As a Church School we celebrate a collective act of Worship every day. We are very proud of our Worship which takes place in the hall for whole school Collective Worship or in class for class or key stage Worship. We have a small altar, light candles, sign the Trinity, say prayers, join in with Bible stories, have reflection time and sing a hymn or song together. All classes have a chance to plan and lead worship and Rev Ben and Rev Matt regularly lead our collective worship. Our Worship Our Way (WOW) group also regularly plan and lead class and whole school worship. We welcome parents and families in to share our FRIDAY FAMILY CELEBRATION WORSHIP every Friday morning at 9.05am.
For all the latest Collective Worship news, please click here.
At the beginning of each Worship we say and sign the trinity and light three candles. In the name of the Father, in the name of the son and in the name of the Holy Spirit.
Worship is such an important part of our lives at St Barnabas. Our children say that Worship is a time of reflection, for praying and singing to God. They say that in Worship they feel peaceful, as one family and they feel that God is with them. Please have a look in our Collective Worship Gallery at some of our Worships this year that have been led by Mrs Ham, WOW group, Rev Ben, Rev Matt, class teachers or individual classes. Please click here.
We have close links with our local St Barnabas church and we regularly hold school church services there. Rev Ben and Rev Matt lead Worship alternatively each week. Our choir perform in church throughout the year at special festivals and events. The church is extremely welcoming to families and there is a family service each Sunday at 10.30am. For further information please click on the following link or see the church facebook page.
To view our historic blog posts, take a look here
Our Values
At St Barnabas we are proud of our caring, Christian ethos, underpinned by the Christian values that permeate our teaching and learning and shape every member of our school family. Each week in our classes we focus on our Christian values and explore how they can change the way we live our daily lives. Our children earn values points for demonstrating our Christian and British Values. Our Heads and Deputies count up the Values Points each Wednesday and inform our class teachers. They then invite the winner's parents to our Celebration Worship and present the values winner with a certificate explaining how they have demonstrated our values and how they have been living life in all its fullness this week. We also encourage our children to bring in their awards for the 'great things' they have achieved outside of school and we present them with their awards on the proud podium.
Saint Barnabas was known as an encourager so we try to be like Saint Barnabas and encourage others. Our Worship Our Way (WOW) group conducted a survey and we all agreed that the values we feel express our school family and Barnabas are:
"Encourage one another and build each other up..." 1 Thessalonians 5 : 11
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." – Joshua 1:9
‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding’ Proverbs 3:5
‘For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly father will also forgive you’ Matthew 6:14
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” 1 Peter 4:10
"The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor." – Proverbs 22:9
"Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6 : 31
In the Bible Barnabas reminds us of our responsibilities as Christians to welcome, love and encourage in all we say and do.
Barnabas was one of the very earliest followers of Jesus and a leader of the early church. His story is told in the Acts of the Apostles and he is also mentioned in some of Paul’s letters. Originally called Joseph, he was given his new name of Barnabas by those who knew him well, it means ‘son of encouragement’. His new name certainly fits what we know of his character and actions, as a school we use him as inspiration every day.
Barnabas was generous and was willing to give from the heart and until it hurt
We first hear of Barnabas in the New Testament due to his simple act of stewardship and sharing. He sold land he owned and donates the proceeds to the church to be used to support the poor.
Barnabas was courageous in God’s service
When Paul came to Jerusalem after his conversion, most of the Christians there wanted nothing to do with him for they had known him as a persecutor of Christians. But Barnabas, guided by God was willing to take a calculated risk on Paul and showed him friendship and forgiveness. He sought Paul out, spoke with him, and having weighed him up, vouched for him.
We owe much of our New Testament to the work of Paul and in his preaching and evangelism he was used by God in the creation of many of the early Christian communities. Imagine if Barnabas had not been willing to obey God’s call?
Barnabas was generous and compassionate
Later, Paul and Barnabas travelled far and wide, sharing the good news of God’s love in Jesus.On one journey they took a young man called Mark with them. This travelling ministry was tough and dangerous; they literally were risking their lives. Part way, Mark turned back.
When Paul and Barnabas were about to set out again, Barnabas suggested taking Mark along again. Paul was against it, saying that Mark was not dependable. But Barnabas wanted to trust Mark and give him a second chance, and so he and Mark went off on one journey, while Paul took Silas and went on another.
Apparently Mark responded well to the trust given him by Barnabas, the "son of encouragement," since we find that Paul recognises the change in Mark and later speaks of him as a valuable assistant.
Barnabas rejoiced in what God did in and through other people
Barnabas, who became one of the leaders of the Church was asked to help in the growth of a new congregation in Antioch. Barnabas called Paul over to help in this work at Antioch and both he and Paul grew in their faith and ministry. And the Church grew too: a great many people became Christians – indeed it was here at Antioch that the followers of Jesus were first called ‘Christians’, all down to Barnabas' service to God.
Born in Cyprus, Barnabas also died there in AD 61 when he was martyred for his faith. He stayed faithful and willing to give everything right to the end
We celebrate his life every year on St Barnabas Day on the 11th June in the Summer term.
For all the latest news of how we have been demonstrating our Christian Values, please click here.
For all the latest Collective Worship news, please click here.
Worship Planning Overviews
Collective Worship Autumn 1 2024
Collective Worship Summer 2 2024
Collective Worship Summer 1 2024
Collective Worship Spring 2 2023-24
Collective Worship Spring 1 2023-24
Collective Worship Autumn 2 2023
Collective Worship Autumn 1 2023
Collective Worship Summer 2 2022-23
Collective Worship Summer 1 2022-23
Collective Worship Spring 2 2022-23
Collective Worship Spring 1 2022-23
Collective Worship Autumn 2 2022-23
Collective Worship Autumn 1 2022-23
Worship Planning Overviews
Worship Powerpoints 2021-22
Church and Worship Documents
For all the latest Collective Worship news, please click here.
Celebration Worship- 15th October 2021
Hello Yellow Day for World Mental Health Day- 8th October 2021
Celebration Worship- 1st October 2021
Rev David and Lorraine's Retirement Worship- 27th September 2021-
Rev David and Lorraine- This is your life at St Barnabas-
Celebration Worship- 10th September 2021-
Year 6- Leaver's Service July 2021-
End of Year Awards July 2021-
The Greatest Show- Year 6 Production 2021-
Nelson Mandela Day- 13th July 2021-
Red, White and Blue Day- 9th July 2021-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 25th June 2021-
St Barnabas Day Worship- 11th June 2021-
Pentecost Worship- 17th May 2021-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 7th May 2021-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 30th April 2021-
Worship in honour of HRH Prince Philip-
Virtual Easter Service- 29th March 2021-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 26th March 2021-
The Last Supper Worship- 22nd March 2021-
Comic Relief- Red Nose Day Worship- 19th March 2021-
Barny's Got Talent for Red Nose Day- 18th March 2021-
Palm Sunday Worship- 15th March 2021-
Celebration Worship- 12th March 2021-
Welcome back to school Worship- 8th March 2021 -
Virtual Celebration Worship- 5th March 2021-
Fairtrade Fortnight Worship- 1st March 2021-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 26th February 2021-
Lent and Caring for God's Creations- 22nd February 2021-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 12th February 2021-
Lent Virtual Worship- 8th February 2021-
Children's Mental Health Week Worship- 5th February 2021-
Express Yourself for Mental Health Week-
Candlemas Worship- 1st Februrary 2021-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 29th January 2021-
Love Virtual Worship- 25th January 2021-
Family Celebration Worship- 22nd January 2021-
The Good Samaritan Worship- 18th January 2021-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 15th January 2021-
Good news virtual Worship- 11th January 2021-
Epiphany Virtual Worship- 6th January 2021-
Merry Christmas from everyone at St Barnabas-
Virtual Carol Concert- 2020-
Christmas Celebration Worship- 17th December 2020-
The staff at St Barnabas present the 12 days of Christmas-
Love at Christmas Worship- 14th December 2020-
Year 1 and Year 2 present- Children of the World at Christmas 2020-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 11th December 2020-
Reception class present The Nativity 2020-
Joy at Christmas Worship- 7th December 2020 -
Peace Celebration Worship- 4th December 2020-
Peace at Advent- 30th November 2020-
Lancashire Day Celebration Worship-27th November 2020-
Hope at Advent Worship- 23rd November 2020-
Anti-bullying Week Celebration Worship- 20th November 2020-
Odd Socks Day and Anti-bullying week- 16th November 2020-
Interfaith & Child in Need Celebration Worship- 13th November 2020-
Children in Need day story for Reception- 13th November-
Reception's Diwali Worship- 11th November 2020-
St Barnabas Remembers- 11th November 2020-
Interfaith Worship- 9th November 2020-
Remembrance Day Family Worship- 6th November 2020-
Remembrance Worship- 2nd November 2020-
Virtual Wellbeing Worship- 20th October 2020-
Year 6 Harvest Worship- 16th October 2020-
Year 4 National Poetry Day Worship- 14th October 2020-
Year 2 National Poetry Day Worship- 15th October 2020-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 16th October 2020-
Hello Yellow Day Worship- 9th October 2020-
Virtual Celebration Worship- 2nd October 2020-
Year 3 Peace Worship- 28th September 2020-
Celebration Worship- 18th September 2020-
Mrs Araujo, our RE leader, leads our WOW group which is made up of children who are passionate about improving Worship and involving all of our children and community in prayer and spiritual activities.
This year they are hoping to plan and lead Messy Church sessions each term and regularly lead worship.
19th June 2024- Spiritual Garden
The W.O.W. group began to see all their ideas and planning coming to fruition on Wednesday when they started work on our new spiritual garden. The area had kindly been dug out by Mr Ham and so W.O.W. got to work laying the membrane and spreading stones. They will be adding to this area each week, so keep a look out for their progress.
15th May 2024- Planning for our Spiritual Garden
The W.O.W. Group has been working hard on planning for our new spiritual garden. We successfully secured some funding to be able to create a peaceful area with multi sensory features and an eco friendly environment in which children can spend time on calm activities. We hope to attract local birds and insects too. Look out for ways in which you can support us to create this new area over the coming weeks.
10th May 2024- WOW group lead Year 6 Class Worship
Yesterday, our class worship was led by our WOW group members Luca and Archie, who did a superb job. The focus was all about how the past can help us learn about modern life. From the past, we can learn from mistakes, the consequences of actions and how they have impacted the world, and be inspired by positive outcomes.
9th May 2024- WOW group lead Year 5 Class Worship
This week, Year 5 were treated to a child led class worship by the WOW group that discussed, can the past help us learn about modern life? The children discussed at length about how we can learn from the past and how it can inform our future. Comparing this to everyday lives, understanding that we all make mistakes but learning from them can make us a better all round person.
9th May 2024- WOW group lead Year 4 Class Worship
The WOW group led our Class Worship this morning and Year 4 really enjoyed taking an active role alongside them. The children posed various questions and asked how the past has helped us learn new things for the future and how we may have experienced life changing events. The children shared some really heart warming experiences and we closed the worship with some beautiful prayers.
9th May 2024- WOW group lead Year 3 Class Worship
Lucy, Grace and Ruby did a wonderful job delivering our class worship today. Year 3 learnt about the new study published in an archaeological journal, using evidence found in Italy, which found that Neanderthals organised their living areas and tools similarly to modern humans. The class discussed how the events and people in our past have shaped who we are. Lucy ended the worship by thanking God for all the people who have shaped and influenced the world we live in today.
23rd April 2024- The Pupils’ RE Conference 2024
Mrs Araujo and two of our W.O.W. group members enjoyed a fun-packed day at the RE conference. They met the author of the story The Dove Stone and explored the prayer themes revealed in the book. They even had the opportunity to create their own prayer stones from clay. All in all, it was a fantastic day, and our children were fantastic ambassadors for St Barnabas.
13th March 2024
This week was our final week of Messy Church and the W.O.W. Group have thoroughly enjoyed planning and delivering these interactive sessions. Our final week was based on creation again. The children watched a video about God creating the world and then chose, from a range of activities, to create something with a partner. All sorts of materials were available so that they could let their imaginations run wild.
6th March 2024
W.O.W. Group delivered a very exciting infant Messy Church on the theme of creation. They read a short story about creation and then they took the participants outside to appreciate God’s creations and create their own nature bracelets. The children were very proud of the bracelets and marvelled at all the gorgeous colours in the plant life around us.
28th February 2024
The WOW Group Messy Church activities continued this week with the final KS2 Faith in Action session. Participants watched the story of David and Goliath and talked about how David believed in God and himself. They then chose an affirmation bookmark to decorate and take home. Next week the WOW Group will be moving on to the KS1 sessions, with a focus on creation.
21 February 2024
The W.O.W. Group have done a fantastic job in planning some exciting lunchtime Messy Church sessions. The first one was for KS2 children and the theme was “Faith in Action”. Participants had to think of someone who is their hero and make them into a superhero. They also listened to the story of Samson and his strength, and they were treated to a drink and a biscuit whilst they worked on their superheroes. The W.O.W. Group are looking forward to the second KS2 session next week.
1 February 2024
The WOW Group have been busy planning their lunchtime messy church sessions. This week, they were making posters to advertise the sessions and, next week, they will be explaining what they are all about in worship.
21 November 2023
Well done to our fantastic WOW Group, who led their first whole-school worship this year today. In recognition of Inter Faith week, they talked about respecting each other’s differences and they taught us about tolerance and how we can show it to one another.
5 October 2023
In our Class Worship session this morning, our WOW group members Luca, Annabelle and Grace used Picture News to lead the session.
We focused on ‘Record Breakers’ and is it correct that anyone can break a world record?
We learnt that over 30,000 applicants submit their achievements each year but only 2,638 were selected to be published in the Guinness World Records 2024 . We prayed for the ability to show perseverance and determination along with all of the special people involved in trying to break records.
5 October 2023
Today was an exciting day for the class as Lucy, David, and Archie from the WOW group took the lead in our class worship. They guided us through a PowerPoint presentation about Guinness World Records.
The children had the opportunity to share what they believe should be included in the book, as well as their dreams and goals. Lucy, David, and Archie also discussed the process involved in getting into the Guinness World Records book. It was an inspiring and thought-provoking session! Great work!
12 July 2023
This week, the W.O.W. Group finished off their Messy Parables workshops with our final two choices, The Wise and Foolish Builders and The Widow’s Offering. The children understood the stories well and had great fun making stained-glass style windows or a coin purse. Well done to all WOW members for leading exciting, engaging and thoughtful workshops.
28 June 2023
This week in the Messy Parables workshop, the children looked at the importance of forgiveness through the parable ‘The Unforgiving Servant’. They then had fun making bookmarks with a message of forgiveness. Well done to the W.O.W. Group; they are doing a fabulous job organising and delivering these workshops.
26 June 2023
Last week was the W.O.W. group’s first Messy Parables session. We read the Parable of the Mustard Seed, talked about how one little thought or belief can grow into something great, and made our own self-belief badges. All in all, a brilliant first session, with a few biscuits thrown in for good measure.
This week, the parable is The Unforgiving Servant.
23 March 2023
The WOW Group had plenty of ideas for a parable-themed messy church. The children have taken a parable in pairs and have started researching craft ideas and songs to put together a session in the Summer term. Keep your eyes peeled for the date coming soon.
WOW Group Minutes
16 November 2022
In preparation for our Interfaith Week next week, the WOW (Worship Our Way) group have been labelling artefacts from different world faiths. We hope the children enjoy exploring these in the hall next week.
10 November 2022
This week, W.O.W. group designed and ran some poppy-themed activities at lunchtimes. Well done W.O.W., your activities were lovely and very well received.
4 October 2022
This week, the WOW Group provided the class with a new idea for how to pray. In class worship, we focused on Pebble Prayers. Some of the children took turns to come to our class prayer area and complete a Pebble Prayer. The children held a pebble in their hand, whilst saying their prayer and putting the pebble into the water. Thank you to the WOW group for this lovely idea for how to pray!
2 February 2022
Mrs Ham had the pleasure of taking two of our Worship our Way (WOW) group members to a special children’s collective worship conference today at The Foxfields Country Hotel. The children can’t wait to share the amazing worship ideas with the rest of WOW group and our school family.
A huge well done to our fantastic WOW group on running their first event this year! They did an amazing job of setting up and running our Easter Messy Church. They had great fun and they hope all those who attended did too.
Today our worship was led by our WOW group who previously took suggestions from our whole school about what they enjoy about worship such as acting out and singing and incorporated these into their Easter worship. The WOW group retold the following parts of the Easter story: Good Friday, The Last Supper, The Garden of Gethsemane, The Road to Calvary, The Crucifixion and The Resurrection. Following on from this, they quizzed the whole school on questions linked to The Easter Story. For answer A, the children had to put their hands on their heads and for answer B, they had to put their hands on their shoulders. The whole school really enjoyed being quizzed on the story. We ended the worship with the whole school singing ‘Lord of the Dance.’ Thank you for a wonderful worship WOW group!
26 November 2021
Two of our WOW (Worship our way) group members told our whole school, in Worship on Friday, about the Knife Angel. They attended a conference at Blackburn Cathedral a couple of weeks ago and learnt about angels being special messengers and they particularly focused on the special Knife Angel.
It is made up of over 100,000 knives that have been used in knife crimes around the country. Many of the knives have writing calved into them which are messages asking for forgiveness to the victims and their families from the person who used the knife. The message is to try to eliminate knife crime in our local area and a knife amnesty box is next to it to encourage youngsters to surrender any weapons they may have. Most knife crimes occur by accident and it’s usually the person carrying a knife that becomes injured.
Thank you to our WOW group members for delivering the important message of the Knife Angel to our school family. We hope this will discourage any of our children from carrying weapons when they are older. The Knife Angel will be at Blackburn Cathedral till 30th November if you are in the area and would like to admire it.
At St Barnabas we love to sing to the Lord during our Worships and we also have a special Songs of Praise Worship each week. Here are some of our favourite songs for you to sing along to at home.
Come and join the celebration
Away in a manger
It was on a starry night
We three kings
Little Donkey
Ding Dong
Rich in Kindness
Our God is a great big God
Shine from the Inside Out
My Lighthouse
Build Up
The Butterfly Song
Make a difference
Sing a new song
This is God's World
Rich in Kindness
Bad times won't last
Leaver's Song
As we go now
The story of the cross
Lord of the dance
Give me oil in my lamp
We have a king who rides a donkey
Spring Chicken