Image of Year 1- Year of Prayer
6 Feb

Year 1- Year of Prayer

This week’s theme for the Year of Prayer is praying through the use of a ‘Prayer Band’. Year 1 have enjoyed drawing people that they would like to pray and thank God for such as their mummy, daddy, grandparents,  siblings and pets. Some children also chose to draw and think about the wider community such as people who are sick in hospital, those who are in the midst of war and refugees who are having to flee their homes. Whilst saying their prayer, the children held on to their prayer band. We are really enjoying learning about lots of new ways in which we can pray. Well done Year 1

Image of Year 4- Athletics in the Sun
6 Feb

Year 4- Athletics in the Sun

In our PE lesson today we focused on Sportshall Athletics activities with a twist as we did it outside. We practised baton exchange in relays, soft javelin and ball push. The children loved working in teams and pushed themselves hard to achieve their very best. We finished off the session with a mixed relay and next lesson we aim to incorporate equipment from both the obstacle and over and under relays.

Image of Year 5 - Children’s Mental Health Week
6 Feb

Year 5 - Children’s Mental Health Week

Today, Year 5 took part in a live Lyfta session focused on this year’s theme for Children’s Mental Health Week: Know Yourself, Grow Yourself. During the session, the children were introduced to a young girl from Azerbaijan and explored the places where she felt safe, as well as how she expressed herself through dance. Following this, the children reflected on their own safe spaces and the ways they express themselves.

Image of Year 5 Junior Jam - Music
6 Feb

Year 5 Junior Jam - Music

Year 5 really enjoyed their Junior Jam music session, this week! They learned about the origins of Boom Whackers and used them alongside a backing track, keeping the rhythm and striking when their colour appeared on the screen. They also learned the “roll” technique, which creates an elongated sound.

Image of Reception Street Dance
6 Feb

Reception Street Dance

Reception are coming to the end of their street dance unit with Miss Jess and have come so far in such a short space of time. They are remembering their key dance moves and putting them together to form longer sequences. Well done!

Image of Break times in the sunshine
6 Feb

Break times in the sunshine

What a pleasure it has been to have the sun visiting us today. We are so lucky to have the surroundings that we do and the children really enjoyed their break time using the MUGA, outdoor gym, creative play and trim trails.

Image of Year 2 - Poetry
6 Feb

Year 2 - Poetry

Today, we began to explore a poem called ‘The fight of the year’. This poem is about a boxing match between winter and spring. It fits perfectly with our book ‘Winter’s Child’. Our first task was to identify if there were any rhyming words in this poem. We discussed that some poems have rhyming words and others do not. When year 2 become poets themselves and write their own version, we will included rhyming in our poems. In order to achieve this, we created a bank of appropriate rhyming words we will be able to use to compose our poems.

Image of Worship with Rev. Ben
6 Feb

Worship with Rev. Ben

Today, we had worship with Rev. Ben, which began with a fun yet challenging relay-style game where we had to balance ping pong balls on a paper plate while moving carefully across the hall. Rev. Ben explained that, just like in the game, life can sometimes feel unsteady or difficult, especially when we are upset or facing challenges. To help us reflect on this, Rev. Ben showed a clip about what Jesus did when he was feeling deeply sad the night before his death. The video illustrated how Jesus turned to God in prayer, seeking strength and comfort during his time of sorrow. Rev. Ben explained that, just like Jesus, we can share our worries and struggles with God, knowing that He listens and understands, and can help us through even the toughest times. He reminded us that no matter how we feel, we are never alone—God is always there to support and guide us.

Image of Year 6 Junior Jam - French
6 Feb

Year 6 Junior Jam - French

Year 6 really enjoyed their Junior Jam French lesson, this week! The children were learning French words and phrases to do with places in town and prepositions to describe position and direction. They had to use a town map and explain whether a description was true or false, then they played a game where someone had to guess the place being described by the rest of the class.

Image of Year 6 Maths
6 Feb

Year 6 Maths

In maths, year 6 have been working on converting units of measure. The children recapped length, mass and capacity and thought about the rules for converting from one to another. There was lots of maths discussion and peer-support, and also independent work on whiteboards.

Image of Year 4- Online Safety - Scams and Fake News
6 Feb

Year 4- Online Safety - Scams and Fake News

As part of our online safety work and PSHE unit we have looked at the use of scams and fake news on the internet. The children discussed the risks of various examples such as click bait and phishing scams, sales and discount deals and false friendships. The children then highlighted key points of how we can stay safe by staying informed, talking it through and being proactive.

Image of Year 3- R.E-Understanding the Rich Young Man: Lessons on Wealth, Faith, and Modern Perspectives
6 Feb

Year 3- R.E-Understanding the Rich Young Man: Lessons on Wealth, Faith, and Modern Perspectives

In today's R.E. lesson, the children explored the story of The Rich Young Man (Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, Luke 18:18-30), from 'The Children's Bible'. We began by reminding ourselves of the Ten Commandments and reflecting on their meaning. The children discussed why Jesus’ response saddened the rich young man and whether they believed he tried to change. They also considered the challenges of wealth and why it can be difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. As part of our discussion, we examined Jesus’ metaphor of a camel passing through the eye of a needle, debating whether it is still a relevant example today. Working in pairs, the children devised modern phrases to express a similar idea, such as: Trying to fit an elephant through a doorway, fitting all your holiday clothes into a tiny backpack or putting a football through a keyhole. They all worked incredibly well in small groups and pairs.