Image of Cre8ability
17 Oct


This week is our last Cre8ability session. We discussed what we could do when we feel different feelings. To cheer ourselves up, Harry said we could watch a film, Jacob said we could play together, Hendrix said we could go out for a walk and April said we could comfort someone. When we feel an emotion, it takes a minute and a half for us to feel an emotion and then it is the thinking time that happens after which makes an emotion linger. We created a lovely weaving craft today. Thank you so much to Carol and Maria for running such a wonderful group.

Image of Reception: Junk Modelling
16 Oct

Reception: Junk Modelling

The children in Reception found a box in class. We discussed what we could do with it. The children said we could hide in it or decorate it. As a class, we decided to make a house. The children couldn’t believe that we could make a house from a recycled box! Together we painted the house and added materials to it. We then decided it was a house for the Funnybones Skeleton family.

Image of Year 1 Art-Cold Landscapes
16 Oct

Year 1 Art-Cold Landscapes

As part of their Art unit this half-term, Year 1 have been building up the art skills to create a cold landscape. They have learnt about warm and cool colours, the composition of a landscape, how to use watercolours to create a background and how to use different materials to create different textures. This week, they have completed their final piece of artwork incorporating all of these skills and I’m sure you’ll agree that the end results look amazing. Well done Year 1! 

Image of Year 3- Art- Ancient Egyptian Scrolls
15 Oct

Year 3- Art- Ancient Egyptian Scrolls

Throughout this half term, Year 3 have explored the fascinating world of Ancient Egyptian art. They learned about the unique styles, patterns, and techniques used by the Egyptians. To showcase their knowledge and skills, they created their own scrolls on papyrus, which they created using coffee and tea. They’ve carefully chosen colours and materials to make their scrolls visually appealing and historically accurate. They’ve also used sketchbooks to record their observations, experiment with different ideas, and plan their scroll-making process. By studying how artists in the past produced art, they’ve gained a deeper understanding of the influence and impact of historical methods and styles on contemporary art. This knowledge has inspired them to create their own unique and meaningful works of art.

Image of Reception: Funnybones
14 Oct

Reception: Funnybones

This morning, our Reception class read ‘Funnybones’. Each time we heard big, little and dog skeleton we put actions in so that we all paid attention and could retell the story after. We then completed some challenges in continuous provision linked to the story. Some of the children painted skeletons, some children had to problem solve to complete a skeleton using playdough, some counted bones and matched the amount to the numeral and some practised their fine motor skills too. It has been wonderful to see lots of busy children living life in all its fullness in Reception, well done!

Image of Reception- Autumn activities
10 Oct

Reception- Autumn activities

This week we have enjoyed an autumnal week in our reception class. We read the story ‘The leaf thief’ to talk about the season and how the weather changes. In provision, we have been painting an autumn tree with orange, red and yellow leaves. We have been practising our fine motor skills by following line patterns and have been making hedgehogs using Autumnal treasures in the playdough area.

Image of Year 2 - Clay Tiles
10 Oct

Year 2 - Clay Tiles

In Art, we have been building our previous skills with clay. Today we used our new skills to make shapes and patterns on our tiles. The results were brilliant and the children really enjoyed using a different medium to create artwork.

Image of Year 6 Art- Symbolic Imagery
10 Oct

Year 6 Art- Symbolic Imagery

Year 6 continued their work on symbolic imagery by recreating Maya ‘Wayob’ that best suited their character. These were displayed in a 15x15cm tile within sketchbooks and decorated with colours that also reflected the individual. In addition, they started to look at the technique of Chiaroscuro which involves making something look more 3-dimensional on a flat surface. Leonardo Da Vinci, among others, was well known for his use of this technique.

Image of Year 5 - Christmas Cards
8 Oct

Year 5 - Christmas Cards

To help with our FOSB fundraising efforts, the children took part in a creative project where they designed their own Christmas cards. Each child had the opportunity to bring their festive ideas to life through art, incorporating bright colors, holiday themes, and personal touches. These unique designs are going to be professionally printed and sold as part of our fundraising campaign. This activity not only allowed the children to express their creativity but also gave them a chance to contribute meaningfully to a great cause, fostering a sense of community and generosity during the holiday season.

Image of Craft Club: Emotion Plates
8 Oct

Craft Club: Emotion Plates

Today at the Little Craft Club the children made emotion plates. They discussed all of the different emotions and the children chose 4 to put on their plates. They have a peg to attach to the emotion that they’re feeling at any time. Super crafting!

Image of Creating Optical Illusions - Year 4 Art
3 Oct

Creating Optical Illusions - Year 4 Art

This week we have started to create optical illusions using a tropical rainforest theme. First the children selected two images such as toucans, macaws, tropical fish and tribes people. Working within a small group they then cut each of the pictures into 2cm strips. Following this they placed the strips down one side of a vertical fan and the same with the other picture. It is extremely difficult to place the strips in the correct place so that the image isn’t distorted, so we numbered the strips to help us. We are using a carousel of art activities so that each group can focus on their own optical illusion and ask for support where needed. We can’t wait to see everyone’s final piece which will go on to be displayed in the school hall.

Image of Year 1 Art- Creating Different Shades Using Paint
3 Oct

Year 1 Art- Creating Different Shades Using Paint

This afternoon in Year 1, the children created different shades of greens and blues in preparation for painting the sea and sky on their cold landscapes. They did a wonderful job! Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 1 Art- Painting a Landscape
3 Oct

Year 1 Art- Painting a Landscape

After experimenting with watercolours to create different shades of blues and greens, Year 1 painted the sea and sky on their cold landscapes. They are now ready to add their cold features to this landscape and collage them.

Image of After School Craft Club
1 Oct

After School Craft Club

The children had great fun today creating their space themed crafts. A huge thank you to Becky from Fred and Pearl for providing this opportunity to our children.

Image of Year 5 - Installation Art
27 Sep

Year 5 - Installation Art

Year 5 created their own installation artwork, transforming simple shoeboxes into imaginative, three-dimensional displays. Each child selected a theme or concept to explore, using a variety of materials and techniques, such as painting, collage, and sculpting, to design their unique scenes within the boxes. The project encouraged creativity, problem-solving, and the use of different textures and colors, resulting in a diverse and visually engaging collection of individual artistic expressions. The final pieces reflected the children’s ability to think critically and express their ideas through art.

Image of Art Year 4 -Willow Patterns
26 Sep

Art Year 4 -Willow Patterns

In art this week we have been looking at designing our own willow pattern style plate based on an Amazon theme. We selected key features from our class novel ‘The Explorer’ and added these to our design, first in our sketch books and then on our plates. We drew the designs into our plates and then used diluted blue ink to highlight them. We used lots of different tones of blue by adding more or less water and the final pieces looked amazing.

Image of Year 2 - Exploring Clay
23 Sep

Year 2 - Exploring Clay

This afternoon, year 2 had a great time exploring different shapes and textures using clay. We used our hands to start and created different shapes such as spheres. Then we moved on to using other tools such as rolling pins and sculpting tools. We are able to explore different ways to create interesting textures. These new techniques will come in useful in our future art lessons.

Image of Year 6 Art - Experimental Mark Making
23 Sep

Year 6 Art - Experimental Mark Making

In Art, year 6 have started their unit by experimenting with mark making inspired by the Mayans. They looked for patterns that interested them and carried these on in their sketchbooks using pencils and other media.

Image of Year 4 Art - Soap Sculptures
19 Sep

Year 4 Art - Soap Sculptures

Our art session this week focused on Soap sculptures. We looked at the work of Barbara Hepworth and how things can be sculpted from a variety of materials. We used bars of soap for our sculptures and decided to stick with our rainforest animal theme. We decided between a butterfly, fish or turtle and then selected various tools to create our design. The children soon realised the need for a calm and steady hand in order to make intricate designs especially with the fish scales. As you can see we had some wonderful examples by the end of the lesson.

Image of Year 5 - Installation Art
16 Sep

Year 5 - Installation Art

This week in Art, Year 5 children had the exciting opportunity to explore a wide range of installation art pieces. After discussing and analysing various works, the children were tasked with recreating their favorite installations. Using a mix of different media—such as paper, fabric and recycled materials—they brought their artistic visions to life. Their creativity shone through as they experimented with texture, color, and form to achieve unique and personal interpretations of the original artworks. It was an inspiring afternoon full of hands-on learning and artistic expression!

Image of Year 1 Art- Composing a Cold Landscape
12 Sep

Year 1 Art- Composing a Cold Landscape

This week in their art lesson, Year 1 explored landscapes. First of all, we looked at some landscapes (particularly cold ones) and brainstormed some of the features that we could see such as mountains and icebergs. We learnt about how to draw a horizon and then an additional line for where the sea meets the land. We then cut out images of features of our cold landscapes and positioned them on our own scenes, discussing where they should go: on the land, in the sea or in the sky. Next lesson, we will be exploring textures so that we can collage our landscape appropriately e.g. collaging the mountains in a hard, rough material and the polar bear in a soft, fluffy material.

Image of Cre8ability Session 1
12 Sep

Cre8ability Session 1

We had our first parent and child ‘nurturing emotional wellbeing in creative spaces’ group today run by Cre8ability. The children together with their parents created some artwork in the style of Picasso. It was lovely to see them working together in such a calming environment. The children and parents learnt which colours reflect their feelings and also learnt some calming techniques. A huge thank you to Carol and Maria, we can’t wait for next week.

Image of Year 3- Creating Ancient Egyptian Art
9 Sep

Year 3- Creating Ancient Egyptian Art

This afternoon, Year 3 started their first art lesson by learning about Ancient Egyptian art and how it was made. They discovered that the Egyptians didn't use plain white paper but used papyrus instead. They also learnt that the Egyptians always painted figures sideways and the most important people were shown as the largest and prominent figures. To recreate this, Year 3 artists made interesting surfaces in their sketchbooks using water-based paints, tea bags, and coffee. After watching a demonstration, they tried making their surfaces to draw Egyptian patterns and shapes and their work turned out amazing!

Image of Year 1 Art- Self Portraits
5 Sep

Year 1 Art- Self Portraits

This week in Year 1, the children have used various paper techniques such as folding, fringing and bending to make a self-portrait. They have done a wonderful job and they will be displayed outside of our classroom. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 1 Art- Warm and Cool Colours
5 Sep

Year 1 Art- Warm and Cool Colours

In their art lesson, Year 1 explored warm and cool colours. They then applied this knowledge to complete an activity where they had to sort some landscapes by the colours that had been used within them (warm or cool). The children could also choose to complete an extra activity. This was to colour a picture in and represent the warm part of the picture with colours such as orange, red and yellow and the cool part of the picture with colours such as blue, green and purple. For example, the children coloured the ocean in cool colours but a sunrise in warm colours. Year 1 will be using their understanding of warm and cool colours when they come to create their own landscape in a few weeks time.

Image of Year 2 - Self portraits
4 Sep

Year 2 - Self portraits

We had a lovely afternoon on Wednesday as we headed to Whitehall Park. This was ideal for gathering materials to make our self-portraits out of natural materials. The children loved finding different ways of showing their unique features. As the children walked wonderfully they got the chance to test out the new play area on the way back to school.

Image of Reception: Our First Day Group 2
3 Sep

Reception: Our First Day Group 2

This afternoon we welcomed our second group to Reception. They were superstars and settled in really well. They enjoyed exploring our indoor classroom today. We are so glad they have joined our St Barnabas family.

Image of Year 4 Art - Using reflection and symmetry to create patterns
9 Jul

Year 4 Art - Using reflection and symmetry to create patterns

In this session we looked at how we can create a pattern using reflection and symmetry. First the children measured out a quadrant of four 10cm x 10cm squares. Next they drew a 10cm square onto their tracing paper and using masking tape, they traced an animal of their choice. As each one was traced they then flipped the paper to make an imprint on the other side. The final pieces were of such a high standard, especially when the children went over them with a dark coloured felt pen.

Image of Creating Geometric Patterns in Year 4 Art
9 Jul

Creating Geometric Patterns in Year 4 Art

In this session, the children used a compass to draw a circle. They then chose the outline of the circle to draw over the top to create a flower style pattern. Using the compass was super tricky, but they soon grasped the hang of it and produced some lovely colourful and unique geometric patterns.

Image of Year 5 Transition
3 Jul

Year 5 Transition

Today, it was year 5 transition. The children created a portrait of themselves and created personalised hoodies that represented their hobbies and interests. The children had an excellent day moving up to Year 5 and have shown maturity and an eagerness to learn.

Image of Year 3 Move Up To Year 4
3 Jul

Year 3 Move Up To Year 4

The Year 3 class had a fantastic day being Year 4s for transition day! They spent time getting to know each other with a game of human bingo, creating a unique piece of artwork, taking part in the Picture News Olympic Assembly and painting with cotton buds. They all settled really well in the classroom and demonstrated Barney’s 4 Be's perfectly.

Image of Reception: Our New Classroom
3 Jul

Reception: Our New Classroom

The children in Reception have loved our new outdoor canopy that was built last week. This has extended our classroom to provide an outdoor area that the children can access in all weathers. Our indoor classroom has also had a refresh and the children have loved exploring all of the areas!

Image of Reception- Handa’s Surprise
26 Jun

Reception- Handa’s Surprise

This week we have read the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ in class. The children have really enjoyed the story so we decided to make an African village to recreate the story out of junk modelling. The children drew, cut out and painted their own animals from the story and then together we created the setting.

Image of Year 3- Design Technology- Make a castle using 3D shapes – both nets and junk modelling.
26 Jun

Year 3- Design Technology- Make a castle using 3D shapes – both nets and junk modelling.

This term in Design Technology, Year 3 have learned about various features and designs of castles, including moats, drawbridges, battlements, keeps, and turrets. They have practised drawing their castle designs using 2D shapes and labelling the 3D shapes that will create these features. The students have constructed nets using glue to make geometric shapes and have stacked these shapes along with recyclable materials to build the structures of their castles. Next, they will evaluate their products, reflect on their challenges, and consider what they might do differently next time to improve their designs.

Image of Year 4 Art - Making our own stamps to create a pattern with paint.
21 Jun

Year 4 Art - Making our own stamps to create a pattern with paint.

As part of our artwork last week, we made stamps by cutting out various shapes from polystyrene tiles. We then glued a cork onto the back of the shapes to create a stamp. This week we have shared our stamps with a partner to create a repeating pattern with two different colours of paint. The end result is very effective and the children are really pleased with their final pieces.

Image of The Little Craft Club
19 Jun

The Little Craft Club

After school today, Becky, the owner of Fred and Pearl, ran ‘The Little Craft Club!’ at our school for the first time. It was a huge success and the children created some amazing crafts. The theme for this week was vehicles and the children made a boat, hot air balloon and car. They used a range of colours and materials and they all looked incredible. Well done to the EYFS and KS1 children that attended this week for being so creative in their designs.

Image of Reception Art - Finger Painting
13 Jun

Reception Art - Finger Painting

Reception have been exploring paint through finger painting to create ‘abstract’ or ‘figurative’ pieces of work. We talked about the texture and colours as they painted, and mixed colours together to create new ones. The children also enjoyed looking at professional pieces of Art work that have been created using fingers.

Image of Year 5 - Art
13 Jun

Year 5 - Art

This afternoon, Year 5 experimented creating mixed media portraits. The children explored a variety of designs and used colour and contrast to make their self portraits stand out. The children then created another design where they would rip and cut their portraits and placed them back on the page; creating a cracked effect.

Image of Year 6 - Buzz Education
11 Jun

Year 6 - Buzz Education

Year 6 had a session from Buzz Education. The children worked really hard creating digital media for their upcoming Jungle Book production. The children created some fantastic work inspired by real life media mixed with their own creative designs to inspire and appeal to their audiences.

Image of Year 3- Design Technology- Identifying features of a Castle
10 Jun

Year 3- Design Technology- Identifying features of a Castle

This term in D.T., Year 3 will explore castles in detail and construct their castle structures using materials like cardboard boxes, coloured cards, string and tubes. In today's lesson, the children designed their castles on paper and labelled a castle's key features such as towers, turrets, battlements, moat, gatehouse and drawbridge, labelling them clearly.

Image of Year 1 and 2 visit BeWILDerwood
24 May

Year 1 and 2 visit BeWILDerwood

Our Year 1 and 2 classes had a fantastic time at BeWILDerwood in Cheshire. They showed lots of courage when taking part in a variety of challenging activities such as den building, wobbly wires, slippery slopes, the mish mash maze, the broken bridge, storytelling and crafts. For all of the photos, please click here:

Image of Year 4 Designing and Making Viking Longships
24 May

Year 4 Designing and Making Viking Longships

What a great ending to our History unit on The Vikings. Today we created our very own Viking longships and the children were really enthusiastic and creative. It has been wonderful to see how much they have learned about this topic and how they have created lots of cross curricular pieces of work around it.

Image of Year 3- Computing- Create a blog!
22 May

Year 3- Computing- Create a blog!

This morning, Year 3 bloggers worked in pairs to create blogs, vlogs, and podcasts. They explored these three forms of communication in-depth and created their logos. Their concentration and enthusiasm was amazing to see.

Image of Year 1 Art
21 May

Year 1 Art

Today in their art lesson, Year 1 combined their knowledge of secondary colours and printing to make an overlapping printed pattern. To start their lesson, they mixed primary colours to make secondary colours. Following this, they printed repeating patterns in primary colours only using various shapes such as circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons and semi-circles. Finally, they overlapped their printed pattern with another primary colour to turn the colours in their patterns from primary colours to secondary colours e.g. overlapping red with blue to make purple and yellow with blue to make green. This overlapping didn’t create the secondary colour as well as we would have expected and we decided that next time we would mix the secondary colours with a paintbrush beforehand and then print using these secondary colours instead. Year 1 worked amazingly well and printed some wonderful repeating patterns. 

Image of Year 5 - Art
17 May

Year 5 - Art

Year 5, created a poetic portrait in the style of Pablo Picasso. The children created a diamanté poem about their recent residential trip and traced their poem over the top of their one line portrait.

Image of Year 1 Art- Printing
16 May

Year 1 Art- Printing

This afternoon in art, Year 1 created a print of their chosen building in Darwen. They worked carefully to print the outline of their building and the smaller details such as the windows and doors. Year 1 made sure that they used the right amount of paint, placed their blocks down gently when printing and chose to print with shapes that represented the windows and doors of their buildings as well as the patterns that they could see on their buildings. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 3 - Art - Botanical Drawing
14 May

Year 3 - Art - Botanical Drawing

For Art this week we looked at how scientists would draw detailed pictures of plants and flowers to help study them and document them. We had our own go at drawing some flowers and leaves using magnifying glasses to help us capture the fine details.

Image of Year 1 Art- Printing
1 May

Year 1 Art- Printing

In their art lesson this week, Year 1 were asked to look back at the sketches (of a building) that they created last lesson to look for shapes and patterns within it. They then had to practise printing with these shapes in preparation for creating a whole print of their building next lesson. They used building blocks and duplo to print with. They chose their shapes carefully e.g. choosing semi-circle shapes if their building had arched windows, doors or domes and rectangular and square shapes for standard windows and doors and the outline of their building. They also carefully applied the paint to their duplo and blocks in order to print with them. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 3 - Art- Painting on the cave wall
30 Apr

Year 3 - Art- Painting on the cave wall

Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed Art this term. They have explored the techniques of Prehistoric Artist, experimenting with natural ingredients to create paints. For their final piece that they created this afternoon, it involved crafting a textured cave wall using lentils, couscous, coloured sand, and seeds using PVA glue. They then painted their animals from lesson 1 and 2 that they had sketched on to their cave wall.

Image of Earth Day- EYFS and Key Stage 1 Lunchtime
22 Apr

Earth Day- EYFS and Key Stage 1 Lunchtime

The children enjoyed celebrating Earth day this lunchtime as a reminder to look after our planet by making their own Earth creation using collage materials.

Image of Year 3 - Art- Prehistoric Palette- Create paints using all natural ingredients as prehistoric artists did.
22 Apr

Year 3 - Art- Prehistoric Palette- Create paints using all natural ingredients as prehistoric artists did.

In ancient times, people had to get creative with their art supplies since they didn't have paints like we do today. They used things from nature, like crushed berries, burnt wood, and plant extracts mixed with animal fats, to make colours. That's why they collected leaves and other natural materials—they were their art-making tools. Today, Year 3 artists explored this ancient technique. They went on a nature walk to gather leaves, mud, twigs, and flower petals for their artwork. Back in the classroom, they mixed flour and water to make their paint base. Adding spices like turmeric or paprika gave them colours such as yellow, red, brown, and purple. Back in class, they used their homemade paints in their sketchbooks. They made marks, noting down the process for each colour they created. Through simple shapes, intricate patterns, and symbols.

Image of Reception Picture News
18 Apr

Reception Picture News

This week for our class worship/picture news, we looked at Banksy’s new Art work that is displayed in London. We talked about how his Art has changed the look of the tree into something special that everyone wants to see and take photos of. We talked about how we can be Artists, but making sure we showcase our Art in the right way - we can’t draw or paint on walls without permission!

Image of Year 3- Collective Worship-Creativity
18 Apr

Year 3- Collective Worship-Creativity

In today's class worship, we talked about a famous artist named Banksy who published new artwork in London overnight. Year 3 were interested in his art, so we looked at some of his other pieces too. The children then drew something that represents a feeling or idea they have. They had five minutes to do it! Then, they talked about their drawings with the class and explained why they chose what they did. They created things like rainbows, sunsets, animals, and sports because those things represent them. We also explored an extract from the Old Testament. It talked about how Bezalel and Oholiab, had special talents for making beautiful things. They used their abilities to make a special place for people to gather. We ended worship by thanking God for giving us all different talents and ways to show our creativity.

Image of Year 3- Prehistoric Art- Fun with charcoal
16 Apr

Year 3- Prehistoric Art- Fun with charcoal

This afternoon in Art, the Year 3 artists have scaled up drawings from lesson one in charcoal to create tones and textures. They have successfully applied and blended charcoal to create form, and shape.

Image of Year 3- Science- Making a dinosaur footprint fossil.
16 Apr

Year 3- Science- Making a dinosaur footprint fossil.

For our final science lesson on rocks and fossils, year 3 made their own fossils by mixing together 200g salt, 150g flour and 150g coffee grounds. Next, they imprinted by pressing dinosaur feet into the dough. The process helped them understand how fossils form overtime. Carmen also brought in some fossils from holiday to show the class.

Image of Reception - Spring activities
10 Apr

Reception - Spring activities

Reception are learning all about the season of Spring this week. They have kicked off their first week back by completing lots of Spring challenges. They have made playdough flowers, followed instructions to draw a Spring rabbit, created a collage of a spring flower and used forks to print tulips in the paint area. What busy bees!

Image of Year 1 Easter Cards
28 Mar

Year 1 Easter Cards

Year 1 made some Easter cards by printing either a bunny, Easter egg or chick to the front of them.

Image of Year 1- Visit to the Rose Garden
28 Mar

Year 1- Visit to the Rose Garden

This week, Year 1 visited the Rose Garden to explore the Easter artwork that our whole school have been busy creating. They spotted artwork that showed Palm leaves to represent Palm Sunday, artwork to represent Judas’ betrayal to Jesus and artwork to represent the last supper, the crucifixion and the resurrection.

Image of Year 5 and 6 Rose Garden Visit
27 Mar

Year 5 and 6 Rose Garden Visit

This morning, year 5 and 6 visited the Rose Garden to see the art work that each year group created to represent different elements of the Easter story. The standard of work was superb across the school. Mr Bloomfield then led a quiz based on the art work that was kindly created by Mrs Araujo.

Image of Reception: Easter Artwork
26 Mar

Reception: Easter Artwork

Our Ducklings enjoyed viewing the artwork in the Rose Garden. They looked at the Easter story and tried to describe each picture.

Image of Year 2 - Whitehall Park
26 Mar

Year 2 - Whitehall Park

This afternoon we visited the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park. As a school, we have turned the rose garden into an art exhibition full of the whole school’s Easter artwork. The children loved seeing all their art being displayed for the public to see. It is definitely worth a visit to the Rose Garden this Easter.

Image of Year 3- Easter Artwork
25 Mar

Year 3- Easter Artwork

This afternoon, Year 3 went for a little Easter walk to the rose garden at Whitehall Park. The children enjoyed guessing which part of the Easter story each class, from Reception to Year 6, represented through their artwork. Once there we all sang Easter songs together too. Our walk covered 2.5 miles, contributing to our Lent journey as well.

Image of Easter Artwork Trail in the Rose Garden
25 Mar

Easter Artwork Trail in the Rose Garden

The St Barnabas Easter trail is now ready for visitors! Our whole school family has worked hard to represent a different part of the Easter story through art and we have selected some for our community to enjoy when they visit the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park. Our pictures have brought a lovely splash of colour to the garden to celebrate this joyous time in the Christian calendar. We hope that they will bring joy to all visitors.

Image of Year 1 RE Artwork
21 Mar

Year 1 RE Artwork

This afternoon, Year 1 created their artwork for the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park. Their artwork was based on the resurrection of Jesus. The hands on their artwork represent Jesus rising from the dead and the butterflies, flowers, dragonflies and bunny rabbits represent new life.

Image of Year 6- Graffiti Tunnel
21 Mar

Year 6- Graffiti Tunnel

We have just had a great time creating some graffiti art in Leake Street tunnel and we got to join a free tour with an artistic called Mark who spends lots of time creating artwork in the tunnel. Earlier on this year we looked at graffiti art in our Art unit so it was great to be able to apply the skills we learnt. All of the photos can be found here:

Image of Year 4 - RE: Easter Art
20 Mar

Year 4 - RE: Easter Art

We have been busy in Year 4 creating artwork inspired by the betrayals found in the Easter Story. The children chose one of the betrayals we studied, designed three symbols to represent the key events and then used Brusho paints and water to create a mottled effect on the symbols. They then created a checked background on which to mount their symbols.

Image of Year 2 - RE
18 Mar

Year 2 - RE

In Year 2, we have produced artwork that will go on display in the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park. Our class created the last supper scene using painting and stamping. The children took real pride in making sure their artwork was exactly how they wanted it to look. The final results are wonderful and we can’t wait to visit our artwork in Whitehall park next week!

Image of Year 3- Easter Artwork- Express the symbolism of sadness and joy through art.
14 Mar

Year 3- Easter Artwork- Express the symbolism of sadness and joy through art.

This afternoon, Year 3 explored 'The Easter Story' using a children's bible. After reading the story, they described the emotions expressed through the paintings related to the various parts of the story, such as the 'Entry into the City, the Crucifixion, The Women at the Empty Tomb and Good Friday. They found the paintings and some parts of the story bring happiness and some are quite upsetting. They then expressed the symbolisms and sadness and joy through art. Year 3 are super excited about displaying their artwork at the Rose Garden.

Image of Well-being Club
14 Mar

Well-being Club

This week the children worked together to make playdough. They decided to colour the playdough purple and used a variety of different coloured glitters. The children decided on an orange scent for their playdough. They enjoyed playing with it after and made tacos, wraps, houses, pizzas and lots of other creative objects!

Image of Year 6 Art
14 Mar

Year 6 Art

In year 6, we have started to look at our new art unit and have linked it to our R.E. Artwork that will be displayed in the Whitehall Park Rose Garden. We started by analysing a piece of work created by the artist Lubaina Himid, entitled ‘Five’. In her artwork, she displays symbols and addresses issues close to her heart. We have used her work as inspiration for our own creation and have started to develop our own ideas to answer the question ‘Who was Jesus?’ in our own piece of artwork.

Image of Reception: Easter Artwork
11 Mar

Reception: Easter Artwork

Today, during our Muddy Monday session, we collected lots of green natural objects to create palm leaves for our Easter art work. The children worked together as a team to create their art work. You will be able to view our artwork soon in the Rose Garden at Whitehall park.

Image of Year 5 - Religious Art
11 Mar

Year 5 - Religious Art

Today, Year 5 created their religious art piece ready for a selection of them displayed in the Rose Garden in Whitehall park for Easter. The children were focusing on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. They created their colourful backgrounds and then used black card to create a silhouette depicting Jesus on the cross.

Image of Year 2 - Art
11 Mar

Year 2 - Art

In Art this week, we created more rubbings from interesting textures we could find around the classroom. These rubbings were cut or torn to create a collage. This process of using rubbings to form the basis of a piece of artwork is called frottage. The end results were amazing!

Image of Year 2 - Art
4 Mar

Year 2 - Art

In art this week, we were looking at rubbings. To get an interesting pattern, it was important to look for objects with interesting textures. We used various objects from around the classroom and found objects/surfaces from Whitehall Park during our Big Lent Walk.

Image of Our School Art Gallery
29 Feb

Our School Art Gallery

Take a look at our amazing school Art Gallery! The children have worked really hard on their final pieces which are proudly showcased in our KS1 corridor and school hall. We can really see the progress children are making in Art across school and how hard they are working to master new and different skills.

Image of Wellbeing Club
29 Feb

Wellbeing Club

Mrs Wilkinson really enjoyed spending time with some children from Years 1 and 2 for the start of their wellbeing club. They discussed why it is important to look after ourselves and how we can be kind to ourselves. We then made friendship bracelets and looked at affirmations and coloured in some affirmation posters.

Image of Year 4 Art - Creating Batik Fabric
28 Feb

Year 4 Art - Creating Batik Fabric

We have finally finished the process of developing our Batik artwork. As part of our final stage, we washed the glue off in the trays to leave just the patterns that we created with the acrylic paints. The children and adults alike are amazed by the final result which is so impressive! We look forward to showcasing these in our Year 4 Gallery for everyone to see.

Image of Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit
28 Feb

Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit

Wow, what a fantastic day our Ducklings had today. We visited Imagine That in Liverpool and had lots of fun! The children did lots of experiments with dry ice, made magical snow and made slime too. They used their imaginations in the roleplay area, painted a car, explored the creative area and made their own magnets. They were well behaved and represented the school beautifully!

Image of Year 1 Art- Hundertwasser
7 Feb

Year 1 Art- Hundertwasser

Year 1 have been working extremely hard this week to produce a piece of artwork in the style of Hundertwasser. To produce this piece of artwork, they had to use and apply the skills that they’ve been learning in art over the last few weeks such as exploring with various lines (curved, wavy, horizontal, vertical, diagonal and swirls) and shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, semi-circles and pentagons). Their pieces of artwork are now on display ready to be viewed so please take a look. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 3- Art- Paper Weaving
6 Feb

Year 3- Art- Paper Weaving

For our final art lesson, Year 3 explored the work of Anni Albers' weaving techniques. Inspired by her amazing weaving the children picked coloured paper linking back to their mood boards to weave together with another one. Finally, they cut a cross shape and glued it onto their weaving.

Image of Year 5 - Art
2 Feb

Year 5 - Art

Year 5 have been completing their futuristic designs in preparation for their final pieces. The children used everyday objects to create a space themed print. Then the children created their space themed designs by drawing rockets, planets and other space themed objects.

Image of Reception Art
1 Feb

Reception Art

Reception have been creating fish collages using scrunched up tissue paper. We have been practising our fine motor skills by manipulating the tissue paper into small balls for our fish. We have been thinking about which colours are best to make our fish more vibrant. We can't wait to see them on display in our KS1 corridor!

Image of Year 5 - Art
31 Jan

Year 5 - Art

Today, Year 5 began exploring their futuristic designs in preparation for their final pieces. The children explored a variety of techniques including light and dark shading to make their images appear 3D.

Image of Reception: Colour Mixing
30 Jan

Reception: Colour Mixing

Our Ducklings have been learning to become more independent with our painting easel. They can now squirt the correct amount of paint into a palette and have explored mixing colours to create their pictures.

Image of Year 5 - Art
25 Jan

Year 5 - Art

Today, Year 5 have been experimenting with different media to create futurist art work. The children used: fine liners, chalk, oil pastel and drawing pencils to create different effects to their drawings. Using a view finder the children chose a specific area of a picture they would like to replicate and then used their different media to replicate it four times; assessing the various advantages and disadvantages of that particular tool.

Image of Year 1- Geometric Art
25 Jan

Year 1- Geometric Art

This afternoon, Year 1 have been drawing around a variety of 2D shapes and overlapping them to create their own geometric piece of artwork. They had to experiment with a variety of shapes and media (felt tips, wax crayons, oil pastels and colouring pencils) in their piece of artwork. They also referred to the colour wheel and tried to use complementary colours e.g. green and pink and orange and blue next to each other to make their artwork pop.

Image of Year 3- Art- Tie-Dye T-Shirt
25 Jan

Year 3- Art- Tie-Dye T-Shirt

Year 3 can take pride in their artistic achievements. Last week, they created mood boards that beautifully reflected their personalities. This week, they used those ideas to make cool tie-dye t-shirts. These colourful creations not only showcase their artistic flair but also serve as personalised expressions of their individuality. Amazing work from all. Well done!

Image of Year 3- Art- Tie Dye T-shirt
25 Jan

Year 3- Art- Tie Dye T-shirt

Year 3 can take pride in their artistic achievements. Last week, they created mood boards that beautifully reflected their personalities. This week, they used those ideas to make cool tie-dye t-shirts. These colourful creations not only showcase their artistic flair but also serve as personalised expressions of their individuality. Amazing work from all. Well done!

Image of Year 3- Art- Tie-dyeing T-shirt
22 Jan

Year 3- Art- Tie-dyeing T-shirt

In today's afternoon's art session, Year 3 engaged in tie-dyeing. After watching a short clip on how to tie-dye a t-shirt the children carefully scrunched, folded, or coiled up their T-shirts and secured them with elastic bands. They then picked their favourite colours and mixed them in separate bottles, linking to their mood boards from our last art session. After applying the dye, each child's T-shirt was placed in a plastic bag labelled with their name. It is recommended to let the dye permeate the cloth overnight if possible, as it takes several hours for the colours to develop fully. The children are eagerly looking forward to tomorrow when they can finally remove the rubber bands and discover the exciting results of the tie-dye on their T-shirts.

Image of Year 4 Art - One picture, four views
19 Jan

Year 4 Art - One picture, four views

As part of our topic on rainforests, we have been looking at the flora and fauna. In today’s session we chose an animal or insect and then used a view finder to select four different parts of the picture to draw. We explored different techniques to develop imagery and observed the artwork of Ruth Daniel’s and Senaka Senanayake.

Image of Year 3- Art- Mood Board
16 Jan

Year 3- Art- Mood Board

Today in art, Year 3 created mood boards uniquely representing their personalities. They carefully selected various craft items that showcased who they were. The children drew pictures of things they enjoy, used words and colours that highlight their personality, chose personal images of places that are significant to them, cut out images that they found appealing and selected pieces of coloured fabric, pastels and crayons to express their feelings and mood.

Image of Reception - Joining Materials
11 Jan

Reception - Joining Materials

For our Art, Reception have been learning about the different ways we can join materials together in the creative area. The children have been really inventive in exploring different ways they can join paper and card together to showcase their own ideas.

Image of Year 1 and 2 visit to Whitehall Park
21 Dec

Year 1 and 2 visit to Whitehall Park

Yesterday, Years 1 and 2 went to the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park to admire the Christmas artwork created by some of our children as part of the Home Bargains competition. We then had a play on the playground equipment as an end of term treat.

Image of Reception: Christmas Artwork visit to the Rose Garden
19 Dec

Reception: Christmas Artwork visit to the Rose Garden

Our Ducklings really enjoyed looking at all of the artwork at the rose garden in Whitehall Park. They looked in detail at the children’s drawings and have all said they’d love to show their families over the Christmas holidays. We also enjoyed singing some Christmas songs.

Image of Year 3- Whitehall Park- Singing Christmas songs and admiring the Artwork
18 Dec

Year 3- Whitehall Park- Singing Christmas songs and admiring the Artwork

This morning, Year 3 have been out admiring the wonderful artwork created by some of the children from our school. During the visit, they sang Christmas songs, spreading festive cheer to the members of the gardening club. They were amazed by how well they sang their hearts out. They also had the opportunity to have a play in the park before heading back to school.

Image of Year 3- Whitehall Park- Singing Christmas songs and admiring the Artwork
18 Dec

Year 3- Whitehall Park- Singing Christmas songs and admiring the Artwork

This morning, Year 3 have been out admiring the wonderful artwork created by some of the children from our school. During the visit, they sang Christmas songs, spreading festive cheer to the members of the gardening club. They were amazed by how well they sang their hearts out. They also had the opportunity to have a play in the park before heading back to school.

Image of Whole School -Design Technology- Christmas Fayre
14 Dec

Whole School -Design Technology- Christmas Fayre

This term in Design and Technology (D.T.), children from every class have been busy creating special things with a purpose. They showed off their creations at our school's Christmas fayre. Reception made cute Christmas decorations, Year 1 made Christmas-themed characters that move from a book, Year 2 put together yummy fruit kebabs, Year 3 crafted pouches, Year 4 made stockings, Year 5 created comfy cushions, and Year 6 invented their own steady hand game. Everyone should be proud of what they made because when parents and visitors saw the products, they were amazed! Each class did a fantastic job turning their creativity into awesome projects.

Image of Reception: Christmas tree decorations
11 Dec

Reception: Christmas tree decorations

Reception class have been busy creating their Christmas tree decorations ready for the Christmas Fayre on Wednesday. They will be available to buy at the fayre for £2 each. They look fantastic!

Image of Picture News Festive Fun in Year 4
8 Dec

Picture News Festive Fun in Year 4

Today, we took part in The Picture News Festive Fun 2023. We successfully completed the reindeer challenge and designed our very own stockings for Peter Bear. The children especially loved taking part in the interactive quiz and joke telling in the group chat. What a super idea! @picturenews

Image of Year 3- D.T- Christmas Pouch
7 Dec

Year 3- D.T- Christmas Pouch

This term for our design and technology unit, the year 3 Christmas Elves have been busy making Christmas themed pouches. Prior to making the pouch, the children have carefully planned their pouch and thought about their design in detail. They have learnt how to sew fabric together using a running stitch, designing the front of their pouch and decorated it by using fabric glue to stick on embellishments to give that wow factor. They have also made sure that the pouch is functional and aesthetic. They have also evaluated their finished products by answering a series of questions. We are super proud of the dedication and enthusiasm that the children have shown throughout the planning and making of these products. We can't wait to showcase our products at our school Christmas Fair.

Image of Erin’s Place Christmas Decorations
7 Dec

Erin’s Place Christmas Decorations

Our Reception class won a competition from Erin’s Place in Darwen where they have had the opportunity to paint a Christmas ornament which will then be baked in a special oven. The children have tried hard with their fine motor skills to paint the fine details on the ornaments and we can’t wait to see the final result.

Image of Roman Battle Formations in Year 4
29 Nov

Roman Battle Formations in Year 4

In our history lesson this week we discussed why the Roman army was so successful. We looked at why they were so powerful and disciplined. We then looked at how they used manoeuvres and drills to create various formations so that they could protect themselves from every angle in battle. We finished with a real life drill to see if Mrs Gardner could get through the children’s wedge formation that they created with their own shields. Not one boulder (ping pong ball) got through so well done Year 4 - it was a huge success!

Image of Christmas Card Competition
24 Nov

Christmas Card Competition

This morning in our Celebration Worship I shared the details of our Christmas Art Competition in Aid of Alder Hey Children’s hospital. The competition is for the children to design their own Christmas Card on a square piece of paper (please see the image above for more details and last year’s winners!) All entries will be submitted to the competition, and if selected, the winning entries will be sold as Christmas cards in Home Bargains stores across the UK, with all proceeds going to Alder Hey. School can also win a craft hamper and £100 voucher for resources too! We will also be selecting a handful of amazing entries to copy and display in the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park for our Christmas ADVENTure trail, so any Nativity related entries would be lovely to see. Please can we ask that all entries be handed to class teachers by no later than Wednesday 13th December. We are able to provide squared paper for entries if needed, please just ask your class teachers. If you have any further questions then please ask. We look forward to seeing some wonderful designs! Thank you, Mrs Govan

Image of Reception: Creative crowns
23 Nov

Reception: Creative crowns

This morning Reception class has been getting very creative and made their own celebration crowns. They are all unique, just like our Ducklings. Well done!

Image of Year 5 - Installation Art
13 Nov

Year 5 - Installation Art

This week Year 5 have created their own piece of installation art work. They have been able to change the perception of a space by using everyday materials to create a message. The children have been exploring the impact of social media and plastic pollution within their creations and have created hidden messages to convey and tackle these pressing issues. The children could explain clearly the messages they were trying to convey and have created many exciting pieces of art.

Image of Reception: Remembrance Day
6 Nov

Reception: Remembrance Day

Reception have been learning all about Remembrance Day. They created poppies in provision using playdough, creative materials, felt tips and paint.

Image of Year 5 - Installation Art Creations
1 Nov

Year 5 - Installation Art Creations

This week Year 5 have been creating their own installation art pieces using everyday objects that they can find around school. The children created many representations of children working in the classroom. They used all the objects very creativity and were able to shape their creations in ways that created emotions.

Image of Year 1 Art- Arctic Landscape Collages
1 Nov

Year 1 Art- Arctic Landscape Collages

As part of their Art unit last half-term, Year 1 have been building up the skills of collage for several weeks. They have learnt about warm and cool colours, the composition of a landscape, how to use watercolours to create a background and how to use different materials to create the different textures of a landscape. Their final piece of artwork incorporates all of these skills and they have done a wonderful job. Well done Year 1.

Image of Reception- Powder Paint Fireworks
31 Oct

Reception- Powder Paint Fireworks

Reception class had lots of fun learning all about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot. They then created their own firework patterns using powder paints. They tried hard to create lines, circles, spirals and stars.

Image of Year 3- Art- Shading from light to dark
30 Oct

Year 3- Art- Shading from light to dark

In the final art lesson in the unit on the formal elements of art, Year 3 further developed their skills by patiently practising smooth shading from light to dark. Before filling in the animal template, the budding artists carried out a warm-up activity. They practised shading boxes from dark to light using an HB pencil. They aimed to create smooth, neat, and even shading without any gaps.

Image of Reception: Cutting Skills
17 Oct

Reception: Cutting Skills

Reception have been perfecting their cutting skills this afternoon. They learnt how to hold scissors correctly and how to position our arms to be able to cut paper accurately. Well done!

Image of Year 2 - Art
16 Oct

Year 2 - Art

This afternoon, we combined our knowledge of pattern making and handling clay to create our clay tiles. This required lots of steps and skills which we had practised last week. We had to; roll the clay out (this needed some strong arms), cut the tile to an accurate size, ensure our tiles had straight, sharp edges, etch our names onto the back and score lines onto the back. Once we had completed all of these steps, it was time to create our patterns. We used various objects to create shapes that repeated or alternated. Some children decided to to use their hands as tools by creating their own shapes with craft knives. It was fascinating to see how each child chose their own patterns and had such diverse ideas.

Image of Year 6 Art
12 Oct

Year 6 Art

In Art, year 6 discovered that the ancient Maya are born with a spirit companion. These are accompanied with a symbol so year 6 produced a symbolic tile full of images that best represent them as a person.

Image of Year 6 Art
11 Oct

Year 6 Art

This week, in art, year 6 looked at the technique ‘Chiaroscuro’. The word comes from the Italian meaning light and dark and is used to make something look more three-dimensional. The inspiration behind year 6’s art work was the word for their Mayan spirit companion. For example, the word ‘Imix’ translates to crocodile and means you are productIve, creative and hard-working.

Image of Year 1 Art
11 Oct

Year 1 Art

This afternoon, Year 1 have been exploring different textures in art. They had to choose appropriate materials to represent the texture of different parts of their image such as rocks, a polar bear, mountains, the sea and the sky. The children really impressed us with their well thought out choices. They chose wool, felt, fluff and feathers for the polar bear and glittered paper, rocks, corrugated paper and varied wallpapers for the mountains. Some children chose corrugated paper, wallpaper or glittered paper to reflect a rough sea but others chose foam, tissue paper and plastic if they wanted a smoother sea. Well done Year 1. 

Image of Year 2 - Art
9 Oct

Year 2 - Art

This afternoon we continued to develop our Art and Design skills. We revisited pattern making from last week and discussed how we can make our own patterns. This week we used clay to add texture to our patterns. To do this we drew patterns with our craft knives and looked at different techniques to create alternative textures and patterns. Next week, we will hone our skills and create our finished tiles. Using other tools to create more intricate patterns.

Image of Art - Year 4 - Lenticular Prints
5 Oct

Art - Year 4 - Lenticular Prints

In our art lesson this week we have been studying the artist Luz Perez Ojeda. This has involved cutting up two images with an Amazon theme into strips and alternating them side by side in sequential order to create an optical illusion piece of art.

Image of Year 5 - Installation Art
5 Oct

Year 5 - Installation Art

This week, year 5 have been creating their installation art work using a shoe box. They have created backdrops and have begun adding an abundance of materials to bring their creations to life.

Image of Reception: Owl Babies
3 Oct

Reception: Owl Babies

This week our Ducklings have been learning how to print and make creations using a variety of resources. We read the story of owl babies and then they created Sarah, Percy, Bill and Mummy owl. Super creations and paintings!

Image of Year 1 meet Author and Illustrator Ursula Hurst
3 Oct

Year 1 meet Author and Illustrator Ursula Hurst

Year 1 had an amazing morning meeting author and illustrator Ursula Hurst at Darwen library. They enjoyed looking at lots of the books that Ursula has illustrated over the years such as Roo and Sarge to the rescue, The Angry Giant, Zed Ted, Bea and Monah Lot. Ursula also read us a story called Drawing Hope which she was both the author and illustrator of. It was about a young girl called Hope who loved drawing and painting and had a dream of turning the gloomy town in which she lived into a bright and colourful place and with the help of Mrs Green, she did just that. Year 1 loved seeing how the town and characters turned from grey with lots of worries to bright and worry free throughout the story. Thank you to Darwen Library for such a wonderful opportunity and to Ursula Hurst for inspiring our children.

Image of Year 1- illustration Worksop with Ursula Hurst
3 Oct

Year 1- illustration Worksop with Ursula Hurst

After meeting Ursula Hurst and looking at many of her illustrations in various children’s books including her very own book, ‘Drawing Hope,’ Year 1 had a lesson in illustration. Ursula showed the children how to create different characters with expressions such as sad, shocked and happy and various hairstyles and clothing. Thank you to Darwen library for this wonderful opportunity.

Image of Year 2 - Library visit
3 Oct

Year 2 - Library visit

We had an amazing time during our visit to Darwen Library. We were lucky enough to spend time with Ursula Hurst as she delivered a workshop for us. Ursula is a fabulous illustrator known for her book illustrations and murals of which many can be found in local primary schools. The children loved listening to her stories and seeing how she made words come to life. Then the children had their chance to become illustrators as they learnt how to draw different characters with different emotions. Ursula showed us some simple tricks to really emphasise our characters expressions. It was a brilliant opportunity for the children which they engaged really well with and had a lovely afternoon!

Image of Year 2 - Pattern Making
3 Oct

Year 2 - Pattern Making

During our Art lesson this week, we looked at how to create patterns. We spotted any patterns around our classroom and predicted what comes next in other patterns. It was then the children’s turn to create their own patterns. We created symmetrical patterns and alternating patterns using different shapes and colours. Next week, we will continue learning about patterns and design new patterns on different mediums.

Image of Year 4 Art - Willow plate painting
28 Sep

Year 4 Art - Willow plate painting

Our art focus for this week has been on willow plate painting which originates from China. We adapted the design to go with our topic of the Amazon and our class novel The Explorer. The children used different shades and added pictures of planes, trees, characters and animals. The end result was a collection of wonderful examples.

Image of Year 5 - Installation Art
28 Sep

Year 5 - Installation Art

Year 5 have been exploring and researching installation art. They have explored a variety of pieces and looked in depth of the inner workings and meanings of installation art. This week the children have been planning their own installation art piece based on their favourite places in the world. They labelled their work with what materials they will use to create their installation art creation.

Image of Year 1-Art
28 Sep

Year 1-Art

Year 1 have been identifying the key features of a cold landscape such as icebergs, glaciers, mountains, rocks, trees and animals such as penguins, polar bears, walruses, arctic hares, arctic foxes and snowy owls to use in their own landscape. Then they had to draw lines to represent the horizon and the sea and compose their cold scene using the shapes provided and their own imagination. We are looking forward to being able to collage them next lesson.

Image of Year 6 Art
28 Sep

Year 6 Art

In year 6, we have started our art unit which is all based on making our voice heard. We started by evaluating pieces of art created by the Ancient Maya and created a research page which we filled with patterns that captured our imagination. Those of us who had finished our research pages then tried our hand at some experimental mark making with unconventional tools. This made the children appreciate the Mayan art even more.

Image of Year 2 - Art
25 Sep

Year 2 - Art

Our Art lesson saw the children build on their knowledge of tones and shades. The children took inspiration from Nancy McCroskey’s 1992 work ‘Suite in Black, White and Grey’. The children used their own imagination to design tiles using various lines and shapes. Using different shading techniques, they were able create texture and depth in their work. It was lovely to see the children become passionate about their work and proud of their end result.

Image of Year 4 Art - Soap Sculptures
21 Sep

Year 4 Art - Soap Sculptures

In our art session this week we have been making soap sculptures. First we watched a video on how to complete this step by step starting by drawing our animal designs on to paper. We then transferred this onto our bars of soap and began sculpting. We used lots of different tools to sculpt our animals and it was very tricky! As you can see from our designs, we created animals that we could find in the rainforest including butterflies and fish.

Image of Reception Kandinsky Circles
21 Sep

Reception Kandinsky Circles

Reception have been artists like Kandinsky. We have been practising our formation of circles and have created colourful art work for a joint piece.

Image of Reception: Elmer
19 Sep

Reception: Elmer

This week, our Ducklings have read the story of Elmer. We learnt how we are all special and unique. We then created our own Elmer’s using playdough, created unique marks on Elmer and used the colours to create our own elephants for Elmer day.

Image of Year 3- Art- Working with wire
18 Sep

Year 3- Art- Working with wire

This afternoon, the children have been working with wire, bending and twisting it to create the form of a fish, using smaller pieces of wire to add features.

Image of Year 1 Art- Warm and cool colours
14 Sep

Year 1 Art- Warm and cool colours

Year 1 have been exploring warm and cool colours in their Art lesson this week. They needed to explore a range of pictures and decide whether they were of a warm or cool landscape. They also had to use a colour wheel to select warm and cool colours to use in their sketchbooks. Over the next few weeks, they will continue to build up skills and knowledge to create a cold landscape.

Image of Year 4 Art - The role of a curator
13 Sep

Year 4 Art - The role of a curator

In our art session we explored the role of a curator and the skills required to do this role. We then created our own gallery with various pieces of artwork and sketched this using different grades of pencils.

Image of Our First Week in Year 1
7 Sep

Our First Week in Year 1

We have had a busy first week in Year 1. The children have been busy sorting objects into groups in maths, writing sentences to describe the penguin in the story of Lost and Found in English, creating self portraits using lots of different paper techniques such as folding, bending and fringing in art and completing lots of independent challenges in the areas. Well done Year 1.

Image of Reception: First day at school
4 Sep

Reception: First day at school

We are so proud of our Ducklings on their first day at school. They have all been superstars. They have been making new friends, exploring our classroom and doing lots of super talking. What a super start to their school journey!

Image of First day in Year 3
4 Sep

First day in Year 3

Year 3 were super excited about reuniting with their friends and talking about what they did over the summer. The children couldn't wait to go out for a break in the KS2 yard and have fun on the trim trail. They also visited the school library to select books for their personal reading enjoyment in the classroom. Alongside this, we created our own classroom rules, building upon the four golden rules Mrs. Ham highlighted during this morning's worship. In the afternoon, the children went on a shape hunt around the school, identifying, drawing and labelling the different shapes that make up the objects they find in everyday objects. For example, a door shaped like a rectangle, a classroom window shaped like a square and the netball goal ring shaped like a circle.

Image of D.T Club- Lion King Props
17 Jul

D.T Club- Lion King Props

The Year 4, 5, and 6 students have worked really hard to create props for our end-of-year performance, inspired by The Lion King. They used cardboard to make masks, giving them special designs and paying attention to the little details. They also used paper mache to make African fruits and Pumba's prop. African fruits have been tied to a stick, which they found in our forest school grounds. It adds a realistic touch to the show. They have made caps for Zazu using real feathers from birds. They also used garlands to create a grassy environment using green ribbons. Together, we have created an environment that encourages creativity, teamwork, and doing our best. The children's fulfilment in creating props with a real purpose is evident, and their hard work is truly commendable.

Image of D.T Club- Lion King props
17 Jul

D.T Club- Lion King props

The Year 4, 5, and 6 students have worked really hard to create props for our end-of-year performance, inspired by The Lion King. They used cardboard to make masks, giving them special designs and paying attention to the little details. They also used paper mache to make African fruits and Pumba's prop. African fruits have been tied to a stick, which they found in our forest school grounds. It adds a realistic touch to the show. They have made caps for Zazu using real feathers from birds. They also used garlands to create a grassy environment using green ribbons. Together, we have created an environment that encourages creativity, teamwork, and doing our best. The children's fulfilment in creating props with a real purpose is evident, and their hard work is truly commendable.

Image of Year 5- Collective Worship- A Work of Art
17 Jul

Year 5- Collective Worship- A Work of Art

During today's class worship, the children explored a collection of art and shared their likes and dislikes. We talked about famous artists and then looked at Gustav Klimt's painting, "Lady with a Fan," which sold for a record-breaking 85.3 million, the most expensive artwork ever auctioned in Europe. We discussed what makes something a "work of art" and thought about the valuable things in their own lives, like family and pets. We also learned about Isaiah, who wrote a book in the Bible, and how he reminded us that we are all special and unique creations, like works of art, made by God's hand. We listened to a song called "He Made Me" and ended with a prayer to thank God for creating us.

Image of Year 5 Engineers- D.T- Disassembling and Reassembling tools
13 Jul

Year 5 Engineers- D.T- Disassembling and Reassembling tools

WOW! In today's lesson, the Year 5 engineers were engaged in an exciting hands-on activity as they worked together in pairs to disassemble and reassemble turbine tools. Before moving on to the practical task, they watched an instructive video that served as their guide. As they carefully followed the step-by-step instructions, the children learned the intricacies of each tool and examined their purpose. After completing the activity, they compared the two devices and determined how one improved the other.

Image of Year 5- D.T- How does a vacuum cleaner work?
11 Jul

Year 5- D.T- How does a vacuum cleaner work?

The children in the class had a really interesting time trying out the Dyson V12 Detect Slim Animal™ vacuum cleaner. Before trying out the vacuum cleaner we watched a video that explained its design and specifications. It was really interesting to see how the vacuum was made and learn about its special features. It was fascinating to see that many of them had never used a vacuum cleaner before. The children took turns doing different things with the vacuum, like cleaning up different kinds of debris, going around obstacles, changing the height, and using it on different surfaces.

Image of Year 5-6 Transition day
6 Jul

Year 5-6 Transition day

Year 5, soon to be Year 6, were an absolute delight to welcome into the year 6 classroom and they produced absolutely outstanding portraits displaying the red jumpers and hoodies that they will gain as a Year 6.

Image of Year 2-3 Transition Day
6 Jul

Year 2-3 Transition Day

Soon-to-be Year 3 has been amazing. The children made their own personality swirls by showing their unique qualities and the things they like. It was a fun way for them to express themselves and be creative. They also made bookmarks for themselves, which they can use when in September. They felt very grown up when they sat on the big chairs ready for the next stage of their education. They also had a chance to explore the KS2 yard, which they absolutely loved. Lastly, the children talked about what they are excited about for September. They can't wait to learn new things and have new experiences at school. They are really looking forward to it!

Image of Year 2-3 Transition Day- Creating Personality Swirls
6 Jul

Year 2-3 Transition Day- Creating Personality Swirls

They had a fantastic time creating personality swirls! It was a wonderful opportunity for them to express themselves and showcase their unique qualities. During this activity, the children wrote down words that described themselves, such as their hobbies and interests. Some of the words they shared were reading, walking, listening to music, playing games, and enjoying delicious food. It was wonderful to see them express their individuality through these words. Additionally, the children had the chance to colour their swirls using their favourite colours.

Image of Year 4 - Year 5 Transition
6 Jul

Year 4 - Year 5 Transition

As part of our Year 5 transition the children created their own self portrait using a stencil from tracing their picture. They then coloured in their portraits with vibrant colours that represent them as a person.

Image of Formal Elements of Art in Year 4
29 Jun

Formal Elements of Art in Year 4

In our art session, we looked at different techniques using both chalk and charcoal. We completed different samples and then went on to develop and interpret words through our drawings. We interpreted words such as stretchy, windy and wild. Every single child interpreted this differently and then we peer evaluated each piece.

Image of Year 5- D.T- Understand the different types of Engineers
29 Jun

Year 5- D.T- Understand the different types of Engineers

This term in Design and Technology, Year 5 will focus on learning about Dyson and its innovations. We have received an engineering box from Dyson, The Engineering Box includes a Dyson V12 Detect Slim Animal™ Vacuum, Tangle-free Turbine Heads, and Anti-tangle screw heads. Over the next few weeks, Year 5 will take these apart, using the screwdrivers provided, to better understand how the technology works. Today, the class had the opportunity to explore various types of engineering careers and understand how these professionals contribute to technology development.

Image of Year 2 - Facial Expressions
28 Jun

Year 2 - Facial Expressions

During this unit of art, Year 2 have been focusing on sketching facial expressions and how you can alter facial expressions by using very few lines. The children explored a variety of emotions and expressions linked to those emotions and then drew their favourite emotions within a setting.

Image of Year 1 Art Clarice Cliff Plates
22 May

Year 1 Art Clarice Cliff Plates

Year 1 created their own version of Clarice Cliff’s famous pottery plate design using primary and secondary colours. They mixed their own colours and then used black watery paint and a straw to blow the paint into the shape of a tree as a silhouette against the other coloured concentric circles on their paper plates.

Image of Year 3 Prehistoric Art
18 May

Year 3 Prehistoric Art

Year 3 have been building on their mark making skills by creating their individual wall art. We added lentils and grains to cardboard to replicate a cave wall, they then had to dab paint onto the surface and outline their image. Once they had made their markings, they added colours to further develop their image.

Image of Year 1 Colour Mixing
18 May

Year 1 Colour Mixing

Year 1 have been using two primary colours and making different shades of a secondary colour through experimentation. They have really enjoy making different shades of orange and purple using different amounts of the primary colours.

Image of Year 1 Art Colour Mixing
11 May

Year 1 Art Colour Mixing

Year 1 have been learning about the primary colours and how to mix them to make secondary colours. We then mixed the three secondary colours to make the colour brown and painting trees using all of the colours.

Image of Year 1 RE Baptism pictures
11 May

Year 1 RE Baptism pictures

Year 1 have been drawing and painting their own version of a baptism or christening as part of our current RE topic. They have included a child being christened, the vicar, godparents, family and friends.

Image of Year 3 Prehistoric Art: Mark Making
11 May

Year 3 Prehistoric Art: Mark Making

Year 3 have had a fantastic afternoon, using the natural materials collected on our walk earlier this week to experiment with mark making. This term, we have been focusing on prehistoric art and the class will be creating a cave wall painting! We thought about how during Prehistoric times, humans did not have paint and brushes like we do now, so instead would have used natural materials to create their artwork, like we have done today!

Image of Year 3 Art: Collecting Natural Materials
9 May

Year 3 Art: Collecting Natural Materials

On Tuesday afternoon, Year Three went on a walk to Whitehall Park, where we collected some natural materials to use in our next Art lesson. The children will be experimenting with using natural materials for mark making. We collected a variety of different materials, such as acorns, bark, sticks, leaves, conkers and moss!

Image of Year 3: Coronation Art
3 May

Year 3: Coronation Art

To mark the King’s Coronation, Year 3 have created a collage of King Charles III. The class are going to take their artwork home with them, to keep as a way to remember this special historical event for many years to come!

Image of Year 1 Lego printing
18 Apr

Year 1 Lego printing

Year 1 have been exploring different ways of creating patterns and using different colours when printing. They have painted Lego blocks using poster paint and printed different patterns in different colours.

Image of Year 1- Fruit and yogurt pots.
6 Apr

Year 1- Fruit and yogurt pots.

After food tasting and designing our yogurt pots today was the day we got to make them and eat them! We’ve had such an great time making them and a even better time eating them!

Image of Reception- Easter Creations
5 Apr

Reception- Easter Creations

Today the children enjoyed making some Easter chicks. They explored the different creative materials such as feathers, pipe cleaners and sequins. We discussed the different features we could include such as the eyes, beak and feathers.

Image of Year 3- Easter Artwork
4 Apr

Year 3- Easter Artwork

Year 3 have been on a beautiful walk to the Rose Garden in Whitehall park today. We walked sensibly, taking in the lovely views and stopping to be still, listening to the birds and water close by. Once we arrived we explored the Rose Garden using the paths, looking at each classes art work displays. We then completed a quiz where we answered questions by finding the relevant piece of artwork. We invite you all to visit the Rose Garden during the Easter period and enjoy all of the artwork on display.

Image of Year 5 - Easter Artwork Walk
4 Apr

Year 5 - Easter Artwork Walk

The whole school has created some fantastic artwork showing all the different parts of the Easter story. Today we went for a walk up to the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park to have a look at the pieces of work that have been chosen to be displayed. Whilst we were there we had a little sing song of some of the Easter Hymns we have been learning in our worships.

Image of Year 4 - Easter Artwork Walk
4 Apr

Year 4 - Easter Artwork Walk

Our Year 4 class, loved visiting the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park yesterday. And what lovely weather we’ve had for it. The children really enjoyed viewing the Easter art created in school, saying prayers and singing songs with the children from Reception class. They even came back to the classroom to write some Easter scavenger hunt clues for the other classes. We hope you and your families have a chance to visit too.

Image of Easter Artwork in Whitehall Park
3 Apr

Easter Artwork in Whitehall Park

The children have all been learning about Easter in RE. As part of their learning, they have created some Easter artwork which is displayed in Whitehall park. It will be displayed over the holidays so it is a great opportunity for you to visit with your family.

Image of Reception: Easter Art
3 Apr

Reception: Easter Art

Reception class enjoyed visiting the rose garden to see all of the Easter art work. They chose their favourites and explained why. We then sang some Easter songs with Year 4 and said some prayers. We even had some time to develop our gross motor skills on the playground.

Image of Reception - Designing a Superhero Comic
23 Mar

Reception - Designing a Superhero Comic

Today Reception class received a very special letter from Captain America. He had left some of his superhero comics for us to look at. We then designed our own superhero and Supertato inspired comic strips. The children tried really hard to sequence a story and used speech bubbles too. Well done Reception class!

Image of Reception - Art - Observational Drawing
23 Mar

Reception - Art - Observational Drawing

In Art this week we looked at observational drawings. We studied the daffodils carefully and used artist pencils to sketch the flowers. The children included details such as leaves and buds and then used the pencils to lightly shade some areas. The children were very proud of their works of art!

Image of Year 2 - Easter Symbols
23 Mar

Year 2 - Easter Symbols

During our Re lesson, we have been looking at a variety of symbols that are related to the Easter story and what they mean to Christians. We have designed our own stained glass windows with Easter symbols that will be displayed in Whitehall Park.

Image of Year 1: Easter Story
23 Mar

Year 1: Easter Story

Year 1 have been looking at correctly sequencing pictures from the Easter story. They have been remembering significant events including the resurrection and created some artworks to reflect this.

Image of Year 2: Taking Rubbings
22 Mar

Year 2: Taking Rubbings

During our art lessons we have been experimenting with the formal elements of art. We looked at creating at through rubbings of many different materials. We went around out local area taking rubbings of: trees, benches, rocks and walls to create a variety of patterns.

Image of Reception: Mother’s Day Celebration
14 Mar

Reception: Mother’s Day Celebration

It was wonderful to welcome our Mummies and Nannies into Reception today. The children painted pictures and explained why they loved their Mummies and sang some songs. Thank you for being such wonderful ladies, have a fabulous day on Sunday!

Image of World Book Day Competition
9 Mar

World Book Day Competition

During World Book Day, we held a whole school competition to create a book cover. All of the entries were excellent! Well done to: Cassidy in Year 1 Nevaeh in Year 2 Matthew in Year 4 Sienna in Year 5 Charlotte in Year 6 The children will all receive a £5 voucher to spend at our Scholastic book fair which will be at school between 15th-21st March. A huge well done to our winners and for everyone who took part. Just a reminder that our author Raysa Farah’s book is still available on parent pay to purchase. The last date to purchase the book will be next Friday.

Image of Reception: Caring for our Environment
7 Mar

Reception: Caring for our Environment

Today, we discussed what recycle, reuse and reduce meant. The children discussed what bins we find at school and what bins we have at home. We discussed why it is important to recycle. Did you know that some bottles can be recycled to make a part of a plane? The children were amazed! The children went outside to look at our recycle bins as they look very different to the ones we have at home. We also discussed how we can reduce waste and reuse. The children did some junk modelling to show how we can reuse boxes and different objects. We discussed how important it is to look after and care for our world.

Image of Reception: Designing a fire engine
7 Mar

Reception: Designing a fire engine

As part of our learning all about superheroes, we have been making fire engines in our malleable area. Before the children could make their fire engine, they were set a challenge of designing their fire engine and labelling it. They then followed their design to build their fire engine. Super work!

Image of Betrayal, trust and forgiveness art - Year 4
7 Mar

Betrayal, trust and forgiveness art - Year 4

In Year 4 RE today, we looked at artwork showing Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. We talked about how the artwork showed Judas betraying Jesus and why Jesus didn’t stop him. After discussing the artwork, we then took inspiration from it and created our own pictures of Judas’ betrayal.

Image of Year 5- Design and Technology- Electrical System
3 Mar

Year 5- Design and Technology- Electrical System

This term in D.T. the Year 5 class has been applying knowledge of circuits to practical activities. The children worked in small groups to create a moving toy vehicle using a battery-powered electric car that is able to move forward and reverse as well as having lights that can be switched on and off, they have made an air conditioning unit, a windmill, floating boat, and a floating ball. The children took inspiration from a parent engineer, who left a set of materials for us to work with, including a battery, a DVD motor with a connector, and a propeller. The children were thrilled with the outcome.

Image of Year 3 World Book Day: Design your own book cover competition
2 Mar

Year 3 World Book Day: Design your own book cover competition

To celebrate World Book Day, the whole school have taken part in a 'Design your own book cover' competition. The book cover could be a favourite book, or a book that the children might want to write themselves one day! Year 3 loved creating their own entries and we have had such a variety of book covers, from 'Space Boy' to 'World War Ant'!

Image of Year 5- World Book Day- Happy Reading
2 Mar

Year 5- World Book Day- Happy Reading

The Year 5 students have had an absolute blast celebrating 'World Book Day'. The children came dressed in their pyjamas which linked to the theme 'Bedtime Stories'. We carried out a series of fun activities to inspire everyone to pick up a book and read. We started the day with the whole school worship, we played guess the book and listened to Mrs. Ham read about her favourite author Charles Dickens. We also joined BBC live to listen to stories read by Michael Rosen and Kevin Tsang. We also had a visit from an author Raysa Farah who read her story, 'A cub without a mane'. The children had the opportunity to ask the author questions related to the book and her life. In the afternoon, we had a blind date with a book. The children were all given a book to unwrap and discuss the cover and blurb of the book with their partners. We then gathered what the children thought of the cover and blurb, some of the children said they would never pick the book based on the cover and blurb. However, after 10 minutes of reading the book the children wanted to know what happens next. The moral of the activity was to never judge a book by its cover. We also got creative and drew pictures of our favourite characters. Finally, we started to write a story together as a class which demonstrates the power and joy of reading.

Image of Year 2 - Repeated Patterns
1 Mar

Year 2 - Repeated Patterns

During our art lesson, year 2 children learnt and perfected their repeated pattern designs. The children explored a variety of patterns using paint and many everyday objects to create shapes. They practiced the printed shapes and then created repeated patterns based on the ones they think turned out the best.

Image of Year 5- Art- Space Imagery
28 Feb

Year 5- Art- Space Imagery

In Art, Year 5 have been thinking about what the future might look like. They created their own futuristic artworks and printed a background using marble ink to create a galaxy effect. They have taken inspiration from Teis Albers's piece 'Moonwalk' and Andy Warhols’ ‘Moonwalk’ artwork. They have used their art sketchbooks to record their observations and to review and revise their ideas. They have looked at illustrations from the ‘Space Race’ era: exploring how imagery was used and how it influenced art and design and evaluated images using knowledge of the formal elements. They have generated, developed, modelled, and communicated their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, and cross-sectional and exploded diagrams.

Image of Year 5- D.T- Parent Engineer
23 Feb

Year 5- D.T- Parent Engineer

WOW!!!! The Year 5 class were thrilled to learn all things engineering. The class of engineers were very lucky to meet a parent who works as an engineer. He answered questions which the children had prepared before his visit. The children were inspired by to his journey. They were fascinated to learn about his job, what his job involves and the places he has travelled to in order to become as successful as he has today. He highlighted the importance of designing something first, then producing it and watching it work. The children learnt about different types of engineering such as constructional engineer and electronic engineer. The children have now been left with a project to make a floating ball, windmill, air conditioning unit, sailing boat and a moving vehicle.

Image of Year 1- R.E
20 Feb

Year 1- R.E

In R.E we had a discussion about what makes Jesus special. We created some valentines hearts to give to someone who is special to us.

Image of Year 4 Art - Analysing and Interpreting Abstract paintings
10 Feb

Year 4 Art - Analysing and Interpreting Abstract paintings

In our art lesson today, we have been looking at abstract art by Fiona Rae. We looked at how she organised her paints, what types of paint she used and how she develops her ideas. We also identified what formal elements of art that she incorporates in her paintings.

Image of Year 3 Art: Tie Dye
8 Feb

Year 3 Art: Tie Dye

This week, Year 3 have been busy getting creative with tie dye! This term, our focus in Art has been on Craft and we have been focusing on understanding the process a textile designer might take, in order to reach a final design. We created our own mood boards, which showcased our favourite colours, places and people. We then used our mood boards to inspire our chosen colours and designs for our tie dye t-shirts! The children completed each stage of the tie dye process and we will be evaluating our t-shirt designs and discussing what worked well and anything we would change for next time.

Image of Year 3 Tie Dye: The Finished Product!
8 Feb

Year 3 Tie Dye: The Finished Product!

We are so pleased with our tie dye t-shirts! The children chose their colour theme, based on the moods boards we created in art and it has been great to see the class learn a new craft! As it is Children's mental health week, we have also really enjoyed getting creative and relaxing our minds, with Art!

Image of Reception- Junk Modelling
1 Feb

Reception- Junk Modelling

The children have had a great time this week bringing their creativity to life in the creative area. They have made various models using junk modelling from cars and aeroplanes to hats and cupcakes. They have used amazing imagination and developed lots of fine motor and creativity skills along the way.

Image of Year 4 Art - Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel - Part 1
1 Feb

Year 4 Art - Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel - Part 1

In art we have been looking at lots of different artists and analysing their work. This week we have been looking at ‘Children’s Games’ by Pieter Bruegel which was painted in 1506 in Brabant, Belgium. We found that there are 83 different games being played in this picture and each paints a picture and tells a story. We then recreated the artists work in our very own pic collage.

Image of Year 4 Art - Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel Part 2
1 Feb

Year 4 Art - Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel Part 2

In art we have been looking at lots of different artists and analysing their work. This week we have been looking at ‘Children’s Games’ by Pieter Bruegel which was painted in 1506 in Brabant, Belgium. We found that there are 83 different games being played in this picture and each paints a picture and tells a story. We then recreated the artists work in our very own pic collage.

Image of Year 6 Art- Still-life sketching
31 Jan

Year 6 Art- Still-life sketching

In Art, year 6 have been creating their own still-life sketches of WW2 items. We decided on this as our focus because of our local history topic in which we will look in more detaIl at the role Darwen played in WW2.

Image of Year 1- Art
26 Jan

Year 1- Art

In art we’ve been looking at drawing and colouring with different media. We’ve used 2D shapes to draw around before adding colour using paint, pastels, charcoal, pencils and felt tips to make our artwork look effective.

Image of Year 3 Art
25 Jan

Year 3 Art

In preparation for our observational art lesson, year 3 were asked to bring in a soft toy which they were very excited to share with the class. During this lesson the class used their pencil skills to apply soft markings to their paper to create an image of their soft toy.

Image of Reception - Chinese New Year
20 Jan

Reception - Chinese New Year

This week, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have practised writing Chinese numbers, tasted different Chinese foods, learned all about the famous dragon parades and even made our own dragon! We have really enjoyed learning all about the traditions of Chinese New Year and comparing them to our own experiences and celebrations.

Image of Reception - Chinese New Year
20 Jan

Reception - Chinese New Year

This week, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have practised writing Chinese numbers, tasted different Chinese foods, learned all about the famous dragon parades and even made our own dragon! We have really enjoyed learning all about the traditions of Chinese New Year and comparing them to our own experiences and celebrations.

Image of Year 5- Art- Packaging Collage
20 Jan

Year 5- Art- Packaging Collage

In our art lesson this afternoon, we have creatively arranged a collection of our favourite sweet wrappers to draw, firstly sketching a basic outline of each to get the layout and proportions right and then adding the detail of the lettering, shapes, and illustrations before colouring it in.

Image of Year 1- Under the sea- Mark making
19 Jan

Year 1- Under the sea- Mark making

WOWZERS Year 1!! What a great afternoon we’ve had. This afternoon we having been looking at different kinds of mark making to make the perfect under the sea picture. We’ve used oil pastels, chalk, wax crayons and soft pastels to make the waves. We talked about using different shades of blues and greens to make our pictures look effective. We finished off by adding our own sea creatures.

Image of Year 3 Art- tints and shades
18 Jan

Year 3 Art- tints and shades

Year 3 have had lots of fun in art this week, our challenge was to create a picture using the skill of shading. We did this using paints, mixing either white or black to change the shade of their original colour. Their art work is all unique and very effective. Well done Year 3!

Image of Reception - Pointillism
12 Jan

Reception - Pointillism

In Art, Reception Class learned all about Pointillism. We looked at examples and practised the technique using cotton buds. We knew we had to hold the tool correctly and not put too much paint on it to achieve the effect. We used the technique to create starfish, octopus and fish for a display. We loved learning all about pointillism!

Image of Reception: Painting
10 Jan

Reception: Painting

In continuous provision, the children have been completing a challenge to complete a water colour painting. They have drawn sea creatures and then painted their picture in blue to create a water effect. All of the children have worked really hard and have learnt how much water paint to use.

Image of Year 5- Art- A walking Line
6 Jan

Year 5- Art- A walking Line

This afternoon in Art, we have been taking a line for a walk, work inspired by Paul Klee. To improve mastery of art, the children took a black and white photocopy of a textured material centred on an A4 page and using an art pencil, extended their drawing outwards.

Image of Year 3 Christmas Artwork in the Rose Garden, Whitehall Park
20 Dec

Year 3 Christmas Artwork in the Rose Garden, Whitehall Park

Year 3 have produced some fantastic pieces of artwork, representing the shepherds visiting the stable and being in the presence of God. They have been displayed in the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park along with the Remembrance artwork. If you’re on a family walk in the area this Christmas holiday, please go along and appreciate the lovely artwork.

Image of Christmas Service at St Barnabas Church, Lead by KS2
16 Dec

Christmas Service at St Barnabas Church, Lead by KS2

This morning, the whole school came together for our Christmas Service at St Barnabas Church, lead by KS2. Over this term, KS2 classes have been preparing short presentations for the service, about an element of Christmas that they have been focusing on in R.E. In Year 3, the class presented pieces of artwork, focusing on the shepherd's visiting Jesus in the stable and being in the presence of God. Year 4 looked at Christingle's and created a fantastic rap, about the meaning of the Christingle and Jesus being the light of the World. Year 5 spoke about how different countries celebrate Christmas around the World. Finally, Year 6 spoke about Advent and what it means to them. Some children also shared their hopes and dreams for the future. The WOW Group also helped to lead parts of the service and we sang a selection of Christmas Carols as a whole school. Overall, we really enjoyed learning about different elements of Christmas and KS2 presented their learning brilliantly!

Image of Year 3 D.T: Making our Christmas Photo Frames
15 Dec

Year 3 D.T: Making our Christmas Photo Frames

Year 3 used either wooden lollipop sticks or wooden dowels to create their photo frames. Some children painted their materials, before using a hot glue gun to create the frame. The children who chose to use the dowels, used a saw to cut the wood down to the correct size. We will be evaluating our finished products and thinking about what worked well and what we would change, if we were to design and make our photo frames again.

Image of Reception Stickman
7 Dec

Reception Stickman

This week, the children have been looking at the stickman story. They have been superstars at creating stickman pictures including, drawing Stickman’s Lady Love and his family tree. They showed good understanding, as they were able to tell us their favourite parts of the story. Some children even had a go at writing Stickman’s name.

Image of Year 3 RE Artwork
7 Dec

Year 3 RE Artwork

Year 3 have produced some fantastic pieces of artwork, representing the shepherds visiting the stable and being in the presence of God.

Image of Year 3 R.E: How does it feel to be in the presence of God?
6 Dec

Year 3 R.E: How does it feel to be in the presence of God?

In R.E this term, the class have been exploring how the presence of God impacts people's lives. To begin with, we discussed the meaning of presence and how we know someone is present with us. Over the past few weeks, we have been looking at pieces of artwork that represent the shepherds visiting Jesus in The Nativity Story. Each child chose a piece of artwork that they were most inspired by and created their own piece, representing how God was present, during the birth of baby Jesus. The class will be presenting their artwork in church on Friday 16th December, during our whole school service at St Barnabas Church.

Image of Reception: Birthday Celebration
21 Nov

Reception: Birthday Celebration

Today, the children in Reception read Kipper’s birthday. We looked at what happens at a party and the importance of a birthday invitation. They found out why it is important to have the correct number of candles on a cake. The children are preparing for a toy party on Friday by creating necklaces, crowns and cakes.

Image of Reception: All About Autumn
14 Nov

Reception: All About Autumn

This week, the children are learning all about Autumn. They have been very busy in provision creating Autumn faces, hedgehogs and trees. They’ve also been counting different Autumn pictures and matching it to the correct numeral.

Image of Golden Time - Year 5
11 Nov

Golden Time - Year 5

During our 'golden time' this afternoon. The children have been involved in some fun and enjoyable activities. We had some children trying to complete a very challenging jigsaw which they managed to complete successfully, with great teamwork. Some of the children were competing against each other on TT Rockstars, drawing, teaching each other how to create a french plait and playing a game of cards. This is a wonderful way to reward them for their learning demonstrated throughout the week.

Image of Remembrance Day Art in the Rose Garden, Whitehall Park
10 Nov

Remembrance Day Art in the Rose Garden, Whitehall Park

We have been overwhelmed with the entries for the Remembrance Art competition. We have displayed some in the hall and some in the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park. You are welcome to view the entries in the hall tomorrow morning in celebration worship and I’m sure the children would love to visit the park over the weekend. It has been extremely difficult to judge them as all of the entries are so unique and special. We will be revealing the winners next week when Mrs Govan and a member of FOSB are in school. I won’t be in school tomorrow as I’m attending a training course but Mr Prescott and Year 6 will be leading our celebration worship and will be holding a two minutes silence for Armistice Day.

Image of Reception: Remembrance Art
8 Nov

Reception: Remembrance Art

The children in Reception have been practising their expressive arts and design skills. They have been joining materials to create poppies in the malleable area and have been selecting the correct colours to accurately paint poppies. The children were able to explain why we wear poppies.

Image of Year 2 - Sketching and Shading
3 Nov

Year 2 - Sketching and Shading

Year 2 creating different patterns, sketches and shading using a variety of different methods. They explored different patterns and combinations within their shading to create their own unique patterns.

Image of Reception- All about Bonfire Night
2 Nov

Reception- All about Bonfire Night

Reception have been learning about Bonfire Night this week. Today, we looked at the importance of staying safe around bonfires and fireworks. For example, we discussed how only adults can set off fireworks, how we should stand well back and the importance of wearing gloves. We then went outside and used the powder paint to create our own colourful fireworks.

Image of Year 6 Art
1 Nov

Year 6 Art

Last half term, year 6 carried out an art unit all about making their voice heard. The unit concluded with the children completing a piece of abstract art inspired by Picasso’s ‘Guernica’. The children used WW2 as their focus for the artwork as they will be looking more closely at Darwen’s role in the war later in the year. Next Friday is Remembrance Day, and year 6 will be explaining the symbolism involved in their piece.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
31 Oct

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today, the children in Reception learnt how to cross the road. With their partner they stopped, looked and listened and shouted “Clear!” to Mrs Wilkinson when it was safe to cross. They all remained very alert and looked all around them. We then went to the park to collect some sticks in preparation for our bonfire pictures.

Image of Art and Design Skills Year 4 Optical Illusions
20 Oct

Art and Design Skills Year 4 Optical Illusions

As part our Art and Design skills unit we have been looking at optical illusions. We selected two images linked to our Amazon theme, cut them into slices and added them to a piece of A3 card that we had folded like a fan. We are really pleased with the end result!

Image of Year 1- Mixing colours
12 Oct

Year 1- Mixing colours

In Art year 1 have been using primary colours to make different shades of a secondary colour.

Image of FOSB Remembrance Day Art Competition
7 Oct

FOSB Remembrance Day Art Competition

FOSB Remembrance Day Art Competition £1 entry on ParentPay 3 Hamper prizes to be won! Deadline: Friday 4th November Art work will be on Display in the School Hall on Friday 11th November during Celebration Worship and some pieces at Whitehall Park

Image of Year 2 - Clarice Cliff Painting
7 Oct

Year 2 - Clarice Cliff Painting

Year 2 created their own Clarice cliff style plate. They painted circles using warm colours then contrasted using blue in the style of Clarice Cliff. They use straws and blew black paint to create a tree/branch effect which made the silhouette that Clarice Cliff is renowned for.

Image of Willow Plate Painting Year 4 Art
30 Sep

Willow Plate Painting Year 4 Art

We have been looking at Willow painting in our art session this week. We observed how to use tint to recreate a traditional design with undiluted ink and water wash to add lighter tones. The children selected three main parts from our class novel - The Explorer, sketched these out and then transferred the design to a paper plate. We are so happy with the end results.

Image of Year 2 - Tile Painting
30 Sep

Year 2 - Tile Painting

Year 2 painted clay tiles.

Image of Year 2 - Creating a weave pattern.
30 Sep

Year 2 - Creating a weave pattern.

Year 2 created their own weave patterns using different coloured card to create their own unique pattern. This weaving linked in well with their work on local history and the cotton industry.

Image of Reception Exploring ICT
29 Sep

Reception Exploring ICT

Reception have been exploring using Purple Mash to create a picture. This was their first time using ICT. Some of the children revisited previous knowledge of pen control, by creating patterns and circles.

Image of Soap Sculptures- Year 4 Art
26 Sep

Soap Sculptures- Year 4 Art

As part of our art this term, we have been looking at the work of an English sculpture specialist Barbara Hepworth. This week we focused on soap sculpting. We chose a rainforest animal, drew it out first then transferred this onto a bar of soap. Next we began to use sculpting tools to create our own design. The finished products looked fantastic!

Image of Year 2 - Finished Clay Tiles
23 Sep

Year 2 - Finished Clay Tiles

Year 2 - Finished Clay Tiles, decorated with patterns using everyday objects.

Image of Year 2 - Sculpting Clay Tiles
23 Sep

Year 2 - Sculpting Clay Tiles

Year 2 - Sculpting clay tiles using air dry clay. Children used everyday objects to print, sculpt and craft their tiles.

Image of Reception - Everything Elmer!
22 Sep

Reception - Everything Elmer!

This week in Reception we have been basing our work around the story of Elmer. The children have been busy making collages of the patchwork elephant, printing using sponges, playing Elmer dominoes in the Maths area and so much more. We talked about how Elmer is unique and not like the other elephants, just like God made us all special and unique to one another. What a super week!

Image of Year 3- Applying geometrical shapes when drawing.
22 Sep

Year 3- Applying geometrical shapes when drawing.

Year 3 have carefully sketched an image of a Diet Coke can, thinking about how hard to press on the page with their pencil, noticing shading and also applying geometrical shapes to their pictures. Great work Year 3!

Image of Reception Kandinsky Circles
21 Sep

Reception Kandinsky Circles

Today Reception looked at the work of Wassily Kandinsky. We talked about his job as an Artist and the tools he might need for his work. We looked at his famous painting of circles and talked about the colours he used and how we felt about the painting. Then we had a go at painting our own circles using bright colours in the painting area.

Image of Year 3 Art- Formal Elements of Art
15 Sep

Year 3 Art- Formal Elements of Art

Year 3 have been enjoying Art this week, focusing on simple shapes and practicing their sketching skills.

Image of Reception: Exploring outdoors
13 Sep

Reception: Exploring outdoors

Reception have really enjoyed exploring their outdoor area. They have built houses using ‘cement’ in the sand, created potions in the water area, been busy roleplaying in the shop, painting, made mud pies, travelled around Darwen on the bikes and scooters and also enjoyed balancing on the equipment. They have been busy bees!

Image of Every picture tells a story- Art- Year 5
9 Sep

Every picture tells a story- Art- Year 5

This afternoon, the children learnt about the famous street artist Banksy. Banksy is known for his anti-authoritarian art, often done in public places such as the seaside, house walls, and buildings and every picture that he creates has a story to tell. In pairs and in small groups the children looked at the 'Clacton pigeon mural', bearing in mind the absence of 'British Values' in the mural. The famous picture has been considered inappropriate and offensive so the children altered the image to a scene that is more welcoming using dry media.

Image of Reception’s Wonderful Paintings
6 Sep

Reception’s Wonderful Paintings

Our new Ducklings have been painting some wonderful pictures for our classroom. They have been using their imagination and have painted their favourite things. They are learning how to use an easel and how to use the paint and tools effectively. Fantastic work!

Image of Reception: Let’s get creative
6 Sep

Reception: Let’s get creative

Reception have really enjoyed learning how to use the creative area properly. They have been learning about the different materials and how to join them together with glue. They have then made their own creations. Well done!

Image of  Rainforest Habitat Diorama- D.T-Year 5
12 Jul

Rainforest Habitat Diorama- D.T-Year 5

Today the children in Year 5 have been busy making their 3D structures of the Rainforest. They have first used water-based paint to paint the inside of the box to create a rainforest background. They also made some ferns, philodendrons, trees, butterflies and rainforest animals using plain paper or crepe paper whilst waiting for the paint to dry. Tightly twisted strips of green crepe paper to make jungle vines. To add that extra detail they used - small rocks, twigs, dried leaves, and other materials from nature to add texture to their diorama.

Image of Year 4 Hokusai Inspired Art
7 Jul

Year 4 Hokusai Inspired Art

In art, we have been looking at the Japanese artist Hokusai. We have been using various form of media to inspire own own pieces based on waves. The children have created some wonderful pieces of artwork using formal elements, moving towards the next stage- collage.

Image of Year 2 D.T: Wacky Windmills!
23 Jun

Year 2 D.T: Wacky Windmills!

During the summer term in D.T, Year 2 have been learning all about the purpose uses of windmills. We completed some market research to look at the different types of windmills and the materials that are used to make them. We then spent some time designing our own windmills and thinking about the materials that we could use the make them. This week, the class brought their designs to life and made their own windmill's using classroom materials and their own designs. We then evaluated our windmill's and thought about what we might do differently next time, to ensure our bases are strong and sturdy.

Image of Year 6 Art
17 Jun

Year 6 Art

This week during art, year 6 looked at what needs to be considered before starting a piece of art. We compared 2 artists styles and thought about their view point. Our drawings started with a focus on the ‘natural forms’ included and created our image of London also considering the scale and content.

Image of Reception’s Royal Art
26 May

Reception’s Royal Art

Reception have been drawing amazing portraits of The Queen this week to celebrate the Jubilee. They drew the portraits in pencil first, then created a background using the colours of Great Britain using Brusho powder and water. We think they are a real royal treat!

Image of Year 6 Art
24 May

Year 6 Art

Today Year 6 have been looking at the works of Wayne Thiebaud. They have recreated Artwork in his ‘birds eye view’ style and developed their pencil sketches using charcoal.

Image of Gift for the Queen Competition Entries
19 May

Gift for the Queen Competition Entries

We have had so many fantastic entries for the Jubilee gift competition with Darwen Rotary Club! Lots of children have made such thoughtful gifts for the Queen, so a big thank you to all those who entered. Unfortunately, we can only select 6 finalists to submit to Darwen Rotary Club for judging and we will be announcing these in Celebration Worship tomorrow with a small prize for each winner.

Image of Year 1 Art- printing with with Lego Duplo
18 May

Year 1 Art- printing with with Lego Duplo

As part of their art unit, Year 1 have been inspired by Lowry. They first explored his artwork and some of the buildings in Darwen such as the library, India Mill, the laundrette as a part of terraced houses and Darwen Market Hall. Today, they used their drawings and turned them into prints using black paint and Duplo Lego.

Image of Year 1- Lowry Inspired Artwork
12 May

Year 1- Lowry Inspired Artwork

This afternoon, Year 1 have been looking at artwork by LS Lowry. We noticed that his artwork was often based around a city landscape. We spotted buildings such as terraced houses, churches, shops and factories. We were then inspired by Lowry to draw some of these types of buildings that feature in Darwen such as India Mill, the row of terraced houses where the laundrette is positioned and Darwen Market Hall. First, we took our time to draw the outline of our building/s thinking about the size and shapes and then we took our time to add details to our buildings such as windows, roofs and doors. We can’t wait to use Duplo next week to make a print of our chosen building. 

Image of Reception stained glass window
6 May

Reception stained glass window

This afternoon in RE we have been looking at features of a church as it is a very special place for Christians. One of the features is stained glass windows, so we had a go at making our own in the creative area.

Image of Year 2 D.T: Wacky Windmills!
3 May

Year 2 D.T: Wacky Windmills!

This week in D.T, Year 2 explored how to make strong bases. The class were given a selection of materials in groups and had a go at making a structure, using lolly sticks, glue and string. We thought about why it is important for buildings to have strong bases and in the coming weeks, we will be designing our own windmill's.

Image of Year 3 Art - in the style of Georgia O’Keefe
21 Apr

Year 3 Art - in the style of Georgia O’Keefe

Year 3 have been looking at paintings by Georgia O’Keefe. They have drawn flowers in her style.

Image of Art inspired by Damien Hirst
21 Apr

Art inspired by Damien Hirst

We have created our art gallery today which features work inspired by Damien Hirst. We looked at various media and our final masterpieces were created by blow painting. They look amazing!

Image of Reception Spring Activities
20 Apr

Reception Spring Activities

Reception are enjoying all of our Spring Activities in class. We have been completing beautiful observational drawings of Daffodils and have been exploring our mini beast small world area. We are learning about lots of the changes that take place in Spring such as leaves growing on trees and chicks hatching from their eggs.

Image of Darwen Rotary Club - Create a gift for the Queen Competition
19 Apr

Darwen Rotary Club - Create a gift for the Queen Competition

Good Morning, As you can see from the poster, we have a fantastic competition being run by Darwen Rotary Club, and we would love for the children in our school to take part. We are inviting the children to create a gift for the Queen to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee, this is to be completed at home. The gift can be of any style they wish. We are looking for originality and inspiration from the children. Possible ideas are a poem, a song, a model, a piece of artwork - the list goes on! Please can all gifts be completed and brought into school ready for judging by Wednesday 11th May. We will judge the best 10 pieces for KS1 and the best 10 for KS2 and then arrange for a Rotarian to call into school and choose the final 3 winners for each category. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places from each Key Stage. All the winning entries from each school will then go on display in Darwen Market Hall on the Jubilee Bank Holiday Weekend, and on Saturday 4th June, 2 overall winners (1 for KS1 and 1 for KS2) will be selected from all the 1st place entries and the winners will win a tiled mural for their school! This is a very exciting opportunity and we would love for our children to get involved, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask. We look forward to seeing some fantastic gifts for the Queen! Mrs Govan- Art and Design Leader

Image of Easter Artwork in Whitehall Park
9 Apr

Easter Artwork in Whitehall Park

Come along to the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park to see the lovely Easter Artwork created by the children at St Barnabas. Wishing you all a lovely Easter.

Image of Easter Craft- Year 5
6 Apr

Easter Craft- Year 5

The Easter Bunnies have been getting ready for Easter. They have been making Easter baskets and Easter wreaths.

Image of Year 3 - Easter Artwork
5 Apr

Year 3 - Easter Artwork

Year 3 walked to the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park to look at the amazing Easter Artwork on display.

Image of Reception Muddy Monday
4 Apr

Reception Muddy Monday

The rain didn’t stop our Muddy Monday! This week the children went to Whitehall Park to visit the rose garden. The rose garden has a selection of Easter art work that our whole school have created. The children really enjoyed looking at the different pieces.

Image of Easter Artwork in Year 4
1 Apr

Easter Artwork in Year 4

The children have been working so hard on their Easter artwork over the past few weeks. We have looked at ‘Betrayal and Trust : Judas and Peter.

Image of Art - Damien Hirst - Skulls
1 Apr

Art - Damien Hirst - Skulls

Our art session this week has been inspired by Damien Hirst. We have used lots of different media over the past few weeks but this week we focused on blow art with a straw. We can’t wait to see the finished pieces next week.

Image of Year 2 Amazing Art!
31 Mar

Year 2 Amazing Art!

Year 2 have been busy this week, creating their own piece of artwork, inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. The children chose a piece of art to focus on. They then sketched and painted their own pieces. Each piece is unique and the class are excited to showcase their art in the classroom!

Image of Easter Artwork- Year 5
31 Mar

Easter Artwork- Year 5

In our R.E lesson this week, the children have explored a wide variety of pieces of artwork depicting the Easter story including ‘The Crucifixion’ by John Reilly and ‘ The Resurrection’. Following on from that lesson, the children created abstract art celebrating the resurrection of Christ.

Image of Reception Junk Modelling
30 Mar

Reception Junk Modelling

The children have created an ambulance and fire engine. They collected recyclable materials and built their chosen vehicles. Super work!

Image of Judas betraying Jesus
28 Mar

Judas betraying Jesus

Year 6 have used their Art printing skills in RE today. Using a painting which depicts Judas giving Jesus a kiss on the cheek, revealing his identity, which lead to his arrest.

Image of Year 2 Artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy
24 Mar

Year 2 Artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

This term in Year 2, the class have been exploring the work of Andy Goldsworthy. We collected natural materials and created our own natural art.

Image of Y4 Easter Art Sneak Peek
23 Mar

Y4 Easter Art Sneak Peek

We’ve been busy in Year 4 preparing our Easter artwork for the Rose Garden this week. Look out for it in Whitehall Park soon. In the meantime, can you guess which parts from the Easter story we’ve been studying? Clue 1: the betrayal Clue 2: the kiss Clue 3: the cockerel

Image of Year 3 Art - Trencadis collage
18 Mar

Year 3 Art - Trencadis collage

Year 3 Art - using Trencadis collage in the style of Gaudi.

Image of Art - Tint and Shade with paint
11 Mar

Art - Tint and Shade with paint

In our art lesson today, we have looked at the use of tint and shade. The children tried really hard to create stage samples by adding white for a tint and black for shade. We will moving on to applying these techniques to skull designs.

Image of Year 3 Art - Trencadis collage in the style of Gaudi.
10 Mar

Year 3 Art - Trencadis collage in the style of Gaudi.

Year 3 Art - We have begun our Trencadis collages in the style of Gaudi.

Image of World Book Day
10 Mar

World Book Day

Developing setting descriptions using ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker as a stimulus. Using printing skills to produce a collaborative piece of art work to illustrate our chosen setting.

Image of Year 1- World Book Day
4 Mar

Year 1- World Book Day

Year 1 enjoyed World Book day yesterday. As a whole school, we were focusing on the story ‘Journey by Aaron Becker.’ In the story the girl visited lots of settings such as a medieval city and the woods. Year 1 brainstormed ideas for their own settings. They came up with ideas such as a water park, a cave, a fairground, a toy museum, and a jungle. They even came up with ideas that meant that we would need to go back in time such as the Victorian times and the time when dinosaurs were alive. Eventually, we settled on a candy land. They then brainstormed ideas for getting to their destination. The girl in the video used a hot air balloon, boat and magic carpet. Year 1 came up with lots of ideas such as a witch’s broomstick, a zip line, a quad bike, a helicopter, a unicorn and a surfboard. We decided on a quad bike. Year 1 then did a piece of collaborative artwork to showcase their candy land setting and wrote some wonderful descriptive phrases to describe the setting using adjectives. Year 1 also took part in the whole school competition and decorated their own bunting with their favourite book. We had bunting decorated with The Gruffalo, Oi Frog, The Gingerbread Man, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, The Day the Crayon’s Quit, The Scarecrows’ Wedding, Funny Bones, The Runaway Pea, Rumpelstiltskin, Lost and Found, Stickman and Peace at Last. We can’t wait to have our bunting displayed in the library. We are hoping that it will encourage other children to choose our favourite book and take it home to read as their library book. 

Image of World Book Day Assembly
3 Mar

World Book Day Assembly

Miss Flynn, our Reading leader led a special World Book Day Assembly this morning. We watched a special voucher rap and learnt how we can get free books using our World Book Day voucher and Miss Flynn shared her top suggestions for each year group. We then looked at a wordless story called The Journey by the Aaron Becker. The little girl in the story had a magic red pencil that she used to draw different types of transport that took her on a magical journey. Miss Flynn challenged each class to create their own St Barnabas journey and to use their imaginations to create their own settings and form of transport. We can’t wait to see what they produce as we had some amazingly imaginative ideas during our assembly. Our library leaders told everyone about a favourite book bunting competition that every child will take part in today. We can't wait to see the entries and there will be a winner from each class announced on Monday in Worship. This afternoon class teachers will be swapping classes to read to a different year group. The children will enjoy fair trade hot chocolate and marshmallows whilst snuggling up in their pyjamas and listening to a story.

Image of Year 2 World Book Day
3 Mar

Year 2 World Book Day

We have had a fun filled day in Year 2, celebrating all things reading! We shared our favourite books, authors and characters with each other and designed our own book covers! We also completed a piece of artwork for our whole school reading display, focused around the beautiful wordless picture book ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker.

Image of Ks2 Art Club
3 Mar

Ks2 Art Club

Year 5 and 6 have been enjoying our Art club after school. This week we have been focusing on abstract Art and have been looking at the work of Kandinsky. The children have taken inspiration from his art work to have a go at creating their own abstract piece to showcase their emotions through line, shape and colour.

Image of Year 5- World Book Day
3 Mar

Year 5- World Book Day

We have had a great day today for World Book Day and everyone looked so brilliant in their pjs and oodies /snuggies. We have been creating our own setting and transport based on the book Journey by Aaron Becker and the art work has been absolutely fantastic! I have also sent home a £1 book voucher for each child. Happy World Book Day

Image of Year 6- World Book Day
3 Mar

Year 6- World Book Day

Year 6 had a brilliant day celebrating World Book Day, they started a creative writing piece, did some image printing, read stories and were even treated to a hot chocolate!

Image of Reception World Book Day
3 Mar

Reception World Book Day

Reception had a brilliant day dressed all cosy in their pyjamas for World Book Day.

Image of Superheroes topic launched in Reception!
21 Feb

Superheroes topic launched in Reception!

Today we have launched our brand new Superheroes topic in Reception. We read the story of Supertato. The evil pea has been causing lots of trouble for the teachers in Reception. The children have created their own Supertato characters and have been designing jails and capes to defeat the evil pea. The evil pea has been hiding all day in our classroom but our Superheroes have been brilliant at locating him! What a super start to the new half term!

Image of Amazing Art
17 Feb

Amazing Art

Reception, Year 1, Year 5 and Year 6’s amazing art work is up in our Art Gallery in the hall. They have been focusing on different artists and different art elements and skills over the half term and this is their end outcome. The work looks amazing and so individual and unique.

Image of Marbling - Year 5
31 Jan

Marbling - Year 5

This term in Art, Year 5 have been applying a number of skills to create a piece of art work inspired by Andy Warhol. On Friday, the children tried marbling to create swirling paint effects and exciting patterns. They experimented different colour combinations to make their own unique galaxy and planets.

Image of Reception Pointillism Art
27 Jan

Reception Pointillism Art

Today Reception have been learning about the Art style Pointillism which began with the French Artist Georges Seurat. The children used cotton buds to make lots of small dots on sea creature templates.

Image of Year 1 Art- Primary and Secondary Colours
26 Jan

Year 1 Art- Primary and Secondary Colours

Yesterday, Year 1 explored primary and secondary colours in their art lesson. First, they made the secondary colours by mixing small balls of plasticine in the primary colours. They then went on to making the secondary colours by mixing paint. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 5: Art
11 Jan

Year 5: Art

Year 5 have been researching Andy Warhol and have found some really useful information about him and his life.

Image of Reception: the Rainbow fish
11 Jan

Reception: the Rainbow fish

This week, Reception are learning all about the rainbow fish. They have been creating their own fish using different collage materials, discussing how the characters may feel in the story and they have been writing describing words about the rainbow fish. The children have also enjoyed creating their own watercolour pictures using wax crayons and water paint.

Image of Year 1 Art
6 Jan

Year 1 Art

Year 1 have been exploring line in their art lesson today. They created vertical, horizontal, diagonal, wavy and spiral lines as well as some others. We are working towards producing a piece of artwork inspired by Hundertwasser. 

Image of Reception launches their under the sea topic
5 Jan

Reception launches their under the sea topic

Reception are really enjoying the start of their brand new topic! They are starting to learn all about different animals that live in the sea and ocean.

Image of Year 6’s Advent Adventure
17 Dec

Year 6’s Advent Adventure

Year 6 had a great time at the Rose Garden appreciating the advent artwork and singing Christmas songs.

Image of Year 3’s Advent Adventure
17 Dec

Year 3’s Advent Adventure

Year 3 had a wonderful time on their advent adventure in Whitehall Park. They sang several Christmas songs too to get them in the festive mood!

Image of Whitehall Park Visit - Reception
16 Dec

Whitehall Park Visit - Reception

Reception have been out on a walk to the Rose Garden to see the Advent Art. We also had a sing song and a visit to the park!

Image of Winter Art
16 Dec

Winter Art

We have been very busy creating more masterpieces in Year 4 today. The children used chalk to create these winter scenes and we are sure that you will agree that they are very impressive!

Image of Reception:  making Reindeer food
14 Dec

Reception: making Reindeer food

This week we have learnt all of the names of Santa’s reindeer. We have looked at what reindeer look like and what they eat. We have made some magical reindeer food to take home. The children followed the instructions carefully to make their reindeer food. They can’t wait to sprinkle it outside their houses on Christmas Eve night!

Image of Rose Garden - Year 5
13 Dec

Rose Garden - Year 5

This afternoon, Year 5 went up to the Rose Garden in Whitehall park. We were overwhelmed with the beautiful artwork that was displayed by our children. Before we left the park, we sang some Christmas songs based around the artwork to get everyone in the festive spirit.

Image of Barny’s Advent Art!
10 Dec

Barny’s Advent Art!

Thank you to all the children who took part in our Advent Art competition and well done to the Winners; Daisy, Harry, Eliza and Kaycie! Everyone’s Art work was fantastic, and because of this, all of the Art work has now been put up on Display at Whitehall Park in the Rose Garden, so please visit if you can! Well done everyone ⭐️

Image of Advent Art Competition
25 Nov

Advent Art Competition

After the success of last year's Advent Art competition, we have decided to run another one for this Christmas. This is a chance for the children to get creative at home and get into the festive spirit! We are asking the children to create a piece of Art work to show a part of the Christmas story, e.g. The 3 wise men, the star of Bethlehem, baby Jesus - There are lots of ideas online for inspiration. The Art work can be created using a variety of media such as painting, drawing, photographs, collage, etc but we ask that it is no larger than A3 in size and flat enough so that we can laminate them. 24 entries will be selected to go on display at Whitehall Park for an Advent Adventure trail and there are prizes to be won! The deadline for all entries is Monday 6th December, judging will take place shortly after this to select the final 24. Please give any entries to Class Teachers when they are complete.

Image of Year 1- Making Tudor Houses
25 Nov

Year 1- Making Tudor Houses

Year 1 were set the challenge of independently making a Tudor house in the creative area this week. They have used scissors, sellotape, staples, glue and masking tape independently to do this. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 2 Remembers
11 Nov

Year 2 Remembers

This afternoon on Remembrance Day, Year 2 paid their respects, by visiting the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park and viewing all of the beautiful remembrance art, created by each class in school. We also shared some special remembrance prayers with Year 4 and looked at some of the different war memorials in Darwen. The children were so respectful and we are so proud of their brilliant art work!

Image of Remembrance Day Art
11 Nov

Remembrance Day Art

This afternoon we have created some wonderful pieces of artwork in Year 3. The children choose their favourite piece from two designs and then set to work on their own version. We used charcoal and pastels to add depth which is very effective.

Image of Year 4 & Year 2 visit the Rose Garden
11 Nov

Year 4 & Year 2 visit the Rose Garden

We loved our walk to the Rose Garden for Remembrance Day today. We chose our favourite poppy art, read poems and said prayers for those who have lost their lives due to war. A very peaceful, reflective afternoon.

Image of Reception visit to the Rose Garden
8 Nov

Reception visit to the Rose Garden

Reception really enjoyed looking at all of the poppy art work to remember all of the soldiers. They will be having an activity day on Thursday to learn all about the meaning of the poppy.

Image of Remembrance in the Rose Garden
6 Nov

Remembrance in the Rose Garden

Well done to all of our children for their wonderful Remembrance Day Artwork that has been displayed in the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park for you all to enjoy. Thank you Mrs Govan for organising this and to our teachers for their creative ideas. We will remember them.

Image of Year 1- Poppy Collages
4 Nov

Year 1- Poppy Collages

In their art lessons, Year 1 have been learning about the different textures of materials that can be used within collages and how these materials can be cut, torn and ripped to produce artwork. This week in continuous provision, they have independently applied these skills to create their own poppy collages ready for Remembrance Day next week. 

Image of Poppy Art- Year 5
3 Nov

Poppy Art- Year 5

Georgia O’ Keefe inspired Poppy Art. The children drew poppies and then experimented with adding colour using different media, (oil pastels, water colours and wax crayons). We began by discussing the historical context of poppies as a symbol of remembrance, the end of conflict in the First World War.

Image of Awesome Artwork by Year 4
22 Oct

Awesome Artwork by Year 4

Today we finished our ‘Britto Inspired’ artwork and it’s amazing! The children have worked extremely hard on their pieces and each and everyone is a unique masterpiece. Please see our class gallery for further photos.

Image of Creative Minds
21 Oct

Creative Minds

This model of Darwen Tower was built in our peace garden, using wooden planks.

Image of Reception: Exploring Autumn
14 Oct

Reception: Exploring Autumn

This week, Reception have been finding out all about Autumn. They have learnt all about what happens in Autumn and have learnt some new vocabulary too: deciduous and evergreen. Super learning!

Image of Art CPD at DACA
14 Oct


This evening we have taken part in some wonderful Art CPD at DACA. We have looked at mono printing , reverse mono printing, poly print and Lino print. What a fantastic opportunity for us as staff! We can’t wait to try it all out in our classrooms.

Image of Year 2 3D Clay Modelling!
12 Oct

Year 2 3D Clay Modelling!

This term in Art, Year 2 have been learning about observational art. Last week, the class designed their own tower and on Friday, the class used their designs to create a 3D clay model tower!

Image of Victorious Viking Art
7 Oct

Victorious Viking Art

We love art in Year 5. We particularly enjoy learning about the skills required to create some awesome work. Our Viking longships are looking amazing.

Image of Fantastic fossils
7 Oct

Fantastic fossils

Year 3 loved printing with the fossil shapes they made last week out of string.

Image of Creating master pieces in the style of Romero Britto in Year 4
30 Sep

Creating master pieces in the style of Romero Britto in Year 4

In Year 4, we have been studying the life and work of Romero Britto. We have been identifying the key elements of his artwork and analysing a variety of pieces. Today we selected pieces of his artwork that feature animals and used these to create our own examples using pencil and felt. We are really pleased with what we have achieved.

Image of Aliens have landed in Reception!
28 Sep

Aliens have landed in Reception!

An alien called Zap landed in Reception this week. The alien wrote a letter to the children and told them that he was lonely. We have thought about what makes a good friend and created our own alien friends. The children have made aliens using foam and have named and described them, they have painted aliens and created 2D shape aliens! Our Ducklings are really enjoying reading the story ‘Aliens love underpants’ too. 

Image of Our Amazing Art Gallery!
23 Sep

Our Amazing Art Gallery!

We have our amazing Art Gallery up in the school hall again! This time, each class has focused on their drawing skills to create their own self-portraits. The children have all worked really hard and have shown off their drawing techniques, such as shading to create different tones. Well done everyone!

Image of Year 1 Art
15 Sep

Year 1 Art

Year 1 have been exploring warm and cool colours in Art.

Image of Year 1's super self-portraits!
8 Sep

Year 1's super self-portraits!

Look at Year 1's fabulous self- portraits. Well done Year 1, we are so proud of you as they look amazing!