FOSB School Disco EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2
Our FOSB are hosting a school disco on Thursday 13th February. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will have their disco from 4.45-5.45pm and Years 3-6 will have their disco at 5.45 with a finishing time of 6.45pm. Entry to the disco will be from the main entrance and collection at the end of the disco will be from the Year 2 classroom door.
Break up for the half term holidays
Friday 14th February- We break up at the normal time for the February Spring half term holidays. Spring 2 term starts on Monday 24th February.
Spring 2 half term starts
Monday 24th February: Spring 2 half term begins. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.
Break up early for Easter holidays
Thursday 10th April: We break up early at 2.00pm for the Easter holidays. Summer term starts on Tuesday 22nd April.
Summer term starts
Tuesday 22nd April: Summer term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.
Break up for Summer half term holidays
Friday 23rd May: Break up at the normal time for the Summer half term holidays. Summer 2 half terms begins on Monday 9th June.
Summer 2 half term starts
Monday 19th June: Summer 2 half term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.
Break up early for Summer holidays
Friday 18th July: Break up early at 2.00pm for the Summer holidays. Wishing you all a wonderful Summer holiday!