Image of Year 4 - Science: Habitats at the Farm
17 Oct

Year 4 - Science: Habitats at the Farm

We had a lovely walk up to Nightingales Farm on Monday to take part in some habitat activities. We recapped what we’d learned so far in science and then we learned about the many different habitats which can be found on the farm. We visited the sheep, pigs, goats and ducks and we talked about how the animals thrive in their habitats. We finished our trip by making bug houses using various natural materials. We will be adding these to our spiritual garden in order to encourage more wildlife to visit.

Image of Reception: Funnybones
14 Oct

Reception: Funnybones

This morning, our Reception class read ‘Funnybones’. Each time we heard big, little and dog skeleton we put actions in so that we all paid attention and could retell the story after. We then completed some challenges in continuous provision linked to the story. Some of the children painted skeletons, some children had to problem solve to complete a skeleton using playdough, some counted bones and matched the amount to the numeral and some practised their fine motor skills too. It has been wonderful to see lots of busy children living life in all its fullness in Reception, well done!

Image of Reception: Surprise Frog Visit
14 Oct

Reception: Surprise Frog Visit

Reception had a very exciting afternoon. Some of the children found a frog in our outdoor area. We put the frog in some water and let it out safely in its natural habitat.

Image of Reception- Autumn activities
10 Oct

Reception- Autumn activities

This week we have enjoyed an autumnal week in our reception class. We read the story ‘The leaf thief’ to talk about the season and how the weather changes. In provision, we have been painting an autumn tree with orange, red and yellow leaves. We have been practising our fine motor skills by following line patterns and have been making hedgehogs using Autumnal treasures in the playdough area.

Image of Year 2 - Food Chains
10 Oct

Year 2 - Food Chains

This week in science, we explored food chains we might find in various habitats. There can be lots of technical vocabulary when labelling a food chain. We drew a food chain and used this vocabulary to label the diagrams to help understand the processes that occur in the chain.

Image of Year 1 Science- Mythical Creatures
9 Oct

Year 1 Science- Mythical Creatures

In the final lesson of their current science unit, Year 1 created their own mythical creature. They had to make sure that their creature was a mix of all five of the animal groups that we have been learning about (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish). For example, a head belonging to a mammal, feet belonging to an amphibian, a body belonging to a fish, a tail belonging to a reptile and wings belonging to a bird. Ensuring that they had included them all was a real test of their knowledge but they did a fantastic job. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 3- Science- Making A Shadow Puppet Show
8 Oct

Year 3- Science- Making A Shadow Puppet Show

This afternoon, Year 3 scientists continued their lesson about shadows and experimented with creating their shadow puppets. They discovered how the distance between the light source and the object and between the object and the surface where the shadow was cast affected the size of the shadows. They created their puppet show and wanted to make it even better. In our next lesson, we will continue our exploration of shadows and provide them with another opportunity to improve their performances.

Image of Year 2 - Microhabitat Hunt
4 Oct

Year 2 - Microhabitat Hunt

We took our science lesson out into the woodlands of Jacks Key. We have been learning about habitats and that inside those larger habitats there are smaller microhabitats. We identified various microhabitats in the woodland such as under a log or rock, burrows and nests. It was great to go and find different living things that live in those microhabitats.

Image of Year 3- Science- Investigating how shadows are created and change size.
3 Oct

Year 3- Science- Investigating how shadows are created and change size.

Year 3 scientists had planned to conduct a shadow experiment outdoors using natural sunlight, but the weather turned overcast. Instead, they used a torch as an artificial light source in the classroom. The children recorded their findings using simple scientific language and drawings. They observed that the size of shadows changed when they moved the torch. They noticed that the shadows were smaller when the flashlight was closer to the object and larger when it was further away.

Image of Year 6 Science - Designing and making our own set of traffic lights
1 Oct

Year 6 Science - Designing and making our own set of traffic lights

In year 6, we combined the knowledge that we have gathered over the course of our electricity unit and attempted to make our very own set of traffic lights. The children had to make a complete circuit and ensure that only one light illuminated at a time. In order to do this, they had to be creative and create a three-way switch out of conductive material.

Image of Year 3- Science- Exploring reflective and non-reflective materials.
24 Sep

Year 3- Science- Exploring reflective and non-reflective materials.

This afternoon, Year 3 scientists investigated the concept that, while all objects reflect light to make them visible, certain materials are more effective at reflecting light than others. The investigation involved testing a variety of materials such as mirrors, tin foil, wood, sequins, ribbon, marble, and black cards using a reflective tester. The children created their reflection testers using a white card and a torch. They observed and recorded the effects of shining the torch on each material and documented their findings in a table. They experienced many "wow" moments throughout the investigation. They had a fantastic time acting as young scientists and also learned the importance of wearing reflective materials at night for safety.

Image of Year 5 - Evaporation and Filtering
24 Sep

Year 5 - Evaporation and Filtering

Today, Year 5 engaged in hands-on experiments as part of their science unit on Reversible and Irreversible changes. They explored the process of evaporation by observing a solution being heated and noting how the liquid gradually turned into vapor. Additionally, the children were tasked with filtering different mixtures, discovering which substances could be separated through filtration and which could not. These activities helped them understand the differences between reversible and irreversible processes, while developing their practical scientific skills.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
23 Sep

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception class had their first Muddy Monday session and they walked up to our school field. The children stayed close to each other whilst walking and they all managed to get to the field safely. The children enjoyed rolling down the hill, racing and finding bugs in the grass. It was pouring down but the rain did not stop the,. They are looking forward to next week's Muddy Monday.

Image of Year 6 Science - Does the number of components affect the output of a circuit?
23 Sep

Year 6 Science - Does the number of components affect the output of a circuit?

In science, year 6 have been investigating whether the number of components in a circuit affects the output. To ensure this was a fair test we had a control test, which consisted of a battery, wires and a light bulb, and made sure only one variable was changed throughout the investigation: the number of bulbs. We noticed that as we added more bulbs, the dimmer they got. This is because the more components you have, the more resistance there is in the circuit.

Image of Year 5 - Irreversible Changes
17 Sep

Year 5 - Irreversible Changes

This week, Year 5 explored the fascinating chemical reaction and irreversible change that occurs when vinegar is mixed with bicarbonate of soda. During their experiments, the children observed how the mixture produced a gas, resulting in bubbling and fizzing as carbon dioxide was released. They noted that the original substances could not be recovered, making this a clear example of an irreversible change. After conducting the experiment, the children wrote detailed reports, describing their observations, the chemical reaction involved, and why this reaction cannot be reversed. It was an exciting hands-on lesson in science, reinforcing the concept of irreversible changes in a fun and engaging way.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Researching Habitats
17 Sep

Year 4 - Science: Researching Habitats

This week, our super scientists in Year 4 headed to Whitehall Park to research an urban woodland habitat. We noted down any animals and plants we saw and commented on the climate and conditions. The children found various micro habitats too. They were able to identify the fundamental characteristics of a habitat and they used their knowledge to build micro habitats for insects.

Image of Year 3- Science-Using scientific evidence, and explain the effectiveness of suncream as protection against the sunlight
17 Sep

Year 3- Science-Using scientific evidence, and explain the effectiveness of suncream as protection against the sunlight

In Science this afternoon, our future scientists discovered the importance of the sun as the ultimate energy source for all life on Earth. They also learned about the various ways in which exposure to the sun can be dangerous for humans. We made a prediction first on what might happen to the ultraviolet beads with no suncream or a lower SPF. These beads contain a special chemical that changes colour when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. UV is an invisible type of light from the Sun. The results from this investigation showed the ultra violet beads with SPF 15 had some protection. Some of the beads changed colour in the sunlight, but others stayed the same, showing that the SPF 15 didn’t fully protect them. The beads covered in SPF 30 had much better protection. Most of the beads stayed white, but a few changed colour. The beads with SPF 50 stayed fully protected and didn’t change colour at all when in the sun. When the beads with no SPF cream were exposed to the sun, they changed colour straight away. The light made the beads react quickly because they had no protection. Year 3 learnt, while sunlight is essential for many natural processes and for our health, overexposure to the sun's UV radiation can have harmful effects on our skin, eyes, and overall health. To stay safe while enjoying the sun, it's important to take measures to protect yourself from harmful UV radiation.

Image of Year 1 Science- Can I Identify What Group an Animal Belongs to?
12 Sep

Year 1 Science- Can I Identify What Group an Animal Belongs to?

This afternoon in Year 1, we explored the different animal groups (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish) and discussed the features of animals in each of these groups such as having hair, scales, wet skin and feathers. We then looked at a variety of animals and sorted them into each of the five groups.

Image of Year 5 - Irreversible changes
12 Sep

Year 5 - Irreversible changes

This week in science, Year 5 delved into the fascinating world of irreversible changes by experimenting with candles and exploring the process of combustion. The children carefully observed the behavior of burning candles, noting changes such as melting wax and the production of gases. They then created detailed diagrams to explain the scientific processes at play, including the release of carbon dioxide and water vapor during combustion. Through these observations, the children gained a deeper understanding of how chemical reactions work and why some changes cannot be reversed.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Grouping Animals
11 Sep

Year 4 - Science: Grouping Animals

Our first science topic in Year 4 is Living Things and Their Habitats. We began by learning about how animals are adapted for survival in their natural habitats and we used this information to group together a selection of animals.

Image of Year 2 - Habitats
10 Sep

Year 2 - Habitats

Today in science, we started looking at our first topic - where do animals live? We recapped on our already brilliant knowledge of what a habitat is. We built on our knowledge by exploring why it is important for an animal to have a habitat. We decided the three main reasons are for shelter from the weather, safety from predators and food to feed themselves and their offspring.

Image of Year 1 Science- Grouping Animals
5 Sep

Year 1 Science- Grouping Animals

Today in Year 1, the children made some observations about animals. The children noticed various things such as some animals having feathers and some not, some having hair or fur and some not, some having ears but some having earholes, some having scales and some not, some being patterned and some not and so on. Year 1 then used their observations to sort a group of animals in their own way. Next lesson, the children will build on this to sort the animals into their animal groups such as mammals or reptiles.

Image of Year 5 - Move and Learn
5 Sep

Year 5 - Move and Learn

Today, Year 5 took part in Move and Learn hosted by Blackburn Rovers Community Trust. The children explored a variety of topics including: diet, fitness, importance of staying healthy, changes to the body when undergoing physical activity and how to make healthy meal choices. The children took part it lots of team building games and classroom based tasks to enhance their learning and understanding.

Image of Year 3- First Day in Year 3
3 Sep

Year 3- First Day in Year 3

Year 3 had a wonderful first day back at school and were full of excitement about joining the juniors! We began the day by writing prayers for the new academic year, with children expressing their hopes for sharing love and kindness, supporting their families, and fostering a caring school community. We also built upon our school’s 4 B’s — Being Kind, Being Respectful, Being Safe, and Being Ready — with thoughtful ideas from the children, such as walking safely around the school and avoiding swinging on chairs. They practised lining up in alphabetical order with great enthusiasm and did an excellent job! In the afternoon, we explored our science unit on Light, where the children explored and compared natural and artificial light sources. It was a fantastic start to the year!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Wow! What a year we have had in Reception. The children have made so much progress during our forest schools sessions. They have improved in their stamina, risk taking, problem solving and imagination skills. We have loved seeing all of the children blossom and made the most of our last Muddy Monday session together!

Image of Year 3 - Science - Plants
9 Jul

Year 3 - Science - Plants

This week, to finish off our science topic, we compared the plants we have growing in soil with the ones in the gel and which has been easier to look after. We also put all of our knowledge together to draw a diagram and describe what a plant needs to grow nice and healthy.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
8 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception enjoyed our Muddy Monday session at Whitehall Park. After our growth mindset assembly today, we made sure we used our growth mindset instead of our fixed mindset to challenge ourselves and take risks. The children really engaged with this and it was wonderful to see how far they have come since they started with us. Well done!

Image of Reception: Our New Classroom
3 Jul

Reception: Our New Classroom

The children in Reception have loved our new outdoor canopy that was built last week. This has extended our classroom to provide an outdoor area that the children can access in all weathers. Our indoor classroom has also had a refresh and the children have loved exploring all of the areas!

Image of Year 3- Science- Use scientific language to describe how plants reproduce.
2 Jul

Year 3- Science- Use scientific language to describe how plants reproduce.

This afternoon in science, Year 3 investigated how seed dispersal helps some plants reproduce. They were able to explain that dandelions use the wind to spread their seeds, cherry trees rely on birds to eat the seeds and then disperse them through their droppings, wild cucumbers burst to scatter their seeds explosively, burdock plants use their spikes to hitch a ride to a new location and coconut trees use water dispersal to disperse their seeds by letting them fall on the beach and when the tide comes in, the tide picks up the coconut and carries it to another to grow.

Image of Year 5 - Balanced Arguments
2 Jul

Year 5 - Balanced Arguments

Year 5 have begun researching one of the most debated topics - should animals be kept in Zoo’s? The children found out a number of alarming facts that are against Zoo’s such as: that animals have 1800 times less space in zoos than in the wild and animals are not evolving the way they should. But found many compelling reasons why animals should be kept in zoos such as: they live longer, stop species becoming extinct and it can advance medicine. The children will use these arguments to create their own balanced argument.

Image of Year 1 Science- A Pattern Seeking Investigation
27 Jun

Year 1 Science- A Pattern Seeking Investigation

This week in science, Year 1 carried out a pattern seeking investigation. In groups of 5 or 6, they had to investigate whether the children who had the biggest hand spans could hold the most amount of counters or cubes and whether the children who had the longest feet could jump the furthest. Some teams found this to be true and other teams found this to be false. Therefore, Year 1 decided that overall as a class there can sometimes be a pattern/link between these two factors but not always. They said that they would like to try out some further investigations such as can people with the biggest hand span throw the furthest? Or can people with the longest feet kick the furthest?

Image of Year 3 - Carbon Monoxide Workshop- Year 3
27 Jun

Year 3 - Carbon Monoxide Workshop- Year 3

Emily delivered a workshop today as part of the CO Safety Assembly and Class Workshops, designed to raise awareness about the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO). Year 3 students learned a lot about this invisible and dangerous gas, known as the hidden danger because it can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. The children enjoyed the video and fun activities and are ready to spread the word as Safety Assistants.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
24 Jun

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception had a very busy forest school session today. They enjoyed exploring in the shaded area of Jacks Keys. They found a fox hole and enjoyed exploring and creating their own storylines. They made houses for different animals and roleplayed a story about a fox coming out during the night. Some of our children climbed trees and managed to climb higher than usual. We are so proud of the children and love seeing how far they have come. Super perseverance, challenge and determination was seen from them all!

Image of Whole School CO Safety Worship
20 Jun

Whole School CO Safety Worship

Steph visited us to talk about how we can stay safe at home. We watched a video of Safety Seymour and the CO crew and learned about the dangers of CO - Carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that can’t be detected by our senses alone. We have to be careful if we have gas fires or log burners and check them yearly to make sure they are clean. If we suspect there is a CO leak, then we must contact the gas emergency services to come and check. We must also check our boilers and gas cookers for any changes - if the flame turns floppy and orange it means CO is being produced and a gas safe engineer needs to look at it. Always get an adult to turn it off straight away. If we breathe in CO we might feel unwell and it can be very dangerous so we must remember the 3 safety steps: have our appliances tested regularly, look for signs and symptoms of feeling unwell and install a CO alarm at home.

Image of Year 6 - Safety Seymour
20 Jun

Year 6 - Safety Seymour

Today, Year 6 took part in the Safety Seymour workshop. The children discussed and explored the dangers of carbon monoxide and discussed how they can spot it in their homes as this is something that cannot be detected by our senses. The children explored a variety of ways that if carbon monoxide is detected, what can be done to mitigate the spread of the harmful gas.

Image of Year 5 - The CO2 Crew Workshop
20 Jun

Year 5 - The CO2 Crew Workshop

Today, Year 5 took part in the Safety Seymour workshop. The children discussed and explored the dangers of carbon monoxide and discussed how they can spot it in their homes as this is something that cannot be detected by our senses. The children explored a variety of ways that if carbon monoxide is detected, what can be done to mitigate the spread of the harmful gas.

Image of Year 3- Science-identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants and flowers
13 Jun

Year 3- Science-identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants and flowers

This afternoon, Year 3 began their unit on plants. Each group was assigned a specific plant to research. Using secondary sources, they investigated the functions of their plant. They highlighted key scientific terms in their writing, such as photosynthesis, nutrients, temperature, light, sun, water, absorbs and transports.

Image of Year 1 Science- Identifying a Variety of Common Wild and Garden Flowers
13 Jun

Year 1 Science- Identifying a Variety of Common Wild and Garden Flowers

This afternoon, Year 1 went on a walk to identify a variety of common garden and wild plants. For the garden flowers, Year 1 found lavender, roses, pansies, marigolds and petunias. Roses were certainly the most popular garden flower that they found. They also spotted lots of wild flowers including buttercups, daisies, poppies, foxglove, dandelions, ivy, cow parsley, stinging nettles and forget me not. Well done Year 1 for super listening and identifying!

Image of Year 2 - Science
12 Jun

Year 2 - Science

We started our new science topic this week which is looking at different life cycles and stages of development. To begin with, we explored the 5 main stages of human development. We ordered them and discussed what changes we see as we move through these stages. We created a list of things we can do now in the child stage of development that we couldn’t do in the baby stage of development.

Image of Reception: Active Explorers
21 May

Reception: Active Explorers

It has been wonderful to see how our Ducklings are developing in problem solving and how they are all actively exploring all areas. They are constantly wanting to improve their work and are able to complete tricky tasks independently. This week, our Ducklings are learning all about dinosaurs and have created some fabulous Diplodocuses, labelled dinosaurs, created a dinosaur habitat and painted some marvellous dinosaurs whilst telling the class some wonderful facts about the knowledge they have learnt so far. Keep it up!

Image of Year 4 - Science: Sound
21 May

Year 4 - Science: Sound

We finished our science unit on sound in Year 4 this week. For our final extended session we investigated volume and amplitude. We dropped a marble from different heights on to a drum and described the loudness of the sound. We also explored pitch and frequency on a range of instruments. We found that a higher pitch was created when the surface was shorter.

Image of Year 3- Science- Create a set of instructions which need a compass to find the hidden treasure!
21 May

Year 3- Science- Create a set of instructions which need a compass to find the hidden treasure!

This afternoon in science, our future scientists designed their own treasure hunts using compasses, which contain magnets that always point north. They worked with their partners with a series of instructions, such as starting by the bench, taking four steps north, and then 5 steps east. They demonstrated excellent teamwork throughout the activity.

Image of Year 5 - Friction
21 May

Year 5 - Friction

This afternoon, Year 5 have been experimenting the relationship between materials and their levels of friction. The children placed toy cars on ramps and changed the material at the bottom; measuring the distance travelled. They concluded that the more friction a material has, the less distance the toy car would travel.

Image of Mad Science After School club- Making slime
21 May

Mad Science After School club- Making slime

During our final after-school Science Club session, the children had a blast making slime with the Mad Scientist. They creatively mixed colours to make their slime unique. This half term, they have thoroughly enjoyed exploring various aspects of science. We definitely have future scientists among us!

Image of Reception- Releasing the butterflies
17 May

Reception- Releasing the butterflies

For the past few weeks we have watched our caterpillars go through metamorphosis. On Wednesday our butterflies started to emerge and by yesterday we had all 5 butterflies emerge from their chrysalis. We went out to the garden to release them. The butterflies landed on some of the children before flying away.

Image of Forest school club
17 May

Forest school club

This week the children had a great time building dens which opened so much up for their imaginative play. The children created leaf tickets to enter the den. They gave each other different roles within the game. It was great to see the children all playing cooperatively together and using brilliant team work.

Image of Year 5 - Coram Life Education Session
17 May

Year 5 - Coram Life Education Session

Year 5 had their Coram life education session where the class discussed the changes that occur within our bodies and why those changes occur. The children discussed both male and female changes to educate each other and to remain empathetic towards the changes that occur for both males and females.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Sound Insulation
14 May

Year 4 - Science: Sound Insulation

Last week, the children designed an investigation to test different materials for their ability to insulate against sound. They learned that soft materials with lots of holes, like foam, are best for absorbing sound. They made their predictions based on this information. This week, the children made their own ear defenders using different materials. They then tested them by holding them to their ears while a drum was played. The children tried out each material and decided which of them made good insulators. The majority of the class agreed that cotton wool and fabric made the best insulators. They found that foil was the worst insulator.

Image of Year 3 - Art - Botanical Drawing
14 May

Year 3 - Art - Botanical Drawing

For Art this week we looked at how scientists would draw detailed pictures of plants and flowers to help study them and document them. We had our own go at drawing some flowers and leaves using magnifying glasses to help us capture the fine details.

Image of Reception visit from Nightingale Farm
10 May

Reception visit from Nightingale Farm

Reception were very lucky to have a visit from Steph at Nightingale farm. They met Olly the lamb who was only 7 weeks old and learned about his wool and other sheep at the farm. They also looked at some runner ducks who were just 2 weeks old! The children were so excited to see the ducklings running around with their long necks and were so gentle when they stroked them. They learned that these ducks can’t fly and can only swim once they have grown their feathers. The children asked lots of questions about animals on the farm.

Image of Year 1 Science- Naming the Parts of a Plant
9 May

Year 1 Science- Naming the Parts of a Plant

This afternoon in Year 1, the children learnt the names of the different parts of a plant and in what order the parts are formed from the plant starting out as a seed to flowering. The children then used this knowledge to create their own video illustrating this using a programme called 2animate on PurpleMash. The videos clearly showed us the seed starting out, becoming a seedling as it developed its roots and shoot and then developing its first leaves and flowering some children even added a bee to show pollination. Great effort Year 1.

Image of Year 3 - Science- Investigating how friction can be decreased or increased.
9 May

Year 3 - Science- Investigating how friction can be decreased or increased.

This afternoon in Science, Year 3 conducted a "ramp investigation" to explore how objects move on different sloping surfaces, considering friction. They made a small ramp using a piece of wood. Then, they placed a car on top of the ramp and observed how it moved down without being pushed. The children experimented by laying different materials on the ramp, such as fabric, tin foil, and plastic, to see how they affected the car's movement and friction. They made systematic and careful observations, and where appropriate, took accurate measurements using standard units.

Image of Year 5 - Science
7 May

Year 5 - Science

Today, Year 5 have been exploring the relationship between water resistance and gravity. Over the course of our forces topic the children have been exploring Isaac Newtons Laws of gravity and how a combination of forces act against gravity. The children tested a variety of objects that all weighed the same but size of them were altered. We tested to see what would happen and discovered that the amount of surface area and how streamline the object becomes will affect whether the object will sink or float.

Image of Mad Science After school Club- Magnetic Magic
7 May

Mad Science After school Club- Magnetic Magic

This afternoon, the future scientists embarked on a magical journey exploring the wonders of magnets. They learned about how magnets work in everyday life and did tests to see how magnets make things move. Then, they used what they learned to conduct experiments that seemed like magic, like making things levitate!

Image of Reception- Caterpillar PE
1 May

Reception- Caterpillar PE

Reception have had a fun packed PE session today, carrying on with our Hungry Caterpillar theme we used the apparatus to move like a caterpillar and turn into a butterfly. We crawled, climbed, balanced and jumped and all of the children had a try on all of the stations and are really developing those key fundamental skills. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception: Healthy eating
30 Apr

Reception: Healthy eating

This week we have discussed how many fruits and vegetables we should eat every day. The children told us their favourite fruits and vegetables and we discussed how it is important to try new foods. We spoke about the different food groups and what they job was. Thomas said healthy food makes us strong, Vienna said that healthy foods can make you feel good and Callie said healthy foods can keep your teeth health.

Image of Mad Science After School Club- Lights, Colour, Action.
30 Apr

Mad Science After School Club- Lights, Colour, Action.

Today at the club, the budding scientists explored what's hidden in regular light and witnessed cool chemical reactions. They also tried on special glasses that made rainbows look awesome. Plus, they had fun making drawings on black paper light up by shining a torch on them.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Dance
30 Apr

Year 4 - PE: Dance

This week’s dance lesson had the Year 4 children working in unison. They worked in groups and choreographed some movements to demonstrate electrical components. Their actions included turns, reaches, jumps and wriggles and they worked hard to keep in time with each other. We will be putting these movements into a whole-class dance over the next couple of weeks.

Image of Year 2 - Science trip to the garden centre
30 Apr

Year 2 - Science trip to the garden centre

This week for science we visited Four Seasons Garden Centre. This was a brilliant trip out for the class as we were able to build on our existing knowledge of plants. Sonia at the Garden Centre was amazing and shared her knowledge with the children. We looked for flowers that we had written in poems in English. It was lovely to see the children excited about seeing their learning in the real world.

Image of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2-Science Show
29 Apr

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2-Science Show

This morning, Reception and KS1 had a special science assembly about light and sound led by Adrian. First of all, we started by learning about shadows. We learnt that the closer that we get to the light source, the bigger the shadow gets and the further away that we get from the light source, the smaller the shadow gets. Some volunteers came up the front to show us this using puppets and the projector. Adrian then asked us to predict whether we thought that one person could make two shadows and most of us said no. However, Adrian showed us that this is in fact possible by using two light sources. We were amazed! Adrian then asked us to think about a window. He asked us whether a window lets light through or not and we said no because it is made from glass. From this, Adrian then showed us the shadow for a magnifying glass and how the plastic on the outside made a circular shadow but the glass in the middle made no shadow. We then explored colour mixing. Adrian chose a volunteer to come and colour a bottle of clear water. Yellow and blue were added and then Adrian asked us to predict which colour they would make once they were mixed together. Most of us predicted green and we were correct. Adrian explained that these colours had been mixed in water so we couldn’t undo them. However, he showed us how we can mix colours using a spinning propellor controlled by a motor and undo the colour mixing by stopping the motor. We had great fun predicting what colours would be made when the motor was turned on and the colours were mixed together. Then Adrian wowed us all by making a rainbow on the ceiling using light and water. This was definitely one of our favourite parts. For the second part of the assembly, we learnt all about sound. We started off by listening to same rain shakers. We then thought how we could make a rain shaker louder. The children predicted that we can either shake it harder or add more objects into the rain shaker e.g. peas. We then listened to the difference between a shaker with 1 pea, 10 peas and 100 peas and found out that our prediction was correct. Wow the 100 peas were loud! Adrian then showed us how you can make quiet objects louder by scraping them against hard materials, by using our mouth or by adding more force. Lyla demonstrated adding more force to make things louder by hitting a drum with a tube. We then explored high and low sounds using the keyboard. We listen to Adrian’s sound on the keyboard in a high pitched voice and a low pitched voice using different sides of the piano and we also listened to Adrian making high and low pitch sounds by changing the length of the straw whilst blowing into it. Finally, Adrian left us with two challenges. He asked us to think about the following questions next time it is sunny: How can you make your shadow not touch your feet for a moment? How can you make your shadow disappear? If any of the Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 children complete any of the experiments themselves at home to show you, please send any pictures via Class Dojo as we would love to see them.

Image of KS2- Science Show- Fantastic Forces
29 Apr

KS2- Science Show- Fantastic Forces

This afternoon, KS2 enjoyed a special Science show led by Adrian, a former primary school teacher. The kids had a blast learning about different types of forces and examples and discovering more about Isaac Newton. Some students were selected to come to the front and test which parachute would land first: one open and the other tied. They made predictions and discussed air resistance. The children were intrigued by the various types of magnets, including bar and ring magnets, and they learned about repelling and attracting forces. Adrian even showed them how static can keep bubbles in the air, which left the children in absolute amazement with many "wow" moments. They asked Adrian why he chose to leave teaching and do science shows instead. He explained that while he loved teaching, focusing solely on science was his passion, which wasn't always possible in primary school. Delivering science shows allows him to do just that, and he thoroughly enjoys it. What an outstanding show it was!

Image of Year 1 Science- Exploring Seeds
25 Apr

Year 1 Science- Exploring Seeds

Today in Science, Year 1 learnt about what happens to a seed. They looked at lots of different seeds and had to predict what type of tree, fruit or vegetable it would grow into. We talked the importance of plants including trees for survival. Year 1 came up with some amazing ideas such as plants providing us with food, helping us to breathe, providing wood for furniture and houses, providing us with paper, providing a habitat for animals and making the environment a brighter place. We also talked about how many plants are used in medicines.  Tomorrow, they will be planting a tomato seed and we will hopefully get the chance to see it grow over the next couple of months. We hope to see the roots, stem, leaves and fruit (tomatoes) that it will develop as it grows. 

Image of Reception- Making bug houses
24 Apr

Reception- Making bug houses

In class we have been looking at different types of minibeasts as part of our ‘amazing animals’ topic. We learnt a new word yesterday which was ‘invertebrate’ and we learnt that invertebrates do not have a backbone. We had a look at some minibeast habitats and went out to our forest school area and made some of our own houses for lots of different bugs.

Image of Reception- outdoor gym
24 Apr

Reception- outdoor gym

We have made the most of the beautiful weather this morning and we got out on our outdoor gym. It was great to see children using the equipment confidently and using their gross motor skills and great co ordination.

Image of Year 4 PE Dance - Sparks Might Fly
23 Apr

Year 4 PE Dance - Sparks Might Fly

In our PE session this afternoon the children looked at developing movement expression, using their whole body, exploring new ways of moving and challenging themselves. They worked hard to link 4 count dances so they became more fluid. The final Circuit Dance involved each person taking on a lead role to represent the parts in a circuit such as power, positive, negative, switch, output and wires. We look forward to building the pieces over the next few weeks and then performing each one.

Image of Mad Science After-School Club-Watts- Up!
23 Apr

Mad Science After-School Club-Watts- Up!

At the Mad Science after-school club today, the budding scientist had a blast! They dove into the world of static electricity, discovering its role in nature. They created indoor lightning and tried out some hair-raising experiments with an electrostatic generator.

Image of Year 4 - Science: How Sound Travels
23 Apr

Year 4 - Science: How Sound Travels

The children were being super scientists this week, investigating how sound travels through air, liquids and solids. They completed a carousel of activities, which included talking through a balloon, banging a wire coat hanger against a table, holding a bowl with sugar grains against a speaker and banging rocks together under water. The children compared the sounds and explained how the vibrations of the surrounding particles affected the sound.

Image of Year 5 - Science
23 Apr

Year 5 - Science

Year 5 have been investigating the relationship between air resistance and gravity within science. The children used the model of a parachute and skydiver to imagine the forces pushing together that enables a person to slowly making their way to the ground. The children then created a seed spinner that used air resistance to keep it in the air while a pin, acting as a weight, forces it to the ground.

Image of Year 6 Science
18 Apr

Year 6 Science

In Science, Year 6 continued their unit on evolution and inheritance. This week, we looked at fossils and how they can give us information about living things from millions of years ago. It can inform us what a specific animal looked like, its habitat and maybe even the diet of that animal. It also allows us to compare them with animals today and see how modern day creatures have adapted to their surrounding environment.

Image of Reception- The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
18 Apr

Reception- The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

In class we learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly and all about metamorphosis, we created the life cycle on the carpet area and put it in the correct order. We then made our own on a paper plate using a cheerio for the egg, and different types of pasta to represent the caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly.

Image of Forest school club
17 Apr

Forest school club

In forest school we have been discussing the birds coming back from migration and what we could do to help them. We decided to make bird feeders using pipe cleaners and cereal. We then went on a walk around school to decide which trees were the best to hang the bird feeders in.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
16 Apr

Reception: Forest Schools

Our Ducklings love our forest school sessions at Whitehall Park! Letting their imaginations run wild is so important for their development. They enjoyed developing their gross motor skills too whilst exploring the outdoors.

Image of Year 3- Science- Making a dinosaur footprint fossil.
16 Apr

Year 3- Science- Making a dinosaur footprint fossil.

For our final science lesson on rocks and fossils, year 3 made their own fossils by mixing together 200g salt, 150g flour and 150g coffee grounds. Next, they imprinted by pressing dinosaur feet into the dough. The process helped them understand how fossils form overtime. Carmen also brought in some fossils from holiday to show the class.

Image of Mad Science After School Club- Optical Illusion
16 Apr

Mad Science After School Club- Optical Illusion

The Science after-school club got off to an exciting start as the young scientists dove into optics, reflection, and sight! They had a blast learning about light and vision, even using mirrors to draw pictures and understand how things reflect.

Image of Reception - Spring activities
10 Apr

Reception - Spring activities

Reception are learning all about the season of Spring this week. They have kicked off their first week back by completing lots of Spring challenges. They have made playdough flowers, followed instructions to draw a Spring rabbit, created a collage of a spring flower and used forks to print tulips in the paint area. What busy bees!

Image of Year 4 DT - Electric Torches
28 Mar

Year 4 DT - Electric Torches

Today was our final DT session where we evaluated the torches that we made last week. We looked at all of the components of our torches such as the housing, reflector and switches. Many of us said that we would like more time to decorate our torches and next time, upon reflection, we would use a switch rather than make one from split pins and paper clip for safety reasons. The children have really worked hard on their designs and have come so far since week one when we struggled to make a simple circuit! Very impressive samples too- well done Year 4!

Image of Year 4 - Science: Designing an Investigation
27 Mar

Year 4 - Science: Designing an Investigation

Year 4’s final science lesson gave the children an opportunity to apply all the skills and knowledge they’ve learned about electrical circuits. Their task was to decide on a question that involved them changing a basic circuit in some way, for example, adding more bulbs, and predicting what they thought the outcome would be. They then tested their hypotheses by building their circuits and then noting whether or not their predictions were right. The class has really enjoyed being hands-on throughout this unit.

Image of Year 5 - Trout Release
26 Mar

Year 5 - Trout Release

This week, Year 5 RotaKids said goodbye to the trout that they have been looking after. The class has raised them since they were eggs and carefully helped them starting their life journey. We released the trout in our local river stream and learned all about the life cycle and what benefits we have brought to the life cycle. The children also explored a variety of wildlife; classifying many different insects. The children also had a lesson in water safety to ensure that when dealing with water, they understand and know how to remain safe.

Image of Mad Science After-School Club- Magnetic Magic
25 Mar

Mad Science After-School Club- Magnetic Magic

Our future scientists had a blast using paper clips, strings, and a magnetic board for hands-on exploration. They immersed themselves in the world of magnets, conducting experiments and discovering the fascinating properties of magnetism in a fun and engaging way.

Image of Well-being Club
21 Mar

Well-being Club

For our final session, we walked to Jack Keys and enjoyed a nature walk! It was lots of fun and it was lovely to enjoy the outdoors with everyone.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Conductors and Insulators
20 Mar

Year 4 - Science: Conductors and Insulators

Our Year 4 scientists had a great time learning about conductors and insulators this week. They spent time investigating a range of materials for their ability to let electricity pass through them. They connected each material to their circuits in turn and observed the bulb to see if it lit up.

Image of Reception Dentist visit
19 Mar

Reception Dentist visit

This morning reception had a visit from two dentists who were here to tell us all about how we can keep our teeth and gums healthy. Reception were keen to ask questions and listened well. Super work Reception!

Image of Year 5 - Science Experiment
19 Mar

Year 5 - Science Experiment

Today, Year 5 investigated the chemical reaction that takes places when mixed coloured tablets and vitamin C in a liquid. The children mixed them in a tube and pointed them upright. As the chemical reaction takes place it creates pressurised carbon dioxide to push the test tubes into the sky. The children enjoyed the experiment and explored the variety of factors that make it go even higher.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
18 Mar

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our reception children really enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They climbed up trees, created a cafe, travelled on a ‘steam engine’ and created a bug hotel. Super imaginations!

Image of Mad Science After-School Club- Optical Illusion
18 Mar

Mad Science After-School Club- Optical Illusion

Our after-school club began with a thrilling start, as the future Scientists embarked on an exhilarating journey into optics, reflection, and sight! With a cool gadget called a camera obscura, they watched as pictures changed right before their eyes. They had a blast learning about light and vision.

Image of Reception British Science Week - Weather Charts
14 Mar

Reception British Science Week - Weather Charts

For British Science Week, we have been looking at the weather locally! We looked at the weather forecast for Darwen for the week and discussed the different types of weather we often get. Then we made our own weather charts in the creative area that we can use at home to show when the weather changes.

Image of Year 1 Science- Reflective Materials
14 Mar

Year 1 Science- Reflective Materials

In their science lesson, Year 1 were exploring reflective materials. They took a variety of materials (tin foil, dull black paper, shiny black paper, mirrored plastic, newspaper, brightly coloured paper, brightly coloured fabric and dark fabric) into a dark tent to see whether they were or were not reflective. They shined the torch at the material to see whether the light did or didn’t bounce back. They decided that all of the materials reflected some light. Therefore, to help us to decide the properties of the most reflective items, we used a data logger. By using the data logger, we found out that tin foil and mirrored plastic were the most reflective and black dull paper was the least reflective. We came to the conclusion that the most reflective materials are shiny and bright.

Image of Year 6 British Science Week
13 Mar

Year 6 British Science Week

In year 6, we investigated how the theme of time links to the topic of evolution and inheritance. We discovered that evolution of a new species can take millions of years and that adaptations happen over time. To illustrate this point, we focused on butterflies. The children created their own butterflies and they had to choose an appropriate habitat for them to hide in when the predator was on the hunt. We discussed how the butterflies that survived are more suited to their environment and they are more likely to reproduce and have an offspring that is also suited to its habitat. This is called natural selection.

Image of Year 5 - British Science Week
13 Mar

Year 5 - British Science Week

For this years science week year 5 have been focusing on time. Our class looked at the force of friction and its uses within the wider world. The children tested four balls on rough surface and recorded the time it took them to reach a given target. The children drew on many conclusions on the speeds of each ball and how much friction was being exerted. This then determined how quickly and smoothly each ball reached their target.

Image of Year 4 - English: Technical Vocabulary
13 Mar

Year 4 - English: Technical Vocabulary

Our English unit is linked to our science work at the moment, which falls perfectly in line with British Science Week! In Year 4, we are currently learning to write an explanation text about how circuits work. In this lesson, we were selecting key scientific vocabulary to answer a specific question. We then used our chosen vocabulary to craft a paragraph to explain what a circuit is and how it works.

Image of Year 3- British Science Week- Time- Experimenting Yeast Burps every 15 minutes for 45 minutes.
12 Mar

Year 3- British Science Week- Time- Experimenting Yeast Burps every 15 minutes for 45 minutes.

The future Scientists of Year 3 had a fun science project for British Science Week, all about making electricity without burning coal. Working in pairs, they had four cups, each numbered 1 to 4, with yeast added to all of them. Cup 1 got 150ml of cold water, cup 2 got the same amount of warm water, cup 3 had warm water and a teaspoon of salt added, and cup 4 had sugar and 150 ml of warm water. They secured the cups with gloves and rubber bands to keep air in. They observed what was happening every minute 15 minutes for 45 minutes to see how things changed over time. Before experimenting, Year 3 predicted what might happen. Some thought the yeast would turn into flour or make the gloves fly! But they were amazed by what happened. As time passed, the yeast made a gas called carbon dioxide. This gas filled the gloves, making them blow up like balloons. Cup 4 had the most respiration because it contained sugar. As the yeast consumes the sugar, it releases carbon dioxide gas. With nowhere else to go but upwards, this gas gradually inflates the glove. The whole experiment wowed the kids! It was fun celebrating science during British Science Week, with a theme of time.

Image of Mad Science After- School Club-Watts-Up!
11 Mar

Mad Science After- School Club-Watts-Up!

The future Scientists had a blast this afternoon: They learned about static electricity, exploring its properties and involvement in natural phenomena. They also created indoor lightning and conducted hair-raising experiments with an electrostatic generator.

Image of Year 4 English - Non-Fiction - Explanation Texts
7 Mar

Year 4 English - Non-Fiction - Explanation Texts

Today we started our new English unit with a focus on Non- Fiction -Explanation texts. We identified the key features within two texts looking at subordinating conjunctions. This unit links well to both of our science and DT units as we can work towards writing an explanation text on how a circuit works.

Image of Year 1 Science- Perform a Test
7 Mar

Year 1 Science- Perform a Test

In their science lesson this week, Year 1 performed a test to find out whether a material was waterproof or absorbent. This was because they wanted to know which material would be the most appropriate for an umbrella. Out of the materials that they tested, four of them were waterproof which meant that they could potentially be a suitable material for an umbrella. The next step was deciding the other properties that the material needed to be so that it was suitable for an umbrella. Year 1 decided that the material needed to be flexible, strong and light as well as waterproof. In the end, they came to the conclusion that plastic would be the best material.

Image of Year 6 Science
5 Mar

Year 6 Science

This week, we started our new unit in Science, which is all about evolution and inheritance. We looked at the term ‘Natural Selection’ and discovered that if an animal is unable to adapt to its surroundings, it is more likely to become extinct. We then carried out an investigation involving some matchsticks on the MUGA. This demonstrated the benefits of being camouflaged and how animals are more likely to survive if they blend into their surroundings. The green matchsticks were picked up the least; however, numerous multicoloured matchsticks were not so lucky as they were gathered by our predators.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Electrical Circuit Challenges
5 Mar

Year 4 - Science: Electrical Circuit Challenges

In science this week, the Year 4 children have been learning the names and symbols of different components in a series circuit. They drew the scientific symbols and then were challenged to build different circuits based on key questions; ‘Can you make the bulb light up?’, ‘Can you make the buzzer sound?’, ‘Can you control when you want the circuit to work?’

Image of Mad Science After- School Club- Optical illusion
4 Mar

Mad Science After- School Club- Optical illusion

Today, the children in the science club observed changing images firsthand through a camera obscura while delving into the fascinating realms of optics, reflection, and sight.

Image of Year 5 - Trout
28 Feb

Year 5 - Trout

As part of Year 5 RotaKids, the children in year 5 have been learning about and looking after trout. This initiative is support by the River Ribble Trust who have been supporting our class throughout our journey. The children have been looking after the trout from the first day when the eggs were planted in the class tank. Throughout their life cycle the trout are now at the fry stage in which the children feed them on a regular basis. Once at a suitable size, the trout will be released into our local river to support and aid the life cycle process.

Image of Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit
28 Feb

Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit

Wow, what a fantastic day our Ducklings had today. We visited Imagine That in Liverpool and had lots of fun! The children did lots of experiments with dry ice, made magical snow and made slime too. They used their imaginations in the roleplay area, painted a car, explored the creative area and made their own magnets. They were well behaved and represented the school beautifully!

Image of Year 4 - Science: Creating Potter Bots
28 Feb

Year 4 - Science: Creating Potter Bots

We began our new science unit this week with a hands on lesson. To kick off our learning about electricity we created our own potter bots. These were little robots containing a motor and batteries, and had felt tip pens for legs. The idea was to create a potter bot that would use a pivot arm to push it across a page and draw a picture. The class had great fun working in pairs to create and test their bots with fantastic results.

Image of Year 3- Science- Making Edible Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks.
27 Feb

Year 3- Science- Making Edible Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks.

The Year 3 Scientists are having a blast learning about different kinds of rocks and soils this term in science. This afternoon, the children had a super fun and exciting lesson where they made edible rocks to see how igneous rocks are formed. They made two types: one that forms underground (called intrusive) and one that forms above ground (called extrusive). Then, they compared the two to learn more about rocks.

Image of Year 2 - Science
27 Feb

Year 2 - Science

In Science this week, we investigated if we could change a material’s properties by melting and combing 2 materials together. We looked at how John McAdam designed roads and that he said a mixture of large rocks, small rocks and gravel was the best way to make the road strong. We put this to the test and made 3 roads. A chocolate road, a chocolate and raisins road and a chocolate and biscuit road. We made sure to use the same amount of chocolate for each road to keep it a fair test. After the roads had set, we placed cars on each road until it broke. We were able to place the most weight on the chocolate and biscuit road making it the strongest road.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
26 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They were super explorers! They found pine cones, natural resources for their dens and also different minibeasts.

Image of Mad Science After-School Club. We made slime!
26 Feb

Mad Science After-School Club. We made slime!

The scientists picked their favourite colours in today's session and had a blast making slime. They learned about cool stuff like polymers and how mixing two liquids can turn into gooey slime. They were excited to take it home to show their parents and carers.

Image of Year 1 Science- Making a Prediction and Performing a Test
22 Feb

Year 1 Science- Making a Prediction and Performing a Test

Today in Science, Year one learnt about floating and sinking. They learnt that generally speaking lighter objects will float and heavier objects will sink and that for an item to float, it has to contain trapped air. They also learnt that another word for float is buoyant and another word for sink is submerge. As part of their independent group work, they had to predict whether an item would sink or float and then they had to perform a test to see whether their predictions were correct or incorrect. At the end of the lesson, they got to choose some of their own items to test.

Image of Year 2 - Science
20 Feb

Year 2 - Science

This week in science, we continued investigating the properties of materials. This week we investigated which materials were waterproof. We looked at how the first Macintosh was made by binding two materials together which together made a waterproof layer. Then it was time for us to carry out our own experiment, to see which materials were waterproof. We recorded our results in a table so we could see which materials would be most suitable for a waterproof coat.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
19 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Reception class really enjoyed our Muddy Monday session at Whitehall park. We looked at some habitats for different minibeasts that we found and also enjoyed creating dens and continued to take risks climbing trees. They walked 3.84km and enjoyed contributing to the Big Lent Walk!

Image of Mad Science After -School Club- Missions Nutritious
19 Feb

Mad Science After -School Club- Missions Nutritious

Today, in our after-school club led by a scientist, the young children investigated the energy content of food by burning a stale crisp and using the released energy to heat water. We discovered that one crisp equals 6 calories. This was super exciting to watch. The young scientists also measured their energy expenditure by jogging on the spot. For our final experiment, the children filled a bottle halfway with water and then poured in about 100ml of oil. They then observed the oil float on the water. They were fascinated by this observation. We also estimated the length of a child's intestine during the session, adding to our exploration of the human body. They're eagerly looking forward to next week's experiment with slime.

Image of Year 2 - Science
8 Feb

Year 2 - Science

In science this week, we continued looking at everyday materials. We have been looking at their uses and properties. Today we explored if different materials could stretch, squash, bend or twist. The children found different objects from around the classroom made for varying materials. They then conducted their own tests to see if the shape of the object could be changed. We recorded our results in our own table and then compared results either our peers.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Water Pollution
7 Feb

Year 4 - Science: Water Pollution

Our super scientists in Year 4 were looking at the effects of water pollution this week. Check out some of our fantastic posters.

Image of Year 1 Science
7 Feb

Year 1 Science

Year 1 have had a challenging science lesson this week exploring whether materials are manufactured or natural. First, we explored natural materials and described these as materials that can be found out in the world either by being collected, farmed or harvested. Examples of these are materials such as wood, rock, iron, wool and sand. We then talked about manufactured materials which are those that don’t exist naturally and have to be created by being heated or by mixed with other substances. Examples of these are materials such as plastic, polyester and paper. What we found very tricky is learning that some materials can be both. For example rubber can be natural if it is the sap that has come directly from the tree but it can also be manufactured using plastic and some metals are natural such as iron but others are manufactured such as steel. Year 1 also watched polyester being made in a factory from recycled bottles and found out that their school polos were made 65% polyester.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
5 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed exploring the forest schools area in Whitehall park. Their imaginations were really flowing. We found dinosaur shaped claw leaves, eggs, some of our children created a roleplay restaurant and we had squirrels climbing up the trees!

Image of Year 3-Scientists making maps to display what they've learnt
30 Jan

Year 3-Scientists making maps to display what they've learnt

This afternoon, the young scientists created mind maps to showcase their learning gained this term on the topic of Animals including Humans. They can identify that animals, including humans, require specific types and quantities of nutrition, as they are unable to produce their own; instead, they acquire nutrition from their food. Additionally, they recognise that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles, serving crucial roles in support, protection, and movement. They've enjoyed learning about animals and humans while approaching the subject scientifically.

Image of Science in Year 4 Static Electricity
29 Jan

Science in Year 4 Static Electricity

Following on from our visit from Scientific Sarah and Mad Science, we looked at static electricity using balloons. We did a magic floating plastic bag experiment and then a moving butterfly. The children loved testing out how to produce the best static electricity!

Image of Mad Science Show
25 Jan

Mad Science Show

This morning our whole school family had a super Mad Science Show led by Scientist Sarah. The focus was on energy and she showed us all some really exciting experiments that create different forms of energy. A huge well done to our chosen volunteers James, Annabelle and Archie!

Image of Mad Science Assembly - Year 4
25 Jan

Mad Science Assembly - Year 4

This morning, we welcomed Mad Science Sarah in our assembly. Scientific Sarah explored static energy using balloons, electric energy using people power where our very own Annabelle lit the plasma ball by creating energy by turning the pedals. Sarah then went on to making chemical energy in a jar. We loved every second of it and Year 4 can’t wait to try out some new experiments in our Science lesson on Monday.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Investigating Air Pollution
24 Jan

Year 4 - Science: Investigating Air Pollution

Our super scientists in Year 4 have been busy learning about air pollution and the main causes. We went out into the local area and put up cards smeared with Vaseline at specific locations to see what debris we could catch. We also measured the sound level to see if there were any correlations between the level of noise and the amount of debris. We had great fun using magnifiers to observe the results too.

Image of Reception- Exploring our outdoor area
22 Jan

Reception- Exploring our outdoor area

We have had a lovely time exploring the outdoors this afternoon. We went for a windy walk around our school grounds and then we had lots of fun on our new outdoor gym, which the children were so excited to use.

Image of Year 5 - National River Trust
22 Jan

Year 5 - National River Trust

Today, Year 5 were treated to a 1-1 session with The National River Trust to discuss the food chains and predictors our trout will encounter when they are released into the wild. The children saw and got to see a real life pike skull. We discussed all its features including what makes the pike an apex predator. The children were fascinated with the skull and asked some really interesting questions which resulted in the children gaining some incredible facts.

Image of Year 1 Science- Sorting Materials
18 Jan

Year 1 Science- Sorting Materials

Year 1 started their unit on exploring materials in science today. They had to sort the objects by the material that they are made from (wood, plastic, fabric and plastic) and talk about why those objects are made from those materials. For example they said that a quilt is made from fabric because it needs to be soft, comfortable and breathable, a key is made from metal because it needs to be strong and rigid and a chair can be made from plastic or wood because they are strong, sturdy and easily wipeable. They are looking forward to learning about some other materials and their properties and completing some experiments in the weeks to come.

Image of Reception: What’s safe to go onto our body?
16 Jan

Reception: What’s safe to go onto our body?

Today in PSHE, we discussed what is safe to go onto our body. We drew around two of our friends and discussed what we put onto our body during the day and at night. The children came up with lots of different objects. We then discussed why we use them. Leila said we put plasters on to stop us from bleeding. Joey said we put a scarf on to stop us from getting cold. Alayna said we use soap to stop germs from spreading and Lydia said we use shampoo to keep our hair nice and clean.

Image of Reception: Snow much fun!
16 Jan

Reception: Snow much fun!

Our Ducklings loved exploring the snow today! They learnt how to make snowballs and we discussed the shape of them and how they look like balls we throw! We problem solved to build a snowman and enjoyed creating snow angels. The children loved throwing snowballs at Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Thompson! We had lots of fun!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed exploring a different forest schools area of Whitehall park. They created dens, roleplayed in a restaurant, searched for hedgehogs and loved climbing trees.

Image of Year 2 Science- Material Hunt
11 Jan

Year 2 Science- Material Hunt

In Science this week, we began our new topic looking at Materials. We explored materials we are familiar with and also looked at some materials we hadn’t seen before. We discussed which objects are made out of which material. In groups, we set off on a material hunt around school. We had a list of materials and we needed to find an object made out of these materials.

Image of Year 1- Life Education Session
11 Jan

Year 1- Life Education Session

Today, we had a life education session with Harold the Giraffe. We learnt that there are lots of different food groups that we need to eat to have a balanced diet. We learnt about dairy products which are good for our teeth and bones, protein which is good for our muscle growth, fruits and vegetables which give us vitamins and minerals to help us to keep fit and healthy and fight illness and carbohydrates which are good for giving us energy. We then talked about our organs. We learnt that our heart and lungs are protected by our rib cage. Our heart pumps blood around the body to give us energy and our lungs help us to breathe. We then learnt that when we’ve eaten our food it goes into our stomach to be digested and the ‘good stuff’ is taken in by our bodies to give us energy and the ‘other stuff’ leaves our body when we go to the toilet. We then had a look at a packed lunch that Harold the Giraffe had made to take to the park. We talked about how his lunch box included carbohydrates(bread), tuna (protein), a yogurt (dairy) but he didn’t have any fruits or vegetables so he was hoping that his friends at the park might have some to give to him. When they got to the park, Derek had made a huge fruit sculpture out of some fruit but Kiki destroyed it when she thought she was being kind to Harold by getting a piece of fruit. This made Kiki really upset and Derek really angry as his hard work had been destroyed. We talked about how this situation could be made better. Year 1 said that Harold needs to explain the situation to Derek of him wanting some fruit and Kiki trying to help him get some but accidentally destroying his sculpture in the process and then Kiki and Harold should offer Derek a hand to rebuild his sculpture. Year 1 said the lesson that they had learnt from that story is to make sure that they think very carefully before they do something to check that it won’t upset anyone. Then, Year 1 had to think about what foods they would include in a packed lunch. The rules were that the packed lunch had to included foods from different groups so that they were having a balanced diet. Archie said that he would pack a chicken sandwich, a cheese string and some cucumber and tomatoes which was a fantastic balance. Finally, we finished our session thinking about the importance of sleep and with a visit from Harold and listened to him singing us a song.

Image of Year 5 - Trout Exploration
11 Jan

Year 5 - Trout Exploration

Today, Year 5 had a visit from Ribble Rivers Trust who delivered the session on the release of the eggs to the class tank. The children discussed the life cycle of trout and all the obstacles that they face when being released into the wild such as predators, pollution and other external factors. The children took part in many scientific tasks, games and fact finding to enhance their knowledge when looking after trout.

Image of Year 5 - Soluble Materials
9 Jan

Year 5 - Soluble Materials

During our science lesson, Year 5 have been exploring soluble materials and the relationship they have with different solvents. Year 5 conducted an experiment to find out which materials were soluble and which were insoluble. The children conducted the experiment in a fair capacity ensuring that the solvent used was the same and the amount of materials were equal. The children wrote their results in a chart and explained their findings.

Image of Year 3 Science - Caring For Our Pets
9 Jan

Year 3 Science - Caring For Our Pets

For Science this week we continued learning about how we can care for our pets at home. We discussed what different pets need to be healthy and well looked after and looked at the five welfare needs. We then created our own care guides for our pets.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
8 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings visited the forest schools area of Whitehall Park today for the first time. They enjoyed exploring and also had a go at making camp fires and bug houses.

Image of Year 3- A visit to Nightingales Farm
14 Dec

Year 3- A visit to Nightingales Farm

The children had an inspiring morning at Nightingales Farm today, where they saw pigs, goats, sheep, and many chickens. The children were set on a fun activity where they had to guess the number of chickens in the barn and were astonished to discover that they had over 400 chickens. They were fascinated to learn that a chicken's health could be determined by the colour of its comb – a red comb indicates good health and a peach comb chicken needs care. Steph, also assessed the children's understanding of their recent classroom lessons on bones, challenging them with questions about the human and animal skeletal system. The children displayed exemplary behaviour and respect, and actively participated in discussions about animal diets, demonstrating their keen interest and knowledge.

Image of Year 1 Visit Nightingale Farm
12 Dec

Year 1 Visit Nightingale Farm

What a wonderful time Year 1 had at Nightingale Farm this morning. Steph taught us lots about what pigs, sheep, goats and chickens like to eat and how they like to spend their time. Steph let us stroke a chicken, feed the goats and wander around the barn to look at all of the animals. Steph also ran a competition where we had to draw one of the barn animals, write which animal group it belonged to (mammal, amphibian, bird, reptile or fish) and what it liked to eat. Steph answered lots of questions that we had about the farm animals too. We all listened and joined in amazingly and came home with a treat bag each. Thank you to Steph at Nightingale Farm for welcoming us into her barn, sharing her knowledge with us all and being so lovely.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Food Chains
12 Dec

Year 4 - Science: Food Chains

This week our super scientists in Year 4 have been exploring food chains. They sorted animals in order of their place in a simple food chain and then labelled them from producer to predator. They even presented their food chains to the rest of the class using scientific vocabulary.

Image of Year 2 - Science
1 Dec

Year 2 - Science

During our previous learning in science, we have looked at habitats and microhabits in our local area. This week we moved onto world habitats which included Desert, Rainforest, Artic and Ocean. We sorted animals depending on which habitat you would find them in. We also added the conditions of these habitats and thought about why these animals would prefer these habitats to others.

Image of Year 3- Science- Labelling the human skeleton
28 Nov

Year 3- Science- Labelling the human skeleton

Today in science, Year 3 learned that animals have different kinds of skeletons. They found out which animals have bones inside their bodies (endoskeleton), which ones have a hard outer shell (exoskeleton), and which ones use water pressure to move (hydrostatic skeleton). They were fascinated to learn that a giraffe, which has a super long neck, has the same amount of vertebrae as a human. We also labelled the different bones of a skeleton using technical vocabulary.

Image of Reception- Bug hunt
21 Nov

Reception- Bug hunt

For the first part of our forest school session we headed out of school and up to Jacks Key to go hunting for mini beasts. We found beetles, snails, slugs and lots more.

Image of Year 3- Science- The importance of nutrition food labels.
21 Nov

Year 3- Science- The importance of nutrition food labels.

In Science this afternoon, Year 3 have been learning about nutrition food labels. They now know that the labels on the packaging tell us what's in the food, help us pick healthy options, and give detailed info about the different food groups in a product. For their activity, the children were provided with different food packets. They looked at the labels and decided if the food was a good choice for every day or just once in a while. They know it is important to have a balanced diet. The more green light a label displays, the healthier the food is.

Image of Year 2 - Microhabitat Walk
16 Nov

Year 2 - Microhabitat Walk

During science today, we went on a walk to find different microhabitats in our local area. We explored grassland and woodland areas looking for logs, rocks and streams where animals could live. We identified a variety of insects such as woodlice, snails, spiders and millipedes. We took clipboards so we could record our findings in a table. When we arrived back at school, we wrote up our findings and wrote a short summary of our investigation.

Image of Year 5 - Properties of Materials
14 Nov

Year 5 - Properties of Materials

Today, Year 5 has been experimenting with the properties of plastic and its function. The children worked together and tested four different types of plastic bags to test the durability of each type of bag and decide which bag would be best for a heavy load. The children explored the durability, flexibility, the strength and sustainability of each bag. Then recorded their results accordingly; concluding which bag they would recommend based on their observational research.

Image of Year 3 - Science- Shadow Puppet Show
9 Nov

Year 3 - Science- Shadow Puppet Show

For their final lesson on light, the children worked in groups to create a shadow puppet show. They used skills learnt from their previous lessons to demonstrate their understanding on how shadows are formed using props made out of black paper. They worked with great enthusiasm and creativity.

Image of Year 6 Science
9 Nov

Year 6 Science

This week, year 6 concluded their work on electricity by making their own set of traffic lights. We had to apply our knowledge from throughout the unit to create a circuit that operated only one of 3 LED’s at a time. This involved making a three-way switch made of conductive material, that would connect to the spare terminal of an LED, in order for it to illuminate.

Image of Year 4 Science
8 Nov

Year 4 Science

Our Year 4 scientists had a rather messy time acting out the role of different organs in the digestive system this week. They used a bowl and cutlery to act out the chewing in the mouth. They added their 'chewed' crackers to a ziplock bag filled with water and washing up liquid to churn up the mixture like the stomach. They then passed the mixture through a pair of tights to act like the small intestines. They squeezed the water out of the mixture as they pushed it down. And finally they had to push the mixture out of the end of the tights (the anus). There was certainly a lot of laughter!

Image of Year 2 - Science
2 Nov

Year 2 - Science

We have begun our science topic for this half-term which is looking at animals including humans. This week, we looked into how we know we are alive and how do we know when things are dead. We discussed our ideas of things we thought are alive such as farm animals and humans. We then went further to talk about how plants are alive because they grow and reproduce. This was very tricky but the children tried really hard to challenge their thinking. We then went outside to find things that are alive, dead and things that have never been alive. We then came back into class and created a list of things we had found or other ideas that were alive, dead or have never been alive.

Image of Year 3- Science - Discovering how shadows are formed.
17 Oct

Year 3- Science - Discovering how shadows are formed.

In science this afternoon, Year 3 discovered how shadows are formed. For their mission assignment, the children worked in small groups and used a torch to cast an object's shadow on paper and trace its outline. They then moved the torch 5cm back and repeated the process, noting how the shadow changed with the light source's position.

Image of Year 1 Science
12 Oct

Year 1 Science

Year 1 have been investigating poo this week. They have been looking for clues to decide whether they think the poo is from a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. The clues included fur, bones, leaves, twigs, shell, hair and nuts. They have also been looking at the teeth of animals and deciding whether they think the animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore before sorting them into a Venn diagram.

Image of Year 2 - Science
11 Oct

Year 2 - Science

This week in science, we continued our topic of ‘Animals including humans’. After investigating the importance of hygiene we investigated the importance of exercise. We discussed what exercise we do and how we could increase the amount of exercise we do each day. We explored the impact exercise has on our heart, lungs and flexibility. It was then time to see if we could see the effects exercise had on our body by getting outside and working hard. After participating in various exercises we observed the effects it had on our bodies. We decided that our breathing got heavier and our heart started beating faster. The children then reflected on their investigation and recorded why exercise is important .

Image of Reception Hand Hygiene
5 Oct

Reception Hand Hygiene

Reception have been learning about the importance of good hand hygiene. We talked about germs - what is a germ and how do they spread? We used glitter to show how quickly germs can spread to others and make them poorly. We also experimented to see if water alone would get rid of the glitter germs and found out that the germs were still on our hands after using water. We finally managed to clean all the germs off when we used soap and warm water to clean all the areas of our hands.

Image of Reception - our sense of smell
5 Oct

Reception - our sense of smell

This afternoon Reception have been learning about our 5 senses and how they help us to understand the world around us. We talked about what each sense can help us to do - eyes to see, ears to hear, mouth to taste, hands to touch and our nose to smell. We then focused on our sense of smell and how this can help us to identify different things. We passed cups around to see if we could guess what was inside just from using our sense of smell. The children correctly identified coffee, vinegar and perfume but were unsure about cinnamon and peppermint!

Image of Year 5 - Investigating evaporation
3 Oct

Year 5 - Investigating evaporation

Year 5 have continued to look at reversible and irreversible changes. This week we had a look at how we can recover a dissolved substance that has been dissolved in water. We used the example of salt and ink. We demonstrated that when heat is applied to a solution you can evaporate the water and what’s left in the pan will be the substance originally dissolved in the water.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Grouping Animals
27 Sep

Year 4 - Science: Grouping Animals

In Year 4 this half term, we are studying living things and their habitats. This week we were learning to group animals using a range of features and even went on to create subgroups. Next week, we will be using what we have learned to create our own classification keys.

Image of Year 2- Science
26 Sep

Year 2- Science

Let’s just say our science lesson was lots of fun! Today we investigated the importance of hygiene and how having good hygiene can keep us healthy. To demonstrate how being clean keeps germs and bacteria away from our bodies we carried out an investigation. We used sprinkled pepper on water which represented bacteria on a surface. We dipped our finger in and when we looked closely it was covered in pepper. Next, we put soap on our fingers and then dipped them back into the soap. We observed what happened to the pepper and recorded our results in our science books. I’ll let the children tell you about their results…

Image of Year 3- Science- Investigating how you can stay safe in the sun.
26 Sep

Year 3- Science- Investigating how you can stay safe in the sun.

Today in our science lesson, we acted like scientists and investigated how the sun affects special beads that change colour when they meet UV light. We also tested if sun cream works. To do this, we used UV beads and put different factors of sun cream on them. Then we went outside to see how the beads reacted when the sun touched them. This showed us that the sun gives us energy, but it can also be bad for our skin if we don't protect ourselves. Too much sun can give you a sunburn. The beads without sunscreen changed color, the ones with lower factor sunscreen changed a bit, but the ones with factor 50 stayed the same color, showing that they were well protected.

Image of Year 5 - Reversible and Irreversible changes
26 Sep

Year 5 - Reversible and Irreversible changes

Year 5 have continued to look at reversible and irreversible changes in science. During this lesson, the children experimented and observed two reactions both demonstrating a different change in matter. The first reaction we looked at was the burning of a candle, wax melting and the carbon dioxide that is released into the air by burning the wick. The second reaction, the children mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar. This resulted in the foaming of the solution creating a new gas due to the chemical reaction. The gas that is formed is called carbonic acid and the children explored the change and how the bicarbonate decomposes to create gas.

Image of Year 1- Completing our Challenges
21 Sep

Year 1- Completing our Challenges

This week, Year 1 have been busy completing challenges in the areas. They have used their knowledge of the different animal groups to classify animals in the investigation area, completed number sequences in the maths area, used warm and cool colours to colour in pictures in the creative area, consolidated the sounds ‘ng’ and ‘th’ in the phonics and writing area, completed a jigsaw containing the 7 continents in the construction area and used their observations of the shapes and sizes of the continents to make them on the peg boards e.g. making Asia very big and Australia much smaller.

Image of Year 4 - Exploring Habitats
20 Sep

Year 4 - Exploring Habitats

We loved getting out and exploring an urban woodland habitat in science this week. Our Year 4 scientists investigated the plants, animals, climate and conditions in the area. Unfortunately , we didn't see many animals but we could use our prior knowledge to say which animals we would expect to find there.

Image of Year 5 - Reversible and irreversible changes
19 Sep

Year 5 - Reversible and irreversible changes

Year 5 have been exploring reversible and irreversible changes in our science unit. During this experiment, the children had a variety of ingredients that they would test when mixed with water. The children described the reaction that took place and used an abundance of scientific vocabulary to decide what change has occurred. The children were able to then explain how a reversible change can be reversed using evaporation.

Image of Year 5 - Reversible and irreversible changes
5 Sep

Year 5 - Reversible and irreversible changes

Year 5 have started their science unit on reversible and irreversible changes. We explored a variety of changes that can occur to an object when exposed to different reactions such as: evaporation, condensing, dissolving heating and melting. The children explained many different reactions and knew materials that can be formed from irreversible changes; detailing the advantages and disadvantages of both changes.

Image of Year 3 - Science - Sources of Light
5 Sep

Year 3 - Science - Sources of Light

For science this week we looked at all the different sources of light. We talked about what light is natural and what is artificial.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
17 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today the children showed lots of courage and perseverance as they enjoyed a very wet Muddy Monday adventure walk. They splashed their way through puddles and really enjoyed walking in the rain. It was our last session and the children said it was one that they will never forget!

Image of Year 2 - Life Cycle of Bees
13 Jul

Year 2 - Life Cycle of Bees

As part of our science unit - life cycles, year 2 were treated with a live demonstration of honey bees at work. The children learned all about the different jobs that honey bees do and why they are so important. We discussed each stage in great detail starting with the egg and how they progress into adulthood. Year 2 saw a real bee hive and spotted the Queen bee hard at work.

Image of Year 1 DT Testing our Super Structures
12 Jul

Year 1 DT Testing our Super Structures

Year 1 have really enjoyed testing their super structures today with heavy objects and celebrating their successes as a team.

Image of Year 1 Brockholes Nature Reserve Trip
12 Jul

Year 1 Brockholes Nature Reserve Trip

Year 1 have had an amazing time on their school trip at Brockholes Nature Reserve this week. They went pond dipping, bird watching and went on an amazing outdoor adventure playground in two smaller groups. Then after lunch in the lookout together, the whole class went into the Viking Woods to learn about different types of plants and trees. We played lots of games and went on a scavenger hunt too. It was an amazing day and we all absolutely loved learning about nature in such an exciting and fun way.

Image of Year 1 Pond dipping at Brockholes
12 Jul

Year 1 Pond dipping at Brockholes

Year 1 were in three different groups to carry out this super activity at Brockholes Nature Reserve on their trip. They found different types of interesting creatures such as water snails, beetles, bugs, shrimps and nymphs when participating in the pond dipping activities. They used a classification sheet to help them identify creatures and magnifying glasses too as some creatures were very small.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools Litter Pick
12 Jul

Year 4 - Linking Schools Litter Pick

The final part of our Linking Schools project was to make a pledge to take part in social action. Year 4 chose to do a community litter pick. The council supplied the equipment and off we went, cleaning up Knowlesly Road, Watery Lane and Whitehall Park. We filled 3 bin bags and 2 recycling bags - a super effort, class!

Image of Forest Schools in Reception
11 Jul

Forest Schools in Reception

We saw lots of teamwork during our forest schools session today. The children enjoyed collecting resources to build bug houses and log fires. They also enjoyed creating dens and climbing trees!

Image of Year 4 - Science with Mr Prescott
5 Jul

Year 4 - Science with Mr Prescott

Our super scientists have been investigating melting points with Mr Prescott this week. They heated margarine, coconut oil, and dark, white and gluten-free chocolate over a tea light candle and measured the temperature to see which had the highest melting point.

Image of Year 5- Science- Identifying changes that take place during puberty
4 Jul

Year 5- Science- Identifying changes that take place during puberty

In science this afternoon, the children were learning about some of the changes they may experience during puberty. We recapped the unit's learning so far to summarise the changes they have experienced since birth. The children then worked in pairs and labelled the body parts that change during puberty. We then discussed some of the important ways that the children can look after their bodies during puberty, such as washing more frequently, eating a healthy and balanced diet and ensuring they get enough sleep.

Image of Year 1 Science Investigating Smells
3 Jul

Year 1 Science Investigating Smells

Year 1 have been learning about the different human senses in science and this week we were focussing on smell and describing what different items smelt like. The children really enjoyed investigating what nutmeg, cinnamon sticks, lemon, coffee and some other different dried herbs smelt like. They recorded the information from our investigation in a table using adjectives to describe the different smells.

Image of Year 3 Science: How is water transported within plants?
29 Jun

Year 3 Science: How is water transported within plants?

This term in Science, Year 3 are building their knowledge and understanding of plants and how they grow. This week, we thought about how water is transported within plants and how this is used In photosynthesis. We then set up our own class experiment, where we put some flowers into coloured dye and over the next couple of weeks, we will be observing what happens to the petals, as the water is transported within the plant.

Image of Reception - Understanding Of The World - Erosion
29 Jun

Reception - Understanding Of The World - Erosion

This week, Reception class have learned all about erosion. We looked at videos of the waves crashing against the cliffs and discussed what has happened over time. We looked at houses that had moved closer the cliff edge and decided we wouldn’t like to live there! We then conducted an investigation by crashing the water against the rocks in a tray and watched them erode away. The children also enjoyed investigating this in their choosing time.

Image of Year 6 Science
29 Jun

Year 6 Science

Year 6 have been looking at living organisms and the 6 kingdoms of life. They have investigated how living organisms are classified into different groups based on their similarities and differences. For example, the fact that some living things are multicellular and some are unicellular.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
26 Jun

Reception: Muddy Monday

We continued our learning by comparing two local environments, Knowsley Road and Jack Keys reservoir. Seb said there are lots of animal habitats at Jack Keys. Albie said there are lots of trees at Jack Keys. Fletcher said it is much quieter at Jack Keys. Piper-Jo said there are more children at Knowsley Road. Heidi said there are more cars at Knowsley Road. Super comparison. We finished exploring by enjoying a short forest schools session.

Image of Science Club Aqua Sand Experiments
22 Jun

Science Club Aqua Sand Experiments

Today our Year 5/6 Science Club children carried out some different experiments using different coloured aqua sand. They were amazed at how this sand is actually waterproof and loved adding different ingredients to the sand to see what happened.

Image of Year 6 Science
15 Jun

Year 6 Science

In year 6, we have looked at what we can learn from fossils. We found out that we can learn about the shape of the animal; what the animal may have looked like; which habitat it was most likely to live in due to its adaptations and potentially the diet of that animal. We also looked at how these extinct animals are similar and different to animals that we see today.

Image of Year 2 - Blackpool Zoo Trip
13 Jun

Year 2 - Blackpool Zoo Trip

Year 2 went to Blackpool Zoo to look at all the amazing animals and habitats. They were treated to an incredible Sea Lion display that showcased all their brilliant tricks and demonstrated how clever they are. We explored the big cats exhibit, giraffes and elephants. We also explored the world of the dinosaurs and learnt all about their existence and habits they used to live in. This fed nicely in with our new science unit - animals survival and growth and in many of the exhibits we learnt about the different stages of animal life.

Image of Year 2 - Blackpool Zoo Trip
13 Jun

Year 2 - Blackpool Zoo Trip

Year 2 went to Blackpool Zoo to look at all the amazing animals and habitats. They were treated to an incredible Sea Lion display that showcased all their brilliant tricks and demonstrated how clever they are. We explored the big cats exhibit, giraffes and elephants. We also explored the world of the dinosaurs and learnt all about their existence and habits they used to live in. This fed nicely in with our new science unit - animals survival and growth and in many of the exhibits we learnt about the different stages of animal life.

Image of Reception: Blackpool Zoo
13 Jun

Reception: Blackpool Zoo

Reception class had a brilliant time at Blackpool Zoo. They saw Orangutans, gorillas, penguins, sea lions, elephants, lions, flamingoes, aardvarks, camels, tortoises, giraffes and we also went on a dinosaur safari! The children’s behaviour was exemplary and it was lovely to put our learning into context.

Image of Year 5 - Science- Identifying the key stages of a mammals life cycle
13 Jun

Year 5 - Science- Identifying the key stages of a mammals life cycle

In Science, the children discovered that most mammals have very similar life cycles. They learnt that humans have similar life cycles to other mammals, making comparisons to dogs. They explored the key developments during each of the stages of the human life cycle - foetus, baby, child, teenager/adolescent, adult and old age and demonstrated their understanding by drawing the human life cycle. They then created a list of as many different mammals as they could think of and conducted some research on the gestation periods of different animals.

Image of Year 1 Geography and Science Walk
26 May

Year 1 Geography and Science Walk

Year 1 have been learning about their local area and have been making key observations about where they live ready to create a map of the local area after the half term. We have been learning about different types of plants in science and spotting different deciduous and evergreen trees as well as wild flowers. There has also been lots of opportunities to discuss the changes from Winter to Spring and to think about the changes that will be happening soon as we move from Spring to Summer.

Image of Reception - Dinosaurs
25 May

Reception - Dinosaurs

This week we have been learning all about dinosaurs. We discussed how and why they are now extinct and what information we can find out about them using fossils. We made our own fossils using salt dough. The children have loved learning all about dinosaurs this week and have completed some fantastic creative work too!

Image of Reception: Outdoor Learning
23 May

Reception: Outdoor Learning

Reception love outdoor learning. The children enjoy playing sports on the MUGA, making musical instruments out of natural materials, role playing, climbing and balancing.

Image of Reception: Butterflies
23 May

Reception: Butterflies

Reception have really enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. Today they set the butterflies free.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
22 May

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception enjoyed their forest schools session today. We created a den and the children enjoyed role playing inside it. The children also found a variety of minibeasts and enjoyed climbing trees too.

Image of Reception - Farms
19 May

Reception - Farms

On Thursday afternoon, Reception class went for a walk to Jacks Key to see if we could spot different animals in the farmer’s fields. We saw horses and cows and the children did some observational drawings. The children loved looking at the farmer's tractors too!

Image of Mad Science Club
19 May

Mad Science Club

Today was the last session of Mad Science Club and the children all really enjoyed learning about the density of different liquids today. They carried out group experiments and watched our science expert carry out an experiment too, whilst learning about how different liquids in our seas and rivers can affect the environment. They experienced first-hand, how difficult it is to get oil out of water and got to take home a little souvenir from the lesson at the end of it too.

Image of Reception - All about farms
18 May

Reception - All about farms

This week we have been learning all about farm animals and farmers. We looked at which animals we could find on a farm and the role of the farmer. We know that some farms grow crops and some look after animals. We’ve enjoyed playing in the farm small world area this week, making tractors using 2d shapes and making our own farms using the tap it boards.

Image of Year 1 Human and Physical Features in our Local Area
18 May

Year 1 Human and Physical Features in our Local Area

Year 1 have been exploring our local area and finding different human and physical features in their house colour teams. Their team leaders have recorded this information as we have walked around our local area. We also got the opportunity to talk about the seasonal changes happening from Spring to Summer and identified different wild flowers that we have been learning about within our plants science topic.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Volume and Amplitude
17 May

Year 4 - Science: Volume and Amplitude

In Year 4 this week, our super scientists have been exploring changes in volume and using a decibel meter to measure amplitude. They had to drop a marble on a drum from different heights and observing any changes in volume.

Image of Year 5- Science Eggsperiment- Dissecting An Egg
16 May

Year 5- Science Eggsperiment- Dissecting An Egg

Year 5 have enjoyed learning about the inside of an egg. They have all had a chance to explore the different features of an egg using a magnifying glass. They have learnt about the inner and outer membranes; these are between the eggshell and egg white, that help to keep the bacteria out of the egg. They also learnt how birds and reptiles have similar life cycles to one another. Like birds, reptiles begin their life cycle as an egg.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 May

Reception: Muddy Monday

The children in Reception visited Whitehall park for their Muddy Monday session. They climbed trees, built bug houses, found creatures and discussed their habitats and created their own games. The children enjoyed looking under logs to discover minibeasts. They have all been super explorers.

Image of Year 1 Art Colour Mixing
11 May

Year 1 Art Colour Mixing

Year 1 have been learning about the primary colours and how to mix them to make secondary colours. We then mixed the three secondary colours to make the colour brown and painting trees using all of the colours.

Image of Reception - Migration
10 May

Reception - Migration

This week in our Amazing Animals topic we learned all about migration. We looked at why birds migrate to warmer climates and made our own bird feeders. We have put a bird feeder outside of our window too so that we can watch the birds!

Image of Year 4 - Science of Sound
10 May

Year 4 - Science of Sound

In Year 4 this week, we have been investigating how sounds can change when they travel through different mediums: air, water and solid objects.

Image of Year 1 Planting Seeds
28 Apr

Year 1 Planting Seeds

This afternoon, with the help of one of our year 5 science club team, Year 1 planted four different types of seed as part of our science curriculum where we are learning about different plants. We bought these seeds from the garden centre we visited last half term and now we are going to be able to water them regularly and watch them grow. Hopefully in a few weeks we will have some runner beans, tomatoes, cornflowers and sunflowers. We can’t wait to see what happens.

Image of Mad Science Club Forces
28 Apr

Mad Science Club Forces

Today Mad Science Club were learning about forces with Scientific Sarah. The children got to investigate forces using different equipment such as metal spinning tops and large coin machine spinners. They have really enjoyed themselves and can’t wait for next week!

Image of Reception- Habitats
26 Apr

Reception- Habitats

Today, Reception have been learning all about habitats of different animals. They said that rabbits live in hutches, chickens live in a coop and badgers live in a sett. The children then went outside to build some mini beast and hedgehog habitats. They gathered materials such as leaves, twigs, sticks and rocks to create their own habitats.

Image of Charlotte from Elektec visit: EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2
25 Apr

Charlotte from Elektec visit: EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2

Charlotte from Elektec came to visit Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 today. The children watched a video to show how electricity is made. The children found out how electricity is made in a power station and the pylons help to carry the electricity to our houses. Charlotte asked the children what happens if you touch electricity. James said that you could get electrocuted which is absolutely right. Charlotte showed a photograph and the children had to guess what it was. Well done to Eliza who explained they are solar panels. Charlotte explained how they work and how sunlight heats the solar panels to make electricity. Charlotte also showed an electric car and showed a charging point. Charlotte explained that we will need to have a lot of electricians to help install the charging points and solar panels. Charlotte explained that Elektec is managed by herself and her husband. Charlotte and Carl’s children also work for the company and create videos. Charlotte shared a video of her Electots explaining what their company does. The Prince’s trust has helped set the company up and Charlotte has even met the king! Tristen, Sofia, Ella-Grace and Harry helped Charlotte to show how electricians keep safe. Glasses protect our eyes, a hard hat protects our head, a high vis jacket is worn so that everybody can see the electrician and a warning sign is used when an electrician is working on site to keep everybody safe. Charlotte showed a picture of the electricians that work in her company who are all men! This makes Charlotte sad and she explained to the children that girls can be just as good as boys and girls can be electricians too. Charlotte explained that to be an electrician you have to be good at Maths, be friendly, be good at puzzles, be able to follow the rules and be able to stay safe. Charlotte discussed what construction meant and she showed how a new house is built and the people who are involved from architects to decorators. Again, there aren’t many girls who work in construction. Charlotte shared her book called ‘When I grow up’ which explains how you can be anything that you want to be. Thank you so much to Charlotte for visiting, we had a wonderful time and left feeling inspired.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Presenting our findings
25 Apr

Year 4 - Science: Presenting our findings

On Monday, Year 4 did a great job of creating their own group presentations to explain how sound is made, how it travels and how it is received by the human ear.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
24 Apr

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception went to Whitehall park today to find lots of different minibeasts. They lifted up logs to see what they could find. They used magnifying glasses to investigate. We then went and continued our forest schools session climbing trees, making dens, building bug houses and making camp fires!

Image of Year 3 Science
19 Apr

Year 3 Science

This week Year 3 built on their knowledge of magnets and tested a variety of objects to see if they were magnetic or not. They were able to use different magnets to carry out their experiments.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
18 Apr

Reception: Forest Schools

Wow, what a super session Reception had today. We found squirrels, looked for mole tunnels and saw lots of different mini beasts. The children built fires, bug huts and dens too. They climbed trees and explored the forest schools area in Whitehall park.

Image of Year 5- Science- Life cycles of mammals
18 Apr

Year 5- Science- Life cycles of mammals

This term in science, we will build on work from previous years and deepen children's understanding of life cycles, reproduction and animal characteristics. This afternoon we have explored similarities and differences that there are in different mammals. Using their knowledge the children created life cycles for a tiger, platypus and a wallaby.

Image of Year 2 - Plants
30 Mar

Year 2 - Plants

In our science lessons we have been exploring the needs and features of plants. We have been exploring what plants need to survive and labelling diagrams with an explanation to match.

Image of Year 3 Science - Forces and Magnets
27 Mar

Year 3 Science - Forces and Magnets

Year 3 have been making predictions on magnet forces, considering the position of both bar and horseshoe magnets to see if they will then repel or attract. Once they made their predictions they worked in small groups to conduct their experiments and report their results. We discovered magnets are a non contact force. Excellent work Year 3!

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
27 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

We have had a lovely muddy Monday out in the sunshine. The children were looking at signs of spring on our walk around our school today. The children used a checklist to find all sorts of things we may see in spring. The children were also looking through cloud detectors to see which type of clouds were visible today. The children decided it was the cumulonimbus clouds they could see.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Writing Scientific Questions for an Enquiry
27 Mar

Year 4 - Science: Writing Scientific Questions for an Enquiry

This week we have been learning to ask scientific questions. We voted in our groups for the question on which we wanted to base our investigations.

Image of Year 5- Science- Exploring factors which affect an object's ability to resist water
27 Mar

Year 5- Science- Exploring factors which affect an object's ability to resist water

This afternoon in science the children learnt that water resistance is a force which prevents an object from moving easily through the water. We tested whether air resistance or water resistance is stronger by dropping different shapes of clay, from the same height through water and the air.

Image of Year 6- London Science Museum
25 Mar

Year 6- London Science Museum

Year 6 also visited the London Science Museum and took part in an interactive gallery called Wonderlab:The Equinor Gallery. The interactive experience ignited their curiosity, fuelled their imagination, and inspired them to see the world around them in new and exciting ways. They enjoyed lots of hands on experiments, live science demonstrations and revealed the beauty of the science and maths that shape our everyday lives. They particularly enjoyed the friction experiment using slides with different surfaces that they could zoom down and see which one had the most friction! Kaylen said he felt like he was in heaven as he loves science!

Image of DT in Year 4 - Designing and Making an Alarm System
24 Mar

DT in Year 4 - Designing and Making an Alarm System

In our DT session today, we have finished our alarm designs and started to created them by gathering all of the relevant components for the circuit. We thought really carefully about electrical safety, how to make an effective design and what to do if something goes wrong.

Image of Year 3 Super Slime!
24 Mar

Year 3 Super Slime!

To celebrate British Science Week, each class were given the opportunity to vote for a science experiment that they would like to try out this week. Year 3 voted for Cornflower Slime! We have had great fun this afternoon, experimenting with making slime and thinking about if slime is a solid or a liquid, along with learning how slime is different to water!

Image of Year 4 - Science Week Investigation
23 Mar

Year 4 - Science Week Investigation

For Science Week, Year 4 voted to carry out the Egg Zip Line experiment. The children had to make the best basket to carry an egg down a zip line at speed. The winning group were the ones whose egg went reached the bottom the fastest without it dropping on the floor.

Image of Year 4 - Circuits Dance
23 Mar

Year 4 - Circuits Dance

We are having great fun putting together our Year 4 dance routine. We are taking inspiration from our science and DT work on circuits.

Image of Reception - Art - Observational Drawing
23 Mar

Reception - Art - Observational Drawing

In Art this week we looked at observational drawings. We studied the daffodils carefully and used artist pencils to sketch the flowers. The children included details such as leaves and buds and then used the pencils to lightly shade some areas. The children were very proud of their works of art!

Image of Year 3: Lunchtime Science Experiment
23 Mar

Year 3: Lunchtime Science Experiment

Year 3 had the chance to take part in a couple of science experiments during their lunchtime today. They looked at skittles colour pattern experiment and the milk, food colouring and liquid soap experiment. The children were really excited by the results and had a super time!

Image of Year 5- Science- Egg Zip Line Challenge
23 Mar

Year 5- Science- Egg Zip Line Challenge

The Year 5 scientists had a fun science afternoon. They made parachutes to learn about air resistance and tried out egg zip lines. They made special harnesses using pipe cleaners to safely transport eggs down the zip wire. It was a great way for them to learn about science and engineering whist having fun!

Image of Year 3 Science: Comparing how things move on different surfaces.
22 Mar

Year 3 Science: Comparing how things move on different surfaces.

This week in Science, Year 3 have been investigating how objects move on different surfaces. We set up a ramp in class and timed how fast the toy car moved, on different surfaces. We discovered that the car moved fastest on the wood and Cling film and slowest on the sandpaper and bubble wrap. We will now be using our data to create a bar graph with final results!

Image of Reception - Signs of Spring
22 Mar

Reception - Signs of Spring

This week we have been learning about the Seasons of the year. We discussed signs of Spring and observed the weather outside. Children went on a ‘Spring Hunt’ outside and recorded their findings. We looked at flowers and made ‘petal soup’ - the children loved carefully measuring using the teapots and teacups.

Image of Year 1- Science Volcano experiment
22 Mar

Year 1- Science Volcano experiment

Wow what a exciting afternoon we had on Monday. We made a volcano by using bicarbonate of soda, food colouring, water and vinegar. We mixed all our ingredients inside before taking it outside to watch it explode. Look closely at our pictures to see our shocked faces!

Image of Year 1- Garden Centre Visit
22 Mar

Year 1- Garden Centre Visit

On Tuesday morning we walked down to ‘Four Seasons Garden Centre’ in preparation for our next science topic about plants. We found out lots of information about plants and the seasons they grow in. At the end of our tour around the garden centre we purchased some seeds to bring back to school to watch them grow.

Image of Year 1: Garden Centre Visit Thank you!
22 Mar

Year 1: Garden Centre Visit Thank you!

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone at “Four Seasons Garden Centre” for making us all feel welcome. Sonia said she was really pleased with how we respected the garden centre and how well they represented our school. Sonia gave us some free gifts to bring back to school (Planters, soil and flowers) we can’t wait to plant these.

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
21 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

We had our muddy Monday session in our school area yesterday. We went onto the top field for a game of stuck in the mud and some of us enjoyed rolling down the banking. Whilst we were on the field we found a frog, the children were really interested in the frog and they were very caring towards it. We then had a walk through the willow tunnel and went onto our playground to play some games, such as ‘duck, duck, goose’ and ‘hot potato’. We had so much fun!

Image of Reception: Dental Hygiene
21 Mar

Reception: Dental Hygiene

Today, the children learnt all about the importance of dental hygiene. They learnt how to brush their teeth properly and what food and drinks to not eat and drink as much of to look after their teeth. The children practised cleaning teeth and showed us their beautiful, sparkling teeth.

Image of Reception - Doctor Visit
17 Mar

Reception - Doctor Visit

Today Reception class welcomed Dr.Chloe who came from Blackburn Hospital to talk to us all about her job. She explained how she loves to help people and even told us about her therapy dogs, Alfie and Patrick. The children asked some fantastic questions all about what is inside her doctors bag and Dr.Chloe showed us her stethoscope and showed us how it works. Thank you Dr.Chloe, we had a wonderful time!

Image of Year 3 Science: Exploring contact and non-contact forces
16 Mar

Year 3 Science: Exploring contact and non-contact forces

This week in Science, Year 3 have been exploring contact and non-contact forces. We started by learning about different types of forces, such as push, pull, air resistance and gravity. We then thought about the effect that different forces can have on an object. Finally, we took part in a range of different activities to investigate contact and non-contact forces, such as kicking a ball, sanding wood and throwing and catching.

Image of Reception Lunchtime Science Experiments
16 Mar

Reception Lunchtime Science Experiments

Reception Class took part in rainbow themed science experiments today for science week at lunch time with our science club leading the activities. They were excited to see how different colours came out of the skittles to make a rainbow pattern and how different liquids react when mixed together.

Image of Year 1- Creating a structure for testing
15 Mar

Year 1- Creating a structure for testing

In Science this week we have created our own house made from different materials. We had to create a house that would be waterproof and strong enough to survive a hurricane. We used cardboard, tinfoil, cello tape, fabric, and cellophane.

Image of Year 1 Science- Testing the strength of materials
15 Mar

Year 1 Science- Testing the strength of materials

So now it was time to test our houses. We used a jug of water to see if our houses were waterproof and a hair dryer to see if it could survive the hurricane. We loved creating and testing our houses to see which materials would be the most suitable in a hurricane.

Image of Year 1- Science week live lesson
15 Mar

Year 1- Science week live lesson

Year 1 watched a science farm live lesson as part of British Science Week. Our lesson was all about tractors and the materials they are made from and why they are made from that material. We had lots of questions to answer throughout the lesson all about materials. We also found out lots of interesting facts about farming life, plants and tractors!

Image of Year 2 - Testing the use of everyday materials
15 Mar

Year 2 - Testing the use of everyday materials

During our science lessons we have been looking at the uses of everyday materials. During our science experiment we were testing how waterproof many materials are. We tested many materials and rated how water proof they were. After we had tested a variety of materials we looked at how to make materials waterproof. We used wax to rub that onto some materials and then re tested it to ensure it was waterproof.

Image of Year 4 - Investigating Conductors and Insulators
15 Mar

Year 4 - Investigating Conductors and Insulators

Happy British Science Week from Year 4. In science this week we have been finding out which materials make good electrical conductors by adding them to our series circuits. Tin foil and steel made great conductors.

Image of Year 5 - Science- Investigating Force and Air- Resistance
14 Mar

Year 5 - Science- Investigating Force and Air- Resistance

Following on from our previous science lesson, today the children worked in small groups to investigate whether a ball's mass affects gravity's force. They used weighing scales to measure the mass of 5 different balls, then from the same height observed how long they took to touch the ground. Only one variable was changed to conduct a fair test. The children changed the ball. We then explored the term Air- Resistance in detail and carried out an experiment using two sheets of paper. We screwed one up into a ball and left one as a sheet, we then dropped the ball of paper and sheet at the same time and observed what happens. The sheet of paper fell slowly as there is more air under the paper.

Image of British Science Week Assembly
14 Mar

British Science Week Assembly

This week is British Science Week and the theme is ‘Connections’. The children have enjoyed an exciting assembly explaining about the events for the week and also saw some live experiments take place in the hall, as well as some amazing videos of simple experiments they can carry out at home with the help of an adult. They will be voting for their favourite experiment in their classes this week, which will be carried out next week with their class teachers. There is a national poster competition to enter, lunchtime experiments and fun with our year 5 and 6 Science Club team and live online science lessons to take part in.

Image of Science Club- Colour mixing experiment with Year 1
14 Mar

Science Club- Colour mixing experiment with Year 1

A huge THANK YOU to the children in science club yesterday lunchtime for leading such a fun experiment! They led a colour mixing experiment using skittles. It was so much fun!

Image of Year 6 science
9 Mar

Year 6 science

Year 6 investigated what happens to their heart rate as the intensity of an activity increases. They then used their results and presented them in a bar chart so that the data can be interpreted easily.

Image of Year 4 - Making Scientific Predictions
8 Mar

Year 4 - Making Scientific Predictions

In Year 4, we are loving our science unit on electricity so far. This week we examined different diagrams and predicted whether we thought the series circuits would work. We then built the circuits and found out if our predictions were correct.

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
7 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

For Muddy Monday yesterday we had a forest school session in school. Some of the children wanted to create bug houses, some wanted to jump in muddy puddles and some wanted to experiment using water and pipes and they were working together to figure out how they needed to angle the pipes for the water to collect in the tray. We had lots of fun and because yesterday was so wet, we got very muddy!

Image of Year 1 Medicine Safety
6 Mar

Year 1 Medicine Safety

Year 1 have been learning about medicine safety and looked at different empty medicine boxes. They discussed what the different types of medicine were and looked at the difference between harmful and helpful items. We discussed the importance of adults always administering medicine and looked at different scenarios where medicine might be administered safely. The children then worked in groups to sort items into harmful, helpful or both of these categories.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Series Circuits
1 Mar

Year 4 - Science: Series Circuits

In science, Year 4 class have been exploring how to make components work in a series circuit. The children were great at problem solving when their circuits weren’t working.

Image of Reception- Magnets
23 Feb

Reception- Magnets

Some of the children in reception asked if they could have some magnets to test which items in the classroom were magnetic or not. We discussed what materials the items were made of and which ones were magnetic. The children found magnetic items such as scissors, magnetic letters, chairs and lots more!

Image of Year 2 - Material testing
23 Feb

Year 2 - Material testing

During our science lesson we have been testing the properties and uses of everyday materials. We have had a look at a variety of materials and how their properties are very useful for construction and building everyday items.

Image of Year 6 Science
23 Feb

Year 6 Science

Year 6 have been looking at the role of the three types of blood vessel and also how a blood clot can affect blood flow. We created a model to represent the blood vessels and noticed that even when the diameter is only a millimetre different, it can have a dramatic affect on how quick the blood flows.

Image of Year 5- D.T- Parent Engineer
23 Feb

Year 5- D.T- Parent Engineer

WOW!!!! The Year 5 class were thrilled to learn all things engineering. The class of engineers were very lucky to meet a parent who works as an engineer. He answered questions which the children had prepared before his visit. The children were inspired by to his journey. They were fascinated to learn about his job, what his job involves and the places he has travelled to in order to become as successful as he has today. He highlighted the importance of designing something first, then producing it and watching it work. The children learnt about different types of engineering such as constructional engineer and electronic engineer. The children have now been left with a project to make a floating ball, windmill, air conditioning unit, sailing boat and a moving vehicle.

Image of Year 3 Science- How are fossils formed?
22 Feb

Year 3 Science- How are fossils formed?

Year 3 have been learning all about how fossils are made. We carried out an exciting experiment where the class made their own imprints, recreating the process of fossil formation.

Image of Year 1- Signs of spring
22 Feb

Year 1- Signs of spring

Yesterday we walked to Whitehall park to look out for some signs of spring. In science we looked at the changes between winter and spring. Our walk also linked in with our R.E lesson (Easter unit) as we were looking for signs of new life.

Image of Reception - Understanding Of The World - Material Hunt
22 Feb

Reception - Understanding Of The World - Material Hunt

This week we have explored different materials. We have looked at different types of materials including plastic, metal, wood, glass, rubber, brick, stone, fabric and wool. We then went on a material hunt to identify different materials around our classroom and school! The children really enjoyed finding all of the different materials in our environment

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
20 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today the children explored the changes of weather and different areas of Whitehall park. The children commented on how the weather can be sunny, cloudy, rainy, foggy and windy. The children explored the waterfall and other forest schools sections. They showed the Christian value of courage as we had to walk up a steep hill and walked a long way around the park.

Image of Reception - Understanding Of The World
9 Feb

Reception - Understanding Of The World

This week, we have looked at floating and sinking. To start, we discussed what we already knew. We then gathered a range of items and investigated if they would float or sink. We made predictions about what would happen, and named some of the materials the items were made out of. We really enjoyed putting the items into the water to check if they would float or sink.

Image of Year 2 - Building bridges
9 Feb

Year 2 - Building bridges

In science, we have been looking at the use of everyday materials. We looked at what makes a strong and sturdy bridge. We took a trip to a local bridge to investigate the material used. We then used the materials we could find to make a bridge of our own. We explored: strength, support, structure and how big a bridge can be.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Conservation
8 Feb

Year 4 - Science: Conservation

From deforestation to water pollution, Year 4 have studied many ways to protect our planet. Here are some of our conservation posters.

Image of Year 1- Does it sink or float?
7 Feb

Year 1- Does it sink or float?

In science we looked at objects that sink or float. We went to Jack’s Key to test some objects in the river. We collected sticks, leaves and stones on our way and tested them to see if they sank or floated. We also took a apple, a orange, a coin and some bread from school.

Image of Reception- Junk Modelling
1 Feb

Reception- Junk Modelling

The children have had a great time this week bringing their creativity to life in the creative area. They have made various models using junk modelling from cars and aeroplanes to hats and cupcakes. They have used amazing imagination and developed lots of fine motor and creativity skills along the way.

Image of Year 4 - Investigating Air Pollution
1 Feb

Year 4 - Investigating Air Pollution

Our super scientists have been making predictions about air pollution levels in different areas in our locality. We then pasted Vaseline to card and left them in these areas to see which collected the most pollutants from the air.

Image of Year 1 - Material hunt
31 Jan

Year 1 - Material hunt

Following on from learning about materials we’ve been on a walk to find some materials out and about in our local area.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
30 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today, the children have focussed on maps and why we have them. We discussed where we had seen maps. Roman said you can find a map on your phone, Marley said you can find a map at Jack Keys and Elijah said you can buy one from a shop. Eddie told the children that maps tell you where to go and Seb said that you can use a map if you ever get lost. We then went to Whitehall park and found a map. We followed it to find the duck pond. We then went to the forest school area and looked at the hedgehog house and bug house. We also made fires, our own bug hotels and climbed trees. Super exploring!

Image of Reception Forest Schools- Muddy Tuesday
26 Jan

Reception Forest Schools- Muddy Tuesday

On Tuesday we had a forest school session in our school grounds. The children were split into five groups with six children in each. Each team were given a pet log to build a shelter for. The children worked amazingly well together and showed great teamwork and co-operation. Each team successfully built a natural shelter for their pet.

Image of Year 2 - Use of everyday materials
26 Jan

Year 2 - Use of everyday materials

In year 2 we have been exploring the use of everyday materials. We took a trip to Whitehall park to see what materials we could find, what they were being used for and if they were fit for purpose. The children found lots of interesting materials being used at Whitehall park.

Image of Year 3 Science
25 Jan

Year 3 Science

Year 3 have been looking at different types of rock formations, how they are made and where they can be found. During this lesson we focused on sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. These were compared to recognised chocolate bars, one had air particles inside, while the other had formed layers. They then went on to categorise these rocks onto a chart.

Image of Year 4 - Researching ecosystems in the Amazon rainforest
25 Jan

Year 4 - Researching ecosystems in the Amazon rainforest

In science, we have been conducting research on ecosystems in the rainforest. We were surprised to find out that there was typically only one season all year round - 'humid' season.

Image of Year 1- Describing materials of objects
24 Jan

Year 1- Describing materials of objects

Yesterday afternoon in science we looked at some objects and what materials they are made from. We looked at objects made from wood, metal, fabric and plastic. We then looked at the properties of the materials such as bumpy, hard, soft, stretchy, opaque and transparent.

Image of Reception: Keeping ourselves safe
17 Jan

Reception: Keeping ourselves safe

Reception have been learning all about what is safe to go into their body. They discussed what happens if they are poorly and how we should never use medicines on our own. They learnt that they should never put anything in their mouths unless a grown up knows such as a family member or teacher.

Image of Year 5 - Science- Timezone Data
17 Jan

Year 5 - Science- Timezone Data

In science, the Year 5 class have been working out different times across the world using time zone data. They have used knowledge and skills learned from previous lessons to guide them. They have used a globe and torch to demonstrate how the Earth rotates and orbits around the Sun.

Image of Year 1- Exploring materials
16 Jan

Year 1- Exploring materials

In science we have been on a hunt to find objects made from materials such as metal, wood, plastic, glass and fabric. We found lots of objects made from these materials. I was so impressed with the work they produced in their science books this afternoon. Well done year 1!

Image of Year 2 - Science Experiment
12 Jan

Year 2 - Science Experiment

In year 2 we have been looking at the importance of hygiene and experimenting with how easily germs can spread. We tested what happened to pepper and water when it was subjected to soap - in relation to bacteria. Children were amazed with the results and it showed them the importance of staying hygienic and to always wash your hands throughout the day.

Image of Year 6 Science
5 Jan

Year 6 Science

Today, year 6 have been investigating which blood type hospitals would benefit from having in larger quantities.They did this by completing a model and found out that ‘Blood Type O’ would be more beneficial as it can be donated to all of the other blood types.

Image of Year 5- Science- Exploring the Solar System
3 Jan

Year 5- Science- Exploring the Solar System

This term in science, Year 5 will have the opportunity to star-gaze by learning more about the Earth and the celestial bodies in our solar system. This afternoon we explored the Solar System and the characteristics of the planets in detail.

Image of Year 4 Tooth Decay Investigation
14 Dec

Year 4 Tooth Decay Investigation

Science was very interesting this week. Year 4 set up an experiment to test how different liquids affect our teeth, except that we used eggs to represent teeth. After a 5-day soak in either water, cola, black currant juice, orange juice, sports drink or vinegar, the egg shells were examined and cleaned with a toothbrush and toothpaste. The children then observed the changes to the eggs and drew conclusions about how certain liquids may affect our teeth.

Image of Year 4 - Comparative Testing
7 Dec

Year 4 - Comparative Testing

Our super scientists have been planning a comparative test to find out which liquids cause the most damage to our teeth. The children gave very scientific predictions.

Image of Year 2 - Designing fruit kebabs
2 Dec

Year 2 - Designing fruit kebabs

Year 2 have been working really hard to design their own amazing fruit kebabs ready for the Christmas fair. Linking it with our healthy eating in science we have designed our own healthy fruit kebab.

Image of Year 4 Investigating Teeth
1 Dec

Year 4 Investigating Teeth

In science, we have been examining our teeth this week. We now know the names of the different types of teeth and what their jobs are.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Parts of the Digestive System
16 Nov

Year 4 - Science: Parts of the Digestive System

Year 4 have enjoyed a messy science session this week. We made our own model digestive system and used it to understand the functions of each organ.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
14 Nov

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today, the children in Reception enjoyed looking for signs of Autumn at Jack Keys Reservoir. We enjoyed looking at the views to discuss the signs of Autumn. The children learnt the meaning of deciduous and evergreen trees and they were able to identify them.

Image of Reception: All About Autumn
14 Nov

Reception: All About Autumn

This week, the children are learning all about Autumn. They have been very busy in provision creating Autumn faces, hedgehogs and trees. They’ve also been counting different Autumn pictures and matching it to the correct numeral.

Image of Year 4 Identifying the organs in the digestive system
8 Nov

Year 4 Identifying the organs in the digestive system

In our science lesson this week, Year 4 worked hard to identify the organs in the digestive system.

Image of Year 3 Science: Nutrition Labels
8 Nov

Year 3 Science: Nutrition Labels

This week in Science, Year 3 have been learning about the nutrition in the food we eat. We started by learning how to find and understand nutrition labels on our food. We then thought about which foods would be a healthy option, and which should be an occasional treat, based on the information provided on the food labels. The children were surprised that some food and drinks, such as fruit juices and cereals ,include a high amount of sugar and may not always be the healthiest choice.

Image of Reception- Cleaning Our Outdoor House
7 Nov

Reception- Cleaning Our Outdoor House

Today the reception children decided that our outdoor house in the yard needed to be cleaned. They used the brushes, pans and bowls to clean with. They worked as a team to decide which areas were dirty and needed to cleaned. This showed our Christian values of respect, friendship, trust and generosity.

Image of Year 3 Science- Food groups
2 Nov

Year 3 Science- Food groups

Year 3 have been looking at the different food groups in Science. They identified each food group and wrote about how each group help our bodies. We spoke about making good food choices to ensure our bodies are as healthy as possible.

Image of Year 6 Science- Electricity
1 Nov

Year 6 Science- Electricity

Before the half term holiday, year 6 built their own set of traffic lights. They needed to make sure that only one light lit up at a time. This meant creating a three-way switch out of a pin and a paper clip to light each LED individually.

Image of Year 6 Science
1 Nov

Year 6 Science

Year 6 have been delving deeper into their knowledge of insulators and conductors. In order to do this, they created their own loop game. If the loop touched the wire, they heard a buzz because they had a closed circuit. The handle of the loop was made of an insulating material. This was to ensure that anyone playing the game was safe.

Image of Reception Hand Hygiene
19 Oct

Reception Hand Hygiene

Reception have been learning about hand hygiene this morning and how we can protect ourselves from germs and bugs. The children experimented with a special cream which they rubbed into their hands and it acted as the ‘germs’. They then looked at their hands under a UV light to see where all the germs were. Then they washed their hands carefully, making sure they cleaned in between their fingers, the backs of their hands and their fingernails where most germs stay. They checked their hands again with the UV light after washing them and could see the places where they had not washed properly.

Image of Year 4 - Hand Hygiene Workshop
19 Oct

Year 4 - Hand Hygiene Workshop

A huge thank you to LCC for delivering a hand hygiene session to Year 4 today. The children were shocked to discover that their hand washing may not always be sufficient in removing germs, especially those who put their hands under the black light. We will definitely be spending more time washing our hands going forward.

Image of Reception Boat Race
18 Oct

Reception Boat Race

Reception have been playing in the water area outside and we decided to have a boat race. We discussed how much water we would need to make the boats move and what we could use to fill up the water, such as the bottles, pans and jugs. The children then identified which boats travelled the fastest and the slowest.

Image of Year 1- Autumn walk
17 Oct

Year 1- Autumn walk

This afternoon year 1 have been on a walk around Jack Keys looking for signs of Autumn

Image of Year 6 Science
13 Oct

Year 6 Science

Year 6 have been investigating if adding more components to a circuit, affects the output of that circuit.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Classifying
13 Oct

Year 4 - Science: Classifying

Our Year 4 scientists have been creating classification keys this week to sort sweets.

Image of Science- Year 5
11 Oct

Science- Year 5

Year 5 investigating chemical reactions- acids and bicarbonate of soda. Before experimenting, the children predicted what might happen if they mixed vinegar and bicarbonate soda. The excitement on their faces lit up as they watched the liquid gradually produce bubbles of carbon dioxide gas. 

Image of Reception: Our Body
10 Oct

Reception: Our Body

Today, the children have been learning the names of the different parts of our body. We then found out what a skeleton was and named the different bones in our body. The children really enjoyed tracing around each other to point to the different bones and enjoyed drawing the rib cage. The children have also made skeletons using art straws, paint and playdough.

Image of Reception: Using our Senses
5 Oct

Reception: Using our Senses

This week we have learnt all about our senses. We had a discussion about what happens to our senses when we lose one of them. The children put on their blindfolds and described the touch, smell and taste of the different fruits. They tasted orange, lemon, apple and pear. Fletcher said that the lemon stung his tongue, Annabel said that it makes her shoulders wiggle! Renee said that the pear smells like a plant. Marley described the orange as juicy and Alice described the apple as smooth.

Image of Year 4 - Classifying Animals
5 Oct

Year 4 - Classifying Animals

In Year 4, our super scientists have been sorting animals into groups and sub-groups using different criteria.

Image of Reception Feely Bag
5 Oct

Reception Feely Bag

Reception have been having a go at guessing and describing the items in the Feely Bag. We talked about how if one of our senses is lost, then our other senses will be stronger. The children put the blindfolds on and picked an item from the bag and described it to each other to guess what it was.

Image of Year 1-Science
4 Oct

Year 1-Science

In science year 1 have been looking at the differences and similarities of different animal groups such as mammals and reptiles.

Image of Science- Thermal Conductivity- Year 5
4 Oct

Science- Thermal Conductivity- Year 5

This afternoon, Year 5 have been exploring the thermal conductivity of materials. We started the lesson by looking at ways to save energy in our homes. The children suggested, switching off lights, keeping windows and doors close in winter, wear warm clothes around the house, having a quick shower instead of a soak and unplug electronics. We then discussed loft insulation, double glazing, solar panels and energy lightbulbs which which last up to 12 times as long as traditional bulbs, using less electricity.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
3 Oct

Reception: Muddy Monday

What a fabulous Muddy Monday the children in Reception have had. Today, the children continued to explore their local environment and we went to Jack Keys Reservoir. We explored the differences between Knowsley road and the reservoir. The children said it was a lot quieter, there were a lot more trees and water. We then built some birds nests after reading Owl Babies. The children also enjoyed getting very muddy in an area of the woods. They described the mud and what it felt and sounded like.

Image of Year 3 Science- Shadows
29 Sep

Year 3 Science- Shadows

During Science we discovered that light does not bend, it travels in a straight line. We tested this using our hands, opaque shapes and a torch. We found that when the light hits the opaque object a shadow will form.

Image of Year 2 - Exploring Microhabitats within the school grounds.
29 Sep

Year 2 - Exploring Microhabitats within the school grounds.

Year 2 have been exploring microhabitats within the school grounds. They found many interesting insects and have loved exploring their habitats.

Image of Year 4 - Habitats
28 Sep

Year 4 - Habitats

Year 4 took on the role of researchers as they investigated habitats and how living things are well adapted to their habitats.

Image of Year 1- labelling features of birds and mammals
27 Sep

Year 1- labelling features of birds and mammals

Year 1 have been looking at the differences and similarities of birds and mammals, they worked in groups to label the features of these animals.

Image of Year 2 - Investigating local animal habitats.
13 Sep

Year 2 - Investigating local animal habitats.

Year 2 investigating local habitats. We have started our science unit on animals and their habitats. We explored and found many local insects and animals and discussed where they lived.

Image of Changes of Materials- Year 5- Science
13 Sep

Changes of Materials- Year 5- Science

Year 5 has been working scientifically in small groups. They were given two bottles filled with water. One solution is pure water for drinking and the other is salty water. The labels from the bottles have been washed off and they need to work out which one is suitable for drinking (but they cannot taste it). They seem pretty confident with their choices and have labelled the bottles accordingly. We will investigate over the coming days and see if their predictions are correct.

Image of Reception Rocket Launching
14 Jul

Reception Rocket Launching

Reception have been learning about Space this week. They watched a clip of a Rocket Launch and have been eager to find out lots about what it's like in Space. They worked with Mrs Thompson to make their own rocket and took it onto the MUGA to see how far they could launch it!

Image of Reception: all about rockets
12 Jul

Reception: all about rockets

During our space themed week, we learnt all about rockets. We watched a rocket launch, found out how they fly and looked at where they go. We looked at photographs of space and the different planets, investigated the shape of a rocket and learnt how fast they fly. We then created our own rocket and launched it. Quite a few of our class would love to become an astronaut so watch this space!!

Image of Year 2 Blackpool Trip!
7 Jul

Year 2 Blackpool Trip!

Year 2 had a fantastic day at Blackpool on Tuesday! Our class topic this term is ‘Beside the Seaside’ so the aim of the trip was for the children to experience a day at the seaside and think about the activities that we do now at the seaside and comparing this to the Victorian’s. We played on the beach, listened to a talk about beach safety, went to the the top of Blackpool Tower and walked along The North Pier! The children showed so much respect to the general public and represented St Barnabas brilliantly! Well done Year 2!

Image of Reception Science - Super Sandcastles!
7 Jul

Reception Science - Super Sandcastles!

As part of our Science, Reception have been learning how to make the perfect sandcastle. We discussed what is needed for the perfect sandcastle and experimented with the sand to see which would make the best one. We found that dry sand doesn't make a good sandcastle as it is too soft to hold. We found that we needed to mix dry sand with water to make a paste and then pat it into a bucket tightly and smoothly - this made the best sandcastle! The children then experimented in the sandpit outside to make their own.

Image of Year 3 Science Investigation.- What do plants need to grow well?
5 Jul

Year 3 Science Investigation.- What do plants need to grow well?

In Science Year 3 have been investigating what plants need in order to grow well. After ten days of growing water cress we observed the effects of not watering, keeping the plants in a fridge, keeping plants in a dark cupboard and keeping plants on our window sill. All plants except the one we decided not to water were watered daily. Our conclusion was that plants need water, heat and light in order to grow well.

Image of Reception’s visit to Blackpool Zoo
5 Jul

Reception’s visit to Blackpool Zoo

Reception have had a brilliant time at Blackpool zoo! They have seen sea lions, penguins, camels, birds, a crocodile, orangutans, giraffes, elephants and monkeys! We also enjoyed being explorers when walking around the dinosaur safari! What a brilliant day!

Image of Reception Car Wash
23 Jun

Reception Car Wash

The cars in our reception yard needed a wash, so some of the year 6 children led a car wash activity this morning! They used the cloths and brushes to scrub the cars nice and clean. Thank you to those Year 6 children who helped!

Image of Year 3 - Science - sowing seeds
21 Jun

Year 3 - Science - sowing seeds

Year 3 are observing the watercress seeds sown last Friday. Over the past four days they have grown to 0.8cm high. Next Monday they will be using them in a Science Investigation to find out what plants need to grow well.

Image of Science- Explore Life Cycles- Year 5
21 Jun

Science- Explore Life Cycles- Year 5

This term, Year 5 will focus on life cycles and the processes from conception, through birth to death. This afternoon, the children drew a timeline to indicate stages in the growth and development of humans. They also watched a short film by expert Zoologist Mike Linley who explained puberty and adolescence.

Image of Year 6 Science
17 Jun

Year 6 Science

During science we conducted and experiment, our goal was to see how animals adapt and camouflage to aid in their development to ensure survival. We collected coloured sticks to highlight that the camouflaged sticks were harder to find and so were more likely to survive as their less likely to be eaten and can then breed. We then took this information and displayed it on our bar charts.

Image of Year 1 Science
16 Jun

Year 1 Science

Today in science, Year 1 measured their hand spans and the length of their feet. They worked in groups to construct a bar chart so that they could easily compare the measurements. In some groups, it was true that people with the longest feet had the biggest hand spans and people with the smallest hand spans had the shortest feet but in other groups it wasn’t. Therefore, we decided that it is only sometimes true. We are going to continue our pattern seeking in science next week by exploring questions such as do people with the longest feet jump the furthest? And can people with the biggest hand spans hold the most sweets? We are excited to continue our investigations.

Image of Reception butterflies
14 Jun

Reception butterflies

Reception have really enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. Today, they had a closer look at a cocoon and released the butterflies!

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Giving Up Loving Pop (GULP)
24 May

Year 3 PSHE - Giving Up Loving Pop (GULP)

Year 3 have had their last PSHE lesson with Lewis. He asked them to work in groups in order to create a poster persuading children to keep their teeth clean and healthy and informing the reader how to do so. Each group presented their posters to the rest of the class.

Image of Year 3 Science - investigating how light travels and how shadows are made.
23 May

Year 3 Science - investigating how light travels and how shadows are made.

Year 3 have been investigating how light travels in straight lines by shining a torch through two or three cards with tiny holes that need to be lined up in order to see the light on the big white card at the opposite end. We also carried out an investigation to find out which material would be best suited to use as curtains to block out the light in a child’s bedroom. We used a torch and big white card at the opposite end, placing three different materials between them. Only one made a dark shadow, so that was the one that would be best to use. It was opaque. The other two materials were translucent and transparent.

Image of Year 3 French - Fruits
23 May

Year 3 French - Fruits

Year 3 have been learning the names of six different fruits in French. They have written sentences in French naming each fruit and its colour.

Image of Year 6 Science
19 May

Year 6 Science

Today year 6 are creating an animal which they have designed using plasticine. They needed to consider what the animal might need depending on their environment and Think about how the animal has adapted to live there.

Image of Year 4 - Sound Investigation
18 May

Year 4 - Sound Investigation

In science this week Year 4 have been investigating how sound travels across a distance. We learned about diffraction and how we can channel sound by cupping our ears.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Staying hydrated with water
17 May

Year 3 PSHE - Staying hydrated with water

Year 3 have learnt about the importance of staying hydrated, particularly during sports activities. Lewis recapped on previous learning about the high sugar levels in sports and energy drinks. He reinforced that drinking water or milk would be more beneficial in keeping teeth healthy as well as for our overall health.

Image of Science- Year 5
17 May

Science- Year 5

This week in science, the children have been learning about the life cycles of insects and amphibians.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
17 May

Reception: Forest Schools

Reception enjoyed their forest schools session today. The children walked to Whitehall park where they explored and found different minibeasts in their natural habitats.

Image of Reception- minibeasts!
16 May

Reception- minibeasts!

Reception have enjoyed learning the names of different minibeasts. We then went outside to see if we could find any. We found spiders, woodlouse, beetles, worms and slugs to name a few! Tomorrow, we will be learning more about their habitats their forest school session.

Image of Year 1 Science
11 May

Year 1 Science

As part of their science unit on plants, Year 1 went on a hunt to find wild plants. They saw yellow dandelions, white dandelions, daisies, stinging nettles, bluebells, foxgloves, poppies, violas, forget-me-nots, buttercups and primroses. Next week, they'll be looking at garden plants.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - sugar content of drinks
10 May

Year 3 PSHE - sugar content of drinks

Year 3 have been learning about the sugar content of different drinks and how we can find out by looking at labels on bottles, cans and cartons. The second half of the lesson involved staying active and healthy by playing handball.

Image of Year 3 Science - mirror games
9 May

Year 3 Science - mirror games

Year 3 have been using mirrors to reflect words and see what they look like not only written backwards but with reversed letters. Also, we went outside and tried to walk along a wiggly line by looking into a mirror which showed the ground to be upside down.

Image of Year 2 Science: Plants!
3 May

Year 2 Science: Plants!

This term in Science, Year 2 are learning all about plants. In class, we have been exploring why plants need water, light, and a suitable temperature to grow well. As a class, we have planted some broad beans in the following conditions: watered and warm, watered and cold, dry and warm and dry and cold. Over the next few weeks, we will be monitoring each plants growth and explaining what has happened to each plant, based on it's conditions.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - teeth hygiene
3 May

Year 3 PSHE - teeth hygiene

In PSHE Year 3 have been finding out about how many grams of sugar there are in different drinks and how they need to brush their teeth with toothpaste twice a day and use mouth wash too. They have learnt that regular visits to the dentist are important too. They ended the lesson with a game of dodgeball, as staying active is important for their overall health and well-being.

Image of Year 2 PSHE: Dental Health
28 Apr

Year 2 PSHE: Dental Health

This week in PSHE, Year 2 have been learning about dental hygiene. We thought about the different sugary foods we eat and how it is important to have a balanced diet, as this will help our teeth to stay healthy! We looked at how we can look after our teeth, by brushing our teeth twice a day for 2 minutes. Each child received a Colgate tooth brush, tooth paste and information pack to take home with them!

Image of Year 6 Science
28 Apr

Year 6 Science

Today Year 6 have been converting data collected from a tally chart into a bar chart.

Image of Year 1 Science- Plants
28 Apr

Year 1 Science- Plants

This afternoon, Year 1 have been exploring the different stages of plant growth. They created their own animations on Purple Mash to illustrate these stages and then played them back to enjoy watching their plant grow. Some children even added visiting bees to their plants to pollinate them, their plant being watered and seeds dropping off their plants to form new ones. They also explained what the different parts of the plants do such as the stem transporting the water and the nutrients from the roots to the plant.

Image of Year 1- Science Results
28 Apr

Year 1- Science Results

This afternoon, Year 1 had a look at the results of their science investigation. The children discovered that our plant that was given sunlight, water and soil grew to be healthy, our plant without water didn’t grow, our plant without soil didn’t have the correct nutrients to grow and our plant without sunlight did grow but it died and didn’t have a green colour.

Image of Year 3  Science - Investigating reflective materials
26 Apr

Year 3 Science - Investigating reflective materials

In Science, Year 3 have carried out an investigation to find out which is the most reflective material. Then they designed a book bag with reflective strips so that they can be seen in the dark when headlights shine on them.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - drinking non-sugary drinks
26 Apr

Year 3 PSHE - drinking non-sugary drinks

Year 3, during this half term, will have Lewis from BRFC coming into class each Tuesday morning to carry out lessons on how to stay healthy, focusing on teeth and not drinking sugary drinks. He has set the children a challenge to try not to drink sugary drinks for the next 21 days. They have a card that they have taken home on which to record their progress. They have also each been given a water bottle.

Image of Chicks in Reception
25 Apr

Chicks in Reception

This half term, the children in Reception will be looking after chicks and will enjoy looking after them to help them to grow. Today we learnt how to feed them and how they drink water. The children all thought of a name for the chicks. We have named our chicks Chirpy, Chucky, Rainbow and Rocka!

Image of Year 6 Science
21 Apr

Year 6 Science

Today Year 6 have been discussing what ‘inheritance’ means and where we biologically get our traits from. If they are simply inherited from our families, influenced by our environment, or a mixture of both.

Image of Reception - Migration and Bird feeders
21 Apr

Reception - Migration and Bird feeders

This afternoon, we have been learning about Migration, where in the Winter, flocks of birds fly to warmer countries like Africa to find sources of food and new homes. Then when Spring arrives in the UK, the birds fly back here. We wanted to welcome the birds back to the UK by making bird feeders and hanging them in the trees in the school grounds. The children are very excited to see which birds will arrive to nibble on their treats.

Image of Year 1- Exploring what plants need to grow.
21 Apr

Year 1- Exploring what plants need to grow.

This afternoon, Year 1 set up an experiment in their science lesson. They are investigating what will happen to the growth of cress in 4 different conditions. The first is with soil, sunlight and water, the second is with soil and sunlight but no water, the third is with soil and water but no sunlight and the forth one is with sunlight and water but no soil. They are looking forward to observing the results.

Image of Science; Year 5
21 Apr

Science; Year 5

This week in science, the children have learnt that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a small force to have a greater effect. They worked out that you have to pull further on the rope when it is looped over more time, but it is easier to pull. They also investigated resistance in different liquids.

Image of Reception Spring Activities
20 Apr

Reception Spring Activities

Reception are enjoying all of our Spring Activities in class. We have been completing beautiful observational drawings of Daffodils and have been exploring our mini beast small world area. We are learning about lots of the changes that take place in Spring such as leaves growing on trees and chicks hatching from their eggs.

Image of Spring Walk: Reception
19 Apr

Spring Walk: Reception

Today, the children in Reception went on a walk to find signs of Spring. They enjoyed finding items and ticking it off their checklists. The children found blossom, daffodils, birds, a bird nest, leaves on trees and birds tweeting. They are now ready to write some super sentences all about Spring. Super hunting!

Image of Year 3 Science - Sources of Light
19 Apr

Year 3 Science - Sources of Light

Year 3 have been working in groups to identify sources of light.

Image of Reception Ice Experiment
31 Mar

Reception Ice Experiment

The children had a go at breaking the ice in the garden using the construction tools. We discussed what happens to the ice when it breaks and melts and which tools worked the best. The children gained an understanding of how the ice changed its state, “The ice breaks and turns into water when it gets warm.”

Image of Reception DT
30 Mar

Reception DT

Some of our children decided to build their own racing track. They worked together as a team and solved problems along the way. Our class enjoyed using the track to find out which car was the fastest on the track!

Image of PSHE & RSE - How our body changes during puberty
30 Mar

PSHE & RSE - How our body changes during puberty

Today we have looked at how both a male and female change during puberty. We discussed how we can’t see our hormones but they can definitely change our mood, hair in funny places and periods.

Image of Science- The Digestive System
28 Mar

Science- The Digestive System

In science today, Year 4 have worked so hard to produce some amazing, informative posters on the digestive system. The standard of their work was fantastic! Each child worked on a key function, finding information from their books, key texts and chrome books. They also added diagrams to explain.

Image of Year 6 Science- heart rate
23 Mar

Year 6 Science- heart rate

Year 6 have been learning about their heart rate in Science.

Image of Year 3 Science Investigation
22 Mar

Year 3 Science Investigation

Year 3 Science Investigation - working in groups to investigate a question connected with the length of bone in either a leg or an arm. The children have been measuring the chosen bone and also the distance they can either throw, kick or step and whether there is a connection between the two measurements.

Image of Reception Radiographer Visit
22 Mar

Reception Radiographer Visit

Peter, a radiographer came in to visit Reception class and told them all about his job. First of all they watched a video to show how you can take an x-ray to find out if you have broken a bone. We looked at photographs of different x-rays. We found out that you have to stay extremely still when Peter takes an x-ray. Sometimes you have to stay still for half an hour! Peter gives the patients lots of cushions to keep the patient really still. Whilst the patient is having an x-ray, Peter is watching all of the photographs that the camera is taking. The children really enjoyed Peter’s visit- a huge thank you to him!

Image of Design and Technology - Cooking and nutrition
18 Mar

Design and Technology - Cooking and nutrition

This term in D.T, Year 5 have been learning about different types of salads and ingredients used in salads around the world. They have been learning about healthy eating ( with a focus on fibre), researching different salads and finding salads which originate from other countries. Over the new few weeks, they will be practicing using food preparation skills, safely and hygienically then designing and making a salad for tea.

Image of Year 4 - Creating Models
17 Mar

Year 4 - Creating Models

Our super scientists in Year 4 have been creating models of the digestive system to help them explain the functions of the major organs.

Image of Year 1- Creating a High Visibility Vest
17 Mar

Year 1- Creating a High Visibility Vest

After the year 1 had a visit last week of Andy from Blackburn with Darwen council about keeping safe on the roads, he set the children a challenge to design their own Hi Vis jackets. He had already spoken to them about how they need to be very bright and have reflective panels or parts so that the people wearing them can be seen in the dark. Year 1 have been very busy designing these in the creative area this week thinking very carefully about making them as bright and reflective as possible. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 3 Science Investigation-Do people with a longer middle finger throw further?
15 Mar

Year 3 Science Investigation-Do people with a longer middle finger throw further?

Year 3 Science Investigation - Do people with a longer middle finger throw further? Year 3 measured the length of each others’ middle finger in centimetres. We then chose five children with different lengths of finger to throw a bean bag. We measured how far they threw a bean bag in metres and centimetres. Our conclusion was that the length of finger did not make a difference to the length of throw.

Image of Reception Muddy Monday
15 Mar

Reception Muddy Monday

This week, Reception stayed around their school grounds. We climbed trees, made bug houses and used binoculars and magnifying glasses to find creatures and explore the ground.

Image of Investigating Friction - Year 5
15 Mar

Investigating Friction - Year 5

Year 5 have been experimenting how strong of a force friction really is. They worked in pairs and weaved as many books pages as possible together, the two books had a lot of surface area of pages touching each other and so there was a lot of friction between the book pages which made it very difficult to pull them apart.

Image of Year 5 - Super Scientists - Gravity Activity with Paper Clips
10 Mar

Year 5 - Super Scientists - Gravity Activity with Paper Clips

This week in Science, Year 5 have been experimenting how the Earth’s gravity is what holds us and other things to the ground. We talked about how the magnetic force between the paper clip and magnet were stronger than the pull of the Earth’s gravity on the paper clip, so the paper clip was able to remain in the air rather than fall back to the ground.

Image of Year 6 Science
10 Mar

Year 6 Science

Year 6 investigating how the heart moves blood around the body.

Image of Year 2 Science: Waterproofing Experiment
9 Mar

Year 2 Science: Waterproofing Experiment

This week in Science, Year 2 explored the work of Charles Macintosh, who invented waterproof fabric. We looked at how the properties of materials can be changed, by completing a waterproofing experiment with felt and wax. We found that by rubbing the wax onto the piece of felt and melting the wax into the felt, this created a waterproof coating.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
7 Mar

Reception: Muddy Monday

The children really enjoyed visiting Whitehall park for their Muddy Monday session. We looked at all of the evergreen and deciduous trees. We also climbed trees and made bug hotels. The children were very excited when they found worms and insects for their hotels!

Image of Year 3 Science - How muscles work
7 Mar

Year 3 Science - How muscles work

Year 3 Science - We have made models of how muscles work in an arm, either by contracting or relaxing when we lift or straighten our arm.

Image of Year 4 Science
4 Mar

Year 4 Science

This week’s science focus in Year 4 was oral hygiene. We used white eggs to set up a comparative test to see which drinks were most likely to stain our teeth. We soaked the eggs in different drinks for 2 days then cleaned them with toothbrushes and toothpaste. Can you spot which drink was our main offender?

Image of Year 3 Science investigation - Can people with long femurs jump further?
1 Mar

Year 3 Science investigation - Can people with long femurs jump further?

Year 3 have carried out a Science investigation to answer the question: Can people with longer femurs ( the thigh bone) jump further? After our investigation, we concluded that that was not always the case. No.

Image of Year 5 Science- Forces
28 Feb

Year 5 Science- Forces

We have started our new topic of Forces this week during Science. The class enjoyed taking part in an investigation yesterday to see if a piece of paper falls quicker the more you fold it. They learnt that gravity pulls the paper towards the ground and air resistance pushes it.

Image of Reception Hand Hygiene
25 Feb

Reception Hand Hygiene

Today Reception have been reflecting on how they can be kind to others by washing their hands. We used glitter to show the germs that live on our hands and how germs can spread quickly. We also investigated if water alone can get rid of germs and found out that we need soap to get rid of them all. We practised different actions to wash our hands to ensure every part of our hands are clean.

Image of Year 3 - DT making a healthy sandwich
7 Feb

Year 3 - DT making a healthy sandwich

In DT we have been using our knowledge of healthy eating from Science in order to design and make a healthy sandwich.

Image of RotaKids Planting bulbs- Year 5
25 Jan

RotaKids Planting bulbs- Year 5

Our RotaKids have planted crocus bulbs in the centre of the cross-shaped flower bed in the school yard, ready for spring. Thank you to Darwen Rotary Club for helping us and supplying the bulbs and equipment.

Image of Year 2 Life Education Visit
21 Jan

Year 2 Life Education Visit

Year 2 had a fantastic morning with Megan from Life Education! We talked about how to deal with our feelings and emotions and looked at all of the different ways that we can look after our bodies!

Image of Year 1 Science- Investigating Material Properties
21 Jan

Year 1 Science- Investigating Material Properties

Year 1 really enjoyed their science lesson this week. We explored the different properties of materials. We used the words: shiny, dull, rough, smooth, hard, soft, waterproof, absorbent, brittle, opaque and transparent. We then investigated different materials to see whether they could bounce, absorb water, bend, twist or be squashed. We also talked about how a sponge is useful for cleaning our cars because it’s soft so it won’t damage our cars and it can absorb soap and water to clean them. However, a rock wouldn’t be very good for cleaning a car because it is hard so it would scratch our car and it can’t absorb the water or soap that we need to clean our cars.

Image of Reception - Rock pools
20 Jan

Reception - Rock pools

This week we have read the story ‘Sharing a shell’ by Julia Donaldson which is about the creatures that live in a rock pool. The children really enjoyed the story and have had their own rock pool in the small world area. They have been busy acting out the story with their friends and have talked lots about the creatures we might find there.

Image of Year 1-Life Education Visit.
20 Jan

Year 1-Life Education Visit.

We enjoyed our visit from Harold the giraffe today. We learnt about how to keep our bodies healthy. We learnt about having a balanced diet which must include protein, fruits and vegetables, dairy and energy foods and how exercise, keeping hydrated and sleep helps us to live a healthy lifestyle too. They listened and joined in amazingly well. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 3 PSHE- The brain and staying healthy.
20 Jan

Year 3 PSHE- The brain and staying healthy.

Year 3 learnt all about the brain, healthy eating and how sleep is important for our bodies. They discussed medicine, smoking and alcohol and the effects these have on a body. They also discussed friendship and how friends may need to compromise. 

Image of Well-being Warriors - What makes the best healthy break time snack?
20 Jan

Well-being Warriors - What makes the best healthy break time snack?

As part of our work as Well-being Warriors, we have been looking at what we should bring in for our break time snacks in school. We have looked at lots of options and discussed how healthy they are, along with how much ‘hidden sugar’ they have. We are going to create posters and add these to dojo so that our parents and carers know what we are allowed to bring in as we have noticed an increase in children being less healthy options.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
17 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception really enjoyed their walk today around Jack Keys. The children showed the Christian value of courage whilst climbing over a stile independently. The children enjoyed investigating the marsh land and looked for moles and rabbits!

Image of Year 1 Science
13 Jan

Year 1 Science

Year 1 have been identifying the materials that objects are made from. We have been exploring wood, metal, rubber, plastic, glass, fabric, wool and cardboard. We created Venn diagrams. We learnt that the middle section of our Venn diagram was for materials that were made from both of the materials that we had chosen e.g. scissors are both plastic and metal. We found that some objects are made from three materials such as the Rekenreks which were made out of metal, plastic and wood.

Image of Year 4 Investigating Particles
10 Jan

Year 4 Investigating Particles

Year 4 have been using marbles to make models showing how particles move in solids, liquids and gases.

Image of Reception launches their under the sea topic
5 Jan

Reception launches their under the sea topic

Reception are really enjoying the start of their brand new topic! They are starting to learn all about different animals that live in the sea and ocean.

Image of Year 3 Making magnetic games
17 Dec

Year 3 Making magnetic games

We have had a games morning this morning. The children designed and made their own games using magnets and paper clips. Some made a racing sleighs game. Others made a fishing for Christmas stockings game. We had fun making and playing with our own and each others’ games.

Image of Y4 Testing Circuits
15 Dec

Y4 Testing Circuits

Y4 created two types of circuits, parallel and series, to tests which would be best for making a light up spinner card.

Image of Getting Technical About Circuits
8 Dec

Getting Technical About Circuits

This week in science, Year 4 made human circuits to investigate the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit.

Image of Explanation Texts - How is a circuit made?
3 Dec

Explanation Texts - How is a circuit made?

In our English lesson today, we looked at how we can explain how a circuit can be made. We used conjunctions to create sentences with subordinate clauses, thinking about use of commas and technical language.

Image of Forces and magnets in Year 3
3 Dec

Forces and magnets in Year 3

In Science we have been sorting magnetic and non-magnetic materials using magnets.

Image of Year 3 Science - Forces
1 Dec

Year 3 Science - Forces

In Science we have been learning about forces being a push or a pull. We made freeze frames of different forces at work: in basketball, cricket, football, chopping trees down, playing the piano, using bows and arrows and playing tug of war.

Image of Reception: Winter
29 Nov

Reception: Winter

Today the children made the most of the snow and ice to help them to explore the signs of Winter. They found bird prints, explored ice melting, felt fresh snow and even threw snowballs at Mrs Wilkinson!

Image of Winter walk in Whitehall Park
22 Nov

Winter walk in Whitehall Park

This morning the children have experienced a chilly muddy Monday as we looked for signs of winter. The children have all been touching frost on different surfaces. They have been looking at frozen leaves and have been talking about how the sun melts ice to make water. This morning it was brilliant to hear the children’s knowledge on deciduous and evergreen trees, as we walked underneath them.

Image of Properties of Materials - Year 5
10 Nov

Properties of Materials - Year 5

Year 5 have been exploring uses of materials in the school building. We compared and described objects and materials based on their properties, such as size, texture, weight, flexibility, transparency and magnetism.

Image of Reception: Exploring our senses
18 Oct

Reception: Exploring our senses

During Reception’s muddy Monday walk, we explored the rose garden and herb garden at Whitehall park. The children really enjoyed smelling mint, chives and loved seeing Brussels sprouts, peas and strawberries to name a few.

Image of Reception: Exploring Autumn
14 Oct

Reception: Exploring Autumn

This week, Reception have been finding out all about Autumn. They have learnt all about what happens in Autumn and have learnt some new vocabulary too: deciduous and evergreen. Super learning!

Image of Year 5 - Science
14 Oct

Year 5 - Science

Year 5 have had a lot of fun in science today. We have learnt that when you mix bicarbonate soda and vinegar a new chemical called carbonic acid is made. This acid immediately decomposes into carbon dioxide.

Image of Identifying faults in circuits
13 Oct

Identifying faults in circuits

In year 6, we have learnt how to check connections of circuits. We have discussed about the flow of electricity and how it’s important to ensure that the flow of electricity can go from component to component.

Image of Symbols of electricity
6 Oct

Symbols of electricity

The children have been learning the symbols involved in circuits. They have understood the need for symbols so that everyone can understand the circuit.

Image of Reception Owl Visit
6 Oct

Reception Owl Visit

The children in Reception had a very special visit this afternoon. They met 4 different owls. The children saw burrowing owls, a barn owl and a screech owl called Tyler, Midge, JD and Bobby. The children found their brave and held the owls. They also got to feel an owl feather and watch the owls fly. The children were so polite and well behaved during the visit. A big thank you to SMJ Falconry.

Image of Classifying Animals in Year 1 Science
30 Sep

Classifying Animals in Year 1 Science

Year 1 have been learning about the different animal groups that there are and sorting animals to reflect their learning. 

Image of Super Scientists!
29 Sep

Super Scientists!

This term, Year 2 are learning all about living things and their habitats. This week, we have been thinking about the differences between living, non-living and never lived. We also learnt about the characteristics of living things with Mrs Gren!

Image of Investigating rocks in Year 3!
24 Sep

Investigating rocks in Year 3!

Year 3 had lots of fun investigating different rocks in Science.

Image of Year 2 minibeast hunt!
10 Sep

Year 2 minibeast hunt!

Year 2 had a fantastic afternoon hunting for bugs and their habitats around our school grounds. Can you spot some of the creatures that they found?