13 Feb

FOSB School Disco Years 3-6

Our FOSB are hosting a school disco on Thursday 13th February. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will have their disco from 4.45-5.45pm and Years 3-6 will have their disco at 5.45 with a finishing time of 6.45pm. Entry to the disco will be from the main entrance and collection at the end of the disco will be from the Year 2 classroom door.

14 Feb

Break up for the half term holidays

Friday 14th February- We break up at the normal time for the February Spring half term holidays. Spring 2 term starts on Monday 24th February.

24 Feb

Spring 2 half term starts

Monday 24th February: Spring 2 half term begins. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.

10 Apr

Break up early for Easter holidays

Thursday 10th April: We break up early at 2.00pm for the Easter holidays. Summer term starts on Tuesday 22nd April.

22 Apr

Summer term starts

Tuesday 22nd April: Summer term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.

12 May

Year 5 PGL

Monday 12th- Wednesday 14th May- Year 5 will be staying at Winmarleigh Hall for their PGL residential. They will be taking part in lots of fun outdoor and adventurous activities.

23 May

Break up for Summer half term holidays

Friday 23rd May: Break up at the normal time for the Summer half term holidays. Summer 2 half terms begins on Monday 9th June.

9 Jun

Summer 2 half term starts

Monday 19th June: Summer 2 half term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.

18 Jul

Break up early for Summer holidays

Friday 18th July: Break up early at 2.00pm for the Summer holidays. Wishing you all a wonderful Summer holiday!