Image of Inter-House Sports Dodgeball led by Sports Leaders
11 Oct

Inter-House Sports Dodgeball led by Sports Leaders

A huge thank you to our new Sports Leaders who ran their very first Inter- house competition today. They chose to do dodgeball and every class thoroughly enjoyed it! The children showed each other respect, demonstrated the 4 B’s and encouraged each other every step of the way. We can’t wait to hear who the overall winners are next week

Image of DPSSA Girls Football
10 Oct

DPSSA Girls Football

Our girls football team, once again, represented the school with pride and determination. While they faced some tough opponents and unfortunately suffered two losses, their performances were nothing short of impressive and they were able to end the night with a comfortable 2-0 victory. Well done girls!

Image of Walk Once a Week Challenge September Winners - Year 3
8 Oct

Walk Once a Week Challenge September Winners - Year 3

Congratulations to Year 3 for having the most children who either walked, park and strode or completed the 1K a day in the month of September. They received a whopping 29 badges in total and will now take their place on the WOW hall of Fame. A huge well done and thanks to all of the parents and carers who have encouraged their children to take part in the scheme. Don’t forget - if you can’t manage the walk or park amd stride, you can always do the 1K a day with your teacher in school so that you have the opportunity to gain your badge as well! The WOW ambassadors highlighted that October is National Walk to School month so it is really important to try and travel more actively to school either in the morning or after school has finished.

Image of KS2 Football Training
8 Oct

KS2 Football Training

KS2 had another exciting football training session following their impressive win in the Kids Cup heat. The energy and enthusiasm from their recent victory carried over, as the children worked exceptionally well as a team, showing great cooperation and communication on the field. Their teamwork was evident in their passing, positioning, and overall gameplay, with everyone contributing to the practice matches. The session not only helped to sharpen their football skills but also reinforced the importance of collaboration and supporting one another both on and off the pitch. The team's hard work and dedication are clearly paying off!

7 Oct


We are so proud of our amazing football team for their wonderful performance this morning at the BRFC Kids Cup at BRFC training ground. They are through to the final after winning our heat and then going down to penalties in the semi-final. The final will be played at Blackburn Rovers indoor centre (BRIC) before the BRFC vs Portsmouth game on Saturday 23rd November. Well done Barneys! ⚽️

Image of National Poetry Day in Year 4
3 Oct

National Poetry Day in Year 4

As part of National Poetry Day, Year 4 have written their very own poems based on The Amazon Rainforest. They developed their use of both similes and metaphors to up level their examples. We recited the poems and gave peer evaluations. Once we had finished, we wrote the poems again for a poetry competition called Wonder Verse in which the best poems are selected and published in an actual poetry book. We can’t wait to hear if any of our poems make it to publication so we've got everything crossed. Happy National Poetry Day.!

Image of DPSSA Girls Football League
3 Oct

DPSSA Girls Football League

The girls got off to an absolute flying start in the league tonight. 3 games and 3 wins. It was great to see them all play with a smile on their face and watch the more experienced players guiding those who are new to the game through it. Well done girls!

Image of Netball Club
13 Sep

Netball Club

What a great start to our new year netball club. A super turn out, hard work, determination and encouragement all round. We had some new members and some old with everyone showing great respect towards each other.

Image of Sports Leaders 2024-2025
6 Sep

Sports Leaders 2024-2025

Our new Sports Leaders were presented with their new smart jackets this morning and are raring to go! We look forward to planning and supporting events both in and out of school for Inter and Intra school events. In today’s meeting we have already planned our first Inter- House Sports event for the whole school which is super exciting.

Image of Witton Athletics 2024- 3rd place
9 Jul

Witton Athletics 2024- 3rd place

A huge congratulations to our athletics squad for their super performance at Witton Athletics which gained us 3rd out of 13 Darwen schools. Medalists were: Matthew- 1st place cricket ball throw Ella- 3rd in Year 3/4 400m Sophie- 2nd Year 5/6 600m 1st- Year 5/6 Girls relay 2nd- Year 5/6 Boys relay Summer- 3rd Year 4 sprint Brooke- 3rd Year 5 sprint Freddy- 2nd Year 5 sprint A huge thank you to our parents for their support with transport and encouragement to the squad. Thank you to Mrs Gardner, Mrs Ham, Mr Bloomfield and Mr Norris for their super support.

Image of Inter- House Athletics Star Athletes
28 Jun

Inter- House Athletics Star Athletes

Huge congratulations to our ‘Star Athletes’. The children have all taken part in our Inter-House Athletics event this morning. It was great to see everyone involved and special thanks to our Sports Leaders for organising it at the last minute so we didn’t miss out with our sports day being postponed.

Image of Inter- House Sportshall Athletics with Years 3 & 4
28 Jun

Inter- House Sportshall Athletics with Years 3 & 4

Year 3 and 4 absolutely loved their inter-House Sportshall Athletics this morning. They did various events which included sack race, egg and Spoon, obstacle relay and sprints with a baton exchange. Thanks to the sports leaders for organising.

Image of Year 4 PE Athletics in the sun
21 Jun

Year 4 PE Athletics in the sun

In our PE session yesterday we had our first athletics session. We worked in teams to develop our agility, speed and body awareness. We also practiced the events that we will do next week in our Sports Day such as sprint, egg and spoon, sack race and obstacle relay. We used batons for handovers and some of the children really pushed themselves out of their comfort zones.

Image of Year 5&6 Cricket
20 Jun

Year 5&6 Cricket

A huge well done to our year 5&6 cricket team. They played six teams across Darwen including: Avondale, Ashleigh, Lower Darwen, St James and St Peter’s; winning every game. The team showed amazing team spirit and talent winning the tournament.

Image of Year 5/6 Tennis Competition
19 Jun

Year 5/6 Tennis Competition

A huge well done to Sophie, Lucy, Archie and Ross for taking part in our tennis competition today. They showed perseverance, courage and great sporting behaviour throughout the competition.

Image of High Fives Netball Winners
18 Jun

High Fives Netball Winners

A huge congratulations to our Netball team for winning the Blackburn with Darwen Bee Stinger High Fives netball finals tonight. This means we will go on to represent BwD at the Lancashire School Games in a few weeks time. Thank you so much to Mrs Gardner for her commitment and dedication to our netball team and to our parents for their wonderful support. Well done Team Barneys!

Image of DPSSA Netball Finals Night
13 Jun

DPSSA Netball Finals Night

This evening we took part in The Darwen Primary Schools Netball Finals event at Darwen Vale. We had three really tough games winning our first 5-2, drawing our second 1-1 and again winning our final game 5-1. This saw us gain joint top place finishers. Unfortunately it then went down to a goal difference of just three goals so we came away with silver medals. The children played brilliantly and are such a joy to watch. Great team spirit and true St Barnabas encouragers. Well done Team B - you have really done yourselves proud!

Image of DPSSA Netball League at DVHS
16 May

DPSSA Netball League at DVHS

Tonight was the final qualifying night for the DPSSA Netball Finals in a few weeks time. Team B worked really hard in both of their games. Game 1 was another fantastic result - 12-0 Win but Game 2 saw us pitched against a really strong opposition. We lost 7-3 but the children represented school in such a positive and mature manner. Fingers crossed that we finish in the top two and qualify for the final after half term.

Image of Year 3/4 Tennis Competition
15 May

Year 3/4 Tennis Competition

A huge well done to our Year 3/4 tennis team for coming second out of 8 schools. We are so proud of you all! Thank you Miss Baxendale for supporting them and umpiring some of the games.

Image of DPSSA Netball League
9 May

DPSSA Netball League

No team photo because we got carried away and were so focused on the task in hand, so a pile of bibs and ball with impressive wins on show. The children worked really well to develop their game play today. Our shooters were on point and we played across the whole of the court. Two games and two spectacular wins for Team B again! Super proud of you all.

Image of Bee Stinger Netball Qualifiers - Winners
30 Apr

Bee Stinger Netball Qualifiers - Winners

This evening we attended the Bee Stinger Netball Qualifiers at St Bedes. We played four games and managed to achieve some fantastic results - 1-0, 6-1, 4-1 and 6-2. The children worked really hard in driving the ball forward and using their space more wisely. We now look forward to attending the grand final in a few weeks- Go Team B!

Image of DPSSA Netball League Night 1
25 Apr

DPSSA Netball League Night 1

What a great start we have had to the Darwen Primary Schools Netball League at Darwen Vale. A fantastic effort from each and every player saw us come away with a 13-0 win! We look forward to developing even more as a squad over the next few weeks - Go Team B!

Image of Walk to School Summer Worship
23 Apr

Walk to School Summer Worship

As part of our new Walk to School initiative, we took part in a virtual worship this morning. It was to highlight events that will be taking place over the summer term. We also looked at how children travel to school in different countries and found that some children have to go to school in a boat and some children in China have to climb 2500 ft up a mountain side using a rope ladder! The schools that took part, shared why walking to school helped us and we said that it helps us to clear our mind, be with nature, how it helps to keeps us fit and de- stress. The events that are due to take place are Walk to School Week 20-24th May and the WOW Top Ten Challenge when schools try to increase their walks and gain a top ten place on the leader board which is 3-28th June. Our WOW ambassadors are looking forward to promoting these exciting events and will be planning something very exciting!

Image of WOW Badge and Class Winners for March 2024
19 Apr

WOW Badge and Class Winners for March 2024

A huge well done to all 120 of our WOW badge winners for March 2024. What a super effort everyone has made. We have all tried really hard to either walk or park and stride once a week in the month of March which was a little taster session as we did it over the 2 weeks! A big congratulations to Year 5 as they have the most badge winners. We look forward to seeing who has earned a badge for April in a couple of weeks.

Image of Year 6 P.E. - Athletics
17 Apr

Year 6 P.E. - Athletics

In P.E. Year 6 have started their athletics unit. This week we looked at developing our running and jumping skills. Character development was massively important in this session as the children needed to be aware that they weren’t in competition with others, but themselves. Over the coming weeks, the children will look to better their results by focusing on their technique.

Image of Inter House Dodgeball Event
23 Mar

Inter House Dodgeball Event

The Inter House Dodgeball competition was a huge success. Every single child across school took part and represented their house teams. It was fantastic to see the children getting involved, working as a team and having lots of fun. A massive thank you to the Sports leaders who ran the event and congratulations to both of our winning houses which were the yellow and green team - Whitehall Park and Darwen Tower

Image of Year 4 Inter House Dodgeball Competition
23 Mar

Year 4 Inter House Dodgeball Competition

Year 4 absolutely loved taking part in the inter house dodgeball competition. The children worked really well in their teams, cheering and supporting each other. The sports leaders also did a great job organising it- well done to the greens and yellows for winning overall.

Image of Darwen Swimming Gala
15 Mar

Darwen Swimming Gala

Good evening parents and carers, I’m so sorry for the late message but we are just back from the swimming gala. We are so proud to share that our swim team came 3rd overall out of 8 schools. Every child in our team won at least one medal and they were amazing at encouraging each other. Here are the medalists: 100m relay - 2nd Isaac 25m butterfly- 2nd Annabelle 25m butterfly- 2nd Isaac 25m breaststroke -2nd Sophie 25m breaststroke - 1st Isaac Boys medley relay- 3rd Boys freestyle relay - 3rd Girls freestyle relay - 3rd Thanks to Mrs Gardner for running the swimming trials and sorting the admin. Thank you to Mr Bloomfield for supporting the children with me tonight. A huge thanks to the parents and siblings who came along to cheer them along, it was a brilliant atmosphere! We have had another wonderful week at St Barnabas. For all of the news from this week, please click here: Year 6 have an exciting week next week as we go on our visit to London and the book fair will be visiting our school. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham

Image of World Book Day in Year 4
7 Mar

World Book Day in Year 4

What a wonderful World Book Day! We have had a day packed full of enjoyment and the opportunity to showcase our love of books and reading. From reading our new class novel to book tasting to hearing Miss Flynn sharing one of her favourite stories with us, we have loved every second. Thank you to Miss Flynn for organising and the librarians for making the World Book Day Assembly so interactive and fun! Also a special mention for Annabelle who won the WBD bookmark competition for Key Stage 2.

Image of Year 5&6 Football Festival
5 Mar

Year 5&6 Football Festival

A huge well done to our year 5&6 B team who took part in a football festival. The team represented the school amazingly well; demonstrating lots of team spirit and dedication to the game. The team ended the festival unbeaten. Congratulations to all the team, we are hugely proud of you all.

Image of SIG5 Times Tables Competition
26 Feb

SIG5 Times Tables Competition

We are so proud of our amazing mathematicians for showing great courage when taking part in the School Improvement Group (SIG) timestables competition at St Peter's. Our SIG is made up of 12 other local schools and this was the first timestables competition. Two children were chosen to represent our school from each KS2 class and they had to take part in a TT Rockstars battle with the other schools. We were amazed at the speed of the some of the competitors at some of the other schools and it has made us more determined to keep practising our tables and aim to get faster and faster. Thank you to Mr Prescott, our Maths Leader, for organising our school maths team and to St Peter's for hosting it. 

Image of Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics
22 Feb

Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics

A huge well done to our Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics squad as they tried so hard tonight, behaved brilliantly and were amazing at encouraging each other. For several of our children, it was the first time they had represented our school. They just missed out on a medal and came 4th place out of 8 schools. Well done Team Barney’s! For all of the photos, please click here:

Image of Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Final
8 Feb

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Final

A huge well done to our Sportshall athletics squad for their fantastic performance in the BWD Sportshall athletics final last night. We were one of the smallest schools there and came joint third on points. However, as there was a tie it came down to who had won more events so we were awarded fourth as the other school had won more events. We are so proud of everyone in our squad as they showed brilliant sportsmanship, determination and effort, as well as encouraging each other. A huge thanks to Mrs Gardner, Mr Bloomfield, Mr Norris, Mr Prescott and Mrs Wilkinson for your support, transport, coaching and photography. Many thanks to our parents for the support with transport. Well done Team Barney’s! All of the photos can be found here:

Image of Year 3/4 Key Steps Gymnastics Competition
6 Feb

Year 3/4 Key Steps Gymnastics Competition

What a fantastic afternoon we have had at St Bedes taking part in the Key Steps Gymnastics competition. We entered the individual competition plus the girls and the mixed teams. The children have worked incredibly hard to memorise three routines both at home and in school. Today when they performed all three routines, they all had a huge smile and did it with pure Barney’s determination and perseverance. We are so proud of all nine of them for representing our school in such a great way! Also a huge WELL DONE to our girls team who came away with a bronze medal!

Image of Year 6 P.E.
25 Jan

Year 6 P.E.

This week, in P.E., year 6 spent time preparing for the sports hall athletics competition. It looks like all of the hard work and preparation paid off as they managed to make it through their heat and into the finals.

Image of Yr5/6 Sportshall Athletics Heat Winners
24 Jan

Yr5/6 Sportshall Athletics Heat Winners

We are so proud of our super squad for their brilliant determination and excellent effort at the Sportshall Athletics heat this evening. They encouraged each other fantastically well and really made Mrs Ham, Mrs Gardner, Mr Prescott, Mr Bloomfield and Mr Norris proud. A huge thank you to Mrs Gardner for all of her wonderful coaching in her Sportshall Athletics club and to Mr Bloomfield and Mr Prescott for their focus on sportshall athletics in their recent PE lessons, particularly the baton changes. Thank you to all staff and parents who supported with transporting the children. We can’t wait for the finals in a few weeks time!

Image of Year 5&6 County Football
19 Jan

Year 5&6 County Football

As a result of winning the Darwen Schools Football League, our year 5 and 6 football team went on to represent our town in the county football finals held in Thornton, Cleveleys near Blackpool. Our team topped the group stages not losing a game and went into the quarter finals. Our team won the quarter finals on penalties but unfortunately lost in the semi finals. A huge achievement for our football team competing at such a high standard with a total of 14 teams who also finished top of their league within their own towns. A huge congratulations. You have done yourself and our school really proud!

Image of Year 4 G & T Key Steps Gymnastics Club
12 Jan

Year 4 G & T Key Steps Gymnastics Club

This evening we saw the launch of our Year 4 Gifted and Talented Key Steps Gymnastics Club. The children have been working extremely hard to develop both their floor and body management sequences by working on various applications. We hope that every week we can learn something new and push ourself to be our Barney’s best!

Image of Year 2 - Curling Competition
12 Dec

Year 2 - Curling Competition

This afternoon, children from year 2 took part in an inter schools curling competition at St Bede’s. This was a new sport for our children and they certainly enjoyed it. We played 9 games against other schools from Blackburn with Darwen with some very close games along the way. We have some excellent curlers in year 2 and importantly they represented our school superbly showing true sportsmanship throughout. We just missed out on the medals in 5th place but the children should be really proud of themselves.

Image of SPAR Lancashire School Games Launch
17 Nov

SPAR Lancashire School Games Launch

Our Sports Leaders and PE lead Mrs Gardner have been lucky enough to represent Blackburn with Darwen at the launch of the Lancashire School Games today at SPAR Headquarters. We also met the Olympic Athlete Holly Bradshaw who won Bronze for pole vault at the last Olympic Games. Our Sports Leaders did both the borough and Team B proud! 

Image of Year 5&6 - Blackburn Rovers Gifted and Talented
16 Nov

Year 5&6 - Blackburn Rovers Gifted and Talented

Today, our Year 5&6 football team took part in a gifted and talented 3v3 tournament hosted by Blackburn Rovers. The boys played exceptionally well and made it all the way through to the final but narrowly missed out at the end. A superb performance from all the players.

Image of Year 5&6 - DPSSA Football Winners
16 Nov

Year 5&6 - DPSSA Football Winners

Today, our Year 5&6 were crowned the league winners for the Darwen schools football league. They did not lose a game and won their game on the final night. A huge congratulations to the whole team, we are so proud of you.

Image of Year 4 Inter House Bench Ball Event
10 Nov

Year 4 Inter House Bench Ball Event

Year 4 had a great time taking part in the Inter House Bench Ball Event this afternoon . They played against each other and developed their skills and tactics at the same. A big thank you to the Sports Leaders for running the event.

Image of KS1 Multi-Skills Festival
10 Nov

KS1 Multi-Skills Festival

This morning a group of super stars from KS1 took part in a multi-skills festival at QEGS in Blackburn. We were so impressed with how well the children represented our school as they behaved brilliantly and really got stuck into every activity. Our head boy Wilson and head girl Lucy accompanied them and encouraged and supported them throughout the morning. A huge thanks to Miss Baxendale for coaching the children.

Image of Sports Leaders Event - Whole School Inter House Sports
10 Nov

Sports Leaders Event - Whole School Inter House Sports

Our Sports Leaders led our Inter House Sports event today and what a huge success it was! Every single year group from Reception all the way up to Year 6 took part. The Sports Leaders decided to start with a bench ball event and organised the timetable and refereed each game. We can’t wait to hear who the overall winning house team is next week in Celebration Worship!

Image of Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics Club
7 Nov

Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics Club

We had a fantastic turn out for our first Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Club this week. We covered speed bounce, sprint relay and throwing events with some amazing results. The children pushed themselves out of their comfort zones and we had a lot of very red faces by the end with fun had by all!

Image of Hello Yellow Day Poster Competition Winners
13 Oct

Hello Yellow Day Poster Competition Winners

This morning in Celebration Worship, our Wellbeing Warriors announced the winners of the Hello Yellow Day Poster Competition. Huge congratulations to our Key Stage 1 Winners : Mila and Molly and Key Stage 2 Winners : Summer, Lily, Lucy and Alice. Thank you so much to everyone that took the time to create a poster. They were of such a high standard and lovely, bright and colourful with wonderfully positive affirmations on them.

Image of St Barnabas represent the district in The Lancashire School Games 2023
4 Jul

St Barnabas represent the district in The Lancashire School Games 2023

What an honour it has been for our children to go through and represent the district at The Lancashire Schools Games at Stanley Park , Blackpool. After winning the BwD Finals they got the chance to attend the games in Bee Stinger Netball against all of the other districts across Lancashire. We drew one game and won three making it to the quarter finals, which unfortunately didn’t go our way. The children represented both school and district perfectly showing true sportsmanship, determination and encouragement. For such a small school you have achieved great things and all done so with a huge smile on your faces! Go Team B and Go Team BwD!

Image of Darwen Primary Cross Country Finals Night
29 Jun

Darwen Primary Cross Country Finals Night

What a fantastic turnout for the final race night for DPSSA Cross Country! Team B pushed themselves so hard and showed true determination even with a few falls along the way. We worked brilliantly as a team and managed to secure second place overall. We also had success with Sophie coming second place overall in the girls Y5/6 races and also a second place overall for our Y5/6 Girls squad: Sophie, Charlotte, Aisha and Lucy. Well done to everyone involved!

Image of Year 5 - English- Poetry Competition
29 Jun

Year 5 - English- Poetry Competition

A few weeks ago, Year 5 participated in a poetry competition, and today they received exciting news. Their poems will be published in a book, and the school will receive a complimentary copy of the book in September. To celebrate their achievement, the children were presented with certificates and bookmarks for their entries. It's absolutely fantastic!

Image of Year 4 Football Festival
28 Jun

Year 4 Football Festival

Huge congratulations to our Year 4 football team who played at the Blackburn and Darwen schools festival at Witton Park. The team represented the school extremely well and played some incredible football. The team won all of their 6 games comfortably and showcased their determination and resilience to win.

Image of KS2 Sports Day
25 Jun

KS2 Sports Day

A huge well done to all of our KS2 classes for their determination and encouragement at our annual Sports Day. It was a brilliant morning and everyone tried their best. Thank you so much to all of the parents and carers who came along to support. A massive thank you to our Sports Leaders for setting up and running the races and to all of our staff team for their support. We all thoroughly enjoyed the Mums and Grandmas, Dads and Grandads and Toddler Races too. Well done to everyone who took part, you were great sports!

Image of DPSSA Cricket
22 Jun

DPSSA Cricket

Today, our cricket team competed in the DPSSA Cricket competition. They represented the school superbly well and throughout the day they played 6 games, in which they won 4 and lost 2. This ensured a third place finish and the only two teams to beat St Barnabas went on to claim 1st and 2nd place. What a superb effort!

Image of Year 6 Mini Tennis Competition Winners!
21 Jun

Year 6 Mini Tennis Competition Winners!

A huge well done to our Year 6 children who came first in a mini tennis competition! They competed against 9 schools and played really well throughout. Well done Team Barnies!

Image of DPSSA Netball Finals
15 Jun

DPSSA Netball Finals

A huge well done to our netball superstars who represented the school this evening at the DPSSA Netball Finals at Darwen Vale. The children worked hard over three games in this boiling weather. The children have showed so much commitment in attending netball club, developing skills and tactics in order to grow as players. We came away with silver medals and we are really proud of each and every one of them! Go Team B!

Image of Year 5/6 Cricket Team
14 Jun

Year 5/6 Cricket Team

Huge congratulations to our year 5/6 cricket team who played in the Darwen schools cricket competition. They won 2/3 games in their heat and narrowly missed out on the finals. Well done to all the players who have represented the school well and played some outstanding cricket.

Image of DPSSA cross Country Race 2
25 May

DPSSA cross Country Race 2

What a brilliant afternoon we have had at the Darwen Primary Schools Cross Country Race 2. Our squads performed superbly showing excellent sportsmanship, determination and positive attitudes. Some fab placing and all with true Team B smiles on their faces- well done!

Image of Celebration Worship
19 May

Celebration Worship

In Celebration Worship this morning, Mrs. Ham highlighted some of the wonderful key points from our GOOD Ofsted report and thanked everyone for their part in making our school a great place. We also celebrated our values winners across KS1 and KS2. India Mill came first place for the overall points of 562. Lucy and Mason received a pen licence for demonstrating an excellent standard of writing across all subjects. Mrs. Ham gave out awards to the children for taking part in extracurricular activities, this week, the children have taken part in swimming, rugby, darts, karate, brownies, gymnastic, netball, football, horse riding, and Olivia from Rainbow. Year 2 and Year 4 received the 'Amazing Attendance' alert this week. We finished our worship with prayers led by Mrs. Ham and we sang 'Shine from the Inside Out'.

18 May


Huge congratulations to our netball team on winning their group in the DPSSA Netball league at DVHS. Awesome play tonight to achieve two fantastic wins 8-2 and 5-2 against strong competition. They now go on to the grand final after half term. Fingers crossed!

Image of Westholme High 5’s Netball Competition Winners
12 May

Westholme High 5’s Netball Competition Winners

What an amazing opportunity we have had this afternoon/evening, taking part in Westholme High 5s Netball Competition. After nine back to back games with a total of eight fantastic wins, we WON! A fantastic achievement for the children and their time to shine. It’s days like today that make you so proud to be a part of the St Barnabas family.

Image of DPSSA Netball League
11 May

DPSSA Netball League

We’ve had another great night down at DVHS taking part in the Darwen Primary Schools Netball League. A first tough game but came away with a 3-2 then in the second game we won with an impressive 7-0! A huge well done to all of the children who worked hard to develop their game and strive for success.

Image of Celebration Worship: King Charles III
5 May

Celebration Worship: King Charles III

This morning during celebration worship, we learnt all about the coronation of King Charles III, which will be happening this weekend. We spoke about some of the important things to look out for during the coronation and what it will be like when King Charles is coronated. We also spoke about some of the celebrations that are happening in Darwen this weekend, such as a street party on Monday in the town centre and a party in Whitehall Park on Sunday! We also celebrated all of our successes and achievements in school this week, such as TriKidz and our coronation picnic lunch! We finished our Worship by singing the National Anthem to the new King whilst waving our special coronation flags that our school have bought us. Our Trust have also bought us some special gifts of a commemorative coronation coin, a bookmark and sticker. Thank you Cidari Multi Academy Trust!

Image of Super Sports Stars!
5 May

Super Sports Stars!

Congratulations to our super sports stars this week! It is great to hear and celebrate all of our pupils achievements, both inside and outside of school!

Image of Year 5 - Dynamos Cricket
3 May

Year 5 - Dynamos Cricket

Huge congratulations to our Year 5 Dynamos cricket team. The team played extremely well all day winning 2 out of their 3 games comfortably. Unfortunately, they missed out on the semi finals by less than 10 runs but showed tremendous talent throughout the whole day and demonstrated a resilience to win. The team represented St Barnabas amazingly well and were excellent role models for the school. Onwards and upwards for the next cricket tournament

Image of Blackburn with Darwen Bee Stinger Netball Qualifying Round
2 May

Blackburn with Darwen Bee Stinger Netball Qualifying Round

Congratulations to our BwD Bee Stinger Netball Qualifiers. This afternoon they played four back to back games with a draw, loss and two super wins. Now they go on to represent the school at the grand finals night in a few weeks with the chance to represent the borough at the Lancashire School Games. Go Team B!

Image of DPSSA Netball League Games 1 & 2
20 Apr

DPSSA Netball League Games 1 & 2

What a fab first night of DPSSA League Netball at Darwen Vale! Team B worked hard and came away with a 3-1 win and 2-2 draw. Lots to learn going forward but such great team spirit- well done!

Image of Interhouse Sports Competition
30 Mar

Interhouse Sports Competition

Year 3 loved taking part in the Interhouse sports competition this afternoon! The event has been organised and led by the Year 6 Sports Leaders and they did a brilliant job! The sports leaders started with a warm up, before showing the children how to play magic catch!

Image of Inter-House Dodgeball Competition
30 Mar

Inter-House Dodgeball Competition

The sport leaders had a great time leading the Inter-House Dodgeball Competition for the rest of the juniors. A lot of fun was had by all of the children! In year 6, the winning team was Darwen Tower!

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
24 Mar

Whole School Celebration Worship

In our Celebration Worship this morning we commemorated Year 6's trip to London, as well as the wonderful achievements of our pupils across all year groups. The class teachers gave out awards to pupils who have demonstrated our Christian values such as kindness, respect, and courage. We recognised the hard work and dedication of pupils who have excelled in various extracurricular activities, including our recent swimming gala and the Year 4 children for being brave and showing courage at Junction 4 skatepark. We also awarded the amazing attendance award to our Year 1 and Year 3 pupils, who have shown a commitment to their education and a passion for learning. Congratulations to the yellow team (Darwen Tower) for gaining a total of 317 points. This is a great achievement and a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. Well done and keep up the good work! We are incredibly proud of all our pupils and their accomplishments, and we know that they will continue to achieve great things. We want to thank Rev Ben for leading us in prayer and for reminding us of the importance of faith and community in our daily lives. To celebrate our students' achievements, we sang "Shine from the inside out," a fitting tribute to the incredible talents and hard work of our pupils.

Image of Year 4 - Junction 4 Scooter and BMX Opportunity
23 Mar

Year 4 - Junction 4 Scooter and BMX Opportunity

Year 4 had the amazing opportunity to take part in a scooter and bike festival at Junction 4. The children enjoyed experiments and trying out new skills and tricks and being taught by the mentors that were at the skatepark. The children had an amazing time with lots of children being challenged and going beyond their comfort zone.

Image of Darwen Swimming Gala 2023
17 Mar

Darwen Swimming Gala 2023

A huge congratulations to our swimming team for their super effort and determination this evening at the Darwen Swimming Gala. A special mention to Isaac for winning first place in the breast stroke final, Sophie for second place in the breast stroke final and Ted for third place in the free style final. Our girls medley came second and our boys medley came third which meant that each member of our team won at least one medal! It was wonderful to hear them encouraging each other too. Well done you little superstars! A massive thank you to Mrs Gardner for devoting her time to trialling and coaching the team.

Image of Year 3 World Book Day: Design your own book cover competition
2 Mar

Year 3 World Book Day: Design your own book cover competition

To celebrate World Book Day, the whole school have taken part in a 'Design your own book cover' competition. The book cover could be a favourite book, or a book that the children might want to write themselves one day! Year 3 loved creating their own entries and we have had such a variety of book covers, from 'Space Boy' to 'World War Ant'!

Image of Blackburn with Darwen Year 3/4 Gymnastics Competition
21 Feb

Blackburn with Darwen Year 3/4 Gymnastics Competition

Today we attended the BwD Year 3/4 Gymnastics competition at St Bedes. The children have shown true dedication in learning both the body management and floor routines. Everyone represented the school brilliantly and the children really did themselves and our school family proud. We managed to achieve silver medals in the boys event and bronze in the girls! With over 16 schools taking place and over 100 children involved that is no mean feat- Go Team B!

Image of Celebration Worship- Dress to Express- Mental Health Week
10 Feb

Celebration Worship- Dress to Express- Mental Health Week

The Year 4 class led our 'dress to express' worship this morning for 'Children's Mental Health Week'. The children had prepared lines about mental health, which they presented with confidence and maturity to parents and the whole school. They spoke about how we can all look after our mental health by doing activities we enjoy. They also shared their favourite clip about kindness and stressed how important it is to be kind to each other and the positive impact being kind has on our mental health. The Year 5 Well-being warriors also presented prizes to our winners from KS1 for their amazing artwork which represented their feelings on a drawing of a jar. They finished by singing their favourite song ' My Lighthouse' and prayers led by Tyler and Grace. Thank you Year 4 and to all of the parents, carers and grandparents who joined us.

Image of Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics Winners 2023
2 Feb

Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics Winners 2023

What an amazing evening at the Year3/4 Sportshall Athletics event at DVHS. The children showed so much courage and determination as many of them had never competed in a school event before. They encouraged each other at every step and were definitely the loudest! We are super proud to say we WON and came away with the gold. Well done to all involved! Your hard work and dedication has paid off.

Image of Celebration Worship Sports Stars
27 Jan

Celebration Worship Sports Stars

A big WELL DONE to all of our Sports Stars this week. What a wonderful range of activities that you have all been taking part in! We would also like to congratulate our school football team on coming runners up in the EFL Utilita Kids Cup this week. We are super proud of you all, showing great team spirit, determination and encouraging each other at every step.

Image of Gifted & talented Gymnastics Club
27 Jan

Gifted & talented Gymnastics Club

Another awesome G & T Gymnastics club session led by coach Jill. Tonight, the children have been perfecting their routines with a focus on cartwheels and arabesque. The children have been working hard on both the body management and floor exercises.

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
6 Jan

Whole School Celebration Worship

This morning during whole school celebration worship, we learnt about Epiphany and celebrated our achievements in school this week. It was lovely to hear that some of the children had used the breathing techniques that we learnt on Monday from John, the Kindness Coach's, happy tank programme over the week. Class teachers spoke about our first week back in school and how the children have settled back into our school routine brilliantly. Mrs Ham announced our amazing attendance classes of the week in KS1 and KS2. Well done Reception and Year 4! We then celebrated some fantastic sports stars, both in and outside of school!

Image of Inter- House Sports in FS and KS1
9 Dec

Inter- House Sports in FS and KS1

What a fantastic opportunity we had this morning taking part in the Inter- House Dodgeball Competition. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 loved every second and we saw some great sportsmanship and tactical decision making. A huge thanks to The Sports Leaders for organising and running the event too!

Image of Out of School Superstars
9 Dec

Out of School Superstars

Along with our Values Winners this morning, we celebrated our ‘Out of School Superstars’. It was lovely to hear about all of the different activities that the children have been taking part in. This week we presented awards for dancing, gymnastics, swimming, kickboxing, Beavers and cheerleading. Well done to each and every child that celebrated on the golden podium!

Image of Girls football team news
2 Dec

Girls football team news

We are super proud of our girls football team for their excellent performances over the last few weeks in the girls football league. Some of the girls have never played football before but gave their absolute best. They only lost one game and only conceded 5 goals out of nine games. They came 6th place overall but were only 3 points off 2nd place. Well done girls, we are so proud of you!

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
2 Dec

Whole School Celebration Worship

During celebration worship, we celebrated all of our achievements in school this week! We announced the values awards winners in every class and the attendance winners for KS1 and KS2! At the end of our worship, the youngest child in school had the special job of putting the star on the top of our tree! We also welcomed Miss Horsfall to our school family. She will be teaching in the Reception class whilst Mrs Govan is on maternity leave. Congratulations to all of our children and staff members, for another fantastic week in school!

Image of Celebration Worship: Sports Stars!
2 Dec

Celebration Worship: Sports Stars!

Well done to all of our sports stars this morning! It is lovely to see children across school celebrating their achievements, both in school and outside of school!

Image of Year 6 -Dodgeball Superstars
23 Nov

Year 6 -Dodgeball Superstars

A huge well done to our Year 6 dodgeball team who represented our school so brilliantly well this evening at the dodgeball festival. They showed lots of determination and encouraged each other.

Image of Sports stars and competition winners
18 Nov

Sports stars and competition winners

A huge well done to our winners of the Remembrance Day Art competition. There were so many fantastic entries which made judging so difficult for Mrs Govan and Mrs Ham. Well done to Isaac, Miley, Lucy and Lyla. Thank you to FOSB for providing some wonderful prizes and presenting them to the winners. We had lots of sports superstars this week from in school competitions and out of school. A huge well done to the girls football team for two wins and a draw in their first games of the league. A massive well done to our boys football team who won their heat in the EFL competition at Blackburn Rovers on Monday and are through to the final. We are so proud of our year 4 dodgeball team who represented our school so brilliantly at the dodgeball festival on Wednesday. We had lots of different out of school awards for swimming, Morris dancing, self defence, football and brownies.

Image of Y4 Dodgeball Superstars
16 Nov

Y4 Dodgeball Superstars

A huge well done to our Year 4 dodgeball team, who represented our school brilliantly this evening, at the BWD dodgeball festival. We saw super sportsmanship, determination and encouragement!

Image of Odd Socks Day at St Barnabas
15 Nov

Odd Socks Day at St Barnabas

What a great way to spread the message that we are all unique and can show kindness wherever we go. A huge THANK YOU to our Well-being Warriors who managed to visit every class in school to see all of the weird and wonderful efforts. Another thank you must go to all of the children who entered the BwD Anti- Bullying Week Poster competition. Any successful entrants will be announced on Friday so fingers crossed Team B will have some children put forward.

Image of Super Sports Stars!
4 Nov

Super Sports Stars!

Well done to our fantastic sports starts this week! We had our brilliant Boccia team and our winning football team. In celebration worship, children have the opportunity to bring in any certificates or achievements from outside of school, to talk about and celebrate on the golden podium! Today we had awards for swimming, saddlery skills, being a magician's assistant, jenjitsu, morris dancing and even a card from King Charles! What super stars!

Image of DPSSA Football
3 Nov

DPSSA Football

Another fantastic couple of results tonight. Two 5-0 wins which means it’s going down to the last game of the season to decide who will be the league winners!

Image of KS1 - Multi skills festival
14 Oct

KS1 - Multi skills festival

On Friday morning we took a team to the KS1 multi skills festival at QEGS Sports Hall. Everyone represented school brilliantly and most importantly had so much fun! We are so proud of everyone for trying their best even if they found something difficult. A massive thank you to Riley and Eva, our Sports leaders who came along to support 11 sports stars!

Image of DPSSA Football
13 Oct

DPSSA Football

The lads were outstanding this evening and produced two fantastic results. A 1-1 draw, which could have very easily been a win, followed by an amazing 7-1 victory!

Image of Celebration Worship
7 Oct

Celebration Worship

Wow what a jam-packed celebration worship we had this morning - our children have certainly be living life in all its fullness this week! We started by sharing smiles with each other in aid of World Smile Day - Mother Theresa taught us that ‘peace starts with a smile’, so let’s smile at one another and continue spread joy and kindness around our school. There have been so many achievements across school this week! We say a big well done to this weeks value point winners Albie, Bluebelle, Alice, Lola, Bobby, Lucy And Eliza who continue to demonstrate our Christian values throughout school. River Darwen are our Value point champions this week. Keep it up! And what fantastic Sports stars we have in our school - well done to Charlie, Miles, Annabel, Penelope, Leonora, Isabella & Charlie, Eliza, James and Lyla. Congratulations to our DPSSA football team for their 10-2 victory against St James, what a result! Well done Rosie for your super reading too. Year 2 and Year 5 are our attendance winners this week - let’s keep up that fantastic attendance to school. We also shared our Remembrance Day art competition with the school and look forward to seeing some fantastic entries for the chance to win a prize hamper. It was lovely to have Lillian back in school with us to finish with a blessing and a prayer. Thank you. What another tremendous week!

Image of DPSSA Football
30 Sep

DPSSA Football

The boys represented school superbly last night. They managed 1 victory and a narrow defeat!

Image of Amazing Awards in Celebration Worship
16 Sep

Amazing Awards in Celebration Worship

We celebrated our sports and reading stars this week in ourn Celebration Worship. We had awards for a number of out of school sports such as rugby, highland games, swimming, dancing and horse riding. It was lovely to see so many children pushing themselves out of their comfort zone to achieve great things and encourage others. What little superstars! We also had our amazing attendance winners for the week and they were Year 1 and Year 4!

Image of RotaKids- Year 5
12 Jul

RotaKids- Year 5

ROTAKIDS The children in year 5 have put their hearts and soul into RotaKids. Their dedication throughout this project has been immense and we are so proud of each and every one of them. They have expressed themselves with the utmost energy, enthusiasm, and determination. The role of a RotaKid is to raise funds to support local, national and international good causes. During Christmas, every year group sent a Christmas e-card to our local care homes. This was something that the Rotakids organised. They felt it was vital for everyone to receive a card on Christmas day because not everyone has a family. This certainly put smiles on their faces and a few happy tears. For the Spring term, we were given an Entrepreneurial Project. We were given £100.00 to start a small business the money was to be transferred back if we made any profit. This was a competition running between four schools. We were definitely in it to win it! The Rotakids came up with some great ideas. All of the ideas were planned during breaks. We successfully ran two movie nights, one for KS1 and KS2. This is something that we will most definitely consider doing again next year. The children absolutely loved it! Following on from this, we did ' Guess How Many Sweets In The Jar' which was a huge success. Some children had four or five guesses. Every child walked away with a treat and a smile. So for the final bit, we raised a total of £939.00! We came joint first. We were then able to buy outdoor equipment for KS1 and KS2 playtimes, board games for wet playtimes, and give a donation to Christian Aid, Macmillan Cancer Support and East Lancs Hospice.

Image of Witton Athletics Winners
11 Jul

Witton Athletics Winners

Go team Barnabas! We are so proud to have won the Witton Athletics competition tonight. We have never won this before and it’s always such a tough competition as we were up against several schools that are much larger than our school. It was great to be back with a bang after missing the last two years due to the pandemic. I am so immensely proud of each and every child that represented our school tonight as they behaved impeccably, ran brilliantly and encouraged each other in true St Barnabas spirit.

5 Jul


What a wonderful day we have had taking part in The SPAR Lancashire School Games at Stanley Park, Blackpool. The children represented the Borough in The Bee Stinger Netball and achieved some great results! Another fantastic opportunity where the children showed true St Barnabas spirit, determination and sportsmanship. Go Team B and Team BwD #LancsSchoolGames @BwDSGO

Image of Sports Day KS2
24 Jun

Sports Day KS2

What a fantastic morning we have had taking part in Sports Day 2022. We have all been looking forward to getting our parents and carers back to support…..and take part in the adult races……..very enthusiastically! Well done to each and everyone of you that took part, the gold medal winners, the winning house team -River Darwen Blues and a special thanks to Mrs Ham for being an amazing compère, crowd pleaser and super fun host! So very proud of Team B _ you all totally smashed it and had huge smiles on your faces whilst doing so!

Image of DPSSA Netball Finals Night
16 Jun

DPSSA Netball Finals Night

Hugely proud of our netball team this evening! They were silver medalists in the DPSSA Netball finals at DVHS. True Barnies spirit, resilience and team work paid off. Well done Team B!

Image of Orienteering Competition @ Witton
14 Jun

Orienteering Competition @ Witton

Well done to our Year 6 Orienteering Squad who took part in the BwD competition at Witton Park today. The teams worked together, showed perseverance and sportsmanship to achieve great things. We had some super times and look forward to hearing the results!

Image of Quad kids Athletics
26 May

Quad kids Athletics

4 events with 12 wonderful athletes! Massive well done to our Y 3/4 Quad Kids! Super performances from each and every one of them. It’s been a super busy sporting week and it all ended with brilliance. Results TBC as soon as we hear! Team B are unstoppable!

Image of Celebration Worship
20 May

Celebration Worship

This morning we had lots to celebrate in our Worship. Year 4 and 5 received their certificates for their courage and commitment at PGL. We had plenty of sports stars with our high fives netball team storming through to the finals next week and we had plenty of personal achievements with super swimmers in the infants, cycling awards, gymnastics, Morris dancing and athletics. We also announced the 6 winners of the Darwen Rotary Club competition for the Queen’s Jubilee - a big well done to Alice, Summer, Ella, Wilson, Isaac and Eva for their entries and a big well done to everyone who entered. We will keep you updated with any further developments in the competition and the date for when the winning entries will be displayed in Darwen.

Image of Gift for the Queen Competition Entries
19 May

Gift for the Queen Competition Entries

We have had so many fantastic entries for the Jubilee gift competition with Darwen Rotary Club! Lots of children have made such thoughtful gifts for the Queen, so a big thank you to all those who entered. Unfortunately, we can only select 6 finalists to submit to Darwen Rotary Club for judging and we will be announcing these in Celebration Worship tomorrow with a small prize for each winner.