lots of in school sporting success. Our Year 5/6 boys and girls gymnasts for attending a competition as two separate teams at St Bedes High School on Tuesday. They were amazing! Our Year 5/6 cricket team who came 3rd overall at a recent cricket competition, our Year 6 tennis team who came 1st overall, the Year 4 football team who took part in a festival and won every game and the Year 3/4 and Y5/6 DPSSA cross country team for their determination and courage and coming 2nd place overall. We also congratulated our out of school sports award winners. Well done to Ella-Grace for trying her absolute best and getting Star of the Week during her football training and competition, Isabella and Charlie for getting their orange belts at martial arts, Carter for getting the Fantastic Fox of the day at football, Lyla for gaining level 1 in her tap dancing, Jenson for completing his stage 6 at swimming, Marley for her kindness at rainbows, Olivia for getting the managers player of the year trophy at football, Isaac for his trophy for demonstrating fantastic football skills, Charlie Rose for being a superstar gymnast and Ivy for being a superstar cheerleader, Georgie for taking part in her first competition for dancing, Harriet for completing her 10m in butterfly and 10m in breaststroke, Eliza for getting to the finals of her football competition at the weekend and Eva, Katie, Sadie and Charlotte for coming 1st place in their recent football tournament. We said a final well done to Reception and Year 3 for winning the amazing attendance this week and India Mill for achieving the Value Award Points Winners this week. Thank you to our parents and grandparents that could attend and we wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Image of Reception - Maths - Sharing
29 Jun

Reception - Maths - Sharing

This week, reception have looked at how to fairly share objects in maths. The children had to decide how to equally share out gummy bears. They used their problem solving skills to share out odd amounts and came up with some fantastic ideas about how we can share them out. Of course, their favourite part was eating them afterwards!

Image of Reception - Understanding Of The World - Erosion
29 Jun

Reception - Understanding Of The World - Erosion

This week, Reception class have learned all about erosion. We looked at videos of the waves crashing against the cliffs and discussed what has happened over time. We looked at houses that had moved closer the cliff edge and decided we wouldn’t like to live there! We then conducted an investigation by crashing the water against the rocks in a tray and watched them erode away. The children also enjoyed investigating this in their choosing time.

Image of W.O.W. Group - Messy Parables - The Unforgiving Servant
28 Jun

W.O.W. Group - Messy Parables - The Unforgiving Servant

This week in the Messy Parables workshop, the children looked at the importance of forgiveness through the parable ‘The Unforgiving Servant’. They then had fun making bookmarks with a message of forgiveness. Well done to the W.O.W. Group; they are doing a fabulous job organising and delivering these workshops.

Image of Summer Reading Challenge
27 Jun

Summer Reading Challenge

This morning, Angela from Blackburn and Darwen library service, came to talk to us all about an exciting Summer reading challenge and the wonderful prizes that can be won for reading 6 books over the holidays. Dear Parent / Carer, Your child has been invited to join Ready, Set, Read! the Summer Reading Challenge 2023. This is a national library reading game, which will introduce your child to the joy of reading for pleasure and help to develop his/her literacy skills throughout the summer holidays. Once enrolled each member reads 6 library books (or eBooks / eAudio), with stickers or a prize awarded for each book that is read and returned. Those who complete the scheme will receive a medal and a certificate. To enrol, simply come to your nearest Blackburn with Darwen library and complete an application form between 1st July & 30th September. Your nearest library is: Darwen Library, Knott St, Darwen, BB3 3BU. Website & map: Enrolment in the scheme is free of charge, and involves children borrowing books on a library card. If your child does not yet have a library card, we would encourage you to take this opportunity to enrol them as a library member. This is a quick process, and you will simply be asked to complete and sign another form. However, those children without library cards may still join the Summer Reading Challenge, and temporary arrangements will be put in place to allow them to borrow books. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our libraries during the summer. Yours faithfully, Adele Karwat, Service Manager: Libraries & Archives

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
26 Jun

Reception: Muddy Monday

We continued our learning by comparing two local environments, Knowsley Road and Jack Keys reservoir. Seb said there are lots of animal habitats at Jack Keys. Albie said there are lots of trees at Jack Keys. Fletcher said it is much quieter at Jack Keys. Piper-Jo said there are more children at Knowsley Road. Heidi said there are more cars at Knowsley Road. Super comparison. We finished exploring by enjoying a short forest schools session.

Image of Reception- Pentecost
26 Jun

Reception- Pentecost

This afternoon, Reception have been learning about a celebration in the Church calendar called Pentecost. We watched a video of the story and then acted this out. First, we sat in a circle and prayed just as the disciples did, we then had some children act out the huge gust of wind that was felt by the disciples as the Holy Spirit arrived and blessed them with the ability to speak in different languages. Finally, we spoke in different languages such as, ‘Bonjour,’ ‘Ciao,’ and ‘Konnichiwa,’ to teach everyone about Jesus. We created some flames, doves and wind as these are symbols of the Holy Spirit, and we also drew some pictures of the disciples and wrote in different languages in our RE sketchbook. Well done Reception.

Image of W.O.W. Group - Messy Parables - The Mustard Seed
26 Jun

W.O.W. Group - Messy Parables - The Mustard Seed

Last week was the W.O.W. group’s first Messy Parables session. We read the Parable of the Mustard Seed, talked about how one little thought or belief can grow into something great, and made our own self-belief badges. All in all, a brilliant first session, with a few biscuits thrown in for good measure. This week, the parable is The Unforgiving Servant.

Image of EYFS and KS1 Sports Day 2023
23 Jun

EYFS and KS1 Sports Day 2023

This morning, EYFS and KS1 classes competed in our annual sports day competition. The races included egg and spoon, sprint, sack race and an obstacle race. The children were fantastic at showing resilience and they were great supporters for their friends, cheering each other on and clapping! Each race winner received a medal and all children cooled off with an ice pop at the end as a treat. Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended and supported, it was a brilliant morning!

Image of Whole School Multiplex Movie Night-
22 Jun

Whole School Multiplex Movie Night-

We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents, carers and staff for your incredible support and enthusiasm during our recent movie night. We are thrilled to inform you that our dedicated Rotakids, along with our smart school councillors, have fulfilled their promise and successfully completed their final project. Through their combined efforts and hard work, organising a successful multiplex movie night, together we have managed to raise an impressive sum of £580.60 after the cost of food! This significant amount will contribute towards the school minibus, which will greatly benefit our students by facilitating transportation to sports events, competitions, and other important activities. This achievement is a testament to the incredible community we have at our school. Your dedication and willingness to contribute have made a significant impact on our fundraising efforts. Together, we have not only created a memorable and enjoyable event but also managed to raise much-needed funds.

Image of Reception - Maths - Exploring numbers to 30
21 Jun

Reception - Maths - Exploring numbers to 30

This week we have been looking at numbers to 30. We started by discussing everything we know about 30 and the children had some fantastic ideas about how we can make 30. We then played a game using 30 counters. The children had to roll the dice and take the counters away, the person to take the last counter won! The children practised their subitising skills to look at how many counters were left, and their reasoning skills to decide what they would like to roll next!

Image of Reception- Superstar writers!
21 Jun

Reception- Superstar writers!

Reception have been learning about African Animals and amazing facts about them. This afternoon we drew our favourite African animal and wrote amazing facts about them!

Image of Reception-World Refugee Day
20 Jun

Reception-World Refugee Day

Today is World Refugee Day, Reception watched an assembly held by World Vision who allowed us to learn about the lives of refugees and how we can support them. We listened to some refugees being interviewed about what their lives are like and what their dreams are for the future. Despite having to leave their homes, they remain very positive and grateful for having a safe place to grow up within the refugee camp. Reception asked lots of questions and were very interested. We also had a little chat about how we could raise money or give our unwanted things to charities that can help refugees. We ended our worship with some beautiful prayers.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
19 Jun

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today the children went on a Muddy Monday adventure. The children walked 2.5km and walked up steep hills, along the reservoir, around the woods and back to school. We started to explore the differences between Jack Keys and the main road.

Image of Monday Collective Worship with Rev Ben
19 Jun

Monday Collective Worship with Rev Ben

This morning, Rev Ben led our Monday Collective Worship. Our theme for this worship was St Barnabas and his generosity. We started off by playing a game called, ‘Guess the Value.’ We had two teams at the front who had to guess the price of various items such as a tin of beans, a playstation 5, a loaf of bread, a car and Harry Kane. The audience then had to say whether they thought that the cost was higher or lower. This gave us all an insight into the value of various items, big and small. We learnt that all the first Christians were generous but St Barnabas was especially generous. He owned a field and sold this to give to the church and therefore to other people. He did this because he wanted to do as Jesus had done and give to others. Rev Ben asked us how we could be generous just as St Barnabas was. We said that we can give something that we don’t want or use anymore to charity such as clothes and toys, do a sponsored walk, run or a bake sale to raise money for charity or buy an extra item when we go shopping to give to someone less fortunate. Generosity is one of the fruits of the spirit so this is the song that we sang to end our worship.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
16 Jun

Friday Celebration Worship

Wow! What a busy first week back into our final half term of this academic year. Our theme this week has been encouragement and Mrs Ham asked us to reflect on how we have encouraged each other this week, and how we will continue to focus on this as we enjoy the last few weeks of the school year and support each other as we transition into our new year groups and up to high school for our Year 6 class. We had lots of out of school stars to celebrate this week. Well done to Ella-Grace, Ivy, Leo, Olivia, Sonny, Charlie and Jack and Desmond for their wonderful football skills, Jake, Will, Bobby and Austin for coming runners up in a football tournament in St Anne’s, Manni and Bobby for their attendance and skill at a recent football tournament, Matthew for his recent success in the Premier League writing competition, Harry for his swimming and cricket success, Lyla for her musical theatre singing performance, Isaac for his piano playing, Iris and Leonora for being fabulous gymnasts, Finn and Ruby for running the race for life and Ruby for also completing the couch to 5k, Grace for performing on the main stage at Darwen Music Live, Mila for showing kindness at Rainbows and Mason for his sensational kickboxing. We also celebrated lots of success in school. As always, we heard from our teachers who presented their Value Award Winners. Well done to Eve, Isabella, Miley, Euan, Ruby, Charlie, Katie and Elsa. We also said a huge well done to our group of our Year 4 children who attended a Quad Kids competition and came second place out of 17, our Year 5/6 cricket team for excellent participation and sportsmanship on Wednesday, our Year 5/6 Netball team who came 2nd place out of all the schools in BwD, Reception class and Year 6 for the best attendance this week, India Mill for being the award winners this week and to Lola, Jake, Esme, Harry, Mathew, Daisy, Freddie and Bobby for gaining their pen licenses. We ended our worship with some lovely singing and dancing to ‘Build Up.’ What wonderful way to end the week!

Image of Latest Newsletter
16 Jun

Latest Newsletter

Good afternoon parents and carers, we have had a super busy week back at St Barnabas. Please see our newsletter for a round up of last half term and photos of our teaching teams for September here. A huge thank you to our FOSB for the wonderful Father’s Day Breakfast on Tuesday and to all of the Dads and Grandads who came along. Thanks also to the Dads and Grandads who came along to the special Reception class Father’s Day Celebration this afternoon. It was lovely to see you all and the children loved telling you why they love you and enjoyed playing with you in their outdoor area. We wish all of our Dads and Grandads in our school family a lovely Father’s Day on Sunday! We have had a very busy week of sports with our Year 3/4 quad kids team coming 2nd out of 17 schools, our year 5/6 cricket team just missing out on the final and our netball team came 2nd in the Darwen netball league. Well done to you all and a huge thank you to Mrs Gardner and Mr Bloomfield for supporting the children and thanks to parents who supported. Next week we are looking forward to our Sports Day on Friday morning. You are very welcome to come along to show your support and encourage your child. Reception class and Year 2 had great fun at Blackpool Zoo on Tuesday. For all of the photos, please click here. For all the class news from this week, please click here. For all the upcoming events, click here. Thank you so much for your generous bottle donations for our FOSB Summer Fayre. We really appreciate your support. Wishing you all a fabulous weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception Father’s Day Celebration
16 Jun

Reception Father’s Day Celebration

A huge thank you to the Dads and Grandads of our Reception children who joined us for our Father’s Day Celebration this afternoon. We hope you enjoyed listening to the reasons why the children love their Dads and enjoyed playing in our outside area. We hope all of the Dads and Grandads in our school family have a fantastic Father’s Day on Sunday and thank you for everything you do!

Image of Reception - Maths - Exploring numbers to 20
15 Jun

Reception - Maths - Exploring numbers to 20

This week in Maths we have been learning about numbers to 20. We have practised counting, writing numerals and making the numbers using numicon.

Image of Reception Outdoor Fun in the Sun
14 Jun

Reception Outdoor Fun in the Sun

The children have enjoyed their morning playing outside. They enjoyed playing in the water area, the trim trail and the dinosaur small world area. The have also enjoyed dressing up and mark making using the chalk. We then sat in the shade and read a story about zoo animals, and talked about our previous trip to the zoo.

Image of Reception: Blackpool Zoo
13 Jun

Reception: Blackpool Zoo

Reception class had a brilliant time at Blackpool Zoo. They saw Orangutans, gorillas, penguins, sea lions, elephants, lions, flamingoes, aardvarks, camels, tortoises, giraffes and we also went on a dinosaur safari! The children’s behaviour was exemplary and it was lovely to put our learning into context.

Image of Whole School Worship: Encouragement
12 Jun

Whole School Worship: Encouragement

This morning in worship, we started with an encouragement song with the lyrics 'we all need encouragement, like the air that we breath'. Mrs Ham explained that yesterday was St Barnabas day and he was known as a great encourager. She then reminded us of how we have a special connection with St Paul's in Hoddlesden as we share our vicar, Rev Ben with and how St Barnabas and St Paul had a special connection in the Bible too. We then learnt about how St Paul became a follower of Jesus with the encouragement of his friend, St Barnabas. We then discussed how we can all show courage like St Paul and encourage each other like St Barnabas in the many upcoming events such as sports day, transition days, end of year assessments and productions. We are looking forward to learning more about St Barnabas and St Paul from Rev Ben in his worships over the next few weeks.

Image of Reception PE-Sports Day Practice
26 May

Reception PE-Sports Day Practice

Today in PE, Reception have been practising the different races ready for sports day. They were really good at balancing the plastic eggs for the egg and spoon race. They were also able to run and jump over the hurdles and had lots of fun racing against each other for the sack race!

Image of Reception - Measuring
25 May

Reception - Measuring

This week we have been looking at measuring in maths. We used cubes to measure the height of the dinosaurs and then we practised using the words in taller and shorter to describe the dinosaurs.

Image of Reception - Dinosaurs
25 May

Reception - Dinosaurs

This week we have been learning all about dinosaurs. We discussed how and why they are now extinct and what information we can find out about them using fossils. We made our own fossils using salt dough. The children have loved learning all about dinosaurs this week and have completed some fantastic creative work too!

Image of Reception: Outdoor Learning
23 May

Reception: Outdoor Learning

Reception love outdoor learning. The children enjoy playing sports on the MUGA, making musical instruments out of natural materials, role playing, climbing and balancing.

Image of Reception: Butterflies
23 May

Reception: Butterflies

Reception have really enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. Today they set the butterflies free.

Image of Reception- Buddhist Prayer Flags
23 May

Reception- Buddhist Prayer Flags

In R.E we have been learning all about prayer, this week we have been learning about how Buddhists pray and we have been looking at Tibetan prayer flags. We found out that there are five different coloured prayer flags which represent different elements such as earth, air, fire, space and water. A prayer flag is a printed image on paper or cloth intended to be fixed wherever the wind blows. The flags often contain images of animals along with words of kindness such as the wind horse, dragon, snow lion, tiger and garuda.

Image of Whole School Worship: Pentecost
22 May

Whole School Worship: Pentecost

Today in our worship we learned about the events of Pentecost and how the church began. We had some fab actors acting out when the Holy Spirit descended and flames appeared on the disciples’ heads. We sang a special song to welcome the Holy Spirit into our Worship and reflected on how excited the disciples must have felt when they received the Holy Spirit. We thought about how we could show Jesus' love through our words and actions this week.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
22 May

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception enjoyed their forest schools session today. We created a den and the children enjoyed role playing inside it. The children also found a variety of minibeasts and enjoyed climbing trees too.

Image of Reception- Repeating Patterns
19 May

Reception- Repeating Patterns

This week in maths, the children have been learning all about repeating patterns. We talked about how a repeating pattern happens again and again. The children were able to use the maths cubes to follow the caterpillar patterns on the maths table.

Image of Reception - Farms
19 May

Reception - Farms

On Thursday afternoon, Reception class went for a walk to Jacks Key to see if we could spot different animals in the farmer’s fields. We saw horses and cows and the children did some observational drawings. The children loved looking at the farmer's tractors too!

Image of Celebration Worship
19 May

Celebration Worship

In Celebration Worship this morning, Mrs. Ham highlighted some of the wonderful key points from our GOOD Ofsted report and thanked everyone for their part in making our school a great place. We also celebrated our values winners across KS1 and KS2. India Mill came first place for the overall points of 562. Lucy and Mason received a pen licence for demonstrating an excellent standard of writing across all subjects. Mrs. Ham gave out awards to the children for taking part in extracurricular activities, this week, the children have taken part in swimming, rugby, darts, karate, brownies, gymnastic, netball, football, horse riding, and Olivia from Rainbow. Year 2 and Year 4 received the 'Amazing Attendance' alert this week. We finished our worship with prayers led by Mrs. Ham and we sang 'Shine from the Inside Out'.

Image of Reception- Balancing
19 May

Reception- Balancing

This week in PE, the children looked at the different ways we can use our body to balance. The children were assigned different stations, where they took on the different balancing obstacles.

Image of Reception - Police Car Visit
19 May

Reception - Police Car Visit

This morning, we had a surprise visit from the police officers. The officers visited us in Spring Term as part of our Superheroes topic but sadly couldn’t bring the car to their visit. They were excited to return and show reception class the police car. The children loved pressing the horn to hear the sirens and see the lights flash.

Image of Mad Science Club
19 May

Mad Science Club

Today was the last session of Mad Science Club and the children all really enjoyed learning about the density of different liquids today. They carried out group experiments and watched our science expert carry out an experiment too, whilst learning about how different liquids in our seas and rivers can affect the environment. They experienced first-hand, how difficult it is to get oil out of water and got to take home a little souvenir from the lesson at the end of it too.

Image of Reception - All about farms
18 May

Reception - All about farms

This week we have been learning all about farm animals and farmers. We looked at which animals we could find on a farm and the role of the farmer. We know that some farms grow crops and some look after animals. We’ve enjoyed playing in the farm small world area this week, making tractors using 2d shapes and making our own farms using the tap it boards.

Image of Reception: How do Muslim’s pray?
16 May

Reception: How do Muslim’s pray?

Reception loved their visit from Miss Kachwalla. She explained all about how Muslim’s pray and showed some of her prayer mats. Miss Kachwalla also showed the children what she has to wear and tried a Burkha on for the children to see. The children then decorated their own prayer mats.

Image of Reception: Den building
16 May

Reception: Den building

The children enjoyed creating a den on our school grounds today. They all worked together and had a brilliant time. They then roleplayed camping and enjoyed making a camp fire.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 May

Reception: Muddy Monday

The children in Reception visited Whitehall park for their Muddy Monday session. They climbed trees, built bug houses, found creatures and discussed their habitats and created their own games. The children enjoyed looking under logs to discover minibeasts. They have all been super explorers.

Image of Reception - Maths - 2d shape
11 May

Reception - Maths - 2d shape

In Maths this week we have been learning all about 2d shapes. We worked on identifying and describing a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. The children enjoyed playing the mystery bag game, drawing around 2d shapes and making patterns using shapes.

Image of Rhyme time Notice
10 May

Rhyme time Notice

Thank you to everybody who has attended our weekly rhyme times and story times. Today is the last one for this half term and they will recommence after the holidays on Wednesday 21st June.

Image of Reception- Junior Jam
10 May

Reception- Junior Jam

Today, reception have participated in some junior jam sessions. The children revisited how to say ‘hello’ and how to say numbers ‘1-3' in French. We were really impressed that they remembered these from their last session. The children then learnt their numbers up to 6, learned some French songs and then had a go at some French colourings as well. In the next session, the children took part in some computing, where they used the MP Weather app on the iPads to see what happens in different weather conditions. They got to dress their characters in the clothes that suited the weather.

Image of Reception - Migration
10 May

Reception - Migration

This week in our Amazing Animals topic we learned all about migration. We looked at why birds migrate to warmer climates and made our own bird feeders. We have put a bird feeder outside of our window too so that we can watch the birds!

9 May

Mental Health Parent Webinars

The week commencing 15th May is ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’. After much success of hosting some parent webinars back in February for ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’, the Mental Health Support Teams are rolling out some more. The topics for the week will be: My anxious child Helping with exam stress Psychoeducation around worry They’ll take place at 10am and 6pm, Monday 15th to Thursday 18th May and it’s for parents, teachers, carers, children and young people, in fact anyone can join.

Image of Reception: Physical Development
9 May

Reception: Physical Development

The children in Reception have been improving their gross motor skills by climbing on the climbing frame and playing basketball and football on our MUGA.

Image of Reception-Phonics
9 May


We have recapping our digraphs in phonics. We have been using phonics play to read words and then decide whether the word is a ‘real’ or a ‘nonsense word’. The children have also been writing a sentence about the kings coronation, they wrote ‘The king has a crown’, they did this independently if they could using their phonics sound mats.

Image of Reception- PE
5 May

Reception- PE

In PE today, the children started with a warm up game of musical statues where they showed us the different ways they can travel around the room. The children then went to the different stations where they practiced being caterpillars and butterflies. On the bench, they had to crawl along like a caterpillar and then jump off like a butterfly. On another station, they had their own butterfly beanbags that they had to throw into the hoop. The children also practised hopping onto the spots and walking on their tiptoes with their arms out like a butterfly.

Image of Celebration Worship- Whole School
28 Apr

Celebration Worship- Whole School

Another amazing week from everyone. We celebrated amazing attendance awards, awards for extra curricular activities such as; rugby, swimming, beavers and to Oscar for his dedication and outstanding commitment to piano lessons. Isaac was celebrated for receiving a distinction in playing the cornet from Trinity College London. The class teachers gave out value awards to the children that have worked their socks off in and out the classroom and have demonstrated our Christian Values. Whitehall Park received the most value points which put them in first place.Well done! The Year 4 class received the 'National Outdoor Learning Award' for being brave and showing great teamwork at Anderton Centre. The attendance award this week went to the Reception class and Year 4. We ended worship by singing the butterfly song and prayers led by James, Darcy, Luca and Mrs Ham. What a fabulous week. Well done everyone!

Image of Mad Science Club Forces
28 Apr

Mad Science Club Forces

Today Mad Science Club were learning about forces with Scientific Sarah. The children got to investigate forces using different equipment such as metal spinning tops and large coin machine spinners. They have really enjoyed themselves and can’t wait for next week!

Image of Reception - Maths - 3D Shape
27 Apr

Reception - Maths - 3D Shape

This week we have been learning all about 3D shapes. We identified and described a cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere and a cone. We compared these to real life objects and tried to find things in our classroom shape hunt. The children enjoyed playing the mystery bag game, describing their shape for the group to guess!

Image of Reception- Habitats
26 Apr

Reception- Habitats

Today, Reception have been learning all about habitats of different animals. They said that rabbits live in hutches, chickens live in a coop and badgers live in a sett. The children then went outside to build some mini beast and hedgehog habitats. They gathered materials such as leaves, twigs, sticks and rocks to create their own habitats.

Image of Latest Newsletter
25 Apr

Latest Newsletter

Good morning from a very sunny St Barnabas, please find attached the latest newsletter with upcoming dates and events. The sporting news and visits and visitors can be found here as the files are too large to load onto class dojo sorry. A quick reminder of the dates that school is closed in the coming weeks. They are all on our website and class dojo events. Monday 1st May- May Bank Holiday Thursday 4th May- School used as a Polling Station Monday 8th May- King's Coronation Bank Holiday Red, white and blue day is next Wednesday 3rd May to celebrate the King's Coronation. The children will be having a special Coronation Afternoon Tea Picnic. Further details of the menu will be sent shortly. Wishing you all a lovely day, Mrs Ham

Image of Charlotte from Elektec visit: EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2
25 Apr

Charlotte from Elektec visit: EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2

Charlotte from Elektec came to visit Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 today. The children watched a video to show how electricity is made. The children found out how electricity is made in a power station and the pylons help to carry the electricity to our houses. Charlotte asked the children what happens if you touch electricity. James said that you could get electrocuted which is absolutely right. Charlotte showed a photograph and the children had to guess what it was. Well done to Eliza who explained they are solar panels. Charlotte explained how they work and how sunlight heats the solar panels to make electricity. Charlotte also showed an electric car and showed a charging point. Charlotte explained that we will need to have a lot of electricians to help install the charging points and solar panels. Charlotte explained that Elektec is managed by herself and her husband. Charlotte and Carl’s children also work for the company and create videos. Charlotte shared a video of her Electots explaining what their company does. The Prince’s trust has helped set the company up and Charlotte has even met the king! Tristen, Sofia, Ella-Grace and Harry helped Charlotte to show how electricians keep safe. Glasses protect our eyes, a hard hat protects our head, a high vis jacket is worn so that everybody can see the electrician and a warning sign is used when an electrician is working on site to keep everybody safe. Charlotte showed a picture of the electricians that work in her company who are all men! This makes Charlotte sad and she explained to the children that girls can be just as good as boys and girls can be electricians too. Charlotte explained that to be an electrician you have to be good at Maths, be friendly, be good at puzzles, be able to follow the rules and be able to stay safe. Charlotte discussed what construction meant and she showed how a new house is built and the people who are involved from architects to decorators. Again, there aren’t many girls who work in construction. Charlotte shared her book called ‘When I grow up’ which explains how you can be anything that you want to be. Thank you so much to Charlotte for visiting, we had a wonderful time and left feeling inspired.

Image of Reception: Prayer
25 Apr

Reception: Prayer

As part of our new RE unit, Reception have been learning about the importance of prayer. We looked at why we pray. Marley said it is so that God can listen, Mila said to thank God for everything he has made and Eddie said so that we can talk to God. We thought about the different types of prayer and said prayers using pipe cleaners. We then hung our pipe cleaners onto our prayer tree.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
24 Apr

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception went to Whitehall park today to find lots of different minibeasts. They lifted up logs to see what they could find. They used magnifying glasses to investigate. We then went and continued our forest schools session climbing trees, making dens, building bug houses and making camp fires!

Image of Reception - Hop Skip and Jump for East Lancashire Hospice
21 Apr

Reception - Hop Skip and Jump for East Lancashire Hospice

Today the children took part in East Lancashire’s ‘Hop Skip and Jump’ challenge. Thank you for your donations so far for the Hospice, donations can be sent in via parent pay. The children had a wonderful time!

Image of Reception - Earth Day
20 Apr

Reception - Earth Day

In Reception we have been celebrating ‘Earth Day’ by thinking about how we can take better care of our planet and local area. We discussed recycling at home, conserving water and energy and litter picking. They had some brilliant ideas about how we can look after our planet.

Image of Reception - Maths
20 Apr

Reception - Maths

In Maths this week we have been learning all about number bonds to 10. We discussed what we already knew about 10 and the children remembered that double 5 is 10 and that we can show ten quickly and easily using both hands. We sang the 10 fat sausages song and looked at the part part whole relationship of numbers that make 10. The children used ten frames to show numbers that make 10.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
18 Apr

Reception: Forest Schools

Wow, what a super session Reception had today. We found squirrels, looked for mole tunnels and saw lots of different mini beasts. The children built fires, bug huts and dens too. They climbed trees and explored the forest schools area in Whitehall park.

Image of Reception: PSHE Bouncing back when things go wrong
18 Apr

Reception: PSHE Bouncing back when things go wrong

We read the story ‘Rosie Revere, Engineer’. As a class, we discussed what shy meant and how you might feel. We then looked at what we could do if we can’t do something straight away. We discussed how we should try our best and don’t give up.

Image of Amazing Attendance Winners : Spring Term
6 Apr

Amazing Attendance Winners : Spring Term

Well done to all of our children who have attained 96% attendance in Spring Term. We are really proud of you all!

Image of Reception: Rhyme Time
6 Apr

Reception: Rhyme Time

Reception have had a wonderful Easter rhyme time this week. Baby chicks visited our rhyme time. The children all held the chicks and they sang to them as well. The chicks also joined in with our Easter story time.

Image of Reception- Easter Creations
5 Apr

Reception- Easter Creations

Today the children enjoyed making some Easter chicks. They explored the different creative materials such as feathers, pipe cleaners and sequins. We discussed the different features we could include such as the eyes, beak and feathers.

Image of Reception- Sensory Easter Story
4 Apr

Reception- Sensory Easter Story

In Reception we acted out a sensory version of the Easter story. We used our senses to recreate the different parts of the story, such as movement and the touch and smells that we would encounter.

Image of Whole School Worship with Rev Ben
4 Apr

Whole School Worship with Rev Ben

Today in Worship, Rev Ben spoke about the awe and wonder in the events of Easter Sunday. He asked us about how the resurrection changed Mary Magdalene’s life and how the Easter story may make a difference in our lives.

Image of Easter Artwork in Whitehall Park
3 Apr

Easter Artwork in Whitehall Park

The children have all been learning about Easter in RE. As part of their learning, they have created some Easter artwork which is displayed in Whitehall park. It will be displayed over the holidays so it is a great opportunity for you to visit with your family.

Image of Reception: Easter Art
3 Apr

Reception: Easter Art

Reception class enjoyed visiting the rose garden to see all of the Easter art work. They chose their favourites and explained why. We then sang some Easter songs with Year 4 and said some prayers. We even had some time to develop our gross motor skills on the playground.

Image of Celebration Worship Sports Stars
31 Mar

Celebration Worship Sports Stars

A huge well done to all of our sports stars who were presented with awards in Celebration Worship this morning. This week Mrs Ham presented awards for the following out of school sports or activities and the children got to stand on the golden podium with pride: Swimming, gymnastics, orienteering, dancing, writing, rainbow badges and the beaver and rainbow of the week. We congratulated our cross country team for their courage and determination at last night's Darwen Cross Country Competition. We thanked our Year 6 Sports Leaders for their successful KS2 inter-house sports competition yesterday as they planned and led it all.

Image of Celebration Worship
31 Mar

Celebration Worship

Celebrating all of our amazing children in their year groups who received the most value points this week. A special well done to: Reception - Whole class Year 1 - Chay Year 2 - Whole Class Year 3 - Luca Year 4 - Grace Year 5 - Alfie Year 6 - Kaylen Well done to the Reception class who had 100% attendance this week so were the amazing attendance winners along with Year 6! Whitehall Park were out values points winners this week. Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who joined us.

Image of Whole School Assembly - Dogs Trust
30 Mar

Whole School Assembly - Dogs Trust

Today’s assembly was led by Andrew from the dogs trust charity and his mascot ‘Duggie’. Andrew started the assembly by asking the children if they knew what the charity does, the children were keen to answer and said “it’s a charity for dogs who aren’t looked after properly.” Andrew explained that the trust takes in dogs who’s owners can no longer look after them, he said they then re-home the dogs to the most suitable owners to give the dogs the best life. Andrew told us that dogs trust re-home around 14,000 dogs a year. Andrew explained to the children that this assembly is all about learning how to be safe and act sensibly around dogs. Ella,Andrew and ‘Duggie’ demonstrated how to safely act around dogs and showed that you must always ask the owners permission before you stroke a dog.

Image of Reception - Maths
30 Mar

Reception - Maths

In Maths this week we have been learning all about number bonds to 5. We used monkey masks to act out the ‘5 little monkeys’ song and looked at the part-whole relationship of numbers that make 5. The children then used numicon to work out number bonds to 5. In provision, children had to find keys and padlocks that made 5 and they practised forming numbers in the glitter tray.

Image of Reception- Continuous Provision- The Royal Family
29 Mar

Reception- Continuous Provision- The Royal Family

This week the children have been learning all about the royal family. During continuous provision the children haven carrying out different activities in our areas which are all linked to the royal family. We have been painting King Charles in the painting area, we’ve had Buckingham palace and a London scene set up in the small world area, we have been building Buckingham palace in the construction area and we have been making cakes for a royal afternoon tea in the malleable area. We have been really interested in asking and answering lots of questions about the royal family.

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
27 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

We have had a lovely muddy Monday out in the sunshine. The children were looking at signs of spring on our walk around our school today. The children used a checklist to find all sorts of things we may see in spring. The children were also looking through cloud detectors to see which type of clouds were visible today. The children decided it was the cumulonimbus clouds they could see.

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
24 Mar

Whole School Celebration Worship

In our Celebration Worship this morning we commemorated Year 6's trip to London, as well as the wonderful achievements of our pupils across all year groups. The class teachers gave out awards to pupils who have demonstrated our Christian values such as kindness, respect, and courage. We recognised the hard work and dedication of pupils who have excelled in various extracurricular activities, including our recent swimming gala and the Year 4 children for being brave and showing courage at Junction 4 skatepark. We also awarded the amazing attendance award to our Year 1 and Year 3 pupils, who have shown a commitment to their education and a passion for learning. Congratulations to the yellow team (Darwen Tower) for gaining a total of 317 points. This is a great achievement and a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. Well done and keep up the good work! We are incredibly proud of all our pupils and their accomplishments, and we know that they will continue to achieve great things. We want to thank Rev Ben for leading us in prayer and for reminding us of the importance of faith and community in our daily lives. To celebrate our students' achievements, we sang "Shine from the inside out," a fitting tribute to the incredible talents and hard work of our pupils.

Image of Reception - Designing a Superhero Comic
23 Mar

Reception - Designing a Superhero Comic

Today Reception class received a very special letter from Captain America. He had left some of his superhero comics for us to look at. We then designed our own superhero and Supertato inspired comic strips. The children tried really hard to sequence a story and used speech bubbles too. Well done Reception class!

Image of Reception - Art - Observational Drawing
23 Mar

Reception - Art - Observational Drawing

In Art this week we looked at observational drawings. We studied the daffodils carefully and used artist pencils to sketch the flowers. The children included details such as leaves and buds and then used the pencils to lightly shade some areas. The children were very proud of their works of art!

Image of Reception- Junior Jam
22 Mar

Reception- Junior Jam

Today Reception have been very lucky to have three different junior jam sessions today! In the first session, they looked at different songs and focused on how they make you feel. The children listened well to the songs and showed good understanding of the emotions the songs created. They then had a French session where they learned the french word for ‘hello’ and they also learned some numbers in French too! They also had a go at learning the song ‘Frere Jacques.’ They then had a Computing session, where they went onto the iPads, and played a coding game.

Image of Reception - Signs of Spring
22 Mar

Reception - Signs of Spring

This week we have been learning about the Seasons of the year. We discussed signs of Spring and observed the weather outside. Children went on a ‘Spring Hunt’ outside and recorded their findings. We looked at flowers and made ‘petal soup’ - the children loved carefully measuring using the teapots and teacups.

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
21 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

We had our muddy Monday session in our school area yesterday. We went onto the top field for a game of stuck in the mud and some of us enjoyed rolling down the banking. Whilst we were on the field we found a frog, the children were really interested in the frog and they were very caring towards it. We then had a walk through the willow tunnel and went onto our playground to play some games, such as ‘duck, duck, goose’ and ‘hot potato’. We had so much fun!

Image of Reception: Dental Hygiene
21 Mar

Reception: Dental Hygiene

Today, the children learnt all about the importance of dental hygiene. They learnt how to brush their teeth properly and what food and drinks to not eat and drink as much of to look after their teeth. The children practised cleaning teeth and showed us their beautiful, sparkling teeth.

Image of Reception - Maths
17 Mar

Reception - Maths

This week we have been learning all about counting. We have practised counting things that we can’t see such as sounds during our clapping game. We then looked at strategies for counting larger groups of objects. The children recognised that we couldn’t always use our subitising skills but we can use strategies like ‘move it and count it’ to help them to reliably count. The children were given mystery bags of objects and had to count them and record their answer. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception - Doctor Visit
17 Mar

Reception - Doctor Visit

Today Reception class welcomed Dr.Chloe who came from Blackburn Hospital to talk to us all about her job. She explained how she loves to help people and even told us about her therapy dogs, Alfie and Patrick. The children asked some fantastic questions all about what is inside her doctors bag and Dr.Chloe showed us her stethoscope and showed us how it works. Thank you Dr.Chloe, we had a wonderful time!

Image of Reception - British Sign Language
16 Mar

Reception - British Sign Language

This morning, Reception children enjoyed a British Sign Language session. We discussed when we might need to use sign language. Some children remembered signs that they used in nursery, at home or in Worship. We learned the BSL signs for hello, how are you, good morning, good afternoon and good evening. The children enjoyed practising signing to each other.

Image of Reception- Police Officer Visit
16 Mar

Reception- Police Officer Visit

This morning we had a visit from our local PCSO’s Gail and John and ‘Darren’ the police teddy bear. We were ready with lots of questions to ask them and we also answered some amazing questions they had for us. We were taught all about ‘stranger danger’ and how to keep ourselves safe. We also got to hear the police officers on their radios and we got the opportunity to try on some of their uniform, which we found out was very heavy. We all really enjoyed our visit.

Image of Reception Lunchtime Science Experiments
16 Mar

Reception Lunchtime Science Experiments

Reception Class took part in rainbow themed science experiments today for science week at lunch time with our science club leading the activities. They were excited to see how different colours came out of the skittles to make a rainbow pattern and how different liquids react when mixed together.

Image of Reception: Mother’s Day Celebration
14 Mar

Reception: Mother’s Day Celebration

It was wonderful to welcome our Mummies and Nannies into Reception today. The children painted pictures and explained why they loved their Mummies and sang some songs. Thank you for being such wonderful ladies, have a fabulous day on Sunday!

Image of FOSB Mother’s Day Cream Tea
14 Mar

FOSB Mother’s Day Cream Tea

Thank you to all of our wonderful special ladies for attending our Mother’s Day cream tea.  A huge thank you to our wonderful FOSB. They are all volunteers and juggle work to make the events a huge success. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes and it is really appreciated by us all. We are very lucky to have you. If anybody would like to help volunteer for any events then we would be really grateful. We hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday.

Image of North West Air Ambulance Visit
13 Mar

North West Air Ambulance Visit

We had the pleasure of welcoming Laura from North West Air Ambulance Charity today. Laura explained that the air ambulance colours are yellow and blue. North West Air Ambulance service is a charity and Laura’s job is to help raise money to keep the ambulances in the sky. The charity looks after over 8 million people and provides free emergency pre-hospital care. In addition to helicopters, the charity also has emergency vehicles. They are used when it is foggy, at night or when it is deemed not safe to fly. Darcy held the emergency bag that the crew carry. It is heavy and has everything they need to treat an injured person. The ambulance also carries blood on board. Wilson showed everybody the jacket that the crew wear and Harry showed the helmet that the crew required to wear. We watched a video which showed an air ambulance in action. Laura explained to us what happens in an emergency. We played Simon says to role play what we should do. If we notice somebody has hurt themselves, we would look around to check if it was safe and then go and find a trusted adult to call to 999. If there wasn’t a trusted adult around, it would be up to us to call. The crew would then be dispatched. Once the helicopter lands, there is a Lucas machine that can perform CPR if necessary so that the paramedic and doctors hands are free to help the patient further. Laura said it is brilliant that we have our invacuation procedure to help air ambulances land safely. Thank you to Mrs Price for teaching the children what to do in an emergency. Air ambulances can land on a beach, a field, a stadium, a car park and a helipad. Laura thanked everybody and said that St Barnabas are now part of the crew! Donations can still be made on parent pay to support this charity and during Lent it is the perfect time to give something back.   The charity needs to raise 12 million pounds each year in order to provide the amazing service and it relies solely on donations. Thank you to everybody who has donated so far. 

Image of Rhyme Time Notice
13 Mar

Rhyme Time Notice

Reception’s rhyme time and story time will begin again on Wednesday 22nd March. Rhyme time is not on 15th March due to a special Mother’s Day celebration for our current Reception children and their special ladies.

Image of Reception class- Palm Sunday
13 Mar

Reception class- Palm Sunday

In Reception we learnt all about Palm Sunday. We retold and role-played the story and created our own palms using paint and collage. Heidi said “Jesus asked his disciple to find him a donkey”. James said “the people put palms on the road”. Marley said “the crowd shouted Hosanna!” Mila said “Jesus was a king being welcomed”. The children really enjoyed role-playing the story and continued during continuous provision.

Image of Parents' Evening
13 Mar

Parents' Evening

Dear Parents and carers, we are holding a face to face parents' evening on Wednesday 5th April in our school hall. Our teachers would also like to share your child's books with you too so that you can see how hard they have been working and you can see what they have been learning this term. Five minute appointments will be available from 2.00pm and 6.00pm. If you are flexible and can attend during school hours and after school, please select in school hours then we can give priority for the after school appointments to parents who are working through the day. Appointments can be booked through the same booking system that we used last year. Please click on the following link to book an appointment. Please note that the information in the software has been taken from our school management system so please use the information such as title, name, email etc that we have on your child's records. Hopefully you will be able to log in with the same details as last year as those of you who attended last time will already have an account. We politely ask that separated parents try to attend the same appointment so that our teachers don't have to repeat the same information and this also ensures that we have enough appointments for each child in school. However, if there are exceptional circumstances that require you to have separate appointments, please let our class teachers know. Our class teachers and I are really looking forward to welcoming you back into school to share how well your child has progressed this term. Please do not hesitate to message me if you have any issues booking an appointment. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham

Image of School closed due to the snow
10 Mar

School closed due to the snow

Good morning parents and carers, Mr Tierney and I are in school now and have assessed the snow situation. The roads around school are awful as there is ice underneath the snow and the road near school hasn’t been gritted. It is still snowing now and not due to stop for several hours.  We have taken the difficult decision to close, which those of you who have had children at St Barnabas for a while know, we haven’t taken lightly, as we always try to stay open. However as the children know, my number one job is to keep everyone safe and that includes the children, staff and parents. Several of our staff live far away and are unable to get into school safely and it isn’t safe for our children or parents to be travelling to school. The snow is drifting in places as we seem to have our micro-climate up at St Barnabas! Our teachers will be in touch with remote learning and you are all welcome to join virtual celebration worship at 9.05am. Further details to follow.  Please keep safe and I hope the children are able to enjoy the snow once it is safe to do so. Thank you in advance for your understanding. ❄️ ⛄️

Image of Virtual Celebration Worship
10 Mar

Virtual Celebration Worship

Please join us for our virtual Celebration Worship on Zoom at 9.05am. Mrs Ham is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Virtual Celebration Worship Time: Mar 10, 2023 09:05 AM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 744 9000 0410 Passcode: 8CX4At We look forward to seeing you there.

Image of Support for Turkey and Syria- non-uniform day
10 Mar

Support for Turkey and Syria- non-uniform day

Smart School Councillors Subject: Fundraising for Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief. Following our last class meeting, the children voted to hold a fundraising event on Friday 17th of March, where they will wear the flag colours of Turkey and Syria to show their support for those affected by the earthquakes. We are asking for a minimum donation of £1.00 for each child who participates in this cause, via parent pay. The colours are red, black, green and white. Do not go out to buy anything new, please wear what you have at home. All funds raised will be donated to a reputable charity actively working to provide relief to the earthquake victims. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support. Smart School Councillors and Miss Kachwalla

Image of Reception- Firefighter Visit
9 Mar

Reception- Firefighter Visit

Today the children in reception had a visit from Firefighter Foy! He told us all about his job and fire safety. The children asked lots of brilliant questions and they were really excited to try on the firefighter helmet! Lots of children have decided that they want to be firefighters when they grow up, because they want to help people. Thank you so much to Firefighter Foy for an amazing talk and for the firefighter goodies! We hope to see you again!

Image of World Book Day Competition
9 Mar

World Book Day Competition

During World Book Day, we held a whole school competition to create a book cover. All of the entries were excellent! Well done to: Cassidy in Year 1 Nevaeh in Year 2 Matthew in Year 4 Sienna in Year 5 Charlotte in Year 6 The children will all receive a £5 voucher to spend at our Scholastic book fair which will be at school between 15th-21st March. A huge well done to our winners and for everyone who took part. Just a reminder that our author Raysa Farah’s book is still available on parent pay to purchase. The last date to purchase the book will be next Friday.

Image of Reception: Easter Launch
8 Mar

Reception: Easter Launch

Today, we read ‘Clever Cub and the Easter Surprise’. We learnt about the Easter story. Elijah said “Jesus died on the cross”. Eva said “Jesus came back alive”. Lyla said “it was a miracle”. We then had a look at a hot cross bun and how it has a cross in it. It reminds us all of how Jesus died on the cross. We all tried a hot cross bun- they were very yummy!

Image of Reception: FA Let Girls Play Campaign
8 Mar

Reception: FA Let Girls Play Campaign

Our Reception class have really enjoyed coming into school in their sports clothes to support the FA’s let girls play campaign for International Women's Day. The children learnt some new skills and played a penalty shoot out against Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Thompson. We then played a game of football. They showed lots of super ball skills, well done!

Image of Reception: Caring for our Environment
7 Mar

Reception: Caring for our Environment

Today, we discussed what recycle, reuse and reduce meant. The children discussed what bins we find at school and what bins we have at home. We discussed why it is important to recycle. Did you know that some bottles can be recycled to make a part of a plane? The children were amazed! The children went outside to look at our recycle bins as they look very different to the ones we have at home. We also discussed how we can reduce waste and reuse. The children did some junk modelling to show how we can reuse boxes and different objects. We discussed how important it is to look after and care for our world.

Image of Reception: Designing a fire engine
7 Mar

Reception: Designing a fire engine

As part of our learning all about superheroes, we have been making fire engines in our malleable area. Before the children could make their fire engine, they were set a challenge of designing their fire engine and labelling it. They then followed their design to build their fire engine. Super work!

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
7 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

For Muddy Monday yesterday we had a forest school session in school. Some of the children wanted to create bug houses, some wanted to jump in muddy puddles and some wanted to experiment using water and pipes and they were working together to figure out how they needed to angle the pipes for the water to collect in the tray. We had lots of fun and because yesterday was so wet, we got very muddy!

Image of Scrooge by Charles Dickens
3 Mar

Scrooge by Charles Dickens

This morning all of the children enjoyed watching a theatrical production of Scrooge, which is a stage adaptation of the classic story 'A Christmas Carol', which was written by Charles Dickens. We were so proud of how well they joined in and the performers said they were a fantastic audience and couldn’t praise our school enough for the warm welcome they received. The children said 'It was even better than the film', 'It was amazing', 'I loved the songs' 'Everyone needs to show kindness' and our Year 6 children said this had made them even more excited to go and see the Lion King in London with school in a couple of weeks! The classic story highlighted our school focus on kindness as mean Scrooge learnt to be kind after being visited by three spirits who showed him the error of his ways. A huge well done to Daisy for showing lots of courage when she was chosen to join the actors on stage. Thank you so much FOSB for paying for the performance. It was a delight to see the childrens' faces as they were a picture and made several of our staff team, including myself, rather emotional watching them. What a great end to world book day week!

Image of World Book Day- Staff Swap
2 Mar

World Book Day- Staff Swap

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, our teaching assistants swapped classes and read a bedtime story to the children. It was lovely to see different staff members in each class and the children enjoyed seeing a new face too. Our FOSB donated chocolates for every child to enjoy whilst they listened to the story. Thank you.

Image of EYFS & KS1: Author visit
2 Mar

EYFS & KS1: Author visit

EYFS and Key Stage 1 enjoyed an author visit this afternoon. Raysa Farah came into school to read her story, ‘A cub without a mane’. She explained how her son has leukaemia and lost his hair. Whilst in hospital, she decided to write her book. Raysa explained that no matter how you look, you are still special and a wonderful person. Our children had the opportunity to ask questions. Darcy asked if she had written any other books. Raysa said she had written one other book and it is awaiting approval to be published. Raysa is also a florist so Daisy asked if she liked making flowers. Lyla asked how long it took for Raysa to write her story. Raysa explained it took around a month to write. Eliza asked if Raysa drew the pictures. Raysa explained the role of an illustrator. Her publisher found an illustrator. Raysa then asked the children to draw anything that makes them happy and feel good. We loved your visit and the children left feeling inspired- thank you so much. Raysa’s book will be available to buy on parent pay for a discounted price. Further information to follow.

Image of Reception - World Book Day
2 Mar

Reception - World Book Day

Reception class loved celebrating World Book Day! We dressed in our pyjamas and discussed our favourite bedtime stories. We made stick men inspired by Julia Donaldson’s book 'Stick Man' and created Hungry Caterpillar collages using natural materials we found around our school grounds. We met the author of ‘The cub without a mane’ and listened to her read the book. We then got a chance to ask questions about the illustrations and why she wanted to write her very first book. We have also had the chance to enter the school competition by designing our own book covers. We have had a fantastic day celebrating reading and our love of stories!

Image of Reception - People Who Help Us
2 Mar

Reception - People Who Help Us

This week Reception children have learned about people who help us, specifically doctors. We discussed the jobs of doctors and nurses and when we may need to go to hospital. We practised putting plasters and bandages on and designed a doctors bag thinking about what they may need inside it! We loved exploring the doctors equipment in the role play area including stethoscopes and thermometers. We are excited to meet a real life radiologist in a few weeks time.

Image of World Book Day: The Cub Without a Mane
2 Mar

World Book Day: The Cub Without a Mane

Today, we welcomed Raysa Farah into our school to read and talk about her new book as part of our World Book Day celebration. Raysa is a successful florist who has now written a story after her little boy was diagnosed with leukaemia. 'My little boy S'aad was diagnosed with ALL in Spring 2022 at the age of two. From this experience I have found strength in writing an empowerment book for children and their carers. I want to help empower young children to feel like they’ve got a voice. The book follows a lion cub who loses his big, wild mane after developing leukaemia, but shows bravery to continue being himself and not let his illness get him down'. If you would like to order a copy of the book Raysa has offered a special price of £6.50, payment can be made through ParentPay. Thank you, Mrs Wilkinson

Image of World Book Day- Staff Swap
2 Mar

World Book Day- Staff Swap

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, our teaching assistants swapped classes and read a bedtime story to the children. It was lovely to see different staff members in each class and the children enjoyed seeing a new face too. Our FOSB donated chocolates for every child to enjoy whilst they listened to the story. Thank you.

Image of Reception: Rhyme time and Story time
1 Mar

Reception: Rhyme time and Story time

We enjoyed our first rhyme and story time since half term. The children enjoyed singing a variety of nursery rhymes and we listened to ‘The tiger who came to tea’. Thank you to all of the grown ups who came and it was lovely to see some of our preschool children too. Rhyme time and story time continues next Wednesday at 9am and reception families and preschool children are welcome to join us.

Image of Live Production of Scrooge
28 Feb

Live Production of Scrooge

Dear Parents and Carers, on Friday morning we have M&M theatrical productions in school performing Charles Dickens, Scrooge to all of the children. We are really looking forward to the performance and it is a great way to end World Book Day Week. A huge thank you to our FOSB for paying for the production so that all of our children can enjoy a live theatre performance. There will be no celebration worship this Friday so Values points will be rolled over to next week. If your child has an out of school award, please bring it in next week. On Friday Darwen Tower house team (yellow) have voted to have a non-uniform day and disco for achieving the most values points last half term. They can come to school in their non-uniform and they will have a disco and sweets at break time.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
27 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

As part of our learning all about caring for our environment, we went on a litter pick around our local area. We used our fine motor skills to collect the litter using the litter pickers. We collected lots of litter and all received a certificate and sticker for being great litter picking superheroes. Thank you to Blackburn with Darwen Council for providing all of the resources we needed for our litter pick.

Image of Celebration Worship
24 Feb

Celebration Worship

Well done to all of our children this week on another busy week in school, working so hard and showing all our Christian values and gaining so many value points. A huge congratulations to Reception and Year 3 for being the amazing attendance winners again this week! Well done Darwen Tower team for winning the overall value points prize which you get to choose, will it be a disco, non uniform, or maybe an extra MUGA session with coach Baxendale? A massive well done to all our class Value Award winners, your hard work and determination really does show both in the classroom and around school, we hope you are super proud of yourselves.

Image of Reception- Magnets
23 Feb

Reception- Magnets

Some of the children in reception asked if they could have some magnets to test which items in the classroom were magnetic or not. We discussed what materials the items were made of and which ones were magnetic. The children found magnetic items such as scissors, magnetic letters, chairs and lots more!

Image of Reception - Maths
23 Feb

Reception - Maths

This week we have been ordering numbers to 10. We used our reasoning skills and the words ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ to help us to put the number blocks in the right order.

Image of Reception PE
23 Feb

Reception PE

In PE the reception children started with a warm up, we talked about transport and how we can get from one place to another. The children chose a partner and they had to copy their movement around the hall. The children then went to the different stations where they practised balancing, under arm throwing, jumping into the different hoops for distance, and they practised rolling a ball on the ramps and catching it at the bottom.

Image of World Book Day Information
22 Feb

World Book Day Information

Next Thursday, 2nd March we will be celebrating World Book Day. This year the theme is bedtime stories and stories that can fill your happy tank. We would love for all children to come dressed all cosy and warm in their pyjamas. Children will take part in a variety of exciting book related activities and competitions and will listen to stories throughout the day. There will also be a book cover competition which the children will complete in school where the children will have the chance to win a £5 book voucher. During World Book Day, a local author, Raysa Farah will visit each class. Once Raysa has been into school, the children will have the opportunity to purchase her book 'The cub that lost its mane' for a discounted price. Further information will be sent out after World Book Day. The children will all receive a £1 token. This can be used at our book fair which will be held between 15-21st March. Between the 15-17th March, the children will all have the opportunity to look at the books in school and they will create a 'wish list' which will be sent home. You can then purchase these books either using the web address on the wish list or by coming into school to purchase books on Monday 21st March and Tuesday 22nd March from 3.30pm. Payment will only be able to be taken by card or contactless payment. We can't wait to celebrate next week and further promote our love of reading.

Image of Online Safety: Spotify
22 Feb

Online Safety: Spotify

Is Spotify hitting the right #OnlineSafety notes?

Image of Reception - Understanding Of The World - Material Hunt
22 Feb

Reception - Understanding Of The World - Material Hunt

This week we have explored different materials. We have looked at different types of materials including plastic, metal, wood, glass, rubber, brick, stone, fabric and wool. We then went on a material hunt to identify different materials around our classroom and school! The children really enjoyed finding all of the different materials in our environment

Image of Reception- Shrove Tuesday
21 Feb

Reception- Shrove Tuesday

The children in Reception have tried some pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. All the children tried the pancakes and enjoyed them. We discussed that Pancake Day is also called Shrove Tuesday. We talked about how Jesus went to the desert for forty days and forty nights with no food or water.

Image of Rev Ben’s Ash Wednesday Worship
21 Feb

Rev Ben’s Ash Wednesday Worship

This morning Rev Ben led our Worship. First he lit our special candle and we had a moment's silence to pray for the families in Turkey and Syria who have been affected by the devastating earthquakes. Rev Ben asked us who was the greatest out of four celebrities, Marcus Rashford, Taylor Swift, Princess Kate and Rishi Sunak. The children had a discussion with a partner about who was the greatest and why. We had some super answers and several reasons why each one was the greatest. We then watched a video about the parable of the tax collector and the Pharisee which was a story that Jesus told to some people who thought they were great and looked down on others. The Pharisee thought he was the greatest and looked down on others but the tax collector was actually great in God's eyes as he asked for help and forgiveness. Rev Ben explained that Ash Wednesday is when Christian's ask for help and for their sins to be forgiven by God. Rev Ben then talked to us about Christian greatness and we had some time to reflect and discuss what Christians think being great is all about and how we can put that greatness into practice. Again we had some brilliant answers such as showing kindness, friendship, generosity and service to others. We finished our worship with a special prayer led by Rev Ben and sang and danced to My Lighthouse, to symbolise that God is always there to hear our prayers of help and forgiveness.

Image of Shrove Tuesday
21 Feb

Shrove Tuesday

As today is Shrove Tuesday, Mrs Ham bought our whole school family pancake bites to eat to symbolise the start of Lent tomorrow. They went down a treat and many of the children were excited to have pancakes at home this evening too. We are looking forward to seeing lots of different ways that we can all give this Lent through demonstrating our Christian values of service, friendship and generosity.

Image of Whole School Worship: Shrove Tuesday and Lent
20 Feb

Whole School Worship: Shrove Tuesday and Lent

To begin our worship, we lit a special candle and prayed for everyone in Turkey and Syria. As we entered worship, we watched a video all about when Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. Tomorrow it is Shrove Tuesday. On Wednesday, our altar will change to the colour of purple as we enter Lent and prepare for Easter. Mrs Ham asked the children ‘what makes you you?’ Neve said her freckles, Oscar said playing the piano and cello, Jake said his fingerprints and Grace said her flexibility. Our personality, emotions, behaviour, clothes, family and belongings all make us unique. Mrs Ham then asked ‘what made Jesus Jesus?’ Eliza said he was the son of God, Grace said his abilities to perform miracles, Ella said that he came down from heaven, Finn said his kindness and Leonora said when he rose from the dead. On Wednesday, Lent beings where we remember how Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. We watched a video all about this time. Jesus was tempted by the devil during his time but he trusted in God and didn’t give in to temptation. Jesus knew there was a plan for him. He knew that he was going to die on the cross so that all of our sins can be forgiven. During our reflection, we had a think about what we could do or give up to help us to feel closer to God. Eva said she is going to give up chocolate, Elsa said sweets, Carter said fizzy drinks, Isaac said he will give some of his toys to charity and Declan said his clothes to the charity shop. We also thought about how we could show kindness and which Christian values we could show during Lent. We finished our worship by singing ‘our God is a great big God’.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
20 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today the children explored the changes of weather and different areas of Whitehall park. The children commented on how the weather can be sunny, cloudy, rainy, foggy and windy. The children explored the waterfall and other forest schools sections. They showed the Christian value of courage as we had to walk up a steep hill and walked a long way around the park.

Image of Reception - PE
10 Feb

Reception - PE

In PE this week we started with a warm up. We practised balancing on a beam, crawling and jumping over hurdles, and climbing on our climbing frame. We were very brave and enjoyed using all of the climbing equipment.

Image of Whole School- Celebration Worship
10 Feb

Whole School- Celebration Worship

Wow! We had lots to celebrate today. During our Celebration Worship this morning, the class teachers celebrated by presenting a value award to the children who have been demonstrating our Christian Values. This week, our overall house values point winner was Darwen tower with 258 points. We also celebrated Years 3 and 4 for their winning at sportshall athletics. Well done to the reception class and Year 3 for this week's best attendance. We also celebrated the children that have taken part in extracurricular activities, well done to everyone! We finished our worship with Rev Ben leading a prayer.

Image of Reception - Children’s Mental Health Week
10 Feb

Reception - Children’s Mental Health Week

We have really enjoyed children’s mental health week. The well-being warriors visited our class and told us a story about being kind to ourselves and each other. We then designed our own kindness jars. We also created pictures of ourselves and discussed how we are similar and how we are different and what makes us special and unique. On Friday, it was Express yourself day. We all chose clothes and accessories that represented our personalities and interests.

Image of Reception - Maths
9 Feb

Reception - Maths

This week we have been exploring numbers to 10. We looked at how to do this quickly using ‘5 and a bit’. We practised grouping 5 children together, so we knew not to keep counting them! We then counted on from 5 to make our total number. The children then used cubes and our part whole models to make different numbers. In continuous provision, the children also looked at writing numerals, counting objects and 1 more/1 less. They have worked so hard, well done!

Image of Reception - Understanding Of The World
9 Feb

Reception - Understanding Of The World

This week, we have looked at floating and sinking. To start, we discussed what we already knew. We then gathered a range of items and investigated if they would float or sink. We made predictions about what would happen, and named some of the materials the items were made out of. We really enjoyed putting the items into the water to check if they would float or sink.

Image of Wellbeing Warrior Workshops for Children’s Mental Health Week
8 Feb

Wellbeing Warrior Workshops for Children’s Mental Health Week

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week 2023, our Well-being Warriors have been going into Foundation and Key Stage 1 to deliver workshops around mental health. They have looked at the story ‘Lucy’s Blue Day’ and highlighted how it’s ok to have good and bad days. The children then completed an activity on a feelings jar which they loved.

Image of Reception- Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Reception- Safer Internet Day

In class we read a story for internet safety day, it was all about Smartie the penguin and how he could keep safe when using his tablet. The children listened so well and came up with some super ideas of how Smartie could keep safe and what he could do in certain situations. We had a discussion all about stranger danger and said that the best thing to do if something pops up on our tablets that we aren’t sure about is to tell parents, carers, grandparents or another trusted adult they know who could help.

Image of Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Safer Internet Day

During our worship today we celebrated safer internet day. Safer internet day is celebrated all over the world and it helps children to understand ways of being safe online as the internet is growing as well as social media. Children discussed all the amazing things that they use the internet for and understand that it is an amazing platform to use with lots of positives. Although the internet is a great tool, we have to be careful that we: remain safe, understand age limits, only play games with those who you know, avoid online bullying and be able to recognise ‘fake news’. Children discussed many ways in which we can avoid these negatives and to enjoy using the internet for all its all amazing uses it can have such as: - Do not believe everything you see online - Do not post anything that isn’t kind - If I see something that makes me feel uncomfortable tell a trusted adult, report it and block it - Play with people we know - Most importantly keep having fun! - Understand age limits and respect those limits - Keep microphones and cameras off when online gaming with people who you do not know. One of the aims of the session was to keep talking and to be very open with a trusted adult about your online activity. Whether you have seen something that makes you uncomfortable or whether you have done something you believe is wrong. A trusted adult will always be able to help you and help you to remain safe online. Most importantly we recognised that the internet is an amazing tool that can be used to help us gain knowledge, communicate with people and have fun. As the internet grows and gets more advanced we understand that it is not going away. But remaining safe is the key.

Image of Reception: The Lost Sheep
7 Feb

Reception: The Lost Sheep

As part of Reception’s learning on stories Jesus told, we read ‘The lost sheep’. The children thought about how the shepherd would have felt at the beginning and end of the story. We then made these faces and helped Mrs Wilkinson to read the story from our rhyming bible. The children said that he would have been scared and upset but then happy at the end when he found his lost sheep. Archie said “God is like the shepherd” and Evie said “we are like the sheep”. We discussed when we have been lost and who found us too.

Image of Whole School Worship: Children’s Mental Health Week Launch
6 Feb

Whole School Worship: Children’s Mental Health Week Launch

What is mental health? Elsie said it is about your mind, Darcy said it is your feelings. Everybody has mental health. Sometimes our mental health might feel poorly like our bodies can feel poorly. One way to help our mental health is through our happy tank. Today we learnt all about happy tapping. We practised together as a school and then repeated after John whilst tapping. Mrs Ham explained how it is ok to feel different emotions. The children showed different emotions such as sad, scared, lonely, upset, ashamed, worried and guilty. Mrs Ham asked the children how you can exercise your brain. Isaac said by learning, Kaylen said by pushing passed your limit and Sophia said by eating healthily. This year, children’s mental health week is all about connecting. Connecting with others is vital for our wellbeing and can support our mental health. This links to our Christian value of friendship. Mrs Ham asked how have we all connected to others this morning. Darcy said she has hugged her Mummy, Harlow said she tickled her brother, Edward said he made his Dad a bacon sandwich, Harry said he spoke to his friend and Iris played with her brother. We listened to a poem called ‘together’. We discussed together why being together is so important. Lyla said if you don’t feel together and feel lonely, you could ask a friend to join in playing. You do not need to be a grown up to change the world. We can make a difference. During our reflection, we are going to have a think about how we can connect more to others. On Friday, we will all come together and will dress to express to show how we are unique and special.

Image of Reception Maths- More and Fewer
6 Feb

Reception Maths- More and Fewer

In maths, the children have completed a maths sheet where they had to count and colour the groups of objects. They had to compare groups of objects using the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer.’

Image of Rhyme and Story time
2 Feb

Rhyme and Story time

Our rhyme and story time has finished for this half term. Please join us again on 1st March 2023 between 9-9.30am. Reception class families are more than welcome to attend and we also welcome preschool children. Refreshments will be served after.

Image of Reception Maths- heavy and light
1 Feb

Reception Maths- heavy and light

This week the children have been using the pan balance to explore heavy and light objects. They have been identifying what happens to the pan balance when a heavy object is put in one side and a light object is put in the other. They have also been looking at ways to make the pan balance balance by making both sides equal.

Image of Reception- Junk Modelling
1 Feb

Reception- Junk Modelling

The children have had a great time this week bringing their creativity to life in the creative area. They have made various models using junk modelling from cars and aeroplanes to hats and cupcakes. They have used amazing imagination and developed lots of fine motor and creativity skills along the way.

Image of Online Safety: Digital lives
1 Feb

Online Safety: Digital lives

#SaferInternetDay is coming!

Image of Whole School Worship: Rev Ben
31 Jan

Whole School Worship: Rev Ben

The children in year 6 played a game at the start of our worship. The game wasn’t as easy as it looked! Our children showed the Christian value of encouragement to help the children complete the task. Today, we learned about a man called Daniel. Daniel was taken far from his home and asked to work in a place where nobody believed in God. Rev Ben asked the children to think about how they would feel if that happened to him. Daniel found ways to keep trusting and God looked after him. Daniel showed the king that God was important. In the Bible, when people face a hard time, they praise God and they sing. Rev Ben asked the children why they feel it is important. Jack said that it will fill up your happy tank, Leonora said it will make you feel calm and relaxed, Carter said it can change your mood and Jenson said it can help you to express how you feel. When we find things tough, lifting our eyes up to God can really help us. Rev Ben asked the children to think of a time that it is hard to feel thankful. Iris said that when your Mummy and Daddy say that you can’t have chocolate it is hard to feel thankful. Rev Ben said in those difficult times, to remember that God is always with us. We finished our worship by singing my lighthouse.

Image of Monday Worship: God’s Promise
30 Jan

Monday Worship: God’s Promise

Last week for our happy tank, we thought about affirmations. Mrs Ham shared Harlow’s affirmation, “You are worth it and are loved”. This week, we learnt about gratitude. We took a few minutes to think about what we are grateful for. Leonora said she was grateful for her life, Eliza said she is grateful for the staff, Ella said she was grateful for her family and Aisha said she is grateful for her hair. Mrs Ham explained how in the bible, God made up to 7000 promises. In Noah’s Ark, God made a promise to not flood the earth again. God’s promise to show this was a rainbow. God promised Mary that she was going to have a baby. God made lots of promises to us all. He said he will love us forever, he will comfort us, he will never leave, he will keep us safe and he will keep his promises. We watched a video that retold the story of Noah’s Ark. God wanted to see kindness. During our reflection, Mrs Ham asked for us all to think about a time when we made a promise and broke it. We had a think about how we felt and what we could do next time. Mrs Ham also asked for us all to think about a time that a promise has been broken and how we felt. We finished our worship by singing Waymaker.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
30 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today, the children have focussed on maps and why we have them. We discussed where we had seen maps. Roman said you can find a map on your phone, Marley said you can find a map at Jack Keys and Elijah said you can buy one from a shop. Eddie told the children that maps tell you where to go and Seb said that you can use a map if you ever get lost. We then went to Whitehall park and found a map. We followed it to find the duck pond. We then went to the forest school area and looked at the hedgehog house and bug house. We also made fires, our own bug hotels and climbed trees. Super exploring!

Image of Reception Gymnastics- Types of Rolls
27 Jan

Reception Gymnastics- Types of Rolls

Today in PE, the children started with a warm up, where some children were chosen to be sharks and they had to catch the starfish by tagging them. To save the starfish that had been caught, they had to duck under their arms to help them. The children were then given different stations, where they practised the different types of rolls, including the teddy bear roll, a forward roll, a rock and roll and a pencil roll.

Image of Reception Forest Schools- Muddy Tuesday
26 Jan

Reception Forest Schools- Muddy Tuesday

On Tuesday we had a forest school session in our school grounds. The children were split into five groups with six children in each. Each team were given a pet log to build a shelter for. The children worked amazingly well together and showed great teamwork and co-operation. Each team successfully built a natural shelter for their pet.

Image of Reception - Maths
26 Jan

Reception - Maths

We have been learning all about the number 6. We practised forming the number, showing 6 quickly in our ‘flashy fingers’ game and making 6 in all different ways using the part, part whole model. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception- Our Forest School Restaurant
26 Jan

Reception- Our Forest School Restaurant

We built a shelter in our mud kitchen area. The children wanted to create a restaurant, they came up with dishes such as mud pie, pizza and spaghetti to serve in their restaurant. The children also asked for some chalk to create their own chalkboard menu. They then invited children in and served them their creations. What brilliant imaginative play reception!

Image of Online Safety: Roblox
25 Jan

Online Safety: Roblox

We have received reports of a viral post circulating on social media about an alleged self-harm ‘game’ being shared on popular gaming platform Roblox. Known as ‘The Game’, the post claims that the game appears through private chats in an attached Word document that contains the rules and instructions. While it is unclear who made the original post and who took the screenshot of the document, it has been noted by several media outlets and concerned parents and carers, which has increased the sharing of the screenshot. There are multiple risks that come with this, including potential physical harm to children and young people, as well as inadvertent exposure to harmful online content. Currently, online safety experts have not been able to substantiate reports on the validity of this so-called ‘game’ or the claim that children and young people are sharing it. Due to the potentially dangerous and worrying nature of this game, we understand the concerns that parents, carers, and safeguarding professionals may have. That is why we have provided you with practical advice to help you care for the children and young people in your life.

Image of Reception: Keeping safe indoors and outdoors
24 Jan

Reception: Keeping safe indoors and outdoors

This week, the children in Reception went on a hunt to see how many things could be dangerous and how many things keep us safe. Archie spotted the benches and said that they could be dangerous if you didn’t use them properly. Eddie pointed to a fire door and said that you would open this if there was a fire. Connie found a wet floor sign and we discussed how this would be used to stop you from slipping. Fletcher found cones outside which are used to stop people from parking on the path. Charlie pointed to the rail and said that we hold this to stop you falling on the stairs.

Image of Monday Worship: Forgiveness and Friendship
23 Jan

Monday Worship: Forgiveness and Friendship

This week, we began our worship with our happy tank. We learnt all about affirmations. An affirmation is when we say a positive thing about ourselves. Our heads and deputies helped Mrs Ham to show what an affirmation was. Our job this week is to think of affirmations to say to make us feel good. Mrs Ham’s affirmation to share was “I am amazing!” The children all joined in with this affirmation. The heads and deputies read lots of affirmations which the children copied to help fill up their happy tanks. Charlotte read an affirmation that said ‘it is ok to make mistakes’. Bobby read out “It is ok to ask for help” and Elsa read the affirmation “I matter in this world”. Today we focussed on our Christian values of friendship and forgiveness. Mrs Ham asked the children if they had ever broken anything. Lots of things can be broken but most of the time they can be fixed. If a book has a rip, Ella suggested that we could use cellotape instead of throwing it away. If a handle falls off a mug, Alfie said that we could use superglue. If we hurt ourselves, Jack suggested that we could use a plaster. Mrs Ham asked the children to think about what we could do to fix a broken friendship. Jesus said if somebody does something mean, you should always forgive them. Jesus told a parable called the unforgiving servant. Our heads and deputies helped Mrs Ham to retell the story. If we do not forgive others, then God will not forgive us. Jesus said that we should forgive people 70 x 7= 490 times! We shouldn’t keep track, we should forgive every time. God always forgives us for big and little things so we need to do the same to each other. For our reflection this week, we are going to have a think about how we can mend a broken friendship and how we can show forgiveness. We finished our worship by singing ‘As one’.

Image of Reception - Chinese New Year
20 Jan

Reception - Chinese New Year

This week, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have practised writing Chinese numbers, tasted different Chinese foods, learned all about the famous dragon parades and even made our own dragon! We have really enjoyed learning all about the traditions of Chinese New Year and comparing them to our own experiences and celebrations.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
20 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship

We had so much to celebrate this week in our special celebration worship, it was lovely to see so many grown ups attending too. Mr Prescott stepped in this week and announced our attendance winners, well done to Reception and Year 5 classes. After our trials for Sports Hall Athletics we took all 31 children to compete this week. We received amazing feedback that our students were so respectful and represented the school superbly, so well done to you all. Their resilience and determination brought them into second place so we are so proud of you all. Thank you for bringing in your out of school achievements, it is lovely to share your success out of school and see such a wide variety of activities being enjoyed. A huge well done to all of our values winners this week who have demonstrated our Christian and British Values. You are all superstars!

Image of Reception - Chinese New Year
20 Jan

Reception - Chinese New Year

This week, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have practised writing Chinese numbers, tasted different Chinese foods, learned all about the famous dragon parades and even made our own dragon! We have really enjoyed learning all about the traditions of Chinese New Year and comparing them to our own experiences and celebrations.

Image of Reception: Rhyme time
18 Jan

Reception: Rhyme time

We had a brilliant rhyme and story time this morning in Reception. Thank you to our Mummies and Grandma’s who came today. Rhyme time is on every Wednesday morning at 9am. Preschool children and parents from Reception are welcome to join us.

Image of National Online Safety: Twitter
18 Jan

National Online Safety: Twitter

New year, new Twitter?

Image of Whole School Worship: Thankfulness
17 Jan

Whole School Worship: Thankfulness

It was wonderful to have our worship led by Rev Ben today. Today, we are going to be thinking about thankfulness. To begin our worship, we played a game of guess the animal. Well done to David, Carter, Ivy, Neve and Aisha for taking part. We are so thankful for God’s wonderful creations which include a frog, monkey, a fish, a panda and a lion. As we guess those wonderful animals, they are all very different. Some are big, some are small, some are colourful, some are loud and some are quiet. However, we are not always good at looking after God’s creation. When we don’t look after God’s creation like we should, he will always forgive us. Rev Ben gave us time to think about what we want to thank God for and we also had a think about how we can show our thankfulness for the amazing world we live in. Archie said he is thankful for us, Alice said she is thankful for all of the trees, Sadie is thankful for food and Carter is thankful for nature. Harlee said we shouldn’t litter, Daniel said we need to switch the lights off and Iris said that we need to care for the animals. Rev Ben led us in prayer and we joined in with a new song called ‘God of Science’. We loved the song! A huge thank you to Rev Ben.

Image of Reception: Keeping ourselves safe
17 Jan

Reception: Keeping ourselves safe

Reception have been learning all about what is safe to go into their body. They discussed what happens if they are poorly and how we should never use medicines on our own. They learnt that they should never put anything in their mouths unless a grown up knows such as a family member or teacher.

Image of Reception: Daniel in the Lion’s Den
17 Jan

Reception: Daniel in the Lion’s Den

Today in RE the children in Reception learnt what a parable was. They listened to the parable ‘Daniel and the Lion’s den’. They retold the story and then we discussed a time that we had been brave, just like Daniel.

Image of Whole School Worship: Martin Luther King Jr Day
16 Jan

Whole School Worship: Martin Luther King Jr Day

We started our worship with our happy tank and we practised our kindness today. We then thought about what Jesus meant when he said you should love your neighbour as yourself. Elsie said your neighbour means everybody. Mrs Ham read a book ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ all about Martin Luther King Jr. It is important to stand up for what is right and love your neighbour, just like Martin Luther King Jr did. If people like Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks hadn’t stood up for what was right then the world wouldn’t be a nice place to live in. Martin Luther King Jr had a dream that people would judge people on their character rather than their skin colour. We had a think about our character today and how others may describe our character. If we show all of our Christian values then we will have a great character. This week we will focus on treating each other fairly. We will also have a think about how we can help other people to make their lives better and we will focus on showing love and kindness towards each other. Freddie said we could be brave and stand up for what is right, Alfie said we could be respectful, Grace said we could donate items to other people, Jack said we could show friendship and Lyla said we could show courage. We then thought about what our dream for the world would be and we had some wonderful ideas such as no violence, no wars, living in peace. everyone being treated fairly and with kindness etc. We finished our worship by singing ‘Make a difference’.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
16 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

This week the children in Reception built up their walking stamina by walking to Whitehall Park. They walked up a hill and were really sensible. It was freezing cold so the children saw some ice. We revisited previous learning and identified evergreen and deciduous trees. The children also explored the rose garden.

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
13 Jan

Whole School Celebration Worship

During our whole school Worship this morning, a few of our children shared their special gifts from God; being good at skating, swimming, football, gymnastics, basketball and rugby and some children said having loving and caring parents was their special gift from God. It was also lovely to hear that the children have been reflecting on their daily choices which was our Happy Tank focus for this week. The class teachers presented a value certificate to the child/children that has been demonstrating our Christian and British values and making the right choices. Prizes were given out to our 'Road Safety' winners, the entries were from last year and the children were thrilled with their winnings. Mrs Ham celebrated our sports stars for their dedication and commitments for taking part in extracurricular activities. Our amazing attendance classes this week were reception and Year 3 and the winning team for getting the most value points was Whitehall Park, putting them in first place. Rev Ben ended our Worship with a lovely prayer and blessing. What another brilliant week at St Barnabas and the children really have been achieving great things!

Image of Reception - Maths
12 Jan

Reception - Maths

This week we have been looking at sequencing numbers to 5. We built our own number blocks and played the game ‘who’s hiding?’ where we had to guess the number block our friend had taken away. We used our Maths reasoning to decide which number block was missing.

Image of Reception - Pointillism
12 Jan

Reception - Pointillism

In Art, Reception Class learned all about Pointillism. We looked at examples and practised the technique using cotton buds. We knew we had to hold the tool correctly and not put too much paint on it to achieve the effect. We used the technique to create starfish, octopus and fish for a display. We loved learning all about pointillism!

Image of Online Safety: Warcraft
11 Jan

Online Safety: Warcraft

#WakeUpWednesday meets World of Warcraft ⚔

Image of Parent/Carer Support Group from the Mental Health Support Team
10 Jan

Parent/Carer Support Group from the Mental Health Support Team

Here are the details for the next parent support group from the Mental Health Support Team (MHST).

Image of Reception: Painting
10 Jan

Reception: Painting

In continuous provision, the children have been completing a challenge to complete a water colour painting. They have drawn sea creatures and then painted their picture in blue to create a water effect. All of the children have worked really hard and have learnt how much water paint to use.

Image of Reception- All About Me
10 Jan

Reception- All About Me

Reception had a visit from Megan and Harold the giraffe. They taught us what to eat and drink to say healthy, where our body parts go, what to do to keep germs away and what happens if you are poorly. We loved our visit, thank you!

Image of Reception: Maths
10 Jan

Reception: Maths

The children have used their skills of subitising to count the dice array. They then wrote the number and accurately counted the objects to match.

Image of Monday Worship: Epiphany
9 Jan

Monday Worship: Epiphany

Last week we focussed on breathing with the happy tank. This week, we learnt how to reflect. We spent three minutes thinking about something that has happened to us today. Reflection time for ourselves is important and helps us to relax and fill up our happy tanks. On Friday we started our learning about the Epiphany. It took 12 days for the kings to meet baby Jesus and so the Epiphany is celebrated on the 6th January. Epiphany comes from the Greek word which means ‘making known’. The kings followed a big star which helped to make people know that Jesus had been born. One important thing that the festival of Epiphany reveals is that God doesn’t have favourites but welcomes people from any background and any nationality. Mrs Ham read a story from her rhyming Bible all about the kings journey and everyone joined in with actions for the repeated refrain. Thank you to our amazing actors in Year 6. Sadie, Manni, Isaac, Elsie and Carter did a brilliant job. The kings brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Gold is a gift fit for a king, Frankincense was given as it is a holy fragrance and Myrrh was given to indicate that Jesus’ death would be important. During our reflection, we thought about our special gifts. This week, we will really focus on how we can share them with others and how we can show respect for other people’s gifts. We finished our worship singing ‘We three kings’.

Image of Mental Health Support Team January Newsletter
9 Jan

Mental Health Support Team January Newsletter

Please find attached the latest newsletter from the mental health support team, who we work closely with in school. This month there are some great tips and signposts for ways that parents can support their own mental health and wellbeing, as well as their children's mental health and wellbeing. For all of the newsletters from the Mental Health Team, please click here

Image of Reception: Phonics
9 Jan

Reception: Phonics

The children in Reception have been working really hard on their formation and sentence writing. Well done!

Image of Coram Life Education & SCARF workshops
9 Jan

Coram Life Education & SCARF workshops

Coram Life Education & SCARF is the UK's leading charity provider of PSHE and wellbeing education in primary schools. Over the next couple of days all of our children in school will have a fun and interactive PSHE workshop delivered by Megan and her friend Harold the Giraffe, from Coram Life Education. Reception: All About Me Year 1: Feelings Year 2: My Wonderful Body Year 3: Meet the Brain Year 4: It's great to be me Year 5: Friends Year 6: Decisions The children really enjoyed the workshops last year and they learnt a great deal. These sessions are part funded by the local authority and the school have contributed the rest. Our staff will also be having training on Coram resources that can be used in PSHE lessons. If you would like to speak to Megan and learn more about the workshops or how you can support your child with their personal, social and health education, you are very welcome to call into school from 8.45-9.00am this Wednesday morning. There is also a website with information for parents about how you can support your child's wellbeing, help them develop a growth mindset and how to talk to them about sensitive issues etc.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
9 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

We have been developing our characteristics of effective learning by taking risks today. The children enjoyed their adventure at Jack Keys. They had to climb under and over branches, walk through a stream and travel in the mud. We were very muddy at the end and had a brilliant time!

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
6 Jan

Whole School Celebration Worship

This morning during whole school celebration worship, we learnt about Epiphany and celebrated our achievements in school this week. It was lovely to hear that some of the children had used the breathing techniques that we learnt on Monday from John, the Kindness Coach's, happy tank programme over the week. Class teachers spoke about our first week back in school and how the children have settled back into our school routine brilliantly. Mrs Ham announced our amazing attendance classes of the week in KS1 and KS2. Well done Reception and Year 4! We then celebrated some fantastic sports stars, both in and outside of school!

Image of Reception PE- Travelling and Balancing
6 Jan

Reception PE- Travelling and Balancing

Today in PE , the children started with a warm up. We practised travelling in different ways including moving sideways like a crab , then freezing like a starfish - making sure we stretched all of our body parts. We then practised some of our fundamental movement skills during a rotation of activities, this included balancing, jumping and running. We worked together to improve our skills such as putting our arms out to help us to balance, and jumping landing on two feet.

Image of Reception - Maths
5 Jan

Reception - Maths

In Reception we have been looking at subitising numbers up to 6. We practised rolling dice and recognising the number patterns on them. We also looked at more unfamiliar number patterns and played a game called Take A Picture where we had to remember patterns and recreate them using counters. We have really enjoyed our number work this week.

Image of Whole School Worship: Happy new year!
3 Jan

Whole School Worship: Happy new year!

It was lovely to have everyone together for our first worship of 2023. Happy new year to everyone! We took a few moments as we lit our advent wreath to think about Jesus and how he came to bring hope, peace, joy and love to the world and how he wanted us live life in all its fullness. A few of our children shared their new year resolutions. Alice said she wants to eat more healthily, Tristen’s is to always have a smile on his face, Sadie is to not talk back to her parents and Kaylen’s is to go outside more. Mrs Ham shared hers which is to be happy. Mrs Ham reminded us all of the kindness coach, John Magee. She introduced us all to the happy tank. We watched a video from John who explained what the happy tank was. One of the elements is to take some time to rest. During this time, we need to focus on our breathing which can help us to find peace. We all focussed together on our breathing for 2 minutes. Beau said that it made her feel calm and Jacob said it made him feel happy. Mrs Ham shared with everybody a happy calendar that we will follow throughout January. We watched a clip from ‘The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse’. At the beginning the fox was very angry but by the end he was happy. He filled up his happy tank by the boy, the mole and the horse showing him kindness. This year we need to really focus on how we can be kind to others and to ourselves. Through that, we also need to think about how we can find happiness and spread it to others. We all said a new year prayer together and ended our worship with the song ‘Shine from the inside out’.

Image of Reception: RE
3 Jan

Reception: RE

This week we have begun our unit of stories that Jesus heard. We began with listening to the story about Moses’ mummy. She had to hide him in the river to keep him safe. We discussed the story and looked at how our parents show us that they love us.

Image of Reception: What is safe to go onto our body?
3 Jan

Reception: What is safe to go onto our body?

This week we have been looking at things that are safe to go onto our body. We discussed what we should wear, how different objects can help us, what can keep us healthy and clean and what to do if we have hurt ourselves.

Image of Latest newsletter
3 Jan

Latest newsletter

Happy new year to you all! I hope you've had a lovely Christmas holiday with your loved ones. It has been wonderful to have all of the children back in school although I think it was a bit of a shock to the system being back in school today and I know it certainly felt like that for myself and our staff team. Our class teachers will shortly be sharing information with you about what your child will be learning this half term. As ever, if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via class dojo, on the school yard or via the school office. Thanks for your continued support and we are looking forward to another brilliant year at St Barnabas, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception - Christmas Service at Church
16 Dec

Reception - Christmas Service at Church

Reception class attended the Christmas Church Service. We joined in with the carols and practised our actions. The children listened carefully to the prayers shared by KS2 children.

Image of Amazing Attendance Award Winners
16 Dec

Amazing Attendance Award Winners

A huge well done to our amazing attendance award winners! We are so proud of them as they have achieved over 96% this Autumn term. Well done everyone!

Image of Reception Christmas Party
15 Dec

Reception Christmas Party

Today in Reception we had our Christmas Party! We played Musical Statues, Musical Bumps and Pass the Parcel. The children were amazing singers and dancers! At the end, we all got into a circle and each child had the choice to go into the middle and show everyone their amazing dance moves!

Image of Online Safety: Staying safe over Christmas
14 Dec

Online Safety: Staying safe over Christmas

‘Tis the season to … stay safe online!

Image of Christmas Fair
14 Dec

Christmas Fair

TODAY IS OUR CHRISTMAS FAIR!! Join us today, Wednesday the 14th December 2022 between 3.30-5.30pm.

Image of Design and Technology- Christmas Fair
14 Dec

Design and Technology- Christmas Fair

In D.T this term, the whole school have worked their absolute socks off. The children have made wooden reindeer ornaments, festive fruit kebabs with choc drizzle and marshmallows, fire engines, photo frames, festive sausage rolls, seasonal stockings and Christmas themed cushions. The children then had the opportunity to purchase their products at our school Christmas fair.

Image of Reception: Rev Ben Visit
13 Dec

Reception: Rev Ben Visit

Reception class enjoyed listening to Rev Ben. He explained how the church prepares for Christmas. Thank you for visiting!

Image of Reception - Making Reindeer Baubles
9 Dec

Reception - Making Reindeer Baubles

This week we have made reindeer baubles to sell at our Christmas Fair. The children used their fingerprint for the nose, stuck on googly eyes and made their own antlers out of pipe cleaners. The children really enjoyed making them.

Image of Inter- House Sports in FS and KS1
9 Dec

Inter- House Sports in FS and KS1

What a fantastic opportunity we had this morning taking part in the Inter- House Dodgeball Competition. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 loved every second and we saw some great sportsmanship and tactical decision making. A huge thanks to The Sports Leaders for organising and running the event too!

Image of Celebration Worship
9 Dec

Celebration Worship

In Celebration Worship this morning we looked at how our children continue to work so very hard in promoting our Christian and British values. We are all so very busy preparing for the Christmas Fair, school performances and Christmas Worship. We had our House Team Winners announced for this half term - Whitehall Park for the second consecutive time- well done. It is so lovely to see all of the children celebrating each others success as we had lots of awards for out of school sports today.

Image of Reception class nativity- The little angel
8 Dec

Reception class nativity- The little angel

We were so proud of our Reception class for their fantastic performances of their Nativity- The Little Angel. They all showed such courage and sang their little hearts out. Thank you so much to everyone who came to watch and we really hope you enjoyed it. A huge thank you to Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Thompson, Miss Baxendale and Miss Bentham for all of their support and encouragement. Thank you also to Rev Ben for coming along to watch and leading us in prayer. Thank you to all of our parents for the amazing costumes that you provided for the children and for helping them with their lines and songs. I’m sure you will still have the songs in your head till about March!

Image of Reception Stickman
7 Dec

Reception Stickman

This week, the children have been looking at the stickman story. They have been superstars at creating stickman pictures including, drawing Stickman’s Lady Love and his family tree. They showed good understanding, as they were able to tell us their favourite parts of the story. Some children even had a go at writing Stickman’s name.

Image of Reception Reindeer Food
7 Dec

Reception Reindeer Food

Reception have been making some reindeer food for our Christmas fair. They used the cups to pour the reindeer food into the bags. We talked about how we can leave the reindeer food out on Christmas Eve ready for Santa and all the reindeers.

Image of Parents' Evening Reminder
6 Dec

Parents' Evening Reminder

Dear parents and carers, Just a quick reminder that it is parents' evening tomorrow from 2.00pm-6.00pm. We have 90% of our parents booked so far so thank you if you have already booked. If you haven't booked yet, please either click on the following link or send me a class dojo message by 5.00pm today with your available times and I will book you an appointment. * Please enter and leave school via the main entrance and all appointments will take place in the hall again. *Please do not park on the carpark as that is for staff only and there will be parents walking across it. *Please be aware that appointments are only 5 minutes long so if there is something that you would like to discuss for longer than that, please arrange a phone call at another date in order to not hold up other appointments. We ask for your patience with appointments as they may not run exactly on time. * A selection of your child's books will be available in the centre of the hall along with class RE and PSHE scrap books. Our class teachers and I are really looking forward to welcoming you into school to share how well your child has settled into their new class and the progress they have made. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham

Image of Whole school worship: Peace during Advent
5 Dec

Whole school worship: Peace during Advent

Last week we lit our hope advent candle. Today, Manni lit our peace advent candle. Katie, Eva and Jenson read out our peace prayer. Jesus was sent to bring peace to the world and he is known as the prince of peace. Today, we watched the new John Lewis Christmas advert. Lucy said that the man tried to learn how to skate to make the foster child feel welcome as the child may have felt a little frightened or worried. At the end, the child smiled as they had something in common and she would have felt at peace. For our reflection this week, we need to think about how we can find peace but also how we can bring peace to others.

Image of Christmas Fair 2022
5 Dec
Image of Reception: Christmas preparations have begun!
1 Dec

Reception: Christmas preparations have begun!

The children in Reception have been busy this week rehearsing for their Nativity performance. We have started preparing for the birth of Jesus by decorating our classroom.

Image of Reception: Outdoors
1 Dec

Reception: Outdoors

The children have enjoyed being really creative outside. They explored the leaves and described them. They also created fires and dens. Well done!

Image of Online Safety: Social media and mental health
1 Dec

Online Safety: Social media and mental health

You know about social media influencers ✌

Image of It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
1 Dec

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Every child in school helped to decorate our real Christmas tree this afternoon. It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Our youngest child in school will place the star on the tree tomorrow in Celebration Worship.

Image of Help us keep children safe from button batteries this Christmas
29 Nov

Help us keep children safe from button batteries this Christmas

This Christmas, homes will be filled with light-up decorations, festive tea lights, singing Santas and flashing Christmas wands. But these – and many other toys – are powered by button batteries that can badly hurt or kill a child if swallowed. Please see the attached images for further information about how you can keep your child safe from button batteries.

Image of Monday Worship: Advent
28 Nov

Monday Worship: Advent

Our new vicar Rev Ben joined us for Worship today. We welcomed him into our school family by showing him our huge welcoming smiles. Good things come to those who wait. We are waiting for Christmas and now Advent has started. Advent is a time to prepare. Christians needed to have hope when they waited for Jesus to arrive. During lockdown, we saw lots of rainbows. God kept sending rainbows which gave us hope that there would be better times. During Advent, we need to see children showing kindness, friendship, respect, generosity and all of our Christian and British values. Mrs Ham asked the children what their hope is for the future. Elsa’s hope is to travel to every continent in the world, Sadie’s is to be successful in her job, Ruby’s is for peace and harmony, Grace’s is to get good results, Darcy’s is for peace around the world and Seb’s is to be an engineer. We watched a video about the special hope that was sent to the world: Jesus. We lit our first candle on our Advent wreath and prayed for hope. During our reflection, we thought about how we could turn somebody feeling sad into somebody feeling glad. We had a think about how we can show love and kindness to bring hope to others. We finished our worship by singing ‘may you find peace’.

Image of Celebration Worship
25 Nov

Celebration Worship

This week we have been learning all about peace and harmony. A huge thank you to Miss Kachwalla for delivering our inter faith workshops all about the religion of Islam. Last night, Mrs Ham went to church to welcome our new vicar, Rev Ben. We will be sharing our vicar with St Paul’s, Hoddlesden and can’t wait to see him at school soon. Today, Sophie and Lola announced our anti-bullying competition winners. There were over 200 entries across the borough and 2 prizes were awarded to our school. 3rd place went to Harlow and Eliza and 2nd place went to Wilson. A huge well done! We have had yet another busy week in school. Well done to our values points award winners: Renee, Archie, Miley, Eden, Hamza, Archie and Darci. Our overall house winner for this week is River Darwen, well done! Our amazing attendance winners for this week are Year 2 and Year 4! We celebrated our super dodgeball team and girls football team who played on Wednesday and Thursday night. We also celebrated individual achievements for swimming, football, Rainbows, dancing and kickboxing. Well done to Leonora, Isaac, Eliza, Sofia, Carmen, Noah, Annabel, Cassidy, Ted and Mason. We finished our worship by singing the song of peace.

Image of Rhyme Time starts again on 11th January
25 Nov

Rhyme Time starts again on 11th January

Reception’s rhyme time and story time will begin again on Wednesday 11th January. Preschool children are more than welcome to join us and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Image of Rhyme Time starts again on 11th January
25 Nov

Rhyme Time starts again on 11th January

Reception’s rhyme time and story time will begin again on Wednesday 11th January. Preschool children are more than welcome to join us and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Image of Reception: Maths
24 Nov

Reception: Maths

The children have been learning how to make 5 in different ways using the part-part-whole model.

Image of Reception: Nativity
22 Nov

Reception: Nativity

Today the children learnt about the Nativity. They watched a video and learned about who was present. They then used the wooden characters to create a Nativity scene. The children discussed their favourite part and drew parts of the story.

Image of Monday Worship: Inter Faith Week
21 Nov

Monday Worship: Inter Faith Week

This week we are going to be thinking about how we can bring peace to the world. This links to our British Value of tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. Mrs Ham asked the children which biscuit, superhero and toy they preferred. Mrs Ham explained even if you like different things, you can still be friends and we can tolerate each other. Mrs Ham explained how we are all different which is called diversity. We all watched a film where some characters were unkind. The birds treated the other bird differently because he looked and sounded different. They were not showing tolerance. Peace begins with tolerance and respect for everyone. This week we will be also be showing our Christian value of respect to learn all about Islam as part of Inter Faith week. Our very own Miss Kachwalla will be sharing her faith with all of the children in school. This week we are really going to focus on how we can show tolerance and acceptance to everyone. We finished our worship by singing One World.

Image of Parents Evening Information
21 Nov

Parents Evening Information

Dear Parents and carers, we are holding a face to face parents' evening on Wednesday 7th December in our school hall. Our teachers would also like to share your child's books with you too so that you can see how hard they have been working and you can see what they have been learning this term. Five minute appointments will be available from 2.00pm and 6.00pm. If you are flexible and can attend during school hours and after school, please select in school hours then we can give priority for the after school appointments to parents who are working through the day. Appointments can be booked through the same booking system that we used last year. A guide has been added to class dojo. Please click on the following link to book an appointment. Please note that the information in the software has been taken from our school management system so please use the information such as title, name, email etc that we have on your child's records. Hopefully you will be able to log in with the same details as last year as those of you who attended last time will already have an account. We politely ask that separated parents try to attend the same appointment so that our teachers don't have to repeat the same information and this also ensures that we have enough appointments for each child in school. However, if there are exceptional circumstances that require you to have separate appointments, please let our class teachers know. Our class teachers and I are really looking forward to welcoming you back into school to share how well your child has progressed this term. Please do not hesitate to message me if you have any issues booking an appointment. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham

Image of Reception: Birthday Celebration
21 Nov

Reception: Birthday Celebration

Today, the children in Reception read Kipper’s birthday. We looked at what happens at a party and the importance of a birthday invitation. They found out why it is important to have the correct number of candles on a cake. The children are preparing for a toy party on Friday by creating necklaces, crowns and cakes.

Image of Reception: Inter Faith Week
21 Nov

Reception: Inter Faith Week

The children had a special workshop by our very own Miss Kachwalla. They learned all about Islam. The children found out about the 5 rules that Muslims need to follow, about the Arabic language, the name of the holy book and all about the 2 special Eid celebrations. Reception class then tried some Sunnah food in class.

Image of Reception: Rhyme Time
16 Nov

Reception: Rhyme Time

This week the children celebrated world nursery rhyme week. We sang lots of different rhymes including the big ship sails, 5 little speckled frogs and down in the jungle. We did lots of super singing and dancing. We finished our rhyme time with a story called ‘The Leaf Thief’.

Image of Reception - Fantastic Phonics
16 Nov

Reception - Fantastic Phonics

Reception are doing so well learning new graphemes each week and remembering them. Today they learnt the grapheme ‘h’ and thought of lots of words that begin with this sound. Then they practised writing the letter in their phonics books, well done!

Image of Reception: Outdoor Fun
15 Nov

Reception: Outdoor Fun

No matter what the weather, Reception enjoy putting on their wellies and puddlesuits to go outside. Today they have been on the 1K a day track, built houses, used the water butt, used their gross motor skills to clean the tyres and surfaces and roleplayed in the houses and mud kitchen.

Image of Reception- Jesus walks on water
15 Nov

Reception- Jesus walks on water

Mrs Ham had the pleasure of teaching Reception class RE this week. The children learnt about why Christians believe that Jesus is so special. They had great fun acting out the miracle of Jesus walking on water using different props. They showed Mrs Ham their best shocked faces when showing her how they thought Jesus’ friends, the disciples, would feel when they saw Jesus walking on water. Some children said that they might have thought he was a ghost, that he was magical and that he was the Son of God. They also suggested using instruments and their voices for the storm. Well done Reception class!

Image of Monday Worship: Anti-Bullying Week
14 Nov

Monday Worship: Anti-Bullying Week

Today is the start of anti-bullying week. We have all worn our odd socks to show that we are all special and unique. Yesterday was world kindness day. The children said that every day should be world kindness day! We listened to Andy Day about odd socks day. The theme for anti-bullying week is reach out which means talk to somebody about bullying to say it is not ok. During anti-bullying week, we will focus on the Christian values of friendship, respect, courage and forgiveness. We will also focus on the British Values of mutual respect, individual liberty and tolerance. Bullying is when somebody does something mean and they keep doing it again and again. James said the victim would feel “really sad and emotional”. Mrs Ham explained the acronym STOP. If someone does something Several Times On Purpose then it is bullying and we should Speak To Other People. We played a game where the children had to put their thumbs up if they thought the action was bullying and thumbs down if they thought if wasn’t. Mrs Ham asked what would happen if they saw bullying taking place. James said he would tell them to stop, Eli said tell the teacher. It takes courage to do something about bullying. During our reflection we thought about how we are all different and how we need to treat each other with respect. We finished our worship by listening to Andy and the odd socks song.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
14 Nov

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today, the children in Reception enjoyed looking for signs of Autumn at Jack Keys Reservoir. We enjoyed looking at the views to discuss the signs of Autumn. The children learnt the meaning of deciduous and evergreen trees and they were able to identify them.

Image of Reception: Odd Socks Day
14 Nov

Reception: Odd Socks Day

Reception enjoyed wearing odd socks to kick start Anti-Bullying Week. We celebrated being unique and all decorated our own odd socks. We all discussed what a good friend is and how we all need to be kind to each other.

Image of Reception: All About Autumn
14 Nov

Reception: All About Autumn

This week, the children are learning all about Autumn. They have been very busy in provision creating Autumn faces, hedgehogs and trees. They’ve also been counting different Autumn pictures and matching it to the correct numeral.

Image of Reception- Fundamental's Friday
11 Nov

Reception- Fundamental's Friday

What a great P.E lesson this morning. Reception have been practising some of our fundamental movements this morning such as hopping, jumping and throwing.

Image of Reception- Feeding the 5000
11 Nov

Reception- Feeding the 5000

In RE Reception have been looking at the story “feeding the 5000”. We also talked about why Jesus is so special and what makes him special.

Image of Poppy Appeal
10 Nov

Poppy Appeal

Good morning, thank you so much for your kind donations to our Poppy Appeal by the Royal British Legion. Our heads and deputies have been busy selling poppy merchandise every break time this week. Our stocks were running low but we have managed to purchase another box of poppy appeal merchandise including more slap bands. Therefore, if you would like to purchase further items such as another slap band or poppy zip tie, please send money into school tomorrow. They will be for sale during celebration worship for parents and carers and at break time for children. Many thanks for your generosity to such a worthy cause.

Image of Reception: Comparing numbers
10 Nov

Reception: Comparing numbers

Today the children have been comparing numbers using the vocabulary more than, less than and equal. They used weighing scales to see which side had more and less and also made the scales equal using the same amount of cubes.

Image of Reception Rhyme Time
9 Nov

Reception Rhyme Time

Reception have had another rhyme time session today. They joined in well using the instruments and sang along to the different nursery rhymes from the rhyme time bag. The best songs were ‘Old McDonald Had a Farm’ and ‘5 Cheeky Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.’ We ended with a story, ‘A squash and a squeeze’.

Image of Reception Outdoor Bowling
9 Nov

Reception Outdoor Bowling

Today the children in reception have been practising their bowling skills. They watched a demonstration of how to stand and how to throw the ball using the under arm method. Once they had thrown the bowling ball, they counted how many bowling pins they knocked over. They showed the Christian value of friendship by working together as a team and they encouraged each other.

Image of Online Safety: Online Bullying
9 Nov

Online Safety: Online Bullying

Outwit the internet bullies with our #WakeUpWednesday guide

Image of Reception- Muga Mondays
8 Nov

Reception- Muga Mondays

What a brilliant session! Thank you to our two sports leaders who planned and delivered a really fun session.

Image of Reception: Remembrance Art
8 Nov

Reception: Remembrance Art

The children in Reception have been practising their expressive arts and design skills. They have been joining materials to create poppies in the malleable area and have been selecting the correct colours to accurately paint poppies. The children were able to explain why we wear poppies.

Image of Monday Worship: Remembrance & Lilian Bader- One of the first black women in the Armed Forces
7 Nov

Monday Worship: Remembrance & Lilian Bader- One of the first black women in the Armed Forces

This week we are going to be thinking about Remembrance Day. Mrs Ham asked “why do we wear poppies?” James said that it is about the world war; Harriet said we raise money; Harlow said soldiers gave up their lives to fight for our country; Leonora said that when the war was over, poppies grew in a field; Kaylen said it is to remember those who passed away and Finn said the red of the poppy reminds us of blood. Mrs Ham lit a remembrance candle. Mrs Ham explained to the children what Remembrance Day is for which is this Friday. On Friday, we will be having a 2 minute silence to think about all of those people that died for us. Mrs Ham shared photographs of war memorials in Whitehall park and Bold Venture park. We watched a video together all about Remembrance Day. Mrs Ham then shared the story of Lilian Bader who died a few years ago, aged 97. Nobody would give her a job because of the colour of her skin. When the Second World War broke out, she was 21. Ladies were not allowed to fight in the war and only white men were allowed to fight. Lilian got a job making food for soldiers but after 7 weeks, she was told she had to leave her job as her Dad was not from Britain. Eventually, Lilian managed to get a job in the RAF and helped to fix the planes. Mrs Ham shared a video so that the children could learn more about her and the difference she made. During our reflection, we said a big thank you to everybody who sacrificed their lives in wars and conflict. We thought about our Christian values of service and peace. We finished our worship by singing a song of peace.

Image of Mental Health and Wellbeing Support in School
7 Nov

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support in School

Good morning parents and carers, please find attached the latest newsletter from the Mental Health Support Team. Mental health and wellbeing is given the highest priority in our school and is a big focus on our school improvement plan each year. We know that if children, staff or parents aren't emotionally well and happy then this can be a barrier to effective teaching and learning. In school both myself and Mrs Wilkinson are trained mental health first aiders who provide support and signpost support to children, parents and staff. We also have an Educational Mental Health Practitioner called Hazel Broadfield who works with us to provide families with support with mental health issues. We also have two trained ELSA's in school, Mrs Hegarty and Mrs Lyons, who provide emotional literacy support to specific children throughout school. Mrs Gardner, our PSHE lead also has a group of Wellbeing Warriors that help to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing and organise events. They are organising an Odd Socks day next Monday and have led a poster competition to launch Anti-bullying week. If you or your child are experiencing any issues linked to mental health and wellbeing, Mrs Wilkinson and I are always available to speak to on either informally on the yard or through arranging a meeting. Alternatively, there are also sections on our website where different services and groups linked to mental health and wellbeing are signposted.