Image of Online Safety: Horror Films and Age Ratings
16 Oct

Online Safety: Horror Films and Age Ratings spooky season, plenty of young people will be breaking out the popcorn and giving themselves a fright But let’s ensure that what they’re watching is appropriate. In this week’s guide and podcast episode, we’re offering expert advice on horror films and age ratings. Download here >> Listen here >>

Image of Teaching Children Fire Safety
9 Oct

Teaching Children Fire Safety

Remember, remember … 5 November is approaching fast, but of course fire safety isn’t only important on Bonfire Night. Help children recognise the potential risks with a timely reminder of fire safety essentials in this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide and accompanying podcast. Download here >> Listen here >>

Image of Online Safety: In-game Chat
2 Oct

Online Safety: In-game Chat

Chatting to others in a game can be a great way to connect as you enjoy your hobby together. It’s not always quite so wholesome, however. Our newest #WakeUpWednesday guide and the latest episode of our podcast offer expert advice on the risks of in-game chat! Download here >> Listen here >>

Image of Online Safety: Instagram
25 Sep

Online Safety: Instagram

With around 1.6 million teenage users, Instagram has become a favourite hangout for many youngsters online. Despite having so many young members on the platform, it poses its fair share of risks. In this week's guide and latest podcast episode for #WakeUpWednesday, we’re bringing you expert advice on how to keep children and young people safe on Instagram! Download here >> Listen here >>

Image of Year 3- PSHE-How can we solve this problem?
25 Sep

Year 3- PSHE-How can we solve this problem?

In our PSHE lesson, I shared a scenario where a close friend's big birthday celebration is coming up in a couple of weeks, and I've been invited. However, another family member has arranged a trip to the seaside for the same weekend, inviting many of the same people. Neither knew the other had planned something and when they found out, they got into a big argument, shouting at each other and storming off. Now, they’re not speaking, and it’s caused a lot of tension. We discussed how they might have felt, why they argued, and how shouting didn't help the situation. Year 3 came up with some brilliant solutions to solve the problem. They suggested that one way to fix the situation could be for one person to change the event date so that everyone could attend both the birthday party and the seaside trip without a clash. Another idea was to have a joint celebration, where everyone could come together for one big event that includes the birthday and the trip. Some children even suggested talking calmly and finding a compromise to make both people happy, rather than arguing and storming off. We also discussed how important it is to think about other people’s feelings and find a solution that’s fair for everyone involved. We also looked at an online safety poster about Instagram. The children shared what they like to watch and post online, and some were surprised to learn about the age restrictions. Many didn’t know that Instagram has a minimum age requirement of 13 years old. We talked about why these restrictions are in place, such as to protect young people from inappropriate content and ensure their safety online. The children were able to understand that being careful about what they watch, post, and share is really important, and we discussed how some online spaces might not always be safe for younger users.

Image of Online Safety: Final Fantasy XIV
19 Sep

Online Safety: Final Fantasy XIV

Swords , sorcery and epic quests! MMOs let you join people from round the globe on a grand adventure – but even a fantasy world can present some very real risks. This week's free guide >> And #WakeUpWednesday podcast >>

Image of Online Safety: Supporting Children to Manage Conflict Effectively
11 Sep

Online Safety: Supporting Children to Manage Conflict Effectively

Being able to manage conflict effectively is a key skill for all to learn but it can be tricky for young people to know exactly how. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re offering expert advice on helping children avoid and manage conflict effectively. Check out this week's free guide >> And the latest episode of our #WakeUpWednesday podcast here >>

Image of Online Safety: Supporting children going back to school
4 Sep

Online Safety: Supporting children going back to school

It’s the start of September, and the new school year has begun. Let’s make sure the kids have a successful return! This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re letting you know how to support children as they go back to school after the holidays. Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: Worry and Anxiety
17 Jul

Online Safety: Worry and Anxiety

When it feels like the whole world’s on your shoulders, sometimes all you need is a helping hand. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re looking at the impacts of worry and anxiety on children – and how best to help them manage these burdens. Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: Online Trolling
4 Jul

Online Safety: Online Trolling

Sadly, it can be all too common to encounter mean-spirited comments online – but we don’t have to give them the time of day. This week, our #WakeUpWednesday guide offers expert advice on safeguarding children against “trolling”. Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: Gambling
26 Jun

Online Safety: Gambling

You may have noticed an increase in betting adverts lately – courtesy of the Euros. Gambling, however, poses a risk to young people all year round. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re letting you know how to safeguard children from the hazards of gambling. Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: Promoting Physical Wellbeing
19 Jun

Online Safety: Promoting Physical Wellbeing

With the Euros in full swing, plenty of children are taking to the pitch but perhaps we can keep them active all year round. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’ve put together some expert tips on promoting physical wellbeing to children and young people. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Fair play and friendly competition
12 Jun

Online Safety: Fair play and friendly competition

With #Euro2024 about to start, a little competition could be great fun provided nobody crosses the line. This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide lets you know how to nurture a healthy competitive spirit in children and young people, encouraging them to play fair. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Encouraging Healthy Friendships
22 May

Online Safety: Encouraging Healthy Friendships

Flourishing friendships can be an important aspect of a happy life - but what does a healthy relationship look like? This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re offering expert advice on encouraging healthy friendships among children and young people. Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: School Avoidance
15 May

Online Safety: School Avoidance

This #WakeUpWednesday, our guide looks at some of the causes of school avoidance and the impact it can have, and provides some helpful tips on how to support children with any challenges they are experiencing. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Ofcom Media Report 2024
1 May

Online Safety: Ofcom Media Report 2024

99% of children are now regularly online, making Ofcom’s Media Use and Attitudes Report a must-read for parents, carers and educators. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’ve got a breakdown of Ofcom’s most eye-catching #OnlineSafety findings Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: Shopping Platforms
24 Apr

Online Safety: Shopping Platforms

Everyone loves an online deal! The trouble is, scammers know that too – so they often lurk around online marketplaces, hoping to fleece the unwary. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips for staying safe on shopping apps. Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: Energy Drinks
17 Apr

Online Safety: Energy Drinks

A hefty boost of energy during a slump can be a massive help but drinks loaded with caffeine are far from the best option. This #WakeUpWednesday, we're addressing the risks of consuming energy drinks and showcasing healthier alternatives. Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: WhatsApp Breaking News!
12 Apr

Online Safety: WhatsApp Breaking News!

Breaking news! WhatsApp has lowered its age limit to 13! With potentially more young people joining the chat, it is even more important that parents and educators are fully aware of the risks associated with this platform. Refresh your knowledge and get expert advice on keeping children safe online with our Wake Up Wednesday Guide Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: Managing Exam Stress
11 Apr

Online Safety: Managing Exam Stress

“You may turn your papers over … now.” ⏱✏️ With SATs only around a month away, our timely #WakeUpWednesday guide has some expert advice on helping children and young people to manage their pre-test stress.

Image of Online Safety: Managing Exam Stress
10 Apr

Online Safety: Managing Exam Stress

“You may turn your papers over … now.” ⏱✏️ With SATs only around a month away, our timely #WakeUpWednesday guide has some expert advice on helping children and young people to manage their pre-test stress

Image of Online Safety: Clickbait
27 Mar

Online Safety: Clickbait

The 10 Worst #OnlineSafety Fails (You Won’t Believe Number 6) That get your attention? Clickbait works by appealing to our emotions and curiosity – but where exactly do those links lead? Download our #WakeUpWednesday guide and find out Download here >>

Image of Online Safety: Encouraging open conversations at home
20 Mar

Online Safety: Encouraging open conversations at home

It’s good to talk. Whatever the problem, an honest chat - delivered with a little compassion - can help. This #WakeUpWednesday, our guide has expert tips on encouraging and maintaining open conversations with children. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Developing Healthy Sleep Patterns
13 Mar

Online Safety: Developing Healthy Sleep Patterns

Irony klaxon. This week, #WakeUpWednesday is all about going to sleep! We’ve got together with Minds Ahead to bring you some expert tips on helping children and young people to develop a healthy sleeping pattern.

Image of Online Safety: Tekken 8
7 Mar

Online Safety: Tekken 8

#WakeUpWednesday … WINS! This week’s knockout guide fills parents and educators in on the latest edition of the fighting game Tekken – highlighting potential #OnlineSafety risks and suggesting how to help young gamers play more safely. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Experiencing Bullying
28 Feb

Online Safety: Experiencing Bullying

Hard to identify and even harder to stop. Bullying continues to be a problem which can ruin young lives: this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has expert advice for trusted adults on ways to support young people who are being bullied.

Image of Online Safety: Self-regulation
21 Feb

Online Safety: Self-regulation

Learning the art of emotional control. Young ones can sometimes find it difficult to manage their feelings – this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has expert advice on how trusted adults can help children learn to self-regulate. Download >>

Image of Year 4 Safer Internet Day Rap
8 Feb

Year 4 Safer Internet Day Rap

Today we had a special Safer Internet Day Worship with each class performing their very own raps. Year 4 collaborated on an extra special one and it was great to see them perform in front of the rest of the school and bust their moves. Well done Year 4!

Image of Safer Internet Raps
8 Feb

Safer Internet Raps

*PROUD POST* A huge well done to Years 1-4 for their fantastic safer internet raps this morning & to Year 5 for introducing our safer internet worship. Please have a watch of the videos on class dojo. After the Safer Internet Day worship on Tuesday, Mrs Wilkinson set them the challenge of performing a rap to the whole school to advise them how to keep safe online. This week is also Children’s Mental Health week and the theme is My Voice Matters so this was a great opportunity for the children to use their voice. Some of the children were nervous about performing in front of the whole school but they showed lots of courage and did brilliantly. Over the next few years we are going to be involved in an oracy project with our Trust called Voice 21. This will develop our children’s oracy skills and develop their confidence when speaking in small groups and large groups. Well done, you are superstars!

Image of Online Safety: Monkey
7 Feb

Online Safety: Monkey

It’s a jungle out there! If a platform where young people can video chat with random strangers sounds like an #OnlineSafety risk which is – quite frankly – bananas, you’ll want to check out our #WakeUpWednesday guide to Monkey. Download >>

Image of Year 3- P.S.H.E- Online Safety
7 Feb

Year 3- P.S.H.E- Online Safety

This afternoon, we learnt about how to stay safe online. We discussed the importance of speaking to a trusted adult before joining groups, downloading apps and thinking about the information you share online. The children then created a rap in small groups ready to perform to the whole school.

Image of Safer Internet Day
6 Feb

Safer Internet Day

This morning our whole school enjoyed a special worship, focusing on how to stay safe on the internet to celebrate Safer Internet Day. We discussed why it is important to raise awareness. We looked at what technology looked like compared to now. We then looked at what can happen online and how important it is that we know what to do if we come across something that makes us feel uncomfortable. The children discussed how we can speak to Mrs Ham, Mrs Wilkinson, our teachers, our sports coaches and our families if we feel we have seen something we shouldn’t have. We also discussed why our parents might check our devices and how our grown ups, including our teachers always want to keep us safe. We then joined lots of other schools from all around the country on a special assembly to discuss safe and unsafe things which may happen online. The importance of passwords, checking the settings so they aren’t sharing information with people they don’t know and also what to do if people they don’t know try to contact them online. Every Wednesday, we post guidance on how to keep safe online. Please have a look and discuss the National Online Safety posters with your children. The online world can be wonderful as long as we know how to use it safely.

Image of Reception celebrate Safer Internet Day
6 Feb

Reception celebrate Safer Internet Day

We read the story of Jessie and friends which was all about keeping safe online. We discussed what to do if we feel worried or if something doesn’t feel right. We discussed how we should always tell someone. Percy said to tell our grandparents, Vienna said Mrs Thompson, Ida said Mrs Wilkinson, Millie said your older brother or sister, Holly said Mrs Ham, Joey said Miss Reynolds, Cici said your parents, Samuel said your Aunty and Uncle and Ed said Mrs Govan.

Image of National Online Safety: Safer Internet Day 2024
6 Feb

National Online Safety: Safer Internet Day 2024

It's #SaferInternetDay! The National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday guides are available to download for free, empowering our whole school community to keep children safe in the online world. We post one every Wednesday so please looo out of them! Explore hundreds of resources for parents, carers and educators >> #OnlineSafety #OnlineSafetyDay #SaferInternetDay2024

Image of Online Safety Rap Prep in Year 4
1 Feb

Online Safety Rap Prep in Year 4

In preparation for Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 6th February, we have been looking at developing a rap linked to Online Safety. We rehearsed rhyming couplets and looked at pairs of words that we could use such as click and trick, share and beware, friend and send. The children did really well and pushed themselves completely out of their comfort zones! We can’t wait to hear the finished article next week in the special Safer Internet Day Worship.

Image of Online Safety: Persuasive Design Online
31 Jan

Online Safety: Persuasive Design Online

#SaferInternetDay is nearly here! Reflecting the “managing influence” strand of this year’s theme, our #WakeUpWednesday guide unpacks ‘persuasive design’ – and uncovers some common but often hidden #OnlineSafety risks to young people. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: MyLOL
24 Jan

Online Safety: MyLOL

FYI … it’s MyLOL: A “dating app for teens” poses evident #OnlineSafety risks – especially when its age verification is far from robust. This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide tells parents and carers what they need to know. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Smartphone safety
17 Jan

Online Safety: Smartphone safety

Smart phone – smart user? A whopping 98% of over-12s in the UK now have their own phone, with many younger children also using one regularly. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has expert tips to help them avoid #OnlineSafety risks Download for FREE here >>

Image of Online Safety: Free speech vs Hate speech
10 Jan

Online Safety: Free speech vs Hate speech

Out of order? Or simply outspoken? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide can help young people to recognise the difference between free speech and hate speech – and to understand why this complex area is an #OnlineSafety risk Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Setting up parental controls on new devices
20 Dec

Online Safety: Setting up parental controls on new devices

Safe to use right out of the box? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide explains how to set up parental controls on some of the most popular internet-enabled devices – reducing #OnlineSafety risks while increasing the festive fun! Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Tech-free Christmas
13 Dec

Online Safety: Tech-free Christmas

“Check pitfalls with #WakeUpWednesday! Tra-la-la-la-laaa …” Stressed about presents – or loved ones STAYING present? We gift you some top tips for reducing your family’s screen time and enjoying a merry tech-free Christmas! Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Disney +
6 Dec

Online Safety: Disney +

‘Tis the season for family movie nights. Many parents will be turning to Disney+ for exactly that reason – but how free from #OnlineSafety risks is the House of Mouse’s streaming service? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide delves into Disney+ Download >>

Image of Online Safety: The Online Safety Act
29 Nov

Online Safety: The Online Safety Act

New laws, new responsibilities? With the Online Safety Act now coming into effect, our #WakeUpWednesday guide this week highlights some key areas that the fresh legislation covers – and what this means for UK education providers Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Black Friday and Cyber Monday
22 Nov

Online Safety: Black Friday and Cyber Monday

There are bags of #OnlineSafety pitfalls to watch out for on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips to help defend your money while you discover the discounts . Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Smart TVs
15 Nov

Online Safety: Smart TVs

Are you watching TV? Or is the TV watching YOU? As internet-enabled televisions become the norm, this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has some useful #OnlineSafety tips to help parents ensure their children are viewing safely Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Microtransactions
8 Nov

Online Safety: Microtransactions

Does “free to play” really mean what it says? Many hit games cost nothing to download but make their money via microtransactions – a growing #OnlineSafety concern for parents of young gamers. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has the details.

Image of Online Safety: X
1 Nov

Online Safety: X

Would you get an A for your knowledge of X? This #WakeUpWednesday, our free guide tells parents and carers about the #OnlineSafety risks – both new and familiar – to stay alert for on the platform formerly known as Twitter. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: EA Sports FC 24
18 Oct

Online Safety: EA Sports FC 24

The most exciting signing of the season? EA Sports FC 24, “the new FIFA”, has arrived … but how well does it defend against #OnlineSafety threats? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has the essential info for parents of young football fans. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Roblox
13 Oct

Online Safety: Roblox

Building your knowledge! The massively popular world-creation game Roblox has finally been released on PlayStation. Our updated #WakeUpWednesday guide reminds parents of the potential #OnlineSafety risks to watch out for. Download for FREE here >>

Image of Year 3 - PSHE - Be Internet Legends
12 Oct

Year 3 - PSHE - Be Internet Legends

Today we joined an online assembly hosted by Google. We talked about how to be internet legends and to stay safe online, how we feel about using the Internet and about limiting our time to try and keep a healthy balance.

Image of Be Internet Legends - Wellbeing Worship in Year 4
12 Oct

Be Internet Legends - Wellbeing Worship in Year 4

In the Be Internet Legends Wellbeing special Worship this morning, we looked at how we can look after our digital wellbeing. We discussed lots of ideas and focused on the importance of finding a balance with our on screen use. Year 4 absolutely loved taking part in the group chats and were amazed when we got two personal shout outs! We are going to look at the top 5 tips again in our PSHE session tomorrow and design posters that share these messages.

Image of Wellbeing Worship
12 Oct

Wellbeing Worship

This morning, year 6 took part in a virtual wellbeing worship. The focus of the session was that any time spent online should make you feel good and not bad. One of the presenters compared online time to eating doughnuts and explained that although doughnuts are very tasty, too many of them would not be good for you. This applies for screen time too.

Image of Online Safety: Among us
4 Oct

Online Safety: Among us

Among Us: fairly safe, or pretty sus? Our updated #WakeUpWednesday guide to the hugely popular sci-fi deduction game tells parents and carers of young Among Us fans which #OnlineSafety risks they need to be watchful for. Download >>

Image of Year 6 Internet Safety
21 Sep

Year 6 Internet Safety

In today’s class worship time, year 6 focused on being internet legends. This week, they looked in more detail at how things aren’t always real online and how people may want you to believe something or possibly influence you to do something. They were made aware of different rules that can help to keep us safe online, such as: - if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. - Don’t share personal information. - Don’t visit sites that don’t have a padlock in the address bar. - Be alert when playing online games.

Image of Online Safety: WhatsApp
20 Sep

Online Safety: WhatsApp

97 million messages. Every. Single. Minute. Our updated #WakeUpWednesday parents’ guide to WhatsApp examines the latest features on the world’s most-used messaging app – and what #OnlineSafety issues they might raise for children. Download >>

Image of Social Media Safety
18 Sep

Social Media Safety

Good morning parents and carers, the children will tell you that my main job is to keep all of the children safe. That is in school and whilst online. We are having an increasing number of children, particularly in the upper KS2 classes who aren't being safe online at home as they are being exposed to social media apps, namely tik tok and snapchat. Over the past couple of weeks we have had several issues being brought into school from inappropriate content posted on these apps. We have spoken to the children about the dangers of these apps but would also like to remind parents too as tik tok and snapchat are particularly difficult to monitor due to the disappearing messages. These apps have an age rating of 13 and aren't meant for primary aged children. Please see the attached safety guides and the following websites detailing the risks of the apps and information on how to keep your child safe online.

Image of Year 5 - Be internet legends
14 Sep

Year 5 - Be internet legends

This morning year 5 participated in the be internet legends live assembly. The assembly discussed all the key aspects of online safety and why it is important to remain safe online. They discussed how the internet was an amazing platform for people and how it has changed to world to make things more accessible to people. The assembly discussed the potential threats that can happen online and how to avoid them and know when to alert a trusted adult of a potential danger. They gave lots of tips and advice how to maximise your online activity while remaining as safe as possible. The key aspects the assembly discussed are: - Be sharp - Be alert - Secure - Kind - Brave

Image of Year 3- Be Internet Legends Back to School Assembly
14 Sep

Year 3- Be Internet Legends Back to School Assembly

Today, the Year 3 class joined the live assembly delivered by 'Be Internet Legends'. During the assembly, the children learned about online safety, how to protect themselves and using strong passwords. Five key points that were highlighted throughout the session were; Sharp, Alert, Secure, Kind and Brave — these are designed to equip children with the key skills needed to stay safe online including critical thinking and empathy.

Image of Year 1- Be Internet Legends
14 Sep

Year 1- Be Internet Legends

Year 1 watched the ‘Back to School- Be Internet Legends Assembly.’ We learnt and discussed some very important ways of staying safe on the internet. We know that we should not share information such as our full name, the school we go to or where we live with anyone over the internet and that we should have a tricky password that is hard to guess when we are creating one.

Image of Year 6 - Internet Legends
14 Sep

Year 6 - Internet Legends

Today, year 6 took part in the ‘Internet Legends’ workshop. They took part with such enthusiasm, but never lost sight of the message it was tying to get across. They were taught to: - Be sharp and think before you share. - Be secure by using and not sharing strong passwords. - Be kind and respect each other even when you are online. - Be brave by telling a trusted adult when you are in doubt about anything.

Image of Online Safety: Setting Boundaries
13 Sep

Online Safety: Setting Boundaries

Parents and carers have entered the game! Power up this #WakeUpWednesday with our practical tips to setting gaming boundaries – a useful tactic for helping to protect your young gamer from #OnlineSafety hazards while they play. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Live Streaming
6 Sep

Online Safety: Live Streaming

Has live streaming brought a flood of risks? Many young people enjoy broadcasting on the internet in real time – but not knowing who might be watching is just one of the #OnlineSafety hazards, as our #WakeUpWednesday guide explains. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Summer
12 Jul

Online Safety: Summer

Here comes the summer! Being realistic, the long school holiday probably equates to increased screen time for many children. Our #WakeUpWednesday poster has some pointers to help young ones steer clear of common #OnlineSafety risks Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Rumble
5 Jul

Online Safety: Rumble

Get ready… to… Rumble! This video-sharing platform has surged in popularity – but with #OnlineSafety risks including controversial contributors and extreme views, is it suitable for young people? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide finds out. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Amino
28 Jun

Online Safety: Amino

Is Amino a no-no? It’s a social media platform which encourages interaction and user-generated content – but should young people be amenable to Amino? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has the essential #OnlineSafety info you need. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: AI Chatbots
21 Jun

Online Safety: AI Chatbots

“How are you today?” AI chatbots are among the most talked-about digital developments of recent times, but how safe are they for young people? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday assesses these ‘virtual friends’ from an #OnlineSafety perspective. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Money Muling
14 Jun

Online Safety: Money Muling

“Easy cash, no strings attached” Young people are being recruited via social media to serve as money mules, ‘washing’ illegal funds through their bank accounts. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide profiles this developing #OnlineSafety risk Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Influencers
24 May

Online Safety: Influencers

Under the influence? For many young people, social media influencers are ‘the new rock stars’ – but how much of these emerging celebrities’ content can really be trusted? Our #WakeUpWednesday highlights potential #OnlineSafety risks Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Well-being Online
17 May

Online Safety: Well-being Online

It’s given us online gaming, social media and streaming but the internet also exposes us to things that don’t make us feel good about ourselves. Our #WakeUpWednesday poster has some simple tips for protecting young people’s wellbeing Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Telegram
10 May

Online Safety: Telegram

Special delivery: it’s Telegram. This popular messaging app boasts formidable encryption and speedy delivery – so why is it often regarded as an #OnlineSafety risk? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide helps you read between the lines on Telegram. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Smart Watches
4 May

Online Safety: Smart Watches

Time to get smart about watches? Wearable tech is usually considered 'cool' by young people, with smartwatches at the forefront – but are they safe from #OnlineSafety risks? Trusted adults can find out in our #WakeUpWednesday guide. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Wizz
26 Apr

Online Safety: Wizz

Your quick guide to Wizz. It’s a trending social app that matches young users with potential new friends … and it’s not without #OnlineSafety hazards. Check out our #WakeUpWednesday guide this week for all the biz about Wizz. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Ofcom Report
19 Apr

Online Safety: Ofcom Report

Are kids risk free in ’23? Evidently not. Ofcom have just published their yearly report into children’s digital activities and the #OnlineSafety risks they face. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has some key findings for trusted adults. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Fortnite
12 Apr

Online Safety: Fortnite

This week … it’s Fortnite. A new season of the phenomenally popular online battle game dropped last month – our #WakeUpWednesday guide scopes out this latest update for potential #OnlineSafety risks to its legion of young players. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Echo Chambers
5 Apr

Online Safety: Echo Chambers

In some areas of the internet, there’s no such thing as ‘the middle ground’ – but why are they an #OnlineSafety risk to young people? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide finds out , Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Managing Stress and Anxiety
29 Mar

Online Safety: Managing Stress and Anxiety

Making life easier… or adding to our unease? Digital devices have changed the way we live – but the new forms of stress they can bring are an #OnlineSafety risk. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips for reducing ‘always on’ anxiety. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Passwords
23 Mar

Online Safety: Passwords

What’s the password? As the digital world’s most common security measure, passwords therefore remain a prime target for cyber criminals. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips to improve #OnlineSafety by beefing up your password strength. Download >>

Image of Online Safety: Safe and Healthy Online Habits
15 Mar

Online Safety: Safe and Healthy Online Habits

It’s almost Red Nose Day! In support of Comic Relief, our #WakeUpWednesday guide has got some top tips on helping children and young people to build their digital resilience – minimising the impact of #OnlineSafety threats.

Image of Online Safety: iPads
8 Mar

Online Safety: iPads

Getting to the core of Apple’s market-leading tablet

Image of Online Safety: NGL
1 Mar

Online Safety: NGL

FYI, it’s NGL

Image of Online Safety: Spotify
22 Feb

Online Safety: Spotify

Is Spotify hitting the right #OnlineSafety notes?

Image of Year 4 - Safer Internet Day
8 Feb

Year 4 - Safer Internet Day

Year 4 had great fun playing games and sharing experiences on Safer Internet Day. We discussed checking age ratings and reporting any inappropriate content, and we compared our favourite things about being online.

Image of Online Safety: Gaming
8 Feb

Online Safety: Gaming

Today our online safety poster explains how safe and healthy gaming might actually have some benefit for young minds.

Image of Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2023
8 Feb

Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2023

This year for Safer Internet Day, Year 3 have been thinking about what should be kept public or private online. We discussed the importance of keeping personal information private, such as addresses, phone numbers and passwords. We then thought about age restrictions for games and online sites and discussed what we can do moving forward, to ensure that we are using the Internet in a safe way. We also came up with some great activities that we could do during the day, which do not require the Internet, such as playing a board game and going for a walk with our family!

Image of Online Safety Day: Information for Parents
7 Feb

Online Safety Day: Information for Parents

Today is Safer Internet day and the whole school will be taking part in activities all about online safety. This is also covered in our PSHE and Computing curriculum throughout the year. Today, you can join Myleene Klass on a FREE Online Safety course for parents & carers. Whatever your child's interests, whatever their age, this course can help you protect your children online. Book your place today >> Every week, we post online safety news on our website which you can find here:

Image of Reception- Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Reception- Safer Internet Day

In class we read a story for internet safety day, it was all about Smartie the penguin and how he could keep safe when using his tablet. The children listened so well and came up with some super ideas of how Smartie could keep safe and what he could do in certain situations. We had a discussion all about stranger danger and said that the best thing to do if something pops up on our tablets that we aren’t sure about is to tell parents, carers, grandparents or another trusted adult they know who could help.

Image of Year 5 - Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Year 5 - Safer Internet Day

Today for Safer Internet Day we discussed whether we need to share everything online. We looked at a scenario about a boy sharing a video of his friends online which ended up causing a fall out. The class shared their opinions on what the boy could have done to prevent this. The children made some very sensible comments and were able to think of some useful solutions for the situation.

Image of Year 1- Safer Internet day
7 Feb

Year 1- Safer Internet day

Today for Safer Internet Day we discussed games and personal information online. We looked at lots of scenarios and we decided whether that was safe to share online or not. Year 1 made some very sensible comments about what we should do. We finished the day with a story about Smartie the penguin and his tablet. We learnt that you should always tell a trusted adult if you have any problems online.

Image of Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Safer Internet Day

During our worship today we celebrated safer internet day. Safer internet day is celebrated all over the world and it helps children to understand ways of being safe online as the internet is growing as well as social media. Children discussed all the amazing things that they use the internet for and understand that it is an amazing platform to use with lots of positives. Although the internet is a great tool, we have to be careful that we: remain safe, understand age limits, only play games with those who you know, avoid online bullying and be able to recognise ‘fake news’. Children discussed many ways in which we can avoid these negatives and to enjoy using the internet for all its all amazing uses it can have such as: - Do not believe everything you see online - Do not post anything that isn’t kind - If I see something that makes me feel uncomfortable tell a trusted adult, report it and block it - Play with people we know - Most importantly keep having fun! - Understand age limits and respect those limits - Keep microphones and cameras off when online gaming with people who you do not know. One of the aims of the session was to keep talking and to be very open with a trusted adult about your online activity. Whether you have seen something that makes you uncomfortable or whether you have done something you believe is wrong. A trusted adult will always be able to help you and help you to remain safe online. Most importantly we recognised that the internet is an amazing tool that can be used to help us gain knowledge, communicate with people and have fun. As the internet grows and gets more advanced we understand that it is not going away. But remaining safe is the key.

Image of Year 2- Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Year 2- Safer Internet Day

Year 2 have been celebrating all the amazing ways we use the internet but have been focusing mainly on our digital footprint to ensure that we remain safe online. We discussed: - Do not believe everything you see online - Do not post anything that isn’t kind - If I see something that makes me feel uncomfortable tell a trusted adult, report it and block it - Play with people we know - Most importantly keep having fun! - Understand age limits and respect those limits - Keep microphones and cameras off when online gaming with people who you do not know.

Image of Online Safety: Digital lives
1 Feb

Online Safety: Digital lives

#SaferInternetDay is coming!

Image of Year 5- Class Worship- Social Influencers
26 Jan

Year 5- Class Worship- Social Influencers

During our class worship this morning, the Year 5 class explored the term ' Social Influencer' in detail. The children then came up with a list of people that they look up to and admire, such as; football player, actor, singer, golf player, darts player, BMX rider and a Diablos. We then discussed why they look up to these people in detail. I then showed the children three drinks which I had prepared earlier, In order to influence the children I made them believe that the orange juice was by far the best drink. We then took votes on which drink they would choose to drink, from apple juice, Vimto and orange juice. It was great to see that the children were not influenced by my choice because the majority of the children voted for the apple juice. We then discussed the choices we make, we can choose the people we want to listen to, be influenced by and follow. Jesus always set a good example when he told others to do something, such as to love each other, he did it himself. He asked his followers to do the right thing. Whilst influencers may guide some of our choices, It is important for us to remember both positive and negative consequences. Every child has the right to be protected from social media.

Image of Year 6 PSHE
26 Jan

Year 6 PSHE

This week in PSHE, year 6 discussed their online activity and strategies we can all use in order to stay safe online.

Image of Online Safety: Roblox
25 Jan

Online Safety: Roblox

We have received reports of a viral post circulating on social media about an alleged self-harm ‘game’ being shared on popular gaming platform Roblox. Known as ‘The Game’, the post claims that the game appears through private chats in an attached Word document that contains the rules and instructions. While it is unclear who made the original post and who took the screenshot of the document, it has been noted by several media outlets and concerned parents and carers, which has increased the sharing of the screenshot. There are multiple risks that come with this, including potential physical harm to children and young people, as well as inadvertent exposure to harmful online content. Currently, online safety experts have not been able to substantiate reports on the validity of this so-called ‘game’ or the claim that children and young people are sharing it. Due to the potentially dangerous and worrying nature of this game, we understand the concerns that parents, carers, and safeguarding professionals may have. That is why we have provided you with practical advice to help you care for the children and young people in your life.

Image of Year 5- P.S.H.E- Negative Effects of Social Media
25 Jan

Year 5- P.S.H.E- Negative Effects of Social Media

In PSHE, Year 5 have been discussing the positives and negatives of social media by exploring the impact that online content can have on a person's well-being. We discussed apps, privacy settings, cyber-bullying, trust, friendship, and respect and looked at different scenarios. The children agreed that it was important to have a small circle of friends which whom you know, trust, and enjoy spending time with. In small groups, the children thought of activities a person can take to look after their well-being with a balance of online and offline activities.

Image of National Online Safety: Twitter
18 Jan

National Online Safety: Twitter

New year, new Twitter?

Image of Online Safety: Warcraft
11 Jan

Online Safety: Warcraft

#WakeUpWednesday meets World of Warcraft ⚔

Image of Online Safety: Staying safe over Christmas
14 Dec

Online Safety: Staying safe over Christmas

‘Tis the season to … stay safe online!

Image of Online Safety: Social media and mental health
1 Dec

Online Safety: Social media and mental health

You know about social media influencers ✌

Image of Online Safety: Tik Tok
24 Nov

Online Safety: Tik Tok

What's trending on TikTok?

Image of Online Safety: Online Bullying
9 Nov

Online Safety: Online Bullying

Outwit the internet bullies with our #WakeUpWednesday guide

Image of Online Safety: Amigo parent guide
2 Nov

Online Safety: Amigo parent guide

Is Amigo a friend or foe?

Image of Online Safety: Fortnite
12 Oct

Online Safety: Fortnite

It has been brought to our attention, that a number of our children are playing Fortnite. Please find attached some information about the game and the age recommendation is 13+. You can also find further information on our online safety page:

Image of Online Safety: Green with tech
28 Sep

Online Safety: Green with tech

Make a positive impact that lasts for years, by getting involved in #GreatBigGreenWeek!

Image of Online safety: Managing grief
20 Sep

Online safety: Managing grief

How do you deal with grief?

Image of Online Safety
29 Jun

Online Safety

The biggest-selling video game of all time

Image of Online Safety
25 May

Online Safety

‘Going viral’ isn’t always something to celebrate ☣

Image of Year 6 Prevent Workshop
18 May

Year 6 Prevent Workshop

Today Year 6 have taken part in a ‘Prevent Workshop’. The focus was ‘radicalisation’. There were lots of big words used throughout the discussions, for example, manipulation, grooming and extremism. As a class they were very mature, asking some great questions and engaged well with the topic. Well done Year 6!

Image of Online Safety: Loneliness
4 May

Online Safety: Loneliness

Two-thirds of the world uses the internet – so how can we ever be lonely online?

Image of Online Safety Parent guide
27 Apr

Online Safety Parent guide

Please find some information on how to keep safe on group chats.

Image of Online Safety: Facebook
30 Mar

Online Safety: Facebook

Facebook is one of the world's most popular social media platforms, but with no age verification, it's important to be aware of the online safety risks...

Image of Online safety warning- Huggy Wuggy
25 Mar

Online safety warning- Huggy Wuggy

Dear parents and carers, we wanted to make you aware of a character named ‘Huggy Wuggy’ that some of the children are talking about. Please see the photo and links for further information.

Image of Online Safety: Phone scams
24 Mar

Online Safety: Phone scams

This weeks guide gives you the steps to help your family avoid phone scams.

Image of Online Safety: Upsetting Content Guide
16 Mar

Online Safety: Upsetting Content Guide

These are troubling times for everyone. If your child has been unsettled by current global events, our #WakeUpWednesday guide has some insightful tips for helping young ones deal with worrying news content they may have seen online.

Image of Well-being Warrior & Digital Champions
3 Mar

Well-being Warrior & Digital Champions

Today, the Well-being Warriors led the virtual Digital Champions meeting and represented the school. They talked about how we covered Safer Internet Day at St Barnabas and highlighted everything we do to make our children feel safe when using the Internet and any social media.

Image of Online Safety: WhatsApp
2 Mar

Online Safety: WhatsApp

Please find out some information on how to keep you child safe whilst using WhatsApp.

23 Feb

Online Safety Parent Workshop

Please find a webinar which is really useful in supporting you to help keep your children safe online. Here is the link:

Image of Online Safety: Check in with your friends
9 Feb

Online Safety: Check in with your friends

Concerns over the impact of social media on mental wellbeing have often been raised in connection with the substantial growth in mental health problems among the young. In the same context, however, social media can also be a force for good: it enables children to – privately and discretely – check in with friends who they believe are experiencing a bad time. In support of Children’s Mental Health Week, here is a special poster. It’s designed to remind young people that their friends might not always be OK – and when that happens, simply reaching out and being there for them can be a wonderfully reassuring act.

Image of Safer Internet Day
8 Feb

Safer Internet Day

It is Safer Internet day today. The children will be exploring how to keep safe online. We can all make the online world less harmful by showing more respect for each other on the internet. Please look at our dedicated online safety page for more information and lots of useful guides:

Image of Safer Internet Day Worship
8 Feb

Safer Internet Day Worship

Today in worship we learnt about how to keep safe online and we focused on our Christian value of respect. We looked at internet safety scenarios which prompted lots of discussions about who to trust, how to stay safe, who to speak to you if you are concerned about anything and keeping your accounts private. We also discussed respect online, always be kind and polite. If you are using emoticons or smiley faces make sure that you are as clear as possible to express what you mean. A comment or emoji can have a big impact on someone’s mental health.

Image of Safer Internet Day Posters in Year 4
8 Feb

Safer Internet Day Posters in Year 4

Safer Internet Day 2022. Year 4 have produced some fantastic posters to highlight how we can stay safe on the web and social media. Well done to the poster winners and don’t forget to send a pic of them to [email protected] by 3pm on 10th Feb #saferinternetday

Image of Safer Internet Day in Reception
8 Feb

Safer Internet Day in Reception

Today, the children in Reception have been learning how to keep safe online. They learnt the importance of not clicking on boxes as you may have to pay for things. They also learnt what a password is and why it is important not to share them. The children read Digiduck and the magic castle and they had a quiz at the end. We also created a ‘Kinder Internet’ spell. Super work and understanding!

Image of Year 2 PSHE: Internet Safety Day
8 Feb

Year 2 PSHE: Internet Safety Day

This afternoon I’m PSHE, Year 2 have been thinking about how we can make safe choices online. We looked at the story ‘Oscar’s Adventures in the Online World’ and helped Oscar to make good decisions. We have also listed different ways to stay safe online and adding this to our class scrapbook!

Image of Year 3 - #Safer Internet Day
8 Feb

Year 3 - #Safer Internet Day

We began the day with a whole school virtual assembly for Safer Internet Day. We have completed a variety of activities throughout the day about Online Safety.

Image of Year 1-Internet Safety Day 2022
8 Feb

Year 1-Internet Safety Day 2022

Year 1 started their amazing Internet Safety Posters this afternoon to share their top tips for keeping safe online. We enjoyed Mrs Ham’s worship this morning on showing respect and kindness online and learnt about the importance of sending only kind messages and blocking and reporting any unkind behaviour. We also enjoyed reading ‘Digiduck and the Magic Castle’ and ‘Oscar’s Adventures in the Online World.’ From these books, we have learnt about the importance of having strong passwords that contain symbols, letters and numbers so nobody can guess them and not accepting or continuing with a message that we don’t understand as this could cost us money, give our device a virus or show us something inappropriate. We also learnt about information that is okay to share such as our favourite food or music and information that is not okay to share such as the school we go to, our address, our full name or our password.

Image of Safer Internet Day- Year 5
8 Feb

Safer Internet Day- Year 5

During our P.S.H.E lesson this week, Year 5 had a discussion about how to stay safe online while staying connected to the digital world. We spoke about respect online, on group chats, video calling, instant messages and games. We also had a look at the story book ‘ Oscar’s Adventures in the Online World’ and found ways of helping Oscar make the right decisions so he can avoid dangers on his journey through the online world.

Image of Online Safety: Youtube
27 Jan

Online Safety: Youtube

Here is some information on how to keep your child safe online whilst watching videos on YouTube.

Image of Online safety - Year 4
26 Jan

Online safety - Year 4

Internet Safety in Year 4 in our Junior Jam computing session today.

Image of Safer Internet Day-Poster Competition
21 Jan

Safer Internet Day-Poster Competition

We will be taking part in 'Safer Internet Day' on Tuesday 8th February 2022 and would like to ask the children to take part in an Online Safety poster competition which is being promoted by Blackburn with Darwen. The children are asked to design a poster about online safety for children and young people. More details are provided on the link below and the closing date is Thursday 10th February. Please take a look at our online safety webpage that has an abundance of resources and key information regarding internet safety and keeping up to date with guidance.

Image of Online Safety- horror games
19 Jan

Online Safety- horror games

Please find some information about horror games and how to keep your children safe online.

Image of Year 3: Online safety
12 Jan

Year 3: Online safety

In Computing, Year 3 have been learning about Cyberbullying. They created logos to help other children deal with Cyberbullying using: STOP, BLOCK and RECORD.

Image of How to monitor online activity to ensure your child remains safe online.
11 Jan

How to monitor online activity to ensure your child remains safe online.

Did you know that online activity can be monitored via your broadband provider to ensure that your child stays safe on the internet? GoCompare have compiled a guide to broadband parental controls and internet safety for children. You can find the guide here:

Image of Online safety: Fortnite
5 Jan

Online safety: Fortnite

Here is some information about Fortnite. Please read this to keep your child safe when online. Thank you

Image of Online Safety: Setting up new gadgets safely
22 Dec

Online Safety: Setting up new gadgets safely

If Santa brings your child a new device this Christmas then please follow these tips to set up their new gadget safely. Happy Christmas everyone!

Image of Online Safety: Making the most of the online world at Christmas
16 Dec

Online Safety: Making the most of the online world at Christmas

Here are some ways to make the most of the online world at Christmas. Happy holidays

Image of Tik Tok
2 Dec

Tik Tok

There have been a few children who have been upset with communication on Tik Tok. Please find advice on this. You should be at least 13 to use this app.

Image of Age inappropriate content online guide
2 Dec

Age inappropriate content online guide

Please find some information regarding age inappropriate content when children are accessing programmes, games and apps online.

Image of Gambling Workshop : Year 5
19 Oct

Gambling Workshop : Year 5

Today in Year 5 and 6, we have had a visit from ‘BIGDEAL’. BigDeal is a place for young people to get information, and guidance about gambling. We had a chance to look at aspects of gambling and how we can make informed choices in the future.

Image of Squid Game
15 Oct

Squid Game

Good evening parents and carers, over the last week or so it has come to light that children from different year groups across school are talking about or playing a game on the playground called 'red light, green light'. For those of you who are not aware, this game is part of a series on Netflix called 'Squid Game'. Even though it sounds like a child's game, Squid Game is rated 15 and therefore is not appropriate for primary aged children to watch due to 'sexual and violence references, injury detail, crude humour, sex and suicide references plus sexual images and violent images'. Squid Game has now become one of the latest videos on 'Tik Tok' for children aged 13 and over. TikTok is where users video themselves for a short period of time and upload their videos for people to like. Many TikTok videos can include explicit language. We are also aware that versions of Squid Game are available on Roblox, Minecraft and Fortnite, so although children may not have watched the programme, they can still be exposed to the same graphic themes via these platforms. This is a polite reminder for ALL parents that you have responsibility over what social media sites your children are accessing, and your role as responsible adults is to keep them safe online. We want to alert you to this current trend so that you can be extra vigilant with your child's use of social media and activity online. We regularly teach the children in school how to keep safe online but you may also wish to talk to your child about how to keep safe online at home too. We will be speaking further to the children in KS2 about age restrictions and the dangers of viewing material that is not suitable. Here are some helpful links for parents about Squid Game and how to change Netflix settings: More information will shortly be added to our online safety section on our website too where you will also find online safety guides for a variety of apps and games that your children might play. We really appreciate your support in safeguarding your children when accessing social media, apps, games and television programmes. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham