Image of Year 4 - Cricket: Applying Skills
17 Oct

Year 4 - Cricket: Applying Skills

This week in the Year 4 cricket sessions, the children practised the skills they had learned so far - overarm bowling, batting and catching - on an activity carousel. They then put their skills to the test in a class cricket tournament. The children really are developing some great skills worthy of joining a cricket team.

Image of Inter-House Sports Dodgeball led by Sports Leaders
11 Oct

Inter-House Sports Dodgeball led by Sports Leaders

A huge thank you to our new Sports Leaders who ran their very first Inter- house competition today. They chose to do dodgeball and every class thoroughly enjoyed it! The children showed each other respect, demonstrated the 4 B’s and encouraged each other every step of the way. We can’t wait to hear who the overall winners are next week

Image of DPSSA Girls Football
10 Oct

DPSSA Girls Football

Our girls football team, once again, represented the school with pride and determination. While they faced some tough opponents and unfortunately suffered two losses, their performances were nothing short of impressive and they were able to end the night with a comfortable 2-0 victory. Well done girls!

Image of Year 1 PE- Gymnastics
9 Oct

Year 1 PE- Gymnastics

This week in gymnastics, Year 1 stepped up their sequences from last week by adding a roll. They all created a four part sequence. They had to start their sequence by walking along the apparatus, jumping off it using a jump of their choice (tuck, straddle or pencil), roll across the mat using a roll of their choice (egg or pencil) before completing their sequence with a travel of their choice to take them back to the start (caterpillar, bunny, frog, crab or bear). Their skills are improving week on week. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 5 - Cricket
8 Oct

Year 5 - Cricket

Today, Year 5 enjoyed another engaging cricket session, with a strong focus on developing their catching skills. The children practiced different catching techniques, concentrating on hand-eye coordination and positioning to improve their accuracy and confidence in the field. After mastering the drills, the class moved on to playing games where they could apply what they had learned in a fun, competitive environment. The games not only reinforced their catching skills but also encouraged teamwork, communication, and strategic thinking. Each child had the chance to contribute to their team, showing great effort and enthusiasm throughout the session.

7 Oct


We are so proud of our amazing football team for their wonderful performance this morning at the BRFC Kids Cup at BRFC training ground. They are through to the final after winning our heat and then going down to penalties in the semi-final. The final will be played at Blackburn Rovers indoor centre (BRIC) before the BRFC vs Portsmouth game on Saturday 23rd November. Well done Barneys! ⚽️

Image of Year 6 - Developing batting and fielding skills
2 Oct

Year 6 - Developing batting and fielding skills

Year 6 continued their cricket sessions and started to focus on batting and fielding. The session involved a drill in which the batter had to hit the ball off a tee and the fielders retrieve it. This allowed the children to experiment with different shots and see how their body shape affected the flight of the ball, and see how important communication is when fielding as a team.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Batting Skills
2 Oct

Year 4 - PE: Batting Skills

Our specialist cricket coach sessions continued this week with a focus on developing batting skills. The Year 4s learned some golden rules for batting: use the flat side of the bat, hold the handle with your dominant hand at the bottom, stand sideways on and take a big swing. Needless to say, there was a marked improvement in the batting in this week’s game compared to last week’s.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
1 Oct

Reception: Forest Schools

This week, we explored our forest schools area in our school grounds. The children built dens and did lots of imaginative play inside the tree. Lots of children even climbed a tree! The children really enjoyed getting muddy too!

Image of Year 1 PE- Fundamental Skills
30 Sep

Year 1 PE- Fundamental Skills

In their Monday PE session, Year 1 have been focusing on their fundamental skills. Over the last few weeks, they have been practising the correct technique for bouncing, kicking and rolling a ball as well as practising an overarm and underarm throw and side-galloping, skipping, running, dodging, and jumping from two feet to two feet.

Image of Year 5 - Gymnastics
30 Sep

Year 5 - Gymnastics

This afternoon, Year 5 continued to develop their counterbalance and counter tension skills in gymnastics, incorporating a variety of equipment. The children worked on synchronisation, levels, and precise technical movements, focusing on control and coordination. Their routines demonstrated a growing confidence in creating smooth sequences while using apparatus to enhance their performance.

Image of Year 3- P.E- To catch a ball
30 Sep

Year 3- P.E- To catch a ball

In PE today, Year 3 started with a challenging throwing and catching game! They practiced throwing the ball in the air and catching it with either their right or left hand, depending on the variation. Then, they were challenged to work in small groups and catch two softballs simultaneously. This activity required speed and coordination as they aimed to catch both balls before they hit the ground. Great teamwork and effort from all.

Image of KS2 Football
25 Sep

KS2 Football

KS2 participated in another exciting training session today, where they continued to develop their football skills. The children played a series of engaging games, focusing on teamwork, communication, and tactical awareness. These activities not only helped them refine their passing, dribbling, and shooting techniques but also emphasised the importance of working together as a cohesive unit on the field. As they prepare for the upcoming school football league, the children are building their understanding of game strategies and positioning, setting the foundation for success in the competition ahead.

Image of Year 6 - Cricket
25 Sep

Year 6 - Cricket

In year 6, the children took part in their first cricket session. The focus was on bowling and developing their technique. However, the children did have the opportunity to try out batting and fielding in a game situation.

Image of Year 1 PE-Gymnastics
25 Sep

Year 1 PE-Gymnastics

This afternoon in gymnastics, Year 1 revisited the travel (caterpillar walk), roll (pencil roll) and jump (straight jump) that they were practising last lesson. They then moved on to learning a new way of travelling (bunny hop) and jumping (tuck jump) and practised these by bunny hopping across a bench and tuck jumping off.

Image of Year 4 - Cricket: Overarm Bowling
25 Sep

Year 4 - Cricket: Overarm Bowling

The Year 4 class loved their first cricket session with the specialist coach. This week, they developed the skill of bowling overarm, which they demonstrated with great technique. There are certainly some budding cricketers in Year 4. The lesson finished the with a few rounds of cricket and a chance for the children to apply their new skills.

Image of Year 5 - Cricket
24 Sep

Year 5 - Cricket

This morning, Year 5 had the exciting opportunity to learn from a professional cricket coach. The session introduced the children to key cricket techniques such as bowling, batting, fielding, and team coordination. Children also explored the overall tactics and rules of the game, building both their skills and understanding. The children demonstrated great effort and teamwork throughout the session, which culminated in a series of competitive games where they could apply what they had learned.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
23 Sep

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception class had their first Muddy Monday session and they walked up to our school field. The children stayed close to each other whilst walking and they all managed to get to the field safely. The children enjoyed rolling down the hill, racing and finding bugs in the grass. It was pouring down but the rain did not stop the,. They are looking forward to next week's Muddy Monday.

Image of Year 5 - Gymnastics
23 Sep

Year 5 - Gymnastics

Today, Year 5 continued their gymnastics unit by incorporating apparatus into their sequences. The focus was on mastering levels, synchronisation, and maintaining balance with their partners. The students worked diligently to create sequences involving counter-balancing, ensuring that their movements flowed smoothly and with elegance. Their hard work and attention to detail truly shone through in the gracefulness of their transitions.

Image of Reception PE - Jumping Skills
20 Sep

Reception PE - Jumping Skills

Reception had their first PE session in the hall today where they practised the fundamental skill of jumping. We used different stations in our house teams to practise the skill. Well done Reception.

Image of Year 6 - Applying passing skills to a game situation
19 Sep

Year 6 - Applying passing skills to a game situation

Today, year 6 built on the work they did in their last P.E. lesson and developed their passing skills further. Some of the children then applied these skills to a game situation in which they had to avoid a defender.

Image of KS2 Football Trials
17 Sep

KS2 Football Trials

Our Upper KS2 children participated in this season's school football trials, demonstrating both their skills and teamwork. Everybody played exceptionally well, showcasing their impressive talents, from sharp dribbling and accurate passing to strong defence and goal-scoring techniques. The enthusiasm on the field was contagious, as the children gave their best efforts and enjoyed the opportunity to compete and improve their abilities. It was fantastic to see their passion for the game, and we're excited to see how their football journey progresses this season.

Image of Year 5 - Gymnastics
16 Sep

Year 5 - Gymnastics

Year 5 have continued to explore their gymnastics unit, focusing closely on mirroring, synchronization, and refining their technique. The children collaborated to create their own routines, working together to execute perfect synchronisation and demonstrate fluidity in their movements. Their dedication and teamwork were evident as they experimented with different forms and pushed themselves to perfect each sequence. It was an inspiring display of creativity and precision!

Image of Reception- Outdoor Gym
13 Sep

Reception- Outdoor Gym

This morning we have been out on our outdoor gym for the first time. After demonstrating how to use the equipment the children then had a go themselves. They were so sensible and used the equipment safely. They especially enjoyed the cross trainers and exercise bikes. Well done Reception class!

Image of Netball Club
13 Sep

Netball Club

What a great start to our new year netball club. A super turn out, hard work, determination and encouragement all round. We had some new members and some old with everyone showing great respect towards each other.

Image of Year 6 - What makes a good play leader?
12 Sep

Year 6 - What makes a good play leader?

Today, Year 6 spent their P.E. lesson thinking about the qualities of a good play leader. They took part in a relay race and had to create a group image that displayed symbols representing these qualities. We spoke about the importance of being prepared, observant, patient, understanding and a good communicator. I’m sure year 6 will be great role models to the younger children in our school.

Image of Year 2 - Fundamental Motor skills
11 Sep

Year 2 - Fundamental Motor skills

In PE year 2 have began to perfect their fundamental motor skills. We had various activities that allowed us to practice hopping, throwing, jumping and bouncing a ball. The children loved it and we will continue with similar activities for more practice of our skills.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Dribbles and Passes
11 Sep

Year 4 - PE: Dribbles and Passes

In our first handball session, the children learned how to dribble the ball. They learned how to use their fingertips to control the ball and how to perform a chest pass to another player.

Image of Reception: Outdoors
10 Sep

Reception: Outdoors

Our Reception children explore outdoors in all weathers. We are trying really hard to put on our puddle suits and wellies independently. The children have enjoyed playing on our bikes, in our superhero cave, in our mud kitchen and sandpit and with our resources under our canopy.

Image of Year 3- P.E- 20th Century Playground Days
9 Sep

Year 3- P.E- 20th Century Playground Days

Today, Year 3 began their games unit in P.E. with some classic playground favourites! The children played "Stuck in the Mud" in the 1950s style, where taggers chase and tag others. Once tagged, a child must stand with feet apart and arms outstretched. They can be freed by another child running under their arms or crawling through their legs. They also enjoyed a game of "Hospital Tig," a 1940s-style game in which tagged children must hold the part of their body where they were touched. We emphasized the importance of gentle tagging and our school rule of playing safely. The children worked brilliantly and had a fantastic time!

Image of Year 6 - Developing passing and receiving skills in hockey
9 Sep

Year 6 - Developing passing and receiving skills in hockey

In P.E. year 6 started to look at how they can improve their passing and receiving skills in hockey. They noticed how they can increase the surface area of their hockey stick, making it easier to gain control of the ball, and play a pass of their own.

Image of Year 5 - Gymnastics
9 Sep

Year 5 - Gymnastics

Today, Year 5 kicked off their gymnastics unit by exploring counter-balancing and counter-tension. The children paired up effectively to replicate a range of balances, focusing on various gymnastic techniques. They worked hard to refine their posture and stance, improving the precision and fluidity of their routines.

Image of Whole School Worship: Paralympic Values
9 Sep

Whole School Worship: Paralympic Values

We began our Monday worship with a race this week, except the race wasn’t very fair. One person was running the race, one was hopping and one was blindfolded. We discussed why this wasn’t a fair race and then we watched some athletes’ performances from the Paralympics. We were amazed to see people with no arms playing the piano, flying aeroplanes, brushing their teeth and driving cars etc and then we reflected on how we can learn from the Paralympians and have a 'yes, I can' attitude. We learned about the Olympic and Paralympic values and how some of the values are the same or similar to our Christian Values., We discussed how we can do anything with hard work, determination and self-belief and read in the Bible that with God, all things are possible.

Image of Sports Leaders 2024-2025
6 Sep

Sports Leaders 2024-2025

Our new Sports Leaders were presented with their new smart jackets this morning and are raring to go! We look forward to planning and supporting events both in and out of school for Inter and Intra school events. In today’s meeting we have already planned our first Inter- House Sports event for the whole school which is super exciting.

Image of Year 3- Dry Swimming - Safety talk and expectations
6 Sep

Year 3- Dry Swimming - Safety talk and expectations

This afternoon the class talked with one of the swimming instructors from Darwen Leisure Centre, ready for our first swimming session on FRIDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER. The instructor answered any questions the children had about swimming lessons and explained what to expect. Year 3 are super excited and can't wait.

Image of Reception - Courageous Climbers!
6 Sep

Reception - Courageous Climbers!

Reception have finished their first week at school exploring on our trim trail. They showed lots of courage when they felt a bit scared and persevered from the start to finish. We are so proud of their confidence and strength developing those gross motor skills. Super climbing Reception!

Image of Reception- Exploring our outdoor area
5 Sep

Reception- Exploring our outdoor area

Our reception children had lots of fun exploring our outdoor area in their puddle suits and wellies. They enjoyed making mud pie and worm soup in the mud kitchen. They showed us their fantastic physical skills when bike and scooter riding and balancing on the assault course. Some of the children chose to built cars and super hero caves using the Lego in our construction area.

Image of Year 5 - Move and Learn
5 Sep

Year 5 - Move and Learn

Today, Year 5 took part in Move and Learn hosted by Blackburn Rovers Community Trust. The children explored a variety of topics including: diet, fitness, importance of staying healthy, changes to the body when undergoing physical activity and how to make healthy meal choices. The children took part it lots of team building games and classroom based tasks to enhance their learning and understanding.

Image of Year 4 PE - Team Building and Problem Solving
5 Sep

Year 4 PE - Team Building and Problem Solving

To start off our new PE journey in Year 4 we had a one off lesson on team building and problem solving. We split the class into four equal groups which each group designated a “leader’. They then relayed a set of instructions to their team so that they could tackle various problems and work collaboratively. Each team actively encouraged each other and showed great will and determination to overcome each problem. It was great to see them discussing tactics and applying different approaches within groups. Next we look forward to starting our Boccia and Handball units and hope to build on the many successes of today's lesson.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Wow! What a year we have had in Reception. The children have made so much progress during our forest schools sessions. They have improved in their stamina, risk taking, problem solving and imagination skills. We have loved seeing all of the children blossom and made the most of our last Muddy Monday session together!

Image of Year 1 Enjoy Their Last Euro’s Training Session
12 Jul

Year 1 Enjoy Their Last Euro’s Training Session

This afternoon, Year 1 had their last Euro’s training session with coaches Ste and Lily Walker. For the last four weeks, they have been practising skills such as stopping the ball, walking and running with the ball, passing, tackling and shooting and today they got the opportunity to play a 5 a side football match. Coach Ste also gave them all a ‘CONFIDENCE’ tennis ball. The idea of the ball is to promote positivity, build the children’s confidence and support them in developing a growth mindset by catching their own confidence throwing the tennis ball up and down and catching it, throwing it against a wall and catching it and throwing the ball around with friends. It is also for using whilst saying positive affirmations to yourself. Thank you Ste and Lily for 5 wonderful weeks of coaching.

Image of Year 3- Rock and River-
11 Jul

Year 3- Rock and River-

Year 3 had an amazing day at Rock and River today, participating in various challenging activities, including the low ropes course, climbing tower, airbag jump, rafted canoes, sit-on-top kayaks, paddle boards, and mega paddle boards. Despite finding the water cold, nothing stopped them from jumping in and getting wet! They had an absolute blast, demonstrating our school's Christian values by being brave and showing courage, determination, and respect throughout the day. Their behaviour and manners were so impressive that even the instructors were in awe.

Image of Year 3- Rock and River
11 Jul

Year 3- Rock and River

Year 3 had an amazing day at Rock and River today, participating in various challenging activities, including the low ropes course, climbing tower, airbag jump, rafted canoes, sit-on-top kayaks, paddle boards, and mega paddle boards. Despite finding the water cold, nothing stopped them from jumping in and getting wet! They had an absolute blast, demonstrating our school's Christian values by being brave and showing courage, determination, and respect throughout the day. Their behaviour and manners were so impressive that even the instructors were in awe.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Footwork & Pivoting
10 Jul

Year 4 - PE: Footwork & Pivoting

The Year 4s have been working on their netball skills lately. This week we revisited throwing and catching techniques and then spent time learning, practising and applying our footwork skills. We learned how to pivot on one foot in order to seek out a team mate to pass the ball to.

Image of Witton Athletics 2024- 3rd place
9 Jul

Witton Athletics 2024- 3rd place

A huge congratulations to our athletics squad for their super performance at Witton Athletics which gained us 3rd out of 13 Darwen schools. Medalists were: Matthew- 1st place cricket ball throw Ella- 3rd in Year 3/4 400m Sophie- 2nd Year 5/6 600m 1st- Year 5/6 Girls relay 2nd- Year 5/6 Boys relay Summer- 3rd Year 4 sprint Brooke- 3rd Year 5 sprint Freddy- 2nd Year 5 sprint A huge thank you to our parents for their support with transport and encouragement to the squad. Thank you to Mrs Gardner, Mrs Ham, Mr Bloomfield and Mr Norris for their super support.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
8 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception enjoyed our Muddy Monday session at Whitehall Park. After our growth mindset assembly today, we made sure we used our growth mindset instead of our fixed mindset to challenge ourselves and take risks. The children really engaged with this and it was wonderful to see how far they have come since they started with us. Well done!

Image of Year 5 - Bikeability
5 Jul

Year 5 - Bikeability

Year 5 took part in the first session of Bike Ability. The children learnt how to: ride a bike safely and sensibly, check their bikes are suitable for the road, ensure brakes are working and ensure they are conducting themselves in a safe manner. They then went out on their bikes with the instructors and learnt how to correctly use their bikes on the main roads.

Image of Reception: Our New Classroom
3 Jul

Reception: Our New Classroom

The children in Reception have loved our new outdoor canopy that was built last week. This has extended our classroom to provide an outdoor area that the children can access in all weathers. Our indoor classroom has also had a refresh and the children have loved exploring all of the areas!

Image of Reception- Inter House Sports
28 Jun

Reception- Inter House Sports

Our Year 6 Sports Leaders did a fantastic job at leading our inter house sports competition this morning. The children participated in the relay, egg and spoon, sack and running races. They all tried exceptionally hard and were great supporters and encouragers for their team members. We would like to say a big well done to our overall race winners Lydia and Percy who were rewarded with a medal and certificate. The rain can't stop us at St Barnabas! We are looking forward to our outdoor sports day which will hopefully be on Friday 12th July.

Image of Inter- House Athletics Star Athletes
28 Jun

Inter- House Athletics Star Athletes

Huge congratulations to our ‘Star Athletes’. The children have all taken part in our Inter-House Athletics event this morning. It was great to see everyone involved and special thanks to our Sports Leaders for organising it at the last minute so we didn’t miss out with our sports day being postponed.

Image of Inter- House Sportshall Athletics with Years 3 & 4
28 Jun

Inter- House Sportshall Athletics with Years 3 & 4

Year 3 and 4 absolutely loved their inter-House Sportshall Athletics this morning. They did various events which included sack race, egg and Spoon, obstacle relay and sprints with a baton exchange. Thanks to the sports leaders for organising.

Image of Year 1 Inter-House Sportshall Athletics
28 Jun

Year 1 Inter-House Sportshall Athletics

This morning, Year 1 enjoyed their Sportshall Athletics session. Thank you to the sports leaders and Mrs Gardner for organising this.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
24 Jun

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception had a very busy forest school session today. They enjoyed exploring in the shaded area of Jacks Keys. They found a fox hole and enjoyed exploring and creating their own storylines. They made houses for different animals and roleplayed a story about a fox coming out during the night. Some of our children climbed trees and managed to climb higher than usual. We are so proud of the children and love seeing how far they have come. Super perseverance, challenge and determination was seen from them all!

Image of Year 2 - Football Session
22 Jun

Year 2 - Football Session

This afternoon, Year 2 were very lucky to have Stephen and Lily come in and take us for a football session. The children got stuck in and really enjoyed playing. It was lovely to see some children playing football for the first time!

Image of Year 4 PE Athletics in the sun
21 Jun

Year 4 PE Athletics in the sun

In our PE session yesterday we had our first athletics session. We worked in teams to develop our agility, speed and body awareness. We also practiced the events that we will do next week in our Sports Day such as sprint, egg and spoon, sack race and obstacle relay. We used batons for handovers and some of the children really pushed themselves out of their comfort zones.

Image of Year 1- Euros Football Session
21 Jun

Year 1- Euros Football Session

This afternoon, Year 1 enjoyed their first football session of 4 with Steve and Lily. What a fabulous way to celebrate and join in with the Euros 2024! They practised lots of skills such as passing, dribbling and shooting. Thank you to coaches Steve and Lily- The children absolutely loved the session!

Image of Year 5&6 Cricket
20 Jun

Year 5&6 Cricket

A huge well done to our year 5&6 cricket team. They played six teams across Darwen including: Avondale, Ashleigh, Lower Darwen, St James and St Peter’s; winning every game. The team showed amazing team spirit and talent winning the tournament.

Image of Year 5/6 Tennis Competition
19 Jun

Year 5/6 Tennis Competition

A huge well done to Sophie, Lucy, Archie and Ross for taking part in our tennis competition today. They showed perseverance, courage and great sporting behaviour throughout the competition.

Image of Online Safety: Promoting Physical Wellbeing
19 Jun

Online Safety: Promoting Physical Wellbeing

With the Euros in full swing, plenty of children are taking to the pitch but perhaps we can keep them active all year round. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’ve put together some expert tips on promoting physical wellbeing to children and young people. Download >>

Image of Year 4 - PE: Netball Skills
19 Jun

Year 4 - PE: Netball Skills

This week in PE session 1, Year 4 developed their chest passing skills, holding the ball with their fingertips and pushing it from chest height. They also learned how to jump and receive the ball. The class had great fun practising these skills and they finally had a chance to apply these skills in a netball match.

Image of High Fives Netball Winners
18 Jun

High Fives Netball Winners

A huge congratulations to our Netball team for winning the Blackburn with Darwen Bee Stinger High Fives netball finals tonight. This means we will go on to represent BwD at the Lancashire School Games in a few weeks time. Thank you so much to Mrs Gardner for her commitment and dedication to our netball team and to our parents for their wonderful support. Well done Team Barneys!

Image of Year 5 - Cricket
17 Jun

Year 5 - Cricket

Year 5 have continued their topic of striking and fielding. The children focused on game situations and applying their learnt and practiced skilled in games. The children began to focus on tactical elements of the game and how to work as a team to decrease the amount of runs batters get.

Image of Year 3- P.E- Athletic Activities
17 Jun

Year 3- P.E- Athletic Activities

This half term, Year 3 are focussing on athletics activities. This afternoon, the children carried out standing long jumps and sling throws. We set up a throwing area with zones ranging from 5 to 50 points, and the children practiced the sling throw for distance. We arranged lines of cones approximately five metres apart, and the children jumped across using one type of jump. They worked amazingly as a class.

Image of Reception: Outdoor Provision
17 Jun

Reception: Outdoor Provision

We are so lucky in Reception to have a huge outdoor area. Today our children went in our immediate outdoor area where they were digging for treasure, problem solving to create a house, roleplaying pirates and creating an obstacle course. Some of our children chose to practice their running and ball skills on the MUGA and then some of our children used the outdoor gym to improve their motor skills. What a fun afternoon we have all had!

Image of Year 4 - PE: Underarm Throw
13 Jun

Year 4 - PE: Underarm Throw

This week, we started our new games unit in PE. We were working on skills to perfect our underarm throw and the correct way to receive the ball. The children played various games in order to apply the skills they learned. They also worked on the skill of communication by suggesting tactical manoeuvres to their teammates.

Image of DPSSA Netball Finals Night
13 Jun

DPSSA Netball Finals Night

This evening we took part in The Darwen Primary Schools Netball Finals event at Darwen Vale. We had three really tough games winning our first 5-2, drawing our second 1-1 and again winning our final game 5-1. This saw us gain joint top place finishers. Unfortunately it then went down to a goal difference of just three goals so we came away with silver medals. The children played brilliantly and are such a joy to watch. Great team spirit and true St Barnabas encouragers. Well done Team B - you have really done yourselves proud!

Image of Year 6 - Striking and Fielding
11 Jun

Year 6 - Striking and Fielding

Year 6 have begun their striking and fielding unit. The children began with ball control and showing awareness of receiving the ball. The children then began to explore the technique of balling and began to improve their accuracy. Later on the children put their skills to the test in game situations.

Image of Year 1 and 2 visit BeWILDerwood
24 May

Year 1 and 2 visit BeWILDerwood

Our Year 1 and 2 classes had a fantastic time at BeWILDerwood in Cheshire. They showed lots of courage when taking part in a variety of challenging activities such as den building, wobbly wires, slippery slopes, the mish mash maze, the broken bridge, storytelling and crafts. For all of the photos, please click here:

Image of Year 6 P.E.
23 May

Year 6 P.E.

In P.E. Year 6 started to look at cricket and have worked hard on developing their bowling and batting skills.

Image of Year 5 - Jag Tag
17 May

Year 5 - Jag Tag

Year 5 enjoyed another Jag Tag session. They put into practice all their learnt skills into competitive games; working specifically on offence and defensive work. The children took turns working on both skills and enjoyed different styles of play.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
16 May

Year 6 P.E.

In their JAGTAG session, year 6 started to decide on routes they were going to take as a team. The quarter back would communicate this to their team, who would then have to put it into action. The defending team, on the other hand, had to decide on the players they were going to pick up in order to stop the attack.

Image of DPSSA Netball League at DVHS
16 May

DPSSA Netball League at DVHS

Tonight was the final qualifying night for the DPSSA Netball Finals in a few weeks time. Team B worked really hard in both of their games. Game 1 was another fantastic result - 12-0 Win but Game 2 saw us pitched against a really strong opposition. We lost 7-3 but the children represented school in such a positive and mature manner. Fingers crossed that we finish in the top two and qualify for the final after half term.

Image of Year 5- PGL- Three day residential trip
15 May

Year 5- PGL- Three day residential trip

Year 5 have been on a 3-day residential trip to Winmarleigh Hall, where they created lasting memories, and tackled challenging activities such as; Zip wire, abseiling, survivor skills, traverse, raft building, quizzes, sensory trail and vertical challenges demonstrating incredible teamwork. Well done Year 5! A huge thank you to Mr Bloomfield, Miss Kachwalla and Rev Ben for their amazing support!

Image of Year 1 PE- Bouncing and Catching a Ball
15 May

Year 1 PE- Bouncing and Catching a Ball

Today in their PE lesson, Year 1 focused on the fundamental skills of bouncing and catching a ball. When they were catching, Year 1 made sure that their eyes were focused on the ball, they moved their body into the path of ball and their hands moved to meet the ball. They practised their throwing skills using two different sized balls. When Year 1 were bouncing the ball, they made sure that they pushed the ball down and used their fingers and controlled the bounce with their wrist. They even managed to change the speed and height at which they bounced the ball. Well done year 1!

Image of Year 3/4 Tennis Competition
15 May

Year 3/4 Tennis Competition

A huge well done to our Year 3/4 tennis team for coming second out of 8 schools. We are so proud of you all! Thank you Miss Baxendale for supporting them and umpiring some of the games.

Image of Year 5 PGL- Raft Building
14 May

Year 5 PGL- Raft Building

Year 5 are having lots of fun and are showing friendship and teamwork when building rafts on their PGL residential. Well done Year 5! For all of the PGL photos so far, click here:

Image of Year 5 PGL - Abseiling
13 May

Year 5 PGL - Abseiling

Year 5, Mr Bloomfield, Miss Kachwalla and Rev Ben have arrived at Winmarleigh Hall for their two night PGL residential and have taken part in a number of outdoor and adventurous activities such as abseiling, survival, passport to the world and vertical climb. We hope you have an amazing time living life in all its fullness! All of the photos so far can be found here:

Image of DPSSA Netball League
9 May

DPSSA Netball League

No team photo because we got carried away and were so focused on the task in hand, so a pile of bibs and ball with impressive wins on show. The children worked really well to develop their game play today. Our shooters were on point and we played across the whole of the court. Two games and two spectacular wins for Team B again! Super proud of you all.

Image of Year 2 - PE
8 May

Year 2 - PE

In PE this week we have continued to work on our bat and ball skills. We have been practicing skills in isolation over the past few weeks. This week it was time to see if we could implement these skills into a competitive game of tennis rounders.

Image of Year 5&6 Cricket
7 May

Year 5&6 Cricket

Today was another fantastic session with our cricket group. The children put into practise all their skills and played by the Dynamo rules that the children will be playing in. They learnt the tactical side of the game whilst perfecting their strike, bowling and fielding skills.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
3 May

Year 6 P.E.

Year 6 continued their athletics unit. This week, we focused on our running, jumping and throwing skills. As always, we emphasised the importance of being in competition with yourself and trying to better your own personal outcomes. Year 6 took part with great enthusiasm and listened attentively on how to better their technique.

Image of Year 5 - Jag Tag
3 May

Year 5 - Jag Tag

Another amazing Year 5 Jag Tag session today. The children were putting into practise their throwing and catching skills while beginning to focus upon their defensive and attacking tactical play. The children chased and defended their side learning how to deceive their opponent best.

Image of Reception- Caterpillar PE
1 May

Reception- Caterpillar PE

Reception have had a fun packed PE session today, carrying on with our Hungry Caterpillar theme we used the apparatus to move like a caterpillar and turn into a butterfly. We crawled, climbed, balanced and jumped and all of the children had a try on all of the stations and are really developing those key fundamental skills. Well done Reception!

Image of Year 6 JagTag
30 Apr

Year 6 JagTag

Year 6 have continued with their JagTag unit. This week, they started to explore some of the positions involved in American Football and carried out some passages of play.

Image of Bee Stinger Netball Qualifiers - Winners
30 Apr

Bee Stinger Netball Qualifiers - Winners

This evening we attended the Bee Stinger Netball Qualifiers at St Bedes. We played four games and managed to achieve some fantastic results - 1-0, 6-1, 4-1 and 6-2. The children worked really hard in driving the ball forward and using their space more wisely. We now look forward to attending the grand final in a few weeks- Go Team B!

Image of Year 4 - PE: Dance
30 Apr

Year 4 - PE: Dance

This week’s dance lesson had the Year 4 children working in unison. They worked in groups and choreographed some movements to demonstrate electrical components. Their actions included turns, reaches, jumps and wriggles and they worked hard to keep in time with each other. We will be putting these movements into a whole-class dance over the next couple of weeks.

Image of Year 3- Hop, Skip and Jump
26 Apr

Year 3- Hop, Skip and Jump

This morning, Year 3 have taken part in the Hop, Skip and Jump challenge in their crowns to raise money for the East Lancashire Hospice.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
25 Apr

Year 6 P.E.

Last Friday, year 6 started their unit on JagTag. All of the children have shown a huge interest in this sport and couldn’t wait to take part in the session.

Image of DPSSA Netball League Night 1
25 Apr

DPSSA Netball League Night 1

What a great start we have had to the Darwen Primary Schools Netball League at Darwen Vale. A fantastic effort from each and every player saw us come away with a 13-0 win! We look forward to developing even more as a squad over the next few weeks - Go Team B!

Image of Reception- outdoor gym
24 Apr

Reception- outdoor gym

We have made the most of the beautiful weather this morning and we got out on our outdoor gym. It was great to see children using the equipment confidently and using their gross motor skills and great co ordination.

Image of Walk to School Summer Worship
23 Apr

Walk to School Summer Worship

As part of our new Walk to School initiative, we took part in a virtual worship this morning. It was to highlight events that will be taking place over the summer term. We also looked at how children travel to school in different countries and found that some children have to go to school in a boat and some children in China have to climb 2500 ft up a mountain side using a rope ladder! The schools that took part, shared why walking to school helped us and we said that it helps us to clear our mind, be with nature, how it helps to keeps us fit and de- stress. The events that are due to take place are Walk to School Week 20-24th May and the WOW Top Ten Challenge when schools try to increase their walks and gain a top ten place on the leader board which is 3-28th June. Our WOW ambassadors are looking forward to promoting these exciting events and will be planning something very exciting!

Image of Year 4 PE Dance - Sparks Might Fly
23 Apr

Year 4 PE Dance - Sparks Might Fly

In our PE session this afternoon the children looked at developing movement expression, using their whole body, exploring new ways of moving and challenging themselves. They worked hard to link 4 count dances so they became more fluid. The final Circuit Dance involved each person taking on a lead role to represent the parts in a circuit such as power, positive, negative, switch, output and wires. We look forward to building the pieces over the next few weeks and then performing each one.

Image of Year 3- P.E- Invasion Games- Rugby
23 Apr

Year 3- P.E- Invasion Games- Rugby

In P.E. this term, Year 3 are learning the skills of rugby. This afternoon, the focus has been to master the swing pass technique for ball handling. The children formed groups of 4 to 5 in a semi-circle and engaged in a game of Pepper Pot, aiming to maximise the number of successful passes they could make within 30 seconds. They were reminded to show honesty as a group and report back the actual number of passes made and it is about beating their own group's personal best score rather than other groups. They worked brilliantly and encouraged other groups along the way.

Image of Reception: Outdoor Games
22 Apr

Reception: Outdoor Games

Some of our Ducklings today decided to play a game of Scarecrow tig. They wanted Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Thompson to catch the children and the children had to work together to avoid being caught. They had to negotiate obstacles, look for good hiding places, accurately run around the playground and help their friends. We had a super time and can’t wait to play more outdoor games together!

Image of WOW Badge and Class Winners for March 2024
19 Apr

WOW Badge and Class Winners for March 2024

A huge well done to all 120 of our WOW badge winners for March 2024. What a super effort everyone has made. We have all tried really hard to either walk or park and stride once a week in the month of March which was a little taster session as we did it over the 2 weeks! A big congratulations to Year 5 as they have the most badge winners. We look forward to seeing who has earned a badge for April in a couple of weeks.

Image of Year 5 - Jag Tag
19 Apr

Year 5 - Jag Tag

Year 5 had an amazing time learning about Jag Tag. The children working on their technique of throwing and catching correctly within the game and concentrating hard within their movement. The children worked hard on combining them together and used their learnt skills within a competitive game.

Image of Year 6 P.E. - Athletics
17 Apr

Year 6 P.E. - Athletics

In P.E. Year 6 have started their athletics unit. This week we looked at developing our running and jumping skills. Character development was massively important in this session as the children needed to be aware that they weren’t in competition with others, but themselves. Over the coming weeks, the children will look to better their results by focusing on their technique.

Image of Year 1 PE- Kicking and Controlling a Ball
17 Apr

Year 1 PE- Kicking and Controlling a Ball

This week in PE, Year 1 have been focusing on controlling and kicking a ball. First of all, they practised kicking the ball with the inside of their foot and stopping it with the top of their foot to maintain control. They then practised kicking the ball in a straight line at a target and along a straight line to a partner. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 2 - PE
17 Apr

Year 2 - PE

This week in PE, we practised our catching skills. Sometimes when there are lots of distractions in games it can become difficult to focus on the catch. We practised catching with different partners and with different distractions. In our game, we remembered if the ball came our way to not panic, get ready and catch the ball.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
16 Apr

Reception: Forest Schools

Our Ducklings love our forest school sessions at Whitehall Park! Letting their imaginations run wild is so important for their development. They enjoyed developing their gross motor skills too whilst exploring the outdoors.

Image of Year 5&6 Cricket Club
16 Apr

Year 5&6 Cricket Club

Today, Year 5&6 started the new cricket after school club. The children worked hard on bowling and batting skills to ensure they have the appropriate technique. They then applied this into a game scenario working hard on the tactical elements of the game.

Image of Year 4 Go on Residential to The Anderton Centre
12 Apr

Year 4 Go on Residential to The Anderton Centre

Well that’s a wrap! What an amazing adventure we have had at The Anderton Centre. The children have loved tree climbing, archery, fairy den building, night line guide line, bushcraft, marshmallow toasting, team building, XL stand up paddle boarding, midnight feasts, sleepovers (with not much sleep) and AI food. The children have really challenged themselves, attempting things that have really pushed them out of their comfort zones. Team Gardner, Team Araujo andTeam Lyon’s were a pleasure to take and conducted themselves in true St Barnabas style, showing our four Bs along the way at all times. A huge thanks to the parents and carers for allowing us to share such a magical experience with them, labelling every item under the sun and all with the packing skills of a scout leader! We now have very tired children but they have made memories that will last a lifetime! For all of the photos, please click here:

Image of Year 4 - PE: Final Orienteering Session
27 Mar

Year 4 - PE: Final Orienteering Session

Our final orienteering session was all about testing map-reading skills. The children were put in mixed pairs and challenged to create a route to find 10 points on the school map. The team who completed their 10 points quickest were the winners. The children had to then challenge their partners to find the chocolate bars they hid and marked on the map. Needless to say, they keenly worked out where their bars were located and enjoyed their reward afterwards. Year 4 has thoroughly enjoyed this PE unit!

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
26 Mar

Reception: Forest Schools

Our Reception children explored a different area of Whitehall park today. They made fairy houses, balanced on beams, built dens and climbed trees.

Image of Inter House Dodgeball Event
23 Mar

Inter House Dodgeball Event

The Inter House Dodgeball competition was a huge success. Every single child across school took part and represented their house teams. It was fantastic to see the children getting involved, working as a team and having lots of fun. A massive thank you to the Sports leaders who ran the event and congratulations to both of our winning houses which were the yellow and green team - Whitehall Park and Darwen Tower

Image of Year 4 Inter House Dodgeball Competition
23 Mar

Year 4 Inter House Dodgeball Competition

Year 4 absolutely loved taking part in the inter house dodgeball competition. The children worked really well in their teams, cheering and supporting each other. The sports leaders also did a great job organising it- well done to the greens and yellows for winning overall.

Image of Well-being Club
21 Mar

Well-being Club

For our final session, we walked to Jack Keys and enjoyed a nature walk! It was lots of fun and it was lovely to enjoy the outdoors with everyone.

Image of Year 6 - Jubilee Gardens and St James's Park
21 Mar

Year 6 - Jubilee Gardens and St James's Park

Year 6 had a fantastic time playing on the adventure play areas in Jubilee Gardens underneath the London Eye and in St James's Park. It was wonderful to see everyone getting along and playing with their friends. For all of the photos, please click here:

Image of Reception: PE
20 Mar

Reception: PE

This week during PE, our Ducklings focused on ‘aim’ looking at where our object was going. The children used the correct technique of throwing, kicking and jumping to get it on target. Brilliant listening reception and much better at waiting your turn. Well done!

Image of Year 5 - Orienteering
19 Mar

Year 5 - Orienteering

Today, Year 5 continued progressing with their orienteering unit and explored a scatter lesson. The children used their map skills and orienteering skills to locate the given targets and worked within their teams to find the quickest routes.

Image of Running Club
19 Mar

Running Club

Running club continued for the KS2 children. The children have been building their stamina and technique for long distance running. Many children have beaten their original times and are making lots of progress.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
18 Mar

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our reception children really enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They climbed up trees, created a cafe, travelled on a ‘steam engine’ and created a bug hotel. Super imaginations!

Image of Year 5 - Dance
17 Mar

Year 5 - Dance

Year 5 have been progressing with their dance unit - earthlings. The children have been creating shapes and images within a group to represent key vocabulary relating to space exploration. The children were extremely creative linking their gymnastic balance and counter balances to depict their word to the group. The children showed many interesting interpretations of their chosen words.

Image of Darwen Swimming Gala
15 Mar

Darwen Swimming Gala

Good evening parents and carers, I’m so sorry for the late message but we are just back from the swimming gala. We are so proud to share that our swim team came 3rd overall out of 8 schools. Every child in our team won at least one medal and they were amazing at encouraging each other. Here are the medalists: 100m relay - 2nd Isaac 25m butterfly- 2nd Annabelle 25m butterfly- 2nd Isaac 25m breaststroke -2nd Sophie 25m breaststroke - 1st Isaac Boys medley relay- 3rd Boys freestyle relay - 3rd Girls freestyle relay - 3rd Thanks to Mrs Gardner for running the swimming trials and sorting the admin. Thank you to Mr Bloomfield for supporting the children with me tonight. A huge thanks to the parents and siblings who came along to cheer them along, it was a brilliant atmosphere! We have had another wonderful week at St Barnabas. For all of the news from this week, please click here: Year 6 have an exciting week next week as we go on our visit to London and the book fair will be visiting our school. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham

Image of Year 3- Gymnastics- Use apparatus to perform jumping actions.
15 Mar

Year 3- Gymnastics- Use apparatus to perform jumping actions.

Year 3 explored various jumping techniques during the session such as straight, star, and tuck jumps. During the activity, the children were reminded about safety rules and the importance of trust. They also encouraged each other, particularly those who might have been apprehensive about jumping from a slightly higher bench. They can't wait for the next session where they will use the apparatus to perform rolling actions.

Image of WOW Ambassador Training
14 Mar

WOW Ambassador Training

In our very first WOW Ambassador meeting today, we met to discuss the children’s role and how they will promote this walk to school initiative throughout school. We also completed training on how to access the travel tracker and monitor each class on a weekly basis. The children can’t wait for the launch of this exciting new walking to school initiative next week!

Image of Reception PE
13 Mar

Reception PE

Today during PE reception worked on football control using rolling, throwing and kicking. They followed instructions well and worked hard with their partners, well done reception ⚽️⚽️⚽️

Image of Year 4 - PE: Orienteering
13 Mar

Year 4 - PE: Orienteering

It was all about symbols this week in orienteering. We began by matching the map symbols to the meanings and then identifying some of these on our maps of the school grounds. We used this information to place cones around the outside of school for their friends to find. The hard part was deciphering whereabouts on the map they were located so that their points could be plotted. The class did really well at this and they’re really starting to grasp map reading.

Image of Year 1 PE- Athletics
13 Mar

Year 1 PE- Athletics

Year 1 enjoyed their athletics session today. They practised ‘rolling a goal’ to score points, tracking the distance that they could hop, skip and jump and completing a relay that involved part balancing a beanbag on their head and part sprinting. Well done Year 1.

Image of Running Club
12 Mar

Running Club

Another amazing session of running club got underway this week. All the children showed incredible determination and resilience during running club to improve on their times from last week; in preparation for the cross country event.

Image of Year 5 - Orienteering
12 Mar

Year 5 - Orienteering

During our orienteering session, the children worked really hard to remember symbols on a map. The children then used the symbols to locate objects around the school grounds. The children worked as teams to locate the items and find the best possible routes to find them efficiently.

Image of Reception: Easter Artwork
11 Mar

Reception: Easter Artwork

Today, during our Muddy Monday session, we collected lots of green natural objects to create palm leaves for our Easter art work. The children worked together as a team to create their art work. You will be able to view our artwork soon in the Rose Garden at Whitehall park.

Image of WOW Initiative Assembly Launch
8 Mar

WOW Initiative Assembly Launch

Today we had our WOW assembly in which we learned all about our new walk to school challenge and how we need to try to walk to school (or find an active way) at least once a week. We met Dan who is from Living Streets. He told us how we can earn badges every month by taking part. It’s so important to walk to improve our mental wellbeing, get fit and decrease pollution. We look forward to practising with the Travel Tracker next week with our newly appointed WOW Ambassadors.

Image of Biggest Ever Girls Football Session
8 Mar

Biggest Ever Girls Football Session

Today, our KS2 girls all took part in the biggest ever girls football session in celebration of International Women’s Day. Our girls all played a football tournament to encourage more girls to play and take up football. The girls participated in a tournament style session building on teamwork and spirit within the game and then finished off with a penalty shootout at the end. All the girls had an amazing time and showed lots of talent and potential. Well done girls!

Image of The Big Lent Walk in Year 4
7 Mar

The Big Lent Walk in Year 4

This afternoon, Year 4 went on their Big Lent Walk around our local area. We walked past both Mrs Gardner’s and Mrs Singleton's houses on our journey. The children loved being out in the fresh air and working together to add more km to our whole school total. We are so proud of them as we were also in our World Book Day outfits which included onesies, dresses and dressing gowns. Collectively we walked 92.8k - WELL DONE Year 4

Image of Year 6 P.E.
6 Mar

Year 6 P.E.

In P.E. Year 6 continued to develop their forehand and backhand strokes. The children who were demonstrating consistency in those strokes started to develop rallies with the net being used as an obstacle. It was important that the children continued to apply the basics, but react to the bounce of the ball by moving their feet quickly.

Image of Year 5 - Dance - Earthlings
5 Mar

Year 5 - Dance - Earthlings

Year 5 have been continuing their dance unit this half term all based around earthlings. The children used their scientific knowledge of planets to create a dance sequence that would represent their chosen planet. The children focused on: movement, levels, transitions, expression and emotion while creating their sequence. All the children performed their sequence and then used constructive feedback to improve their performances.

Image of Year 3 - The History of Women’s Football
5 Mar

Year 3 - The History of Women’s Football

Today during class worship we looked into the history of women’s football. Year 3 were very interested in learning about what women have faced in the past and how the game is evolving to include women. We discussed the importance of encouraging and supporting each other. The boys in class can’t wait to cheer on the girls on Friday when they take part in a football tournament in support of International Women's Day.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Orienteering
5 Mar

Year 4 - PE: Orienteering

It was an extremely physical orienteering session for the Year 4s this week. The children were using a map of the school grounds to locate specific posts around the outside of the school. In pairs, they were given a letter to locate. They had to firstly ensure they had their maps facing north, and then they had to figure out where their given letter was. When they found their letter they had to remember the two-digit number on the post and return to the leader with the answer. They were then sent off to find another letter. All of the children had great fun exploring the school grounds with their maps, and showed some fantastic map-reading skills.

Image of Year 5 - Orienteering
5 Mar

Year 5 - Orienteering

This week, Year 5 continued with practising their orienteering skills. The children worked well in teams to read maps and locate items based around the school. The children understood the concept of orientation and navigated their maps well in order to complete their tasks in the most efficient way.

Image of Year 5&6 Football Festival
5 Mar

Year 5&6 Football Festival

A huge well done to our year 5&6 B team who took part in a football festival. The team represented the school amazingly well; demonstrating lots of team spirit and dedication to the game. The team ended the festival unbeaten. Congratulations to all the team, we are hugely proud of you all.

Image of Big Lent Walk: both targets achieved!
4 Mar

Big Lent Walk: both targets achieved!

Wow! We have achieved both of our targets already for the Big Lent Walk. A huge thank you to our wonderful children and families for taking part to help us to travel 385.4km (so far!!) Thank you to everyone who has sponsored us so far- our families, friends and the community. Your generosity means so much. We still have just under 4 weeks of Lent left so I am sure we can continue to add more km to our distance travelled and raise more money for this wonderful cause. You are not too late to get involved so please send your pictures and total km walked to either myself or Mrs Ham. Donations can still be made here: Thank you for your kindness and generosity,

Image of Year 3- Big Lent Walk
4 Mar

Year 3- Big Lent Walk

This afternoon, Year 3 went on the 'Big Lent Walk', covering a distance of 2.8 km. A small donation has been made to CAFOD to help fight poverty worldwide. We also had fun being Geologists exploring different kind of rocks.

Image of Year 4 PE - Basketball
29 Feb

Year 4 PE - Basketball

On our second PE session this week we have been focusing on Invasion Games - Basketball. Today we developed how to dribble with a basketball along how to pass the ball accurately to a team mate using a chest and bounce pass. We then moved on to small sided track v’s defence and the children adapted well in their groups applying tactics.

Image of Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit
28 Feb

Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit

Wow, what a fantastic day our Ducklings had today. We visited Imagine That in Liverpool and had lots of fun! The children did lots of experiments with dry ice, made magical snow and made slime too. They used their imaginations in the roleplay area, painted a car, explored the creative area and made their own magnets. They were well behaved and represented the school beautifully!

Image of Year 1 PE- Athletics
28 Feb

Year 1 PE- Athletics

Today in PE, Year 1 did the first lesson of their athletics unit. They practised various skills such as over arm throwing, rolling a ball, hopping, jogging and balancing a quoit or beanbag on their head.

Image of Year 4 - 1K for the Big Lent Walk
28 Feb

Year 4 - 1K for the Big Lent Walk

Year 4 class are doing their bit towards the Big Lent Walk with a 1K run on the Key Stage 2 playground. This week and last, each child completed their 1K, racking up a total of 54km between them. They will continue to do this each week.

Image of Year 5 - Orienteering
27 Feb

Year 5 - Orienteering

Today, Year 5’s orienteering session consisted of creating and reading maps to locate items. The children created a map of the class and created a key that matched items in the class. The children used these maps to locate items and understand points of view.

Image of Cross Country Club
27 Feb

Cross Country Club

Year 3,4,5 & 6 cross country club got underway after school, despite the awful weather. For our first session, the children ran up to Jacks Key Lodge and completed long distance shuttle runs to maximise their stamina and pace in preparation for the cross country races.

Image of Year 1 PE- Demonstrating an Overarm Throw
27 Feb

Year 1 PE- Demonstrating an Overarm Throw

In PE, Year 1 have been working on their technique for overarm throwing. They had to concentrate well so that they could successfully aim for their target to ensure accuracy.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
26 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They were super explorers! They found pine cones, natural resources for their dens and also different minibeasts.

Image of Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics
22 Feb

Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics

A huge well done to our Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics squad as they tried so hard tonight, behaved brilliantly and were amazing at encouraging each other. For several of our children, it was the first time they had represented our school. They just missed out on a medal and came 4th place out of 8 schools. Well done Team Barney’s! For all of the photos, please click here:

Image of Year 4 - PE: Orienteering
21 Feb

Year 4 - PE: Orienteering

In Year 4 this half term, one of our PE sessions each week is orienteering. Our first lesson with our orienteering leader Jack went brilliantly, with the children working well in their pairs. They worked cooperatively to locate the markers and remember the details on each one. Back in the classroom, we learned how to create a birds’ eye view diagram of the classroom, paying attention to furniture and the location of fixed points such as doors and windows. We are looking forward to next week’s session.

Image of Year 5 - Orienteering
20 Feb

Year 5 - Orienteering

Today, Year 5 had their first session in orienteering. The children worked in teams to locate different items and numbers placed around the school grounds. The children had to be quick and remember the information based on each picture in order to complete the tasks set.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
19 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Reception class really enjoyed our Muddy Monday session at Whitehall park. We looked at some habitats for different minibeasts that we found and also enjoyed creating dens and continued to take risks climbing trees. They walked 3.84km and enjoyed contributing to the Big Lent Walk!

Image of Year 3- P.E- Dance- Creating representation of the Iron Man using their bodies.
19 Feb

Year 3- P.E- Dance- Creating representation of the Iron Man using their bodies.

Today, the children worked in groups of 4 or 5. They took turns leading each other around the room in a line, deciding how to move. After that, they worked together to make a human Iron Man by connecting their bodies safely and sharing weight.

Image of Mad Science After -School Club- Missions Nutritious
19 Feb

Mad Science After -School Club- Missions Nutritious

Today, in our after-school club led by a scientist, the young children investigated the energy content of food by burning a stale crisp and using the released energy to heat water. We discovered that one crisp equals 6 calories. This was super exciting to watch. The young scientists also measured their energy expenditure by jogging on the spot. For our final experiment, the children filled a bottle halfway with water and then poured in about 100ml of oil. They then observed the oil float on the water. They were fascinated by this observation. We also estimated the length of a child's intestine during the session, adding to our exploration of the human body. They're eagerly looking forward to next week's experiment with slime.

Image of Year 5 - Hockey
19 Feb

Year 5 - Hockey

During PE, Year 5 worked on their passing and receiving skills in hockey. We looked at the technique and different standing points in order to pass and receive the ball effectively. The children completed a variety of drills to enhance and challenge their learnt skills.

Image of Year 6 JagTag
9 Feb

Year 6 JagTag

Today, year 6 took part in a JagTag taster session. JagTag is a version of American Football that children can take part in. Year 6 really enjoyed their session and some of the children even expressed an interest to play in the future. The two stars of the session were Colton and Lucy who listened attentively and demonstrated fantastic skill.

Image of Year 3- Physical Education- JagTag
9 Feb

Year 3- Physical Education- JagTag

Year 3 had a fantastic time during their JagTag taster session today. They demonstrated excellent teamwork and attentive listening skills. Despite the rain, they persevered and continued to play enthusiastically. Star performers were Olivia and Jack, who distinguished themselves with their outstanding contributions.

Image of Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Final
8 Feb

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Final

A huge well done to our Sportshall athletics squad for their fantastic performance in the BWD Sportshall athletics final last night. We were one of the smallest schools there and came joint third on points. However, as there was a tie it came down to who had won more events so we were awarded fourth as the other school had won more events. We are so proud of everyone in our squad as they showed brilliant sportsmanship, determination and effort, as well as encouraging each other. A huge thanks to Mrs Gardner, Mr Bloomfield, Mr Norris, Mr Prescott and Mrs Wilkinson for your support, transport, coaching and photography. Many thanks to our parents for the support with transport. Well done Team Barney’s! All of the photos can be found here:

Image of Year 3/4 Key Steps Gymnastics Competition
6 Feb

Year 3/4 Key Steps Gymnastics Competition

What a fantastic afternoon we have had at St Bedes taking part in the Key Steps Gymnastics competition. We entered the individual competition plus the girls and the mixed teams. The children have worked incredibly hard to memorise three routines both at home and in school. Today when they performed all three routines, they all had a huge smile and did it with pure Barney’s determination and perseverance. We are so proud of all nine of them for representing our school in such a great way! Also a huge WELL DONE to our girls team who came away with a bronze medal!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
5 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed exploring the forest schools area in Whitehall park. Their imaginations were really flowing. We found dinosaur shaped claw leaves, eggs, some of our children created a roleplay restaurant and we had squirrels climbing up the trees!

Image of Year 5 - Hockey
31 Jan

Year 5 - Hockey

Today, Year 5 had their first lesson in hockey. The children learnt how to hold the hockey stick correctly, pass with accuracy and dribble keeping maximum control over the ball. Then the children increased the pace and speed at which they travelled with the ball; testing their technique.

Image of Reception PE
31 Jan

Reception PE

This morning our reception class have enjoyed using our outdoor gym, everyone had a turn and I’m sure they will tell you, they had lots of fun! Well done, what superstars!

Image of Year 4 - PE: Racquet Skills
31 Jan

Year 4 - PE: Racquet Skills

Building on the skills we learned last week, we progressed to returning a ball across a barrier using racquets. We practised ball control through a variety of challenges, and then perfected our skills for hitting a ball across a net.

Image of Year 3 - P.E- Outdoor Gym Session
26 Jan

Year 3 - P.E- Outdoor Gym Session

Year 3 had a great time in P.E. at the outdoor gym this afternoon. We discussed the importance of getting off the equipment safely and not rushing past anyone to reach a new one. Everyone had a turn to explore and enjoy all the equipment! They had a great time.

Image of Year 2 - P.E.
25 Jan

Year 2 - P.E.

This week, we combined our knowledge of shapes from our maths work and our superb P.E skills. After warming up, we jumped into shapes and out of them ready for our landings. The children loved showing off new shapes they jumped into. Some shapes made it more difficult to land so it was important to be quick in and out of the shapes.

Image of Year 6 Gym Session
25 Jan

Year 6 Gym Session

This week, year 6 finally got their chance to explore the gym and had a great time during their break time. They are looking forward to using it on a more regular basis.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
25 Jan

Year 6 P.E.

This week, in P.E., year 6 spent time preparing for the sports hall athletics competition. It looks like all of the hard work and preparation paid off as they managed to make it through their heat and into the finals.

Image of Year 1- Rolling a ball
24 Jan

Year 1- Rolling a ball

In their PE lesson, Year 1 enjoyed learning the correct technique for rolling a ball accurately. They had to make sure that they swung their hand back and down whilst their chest faced forwards, opposite foot to rolling arm stepped forward and they bent their knees before releasing the ball. Year 1 practised this skill and then applied it to some games where they had to aim at a target such as skittles or marker cones.

Image of Yr5/6 Sportshall Athletics Heat Winners
24 Jan

Yr5/6 Sportshall Athletics Heat Winners

We are so proud of our super squad for their brilliant determination and excellent effort at the Sportshall Athletics heat this evening. They encouraged each other fantastically well and really made Mrs Ham, Mrs Gardner, Mr Prescott, Mr Bloomfield and Mr Norris proud. A huge thank you to Mrs Gardner for all of her wonderful coaching in her Sportshall Athletics club and to Mr Bloomfield and Mr Prescott for their focus on sportshall athletics in their recent PE lessons, particularly the baton changes. Thank you to all staff and parents who supported with transporting the children. We can’t wait for the finals in a few weeks time!

Image of Reception-P.E
24 Jan


We focused on hopping in P.E this week. Some of us found it difficult but we persevered. Super proud of you all this week!

Image of Year 5 - Badminton
23 Jan

Year 5 - Badminton

Year 5 have been building on their racket skills during their badminton lessons. The children have worked on their technique and how to maintain a rally with their partners. The children then began to work on tactics within the game and recognising time and space in order to win the rally.

Image of Solo Parents United- Football Team
22 Jan

Solo Parents United- Football Team

Good morning parents and carers, I hope you've had a lovely weekend. Please find attached some information from one of our former parents, Stephen Walker about his Solo Parents United group and new football teams he is setting up for children of single parents.

Image of Year 5&6 County Football
19 Jan

Year 5&6 County Football

As a result of winning the Darwen Schools Football League, our year 5 and 6 football team went on to represent our town in the county football finals held in Thornton, Cleveleys near Blackpool. Our team topped the group stages not losing a game and went into the quarter finals. Our team won the quarter finals on penalties but unfortunately lost in the semi finals. A huge achievement for our football team competing at such a high standard with a total of 14 teams who also finished top of their league within their own towns. A huge congratulations. You have done yourself and our school really proud!

Image of Year 5 - Gym
17 Jan

Year 5 - Gym

Today, Year 5 had their gym session on our school gym. We looked at all the health benefits of exercise and why we should participate in daily exercise. We used all the machines and explored their functions and purpose.

Image of Year 5 - Sportshall Athletics
17 Jan

Year 5 - Sportshall Athletics

Today, Year 5 practiced the varying events in sports hall athletics. The children took part in long jump, vertical jump, relay races, chest pass and speed bounce.

Image of Year 1 Dance
17 Jan

Year 1 Dance

Today in PE, Year 1 have been focusing on facial expressions and body language to express feelings as part of their dance unit. Then they had to create a sequence (stillness, travel, stillness) to show the relationship between Forky and Woody.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Throwing Skills
17 Jan

Year 4 - PE: Throwing Skills

In PE, our Year 4s were consolidating the throwing skills they practised last week by throwing through various targets. They chose the best throws for passing forward through a target over short and long distances, taking care of position and footwork.

Image of Year 2 P.E- Explorers Dance
17 Jan

Year 2 P.E- Explorers Dance

This week in our P.E lesson, we started our dance unit for this half term. We are putting together a dance routine using the theme of adventure. In History we are looking at Explorers and the History of flight so we used movements and pauses that an explorer might do, if they travelled to an unexplored place.

Image of Brilliant Bowling!
15 Jan

Brilliant Bowling!

Mrs Ham had the privilege of taking a group of boys to a special SEND bowling competition at Blackburn Bowling this morning. She was so proud of the way they behaved and represented our school. They all did so brilliantly and got a medal each. One boy said he had never won a medal before so was extremely proud. Well done boys!

Image of Year 3- Gymnastics- Travelling with control on four points.
15 Jan

Year 3- Gymnastics- Travelling with control on four points.

Today in P.E. the children began their gymnastics unit. They concentrated on moving with precision and balance. Additionally, our character value for the day was trust. We had a conversation about the significance of trust and how crucial it is. The activity involved partnering and relying on each other to enhance our gymnastic abilities. The task was to work closely with a partner, demonstrating trust by accepting and appreciating their constructive feedback to improve their skills. The children focused on travelling using their hands and feet. They practised placing their hands on the floor with flat palms and thumbs pointing forward.

Image of Year 1- Exploring the Outdoor Gym
12 Jan

Year 1- Exploring the Outdoor Gym

Year 1 absolutely loved exploring the outdoor gym this afternoon and they made sure that they were using the equipment safely and sensibly at all times. They are really looking forward to starting to make use of it during their lunchtimes. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 4 G & T Key Steps Gymnastics Club
12 Jan

Year 4 G & T Key Steps Gymnastics Club

This evening we saw the launch of our Year 4 Gifted and Talented Key Steps Gymnastics Club. The children have been working extremely hard to develop both their floor and body management sequences by working on various applications. We hope that every week we can learn something new and push ourself to be our Barney’s best!

Image of Reception PE
11 Jan

Reception PE

During our PE session Reception focused on ‘jumping’ and each child took part in 5 circuits focusing on the technique of jumping. It was amazing to see the children encourage one another as they pushed themselves out of their comfort zones. Well done Reception!

Image of Year 4 - Outdoor Gym
11 Jan

Year 4 - Outdoor Gym

The excitement on their faces! Year 4 class thoroughly enjoyed exploring the new outdoor gym equipment. We talked about how to get on and off the equipment safely and letting others have a turn and then they were off. I think it’s going to be well used.

Image of Playtime provision fun in Year 4
11 Jan

Playtime provision fun in Year 4

How very lucky we are at St Barnabas to have access to such amazing provision at playtimes. Today Year 4 enjoyed moving between the new outdoor gym and the MUGA. It was fantastic to see the children building towards the 60 minute daily offer and being physically active and all with beaming smiles on their faces.

Image of Year 2- New Outdoor Gym!
11 Jan

Year 2- New Outdoor Gym!

This afternoon, we were excited to explore our new outdoor gym. There are lots of machines that we needed to learn how to use. The children loved learning how to use each machine and learning new exercises. We will definitely be visiting our outdoor gym in future P.E sessions, lunch time and golden time.

Image of Year 5 - Tactical Play
8 Jan

Year 5 - Tactical Play

During our PE lesson, Year 5 have been building on their knowledge and understanding of invasion games. This week the children were learning about tactical work within any chosen game. They took part in ball games to gain a clearer understanding of time and space. The children will then apply their knowledge and understanding to racket and other invasion games.

Image of Year 4 - Visit to the Rose Garden
22 Dec

Year 4 - Visit to the Rose Garden

Year 4 class had a great time in the Rose Garden. They chose their top 3 card designs and then we all sang some of our favourite carols. Merry Christmas to you all!

Image of Reception PE
20 Dec

Reception PE

This morning Reception have had a fun Christmas session in the hall for PE, using all of the skills they have been working on- aim, under arm and risk taking. Everyone had a turn at each station and encouraged each other beautifully. Well done Reception!

Image of Year 4 Fun on the apparatus
14 Dec

Year 4 Fun on the apparatus

In our PE lesson today, Year 4 enjoyed using the apparatus which included the climbing frame and vault. We practiced various sequences, perfecting our starts and finishes for the judges.

Image of PE -Reception
13 Dec

PE -Reception

Today Reception took part in a Christmas themed session, working on under arm throwing and aim. The children took turns decorating their hoop trees with bean bag baubles. Well done Reception!

Image of Year 5 - Badminton
13 Dec

Year 5 - Badminton

This week year 5 have been perfecting their shot techniques, they have been exploring with a variety of shots and keeping up rally’s within there teams.

Image of Year 4 - Gymnastics
12 Dec

Year 4 - Gymnastics

It was Year 4’s final session of Gymnastics 1 and they put together all of the skills they’ve been learning to create a routine. Within their routines they had to include three balances, two travels, a jump turn and a roll. They worked with determination, setting themselves goals to improve their skills.

Image of Year 2 - Curling Competition
12 Dec

Year 2 - Curling Competition

This afternoon, children from year 2 took part in an inter schools curling competition at St Bede’s. This was a new sport for our children and they certainly enjoyed it. We played 9 games against other schools from Blackburn with Darwen with some very close games along the way. We have some excellent curlers in year 2 and importantly they represented our school superbly showing true sportsmanship throughout. We just missed out on the medals in 5th place but the children should be really proud of themselves.

Image of Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics Club Final Session
8 Dec

Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics Club Final Session

Tonight saw the final Sportshall Athletics Club. The children have pushed themselves out of their comfort zones trying new events such as obstacle relay, five strides and vertical jump. Well done to everyone who attended and we look forward to the competition in the new year.

Image of Year 4 Dance Self Evaluation
7 Dec

Year 4 Dance Self Evaluation

Following the completion of our dance unit in PE, today we watched our final piece and then completed a self- evaluation form. We marked ourselves against specific criteria using the red amber green system.

Image of Boccia event
6 Dec

Boccia event

Super proud of these four boys on Friday. We went to QEGS for a Boccia competition and they represented school so well and not only that they played their socks off! We just missed out on qualifying for the final. We are super proud of you all ⭐️

Image of Year 5 - Badminton
4 Dec

Year 5 - Badminton

During our PE lesson, the children worked on their racket technique by keeping a rally going with a partner. The children then began to work on a variety of shots such as forehand, backhand, underarm and high serve.

Image of Reception PE
29 Nov

Reception PE

Reception have had a jam packed PE session today, they played games, had music on and everyone took part in each activity focusing on the fundamental skill of jumping. As a class their listening was superb throughout which meant we could play more games and have more fun! Well done Reception!

Image of Year 5 - Badminton
27 Nov

Year 5 - Badminton

Today, Year 5 started their new PE unit on badminton. The children learned the correct way to grip the racket and explored the variety of ways to hit the shuttle using the correct terminology. The children worked on their forehand keeping the shuttle in the air, controlling and alternating their movements to keep the shuttle close by. The children then worked in pairs and began to hold rallies with each other.

Image of Year 3- P.E- Group Sequence
27 Nov

Year 3- P.E- Group Sequence

During P.E., this afternoon, Year 3 was tasked with creating a story sequence using the five dance elements - travel, turn, jump, gesture, and stillness. The first step was to identify the term "villain", and some of the words suggested by the children were "evil", "torture", "threatening", "intimidating", and "mischievous". Once a villain was selected, the children worked in pairs and gradually moved into small groups. They then performed their sequences to the whole class, using music by Stealth. The students did an excellent job portraying their villains and worked extremely well in groups, demonstrating great teamwork.

Image of Reception- Rolling a ball.
22 Nov

Reception- Rolling a ball.

In P.E this morning we have learnt a special word. “Aim” was the special word we learnt and we spoke about the meaning of aim. We learnt how to aim for the place we want our ball to go. We rolled the ball and bounced the ball to our partners with control.

Image of SPAR Lancashire School Games Launch
17 Nov

SPAR Lancashire School Games Launch

Our Sports Leaders and PE lead Mrs Gardner have been lucky enough to represent Blackburn with Darwen at the launch of the Lancashire School Games today at SPAR Headquarters. We also met the Olympic Athlete Holly Bradshaw who won Bronze for pole vault at the last Olympic Games. Our Sports Leaders did both the borough and Team B proud! 

Image of Year 5&6 - Blackburn Rovers Gifted and Talented
16 Nov

Year 5&6 - Blackburn Rovers Gifted and Talented

Today, our Year 5&6 football team took part in a gifted and talented 3v3 tournament hosted by Blackburn Rovers. The boys played exceptionally well and made it all the way through to the final but narrowly missed out at the end. A superb performance from all the players.

Image of Year 5&6 - DPSSA Football Winners
16 Nov

Year 5&6 - DPSSA Football Winners

Today, our Year 5&6 were crowned the league winners for the Darwen schools football league. They did not lose a game and won their game on the final night. A huge congratulations to the whole team, we are so proud of you.

Image of Reception PE
15 Nov

Reception PE

Today reception have taken part in a PE session focusing on their fundamental skills of climbing, jumping and rolling. Everyone had a go and had lot of fun too! Well done reception, what superstars you are!

Image of Year 2 Inter House Games
10 Nov

Year 2 Inter House Games

Today Year 2 took part in the Inter House Games, led by our Year 6 sports leaders. They all took part and were super excited to play a game of bench ball together. They listened to instructions well, showing both our sports leaders respect and each other respect while taking part. Well done Year 2!

Image of Year 4 Inter House Bench Ball Event
10 Nov

Year 4 Inter House Bench Ball Event

Year 4 had a great time taking part in the Inter House Bench Ball Event this afternoon . They played against each other and developed their skills and tactics at the same. A big thank you to the Sports Leaders for running the event.

Image of Reception Inter House Games
10 Nov

Reception Inter House Games

Today Reception were led by our sports leaders in a game of ‘bench ball’ which is a firm favourite amongst all of our classes in school. Reception were very excited to play the game together in their teams. All reception children joined in, listened well and gave it their all, well done to you reception!

Image of KS1 Multi-Skills Festival
10 Nov

KS1 Multi-Skills Festival

This morning a group of super stars from KS1 took part in a multi-skills festival at QEGS in Blackburn. We were so impressed with how well the children represented our school as they behaved brilliantly and really got stuck into every activity. Our head boy Wilson and head girl Lucy accompanied them and encouraged and supported them throughout the morning. A huge thanks to Miss Baxendale for coaching the children.

Image of Year 6 Golden time in the golden sunshine
10 Nov

Year 6 Golden time in the golden sunshine

It’s been a very busy morning for our Year 6 children with our Head boy and Head girl supporting the younger children at the KS1 multi-skills festival, the Sports Leaders leading the inter house bench ball competition and the rest of the class attending the Remembrance Service. After the service the children enjoyed having some golden time at Whitehall Park in the golden sunshine!

Image of Sports Leaders Event - Whole School Inter House Sports
10 Nov

Sports Leaders Event - Whole School Inter House Sports

Our Sports Leaders led our Inter House Sports event today and what a huge success it was! Every single year group from Reception all the way up to Year 6 took part. The Sports Leaders decided to start with a bench ball event and organised the timetable and refereed each game. We can’t wait to hear who the overall winning house team is next week in Celebration Worship!

Image of Year 4 PE - Gymnastics
8 Nov

Year 4 PE - Gymnastics

Year 4 demonstrated some excellent balances and travels in PE this week. We were working on dishes and arches this week and, in pairs, the children created a routine incorporating a range of balances and travels.

Image of Multi-Skills Sports Club
8 Nov

Multi-Skills Sports Club

Today saw the start of our first multi-skills sports club session. The children took part in various activities such as speed bounce, obstacle relays and then finished with bench ball. Every child worked really hard to develop their skills and applied various tactics when working with different age groups.

Image of Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics Club
7 Nov

Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics Club

We had a fantastic turn out for our first Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Club this week. We covered speed bounce, sprint relay and throwing events with some amazing results. The children pushed themselves out of their comfort zones and we had a lot of very red faces by the end with fun had by all!

Image of Year 5 - Dance
6 Nov

Year 5 - Dance

Year 5 have started their dance unit in PE. They have begun creating a dance sequence that demonstrates making a cup of tea. The children worked really well as part of a team and began to use emotions and metaphorical actions to represent the different stages of making a cup of tea. As part of a team, the children evaluated each stage of their routine to make it better and discussed how to make it more appealing to an audience. Year 5 were extremely creative and created very exciting and engaging routines.

Image of Year 3- P.E- Superheroes dance
6 Nov

Year 3- P.E- Superheroes dance

This term in P.E., Year 3 will be learning how to move and dance with partners, focusing on the theme of superheroes. They will use their faces and bodies to show different actions and feelings related to superheroes. In today's lesson, they practised using their faces and bodies to show superhero gestures.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
2 Nov

Year 6 P.E.

This week, year 6 have been working hard on developing sequences in their P.E. lessons. They have looked at applying counter and counter tension balances, rolls, jumps and travels into their sequence and conclude it with a mirror image.

Image of Dance Warriors in Year 4
2 Nov

Dance Warriors in Year 4

We began our new dance unit today in PE and linked this to our history topic based on the Romans. We watched different examples of choreography and then selected which piece of music we would like to perform to. The majority of the children chose ‘Warriors’ and then we worked both individually and in pairs to create exaggerated movements that a soldier makes.

Image of Year 5 and 6 football
2 Nov

Year 5 and 6 football

Another great night for our Year 5&6 school football team who maintained their unbeaten record in the Darwen schools league. They played another three matches against: St Joseph’s, Avondale and St James Lower Darwen. They won each match comfortably and showcased their amazing football talents. Huge congratulations to the team.

Image of Year 2 PE- Parachute
18 Oct

Year 2 PE- Parachute

Mrs Ham had the pleasure of teaching Year 2 PE this afternoon. The children started off by discussing why it is important to warm up and we had some great answers such as, so that we don’t pull a muscle and so that we get our heart beating fast, so that lots of oxygen can go to our muscles. We played a fun game of monkey tig to warm up and felt our hearts afterwards and noticed they were beating much faster and we were breathing harder and taking in more oxygen. We then had lots of fun playing several parachute games such as cat and mouse, swapping places underneath the parachute, flying animals and a team game where each team had to get the ball off the opposite side of the parachute. We cooled down at the end tucked up under the parachute and did some cool down stretches as we had been using our arms so much. Well done Year 2, what superstars!

Image of Year 4 - PE: Handball
18 Oct

Year 4 - PE: Handball

The children have really worked hard to develop the skills they have learned in this unit, and this week was their chance to demonstrate what they’d learned. They have learned how to dribble using self-control, pass with accuracy and outwit an opponent to get the ball.

Image of Week 5 - Sports Club
17 Oct

Week 5 - Sports Club

For our final week at Sports Club, we combined all of our skills learnt over past half-term. We hopped, balanced, threw, jumped, side stepped and curled. A fun last week for our sports stars!

Image of Netball Club
13 Oct

Netball Club

Tonight was our final netball club session for this term as the nights draw in! It’s been an absolute pleasure to watch this group develop their netball skills so quickly. We can’t wait to see how the netball season progresses in the spring. In the meantime - keep those drills going and shoot the ball.

Image of Reception- P.E
12 Oct

Reception- P.E

I’m so proud of Reception class in P.E this week. It was our first P.E session together in the hall using all the equipment. We had 4 stations set up to practice our fundamental skills. We had a go at balancing, jumping, hopping and jumping.

Image of Week 4- Sports club
12 Oct

Week 4- Sports club

This week we worked in teams to create our own obstacle courses for our team and the rest of the club to try. Each group got the same set of equipment and had 5 minutes to create a fun and interesting obstacle course for the rest of the teams to try. We had so much fun!

Image of Year 6 P.E.
12 Oct

Year 6 P.E.

In P.E. Year 6 have started to develop their passing and receiving skills in netball. They started by focusing on chest and bounce passes and later applied these in a 4v1 game situation.

Image of Performing arts workshop
12 Oct

Performing arts workshop

Year 6 were very lucky to take part in a performing arts workshop with Lucy from Rothwell Arts Dance Academy. She very kindly linked the session to the children’s end of year performance, ‘The Jungle Book’, and choreographed a dance routine for them. Year 6 showed fantastic enthusiasm and really let themselves go. Well done year 6!

Image of Football Practice
10 Oct

Football Practice

This week during our football session we have been looking at spacial awareness within the game. We have been exploring the ways we can transfer play into open areas to create more goal scoring opportunities.

Image of Play Leader Practical Session
6 Oct

Play Leader Practical Session

Our Play Leaders have now completed their final practical training session and are ready to go. The Year 1 and Year 2 children joined in with various warm ups, differentiated games and activities. All they need now is their scheduled timetables, whistle and uniform - we can’t wait to see them in action!

Image of Year 5 & 6 Football
5 Oct

Year 5 & 6 Football

A huge well done to our year 5&6 football team. In the opening games of the DPSSA league they played outstanding. They played three games against St Paul’s, Holy Trinity and St Peter’s. They won with scores of 5-0, 6-0 and 1-0.

Image of Reception-Yoga
4 Oct


This morning in reception we had a go at yoga. We stretched up tall, balanced on one leg, marched, rolled into a ball, stretched out wide and lots more! We followed the story “we’re going on a bear hunt” and we acted out the scenes through our yoga session.

Image of Football Practice
3 Oct

Football Practice

This week’s session the children worked on various techniques associated with keeping possession of the ball. The children then took this technique and practised that within their various games that they played; each featuring a different way of scoring such as, multiple goals, dribbling through gates and achieving more than ten passes.

Image of Year 3- P.E
2 Oct

Year 3- P.E

Today, Year 3 carried on with the throwing and catching game. We emphasized three important aspects during our activity: Keep your eyes on the object at all times. Position your body to intercept the ball's path. Ensure your hands are ready to meet the object.

Image of Week 2 of super sports club
1 Oct

Week 2 of super sports club

Our second session at sports club we looked at the correct hand position, the ‘W’ position. Then we moved onto using the correct hand position whilst passing the ball. Then we looked at a chest pass followed by a bounce pass. They worked really hard on these two passes before moving on to a game of netball.

Image of Year 2- P.E
1 Oct

Year 2- P.E

This week we worked on the perfect egg roll, forward roll and pencil roll. They all tried really hard to perfect their rolls.

Image of Year 2 - P.E
27 Sep

Year 2 - P.E

This afternoon, the children had a dramatic P.E lesson in which they were trusted with looking after Zog’s gold star and returning it to him. The children had to endure an escape mission which took them through zig zig mazes and swamp stepping stones. If they managed to make their escape they had to throw the gold star (gold beanbag) as far as they could when Zog was flying past so he could catch it. We had some impressive overarm throws and Zog got his gold star back! ⭐️

Image of Reception- Lunch time MUGA session.
26 Sep

Reception- Lunch time MUGA session.

Reception had a great time on the MUGA this lunch time. We moved around the MUGA like different animals. We slid around like snakes, galloped like horses, stomped like elephants and lots more! I’m sure they’ll love telling you all about the games we played today.

Image of Football Practice
26 Sep

Football Practice

During this session of football the players looked at technical drills with opposed and unopposed challenges during their games. They worked really hard on the technical aspects of the game and built their work into some games at the end of the session.

Image of Year 2’s - Fantastic Friday
22 Sep

Year 2’s - Fantastic Friday

A great way to end the week! In Year 2, we had a Fantastic Friday full of exciting activities. We had a very tricky maths lesson where we looked at flexibly partitioning numbers. To partition numbers in different ways was difficult but the children made great progress. We will continue our work with partitioning at the beginning of next week. Before lunch, we enjoyed our daily handwriting and our focus now is to transfer our improving handwriting skills into our other work. The afternoon consisted of a great P.E lesson where we recreated movements from the story ‘Zog’. This was great fun and the children became very competitive. We saw who could jump the furthest whilst being able to land and balance with two feet. A lovely day to round off the week!

Image of Year 2- P.E
20 Sep

Year 2- P.E

This week we linked our P.E lesson to the story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. We took parts of the story into our lesson to practice different skills such as climbing and over arm throwing just like Jack's mum throwing the magic beans out of the window.

Image of Year 2- Jack and the beanstalk.
20 Sep

Year 2- Jack and the beanstalk.

Following on from Fridays P.E lesson linking our story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. Our skill today was climbing. We had to climb the apparatus just like Jack climbs the beanstalk.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Handball Skills
20 Sep

Year 4 - PE: Handball Skills

Year 4 have been showing great determination and will power in PE this week. They were set the task of keeping the ball below waist height while dribbling and most of them found that it improved their control of the ball as well as their speed of movement.

Image of Football Club
19 Sep

Football Club

This week, football practice started for all KS2 children. The sessions were divided and the children played a variety of football matches with many restrictions placed upon their game in order to target a particular skill set. The children took part in: a two touch passing zone game to target skill within an opposed setting, 1v1 mini games to target and look at attacking and being positive with the ball and finally a game whereby the children had to complete a certain number of passes before being able to score. This worked on space awareness, moving forward with the ball and inclusivity within the game. All the children had an amazing time and showed an amazing attitude towards the game.

Image of Year 5 - Gymnastics
18 Sep

Year 5 - Gymnastics

This week in year 5, we have been learning how to effectively and correctly counter balance with a partner. The children explored numerous poses and positions with varying levels of difficulty. In order to succeed children communicated well with their partners to counter balanced each others weights and correctly execute the balance.

Image of Year 1- Lunch time on the MUGA.
13 Sep

Year 1- Lunch time on the MUGA.

We had our first session of this term on the MUGA on Tuesday and we had so much fun. We played lots of different games that worked on 2 of our fundamental skills, skipping and jumping.

Image of Year 5 - Gymnastics
12 Sep

Year 5 - Gymnastics

This week in gymnastics year 5 have started with mirroring positions with a partner. The children have been working on the core aspects of gymnastic rules to make their positions as presentable as possible. The class mirrored many positions such as: tuck position, pike position, lying down straddle movements, hollow and lunge.

Image of Year 3- P.E- Playground games in the 20th century
11 Sep

Year 3- P.E- Playground games in the 20th century

Today, in our PE lesson, the children played games like the ones kids played in the past, like in the 1940s, 1950s, 1970s, and 1980s. A group of 5/6 taggers chased after the other children and tried to tag them. When a child gets tagged, they have to stand with their feet apart and their arms stretched out to the sides. Another child can free them by running under their arms or crawling under their legs. The children had an absolute blast! For the warm-up, the children played a fun game led by Mr. Frostie and Mr. Sunshine. The game involved running, jumping, skipping, galloping, and hopping around.

Image of Reception - Trying the Trim Trail
8 Sep

Reception - Trying the Trim Trail

Reception had a great time trying the trim trail today, they showed lots of courage and bravery. Well done!

Image of Year 3- Swimming- What to expect?
8 Sep

Year 3- Swimming- What to expect?

This afternoon Year 3 had a talk with one of the swimming instructors at Darwen Leisure Centre, ready for our first swimming session on Friday, 15th SEPTEMBER. The instructor answered any questions the children had about swimming lessons and explained what to expect. We also had a good chat about pool safety and we shared some of our thoughts and worries about going swimming. The children are super excited about their first swimming lesson next week.

Image of Year 5 - Move and Learn
7 Sep

Year 5 - Move and Learn

Year 5 have taken part and completed the Blackburn Rovers move and learn session. During the day the children took place in both classroom based and physical activities. Classroom based activities included: learning about balanced diets and why it is important to have a balanced diet, importance of hydration, body and mind and all the benefits of physical activities. The practical elements included team games and ball activities that led nicely into each classroom based session. The children worked really hard and enjoyed the competitive nature of the games and thrived in the teamwork elements of the games.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
6 Sep

Year 6 P.E.

This week in P.E. Year 6 have been working hard on their passing and receiving skills in hockey. They started by passing from a close range through a gate and as they progressed, they moved further away. As the lesson progressed, you could see the confidence improve and the accuracy of passes.

Image of Year 2- P.E
6 Sep

Year 2- P.E

What a beautiful day to do P.E outside!☀️ We had a go at rounders today a first time for most children but we had so much fun!

Image of Year 5 -  Teambuilding
5 Sep

Year 5 - Teambuilding

Year 5 have had a brilliant past two days and had a chance to take part in a variety of team building activities. They have been excited to see all their friends and have worked really well on settling back into school, class rules and routines while keeping up with high expectations.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Handball
5 Sep

Year 4 - PE: Handball

What a glorious day for a game of handball! Today our fantastic 4s started learning some of the skills used in handball. We watched a clip from the Rio 2016 Olympic handball final and analysed players’ movements, before heading outside to practise some passing and dribbling skills. Our core value throughout this unit is DETERMINATION, so the children set themselves targets to achieve by the end of the lesson and every one of them made progress. How amazing!

Image of Year 3 Low Ropes and Zip Lining
13 Jul

Year 3 Low Ropes and Zip Lining

The class particularly enjoyed the low ropes course this morning, as part of their rock and river trip! We had some extra time, so the instructors opened up the zip line for the class to complete! It was great to see the pupils grow in confidence and encourage others, whilst completing the low ropes course!

Image of Year 3&4 Multi Sports Club
11 Jul

Year 3&4 Multi Sports Club

This week in multi sports club, years 3&4 took part in indoor kurling. The children learnt and understood the rules of the sport and improved their technique and understanding of kurling.

Image of Year 3- Basketball
5 Jul

Year 3- Basketball

This afternoon in PE we worked on our dribbling/ movement in basketball. We challenged ourselves to see if we could change direction and go around cones to work on controlling the ball.

Image of Bikeability Cycle Training- Year 5 and 6
5 Jul

Bikeability Cycle Training- Year 5 and 6

Today, our Years 5 and 6 participated in the Bikeability cycle training program. This program focuses on teaching practical skills and knowledge for cycling on today's roads. The aim was to give our children the confidence to ride their bikes and enjoy the many advantages that cycling offers. They had the opportunity to learn about safety and other important aspects of cycling from four experienced coaches.

Image of St Barnabas represent the district in The Lancashire School Games 2023
4 Jul

St Barnabas represent the district in The Lancashire School Games 2023

What an honour it has been for our children to go through and represent the district at The Lancashire Schools Games at Stanley Park , Blackpool. After winning the BwD Finals they got the chance to attend the games in Bee Stinger Netball against all of the other districts across Lancashire. We drew one game and won three making it to the quarter finals, which unfortunately didn’t go our way. The children represented both school and district perfectly showing true sportsmanship, determination and encouragement. For such a small school you have achieved great things and all done so with a huge smile on your faces! Go Team B and Go Team BwD!

Image of KS2- Multi Skills Club
30 Jun

KS2- Multi Skills Club

A bunch of excited boys! We got all the apparatus out and made up our own obstacle courses so we could all try each others out. We finished the session with a very fast paced game of bench ball!

Image of Darwen Primary Cross Country Finals Night
29 Jun

Darwen Primary Cross Country Finals Night

What a fantastic turnout for the final race night for DPSSA Cross Country! Team B pushed themselves so hard and showed true determination even with a few falls along the way. We worked brilliantly as a team and managed to secure second place overall. We also had success with Sophie coming second place overall in the girls Y5/6 races and also a second place overall for our Y5/6 Girls squad: Sophie, Charlotte, Aisha and Lucy. Well done to everyone involved!

Image of Year 6 P.E.
29 Jun

Year 6 P.E.

Today, year 6 have been developing their fielding skills in rounders. They focused on techniques to help make their throws more accurate and backing up bases.

Image of Year 4 Football Festival
28 Jun

Year 4 Football Festival

Huge congratulations to our Year 4 football team who played at the Blackburn and Darwen schools festival at Witton Park. The team represented the school extremely well and played some incredible football. The team won all of their 6 games comfortably and showcased their determination and resilience to win.

Image of Year 5/6 Gymnastics Competition
27 Jun

Year 5/6 Gymnastics Competition

A huge congratulations to our Year 5/6 gymnastics team for their amazing performances today at the BWD Gymnastics competition. Our girls team came third out of several other schools with 109 points, which was only four points behind the winners with 113 points. Our boys team were the only team who entered as a boys team as most of the teams were mixed so they came first but with an impressive 125 points which was the highest of all the teams. As one of the boys said ‘This just proves that gymnastics is definitely not just for girls!’ We are so proud of you all for your fantastic performances, winning smiles and encouragement to each other.

Image of Year 3&4 Multi Sports Club
27 Jun

Year 3&4 Multi Sports Club

Years 3&4 have been taking part in after school multi sports club. This week the children have been focusing on invasion games, developing their technique, skills and tactical movements within a competitive game.

Image of KS2 Sports Day
25 Jun

KS2 Sports Day

A huge well done to all of our KS2 classes for their determination and encouragement at our annual Sports Day. It was a brilliant morning and everyone tried their best. Thank you so much to all of the parents and carers who came along to support. A massive thank you to our Sports Leaders for setting up and running the races and to all of our staff team for their support. We all thoroughly enjoyed the Mums and Grandmas, Dads and Grandads and Toddler Races too. Well done to everyone who took part, you were great sports!

Image of Year 5- Lunch time on the MUGA.
23 Jun

Year 5- Lunch time on the MUGA.

In Year 5's MUGA session this week we had a go at cricket and it was so nice to see them all attempting another sport and encouraging others just like St Barnabas the encourager.

Image of EYFS and KS1 Sports Day 2023
23 Jun

EYFS and KS1 Sports Day 2023

This morning, EYFS and KS1 classes competed in our annual sports day competition. The races included egg and spoon, sprint, sack race and an obstacle race. The children were fantastic at showing resilience and they were great supporters for their friends, cheering each other on and clapping! Each race winner received a medal and all children cooled off with an ice pop at the end as a treat. Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended and supported, it was a brilliant morning!

Image of KS2 Multi skills club.
23 Jun

KS2 Multi skills club.

Another great afternoon at Multi skills. We all had a go at delivering a basketball drill working on dribbling, passing and shooting before getting stuck into a very close game!

Image of DPSSA Cricket
22 Jun

DPSSA Cricket

Today, our cricket team competed in the DPSSA Cricket competition. They represented the school superbly well and throughout the day they played 6 games, in which they won 4 and lost 2. This ensured a third place finish and the only two teams to beat St Barnabas went on to claim 1st and 2nd place. What a superb effort!

Image of KS2 multi sports
20 Jun

KS2 multi sports

This bunch were amazing on Friday in multi skills! They all participated and tried their best in every sport we tried.Well done boys!

Image of Year 2 PE - Piggy in the middle
19 Jun

Year 2 PE - Piggy in the middle

During our new unit in PE, year 2 have been looking at invasion games and more particularly piggy in the middle. Year 2 have been developing their throwing and catching skills, movement off the ball and to work hard to anticipate the direction of the ball in order to intercept play. The children worked on their stance and how to move quickly from one area to the next to reduce the time the opposition had on the ball during the games. Outside players looked and were encouraged the throw the ball quickly and accurately to a teammate to ensure the middle player does not get the ball.

Image of QUAD kids Athletics at Witton Athletics Track BwD Schools
15 Jun

QUAD kids Athletics at Witton Athletics Track BwD Schools

On Tuesday we went down to Witton Athletics track to take part in the BwD schools quad kids event. The children were exceptionally well behaved, especially in the heat and represented school brilliantly. One of our squad members even managed to throw the vortex further than any other school and 17 took part on the day. We have just received confirmation that we have been awarded with silver medal place - a great result! Well done to our Quad kids Squad!

Image of DPSSA Netball Finals
15 Jun

DPSSA Netball Finals

A huge well done to our netball superstars who represented the school this evening at the DPSSA Netball Finals at Darwen Vale. The children worked hard over three games in this boiling weather. The children have showed so much commitment in attending netball club, developing skills and tactics in order to grow as players. We came away with silver medals and we are really proud of each and every one of them! Go Team B!

Image of Year 5/6 Cricket Team
14 Jun

Year 5/6 Cricket Team

Huge congratulations to our year 5/6 cricket team who played in the Darwen schools cricket competition. They won 2/3 games in their heat and narrowly missed out on the finals. Well done to all the players who have represented the school well and played some outstanding cricket.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
14 Jun

Year 6 P.E.

This week, year 6 started their rugby unit and looked at developing their passing skills. They explored receiving the ball and how your arms should swing from one side of your body to the other until your hands are pointing at the intended target. They took to this superbly and focused on technique even when they were challenged with a time trial. Well done year 6!

Image of DPSSA cross Country Race 2
25 May

DPSSA cross Country Race 2

What a brilliant afternoon we have had at the Darwen Primary Schools Cross Country Race 2. Our squads performed superbly showing excellent sportsmanship, determination and positive attitudes. Some fab placing and all with true Team B smiles on their faces- well done!

Image of Bee Stinger High Fives Netball Winners
23 May

Bee Stinger High Fives Netball Winners

We are so incredibly proud of our netball team for winning the final of the Bee Stinger High Fives competition today. They came first out of 26 schools across Blackburn with Darwen. First they played Feniscowles and won 4-1. Next they took on Lower Darwen and won 4-1. They then beat Wensley Fold 2-0 and then faced Shadsworth and beat them 6-0. In the last match they faced the Redeemer, who were also unbeaten, so it all came down to the last game, which we won 2-0. Our team will now go through to the Lancashire School Games on Tuesday 4th July to represent Blackburn with Darwen for the second year in a row. Well done Team Barneys!

Image of Year 1 Athletics
22 May

Year 1 Athletics

Year 1 have been working hard on their running technique ready for sports day next half term and also practised throwing the foam javelins using a straight aim during their PE lesson on Friday.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
19 May

Year 6 P.E.

Year 6 have been developing their striking, bowling and fielding techniques during a cricket-type game. During the game, they were given time to reflect in order to apply simple tactics that may have benefited their team’s performance.

Image of School Games Gold Award 2022-23
19 May

School Games Gold Award 2022-23

We are really pleased to announce that we have been awarded the school games gold award for the fourth consecutive year for our commitment to sports. A huge thank you to our PE leader, Mrs Gardner, for her dedication to our school sports and to all of our staff who support our children with sports and to our wonderful staff and parents, who support our children at sports events.

Image of Year 1- lunch time MUGA session.
18 May

Year 1- lunch time MUGA session.

We fit lots of fun activities into our MUGA session today.

18 May


Huge congratulations to our netball team on winning their group in the DPSSA Netball league at DVHS. Awesome play tonight to achieve two fantastic wins 8-2 and 5-2 against strong competition. They now go on to the grand final after half term. Fingers crossed!

Image of Year 2- Lunchtime MUGA session.
17 May

Year 2- Lunchtime MUGA session.

Year 2 had a really good go at learning to skip with skipping ropes. I was so proud of everyone for trying very hard, even when they found it tricky.

Image of KS2 Dinner time fun
16 May

KS2 Dinner time fun

This week we fancied mixing it up a bit on the yard, so we set our sports leaders a challenge to set up some different activities. The children have enjoyed playing dodgeball, having a mini sports day and playing with the equipment on the yard.

Image of Year 5- P.E- Bowling skills
15 May

Year 5- P.E- Bowling skills

During P.E. the Year 5's demonstrated their skills in both overarm and underarm bowling techniques. The children showcased their abilities to deliver the ball with precision and accuracy using both these bowling styles.

Image of Westholme High 5’s Netball Competition Winners
12 May

Westholme High 5’s Netball Competition Winners

What an amazing opportunity we have had this afternoon/evening, taking part in Westholme High 5s Netball Competition. After nine back to back games with a total of eight fantastic wins, we WON! A fantastic achievement for the children and their time to shine. It’s days like today that make you so proud to be a part of the St Barnabas family.

Image of DPSSA Netball League
11 May

DPSSA Netball League

We’ve had another great night down at DVHS taking part in the Darwen Primary Schools Netball League. A first tough game but came away with a 3-2 then in the second game we won with an impressive 7-0! A huge well done to all of the children who worked hard to develop their game and strive for success.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Batting Skills
10 May

Year 4 - PE: Batting Skills

We have been developing our batting this week in PE, practising a straight drive. We used peer coaching to perfect our skills ready to play a game of ‘Runs and Catches’ at the end of the lesson.

Image of Year 6 TriKidz
5 May

Year 6 TriKidz

Year 6 had great fun competing in their very own triathlon. There were a lot of bright red faces when they returned to the classroom. Fantastic effort year 6!

Image of Super Sports Stars!
5 May

Super Sports Stars!

Congratulations to our super sports stars this week! It is great to hear and celebrate all of our pupils achievements, both inside and outside of school!

Image of Year 1- Coronation PE activities
3 May

Year 1- Coronation PE activities

We’ve played lots of games in P.E. linked to the King’s Coronation on Saturday. We had so much fun!

Image of Year 3 Tri Kidz
3 May

Year 3 Tri Kidz

Year 3 had a great time taking part in the Tri Kidz session! The class learnt about the different stages that make up a triathlon and were given the chance to cycle, run and swim. We then had a race at the end of the session, where we took part in a whole class triathlon! The children showed so much respect to the instructors and will hopefully be inspired to one day take part in a triathlon race!

Image of Year 5 - Dynamos Cricket
3 May

Year 5 - Dynamos Cricket

Huge congratulations to our Year 5 Dynamos cricket team. The team played extremely well all day winning 2 out of their 3 games comfortably. Unfortunately, they missed out on the semi finals by less than 10 runs but showed tremendous talent throughout the whole day and demonstrated a resilience to win. The team represented St Barnabas amazingly well and were excellent role models for the school. Onwards and upwards for the next cricket tournament

Image of Year 4: Triathlon
2 May

Year 4: Triathlon

Today, Year 4 have all tried their hardest in our TriKids triathlon challenge. We’ve seen some real determination from every single child, especially in the cycling section.

Image of Blackburn with Darwen Bee Stinger Netball Qualifying Round
2 May

Blackburn with Darwen Bee Stinger Netball Qualifying Round

Congratulations to our BwD Bee Stinger Netball Qualifiers. This afternoon they played four back to back games with a draw, loss and two super wins. Now they go on to represent the school at the grand finals night in a few weeks with the chance to represent the borough at the Lancashire School Games. Go Team B!

Image of Year 5 - TRIKIDZ Triathlon
2 May

Year 5 - TRIKIDZ Triathlon

Today, the Year 5's took part in a multisport race consisting of swimming (replicated by resistance bands), cycling on adapted racing bikes and running. They showed great sportsmanship by encouraging each other to push themselves and by demonstrating great teamwork.

Image of Year 2 - TRIKIDZ
2 May

Year 2 - TRIKIDZ

Year 2 participated in the TRIKIDZ and competed in a triathlon. The children really enjoyed the swimming activity on the resistance bands, bike work and running laps of the track. All of year 2 did brilliantly and demonstrated teamwork, determination and encouraged each other well.

Image of Year 1- Hop, skip and jump!
27 Apr

Year 1- Hop, skip and jump!

Year 1 took part in the hop, skip and jump challenge in order to help raise money for the East Lancashire Hospice, which the children have been learning about today during their class worship. They have really enjoyed the activity and wearing their Easter crowns!

Image of Year 4 - Taking on the Hop, Skip, Jump Challenge
25 Apr

Year 4 - Taking on the Hop, Skip, Jump Challenge

Year 4 class donned their Easter crowns and took part in some hopping, skipping and jumping challenges for East Lancs Hospice.

Image of Year 2 - Hop Skip & Jump
25 Apr

Year 2 - Hop Skip & Jump

In support of East Lancs hospice the children took part in a hop skip and jump event to help support all the amazing work that the hospice does and to raise awareness of all their amazing work that they do.

Image of DPSSA Netball League Games 1 & 2
20 Apr

DPSSA Netball League Games 1 & 2

What a fab first night of DPSSA League Netball at Darwen Vale! Team B worked hard and came away with a 3-1 win and 2-2 draw. Lots to learn going forward but such great team spirit- well done!

Image of Interhouse Sports Competition
30 Mar

Interhouse Sports Competition

Year 3 loved taking part in the Interhouse sports competition this afternoon! The event has been organised and led by the Year 6 Sports Leaders and they did a brilliant job! The sports leaders started with a warm up, before showing the children how to play magic catch!

Image of Inter-House Magic Catch in Year 4
30 Mar

Inter-House Magic Catch in Year 4

We had a fantastic time taking part in The Inter-House magic Catch session led by Year 6 Sports Leaders. What a great opportunity to take part in an inter house event with our house team. Well done to the runners up - Darwen Tower and The WINNERS - River Darwen.

Image of Inter-House Dodgeball Competition
30 Mar

Inter-House Dodgeball Competition

The sport leaders had a great time leading the Inter-House Dodgeball Competition for the rest of the juniors. A lot of fun was had by all of the children! In year 6, the winning team was Darwen Tower!

Image of Cross Country
30 Mar

Cross Country

A huge well done to our cross country team for giving their all and encouraging each other. We are really proud of you all as you showed courage and determination!

Image of Year 5- Orienteering- Battle
28 Mar

Year 5- Orienteering- Battle

The rain wasn't going to stop the Year 5 class from their last orienteering session. The children had to use their orienteering map to visit a series of control spots. They checked their answers by using the specified letters from the control markers. They all followed instructions correctly and competed fairly.

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
27 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

We have had a lovely muddy Monday out in the sunshine. The children were looking at signs of spring on our walk around our school today. The children used a checklist to find all sorts of things we may see in spring. The children were also looking through cloud detectors to see which type of clouds were visible today. The children decided it was the cumulonimbus clouds they could see.

Image of Year 6- The Lion King in the West End
25 Mar

Year 6- The Lion King in the West End

Our Year 6 class and other members of our performing arts club, will be performing their own version of the Lion King at the end of the year. What better way to get some inspiration and tips than to watch The Lion King in the West End at the Lyceum Theatre. All of the children and staff thoroughly enjoyed the performance and were fascinated by the imaginative set changes, amazing costumes and fabulous acting, dancing and singing. We are full of ideas and inspiration for our Lion along production now and can’t wait to perform it.

Image of Year 1 Toy Story Dance
23 Mar

Year 1 Toy Story Dance

Year 1 have been practising different dance moves for different characters in the Toy Story movies. They worked in their house teams today to create their own moves and performed these to the rest of the class. We all got to learn the dance moves from each team at the end of the lesson and they loved it!

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
21 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

We had our muddy Monday session in our school area yesterday. We went onto the top field for a game of stuck in the mud and some of us enjoyed rolling down the banking. Whilst we were on the field we found a frog, the children were really interested in the frog and they were very caring towards it. We then had a walk through the willow tunnel and went onto our playground to play some games, such as ‘duck, duck, goose’ and ‘hot potato’. We had so much fun!

Image of North West Ski Federation Schools Race 2023
20 Mar

North West Ski Federation Schools Race 2023

A huge well done to Isaac P for representing St Barnabas in the North West Ski Federation Schools Race 2023 this weekend. He came first in the boys junior individual category. Well done Isaac, we are super proud of you!

Image of Celebration Worship -Sports Stars
17 Mar

Celebration Worship -Sports Stars

The list of Super Sports Stars was never ending this week which is so great to see! We had children receiving awards for a number of out of school sports such as swimming, martial arts, horse riding, dancing, rugby and gymnastics. We hope that the children are inspired to take part in different sports after hearing from our worthy winners.

Image of Darwen Swimming Gala 2023
17 Mar

Darwen Swimming Gala 2023

A huge congratulations to our swimming team for their super effort and determination this evening at the Darwen Swimming Gala. A special mention to Isaac for winning first place in the breast stroke final, Sophie for second place in the breast stroke final and Ted for third place in the free style final. Our girls medley came second and our boys medley came third which meant that each member of our team won at least one medal! It was wonderful to hear them encouraging each other too. Well done you little superstars! A massive thank you to Mrs Gardner for devoting her time to trialling and coaching the team.

Image of Numberfit Fun in Year 4
16 Mar

Numberfit Fun in Year 4

As part of our mental maths sessions we are taking part in the Numberfit sessions linked to the #Globalchallenge2023. The children complete fun challenges linked to multiplication and fitness in order to take part in the challenge.

Image of Year 6 P.E.- Orienteering
9 Mar

Year 6 P.E.- Orienteering

Year 6 have been working hard to orientate their map whilst moving around the school’s orienteering course.

Image of Let Girls Play Campaign
8 Mar

Let Girls Play Campaign

Today to celebrate International Women’s Day we supported the FA’s campaign to ‘Let Girls Play’ by wearing sports kits in school, fun football sessions and 8 girls attended the biggest EVER football session at St Bede’s. It was absolutely freezing but the girls didn’t let that stop them and they really got stuck into the football sessions. We are hopeful to have some future lionesses in our school. Well done girls, we are so proud of you all! ⚽️

Image of Year 4 Penalty shootout to celebrate Let Girls Play Football
8 Mar

Year 4 Penalty shootout to celebrate Let Girls Play Football

In Year 4 today we held a penalty shootout to celebrate the FA’s Let Girls Play Campaign for International Women’s Day !

Image of Year 2 - FA Let Girls Play campaign
8 Mar

Year 2 - FA Let Girls Play campaign

In support of the football association's campaign 'Let girls play' and International Women's Day, we took part in raising awareness to get more girls into football by all wearing a football kit. Year 2 took part in many footballing activities and sessions to encourage more children be be active and to get involved in football.

Image of Year 1- 1K a day
7 Mar

Year 1- 1K a day

What a beautiful day for the 1K a day!

Image of Year 5&6 Police Football Tournament
1 Mar

Year 5&6 Police Football Tournament

Our Year 5&6 football team entered a police ran football tournament at the soccer dome. The team played extremely well to get through to the group stages and into the final, where they came up against Shadsworth. After a very close final, unfortunately our team lost and placed second place. A huge well to the football team who showed: team spirit, resilience, determination and amazing talent. Well done St Barnabas Football Team!

Image of Year 5 - Orienteering- Identifying Maps
28 Feb

Year 5 - Orienteering- Identifying Maps

During our orienteering lesson this morning, we first identified key information located on our school map by exploring the areas around our school. We then drew a map of our classroom and our school yard. This will help us plan our route for our next P.E lesson.

Image of Year 1- Toy story dance.
27 Feb

Year 1- Toy story dance.

On Friday in PE we use 4 characters out of toy story to try out some moves to put towards our dance routine. We used Forky, Woody, Slinky and Buzz as our characters. We came up with some amazing moves!

Image of Celebration worship- Super Sports Stars
24 Feb

Celebration worship- Super Sports Stars

Well done! Well done to all our amazing ‘sports stars’ this week. It is wonderful to see such a variety of activities being enjoyed. Our Year 3/4 gymnastics team have done us so proud this week representing our school beautifully, your progress is excellent and a direct reflection to your hard working attitude as gymnastics takes practice, perseverance and a positive attitude, which you all show in buckets. Well done!

Image of Year 1- Rolling a ball with accuracy
24 Feb

Year 1- Rolling a ball with accuracy

In P.E yesterday we looked at rolling a ball with the correct technique.Then our session got a lot harder when we added a target. We spoke about what we need to roll the ball to hit the target. We all agreed we need good hand-eye coordination.

Image of Year 4 PE - Invasion Games - Basketball
23 Feb

Year 4 PE - Invasion Games - Basketball

In our first session today we have been looking at various ways of passing, finding space and then we moved on to a quick game on the MUGA. The children worked hard to develop their dribbling and passing throughout the lesson and really tried hard to move into space.

Image of Year 5/6 Netball Club
23 Feb

Year 5/6 Netball Club

Today we returned to our after school netball club. We worked hard on drills such as pass and follow, with a focus on accuracy of passing the ball. The children worked hard on their footwork and pivoting too.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
23 Feb

Year 6 P.E.

Year 6 completed their first orienteering session this week. They were working on keeping their maps set whilst moving.

Image of Blackburn with Darwen Year 3/4 Gymnastics Competition
21 Feb

Blackburn with Darwen Year 3/4 Gymnastics Competition

Today we attended the BwD Year 3/4 Gymnastics competition at St Bedes. The children have shown true dedication in learning both the body management and floor routines. Everyone represented the school brilliantly and the children really did themselves and our school family proud. We managed to achieve silver medals in the boys event and bronze in the girls! With over 16 schools taking place and over 100 children involved that is no mean feat- Go Team B!

Image of Year 5- P.E- Orienteering
21 Feb

Year 5- P.E- Orienteering

The children have enjoyed their first lesson of orienteering session with Sporting NRG. They worked together as a team to check and agree that they have matched all the names to the symbols. They demonstrated great teamwork by encouraging each other to do their best.

Image of Year 1- Gymnastics
10 Feb

Year 1- Gymnastics

What a fun P.E lesson we had on Friday. We had lots of different stations that included climbing, balancing, jumping, and different rolls. Some of us found some of the stations tricky so we had to show lots of courage. A huge well done to all of year 1!

Image of Year 2 - Gymnastics
6 Feb

Year 2 - Gymnastics

Year 2 have been perfecting their tuck and star jumps in our gymnastics topic in PE. We looked at the core principles of gymnastics, starting positions, focus jump and landing position. All the children practised these jumps and did amazingly well throughout the lesson.

Image of Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics Winners 2023
2 Feb

Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics Winners 2023

What an amazing evening at the Year3/4 Sportshall Athletics event at DVHS. The children showed so much courage and determination as many of them had never competed in a school event before. They encouraged each other at every step and were definitely the loudest! We are super proud to say we WON and came away with the gold. Well done to all involved! Your hard work and dedication has paid off.

Image of Year 4 - Tennis Skills
1 Feb

Year 4 - Tennis Skills

We’ve had great fun developing our racket skills this week. We’ve been self-serving and returning the ball with control to a partner. We’ve also been developing the skills of cooperation and teamwork in our caterpillar races.

Image of Reception Gymnastics- Types of Rolls
27 Jan

Reception Gymnastics- Types of Rolls

Today in PE, the children started with a warm up, where some children were chosen to be sharks and they had to catch the starfish by tagging them. To save the starfish that had been caught, they had to duck under their arms to help them. The children were then given different stations, where they practised the different types of rolls, including the teddy bear roll, a forward roll, a rock and roll and a pencil roll.

Image of Celebration Worship Sports Stars
27 Jan

Celebration Worship Sports Stars

A big WELL DONE to all of our Sports Stars this week. What a wonderful range of activities that you have all been taking part in! We would also like to congratulate our school football team on coming runners up in the EFL Utilita Kids Cup this week. We are super proud of you all, showing great team spirit, determination and encouraging each other at every step.

Image of Gifted & talented Gymnastics Club
27 Jan

Gifted & talented Gymnastics Club

Another awesome G & T Gymnastics club session led by coach Jill. Tonight, the children have been perfecting their routines with a focus on cartwheels and arabesque. The children have been working hard on both the body management and floor exercises.

Image of Year 1- Lunch time MUGA session
26 Jan

Year 1- Lunch time MUGA session

Year 1 had such a fun Muga session! Thank you to the sports leaders for planning such a fun lunchtime session!

Image of Year 6 P.E.
26 Jan

Year 6 P.E.

Year 6 have been exploring dribbling skills from a range of invasion games. They will continue to develop their skills in order to apply them to their own creative game in the future.

Image of Football EFL Cup Final
24 Jan

Football EFL Cup Final

St Barnabas football team took part in the EFL Cup final hosted at the Blackburn Rovers senior training ground. We faced St Paul’s and unfortunately lost the game on narrow margins. The team played exceptionally well and represented their school very well. They met some first team players and had an academy tour. A great pleasure and an unbelievable experience for our football team.

Image of Year 1- Gymnastics
20 Jan

Year 1- Gymnastics

Today in PE we did gymnastics. We worked in pairs to help each other to balance on large body parts (side, back, tummy, hips, shoulders) and focused on stillness. We had a go at lots of movements today but we learnt a couple of new ones “The dish” and “The Arch”. We finished off by creating our own gymnastic routines using new moves we had learnt today. Well done year 1!

Image of Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Stars
17 Jan

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Stars

A huge well done to our athletics squad who came 2nd in the Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics competition tonight at Darwen Vale. We had the largest squad there which meant that so many children got to represent our school in at least one event. We had a brilliant evening and were so proud of the way the children encouraged each other. We were certainly the loudest school! A huge thank you to Mrs Gardner and Mr Bloomfield for their time and dedication to coaching the children and to our parents for helping with transporting the children.

Image of OAA Residential Preparation in Year 4
12 Jan

OAA Residential Preparation in Year 4

In our PSHE session today we looked at how we feel about our upcoming visit to an Outdoor Education Centre. We looked at what we will do, how we are supported, sleeping arrangements and much more. We are so excited about the visit but we also understand how we all have different feelings such as worrying too.

Image of Year 1- Gymnastics
10 Jan

Year 1- Gymnastics

In Gymnastics we have been looking at different jumps using different shapes. We had a look and tried the tuck jump, pencil jump, star jump and then we had a go at making up our own unique jumps. What a bunch of superstars!

Image of Year 5 - Invasion Games- Hockey
9 Jan

Year 5 - Invasion Games- Hockey

In our invasion games unit this half term, we are going to look at hockey skills of sending and receiving a ball and small-sided games to develop and apply invasion game tactics. This afternoon, the children learnt how to pass a ball to a teammate using a hockey stick.

Image of Year 4 Gymnastics
6 Jan

Year 4 Gymnastics

In our gymnastics session today we have been building further skills to develop our sequences. We have been working on straddle sit, japana, cartwheels and arabesque.

Image of Year 1- Ball skills
5 Jan

Year 1- Ball skills

In PE year 1 have been looking at different types of ball skills. This week we’ve been practising rolling and throwing the ball.

Image of KS1 Kurling Festival
13 Dec

KS1 Kurling Festival

A huge congratulations to our Year 2 Kurling stars who represented our school brilliantly at the KS1 Kurling Festival. They narrowly missed out on third place. A special thank you to our Sports Leaders for supporting and encouraging our team and to Me Bloomfield for coaching them.

Image of Year 1- Inter house sports event
9 Dec

Year 1- Inter house sports event

A massive thank you to our amazing sports leaders for leading a great inter house dodgeball competition this morning. Year 1 had a great time!

Image of Inter- House Sports in FS and KS1
9 Dec

Inter- House Sports in FS and KS1

What a fantastic opportunity we had this morning taking part in the Inter- House Dodgeball Competition. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 loved every second and we saw some great sportsmanship and tactical decision making. A huge thanks to The Sports Leaders for organising and running the event too!

Image of Out of School Superstars
9 Dec

Out of School Superstars

Along with our Values Winners this morning, we celebrated our ‘Out of School Superstars’. It was lovely to hear about all of the different activities that the children have been taking part in. This week we presented awards for dancing, gymnastics, swimming, kickboxing, Beavers and cheerleading. Well done to each and every child that celebrated on the golden podium!

Image of Year 4 - Balance and Strength on Apparatus
7 Dec

Year 4 - Balance and Strength on Apparatus

Year 4 loved having the opportunity to practise their gymnastics on the apparatus this week in PE.

Image of Brilliant Bowling!
5 Dec

Brilliant Bowling!

Mrs Ham had the pleasure of taking some of our Year 3 children to a special SEND 10 pin bowling competition this morning. She was so impressed with the behaviour of all of the children and the way they encouraged each other. They said they had had the best morning of their lives! What super stars!

Image of Girls football team news
2 Dec

Girls football team news

We are super proud of our girls football team for their excellent performances over the last few weeks in the girls football league. Some of the girls have never played football before but gave their absolute best. They only lost one game and only conceded 5 goals out of nine games. They came 6th place overall but were only 3 points off 2nd place. Well done girls, we are so proud of you!

Image of Celebration Worship: Sports Stars!
2 Dec

Celebration Worship: Sports Stars!

Well done to all of our sports stars this morning! It is lovely to see children across school celebrating their achievements, both in school and outside of school!

Image of Year 6 -Dodgeball Superstars
23 Nov

Year 6 -Dodgeball Superstars

A huge well done to our Year 6 dodgeball team who represented our school so brilliantly well this evening at the dodgeball festival. They showed lots of determination and encouraged each other.

Image of Year 2- Teamwork on the MUGA
22 Nov

Year 2- Teamwork on the MUGA

Last week the weather wasn't on our side so we did our Pudsey hunt this week and what great fun we had! We had to work as a team and find the pieces of Pudsey that had been hidden and bring them back to the MUGA to stick him back together and complete Pudsey!

Image of Sports stars and competition winners
18 Nov

Sports stars and competition winners

A huge well done to our winners of the Remembrance Day Art competition. There were so many fantastic entries which made judging so difficult for Mrs Govan and Mrs Ham. Well done to Isaac, Miley, Lucy and Lyla. Thank you to FOSB for providing some wonderful prizes and presenting them to the winners. We had lots of sports superstars this week from in school competitions and out of school. A huge well done to the girls football team for two wins and a draw in their first games of the league. A massive well done to our boys football team who won their heat in the EFL competition at Blackburn Rovers on Monday and are through to the final. We are so proud of our year 4 dodgeball team who represented our school so brilliantly at the dodgeball festival on Wednesday. We had lots of different out of school awards for swimming, Morris dancing, self defence, football and brownies.

Image of Y4 Dodgeball Superstars
16 Nov

Y4 Dodgeball Superstars

A huge well done to our Year 4 dodgeball team, who represented our school brilliantly this evening, at the BWD dodgeball festival. We saw super sportsmanship, determination and encouragement!

Image of Year 5-Dance- P.E.
14 Nov

Year 5-Dance- P.E.

The children started today's P.E lesson by creating interesting ways of travelling over, under and through with a partner. They then progressed to a very exciting activity. In pairs, the children chose a prop, for example (something that you would find in the kitchen), a pan, an apron, a cookery book etc. They then created a contact duet in which they fought over/played with the prop. Most of the children were able to move around with the prop, pass it back, hide it and rolled it. Some great constructive feedback was given by the groups watching.

Image of Year 5&6 EFL Winners
14 Nov

Year 5&6 EFL Winners

A huge congratulations to St Barnabas football team who won the first heat in the EFL Kids Cup. All the players showed tremendous attitude, grit and determination to succeed and win. They represented the school and themselves well and they all should be really proud of themselves. They battled hard, saw off some amazing teams and they got their reward.

Image of Reception- Fundamental's Friday
11 Nov

Reception- Fundamental's Friday

What a great P.E lesson this morning. Reception have been practising some of our fundamental movements this morning such as hopping, jumping and throwing.

Image of Celebration Worship Out of School Award and House Team Winners
11 Nov

Celebration Worship Out of School Award and House Team Winners

A huge WELL DONE to all of our children who celebrated achieving great things outside of school. A fantastic result for our school football team too who came runners up in the Darwen Primary Schools Football League. Finally, House Team winners were Whitehall Park with Years 2 and Year 6 becoming Attendance Winners for the Week.

Image of Year 2- Amazing attendance winners
11 Nov

Year 2- Amazing attendance winners

Well done to year 2, our amazing attendance winners for this week.

Image of Second in the Darwen football league
10 Nov

Second in the Darwen football league

A huge well done to our football team for coming a close second in the Darwen Football League!

Image of Reception- Muga Mondays
8 Nov

Reception- Muga Mondays

What a brilliant session! Thank you to our two sports leaders who planned and delivered a really fun session.

Image of Year 2- MUGA fun!
8 Nov

Year 2- MUGA fun!

A busy but brilliant lunchtime! A massive thank you and a big well done to our two sports leaders who planned and delivered a really fun session. Year 2 loved your sports session!

Image of Year 6- Brilliant Boccia
8 Nov

Year 6- Brilliant Boccia

Following on from a Boccia competition, we had 3 excited children that wanted to deliver a lunchtime session. Boccia is a brilliant sport that is inclusive, as everyone can play it.A big well done to year 6 for listening and taking part in their brilliant session today!

Image of Year 1- Whitehall park visit
4 Nov

Year 1- Whitehall park visit

Our Gruffalo hunt on Monday finished with a trip to the park. Year 1 showed some super fundamental skills while we played on the park.

Image of Year 4 - Dance
2 Nov

Year 4 - Dance

Our Dance topic in Year 4 this half term is Myths & Legends, and we began by exploring character movements. We then incorporated these into a solo routine.

Image of P.E-Dance- Year 5
31 Oct

P.E-Dance- Year 5

During our P.E session this afternoon, the children discussed the stages involved in making a cup of tea. They then replicated the action words, for example, lift, drop, pull, stir and pour with their bodies to create a dance movement.

Image of Year 4 - Handball
19 Oct

Year 4 - Handball

It was our final week of handball in PE. Over the course of the half term we have developed throwing and catching skills, dribbling, how to get into a space to receive a pass and we’ve shown the core value determination to achieve our goals.

Image of Brilliant Boccia
18 Oct

Brilliant Boccia

It was an absolute pleasure to take four superstars to the Boccia Festival this morning at QEGS. They won three out of their five games and represented our school so brilliantly, especially as they also assisted the referee when it wasn’t their turn to play and kept score. They are super keen to lead a Boccia club next term and Boccia sessions on the MUGA with Miss Baxendale at lunchtimes.

Image of Football training in the sun
17 Oct

Football training in the sun

It’s wonderful to see so many boys and girls from Years 5 and 6 taking part in weekly football training sessions with Mr Bloomfield and Mr Prescott. What a lovely sunny evening with the best views in Darwen from the pitch!

Image of Year 5 - Move and Learn
14 Oct

Year 5 - Move and Learn

We did it!!! The children in Year 5 have completed a 5-week Move and Learn Project through Blackburn Rovers. Consisting of a series of classroom and physical education sessions, plus home-based family challenges, they have learnt about the importance of physical activity and how to eat a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. Well done!

Image of KS1 - Multi skills festival
14 Oct

KS1 - Multi skills festival

On Friday morning we took a team to the KS1 multi skills festival at QEGS Sports Hall. Everyone represented school brilliantly and most importantly had so much fun! We are so proud of everyone for trying their best even if they found something difficult. A massive thank you to Riley and Eva, our Sports leaders who came along to support 11 sports stars!

Image of Year 1- Hello yellow hunt
13 Oct

Year 1- Hello yellow hunt

What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. The excitement and competitiveness was on another level! Well done to red team for finding all the objects and being the first ones back.

Image of Reception- 1k a day
13 Oct

Reception- 1k a day

Wow what a bunch of superstars! Reception’s first time doing the 1k and they were amazing! Hopping, jumping, running like a tigers, stomping like elephants and many more laps of fun!

Image of Reception- fundamental skills
13 Oct

Reception- fundamental skills

P.E was amazing today. I am so proud of each and every one of them! Taking risks by climbing to the top of the climbing frame and practising fundamental skills such as jumping and hopping.

Image of DPSSA Football
13 Oct

DPSSA Football

The lads were outstanding this evening and produced two fantastic results. A 1-1 draw, which could have very easily been a win, followed by an amazing 7-1 victory!

Image of Year 6 -Lunch time Hello yellow Hunt.
12 Oct

Year 6 -Lunch time Hello yellow Hunt.

I’ve never seen Year 6 so excited to do a hunt around school. What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. A huge thank you to our minions for helping out again!

Image of Year 2- Hello yellow Hunt.
12 Oct

Year 2- Hello yellow Hunt.

What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. The excitement and competitiveness was on another level! Well done to yellow team for finding all the objects and being the first ones back.

Image of Year 3- Hello yellow Hunt.
12 Oct

Year 3- Hello yellow Hunt.

What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. The excitement and encouragement from year 3 was amazing to see! Well done to blue team for finding all the objects and being the first ones back.

Image of Year 3- Throwing and catching
12 Oct

Year 3- Throwing and catching

In year 3 this afternoon we have been practising our throwing and catching skills such as bounce pass and chest pass. We finished off with a super game of bench ball using the throwing and catching skills we had developed.

Image of The 1K a Day Mix up
11 Oct

The 1K a Day Mix up

It was Year 4’s turn to lead our 1K a Day initiative today and they decided to mix it up. We had lots of fun doing reps in different ways such as high knees, side steps, skipping and sprints.

Image of Reception- Hello Yellow Day treasure hunt.
10 Oct

Reception- Hello Yellow Day treasure hunt.

WOW! What a fun lunchtime session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. A huge thank you to our minions- our head boy, head girl, deputy head boy and deputy head girl for guiding reception children around school to find all of the yellow objects.

Image of Celebration Worship
7 Oct

Celebration Worship

Wow what a jam-packed celebration worship we had this morning - our children have certainly be living life in all its fullness this week! We started by sharing smiles with each other in aid of World Smile Day - Mother Theresa taught us that ‘peace starts with a smile’, so let’s smile at one another and continue spread joy and kindness around our school. There have been so many achievements across school this week! We say a big well done to this weeks value point winners Albie, Bluebelle, Alice, Lola, Bobby, Lucy And Eliza who continue to demonstrate our Christian values throughout school. River Darwen are our Value point champions this week. Keep it up! And what fantastic Sports stars we have in our school - well done to Charlie, Miles, Annabel, Penelope, Leonora, Isabella & Charlie, Eliza, James and Lyla. Congratulations to our DPSSA football team for their 10-2 victory against St James, what a result! Well done Rosie for your super reading too. Year 2 and Year 5 are our attendance winners this week - let’s keep up that fantastic attendance to school. We also shared our Remembrance Day art competition with the school and look forward to seeing some fantastic entries for the chance to win a prize hamper. It was lovely to have Lillian back in school with us to finish with a blessing and a prayer. Thank you. What another tremendous week!

Image of Reception PE skills
7 Oct

Reception PE skills

Reception have been practising the fundamental skills of jumping and hopping in PE today. They worked at the different stations to practise their skills and were brilliant at taking turns and watching their team mates. Well done!

Image of DPSSA Football
6 Oct

DPSSA Football

The boys represented school superbly tonight with fantastic attitudes and effort. To top it off they produced two well-deserved wins, 2-1 against Holy Trinity and 10-2 against St James, Lower Darwen.

Image of Year 6 Hockey
6 Oct

Year 6 Hockey

Year 6 have started to apply the passing, dribbling and shooting skills they have worked on over the last few weeks to a game situation.

Image of Year 2- Lunch time MUGA session.
4 Oct

Year 2- Lunch time MUGA session.

Lunch time MUGA session for year 2- Learning how to control the ball in football and using the correct part of their foot to pass the ball to their partner.

Image of Super Gymnasts - Year 5
3 Oct

Super Gymnasts - Year 5

Super Gymnasts! Year 5 has demonstrated all of the gymnastic sequences taught so far. They were able to work in pairs and in small groups with music in the background. During the lesson, the groups watched each other and gave constructive feedback.

Image of Year 6 Hockey
30 Sep

Year 6 Hockey

This week, year 6 have progressed from passing and dribbling to shooting skills in hockey.

Image of Year 1- lunchtime MUGA session.
30 Sep

Year 1- lunchtime MUGA session.

Lunch time MUGA session for year 1 - Learning how to control the ball in football and using the correct part of their foot to pass the ball to their partner.

Image of Sports Awards- Celebration Worship
30 Sep

Sports Awards- Celebration Worship

During our celebration worship this morning, the children were presented with their sports awards. Last night, a group from Years 5 and 6 represented DPSSA football. They played superbly and gained 1 victory and a narrow defeat. A massive well done to all of our children who also celebrated awards that they brought in from taking part in activities outside of school. We had awards for gymnastics, running, swimming, dancing, reading and martial arts.

Image of Year 3 PE- bounce & chest passes
29 Sep

Year 3 PE- bounce & chest passes

Year 3 have been busy in PE working in groups, practicing their bounce and chest passes on our MUGA.

Image of Year 2- Fundamental skills
27 Sep

Year 2- Fundamental skills

On the MUGA at lunchtime today we have been working on fundamental movements; over arm throwing, under arm throwing, hopping and jumping. Little superstars!

Image of Year 1- fundamental movement skills
23 Sep

Year 1- fundamental movement skills

Year 1 have worked their socks off this week! In P.E today we have been working on fundamental movements; over arm throwing, under arm throwing, hopping and jumping. Little superstars!

Image of Year 1- Super movers
22 Sep

Year 1- Super movers

Year 1 have been travelling in different ways and perfecting their pencil and egg rolls.

Image of Year 6 Hockey
22 Sep

Year 6 Hockey

Year 6 progressing on from passing and receiving to dribbling skills.

Image of Sports Leaders 2022-2023
16 Sep

Sports Leaders 2022-2023

Our new Sports Leaders for this academic year 2022-2023. We look forward to seeing this fantastic group lead many different sports in schools through inter school games, attending events and promoting our school sport.

Image of Year 6 1K
15 Sep

Year 6 1K

Year 6 completing their first 1K of the year.

Image of Year 2 - balancing and hopping
13 Sep

Year 2 - balancing and hopping

Year 2 practising their hopping, balancing and team building skills through rock, paper scissors.

Image of Year 1- Muga fun this lunchtime.
8 Sep

Year 1- Muga fun this lunchtime.

Today on the MUGA year 1 have been working on improving their hand eye coordination. Little superstars! ⭐

Image of Year 4 - Dance
13 Jul

Year 4 - Dance

In PE this week, Year 4 worked in groups to put together a dance routine exploring different ways of moving. They demonstrated moving in unison and in canon, they perfected dance moves taught and they added their own moves into their group sequences.

Image of Year 1 PE
7 Jul

Year 1 PE

Earlier in the week, Year 1 took part in an adventure trail as part of their PE session. They had to work together as a team to identify and recall objects that they found along the way.

5 Jul


What a wonderful day we have had taking part in The SPAR Lancashire School Games at Stanley Park, Blackpool. The children represented the Borough in The Bee Stinger Netball and achieved some great results! Another fantastic opportunity where the children showed true St Barnabas spirit, determination and sportsmanship. Go Team B and Team BwD #LancsSchoolGames @BwDSGO

Image of Sports Day KS2
24 Jun

Sports Day KS2

What a fantastic morning we have had taking part in Sports Day 2022. We have all been looking forward to getting our parents and carers back to support…..and take part in the adult races……..very enthusiastically! Well done to each and everyone of you that took part, the gold medal winners, the winning house team -River Darwen Blues and a special thanks to Mrs Ham for being an amazing compère, crowd pleaser and super fun host! So very proud of Team B _ you all totally smashed it and had huge smiles on your faces whilst doing so!

Image of National School Sports Week- BMX, Scooter & Skateboarding
20 Jun

National School Sports Week- BMX, Scooter & Skateboarding

What a fantastic time we have had at Junction 4 Skatepark this afternoon. The children had the opportunity to take part in a BMX, Scooter and Skateboard session. Every single one of them had a go at each activity and did so with a beaming smile on their face. We can tell they were listening to Mrs Ham in Worship this morning from the way they were encouraging each other like St Barnabas and they showed lots of courage like St Paul. What a great start to National School Sport Week!

Image of DPSSA Netball Finals Night
16 Jun

DPSSA Netball Finals Night

Hugely proud of our netball team this evening! They were silver medalists in the DPSSA Netball finals at DVHS. True Barnies spirit, resilience and team work paid off. Well done Team B!

Image of Year 4 Cricketers
15 Jun

Year 4 Cricketers

In PE this week, Year 4 have been coaching each other to help develop bowling skills. They were fantastic at using technical language to direct their teammates and applied this to our match at the end of the session.

Image of Orienteering Competition @ Witton
14 Jun

Orienteering Competition @ Witton

Well done to our Year 6 Orienteering Squad who took part in the BwD competition at Witton Park today. The teams worked together, showed perseverance and sportsmanship to achieve great things. We had some super times and look forward to hearing the results!

Image of The Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebration - The Royal Variety Performance
27 May

The Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebration - The Royal Variety Performance

What a fantastic morning we have had watching our ‘Royal Variety Performance’ . The 20 talented acts showcased a wealth of talents. Even the Mayor and Mayoress of Blackburn with Darwen said it was a spectacular event and St Barnabas should be very humbled and proud to be part of such a lovely school family with many, many talents. What a way to show our thanks to her Majesty the Queen for her service to our country over the last 70 years!

Image of Quad kids Athletics
26 May

Quad kids Athletics

4 events with 12 wonderful athletes! Massive well done to our Y 3/4 Quad Kids! Super performances from each and every one of them. It’s been a super busy sporting week and it all ended with brilliance. Results TBC as soon as we hear! Team B are unstoppable!

Image of BwD Netball ( High 5s) Finals
24 May

BwD Netball ( High 5s) Finals

So very proud of our Bee Stinger netball Squad. After 5 full on games this evening, they only went on to WIN! Word can’t express how excited we are to see them go on to represent the borough at The Lancashire School Games in July ! Teamwork makes the dream work! #GoTeamB

Image of Celebration Worship
20 May

Celebration Worship

This morning we had lots to celebrate in our Worship. Year 4 and 5 received their certificates for their courage and commitment at PGL. We had plenty of sports stars with our high fives netball team storming through to the finals next week and we had plenty of personal achievements with super swimmers in the infants, cycling awards, gymnastics, Morris dancing and athletics. We also announced the 6 winners of the Darwen Rotary Club competition for the Queen’s Jubilee - a big well done to Alice, Summer, Ella, Wilson, Isaac and Eva for their entries and a big well done to everyone who entered. We will keep you updated with any further developments in the competition and the date for when the winning entries will be displayed in Darwen.

Image of Year 2 P.E
19 May

Year 2 P.E

Today in P.E, Year 2 looked at getting into the ready position when throwing and catching. We also focused on the skill of how to catch a ball. Over the course of the year, I have been really impressed with how much the class have progressed with their team work in P.E. The class are now starting to apply the skills learnt in P.E lessons to team games, which is great to see!

Image of DPSSA Netball League
19 May

DPSSA Netball League

A beautiful evening and some wonderful netball played. We played our final group stage fixtures tonight and won both games with scores of 24-0 and 9-1. The team were on fire and now we have topped our group table, we will go onto the grand final in a few weeks. So proud of your spirit, encouragement and determination! Go Team B

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
17 May

Reception: Forest Schools

Reception enjoyed their forest schools session today. The children walked to Whitehall park where they explored and found different minibeasts in their natural habitats.

Image of DPSSA Netball
12 May

DPSSA Netball

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to our netball team who have had another super evening taking part in the DPSSA Netball League @ DVHS. Some fantastic play and great teamwork saw them come away with two awesome victories of 9-0 and 8-0.

Image of DPSSA Cross Country
26 Apr

DPSSA Cross Country

Another wonderful afternoon at The DPSSA Cross Country race. Fantastic performance by Team B across all age groups. Everyone showed true St Barnabas spirit, determination and perseverance on a very tricky course. Superb results and so proud of each squad member.

Image of Striking and Fielding Games- Year 5
25 Apr

Striking and Fielding Games- Year 5

One of our units in P.E this term is all about precision when striking to evade fielders; to be able to react quickly and being able to catch a ball. Before we play a simple striking and fielding game we are learning the skills that will enable us to play effectively. Today the children learnt how to throw a ball underarm from a stationary position and through a target (hoop) which is held by another child to a backstop.

Image of Year 1- Lunchtime on the MUGA
21 Apr

Year 1- Lunchtime on the MUGA

Year 1 enjoyed their session on our Multi-Use Games Area at lunchtime with Miss Baxendale. They all joined in exceptionally well and worked as part of a team. Well done Year 1.

Image of DPSSA Cross Country Race
31 Mar

DPSSA Cross Country Race

The DPSSA Cross Country event took place this evening at Darwen Vale High School and Team B were quality. We came 1st place in both the Year 3/4 Girls and Y5/6 races and a 2nd in the boys Year 3/4 race. As a team, we got lots of top ten place finishers who showed true grit and determination when tackling the course. All the hard work in training sessions has paid off and it was an absolute pleasure to watch.

Image of Year 6 PE
30 Mar

Year 6 PE

Yesterday year 6 worked on their ball control using tennis balls and bats. They worked both independently and also in pairs to practice controlled force and hand eye coordination.

Image of Outdoor Adventure Activities in the sun
25 Mar

Outdoor Adventure Activities in the sun

What a fantastic afternoon we have had in Year 4 taking part in all sorts of OAA. Millipede trails, problem solving and electric fences. Teamwork, cooperation and listening skills in full flow! All done in this beautiful sunshine.

Image of Commonwealth Baton Relay Handover to St Pauls
24 Mar

Commonwealth Baton Relay Handover to St Pauls

Following the collection of the baton from St Peter’s yesterday, our Year 6 Heads and Deputies took charge with the handover to St. Paul’s today. Year 5, Year 4, Year 2 and Reception made flags and banners to cheer them on their journey. We can’t wait for the games to start now and have loved the experience! Thanks @LancSchoolGames #Lancsbatonrelay22

Image of Receiving The Commonwealth Games Baton
23 Mar

Receiving The Commonwealth Games Baton

Today we had the privilege in taking part in the Commonwealth Games Baton Relay as part of the lead up to the Commonwealth Games which will take place in Birmingham this year. We received the baton from St Peters this afternoon, with our Year 6 Sports Leaders in charge of the safe hand over. Year 6, Year 3 and Year 1 classes were there to provide a warm welcome and wave their flags. Tomorrow, Year 5, Year 4, Year 2 and Reception class will be there to wave the baton onto its next journey to St Pauls Hoddlesden. What an experience! Thanks @LancSchoolGames #Lancsbatonrelay22

Image of Invasion Games - Hockey - Year 5
21 Mar

Invasion Games - Hockey - Year 5

In hockey today, Year 5 revised dribbling and shooting and then applied all their hockey skills to outwit an opponent.

Image of DPSSA Swimming Champions
21 Mar

DPSSA Swimming Champions

Huge congratulations to our swimming team who were crowned DPSSA Swimming Champions at Darwen Swimming Gala on Friday evening. What a huge achievement! The children once again showed true sportsmanship, courage and determination. St Barnabas have never lifted this trophy before and it was amazing to see our children loving every second of the celebrations. Lots of gold medals, including girls backstroke, girls freestyle, girls medley relay and freestyle relay plus a silver in the boys backstroke. Proud is an understatement. Go Team B you absolute superstars!

Image of Year 4 - Gymnastics Skills
17 Mar

Year 4 - Gymnastics Skills

In gymnastics this week, we have been so impressed with the self- and peer motivation that our awesome Year 4s have used to develop their balancing and travelling skills.

Image of Year 6 PE
15 Mar

Year 6 PE

Year 6 PE building balancing techniques and incorporating apparatus into their routines.

Image of Year 3/4 Cross Country Club
11 Mar

Year 3/4 Cross Country Club

Some superb performances from our Year 3/4 cross country club members today. Keep up the hard work - Go Team Barneys!

Image of BRFC Gifted & Talented Football Tournament WINNERS
4 Mar

BRFC Gifted & Talented Football Tournament WINNERS

What a way to finish the week! A huge CONGRATULATIONS to our four superstar footballers in Year 3! This afternoon they played 7 matches, won 7 matches and came home as WINNERS of BRFC Gifted & Talented 3v3 Football Tournament. The smiles on their faces said it all! Well done and thank you to @brfccommunitytrust and Ben Howard for organising.

Image of Cross Country Club
25 Feb

Cross Country Club

What a great way to start our new term with our new cross country club! Mud, mud everywhere. The children were amazing and really pushed themselves to achieve their best.

Image of Invasion Game- Hockey - Year 5
21 Feb

Invasion Game- Hockey - Year 5

This term in P.E, the children are going to look at hockey skills (unit 1) sending and receiving a ball and small sided games to develop and apply invasion games tactics. In our lesson this morning, the children first passed a ball to a teammate with a hockey stick then moved into groups of four or five.

Image of Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics
10 Feb

Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics

What a fantastic result at Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics @stwilfrids. Our children showed true St Barnabas spirit and came out with a silver medal. Only half a second separated 1st and 2nd place! So very proud of them and how they represented our school! Go Team Barnies!

Image of Sports Leaders
9 Feb

Sports Leaders

We would like to introduce our Year 6 Sports Leaders. We are very lucky to have such a great, enthusiastic team who help to support Mrs Gardner in leading PE and Sport at St Barnabas. Our weekly meeting allow us to plan for things such as our inter-house sports, local competitions and promoting new health and sport initiatives.

Image of Year 3  PE - Improving own Target Game
9 Feb

Year 3 PE - Improving own Target Game

In PE this week, Year 3 have worked in groups again to improve the Target Game they created last week based on feedback from the other groups.

Image of Year 4: Super Shot Putters
2 Feb

Year 4: Super Shot Putters

Year 4 loved their Olympic Club taster this week. They have learned about throwing a shot put with precision, body positioning and showing great teamwork.

Image of Badminton-Year 5
24 Jan

Badminton-Year 5

During our P.E session this morning, the children have been learning how to hold a racket and playing keepy uppies with racket and shuttlecock.

Image of Reception PE
14 Jan

Reception PE

Reception enjoyed their under the sea themed PE this week. We played a game of starfish tig, had a go at balancing balls on the bats and completed different stations to practise our key skills, such as jumping like a star fish, sliding like a sea snake and walking like a crab.

Image of Sportshall Athletics in Year 4
14 Jan

Sportshall Athletics in Year 4

Today we have been trying out various events from Sportshall Athletics. We completed both track and field events then practised with a baton exchange in relays. Everyone worked so hard and pushed themselves to achieve their best! Well done Year 4