Image of Year 1 Junior Jam- Music, French and Computing
26 Sep

Year 1 Junior Jam- Music, French and Computing

Year 1 had great fun in their Junior Jam sessions this week. They focused on tempo in music, counting forwards and backwards to 10 in French and composed music in computing.

Image of Year 3- French- Emotive language-Comment Ca Va'
25 Sep

Year 3- French- Emotive language-Comment Ca Va'

During French with Junior Jam, the children revisited their previous learning, practising phrases like "How many?" and "How old are you?" in French. Today, they learned how to ask "How are you?" in different ways, expanding their vocabulary. They were brilliant and showed great progress with their French-speaking skills.

Image of European Day of Languages 2024 - Harvest Songs
23 Sep

European Day of Languages 2024 - Harvest Songs

Today, in singing worship, the children were introduced to some Harvest-themed songs in different European languages. This was in celebration of European Day of Languages, which will take place on Thursday. We have set the children a challenge to learn part or all of one of these songs. They can do this for next week. We are not expecting them to know it by Thursday. There may be some value points available to those who try! :) Here are the links: Harvest songs Portugal - Germany - France -

Image of Year 1 Transition Morning- Junior Jam
4 Jul

Year 1 Transition Morning- Junior Jam

As part of their transition morning in Year 1, the reception children enjoyed a music, French and computing session with Junior Jam.

Image of Year 3 - French Greeting and Question
26 Jun

Year 3 - French Greeting and Question

Today in French we revised some basic greetings and questions such as “What is your name?” and “Where do you live?”. We filled in the blanks on a conversation between two people called Adeline and Aloïs. Daisy and Sofia then re-enacted the conversation for the rest of the class.

Image of Reception Junior Jam
15 May

Reception Junior Jam

Today Reception class were lucky enough to have Junior Jam sessions this afternoon. They took part in music, learning about melodies, French, where they recapped their numbers and colours through songs and also computing, where they could use an iPad and work with a partner to complete challenges. Super sitting, listening and joining in in Reception, Well done!

Image of Year 4 - French: Ou Puis-Je Acheter…?
9 May

Year 4 - French: Ou Puis-Je Acheter…?

Year 4 French this week was a progression on the children’s learning of shop names. They learned the French names for some common items we buy and how to say where to buy them from. C’était formidable!

Image of Year 4 - French
18 Apr

Year 4 - French

In French, the Year 4s are learning about clothing and how to say and describe what they wear. The children enjoyed joining in with the song, before writing some French phrases to describe different articles of clothing.

Image of Year 3 - French - Names of Fruit
28 Feb

Year 3 - French - Names of Fruit

This term the children are starting to learn names of various food. This week they were focusing on the names of different fruit.

Image of Year 3 - French - Days of the Week
17 Jan

Year 3 - French - Days of the Week

This week the children have been learning the days of the week in French. They had to use their previous knowledge of colours to give each day a different colour. Next week we will be looking at the months of the year.

Image of Year 3 - French - Animals
6 Dec

Year 3 - French - Animals

This week in French we have learnt lots of different animals including marine animals, farm animals, zoo animals and pets. The class are doing a great job remembering the names of all these different animals.

Image of Year 1 French- Learning Colours
6 Dec

Year 1 French- Learning Colours

Year One are really enjoying learning how to say the different colours in French. They sat in a circle singing a colour song whilst passing around a teddy. When the music stopped, the person who had the teddy had to say the colour that was on the screen in French. They then went on to complete a colouring challenge which allowed them to independently apply their knowledge of French colours. Well done Year 1.

Image of Junior Jam - French - Ou habites-tu
12 Oct

Junior Jam - French - Ou habites-tu

In our Junior Jam session for French this week we have been learning common phrases such as asking how old someone is and where do they live? The children worked so hard on deciding their fluency and engaging in conversations.

Image of Year 4 French with Junior Jam
28 Sep

Year 4 French with Junior Jam

In our French lessons we have been focusing on how to say how we feel in French. The children enjoyed working out which face matched which phrase and then adding the French translation.

Image of Year 3 - French - How are you?
27 Sep

Year 3 - French - How are you?

Today in our French lesson we have been learning how to answer the question “how are you?” We now know how to say we are good, ok, not so good and angry.

Image of European Day of Languages
27 Sep

European Day of Languages

On Tuesday, we celebrated European Day of Languages in our worship with a reading of the Very Hungry Caterpillar in French. We learned some Of the French words for fruits in the story and ended with a reflection about things for which we are thankful.

Image of Year 3 - Junior Jam
6 Sep

Year 3 - Junior Jam

We have thoroughly enjoyed having Junior Jam back this week. We have been learning how to say “My name is…” in French along with recapping some words we learnt in Year 2. In computing we have been making some fantastic music and beats on Garage Band and in music we have be learning how to play the ukulele.

Image of Reception Junior Jam
5 Jul

Reception Junior Jam

Today in junior jam the children had a music lesson, focusing on the role of a conductor. The children were able to name lots of different instruments in an orchestra. We watched a video of a conductor and discussed what they do. We then played a music game called Popcorn where the children copied the actions and followed the music by tapping, stamping, patting and snapping. In our French lesson, the children remembered how to say hello and they knew their numbers up to 10 in french with the help of a song. We then played a game of hide and seek with the numbers to see if we could remember them. The children also played a counting game where they were able to count the pictures of sweets and chocolate in french. They then learned head, shoulders, knees and toes. In our Computing session, the children learned the difference between a photograph and a video. They then went onto the iPads and went on the sketch app to create their own animals. The children showed the Christian value of respect to our junior jam teachers.

Image of Year 3 French
5 Jul

Year 3 French

Year 3 have been building their knowledge regarding ‘fun facts’ about France, they were able to correctly recall facts and also match up facts to images/ landmarks. Well done Year 3!

Image of Year 5 French - Clothing and Colours
21 Jun

Year 5 French - Clothing and Colours

For the past couple of weeks the children have been learning how to pronounce different items of clothing and colour in French. They played a game where another child had to guess which item of clothing they were. They have all been working really hard and their French has come on leaps and bounds.

Image of Reception- Junior Jam
10 May

Reception- Junior Jam

Today, reception have participated in some junior jam sessions. The children revisited how to say ‘hello’ and how to say numbers ‘1-3' in French. We were really impressed that they remembered these from their last session. The children then learnt their numbers up to 6, learned some French songs and then had a go at some French colourings as well. In the next session, the children took part in some computing, where they used the MP Weather app on the iPads to see what happens in different weather conditions. They got to dress their characters in the clothes that suited the weather.

Image of Year 1- French
27 Apr

Year 1- French

In French we’ve learnt all about colours, animals and the names of fruit. This week we learnt how to say “I like” and “I don’t like”. We were so impressed that we can now say a sentence in French.

Image of Year 2 - French
26 Apr

Year 2 - French

During year 2 Junior Jam French lesson the children have been learning and understanding the variety of ways they can explain what they like and what they do not like. The children came up with many creative and amazing ideas and really enjoyed explaining to their peers their likes and dislikes.

Image of Reception- Junior Jam
22 Mar

Reception- Junior Jam

Today Reception have been very lucky to have three different junior jam sessions today! In the first session, they looked at different songs and focused on how they make you feel. The children listened well to the songs and showed good understanding of the emotions the songs created. They then had a French session where they learned the french word for ‘hello’ and they also learned some numbers in French too! They also had a go at learning the song ‘Frere Jacques.’ They then had a Computing session, where they went onto the iPads, and played a coding game.

Image of Year 2 - Junior Jam - French
1 Mar

Year 2 - Junior Jam - French

During year 2 junior jam sessions in french, we have been learning all about fruit and vegetables linking it with our previous work on colours. All children have worked extremely hard with their french work and have enjoyed the collaborative engaging sessions.

Image of Year 1- Fruits in French
22 Feb

Year 1- Fruits in French

Year 1 are impressing me on a Wednesday afternoon with their amazing french lessons with Mrs Hayat! We’ve learnt colour names, animal names and now we are learning the names of fruit in french.

Image of Year 2 - French
22 Feb

Year 2 - French

In Year 2, during Junior Jam, the children have been learning all the different fruits, linking them with the colours that they have previously learnt. They really enjoyed learning all of the different variety of fruits.

Image of Year 6 French
9 Feb

Year 6 French

In French, year 6 have been looking at household and classroom items. They needed to use their knowledge of language and apply it by labelling a classroom.

Image of Year 4 - French
1 Feb

Year 4 - French

In our French lesson today, Year 4 visited a virtual French market to buy fruit. We also asked how much it would cost in French.

Image of Year 5- French - Things around the house and stationary
1 Feb

Year 5- French - Things around the house and stationary

In French over the past few weeks the children have been learning the names of the different rooms in the house and furniture we find in those rooms. This week we finished looking around the house and began to learn the names of different items of stationery.

Image of Year 5- Junior Jam- Songwriting
5 Jan

Year 5- Junior Jam- Songwriting

This week in music, Year 5 have been improving their song-writing ability. Over the course of the term, the children will be introduced to different techniques to help write lyrics and improve vocal melodies. They also worked really hard in French and Computing.

Image of Year 3- Junior Jam
4 Jan

Year 3- Junior Jam

Today year 3 have been recapping colours in French and also learnt the days of the week, sharing which day of the week was their favourite day. During computing the class worked in pairs and used iPads to write out a piece of information, they had to use the correct font, size and grammar. In music today, lots of different pieces of music were played, by different artists, they then voted if they thought that artist had written the song or not.

Image of Year 1- colours in French
7 Dec

Year 1- colours in French

Year 1 have been trying so hard to learn their colours in French. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 2 - French
30 Nov

Year 2 - French

Year 2 learning and applying their knowledge of colours in French.

Image of Year 3- Junior Jam
2 Nov

Year 3- Junior Jam

Year 3 have had a very busy morning in Junior Jam, they started off with French, building on their knowledge of numbers. During Computing they used iPads to code their initials. Finally during music they worked with a partner to use a keyboard, looking at the different notes. Excellent listening and participation throughout. Well done Year 3!

Image of Year 3 French
19 Oct

Year 3 French

Today in French, Year 3 have been learning to ask and answer the question ‘how old are you?’. They also sang ‘happy birthday’ in French as we had a birthday in class. Well done Year 3!

Image of Year 2 - Junior Jam
12 Oct

Year 2 - Junior Jam

Year 2 learning different French songs in junior jam.

Image of Year 5 - French - Greeting numbers
29 Sep

Year 5 - French - Greeting numbers

This week, Year 5 have been matching numbers 0-20 in french.